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giao an Anh 9 PPCT 2012

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Nội dung

2) Teaching points: Speak and do the exercise about relative pronoun... B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book[r]



1) Objectives:

- Helps students review some grammar and vocabularies from English - By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to know about Ennlish

2) Teaching points:

- Review English - Guide English

B)Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, cues…

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C ) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (leave out): 3) New lesson (39 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Review

- Ask ps to retell grammar they learned in English -+ tenses

+ passive voice + reported speech + adi & adv + Prepositions

+ Some other structures

- Ask ps to to exercises to check their knowledge *Ex: Choose the best answer to complete sentences 1) She………….since 2003

A lived B has lived C have lived 2) They didn’t work hard……… A last year B next year C since last year 3) This house………….next month

A will build B shall build C will be built She has a……… house

A beauty B beautiful C beautifully 5.) They have a meeting …………7.00 and 9.00 A between B from C to

6.) He said he……….a doctor A is B were C was It’s really ……….to walk here A interesting B interested C interest Telephone……….invented by A.Bell A is B was C were This work can……….now

A B done C be done

10 My mother usually goes to work ………bus A on B in C by

- Ask ps to in pairs - Give feedback II/ Guide English

- Ask ps to open the book and answer some questions 1) How many unit are ther in E9?

2) How many parts are there in each unit?




- retell

- ex

- give answer - Answers B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6C 7A 8B 9C 10.C - Copy down

- Open E book -Answer questions

Week: 01 Date of making: 12/08/2009


3) What are they? 4) Are there any tests?

- Give ps the numbers of each term and the tests for each term

+ 70 periods for a year + Term I : 18 weeks + Term II : 17 weeks

- Each term consists of tests ( 45 minutes) and test for the last term

- Write down

4) Consolidation (2 ):’ - Retell Grammar

5) Homework (2 ):’ - Prepare for unit

Week: 01 Date of making: 12/08/2009

Period: 02 Date of teaching: 21/08/2009

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some new words activities they would during the visit, understand (the content of the dialogue) between Lan and Lan’s pen pal Manryam

2) Teaching points: The past simple tense (wish) with wish

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, cues…

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C ) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (06 ):

Questions Answers

* Put the words in bracket into correct form: Lan (wash) the dishes for me yesterday I (buy) that dictionary last year

3 Hoa (use) to walk to school on foot

4 They (visit) Ho Chi Minh mausoleum two days ago

5 Last summer, my brother and I (go) to the temple of Liter

Let’s students on paper and collect then check

* Net work: Ha Long Bay

Hung temple

Sam Son beach

1 washed bought used visited went


3) New lesson (33 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- (to) impress /im'pres/: gây ấn tợng (Explanation) - (to) pray /prei/ cÇu ngun (Mine)

- (to) correspond /kɔris'pɔnd/: trao đổi (Translation) - (to) keep in touch with: liên lạc (Explanation) - mosque [mɔsk] (n): Nhà thờ Hồi giáo (Translation) - (to) wish [wi∫]: ớc (Situation)

+ Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember * Matching:

- Asks students to match the pictures on P6 with the places (Poster)

Keys: a, b, c, d, e, f Places:

1 Hai Van Pass A restaurant Hung temple

4 The temple of literature Dong Xuan market A history building - Lets them work in pairs

Keys: a.1; b 4; c 5; d.3; e.2; f.6 + What are these places famous for? - Says something about the places II/ Presentation:

- Sets the scene: Em cã chuyến thăm quan em làm gì?

A: What would you during the visit? B: I wish I could stay longer

+ Concept check:

Form: What would + S + Vinf….? S + would + Vinf…

S + wish/ wishes + (that) + S + could + Vinf Use: ¦íc mn ë hiƯn t¹i

III/ Practice: Word cues

1 wish/ visit the temple of literature wish/ go to Huong pagoda

3 wish/ see Hai Van Pass wish/ go Hung temple

- Gives the pictures and asks them to give the wishes of these people

* Listen and read

- Introduces the topic of the lesson: Reading about “A visit from the pen pal” and situation of the text

- Asks students to look at the text to know where Lan took Maryam

- Asks students to listen to the tape 2-3 times - Asks them to the exercise P 11

Keys: 1.C; B; D; B





- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral

- Copy down - Match

- Work in pairs - Answers

- Listen

- Listen and read

- Copy down - Run through - Do the cues - Speak - Listen - Read - Listen -Work individually

4) Consolidation (2 ):

- Play a role Lan and Maryam to tell the story

5) Homework (2 ):


- Do the exercise P12, P10 exercise book - Prepare new lesson

Week: 02 Date of making: 21/08/2009

Period: 03 Date of teaching: 26/08/2009

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Lesson 2: Speak.+Listen

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce themselves - They have a chance to speak with their friends

2) Teaching points: Students develop speaking fluency and accuracy on the topic of meeting friends

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, posters

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C ) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (06’):

Questions Answers

* Write the sentences beginning with “I wish…”

a) It’s so hot You want to be in the swimming pool

b) You don’t have a computer * Write new words

- Calls students to do, correct and gives them marks

* Warmer: Word square

H I N D U I S M a






N S I A C C m U E


C R E L I G I O n

-> I wish I were in the swimming pool

-> I wish I had a computer

-> wish, Hinduism, mosque, temple, religion



3) New lesson (33 ):

correct order to make the dialogue between Nga and Maryam

Keys: Nga: 1-5-4-2-3-6 Maryam: c-b-d-e-a b) Practice:

- Asks students to practice the dialogue between Nga and Maryam

c) Asks students to work in groups of three to role-play of Yoko, Paul and Jane Each introduces themselves to the others

Yoko/ Tokyo

Japan Paul/ LiverpoolEngland Jane/PerthAustralia IV/ Post-speaking (Write it up)

- Asks students to write introduction of their two friends using information in part b

Eg: My friend is Yoko She is from Tokyo, Japan It’s a busy big capital city She likes VN people and loves old cities in VN

*V/ Pre-Listening:

- Asks students to work in pairs, look at the pictures and discuss where are these pictures in? What are they talking? And what activities are there?

T/F statement prediction

1 Tim and Carlo are going to the countryside They are going there by car

3 There is a park near Tim’s house They can walk in the grass

5 They are going to have Mexican food VII/ While-listening:

- Asks students to listen to the cassette between Tim and Jane and Carlo then check their prediction

Keys: F; F; T; 4.F; F - Listens and checks their answers Keys:

We can not walk on the grass A We want the bus number 130 B



- Get feed back

- Write it up

- Discuss


4) Consolidation (02 ):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the lesson - Do the exercise P6 in text book

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 02 Date of making: 21/08/2009

Period: 04 Date of teaching: 28/08/2009

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Lesson 4: Read

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some information about Malaysia

- They have a chance to read a text in English

2) Teaching points: Read a passage on the topic of Malaysia

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, tape, cassette, map and poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ):

- Ask ps to go the board and write down new words - Check and give marks

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- (to) be separated ['seprtid] (adj) bị tách ra, ph©n biƯt, ph©n chia(Translation)

- tropical climate ['trɔpikl] ['klaimit]: khí hậu nhiệt đới (Translation)

- population [,pɔpju'lei∫n] (n): dân số (Explanation) - compulsory [km'plsri] (adj): bắt buộc (Antonym) - (to) comprise [kəm'praiz]: bao gåm, gåm cã (Translation)

- unit of currency ['kʌrənsi] (n): đơn vị tiền tệ (Explanation)

- optional ['ɔp∫ənl] (adj): lùa chän (Antonym) + Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-reading:

T/F Statement prediction

a) Malaysia is smaller than Viet Nam b) The capital of Malaysia is Jakarta

c) The unit of currency in Malaysia is Vietnam dong d) Education is free in Malaysia

e) Malaysia has Twins-Towers



- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral

- Copy down

- Work in groups

- Work


f) Malaysia is one of the countries of ASEAN - Gets feedback

III/ While-reading:

- Asks students to read the text then check their predictions

Keys: a T; e T; f T; b F Kuala Lumpur; c F Ringgit; d F compulsory

- Turns on the cassette

- Asks students to the exercise a (Fill in the table with the right information about Malaysia)


1 Area: 329758sq km

2 Population: Over 22 million (2001) Climate: Tropical climate

4 Unit of currency: Ringgit Capital city: Kuala Lumpur Official religion: Islam

7 National language: Bahasa Malaysia Compulsory second language: English - Asks students to the exercise b

Keys: 1T; 2F (There are more than religions); 3F (English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken) 4F (One of the three “Malaysia, China, and Tamil” 5F English is compulsory 2nd language, not primary

language of instruction, Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language of……)

IV/ Post –reading: (Deliberate Mistake)

- Asks students to listen the following text about Malaysia If they hear anything wrong They shout the word and give the correct one

Malaysia is an Asian country It has the population of 32 million people The Malaysian capital is Chiang Mai There are 14 states in Malaysia People speak Vietnamese in Malaysia and education in optional, the official religion is Buddhism



- Read the text

- Listen again the text

- Do the exercise

- Do the exercise

- Listen and check wrong


4) Consolidation (3 ):

-Retell the content

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the lesson, read the text again - Do the exercise III P9, 10

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 03 Date of making: 21/08/2009

Period: 05 Date of teaching: 03/09/2009

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Lesson 5: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to write an informal letter to a pen pal

- They have a chance to write a letter

2) Teaching points: Write an informal letter to a pen pal


Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ):

- Write down new words -Check and give marks

3) New lesson (32 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- outline ['autlain] (n): dµn bµi (Explanation)

- paragraph ['pổrəgrɑ:f] (n): đoạn văn (Translation) - (to) mention ['men∫n]: đề cập, kể (Explanation) + Check vocabulary: What and Where

II/ Pre-writing: (Matching)

- Asks students to match a part in A with a part in B


Opening Dear Yours

Body 1st paragraph. 6 Date.

Closing Love 2nd paragraph.

4 3rd paragraph

- Gets feedback Opening: 6, Body: 2, 7, Closing: 3, III/ While-writing:

Now imagine you are visiting one of your relatives or friends in another part of Viet Nam or in different countries, write a letter to your family using the outline in P11

- Asks students to read the outline carefully - Divides the class into small groups

* Suggested writing:

Hai Phong Thursday 26th June.

Dear Mum

I arrived at HP bus station at pm on Saturday evening Long, Ha and aunt Hoa met me at Tam Bac bus station and took me home by motorbike After dinner, Long, Ha and I walk around and drank tea in a restaurant near the city center; Hai Phong is a very busy and beautiful at night

I’ve been to several places in Hai Phong such as Cat Ba Islands, Sat Market… I’ve tried a lot of seafood and specialties We’ll go to Do Son beach tomorrow

Mom I’d like to stay here longer I enjoy everything here I’ll leave Hai Phong on Monday Please pick me up at the bus station at pm

Bye Mom, I miss you




- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral

- Copy down - Match

- Give the answer


Your son Hong Son

IV/ Post-writing:

- Asks students to exchange the writing task and correct if possible

- Calls out one or two group read their writing

08’ - Share and comparing their writing

4) Consolidation (2 ):

-Retell the content

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the lesson - Write and complete the letter

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 03 Date of making: 21/08/2009

Period: 06 Date of teaching: 04/09/2009

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Lesson 6: Language focus

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to some kinds of exercises - They have a chance to exercises

2) Teaching points: Past simple

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, pictures, posters Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (2 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (5’):

Questions Answers

- Write down new words

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities


- ghost [goust] (n): ma (Explanation)

- monster ['mɔnstə] (n): qu¸i vËt (Explanation) - height [hait] (n): chiỊu cao (Visual)

- association [ə,sousi'ei∫n] (n): hiƯp héi (Translation) + Check vocabulary: Matching

* Mapped dialogue: Dung

What… …Ba on the weekend? When…?

Nga….? When…? Lan….? When… ?


Ghost and monster Saturday pm Center-HN - singers Saturday pm Camp…Y&Y All weekends - Lets students practice



- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral

- Copy down - Work in pairs

- Work


II/ Introduces the situation of exercise

- Asks students to look at the picture and word given - Give the names for people in the numbered circles Eg: Hoa, Ha…

P1: Hoa made a cake

P2: Ha the color lamps on the walls

- Asks students to work in pairs, call them read the sentences and other follow and remark


P3: Lan and Hong bought flowers and put them in the vases

P4: Hung painted a picture of Ha Noi P5: Ba and Thai went shopping

III/ Team work: Noughts and Crosses

- Asks students to the exercise P12 by playing Noughts and Crosses

a b c

d e f

g h i

- Asks students to write their wishes in their notebook (at home)



- Work


- Work in group

- Write (at home)

4) Consolidation (2 ):’ - Retell grammar

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the past simple tense

- Do exercise 1, 2, again and the exercise P7 in exercise book - Prepare new lesson

Week: 04 Date of making: 05/09/2009

Period: 07 Date of teaching: 10/09/2009

Unit 2: clothing.

Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some traditional clothes in Viet Nam and other countries

- They have a chance to listen and read the text in English

2) Teaching points: The present perfect tense B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, pictures, word cues and cassette -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (2 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?


2) Checking up and warm up (7’):

Questions Answers

* Getting started:

- Asks students to look at the picture on P 14 and the picture with the names of the clothes

A kimono, ao dai, jeans, a veil, a sari

Pa: Kimono Pd: a sari Pf: a veil Pb: Ao dai Pe: Jeans

- Asks students to match the picture with the countries where these people come from P a, b, c, d, e, f

1 Viet Nam Scotland The USA Arabia Saudi Indian Japan - Ask ps to write in the notebook

- wroke in group

- give the names of countries where ps come from

3) New lesson (32 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- (to) design: [di'zain] thiÕt kế (Translation) - poem ['pouim] (n): thơ (Explanation)

- inspiration [,inspə'rei∫n] (n): nguån c¶m høng (Translation)

- unique [ju:'ni:k] (adj): độc đáo, có khơng (Explanation)

- symbol ['simbəl] (n): biĨu tỵng (Example)

- ethnic minority ['eθnik mai'nɔriti] (n): d©n téc thiĨu sè (Example)

- a long silk tunic ['tju:nik] (n): tà áo dµi (Translation) + Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember

II/ Listen and read

- Writers and musicians have mentioned the centuries ao dai in novels and song for countries

+ Concept check:

Form: S + have/ has + PII…

Use: Diễn tả hành động xảy khứ kết liên quan đến

* Practice: Word cues

1 Designers/ take/ inspiration They/ visit/ villages

3 We/ study English/ years They/ study/ traditional design

- Asks students to listen to the text after reading and doing activities their checks

* Complete the sentences poem, songs and novels

2 traditional dress of Vietnamese women to wear modern clothing at work

4 lines of poetry on it

5 traditional designs and symbols like suns * Comprehension questions

- Asks students to work in pairs to answer the questions:

- Get feed back Keys:




- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral

- Copy down

- Listen

- Answer - Practice

- Listen

- Complete the sentences

- Answer the question


1 By tradition men and women used to wear the ao dai

2 Because it’s more convenient

3 to modernize the ao dai, fashion designers have printed lines of poetry on it and they have added traditional designs and symbols like suns, stars, crosses and stripes to Velvet

- Copy answers

4) Consolidation (2 ):’ - Ask ps to retell the text

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask ps to learn new words by heard

- Ask students to learn by heart the present perfect tense - Prepare new lesson

Week: 04 Date of making: 05/09/2009

Period: 08 Date of teaching: 11/09/2009

Unit 2: clothing. Lesson 2: Speak A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to speak about the topic of clothes

- They have a chance to speak with their friends

2) Teaching points: Speak about the topic of clothes B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, pictures and posters -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (2 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (7’):

Questions Answers

* Jumble words ysmolb 2.emop tnhice prisnaotnii isdgne

- Ask ps to work in two group - Show winner

1.symbol poem ethnic

inspiration design

3) New lesson (32 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- short sleeved ['sli:vid] (adj): (Visual)

- baggy pants ['bægi] [pænts] (n): (Explanation) - faded jeans ['feid] (n): (Visual)

- striped shirt ['straipt] (n): (Explanation) - plaid skirt [plæd] (n): (Translation)

- sleeveless sweeter ['sli:vlis] (n): (Explanation)


- Listen

- Listen and repeat individually, in choral


+ Check vocabulary: Matching

- Asks students to match the numbered phrases to the pictures in exercise a P14

- Aks ps to compare their answers with their friend - Call ps to write their answers on the board

- Give correct answers Keys:

a) a color T shirt f) a short-sleeved blouse b) a sleeveless sweater g) baggy pants

c) a striped shirt h) a plaid skirt d) a plain suit i) blue short e) faded jeans

- Ask ps to copy the answers II/ Pre-speaking (Pre-questions)

- Hang the poster on blackboard and asks students to think about the answers

a) Do you wear school uniform everyday? b) What color clothes you like best? c) Do girls like wearing skirt to school?

d) What you wear at parties or on holiday? e) Do you like wear shoes or sandals?

- Get feedback III/ While-speaking:

- Ask students to work in group of to interview each other about students’ clothing and write them down in the columns The information in the box on P 15 can help Students can make more questions for clothes for special occasions


1) What type of clothing you wear at Tet/ on holiday?

2) What would you wear to a party? Survey:

Name Casual

clothes Favoriteclothes Schooluniform Clothesfor special occasion

Lan A short

sleeved blouse/ baggy pants

– cool comfortable Short baggy pants and short sleeved blouse Wear it everyday except for Sunday compulsory dark, blue and white

Jeans and blouse (a long sleeved blouse –

look stronger in these clothes

- After that asks students to talk about what their friends wear

Eg: Lan usually wears a short-sleeved blouse and baggy pants

IV/ Post-speaking (Write it up):

- Ask students to write a report using the results of the survey

Eg: Lan said that she liked short baggy pants and short




- Match - Compare

- Write on the board

- Answer the question

- Copy

- Give answers - Work in group

-Work individually - Write


- Retell the content

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the lesson - D exercises in text book

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 05 Date of making: 05/09/2009

Period: 09 Date of teaching: 17/09/2009

Unit 2: clothing. Lesson 3:- Listen

- Language Focus A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and describe or realize someone through his/ her clothes/ shoes

- They have a chance to listen the tape in English

2) Teaching points: Listen a conversation about clothes B) Preparation:

- Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette and posters -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (2 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (6’):

Questions Answers

- Ask ps to go to the board and write down new words - Check and give mark

3) New lesson (33 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- Main entrance ['entrəns] (n): đờng (Translation)

- car fair [feə](n): Hội trợ triển lãm ô tô (Explanation) - missing ['misiη] (n): lạc đờng (Explanation) - (to) announce [ə'nauns]: thông báo (Mine) Announcement: thông báo

- sandals ['sændl] (n): dÐp (Realia)

* Check vocabulary: Rub out and remember II/ Pre-listening (Matching)

a) Blue short Picture B

2 a red skirt Picture C

3 flower pants Picture A


) a short-sleeved white blouse Picture C a short-sleeved pink blouse Picture B a long-sleeved white blouse Picture A

c) brown shoes Picture C

2 sandals Picture A

3 boots Picture B




- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down - Rewrite - Match


- Teacher checks the answers III/ While-listening:

- Asks students to listen to the announcement about Mary and tick the correct pictures to show what Mary is wearing

a) Picture B She is wearing blue shorts b


Picture A ~ a long-sleeved white blouse c) Picture C ~ brown shoes

IV/ Post-listening:

+ Pair work: - Asks students to work in pairs to ask each other what they wear in winter/ summer/ autumn and spring

* LF4:

- Ask ps to change the sentences into passive voice LF4 - Ask some ps to go to the board and write down their answers

- Check and correct


what is she wearing?

- Check

- Work in pairs

4) Consolidation (2 ):’ - Ask ps to describe Mary

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary

- Do the exercise P13 notebook, Exercise P13 English exercise book - Prepare new lesson


Week: 05 Date of making: 05/09/2009

Period: 10 Date of teaching: 18/09/2009

Unit 2: clothing. Lesson 4: Read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about clothing

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about the developmental history of Jeans and speak in English

- They have a chance to read the text about Jeans

2) Teaching points: Read the text B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette and posters -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (2 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (7’):

Questions Answers


3) New lesson (32 ):

1 In Europe a Jeans cloth was made completely from cotton

2 1969s b Jeans was made for the 1st time. 18th century c people began wearing embroidered. 1970s d Jeans became very fashionable

5 1980s e Jeans became not very popular any more

6 1990s j Jeans became less expensive - Get feedback

- Ask ps to copy III/ While-reading:

- Asks students to read the passage silently to check their matching, then compare with partners

- Checks and gives the right answers 1.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.e; 5.d; 6.f

- Asks students to reread the text again and fill in the missing dates and words

- Get feed back * Answer Keys:

1 18th century ……jeans cloth

2 1960s …….students … 1970s…….cheaper… 1980s …fashion… 1990s ……sale…

- Ask students to read the text and answer the questions

- Check one by one sentence - Ask ps to copy the answers IV/ Post-reading:

+ Chain games:

- Asks students to work in group of four to talk about why so many people like wearing jeans

Eg: Because the material is very strong, …



- Read the passage

- Listen and

answer the

questions - Play games

4) Consolidation (2 ):’ - Retell the content

5) Homework (2 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary


Week: 06 Date of making: 17/09/2009

Period: 11 Date of teaching: 24/09/2009

Unit 2: clothing. Lesson 5: Write I) The aims and requests :

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about clothing

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an essay to present their points of view about what clothing to wear

- They have a chance to write an essay in English

2) Teaching points: Writing an essay about what clothing to wear

B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07’):

Questions Answers

- Ask ps to change these sentences into passive form

1) She is doing her homework 2) They have seen her recently 3) Mai saw Peter last week

4) We didn’t meet them two days ago

1) Her homework is being done 2) She has been seen recently 3) Peter was seen by Mai last week

4) They weren’t met two days ago

3) New lesson (32 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities


- (to) argue ['ɑ:gju:]: tranh c·i (Situation)

- (to) conclude [kən'klu:d]: kÕt luËn (Explanation)

- (to) encourage [in'kʌridʒ]: động viên, khuyến khích (Explanation)

- (to) persuade [pə'sweid]: thuyÕt phôc (Explanation) - (to) bear one’s name: mang tªn (Explanation) - self-confident = sure (adj) tù tin (Synonym)

- constrained = compulsory [kən'streind] (adj): b¾t buéc (Synonym)

- (to) feel equal: cảm thấy bình đẳng (Explanation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember

II/ Pre-writing : *(Pre-questions):

- What is the purpose of an introduction to an essay?



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down


- What kind of language can be used?

- What is the purpose of the body of an essay? - What kind of language can be used?

- What does the conclusion of an essay do? - What kind of language can be used? - Gets feedback

III/ While-writing: + Matching:

- Asks students match the topic and the outline A then read the passage and put the lines in the correct places Introduction: I think… / My opinion is……

Series of arguments: Firstly… Secondly…… Thirdly/ finally… Conclusion: Therefore …

+ Gives the topic of outline B first then write a paragraph of 100-150 words (in group) of 4-5

* Suggested writing:

My opinion is that secondary school students should wear casual clothes

First, wearing casual clothes make students feel more comfortable They don’t feel constrained to wear uniform that they don’t like

Secondary wearing casual clothes give students freedom of choice They have the right to choose sizes, color and fashions of clothes that they love

Finally casual clothes make school more colorful and lively Students feel self confident when they are in favorite clothes

In conclusion, secondary school students should wear casual clothes because wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable and fun

IV/ Post-writing (Discussion):

- Asks students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform then they write their ideals



- Matching

- Write the topic

- Discussion

4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Ask ps to retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary

- Write the advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform - Prepare new lesson

Week: 07 Date of making: 28/09/2010

Period: 12 Date of teaching: 04/10/2010

Unit 2: clothing. Lesson 6: Language focus 1,2,3 A) The aims and requests :

1) Objectives:

- Helps students review the present perfect tense and the passive

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice and the exercise - They have a chance to the exercise

2) Teaching points: Present perfect tense, passive voice


Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05’):

Questions Answers

- Ask ps to retell the passive voice of modal verbs - Give form

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- botanical garden (n): vờn thực vật (Explanation) - reunification Palace [,ri:ju:nifi'kei∫n] ['pổlis] (n): dinh độc lập (Translation)

- vegetarian [,vedi'terin](n): ngời ăn chay, ăn chay (Explanation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember

+ Work with the partner, read the dialogue (P19) calls out one or two pairs to read loudly Then use the information in the table and make the similar dialogue + Asks students to work with a partner Imagine that they are visiting HCM city Asks and answers the questions about the things you’ve done Use present perfect tense of the verbs in the box

Have/ has + S + PII … yet? Yes, S + have/ has

No, S + haven’t/ hasn’t


1 See/ Dam Sen Amusement Park X

2 See/ zoo and Botanical Garden V

3 Eat/ Chinese food X

4 Eat/ Vietnamese food V

- Asks students to work with a partner Ask and answer questions about each of the items in the box P20

S1: Have you ever read a comic? S2: Yes, I have (no, I haven’t) S1: When did you last read one? S2: This morning

II/ Practice: Wordcues:

1 use/ computer X

2 go/ Super Market V

3 go there/ last Sunday X

4 Eat/ durian V

5 Be/ Singapore X

* Do the exercise 4, P21 by Noughts and crosses (Teamwork)

Ex 4-a Ex 4-b Ex 4-c

Ex 4-d Ex 4-e Ex

Ex Ex Ex

- Checks and gives them marks






- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down - Work in pairs

Vò thÞ Thủ - Do the cues

- Do the cues


4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare for review form the Unit to Unit

Week: 07 Date of making: 28/09/2010

Period: 13 Date of teaching: 08/10/2010

Review A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students review the present perfect tense and the passive in Unit

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice and the exercise - They have a chance to the exercise

2) Teaching points: Present perfect tense, passive voice

B)Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, posters Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05’):

Questions Answers

- Ask ps to change these sentences into passive voice 1) People grow rice in tropical country

2 I have never seen that man before 3) Peter is reading a newspaper

- Asnwer

- Copy in the notebook

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I /Revision

1) ¦íc mn ë hiƯn t¹i (Present wish):

Form: S + Wish + that + S + V(past simple)

S1 can be the same S2 and V(past simple) (be-were) for all subject

15’ - Review


Eg: We wish that you could come to the party tonight (You can’t come)

I wish that I knew French (I don’t know) I wish It weren’t rain right now (It is raining) I wish I could speak Japanese (I can’t speak Japanese)

I wish you could stop saying that - Asks students to copy and the sentences

2)The present perfect: Form:

PII: > Cã quy t¾c + ed

> Bất quy tắc phải học thuộc

I, we, you, they, N(nhiÒu) + have + PII… He, she, it, N(Ýt) + has + PII… I have = I’ve

We have = we’ve She has = She’s He has = He’s +

Example: - I have studied English for years



Eg: - Have you lost the book?

- Has she come here?

- Short answer: > Agree with the question:

Yes, S + have/ has.

> Disagree with the question:

No, S + have/has + not.

Eg: - Has she driven a car? Yes, She has

- Have you gone abroad for five years? No, I haven’t

- Have they played tennis? Yes, They have

3) Passive voice 4) Preposition of time II/ Practice

- Ask ps to exercises in the text book

- Ask them to go to the board and give their answers - Get feed back



- Do the exercise - Review

- Do the exercise

4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare for testing

S + has/ have + PII .

S + has/ have + not + PII Has/ have + S + not + PII? Yes, S + has/have


Week: 07 Date of making: 24/09/2009

Period: 14 Date of teaching: 02/10/2009

Written test I A) The aims and requests :

1) Objectives:

- To check students’ understanding

- To tell teacher what students can or can not do, what need to be taught in the future and how much progress the teaching has been

- They have a chance to the test and check their learning

2) Teaching points: Written test

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, and edited test.

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (01 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0): 3) Test 45’

A) Questions

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án A, B, C, D khoanh tròn.

1 Mai in Hanoi for years

A has lived B is living C lives D live I wish it rain so often

A not B not C don’t D didn’t Jane was this present an hour ago

A gives B gave C given D giving The ao dai was by both men and women

A wear B wearing C wore D worn 5) Malaysia is……… into two resions

a divided B divides C divide D to divide

Bµi 2: Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi

William Shakespeare was an English play writer and a poet He was born on april 23, 1564 in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon, about 70 miles from

London He went to Stratford Grammar school when he was a boy At twenty one , he went to London and worked as an actor and a play writer He also wrote many poems In 1613 Shakespeare left London and he returned to his native town of Stratford - upon –Avon Three years later, on April 23, 1616 he died there


……… Did he write any poems ?

……… When did he leave London and return his native town?

……… When did he die ?

Bài 3: Viết lại câu sau bắt ®Çu b»ng (I wish).

1 I don’t have a new pen

……… Nam isn’t here


Bài 4: Hãy viết lại câu sau chuyển sang câu bị động.

1.They grow rice in tropical countries

……… 2.They built a house in my hometown last year

……… 3) Peter is cleaning the car at the monemt


Bài 5: Cho dạng động từ ngoặc:

1.I wish I (be not) tired

-……… …… I (already do) the homework for a month


3.We ( not go ) to the zoo last Sunday

-……… 4.She wishes she ( can speak) English well

……… Bài 6: cho dạng từ ngoặc

1.The ao dai is the ……… dress of Vietnamese women.(tradition) 2.The……….language of Malaysia is Bahasa (nation)

B) Answer keys ( 0,5p for each)

I/ A 2.D C D A II/ He was an English play writer 2) Yes, he did

3) He left London and returned to his native town in 1613 4) He died on April 23, 1613

IV/ I wish I had a new pen I wish Nam were here

The car is being cleaned by Peter

V/ weren’t have already done didn’t go could speak

VI/ traditional national

4) Consolidation (01 ):


5) Homework (01 ):

- Prepare for checking test

Ngµy 26 tháng năm 2009 Ngời duyệt

Week: 08 Date of making: 01/10/2009

Period: 15 Date of teaching: 08/10/2009

Unit 3: a trip to the countryside Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the trip to the countryside

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe things and activities in the countryside

- They have a chance to listen and read after the tape

2) Teaching points: Past simple with “wish” and adverb clauses of result

B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, pictures and cassette, -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (Leave out): 3) New lesson (39 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- chance [t∫ɑ:ns](n): dịp, hội (Translation) - foot of the mountain: chân núi (Visual) - entrance ['entrəns](n): lối vào (Explanation) - banyan tree ['bổniən](n): đa (Visual) - shrine [∫rain](n): đền, miếu (Explanation) - hero ['hiərou](n):anh hùng (Explanation) - videotape ['vidiouteip](n): băng video (Visual) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember * Getting started:

- Hangs the picture, asks students to answer the questions:

What is/ are the girl (women)/ boys doing? - Gives the words if necessary

- Asks students to write the activities are happening watering the vegetable feeding the pigs swimming plowing in the field feeding the chicken a boy on his buffalo is

flying the kite



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Answer


4 harvesting some children are playing football

* Model sentences: Adverb clause of result - Set the scene

Every one felt hungry, so they rested for lunch + Concept check:

Form: Mệnh đề nguyên nhân + so + Mệnh đề kết Use: Dùng để hậu

II/ Practice: Word cues:

a feel tired/ sit down under the tree b feel thirsty/ have some drink c have a headache/ go to the doctor d feel hot/ go swimming

III/ Listen and read:

- Introduces the picture and turn on the tape, asks students to look at the page 23 and listen 2/3 times - Do the exercise T/F on page 23


1 Already done T

3 F a big old banyan F under the tree T

6 F on the river bank T

8 F took a lot of photos T

- Asks students to reread the text and answer the questions by playing games: Lucky number

(10 number: questions and Lucky numbers)




- Listen

- Give the form, the use

- Copy down

- Do the


- Listen

- Work


- Reread - Play game

4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Do exercise a, b page 23

- Prepare for lesson (Speak and listen)

Week: 08 Date of making: 01/10/2009

Period: 16 Date of teaching: 09/10/2009

Unit 3: a trip to the countryside Lesson 2: Speak and listen

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make up the conversation with their friend or a description

- They have a chance to speak with their friend and listen to the conversation

2) Teaching points:

-Speaking about living in the countryside and listen to the tape to find the ways

B) Preparation:

-Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, pictures, cassette, tape -Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05’):

Questions Answers

* Jumble words: inrseh

2 oobamb oreh abnyna

1 shrine bamboo hero 4.banyan

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- (to) flow [flou]: ch¶y (Translation) - home village (n): làng quê (Antonym)

- the South, East, West, North of (n): vïng B¾c (Visual)

- westward ['westwd](adv): huớng Tây (Explanation) - toward [t'w:d](adv): vÒ phÝa (Translation)

- opposite direction of: biển dẫn đối diện với (Explanation)

- highway ['haiwei](n): đờng cao tốc, đờng (Translation)

- (to) park [pɑ:k]: đỗ xe (Explanation) * Check vocabulary: What and where * Matching:

- Asks students to match the questions in exercise a (P24) with the phrases having the same meaning on the poster

1 ….A The means of transport to go there ….B How much time it takes to get there ….C The distance from the village to the city ….D Is there a river in the village?

5 ….E The jobs of the people in the village ….F The location of the village

Keys: f; c; a; b; e; d II/ While speaking: Mapped dialogue - Mapped the dialogue with Lan and Hoa

Where’s …? …to the South of the city How far…? …30 km

How …? …by bus

How long…? …an hour

What…? …plant rice and vegetables

- Calls some pair students to practice like this dialogue * Write it up

- Asks students to write their real home village 06’




- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Work


- Work in pair

- Work


according to the information above

Eg: My home village is to the West of their city It is… III/ Pre-listening:

- Asks students to answer the questions: Can you tell me the ways to the post office? Can you tell me the railway stations?

Could you tell me how you usually get to school from your house?

- Asks students to match the places on the bus route with the letters on the map by guessing

* While-listening:

- Asks students to listen to the tape and checks their answers (3 times)


A banyan tree F Store

B Airport G Pond

C Highway No1 H Bamboo forest D Dragon Bridge I Parking lot E Gas station

* Post-listening:

- Asks students to ask each other the way that the bus took to get to Ba’s village




- Work

individually - Answer

- Guess

- Listen and check

- Work in pair

4) Consolidation (02 ):-’ Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):’ - Learn by heart new words+ exercises - Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary., Do exs in text book

Week: 09 Date of making: 06/10/2009

Period: 17 Date of teaching: 15/10/2009

Unit 3: a trip to the countryside Lesson 3: Read

I) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the trip to the countryside

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about the life of an exchange student in America

- They have a chance to read the text in English

2) Teaching points: Read a text about the exchange student in America

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette, tape and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05’):

Questions Answers

- Write dowm new words

3) New lesson (34 ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I Pre-teach:

- hot dog (n): Bánh mỳ kẹp súc xích nóng (Translation) - exchange student [iks't∫eindʒ](n): trao đổi du học sinh (Explanation)

- (to) last up [lɑ:st]: kÐo dµi (Explanation) - maize = corn [meiz](n): ng« (Visual)

- part-time ['pɑ:ttaim](n): nưa thêi gian, b¸n thêi gian

08’ - Listen

- Listen and repeat



- grocery store ['grousəri](n): cưa hµng thc phÈm (Explanation)

* Check vocabulary: Matching II/ Pre-reading:

Van is an exchange student He is from HCM city He is now studying in the USA He is living with the Parker family on a farm outside Columbus Ohio

- Hangs the poster on the blackboard and asks students to tick True/ False:

1 Van is an exchange student in the USA He stays with the Parker family in the city Mr Packer is worker

4 Mrs Packer is worker, too

5 The Parkers don’t have any children Van helps the Parker on the weekend Van likes the Parker family

- Limits the time for students to predict, get feedback III/ While-reading:

- Ask students to open the book and read silently and check their prediction

1 T; F; F; F; F; 6.T; 7.T

- Ask students reread and exercise page 26 by matching (On poster)

- Get feed back * Answer keys: + maize: corn

+ feed: give food to eat

+ grocery store: where people buy food and small things

+ part-time: shorter or less than standard time + collect: bring things together

IV/ Post-reading:

- Ask students to the exercise by gap-filling page 26 - Ask ps to compare their answer with their friends - Get feed back

* Answer keys:

1 Ohio farmer works part-time at a grocery atore Peter Sam after farm they watch baseball 10 member

- Aks ps to copy in their notebook




- Listen

- Work


- Work


- Work


4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Ask ps to retell the content

5) Homework (02 ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Do the exercise P22 (exercise book)


Week: 09 Date of making: 06/10/2009

Period: 18 Date of teaching: 16/10/2009

Trả chữa kiểm tra tiÕt A) The aims:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know his/ her mark

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how mark they have and what they need to in the future

2) Teaching points: Recite students’ test paper

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, test papers, keys. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 )’ - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (15’):

Questions Answers

I/ Give correct forms of the verbs She ( live ) here since 2005 They wish they ( have) a sister She wishes she ( be) a teacher What you ( do) last night?

5 Ba ( visit) her mother next month II/ Rewrite the following sentences

1 I don’t have a book

I wish………

They built this house two year ago

This house………

3.Ba isn’t here now

I wish………

I haven’t met her for a long time


Lan can not speak English well

Lan wishes………


1 has lived had were did you will visit II/

3) New lesson (17 ):

I/ hand in papers test

-Ask ps to look at their test and compare with their friends - Ask ps to look carefully at the mistakes


- Ask ps to go to the board and the test again - Ask ps to give in the notebook

- Ask ps to retell grammar tested in the test

4) Consolidation (02 ):

- Ask ps to retell the grammar

5) Homework (02 ):

- Prepare for new lesson

Week: 10 Date of making: 15/10/2009

Period: 19 Date of teaching: 22/10/2009

Unit 3: a trip to the countryside Lesson 4: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the trip to the countryside

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a passage about “A country picnic” with the word given

- They have a chance to write a passage

2) Teaching points: Write the passage B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0 ):

3) New lesson (39 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- blanket ['blổkit](n): chăn (Explanation) - picnic site (n): nơi cắm trại (Translation) - (to) gather ['gỉđə]: tu tËp, tơ häp (Explanation) - (to) lay-out ['leiaut]: bµy (Explanation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-writing: (Pre-questions):

1 What are students doing in each picture? What season of the year is it?

3 How they feel about the picnic?

4 Do you think they will go for a picnic again? III/ While-writing:

- Asks students to use the word given to write their passage

- Helps students to

- Hangs the paper of a good student to check IV/ Post-writing: (Correction)

- Correct their writing if necessary, give the suggested writing





- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down - Answers

- Write


- Correct

4) Consolidation (02'):


5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Prepare for new lesson


Week: 10 Date of making: 15/10/2009

Period: 20 Date of teaching: 23/10/2009

Unit 3: a trip to the countryside Lesson 5: Language focus

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students remember the structures in this Unit

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the structures and some kinds of exercises

- They have a chance to exercises

2) Teaching points: The past simple with “Wish”, the preposition of time, adverbs of clause result

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cues and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

- Write down new words - Check and give marks

3) New lesson (34 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I The past simple with “Wish” (Could) Ba wish he could have a new car


S + wish/ wishes + S + could + V(inf)/ V(past simple) Use: ChØ íc mn ë hiƯn t¹i

* Practice: Word cues: What these people wish? Hoa/ can visit/ parents I/ pass/ exam

3 We/ it/ not rain He/ can fly They/ stay/ Hue

- Ask ps to work in pairs to write the wish - Check and correct

* Answer keys:

1 Hoa wishes she could visit her parents 2.I wish I passed the exam

3 We wish it didn’t rain He wishes he could fly

5.They wish they stayed in Hue II/ Preposition of time:

- Ask ps to retell the use of preposition of time

- Ask ps to copy preposition of time in their notebook




- Listen - Copy down - Do the cues

- Listen

- Do the exercise


- Gives the use of preposition of time (in, on, at, after, before, till, from…)

- Asks students to the exercise (on the poster) Keys: a at; b on; c between; d till; e after; f up to - Asks students to the exercise (on the poster) Keys: a on; b at-in; c in; d for; e in; f at

III/ Adverb clauses of result

S1 + V1 + ….so/ therefore + S2 + V2… - Asks students to the exercise by Matching - Guides students to

Keys: 1.e; 2.a; 3.d; 4.b; 5.c


4) Consolidation (02'): -Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Ask students to make sentences using “wish clause” - Prepare for new lesson

Week: 11 Date of making: 24/10/2009

Period: 21 Date of teaching: 30/10/2009

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read

A) The aims And requests

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about learning a foreign language - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to apply the model: Reported speech to some exercise and read for details

- They have a chance to listen and read

2) Teaching points: Reported speech

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cues and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Retell the prepositions of time

3) New lesson (34 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- examiner [ig'zæminə](n): Ngêi chÊm thi, BGK (Explanation)

- exactly [ig'zæktli](adv): chÝnh x¸c (Explanation) - terrible ['terəbl] (adj): khđng khiÕp (Translation)

- aspect ['ổspekt] (n): phơng tiện, khía cạnh (Translation)

- course [kɔ:s] (n): kho¸ häc (Explanation)

- written examination [ig,zæmi'nei∫n] (n): kú thi viÕt (Translation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Presentation:

Model sentences:

- Sets the scene: S1: “What’s your name?”



- Listen

- Listen and repeat


She asked me what my name was S2: “Do you like learning English?” She asked me if/ whether I liked… + Concept check:


S + asked + O + Wh qs/ if/ whether + S + V(past) Use: Tờng thuật lại lời nói theo ý ngời nói

III/ Practice: Word cues drill: “Where you come from?” “Where you live?”

“Do you speak any foreign language?” “How you learn English in Viet Nam?” IV/ Further practice:

a) Practice the dialogue with a partner - First listen to radio

- Then practice

b) Answer: What exactly did the examiner ask Lan? Look at the list of the questions and check (v) the boxes



- Practice

- Work


- Practice - Answer

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Read the passage - Prepare for new lesson

Week: 12 Date of making: 24/10/2009

Period: 22 Date of teaching: 04/11/2009

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 2: Speak

A) The aims:And requests

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about learning a foreign language - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to persuade your friends to attend the school of an English language summer course abroad you would like to go

- They have a chance to speak English more confident

2) Teaching points: Discuss stay abroad and choosing a summer English course

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book and poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

- write down new words

3) New lesson (33 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- dormitory ['dɔ:mitri] (n): ký túc xá, nhà tập thể (Explanation)

- scenery ['si:nəri] (n): phong c¶nh, c¶nh vËt, c¶nh quan

12’ - Listen



- culture ['klt] (n): văn hoá (Explanation)

- reputation [,repju:'tein] (n): danh tiếng (Translation) - approximately ['prksimitli] (adv): gần, khoảng (Synonym)

* Check vocabulary: Matching

* Model sentences: The way to make suggestions I think would go to the Seattle of school of English, why don’t we go Brighton language Centre in the United Kingdom?

I think… Let’s …

Why you think I agree/ disagree because… Why don’t we…? I don’t understand…

We should … If we go to …, we can… II/ Practice: Answer the following questions Ask students to work in groups of 3: playing the role of Thu, Tam and Kim

- Asks students to complete the chart on the book and practice speaking

E.g: Thu: I think we should go to the …UK

Tam: I disagree because we can stay with Vietnames Kim: Why don’t we go to the Australia and we can stay with an Australian family?

Thu: ……

- Asks students to make the dialogue


- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Work


- Work


- Work in group of four

- Work


4) Consolidation (03'):

- Listen and check the dialogue

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Write a short letter to your pen friend to persuade him/ her to attend a short language course

Week: 13 Date of making: 30/10/2009

Period: 23 Date of teaching: 11/11/2009

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 3: Listen

A) The aims: And requests

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about learning a foreign language - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for details about the ways to study English

- They have a chance to listen to the tape for details

2) Teaching points: Listen for details

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette, tape and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:


- What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Checks students’ notebook * Warmer: Answer the questions

Why you learn English? - Students’ answer

3) New lesson (32 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- university [,ju:ni'və:səti] (n): (Explanation) - (to) improve: [im'pru:v] (Translation) - favorite ['feivərit](n): (Translation)

- national bank ['næ∫nəl] (n): (Explanation) - excellent ['eksələnt] (adj): (Translation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-listening (Pre-question):

- How you learn English?

- What skill you find most interesting? - What skill you find most difficult? - What will you English for?

- Can you sing English songs? Give an example III/ While-listening:

- Ste the sence

- Asks students to listen to the conversation between Nga and Kate then check the sentences from (a) to (f) on page 35

- Ask ps to read the statements about Nga and guess the sentences are true or false

- Get feed back

- Ask ps to listen to the tape and check true -false - Plays radio 2-3 times

- Get feed back * Asnwer keys: b true

c false She woeks for an international bank in Ha Noi d true

e False Her listening is terrible f true

* Comprehension questions:

- Gives the questions and asks students to answer: - Ask ps to listen again and answer the questions - Get feed back

a.Where is Nga studying English? b.What does she do?

c.Is she good at listening?

d.Did she go to school to learn English? e.Is English an interesting language? IV/ Post-listening (Discussion):

Are there any parts of leaning English that you don’t like? What are they and why?

Are you good at listening/ speaking…? Which skill(s) are you good at?

What can you to improve your listening/ speaking/







- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down -Work

individually - Give answers

- listen to teacher - Read and predict - Give answers - Listen to the tape

- Give answers - Copy

- Listen again and

answer the

questions - Get feed back

- Work in group of


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Write a short paragraph to talk about how you learn English - Prepare for new lesson

Week: 13 Date of making: 05/11/2010

Period: 24 Date of teaching: 17/11/2010

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 4: Read

A) The aims And requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about learning a foreign language - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details

- They have a chance to read the text in English

2) Teaching points: Read the notes and the advertisements B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette, tape and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers


* Warmer:

What you in English lesson? - Students’ answer

3) New lesson (34- Set the sence ' ):

*(T/F statement prediction) (On the poster)

- Ask ps to predict these statements are tru or false - Gets feed back

III/ While reading:

- Asks students to read the advertisement and the notes - Checks their predictions

- Get feed back

* Asks students to read and take note information about the English classes from the advertisements

- Ask ps to compare with their friends - Get feed back


1 MorningAfternoon

Evening Don’t know

First week of November MorningEvening BeginnerIntermediate 3rd November AfternoonEvening

Weekend Beginner Don’t know

Which school is the most suitable for Mr Lam? - Ask ps to compare their answer with their friends - Get feed back

IV/ Post-reading: (Write it up)

- Asks students to write paragraph describing the most suitable school for Mr Lam

I think Mr Lam should take an English course at the Academy of language because it offers the suitable time, date and the level of English for him Beside it has well-qualified teachers and offers a lot of chance/ opportunities to practice speaking English




- Work

individually - Give the note

- Work


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):


Week: 14 Date of making: 05/11/2009

Period: 25 Date of teaching: 18/11/2009

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 5: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about learning a foreign language - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of inquiry - They have a chance to write a letter

2) Teaching points: Practice writing a letter of inquiry

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book II) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

- Checks the vocabulary in last period

* Warmer: Where would you like to study if

you won a scholarship to study abroad? - Students’ answers

3) New lesson (34 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- inquiry [in'kwaiəri](n): sù tra hái, thÈm vÊn (Translation)

- recipient: [ri'sipiənt] receiver (Antonym)

- (to) state [steit]: diễn đạt, phát biểu (Translation)

- (to) supply [sə'plai]: = (to) provide cung cÊp (Antonym)

- edition [i'di∫n] (n): lần xuất (Translation)

- (to) look forward to + Ving: mong đợi (Explanation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember

II/ Pre-writing:

- Asks students to read the title and the letter and answer the questions

What‘s the letter of inquiry?

What must you include in all formal letter? Which part of the letter is the introduce?

- Asks students to read the advertisements in sections 07’


- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Read the title

- Work


on page 36 again Choose one of the school Write a letter of inquiry to the institute requesting for more information about the course and fees Follow the outline (P37)

III/ While-writing

- Asks students to work in groups of four to write a letter of their own

- Checks their writing, correct if necessary * Possible answer

Dera Sir,

I saw your Institute’s advertisement on today’s TV program I am very insterested in learning English and I would like some more information about your Institute I can speak a little English, but I read it very slowly and my wiritng is bad So I want to improve my reading and writing

Could you please provide more information about the length of the couses and fees for biginners? I can supply my record of English study if necessary

I look forward to hearing from you soon Yours faithfully

Thu Ha

IV/ Post-writing: (Correction) - Checks students’ writing



- Work

individually - Check

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Study the vocabulary - Write a letter of inquiry - Prepare for new lesson


Week: 15 Date of making: 19/11/2009

Period: 26 Date of teaching: 25/11/2009

Unit 4: learning a foreign language Lesson 6: Language focus

I) The aims and requets:

1) Objectives:


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to apply the structures to exercises

- They have a chance to some exercise

2) Teaching points:

Model verb with “if”; reported speech; reported questions

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, posters, and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers

- Write the sentences:

1 “Where you live?” She asked me “Are you students?” The doctor asked us * Warmer: Jumbled words:

- heva ot: ……… - thogn ot: ……… - dulosh: ……… - mgith: ………

They are model verbs

3) New lesson (32 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Model verb with “If”:

Eg: If you want to get good student, you must study hard

Concept check:

Form: If clause – Main clause

If + S + V(present) S + model verb + V(inf) Use: C©u ®iỊu kiƯn më, cã thĨ x¶y

*/ Practice: Substitution drill

If I have enough money, I will take a vacation work hard pass the exam

speak English well practice speaking E * Language focus 1:

-Ask ps to the gap-fill in pairs - Get feed back

- Ask ps to write down II/ Reported speech * Language focus 2:

- Ask ps to fill in the table - Get feed back

- Ask ps to read aloud * Language gocus 3:

- Ask ps to chang the sentences in to reported speech - Aks ps to compare with their friends

- Get feed back

S + said + that + S + V(lùi khứ) - Checks the sentences by reading

* Language focus 4:




- Listen - Copy down

- Work in pairs

- Work in pair -Work

individually - Compare - Give answers - Copy


- Ask ps to chang the sentences in to reported speech - Aks ps to compare with their friends

- Get feed back

S + asked + O + Wh/ if/ whether + S + V(lïi th×) - Checks their wrting

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the lesson again

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Do all the parts of exercises remained - Prepare for new lesson

Week: 15 Date of making: 19/11/2009

Period: 27 Date of teaching: 27/11/2009

review I) The aims and requets:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students review the reported speech in Unit and the structures from Unit

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice and the exercises

- They have a chance to the exercises

2) Teaching points:

Reported speech; the past simple with “Wish”

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, posters

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Change the sentences in to reported speech: “I can’t go to the school now” She said “You are a beautiful girl” He said

3) New lesson (32 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/The questions in reported speech:

- Có hai loại câu hỏi:

a) Câu hỏi trả lời Yes No: Cách chuyển:

- Khi chuyển sang câu nói gián tiếp, loại câu hỏi đ-ợc sử dụng từ (ask) (say to/said to => ask/ asked) vµ theo sau cã “If” hc “whether

Eg: - He asked, “Have you seen that film?” => He askedif she had seen that film - She asked, “Will Tom be here tomorrow?

=> She asked me whether Tom would be there the day

15’ - Listen.- Copy down



- Dùng từ “THAT” để thay cho dấu “,” sau bỏ ngặc kép khơng dùng “THAT

Eg: - Xuan asked him, "Do you like swimming?"

=> Xuan asked him if he liked swimming

- Chuyển đại từ nhân xng tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp với ý nghĩa câu cần thiết Đặt chủ từ động từ theo trật tự câu phát biểu, không cần sử dụng đến trợ động từ nh: “Do, does, will, are, is ”

Eg:- He said tome, “Do you like English?” => He askedme if I liked English

- We said to her, “Can you come back here next week?”

=> We asked her whether she could go back there the following week

- They said tome, “Are you student here?” => They askedme if Iwas a student there

b) Câu hỏi trả lời Wh-question: C¸ch chun:

- Khi chuyển sang câu nói gián tiếp, loại câu hỏi đợc sử dụng từ (ask, require, wonder, want to, know )

Eg:- He ask, “What time does the film begin?” => He wanted to know what time the film began - Xuan said, “What didyou doyesterday?”

=> Xuan asked me what Ihad donethe day before - Dùng từ “THAT” để thay cho dấu “,” sau bỏ ngặc kép không dùng “THAT

Eg: - “What will happen if she can not find her passport?”

=> He wondered what would happen if she could not find her passport

- Chuyển đại từ nhân xng tính từ sở hữu cho phù hợp với ý nghĩa câu cần thiết Đặt chủ từ động từ theo trật tự câu phát biểu, không cần sử dụng đến trợ động từ nh: “Do, does, will, are, is ”

Eg: - He asked me, “How long have you lived here?”

=> He asked me how long I had livedthere

* Chú ý: Trong trờng câu trực tiếp có câu hỏi câu trần thuật vế ta đổi theo vế

Eg: - “Ihave left my watch at home Canyou tell me

the time?”

 He said that he had left his watch at home and asked me ifI could tell him the time

II/ Practice:

- Do exercises in the text book - Let ps compare with their friends - Get feed back

- Aks ps to copy in their notebook


- Give examples - Give answers - Copy

- Do exercises - Compare - Get feed back

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):


Week: 16 Period: 28

Test 45 minutes

( Thay b»ng khảo sát kì Sở GD & ĐT B¾c Giang)


Week: 16 Date of making: 25/11/2009

Period: 29 Date of teaching: 02/12/2009

Unit 5: the media

Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read A) The aims and requets:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the media

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for detail - They have a chance to listen and read

2) Teaching points: Gerund after verbs: like, enjoy

B) Preparation:


C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (No ' ):

Questions Answers

3) New lesson (39 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- crier ['kraiə](n): ngời rao bán, ngời giao hàng, ngời rao tin tức đờng ph(Translation)

- commercial [k'm:l] (adj): mang tính thơng mại (Explanation)

- remote control [ri'mout] [kən'troul] (n):sù ®iỊu khiĨn tõ xa (Explanation)

- adult ['ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt] (n): ngêi lớn (Antonym)

- interactive [,intr'ổktiv] (adj): tơng tác (Translation) - (to) interact [,intər'ỉkt]: ¶nh hëng lÉn (Explanation)

- (to) income ['iηkʌm]: thu nhËp (Explanation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember * Getting started: Pair works

- Asks and answers questions about their favorite activities

II/ Presentation: Model sentence:

In Viet Nam people love reading newspapers and magazines

How many hours a week you spend watching TV? Form: 1) S + love/ like/ enjoy + Ving…

Use: to talk about their favorite activities

to talk about spending the time doing something

III/ Practice: Word cues drill: like/ swim

2 love/ learn English songs enjoy/ work in the garden like/ jog in the morning

IV/Asks students to reread the text “The media” and complete the table with the passage letter in exercise a and b on page 44


05’ 07’



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Work in pair - Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Work


- Work


4) Consolidation (02 ):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Study the lesson


Week: 16 Date of making: 26/11/2009

Period: 30 Date of teaching: 04/12/2009

Unit 5: the media Lesson 2: Speak and listen A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the media

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the structure for practice and listen for details

- They have a chance to listen and speak with their friends

2) Teaching points: Tag question; listen for details

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, cassette, tape, poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers

Answer the questions:

- What kind of magazines and newspaper you read?

- What’s your favorite types of media? Why?

* Warmer: Jumbled word: Ewnsaerpp = newspaper Iamde = media

Iodar = radio

3) New lesson (32 ' ):


I/ Pre-teach:

- violent ['vaiələnt] (adj):bạo lực (Explanation) - opposite ['ɔpəzit] (adj): đối diện (Translation)

- informative [in'fɔ:mətiv] (adj): cã nhiÒu tin tøc (Explanation)

- (to) prefer [pri'fə:(r)]: thÝch (Synonym)

- documentary [,dɔkju'mentəri] (adj): thc vỊ tµi liƯu (n) phim tµi liƯu (Translation)

- journalism ['dʒə:nəlizm] (n): nghỊ b¸o (Explanation) - force [fɔ:s] (n): søc m¹nh (Explanation)

- telegraph ['teligrɑ:f] (n): điện báo (Explanation) - news-reel (n): phim thời (Translation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember * Model sentence:

Lan: You like watching sport, don’t you? Hoa: You don’t like foreign film, you? Form: S + V + O, don’t/ doesn’t + S?

S + don’t/ doesn’t + V(inf), do/ does + S? Meaning: Phải không

Use: Nhấn mạnh hỏi đoán II/ Practice: Word cues:

Cues: football; TV; radio; badminton; music; book; newspapers

Eg: S1: You like football, don’t you? S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

III/ Further practice: Answer the following questions: What you like/ love doing?

What don’t you like/ love doing? You like + Ving…, don’t you? don’t like you?

- Asks students to make up the similar dialogue about what you like and dislike

IV/ Pre-listening:

- Hangs the poster and asks students to read the information in the table and guess the missing information

* While-listening:

- Asks students to listen to cassette and check their predictions

- Gives the correct answers V/ Post-listening:

- Asks students to play a role of Chau and Chau’s father 07’





- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Listen - Copy down

- Work

individually - Work in pair

- Work in pair

- Work

individually - Guess

- Listen 2-3 times - Play a role

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):


Week: 17 Date of making: 03/12/2009

Period: 31 Date of teaching: 09/12/2009

Unit 5: the media Lesson 3: Read A) The aims and requests :

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the media

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a media Internet - They have a chance to read for details

2) Teaching points: Read the passage about the forum

3) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, , poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Warm up:

- Talk about the inventions of the media in last period

- Hangman: letters: INTERNET

3) New lesson (32 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- internet (n): mạng máy tính toàn cầu (Explanation) - (to) surf [s:f] :lớt sang, lớt mạng (Explanation) - explore [iks'plɔ:] (n): th¸m hiĨm (Explanation) - (to) post [poust]: göi th (Explanation)

- time-consuming ['taim kən'sju:miη] (adj): mÊt nhiÒu thêi gian (Situation)

* Check vocabulary: What and Where * Pre-reading: T/F statements prediction: The internet has been developing quickly The internet is very fast and convenient

3 The internet is available not only in cities but also in the countryside

4 The internet is very expensive The internet is dangerous - Gets feedback from students II/ While-reading:

- Asks students to listen the cassette times - Checks their predictions

+ Comprehension: Lucky number (3, 5, are Lucky numbers)

a Sandra uses the Internet to get information and to communicate with her friends and relatives

b because she lives in the countryside, where the Internet is unavailable

c People use the Internet for education, communication, entertainment and commerce

d Benefits: The Internet is used for multi-purposes: for getting information, for communication, education,





- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down

- Work


1.T; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T

- Listen

- Play Lucky number

- Work


entertainment, and commerce

e Yes There are some disadvantages; Time-comsuming, costly, dangerous because of viruses and bad programme

III/ Post-reading: (Write it up):

- Asks students to write own ideas about the internet - Let students share and compare

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Complete their writing about Internet - Prepare for new lesson

Week: 17 Date of making: 03/12/2009

Period: 32 Date of teaching: 11/12/2009

Trả chữa kiểm tra Lesson 4: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know his/ her mark

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how mark they have and what they need to in the future

2) Teaching points: Recite students’ test paper

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, test papers, keys

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (15'):

Question I : Give correct form of the verbs: a) He wishes he ( can stay ) in Hue

b) Would you like ( sit ) down?

c) Mary ( live) in Hai Duong for years d) They told me ( stand) up

e) Ha asked me If I ( like) music Question II: Give tag questions:

a He likes watching sports,………?

b) They played tennis yesterday,……….?

c) Nam has n’t lived in Bac Giang,………? d) we didn’t go to the cinema,……….? e) Hoa is a student,……… ?

3) New lesson (24 ):


-Ask ps to look at their test and compare with their friends - Ask ps to look carefully at the mistakes

- Comment the test II/ Correct the test

- Ask ps to go to the board and the test again - Ask ps to give in the notebook

- Ask ps to retell grammar tested in the test

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Prepare for new lesson

Week: 18 Date of making: 10/12/2009

Period: 33 Date of teaching: 16/12/2009

Unit 5: the media Lesson 4: Write A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the media

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a passage on the benefits of the Internet

- They have a chance to read for details

2) Teaching points: How to write a passage on the benefits of the Internet B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, poster and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Warmer: Barnstorming:

- Advantages of the Internet: - Get information

- Communicate with friends ………

3) New lesson (34 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities


- source (n): (Explanation) - on-line (adj): (Translation)

- means of education (n): (Translation) - self-study (n)-(adj): (Explanation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-writing:

- Asks students to work in teams

Team 1: Discuss the Internet as a source of information (news, activities, weather forecast, …)

Team 2: Discuss the Internet as a source of entertainment (music, movies, games, etc…)

Team 3: Discuss the Internet as a means of education (online school, online lesson, etc…)

III/ While-writing:

- Asks students to work in group of four to write their own ideas about the benefits of the Internet

- Asks students to use conjunction “firstly, secondary, thirdly, finally and however” to write

IV/ Post-writing:

- Asks students to share and compare




- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Read in choral and individually - Copy down - Work in groups

- Work in group of

- Compare

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Write the advantages and disadvantages of TV - Prepare for new lesson


Week: 18 Date of making: 10/12/2009

Period: 34 Date of teaching: 18/12/2009

Unit 5: the media Lesson 5: Language focus A) The aims And requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the media

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to apply the structures to exercises

- They have a chance to these exercises

2) Teaching points: Tag questions; Gerund after some verbs

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, poster and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ' ):

Questions Answers

* Warmer: Jumbled words: - esnw = news

- simuc = music - rilacte = article - oismve = movies - eagms = games


Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities I) Grammar:

1 Tag questions:

Eg: You like listening to music, don’t you? You don’t like pop music, you?

Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

Note: Affirmative clause, negative tag question Affirmative clause, positive tag question Gerunds after some verbs:

(to) love, like, enjoy, dislike, hate + Ving - Asks students to give examples

II) Exercises:

1 Exercise 1: Complete the dialogue with the correct tag:

- Ask ps to work individually

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Get feed back

- Ask ps to copy in their notebook

Keys: b) didn’t he; c) wasn’t it; d) you, e) aren’t you

2 Exercise 2:

- Asks students to look at poster (table P45) Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about television programs these people like or dislike use tag question - Ask ps to work individually

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Get feed back

- Ask ps to copy in their notebook Exercise 3:

- Asks students to work in pairs, look at the table, look at example, asks and answers the questions

- Ask ps to work individually

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Get feed back

- Ask ps to copy in their notebook Exercise 4:

- Asks students to look at the words in the boxes Look at the examples Use the words to write True sentences about your parents Siblings, relatives and yourself

Eg: My father likes watching sports




- Give the form

- Listen and copy down

-Work individually

- Work in pairs

- Work in pairs

-Work individually - Compare - Give answers - Copy

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02 ' ):

- Prepare for new lesson

Week: 19b Date of making: 23/12/2009

Period: 35 Date of teaching: 30/12/2009

Revision A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:


- They have a chance to review all the structures in the first term

2) Teaching points: The structures in the first term

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, reference books Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book B) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0 ' ): 3) New lesson (40 ' ):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Grammar:

- Asks students to remember all the grammar structures they have studied in the first term (from Unit to Unit 5)

1 The simple past tense (form and use) The present perfect (form and use) Wish clause

4 Passive voice Reported speech Tag questions Gerund after verbs

- Asks students to retell all the form and use of these model sentences

II) Exercises:

- Asks students to retell some kinds of exercises that contain in the test

Ex1 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) My friend _ to the museum last week

a goes b went c has gone

d is going

2 She was really impressed _ the friendliness of the people here

a with b by c in

d on

3 Islamic people often go to the _ to pray a pagoda b mosque c temple

d church

4 The book _ of 254 pages and chapters a comprises b makes c has

d consists

5 I have a pen pal in Canada and we _ each other once a month

a play with b meet with c study with d correspond with

6 The class is into groups

a separating b separated c separate d to separate

7 The students used to _ volleyball in that ground area

a play b played c playing

d be played

8 He wishes he _ around the world

a can travel b could travel c travel 10’



individually to remember all the structures

- Open the book to

do some


- ask ps to in pairs

- Give answers 1.b


d will travel

9 The train arrived at Da Nang _ at am

a station b port c airport

d stop

10 The Jones family enjoys seafood

a eat b ate c eating

d eaten

Ex2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form The children prefer ( watch ) ……….TV to ( read )……… books

2 The boys like ( play) ……….games but hate ( )………… lessons

3 Would you like ( go )……… now or shall we wait till the end?

4 I can’t find my favoriste book You ( see) it ?


5 We used………( dream) of a television set when we

( be) small ………

3 Read the text then the task follows

write classes spending until soon on

cold you are hard who Dear Tommy,

I am having a great time here in England My university term doesn’t start……….the autumn, so I am taking the computer the opportunity to improve my English.I am sataying with some English friends……….own on farm On weekdays I catch a bus into Torquay to go to

languages……… At weekends I help…………

The farm At the moment they

.harvesting the corn and they need all ………

the help they can get It’s quite………work, but I like it

I am……….the winter holiday here at the farm It gets very………

Here in the winter, I think

to me and tell me

……… ………

what you are doing these days Your truly

- Asks students to open their workbook to some kinds of exercises in this for these

- Ask ps to work individually

- Compare with their answers - Give answers

- Ask ps to work individually

- Compare with their answers - Give answers

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (01 ' ):

- Do again in their notebook

========================================================== Period: 36

KiÓm tra häc kú I

(Đề Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo Bắc Giang)

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:


- They have a chance to the test and check how they have learned in the first term

2) Teaching points: Do the test

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: The test paper for students

Students': Review all what they have learn in the first term C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (1 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up: 3) New lesson:

4) Consolidation: 5) Homework:

H ọc k ỳ II

Week 21 Unit 6: the environment Period 37.:Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the environment

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the structure (adj + that clause) They know how to keep our environment clean and beautiful

- They have a chance to listen and read the text

2) Teaching points: Adj + that clause

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, tape and cassette Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

II) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0'): 3) New lesson (39'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- deforestation [di,fɔris'tei∫n](n): sù ph¸ rõng (Explanation)

- garbage dump ['gɑ:bidʒ] ['dʌmp](n): bãi đổ rác thải (Visual)

- environment [in'vaiərənmənt] (n): m«i trêng (Explanation)

08’ - Listen

- Listen and repeat


- disappointed [,disə'pɔint] (adj): thất vọng (Antonym) - dynamite fishing ['dainəmait] ['fi∫iη](n): đánh bắt cá thuốc nổ (Translation)

- spraying pesticides [sprei-iη] ['pestisaid](n): sù phun thuèc trõ s©u (Translation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember * Model sentences:

Adj + that clause: (TÝnh từ cảm giác) Đến nỗi mà Eg: Were glad that everyone came back home safely II/ Practice: Word cues:

1 whole area is clean/ eat a picnic lunch not find your place/ help you get there

3 keep the beach clean/ make it a beautiful beach work hard/ pass the exam

- Ask ps to practice making sentences - Get feed back

- Ask ps to copy down III/ Listen and read:

- Asks students to listen to the tape and the exercises

- Asks students to read the passage and the exercises - Ask ps to compare with their friends

- Get feed back

- Ask ps to read the text again 1: Matching

Keys: 1.F; 2.E; 3.B; 4.A; 5.C; 6.D -Group1: walk along the shore -Group 2: check the sand

-Group 3: check among the rock

-Mr Johes: collect all the bags and take them to the garage dump

-Mrs Smith: provide the picnic lunch for everyone -Mr Brown: give out the bags

2: Answer the questions: (Lucky number) 1; 3; are lucky number

- Ask ps to work in two groups - Ask ps to answer the questions - Show winner

 Answer keys:

a)The speaker is Mr brown

b) The listeners are the volunteer conversationists c) They are on the beach

d) They are going to the beach

e) If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon

f) Yes, I have

g) If the pollution continues, the environment around us won’t be good and it will be harmful to our health , our life




- Listen - Copy down - Listen

-Give examples - Copy down -Work


- Listen

-Work individually - Compare - Give answers - Copy answers

- Work in group - play a game - Answer the questions

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Ask students to learn by heart the lesson - Do the exercises in exercise book


Week: 21 Date of making: Period: 38

Unit 6: the environment. Lesson 2: Speak and Language Focus 2,4 A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the environment

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the ocean pollution and know how to protect the environment and practice adver clauses of reson ( as, because, since)

- They have a chance to speak with their friends

2) Teaching points: Speak the way to protect the environment and practice Adverb clauses of reson

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, tape and cassette Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Jumpled words

- Divide the class into two teams Students from two teams go to the board and write the correct words

- The team which writes more correct words first wins the game

1 uaderpse beaargg roderpvi lupotilon duproce paispoidednt

1 persuade garbage provide pollution 5.produce 6.disappointed

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach vocabulary:

- (to) persuade [pə'sweid]: thut phơc (Explanation) - faucet ['fɔ:sit] (n): vßi (Visual)

- (to) reduce [ri'dju:s]: gi¶m (Antonym) - (to) wrap [rỉp]: bọc (Mine)

- (to) litter ['lit]: xả rác (Explanation)

- oil spills [spil] (n): tràn dầu (Translation)

- sewage ['su:idʒ](n): nớc thải, nớc cống (Translation) - (to) pump [pʌmp]: bơm, đổ (Translation)

- (to) drop [drɔp]: r¬i (Mine)

07’ - Listen

- Listen and repeat


- materials [mə'tiəriəl](n): nguyªn liÖu (Translation) * Check vocabulary: What and where

- Goes through the expressions in the yellow box and the pink one and the eggs in section (poster)

Model sentence:

-I think you should use public buses instead of …… -What about using public buses instead of …… II/ While-speaking:

- Ask students to work individually then compare with the partner

- Get feedback from students

- Ask students to work in pairs to try persuade each other to protect the environment following the given dialogue

- Ask students to work in pair to find the possible answers to the questionnaire Use the idea in section a Eg: How can we save paper?

We reuse used paper and recycle waste paper III/ Post-speaking (Discussion)

- Ask students to work in groups of four to discuss to find the best way to protect the environment

- S1: I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food

- S2: Won’t you use banana leaves to wrap food

- S3:Why don’t you turn off the lights before going to bed?

- S4: it would be better………… - Ask ps to language focus 2,

- Ask them to compare their answer with their friends - Get feed back

* Answer keys:

* Language Focus 4: 1-e,2-a,3-c,4-d,5-b




- Look at the poster and listen

-Work individually - Work in pair - Work in pair - Answer

- Work in group

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary

- Ask students to write paragraph to protect environment - Prepare new lesson

Week: 22 Date of making: 29/12/2009

Period: 39 Date of teaching: 13/01/2010

Unit 6: the environment. Lesson 3:Listen+ Language Focus 1,3,5 A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the environment

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen about the ocean pollution and know how to protect the environment and Adj and Adv of manner

2) Teaching points: listen the way to protect the environment


Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures, tape and cassette Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

- Ask ps to talk about how to protect the Environment

- Get feed back

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre- Listening: Open prediction:

- Asks students to predict the reasons for why the ocean is polluted

Waste materials; chemicals; sewage; dynamite fishing…

- Gets feedback II/While-listening:

- Asks students to listen 2-3 times to the report on how our oceans are polluted then complete the notes

- Ask ps to compare with their friends - Get feed back

- Ask ps to copy in their notebook *Answer keys: (Poster)

Secondly: Garbage is …

Thirdly: …come from ships at sea

Next: Waste materials come from factories Finally: Oil is wasted from the land

* Post-listening: (Write it up)

- Write a paragraph about how our oceans are polluted - Get feed back

III/ Language Focus :

* Revision of adjectives and adverbs Adj + ly = Adv of manner

- Adj can come in two places in a sentence: - before noun

- After the verb : be, look, appear, seem, feel,taste, sound, smell………

- Adv normally go after the direct object If there is no direct object, the adverb goes after the verb

* Practice

- Ask ps to use the adverb to complete the sentences on LF on p.53

- Get students to work in pairs - Give answers

* Answer keys:

Adjective Adverb

Extreme extremely

good well

happy happily

sad sadly





- Predict

- Give answers

- Listen

- Compare with friends - Give answers

- Copy

- Work in group

- Listen to T -Copy

-Work individually - Compare


slow slowly b slowly

c.sadly d happily e.well

- Ask ps to copy in their notebook

IV/ Language Focus :

1 Adjective + that clause

- Explicit the structure :

S + be + adjective + that clause

Ex : I am pleased that you are working hard - Have Ss practice the structure by completing the dialogues in the book

- Call on Ss to read the completed dialogues aloud in class

- Listen and correct mistakes Then give correct answers :

b) I am excited that I can go to Da Lat this time c) I am sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday d) I am disappointed that you did not phone me about it

e) I am amazed that I could win the first prize 2 Revision of conditional sentence type 1 :

- Repeat the form and use of the conditional sentence type :

If + main clause , subordinate clause … ( simple present tense ) , ( will + V infi )

- Ask Ss to the exercise :

- Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences aloud - Correct and give correct answers :

1- e , 2-a , 3-c , 4-d , 5- b

- Have them read the complete sentences aloud Complete the sentences :

- Ask Ss to work individually to complete the sentences :

- Call on some Ss to read the right sentences aloud and give correct answers :

b) If we go on littering , the environment will become seriously polluted

c) If we plant more trees along the streets , we will have more shade and fresh air

d) If we use much pesticide on vegetables , the vegetables will become poisonous and inedible e) If we keep our environment clean , we will live a happier and healthier life

* Language Focus 5:

b)……… , the environment will become seriously polluted

c)………, we will have more shades and fresh air d) ………… , the vegetables will become piosonus and inedile

e) …………., we will live a happier and healthier life

Listen and copy

Work individually Read the complete sentences aloud Repeat the correct sentences aloud and copy

Work individually Read the complete sentences loudly

Listen and copy

4) Consolidation (02'):


5) Homework (02'):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary

- Ask students to write paragraph to protect environment - Prepare new lesson

Week: 21 Date of making: 29/12/2009

Period: 40 Date of teaching: 15/01/2010

Unit 6: the environment. Lesson 4: Read

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the environment

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details, understand the content of a poem And practice conditional sentence type

- They have a chance to read the text in English

2) Teaching points: Develop reading skills using a poem about the environment and conditional sentence type

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, poster, tape and cassette Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

* Chatting:

- Ask ps some questions about poetry + Do you like poetry?

+ Which poet you like best?

+ Name some poems that are your favorite?

+ Do you think it is easy to understand a poem?

+ Have you ever read an English poem ? Do you understand it? Do you like it?

- Students’ answers

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- fence [fens](n): hµng rµo (Translation)

- hedge [hed](n): hàng rào xanh (Explanation) - mass [mổs](n): khèi (Translation)

- foam [foum](n): bät (Explanation)

- (to) minimize ['minimaiz]: giảm đến (Antonym) - bubble ['bʌbl](n): bong bóng (Translation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember


- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Copy down


II/Pre-reading: (T/F statements prediction)

1 The mother and her son are talking about the environment

2 .If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second-hand junkyard

3 The fields and streams won’t be polluted

4 The mother will not take her son home right away if he keeps on asking such question

5 Pollution is something that other folk - Asks students to read and guess

- Get feedback III/While-reading 1) Read and check

Have students read the poem and check their answers 1.F; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T

2) Matching


1.Junk-yard a A row of things forming a fence 2.End up b People

3.Treasure c A piece of land full of rubbish 4.Foam d A flow of water

5.Stream E Mass of bubbles of airs or gas 6.Hedge f Valuable and precious things 7.Folk g Reach a state of

- Have students match : - Answer key:

1.C; 2.G; 3.F; 4.E; 5.D; 6.A; 7.B; Multiple choice:

1 According to the mother, what will happen if the pollution goes on?

A The world will end up like a second hand junkyard

B Nothing happens

C The world will disappear

2 Who does the mother think the environment? A Herself

B Her son

C Other folk

3 What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such question?

A He is going on the picnic

B She will take him home right away C She will kick him

4 - Do you think the boy’s question (lines 9-10) is silly? Why?

A - Yes, I think it is Because he is polluting the woods B - No, I think it isn’t

C - It isn’t a silly question

5 - What does the poet want us to learn about keeping the environment unpolluted?

A - We don’t have to protect our environment

B - It is not important to keep the environment unpolluted

C - Every one is responsible for keeping the environment unpolluted

1 A; B; B; A; C IV/Post-reading:





-Give the answers - Read and check - Compare

- Do individually

- Give the answers - Do individually - Compare

- Give the answers

- Do individually - Compare


1 If the pollution goes on the world will end up like a second hand

2 The fields will be littered with and The stream will be covered with

4 Throwing the is polluting the woods is something that other folk

1 junk-yard plastics/ tins foam

4 bottles * Conditional type 1:

If you work hard, we’ll make this beach a clean place again

Form: If clause (Simple present) + Main clause (present of model verb)

Use: DiƠn t¶ sù kiện xảy tơng lai * Language Focus 5:

b)……… , the environment will become seriously polluted

c)………, we will have more shades and fresh air d) ………… , the vegetables will become piosonus and inedile

e) …………., we will live a happier and healthier life


- Give form - Copy down

- Individual work - Compare

- Give answers - Copy down

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Ask students to learn by heart the vocabulary - Answer the question:

“What could you in your school/ house to minimize pollution?” - Prepare new lesson

Week: 22 Date of making: 13/01/2010

Period: 41 Date of teaching: 20/01/2010

Unit 6: the environment. Lesson 5: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about the environment

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of complaint - They have a chance to write a letter

2) Teaching points: Write a formal letter

B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?


2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Categories:

- Ask ps to find out the verds beginning with the letter that teacher gives

- Divide the class into two groups

- Give four/ five letters at the same time, ps are to find four/ five letters given - The team which finish first gets one mark

a b c d add borrow cut drive

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- ( to) complain: phµn nµn - resolution ( n): tâm - ( to) float : trôi, bồng bềnh - ( to) prohibit :ngăn cản, ngăn cấm * Check vocab: Rub out and Rªmmber II/ Pre-writing: (Opening prediction)

- Ask students to guess how many sections a complaint letter has and what they are

- Give instruction to S, C, R, A, P

- Ask students to read the letter from Mr Tran Vu Nhat and rearrange the paragraphs in the order of S, C, R, A, P

- Get ps to put the sections in a correct order * Answer keys:

1-b 2-d 3-e 4-a 5-c

* Reading and matching:

- Have ps read the letter on p.52 - Ask ps to work in pairs

_ Ask ps to read aloud the letter ( in the correct order) III/ While-writing:

- Asks students to read the suggestion and answer the questions

1 What people begin to in the lake behind your house these days?

2 Are you worried about it? Why? What happens to others animals?

4 What people think the local authority should do? - Asks students to write a letter (using the answers) to the local authority to complain about the way of catching fish in the lake behind their house, following S, C, R, A, P begin with (In the book)

- Limits the time for students to write IV/Post-writing: (sharing and comparing)

- Asks students to share and compare with their friend





- Answer

-Work individually

-Work individually

- Work in group

-Write individually

4) Consolidation (02 ):’ - Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):


Week: 22 Date of making: 13/01/2010

Period: 42 Date of teaching: 22/01/2010

Unit 7: saving energy Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about saving energy

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some things the family could to save money

2) Teaching points: Things the family could to save money “Suggest + Ving” to make suggestion B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, word cues, cassette, tape, poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05 ):’ * Chating:

- Have pupils look at the picture on p.57 and ask some questions so that they can understand the picture

+ Is the Tv on ?

+ Who is watching TV? + Is the light still burning? + What happens to the faucets ? + Should we turn the faucets off?

+ Must we pay for water and electricity we use in our home? + What should we to save energy?

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities



- bill [bil] (n): hoá đơn (Explanation)

- (to) drip [drip]: nhá giät\, rØ níc (Translation) - pipe [paip](n):èng níc (Explanation)

- (to) suggest [sə'dʒest]: gợi ý, đóng góp ý kiến (Translation)

- crack [krỉk](n): vÕt nøt, vÕt r¹n (Explanation) - plumber ['plʌmə]: (n) thỵ èng níc (Explanation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember

- Ask students to work in pairs to make a list of things the family could to save energy

- The water is running, it is flooding we should turn off the faucet

- There is nobody in the room We should turn off the light, the TV, the radio

* T/F statements predictions:

-Set the scene : Mrs Ha is talking to his neighbor, Mrs Mi and Mrs Ha looks very worried

- Now, work in pairs and guess about the conservation between them

- Get feed back II/ While –reading:

- Ask ps to open the book p.57 and listen to the tape - Ask ps to read in pairs

- Call some ps to read aloud

- Ask ps to read again and check their prediction - Get feed back

* Answer key: a T

b T

c F Mr Ha hasn’t checked the pipes in his house d F A plumber is a person who repairs water pipes e T

* Comprehension

- Have ps work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions

a Why is Mrs Ha worried ?

b How much money does Mr Ha pay for her water bill?

c What does Mrs Mi advise Mrs Mi to do?

d How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet?

- Get feeback Call some ps to answer the questions - Write on the board

* Asnwer keys:

a Because his recent water bill is enormous b He pays 200.000 dongs

c She advises Mrs Ha to get aplumber to check her water pipes and reduce the amout of water by taking shower and turning off faucets after use

d A dripping faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month

III/ Grammar * Model sentences:

I suggest talking showers

(I suggest that we should take showers) Form: S + suggest |+ Ving

Or S + suggest + that + S + should + V(inf) Meaning: Đề nghị làm




- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- Work in pairs

- Work in pairs

- Listen

- Read in pairs - Read aloud - Give answerss

- Read again - Work in pairs - Answer the questions

- Give answers


Use: Make suggestion (Nói câu gợi ý) *Practice: Word cues drill

- Turn off the light when you go out - Use the water economically

- Turn of the TV

- Practice

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Asks students to the exercise in exercise book - Prepare new lesson

Week: 23 Date of making: 20/01/2010

Period: 43 Date of teaching: 27/01/2010

Unit 7: saving energy Lesson 2: Speak + Languages focus2, A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about saving energy

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to save energy And they can know how to make suggestion

- They have a chance to speak with their friend and teachers

2) Teaching points: Making and responding to suggestion B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book II) Procedures:


- What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (5-7'):

Questions Answers

* Kim’s game:

- Have ps look at the poster of things dealing with activities in free time ( for 20 secocnds) on page 59 and try to remember as many activities as possible

- Divide the class into groups

- Put away the posters and ask students to go to the board and write the names of the activities they’re just seen from memory

- Show the winner

1 go to the movies play badminton watch Tv

4 play chess homework

6 read books/ go to the library

7 go skiing/ ski play games

3) New lesson (30-35'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-speaking:

- Ask students to look at the pictures (A-H) P59 and in turns to describe them in front of the class

- Check and correct

Eg: A: The faucet is on but nobody use it B: Too much gas is used

C: The fan is on, but nobody is in the room

D: The air conditioner is is on but nobody is in the room

E: The lights are on, but nobody is in the room F: The bath is overflowing

G: They shouldn’t go to work by motorbike H: They should go by bus

II/ While-speaking:

- Gives the models to make suggestion on the posters (P58)

Eg: Mai

: I think we should our homework now Nga

: All right

(After doing homework) Nga

: Shall we playing badminton? Mai

: No, I don’t want to, I prefer to play chess - Picture cues drill (a):

- Ask students to work in pairs, make suggestion and respond to them using the pictures on P59

Eg: S1: I suggest turning off the faucet S2: OK

- Ask students to look at the picture to make suggestions about how to save energy

- Ask ps to speak in pairs - Call some pairs to speak out - Check their pronunciation

Eg: S1: I suggest we should turn off the faucet S2: I suggest fixing the faucet

* Language focus 2:

- Asks students to the exercise (Language focus) P 63 by completing the sentences, use the right tense of




- Look at the

pictures and


- Work

individually to make


- Work in pairs

- Work in pairs

- Work



the phrasal verbs in the box and the pictures Keys:

a look after c turn on e turn off b go on d look for

* Do exercise (Language focus 3):

- Asks students to look at the poster and make the sentences follow the example:

a) - I suggest collecting some money - I suggest collecting unused clothes

- I suggest organizing a show to raise money - I suggest giving lessons to poor children

- I suggest helping elderly people and war invalids with their chores

- Ask ps to work individually and - Get feedback

b) - I suggest that you should work harder on your pronunciation

- I suggest that you should write sentences with new words

- ……

III/ Post-speaking: (Write it up):

- Let students work in group of 4, make a list of activities we should to save energy

Eg: We should turn off the lights ……


- Work


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 23 Date of making: 22/01/2010

Period: 44 Date of teaching: 29/01/2010

Unit 7: saving energy Lesson 3: Listen + Language Focus A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about saving energy

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen for details about solar energy and use connectives to join sentences

- They have a chance to listen in English

2) Teaching points: Listen for details and use connectives B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette, disk, and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

II) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Information transmitting:

- Divide the class into two two teams


- Choose six volunteers from each team

- The volunteers stand in two lines The teacher shows the first student in each line in a sentence

- The first student whispers the whole sentence to the second in his sline

- The second student whispers to the third and so on - The last student shouts out the sentence, ( or write it on the board )if it is the same as the sentence teacher shows, that teams wins the match

practicing English everyday

3) New lesson (32'): the exercise b:

- Listen to the tape one time again and fill in the gaps Keys: effective; pollution; countries; store; roof; instead

IV/ Post-listening: (Chain game):

- Asks students to work in group of to talk about solar energy

S1: Solar energy can be cheap and clean S2: ……

- Checks their speaking V/ Language Focus 1:

- Ask students to the exercise (Language focus) P 62 by completing the sentences using the connections Keys:

a and c because e or g and

b but d therefore f so h however

- Ask ps to copy down




- Work in groups of

- Work

individually - Compare - Write down

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content


- Write a passage to talk about solar energy - Prepare new lesson

- Do Ex in work book

Week: 24 Date of making: 28/01/2010

Period: 45 Date of teaching: 03/02/2010

Unit 7: saving energy Lesson 4: Read

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about saving energy

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a passage about saving energy at home

- They have a chance to read the text in English and practice phrasal verbs

2) Teaching points: Read for details B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette, disk, and poster Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book

C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

* Chatting :

- Use an electricity bill and a water bill to chat to students

What ‘s this ?

How much is your family’s water bill ? How much is your family’s electricity bill ? Do you think it is enormous ?

How much electricity does your TV use every day ?


- It’s a water bill/ electricity bill


3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach:

- household ['haushould] (n): hộ gia đình (Explanation) - (to) conserve [kən'sə:v]: bảo tồn, giữ gìn, trì (Translation)

- appliance [ə'plaiəns](n): đồ ding, dụng cụ (Explanation)

- (to) label ['leibl]: d¸n nh·n (Visual)

- innovation [,inou'vei∫n](n): đổi mới, phát minh (Translation)

+ Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-reading: (T/F statement perdition)

1 Consumers in Western countries want products that save energy

2 Lighting accounts for half of the electricity bill An energy-saving bulb lasts times longer than a

standard bulb

4 In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for some appliances which tells the consumers how energy efficient each model is

- Asks students to predict -> compare - Gets feedback



- Listen

-Listenand repeat - Copy down


individually to predict


III/ While-reading:

- Asks students to read the passage silently then check their prediction

- Get ps to compare with their friends - Checks and give right answers Keys: 1.T; 2.F; 3.T; 4.T

- Asks students to read and choose the best summery (exercise aP61)

Keys: Number

- Asks students to match:

1 Ultimately a Hiệu xuất cao, xuất cao Efficient b Loại, h¹ng

3 Bulb c Cuèi cïng

4 Category d Bóng đèn trịn Keys: 1.C; 2.A; 3.D; 4.B

+ Play game: Comprehension questions (Lucky number) P61

- Has number, 1, 5, are lucky numbers IV/ Post-reading : * writing

- Ask ps to work in groups, choosing a secretary then discuss the ways to spend less on lighting The secrectary from each group has write the ideas on the poster

- Have ps stick their posters on the wall - Ask ps to read other’s posters

- Get feedback



-Work individually - Compare - Give answers

-Work in teams

- Work in group of

- Write

- Work in pairs - Give answers

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary - Prepare new lesson

Week: 24 Date of making: 28/01/2010

Period: 46 Date of teaching: 05/02/2010

Unit 7: saving energy Lesson 5: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about saving energy

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write note for a speech about reducing the amount of garbage

- They have a chance to write note in English

2) Teaching points: Write note for speech B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, and overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?


2) Checking up and warm up (07')

* Shark’s attack:

- Cut out a shark and a shool girl from card

- Draw some steps, then stick the cout out girl/ boy on top of steps, the shark is in the sea

- Draw four gas for the word BODY

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-writing:

+ Do you know how many parts these are in (a) speech? + Introduce parts of speech:

- Introduction - Body

- Conclusion

- Asks students to the exercise a P61 by matching Keys: 1B; 2.C; 3.A

- Gives some questions to check understand

+ What you in the introduction of a speech? + What you in the body of a speech?

+ What you in the conclusion of a speech?

- Introduces the content of the model speech and asks them to order (Do exercise b P61-62)

Keys: 3, 2,

- Asks students to read the speech and checks their understanding by using some questions

1 What does professor Roberts in the Introduction of his speech? What is he going to talk about?

2 What are his ideas about saving the amount of gas? What does he say finally?

- Asks students to choose one of the topic that they will write then discuss

1 What you think about the amount of garbage nowadays?

2 Why people have to reduce garbage? How we have to reduce garbage? - Suggestion:

1 Everyone household produces a lot of garbage Pollute the environment; Effect people’s health Collect plastic bags, empty cans and bottles send

them to the factories for recycling - Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags - Not keep solid waste with food waste

- Use food waste to feed pigs, chickens and another animal

II/ While-writing: Ordering:

- Have ps put the sections in 6b on p.62 in the correct order to form a speech

* Answer key : 3-2-1

- Call some ps to read aloud the speech

- Help ps to present the speech before class naturally Writing:

- Ask ps to divide the class into groups

- Ask each group to a speech about one of these topics + Reusing paper

+ Reduce the amount of garbage



- Listen


individually to match

-Work individually


individually to choose


+ Save energy in the kitchen

- Asks students to work in group s and write

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! I am a conservationist and today I’m going to tell you how to reduce the amount of garbage You know, nowadays every house……

III/ Post-writing:

- Corrects their writing

- Asks a good group to read the text in front of the class


-Work group

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write another note for speech - Prepare a 45 minutes

Week: 26 Period: 47+48

Test 45 minutes + correction a) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- To check students’ understanding

- To tell teacher what students can or can not do, what need to be taught in the future and how much progress the teaching has been

- They have a chance to the test and check their learning

2) Teaching points: Written test

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, and edited test. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (01 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0 ' ): 3) New lesson (44 ' ):


I - Choose the best answer (2 points)

1-She suggested for a swim

A going B to go C go D goes 2-If he likes the house,

A he would buy it B he bought it C he buys it D he will buy it 3-I suggest we should money

A save B saved C to save D saving 4-You are a student

A well B good C better D best

II -Read the passage carefully and answer the questions: (2 points)

Last night I had a strange dream I was in the garden It was getting dark, and it was terribly cold My head was aching badly I was walking out of the garden when suddenly I saw a man He was sitting quietly on a seat He seemed very thoughtful and unhappy He looked up and smiled sadly at me I don't know why, but I felt curious about him I wanted to talk to him, but I couldn't think what to say I just stood there foolishly


2 Where were you last night?

3 Where were you walking when you saw a man? Have you ever dreamt?

III-Join the sentences with "and, but , or" (2 points)

1 I speak English I don't speak French She plays tennis She plays volleyball I don't like films I like comedies I’ve got a cat I've got a dog

IV Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning ( 2p):

1 She suggested that we should our homework at home?

=> Let’s ………

2 What about reading English books to improve our English language

=> I suggest………

3 They will build a house in this village

=> A house………

4 Why don’t you save energy by using energy-saving bulbs?

=> What about………

V Choose the correct words in the sentences ( 2P):

1 Could we have some quick/ quickly words with you? Hoa is studying hard/ hardly for her exams

3 Nam answer very soft/ softly but every one could hear him clear/ clearly Hurry up, Ba You are always so slow/ slowly

* Answer keys:

I Mỗi câu đợc 0.5 điểm.

1A 2D 3A 4B

II Mỗi câu đợc 0.5 điểm.

1- I had a strange dream 2- I was in the garden

3- I was walking out of the garden 4- Sts’s asnswer

III Mỗi câu đợc 0.5 điểm.

1 I speak English but I don't speak French She plays tennis and volleyball

3 I don't like films but I like comedies I've got a cat and a dog

IV Mỗi câu đợc 0.5 điểm.

1 Let’s do our homework at home.

2 I suggest reading English books to improve our English language.

3 A house will be built in this village.

4.What about saving energy by using energy-saving bulbs? 4) Consolidation (0'):

5) Homework (0'):

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 26 Period: 49


Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read.

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the popular celebrations in the world

- They have a chance to listen and read

2) Teaching points: Listen and read for details B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, picture and posters Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Match the icons with the names of the celebrations they represent

1 Easter Wedding Birthday

4 Christmas Mid - Fall Festival

6 Lunar new year

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- occur [ə'kɜ:(r)] (n): x¶y (Explanation)

- decorate ['dekəreit] (n) : trang trÝ (Explanation) - freedom ['fri:dəm] (n) : sù tù (Translation) - slavery ['sleivəri] (n) : sù n« l (Explanation)

- Jewish ['dʒu:i∫] (n) : ngêi Do Th¸i, thc vỊ Do Th¸i (Translation)

- parade [pə'reid] (n): diễu hành, đám rớc (Translation)

- stick rice (n): g¹o nÕp (Explanation)

- ancient ['ein∫ənt] (adj): cỉ xa, cæ (Explanation) + Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II) Listen and read:

- Asks students to look at the book page 65 and listen to tape, then asks them to read again and answer the questions

+ When is Tet/ Passover/ Easter/ Christmas/ Mid-fall festival?

- Checks the answers

Keys: Easter (April); Christmas (25 Dec); Tet (January-February); Passover (March-April)

* Practice reading the text and complete the table page 66 by working in pairs

Celebration When? Activities Food Country

Tet In late

January or early February

Cleaning and decorating homes, wearing new clothing and

Sticky rice Cake

Viet Nam, China



- Work


- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- Listen

- - Work



Enjoying special food Passover In late

March or early April

( Not

available) Special meal called the Seder


Easter Around

the same time as Passover

People crowd the streets to watch colorful parades

Chocolate, sugar, eggs

In many countries

- Divides the class into three groups then introduce about each celebration

* Tet is the most important celebration in Viet Nam It is late January or early February On this occasion, people clean and decorate their homes They wear new clothes and family members enjoy together special food such as sticky rice, cake Everyone in Vietnam feels happy on Tet holidays

* Passover is the festival in Israel and all Jewish people celebrate it Passover occurs in late March or early April On the first or second nights of Passover, Jewish families eat a special meal called the Seder Passover celebrates freedom from slavery

11’ - Work in groups

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write another celebration you like - Prepare new lesson

Week: 27 Date of making: 26/02/2010

Period: 50

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 2: Speak +LF 1

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to give and respond to compliments

- They have a chance to speak

2) Teaching points: Give and respond to complement B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

- Write down new words


Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities I) Vocabulary:

- active ['ổktiv] (n): động (Explanation)

- activist ['ổktivist] (n): ngời hoạt động tích cực (Translation)

- (to) nominate ['nɔmineit] : ghi danh, mƯnh danh, chän (Explanation)

- charity ['t∫ỉriti] (adj): lßng tõ thiÖn, héi tõ thiÖn (Translation)

+ Check vocabulary: What and where II) Speak:

- Asks students to look at the overhead and choose which situation that they usually use

Give a complement Respond to a complement Well done! ( expresses

admiration/ happiness)

2 Congratulations! ( expresses happiness)

3 That’s a great/ an excellent + Noun

4 Let me congratulate you on + Verb – ing/ sth

5 What a/ an + Noun

a Thanks

b It’s very nice/ kind of you to say so

c That’s very kind of you

- Asks students to read the situation and then look at the picture, practice speaking with their friend

- Trang has just won the first prize in the English speaking contest.


Mai: Well done, Trang Trang: Thanks

b On her mother’s birthday, Huyen made a big beautiful cake to celebrate

Mother: Well done, Huyen Huyen: Thanks, Mom

c Tuan is an active student He has taken part in different charity activities in his town Tuan has been the most nominated as the most effective activist in the town charity program

Friends: Congratulations on your nominations, Tuan Tuan: It’s very nice of you to say so

d Hoa brings to class a new picture she has painted You: That’s an excellent drawing, Hoa

* Language focus 1

- Asks students to the exercise (page 70) by joining the sentences Use the relative clause

a Auld Lang Syne is a song which is sung on New Year’s Eve

b This watch is a gift which was given to me by my aunt on my 14th birthday.

c My friend Tom, who sings western folk songs very well, can compose songs

d We often go to the town cultural house which always opens on public holidays

e I like reading books which tell about different peoples and their cultures

f On my Mum’s birthday my Dad gave her roses which were very sweet and beautiful

g Judy liked the full – moon festival which is 08’


- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- Work


- Work in pairs


celebrated in mid – fall very much

h Tomorrow, I will go to the airport to meet my friends, who come to stay with us during Christmas

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary - Prepare new lesson

Week: 27 Date of making: 26/02/2010

Period: 51 Date of teaching: 03/03/2010

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 2: Listen + Language Focus 2,3,4

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use Adverb clauses of concession and listen to complete a song by filling the missing words and update themselves with the information about once of the best known songs in English-speaking countries

- They have a chance to speak listen

2) Teaching points: Adverb clauses of concession B) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette and tape Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please!

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

- Give complement

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- Auld LangSyne: Tên hát (Translation) - due to (con) : bëi, t¹i (Translation)

- bureau [bju'rou] (n): văn phòng, sở, (Explanation) - acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n): ngêi quen biÕt (Explanation)

+ Check vocabulary: What and where II) Listening:

- Asks students to listen and fill in the song * Keys:

a days b take c mind d hand e kindness

- Asks students to sing the song with the cassette *Language focus 2

- Asks students to look at the picture and use the relative to write the sentences:

1 Mom is the woman who is sitting in an armchair 06’



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- listen and fill - Sing the song

- Look at the picture and the exercise


receiving a gift from the little girl

2 Dad is the man who is standing behind my sister Linda is the little girl who is wearing a pink dress, giving a gift to Mom

4 Grandmother is the woman who is wearing a violet blouse, giving a gift to the baby

5 Uncle John is the man who is wearing a pink jumper Jack is the little boy who is sitting on his mother’s lap

*Language focus 3 * Form:

even though

though + Adverbial Clause of concessions although

b Although we don’t have a Mother’s Day in Vietnam, Dad and I have special gifts and parties for my Mom every year on the 8th of March.

c We went to Hanoi to watch the parade on the Nation Day last year even though we live in Nam Dinh

d Many tourists enjoy most of the festival in Vietnam, though they not understand Vietnamese culture very much

e Even though in Australia Christmas season is in summer, people enjoy Christmas as much as they in other European countries

f Although Jim came to the show late due to the traffic jam, he could see the main part of the show

* Language focus :

- Ask ps to look at the pictures and the words given - Ask ps to make sentences

- Ask ps to work individually - Ask them to compare in pairs - Get feedback


- Listen - Copy down

-Work individually

- Work in pairs

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn Structure - Prepare new lesson

Week: 28 Date of making: 03/03/2010

Period: 52 Date of teaching: 08/03/2010

Correct the test A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know his/ her mark

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how mark they have and what they need to in the future



) Preparation:

Teacher’s: Lesson plan, test papers, keys

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (15'): I - Choose the best answer (4 points)

1 Can you the light ? It's too dark to homework

A turn off B turn on C turn down D turn up

2 She suggested money for the poor people in our neighborhood

A save B to save C saving D saved

3 She is very tired; , she has to finish her homework

A moreover B so C and D however

4 My sister sings very

A beauty B beautiful C beautifully D beautify

5 I suggest you ………… practise speaking English every day

A must B can C should D have to

6 I have ………my bag but I can’t find it anywhere

A.looked at B.looked for C.looked after D.looked in I think we should use shower……….bath to save water

A.because of B.inspite of C.in case of D.instead of A ……… faucet can waste a lot of water a month

A.running B.dripping C.dropping D.cutting

II-Use and ; but ; because ; or ;so ; therefore;, however to fill in the blank.( 6pt) I opened the door looked out

2 I arrived 20 minutes early, I had time for a cup of tea We looked everywhere ., we could not find the keys I read the book, I did not understand it We had to wait we arrived early

6 I would like to go swimming ., I have too much work to Do you know his address telephone number ?

8 Yesterday , Lan went to the stationer's to buy some notebooks , a

pen……….a compas

9 John is sometimes rude ……… , I am very fond of him 10.Hoa's eyes are weak ……… , she has to wear glasses

11 He didn't take a raincoat along with him , ……… he got wet 12.Quang failed the exam ……… he was very lazy

3) New lesson (22'):

I/ hand in papers test

-Ask ps to look at their test and compare with their friends - Ask ps to look carefully at the mistakes

- Comment the test II/ Correct the test

- Ask ps to go to the board and the test again - Ask ps to give in the notebook

- Ask ps to retell grammar tested in the test


* Join two sentences into one using the word in bracket She plays tennis She also plays badminton (and) He went home He was tired (because)

3 I am fond of ice – cream I don’t like coffee (but) Would you like tea? Would you like coffee? ( or) * Answer:

1 She plays table tennis and she also plays badminton He went home because he was tired

3 I am fond of ice cream but I don’t like coffee Would you like tea or coffee?

5) Homework (02'):

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 28 Date of making: 03/03/2010

Period: 52 Date of teaching: 10/03/2010

Unit 8: Celebrations

Lesson 3: Read.

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the opinions, feelings, and memories of children about their father on the Father’s Day in the U S A and in Australia

- They have a chance to read English text

2) Teaching points: Reading for details on Father’s Day

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette and tape

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0'): 3) New lesson (39'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- (to) hug [hg]: ôm chặt (Explanation)

- considerate [kn'sidrit] (adj): ân cần, chu đáo (Translation)

- generous ['dʒenərəs] (adj): réng lỵng (Translation) - priority [prai'ɔrəti] (n): sù u tiªn, qun u tiªn (Translation)

- sense of humor: khiÕu hµi híc (Explanation)

- (to) distinguish [dis'tiηgwi∫] : phân biệt, làm cho khác biệt (Translation)

- terrific [tə'rifik] (adj): tuyÖt vêi, kú diÖu (Explanation) - groom [grum] (n): chó rĨ (Antonym)

* Check Vocab : Matching II/ Pre-reading:

* On Father’s Day in Australia and in the U S A, children show their love to their fathers by giving their



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down


father presents, cards III/ While reading:

- Asks students to read the text silently in one or two times

- Do the T/F exercise

1 Rita’s father teaches him how to love, cry and laugh Rita’s father loves him so much that no words can describe

3 Jane’s father cried on her wedding day Bob’s father is very mean

- Asks students to answer these questions: a Who you think Rita sends this card to? - To her father

b Is Jane’s father alive or dead? How you know this?

- He is possibly dead These ideas may tell about that “ How much you are missed, I now have children, Dad” c What quality makes Bob’s father different from others?

- He is considerate, generous and humorous His sense of humor makes him different from others

d What image of a father can you draw from the three passages?

- A father can be a teacher, a care taker and a friend IV/Post-reading:

- Asks students to discuss about their father with the clues:

- Can you tell me about your father? - How old is he?

- What does he do?

- What does he look like?

- What you like best about him?

- What are your feelings and opinions about him?

- Which memories you have about your father that you remember until now?


06’ T T T

4 F: He is considerate and generous

- Work in groups (4 groups)

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write 10 sentences that you think about your father: - Prepare new lesson

Week: 29 Date of making: 10/03/2010

Period: 54 Date of teaching: 15/03/2010


Lesson 4: Write.

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to a friend/ pen pal to share their ideas

- They have a chance to write a letter

2) Teaching points: Write a letter to friend

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, overhead

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

- Write the sentences to express their idea with their father










: celebration, tradition, flowers : card : special food : gift

: memory

3) New lesson (35'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I/ Pre-teach vocabulary:

- (to) enhance [in'h:ns]: tăng cờng, tôn lªn (Translation) - (to) have a day off: nghØ ngày (Explanation)

- (to) support [s'p:t]: ủng hộ, hỗ trợ (Explanation) - nation wide (n): toàn quốc, nớc (Translation) + Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-writing:

- Asks students to close their book and Ordering: Give details about:

+ When to celebrate, in what season, or what month (why?)

+ How to celebrate: having parties, sending cards + What special gift to give

+ What special food to offer

2 State whether or not you think your idea will be supported and you hope the day will be celebrated nation wide

3 Tell your friend the reason for celebrating this day Answer keys:


II/ While-writing:

- Have students write individually to a friend to tell him/ her about why they want to celebrate Mother’s Day or Fahter’s Day in Vietnam and how to celebrate it The outline on page 70 will help student to write easily

* Suggested ideas:

In my opinion, it is essential to have a day to celebrate for 05’



- Listen

- Listen and repeat

- Copy down

- Work

individually * Answers:

- Paragraph 1-> - Paragraph -> - Paragraph ->

- Work


our parents

On these occasions, children will have a special day to express their feelings, memories and love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another

I think first Sunday of April is suitable Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study April is late Spring or early summer, and the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can happen outdoors

It is not necessary to have parties but it’s a good idea to have lunch or dinner with all members of the family Children should give their parents flowers, send them cards, or bring them special cake Moreover, children should serve their parents the food that they like best

I believe the idea will be supported and the day will be celebrated nation wide because everybody loves their parents want their parents to be happy

IV/ Post-writing:

- Asks students to exchange their writing and correct themselves

- Ask ps to read aloud their writing before class - Get ps to give their ideas

- Correct mistake


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (01'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write the letter on their notebooks - Prepare new lesson

Week: 30 Date of making: 15/03/2010

Period: 56 Date of teaching: 22/03/2010

Unit 9: Natural disasters Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Natural disasters

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast

- They have a chance to listen and read

2) Teaching points: Get the information about weather

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, pictures


1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

* Chatting:

- Ask students some questions about weather a What’s the weather like today ?

b Do you like hot/ cold water ?

c Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on the radio or on TV?

d Do you think weather forecast is useful ? How is it useful?

_ Students’ answers

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- (to) turn up [tə:n]: điều chỉnh to lên (Explanation) - (to) expect [iks'pekt]: mong đợi, chờ đón (Translation) - thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔ:m](n): bão có sấm sét ma to (Explanation)

- just in case: phßng khi, lì (Translation) - trust (adj): tin tëng, tin lµ thËt (Explanation)

- south – central coast: bê biÓn cao trung bé (Translation)

- central high land: cao trung bé (Explanation) - deltal (adj): vïng ch©u thỉ

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II/ Pre-reading:

- Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they both are watching TV

- Asks students to work in pair to answer the questions: * Why does Thuy’s grandmother ask her to turn up the volume on TV?

- Because she wants to listen to the weather forecast III/ While- reading:

- Asks students to listen to the tape and practice with their partner

- Asks students to the exercise 2b by filling in the gaps:

1 Thuy’s grandmother wants her to turn up the volume on TV because she wants to listen to the

weather forecast.

2 The coast of Thanh Hoa will be raining

3 The central high lands will experience thunderstorms

4 Ho Chi Minh city will have temperatures between 27ºC and 35ºC

5 Although Thuy’s grandmother doesn’t trust weather forecast she likes watching them

- Asks students some questions:

* Questions

1 What are Thuy and her grandmother watching? - They are watching the weather forecast on TV Which city is the hottest today?

- Ho Chi Minh is the hottest today




- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Listen to the teacher

- Answer - Listen

- Do the exercise


3 Where is Thuy going? - She’s going on a picnic

4 What does Thuy’s grandmother want her to do? - She wants her to bring along a raincoat

III/ Post-reading:

_ Ask ps to practice the dialogue - Ask them to read aloud

- Ask ps to look at the map and play the role of the weather man to present before the class

- Call some students to present before the class - Have ps to work in pairs


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Discribe the pictures in Getting started - Prepare new lesson

Week: 30 Date of making:

Period: 55

Unit 9: Natural disasters Lesson 2: Speak +LF 1,2

A/Aims and objectives : Practice speaking bout preparations made for a typhoon - Ss will be able to know what should be prepared for a typhoon and improve

the discussion skills : agreeing and disagreeing B /Teaching aids : Textbook , whiteboard markers


I/ Warm up

Question and answer :

- Have there been any typhoons in our hometown ?

- What should we when there is a typhoon ? II/ Presentation :introduce the content and aim of the lesson to Ss Then introduce some new words : Vocabulary pre-teach :

- Bucket (n) : container specially used for keeping water

- Canned food (n) food preserved by canning - Fix the leak (v) : repair the damage of the top of a building or a house

- Peg (n) : wooden pin for holding thing s

- Door latch (n) door lock that can only be opened from outside with a key

- Power cut (n) : the lost of the electricity supply to an area

* Checking technique : Noughts and Crosses Canned food

Bucket Fix

Power cut

- Answer ( Ss can use Vietnamese to express their ideas - Listen carefully - repeat in chorus and guess its meanings Then copy

- Give examples


Peg Damage Door latch Roof


- Remark and give marks if necessary III/ Practice:

1 Choosing possible answers : - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some Ss to explain their answers and give suggested answers :

+ Buying some canned food + Buying candles

+ Buying matches

+ Filling all buckets with water + Buying ladder

+Fixing the leak in the roof

+ Tying the roof to the ground with pegs an ropes + Checking all the windows and door latches * Pair discussion

-Have Ss continue working in pairs but with another partner

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class Comment and give suggested answer :

a) A : I think we should buy some candles and matches before a typhoon

B : Yes I agree with you Because there may be a power cut when the is strong

IV / Production :

True / False repetition drill ( Say seven to ten statements about what we should to prepare for a typhoon If the statements are true ( should ) , Ss will repeat the statements If the statements are false ( should not ) , Ss will stay silent ) Examples :

1 We should buy some candles

2 We should invite some friends to dinner ……

Task 1: Use a suitable relative pronoun to answer the questions.

- Ask ss to the exercise 1/ p 81 in pairs

- Let some pairs present their ideas before the class - Ask some more questions about VN and the world if necessary

+ Which place of interest in VN has been chosen the World Wonder ?

+ Which city used to be the capital under Nguyen Dynasty?

- Ss give their answers - Correct if any

Task : Matching task:

- T reviews Defining and Non-defining clauses from the answers above

- Study the list and check what should be made for a typhoon

- Compare their choice with another pair

- Demonstrate - Copy in their notebooks

- Practice in pair

- Correct and copy if necessary

- Play in whole class

- Write down in their notebooks

- The place of interst, which has just been chosen the World Wonder is Ha Long Bay - The city which used to be the capital under

Nguyen Dynasty is Hue


+ Defining clause identifies the noun

+ Non-defining clause gives more information to the identified noun


+ Hanoi, which is the capital of VN, is very beautiful

+ The man who is sitting in the library is our new English teacher

- Ask SS to the exercise 2/ p 81-82 - Call some SS to read the answers aloud - Correct if any

V/ Home work :

1 Summarize main point

2 Learn bye heart new words and structures Do exercises ( 1,2 ) in work book

=> Guide Ss to them Prepare the next lesson * Feedback :

just been chosen the World Wonder, is Ha Long Bay - Ha long Bay, which is a place of interest in VN, has just been chosen the World Wonder - The city which used to be the capital under

Nguyen Dynasty is Hue

- Hue, which isin VN, used to be the capital under Nguyen Dynasty Answers:

1- e 5- c 2- g 6- d 3- f - b 4- a

Unit 9: Natural disasters Lesson 3: Listen +LF 3,4 A / Aims and objectives :

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to get to know some ideas on how to live with earthquakes through sentence completion exercise

- Listen to the talk better , identify and catch key words for the answers B / Teaching aids : Textbook , cassette and some posters about earthquakes C / Procedure :


I/ Warm up :

Question and answer

1 Do you know anything about earthquakes ? Are they dangerous ?

3 Are there many earthquakes in VietNam ?



4 In which countries earthquakes usually occur ?

5 What would you if an earthquake occurred ?

( Before , while and after the earth quake ) II / Listening :

1 Pre- listening : Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss and some new words :

* Vocabulary pre- teach : - Fixture (n) – translation

- Block (v) : prevent movement from happening - Zone (n) = Area / region

- Roller ( n) ( translation )

Doorway (n) : opening to the house

 Checking technique : Jumbled words ( all the words above ) While listening:

* Setting the scene :

“ An expert is giving to talk on how to live with earthquakes Actually he will give us advice on what should we before and during an

earthquake Listen to the talk and complete the table ”

- Turn on the tape several times if necessary - Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud

- Feedback and give correct answers Play the tape again and stop at each answer :

Answers :

+ Heavy fixtures , furniture , and appliances : - Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of the


- Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine

+ Flying glass :

- Check the mirrors

- Do not put your bed near a window + Earthquakes drill :

- Stay inside

- Sit under a strong table or doorway - Stand in the corner of the room / Post - listening :

Have Ss work in group

- Listen carefully - Repeat in chorus and individually - Guess its


- Copy and give examples

- Play games in group work - Listen carefully - Read the table carefully make some useful guesses for the missing words in the blanks - Listen carefully and fill in each blank

- Demonstrate in the front

- Listen and check their answers

- Copy down

- Work in group and make a short

presentation on how to live with

earthquakes based on the information in the table


5 - Call on some Ss to deliver the presentation in front of class

- Comment and make corrections if necessary

* Language Focus 3,4Task 3: Recognizing

- Ask SS to the exercise 3/ p 82, recognizing Defining or Non- defining clauses and underlining them

- Ss give their answers

Task 4: Rewriting- Group work

- Ask SS to exercise 4/ p 82

- Call a Ss to read the intructions and examples - Have them this in groups

- Give feedback III / Home work :

1 Summarize main point Learn by heart new words Do exercise 2,4 in workbook Prepare the next lesson * Feedback:

- Copy down

Answers: 1- e 5- c 2- g 6- d 3- f - b 4- a

Unit 9: Natural disasters Lesson 3: Read

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Natural disasters

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some ideal on how to live with earthquakes by listening

- They have a chance to read English text

2) Teaching points: How to live with earthquakes

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05):

Questions Answers

- Write down new words

3) New lesson (34'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- tidal wave ['taidl](n): sãng thÇn (Explanation)

- abrupt [ə'brʌpt] (adj): bất ngờ, đột ngột (Translation) - shift [∫ift](n): chuyển dịch, thay đổi (Translation) - (to) warn [wɔ:n]: cảnh báo, báo trớc (Explanation) - funnel – shaped: có hình phễu (Translation) - (to) suck up: hút lên

- tornado [tɔ:'neidou](n): c¬n lốc xoáy (Translation) - maority: đa số, phần lớn (Explanation)

* Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II) Reading:

* True - False Statements Predictions

There are staments about the information of some natural disasters All of you have to read them and guess whether they are True or False



- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Work


1 Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire

2 The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused severe damage

3 A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 1960s

4 Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the same natural disasters

5 The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest ever volcano eruption

6 A tornado looks like a funnel

- Asks students to read and check their guessing True

2 True

3 False: A huge tidal wave traveled from Alaska to California

4 True

5 False: The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world’s largest volcanic eruption in more than 50 years

6 True

- Asks students to complete the sentences in exercise 5b

1 The majority of earthquakes occur around the Pacific Rim.

2 During the earthquake in Kobe, many homes, office blocks and highways collapsed.

3 A tidal wave can only occur when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the Earth.

4 In Australia, a tropical storm is known as a cyclone.

5 Christopher Columbus gave us the word typhoon“ ” A Tornado is a type of storm that passes overland below a thunderstorm and sucks up anything that is in its path.



- Read and check

- Work


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary - Prepare new lesson


Period: 59 Date of teaching: 31/03/2010 Unit 9: Natural disasters

Lesson 4: Write A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Natural disasters - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a story - They have a chance to read English text

2) Teaching points: Write a story

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, overhead

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

- Write down new words

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- (to) behave: c xö, øng xử - shelter (n): chỗ trú ngụ

- all of sudden ( adj): bất ngờ, dng * Check vocabulary: Slap the board II) Writing:

- Asks students to look at the pictures and listen * This is Lan’s family, they are at home

- Asks students to practice by asking and answering some questions about Lan

1 Picture 1:

- Who is this? – It’s Lan

- Where is she? – She’s out side/ in the garden

- What is she doing? – She’s playing with her dog, skippy

- Lan is out side playing with her dog Picture 2:

- How is the dog? – It looks strange Perhaps it is scared

- All of a sudden, the dog behaves strangely Picture 3:

- What’s on TV? - The weather forecast - What does Lan’s mother say?

She tells Lan that she has just heard on TV that there is a typhoon coming

4 Picture 4:

- What are they doing? – They are gathering and talking about the coming typhoon

- Mrs Quyen gathers her family and asks them to find shelter in the house

5 Picture 5:

- What’s the weather like now? – It’s very dark It has strong wind and heavy rain

- Suddenly, it becomes dark The storm comes with strong wind and heavy rain

6 Picture 6:



- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Work



- What’s the weather like now? – It’s fine - How are they now? – They all are happy - The storm finishes soon and everyone is glad

- Asks students to look at the picture and retell by writing on their notebook

It was a beautiful day The sun was shiny, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was out side playing with her dog, skippy All of a sudden, the dog began behaving strangely She kept running around circles Lan ran home with her dog to tell her mother what skippy was doing

Lan’s mother, Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming

Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find shelter in the house

Suddenly, the sky becam very dark The storm came with strong wind and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared, but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog skippy is She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon

- Asks students to read the

19’ - Work


4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write the exercise in notebook - Prepare new lesson

Week: 32 Date of making:

Period: 60

Unit 9: Natural disasters : Language focus.( Tham khao ) A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about Natural disasters

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to distinguish between defining relative clauses, and non – defining relative clauses

- They have a chance to some kind of exercises

2) Teaching points: Do some kind exercises in relative clauses B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, overhead

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers


2.The man is a famous actor You met him at the party last night

3 His house is big It is not very far from here

4.That is the boy We took him to the theater last night The student writes well I’ve read her composition

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary:

- rhinoceros [rai'nsrs] (n): tê giác (Visual) - logo ['lougou] (n): biĨu tỵng (Translation) - (to) swallow ['swɔlou] : nt (Translation) - (to) chew [t∫u:]: nhai (Mine)

- ancient ['ein∫ənt] (adj): cổ đại (Translation)

- extensive [iks'tensiv] (adj): lớn, rộng lớn (Antunym) - tail [teil] (n): đuôi (Explanation)

- border ['bɔ:də] (adj): tiÕp gi¸p víi (Translation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II) Practice:

* Play game “Lucky number”:

1 Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup? - Singapore

2 Which animal has 1or horns on its snout? - Rhinoceros

3 Lucky number

4 Which explorer discovered America? - Christopher Columbus

5 Which planet is closes to the earth? - Venus

6 Which animal was chosen to be the Logo of Sea games 2003?

- Buffalo

7 Lucky number

8 Which ASEAN country is devided into two regions by the sea?

- Malaysia

9 Which food can you chew but can not swallow? - Chewing gum

10 Lucky number

- Asks students to the exercise

a The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 is Kobe

b The country which won the 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore

c The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is Rhinoceros

d The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus

e The planet which is closest to the earth is Venus f The animal which is chosen to be the Logo of Seagames 2003 is buffalo

g The ASEAN country which is devided into two regions by the sea is Malaysia

h The food which can you chew but you can’t swallow is the chewing gum and the thing can you swallow but you can’t chew is water

* Defining and non defining relative clauses.





- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Play game

- Listen and copy down

- Do the exercise


1 The novel has been lost You gave me the novel on my birthday

-> The novel which you gave me on my birthday has been lost

2 Vietnam exports rice Vietnam is in the Southeast Asia

-> Vietnam, which is in the Southeast Asia, exports rice

- Asks students to the exercise * Answers:

1 – e: Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of California

2 – g: It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River, in the Winter of 2002

3 – f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius

4 – a: Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Florida in August 1992, killed 41 people and made more than 200, 000 homeless

5 – c: The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh, which is bordered by the Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th


6 – d: The most disastrous earthquakes in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150, 000 people

7 – b: The October 1989 Loma Pieta earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, caused extensive damage to older buildings in San Francisco Bay area



- Do the exercise

4) Consolidation (04'):

Fill in each space with Who Which, where, when or whose.

1 What is the name of the girl í wearing a white blouse ? I don’t like the food is very spicy

3 Last week, my father returned to his home village, he was born I’ll never forget the day you gave me a surprise birthday party He is the man friends always trust him

6 My friend Tom sings Western folk songs very well can compose songs I like reading books tell about different people and their culture On my Mom’s birthday my father gave her roses were very sweet and beautiful

9 He is the man is wearing a blue shirt

10 She is the woman son is a famous singer

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary


Week: 32 Date of making: 02/04/2010

Period: 61 Date of teaching: 07/04/2010

Review A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students review the relative pronoun, defining and non – defining relative clauses:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to some exercises - They have a chance to the exercises

2) Teaching points: Exercises in relative pronoun

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

Choose the suitable relative pronouns:

1 Tet is a festival (who / which / when) occurs in late January or early February

2 Family members (who / whom / which) live apart try to be together at Tet

3 Vietnam, (who / which / that) is in south – East Asia, exports rice Neil Armstrong, (who / whom / that) first walked on the moon, lived in the USA

5 He is a generous man (whom / that / which) is loved a lot

6 The typhoon may damage the water pies (who / that / things) supply our home

7 Have you seen a man and his dog (who / which / that) are sitting over there?

8 Do you know the name of the tourist (whom / which / whose) Mr Lam is talking to?

1 which who which who whom that that whom

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Grammar:

1 Relative clauses:

+ Who is used for people + Which is used for thing

+ That is used for both Who or Which

2 Defining and non – defining relative clauses:

- Asks students to distingwish defining and non – 12’


defining relative clauses

- Defining relative clauses identify nouns and these clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker means - Non – defining relative clauses give more information about a person or thing already identified when we write these clauses, we put commas at the beginning of the clause and often at the end of the clause

- We can not use “ that” in a non – defining relative clause

- In a non – defining relative clause we can not leave out Who or Which

II) Exercise:

* Use the suitable relative pronoun to join the two sentences.

1 This is the magazine I told you about it

2 John’s flat is much larger It is in the same block as mine

3 The girl turned out to be an old friend I offered to carry her bag

4 Brighton is a popular holiday resort It is on the South coast

5 My bike had disappeared I had left it in the gate The bag was found outside the bank The robbers

put the money in it

7 It was a wonderful present I was extremely grateful for it

8 That’s the shop I got my shoes from

Chose one correct answer to complete the following sentences

1This is the man has asked me to marry him (who / which / whose / whom)

2.Daisy always well dressed, has won the beauty contest

(that is / who is / that / who are) 3He came in and didn’t say anything, worried all of us

(that / whom / whose / which) 4.Gloves are things you wear on your hands

(whose / who / which / whom) 5.A butcher is someone sells meat

(who / whom / which / whose)

6.I’m in love with Chris, is a wonderful person (who / that / whom / which)

7.The bus we got are very old

(on that / on which / which on / whose on) 8.I like cars dependable in the winter

(that are / which is / who are / whose are) 9.I know a man three horses

(who owns / which owns / he owns / that owning)

10.Documentary films are the films I find most interesting (who / that / whose / what) 11.It’s this computer program my father

created (that / whom / who / what)

12.Mine is the one has a green luggage bag (what / whom / who / that)



13.The CD Victor bought is on the table (whose / that / who / whom)

14.“ films are you talking about?” “Gone with the wind.”

(That / Which / Who / Whose)

15.The book we discussed was a best-seller (which / who / whom / whose)

16.How about the shirt you wore Saturday night?

(which / whom / who / whose)

17.The person wallet is missing should report to the office

(which / whose / who / that)

18.Auld Lang Syne is a song is sung on New Year Eve

a when b.where c.which d.it 19 Miss Lien , _ is my neighbor,often shouts at night

a that b who c.whose d whom

20 All people love the spring roll…… is made by themselves

a which b what c why d who

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary - Prepare for a test

Week: 33 Date of making: 06/04/2010

Period: 62 Date of teaching: 12/04/2010

Test 45 minutes A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- To check students’ understanding

- To tell teacher what students can or can not do, what need to be taught in the future and how much progress the teaching has been

- They have a chance to the test and check their learning

2) Teaching points: Written test

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, and edited test Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (01 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?


I) Supply the correct form of the verbs (2 marks).

1.There ( be )………… a huge erathquake in Haiiti last month 2.Tet holiday ( occur )……… in late january or early fabruary Hanoi ( have)………… temperature between 23 and 27 C tomorrow I ( not meet )……… my old teacher since 2002

II/ Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete sentences ( marks): Miss Nga, - is my neighbor, often shouts at night

a that b who c which d whose Auld Lang Syne is a song - is sung on New Year’s Eve

a when b where c which d who She is tired - she stayed up late watching TV

a as b so c and d or If we pollute the water, we - no fresh water to use

a have b will have c to have d having It’s raining, - I can’t go to the beach

a however b so c and d therefore 6.Tet is the most important for Vietnamese poeple

a celebrate b celebration c celebrating d celebrated

III) Combine the sentences using the words given (3 marks).

1 Long is absent from school His mother is in hospital ( a relative pronoun) The car has now been found The car was stolen ( a relative pronoun)

3 She's the person She gives me a lift to work ( a relative pronoun)

4 Passover is a festival Passover occurs in late March or early April ( a relative pronoun)

5 Although she was not beautiful, she took part in a beauty contest.( but) It was raining, so we decided to postpone our camping.( because)

IV/ Use the words to make meaningful sentences (2 marks).

1 Tet/ a festival/ which/ occur/ late Jannuary/ early February The Sun/ shine/ , The sky/ blue/ and weather/ perfect/ * Answer Keys:


1 was occurs will have haven’t met II 3p

1 b c a b b 6.b


1 Long, whose mother is in hospital ,is absent from school The car which was stolen has now been found

3 She's the person who gives me a lift to work

4 Passover is a festival which occurs in late March or early April she was not beautiful, but she took part in a beauty contest Because It was raining, we decided to postpone our camping

IV/ 2p

3 Tet is a festival which occurs in late Jannuary or early February The Sun was shining , The skywas blue and the weatherwas perfect

* Class 9b,c

I) Supply the correct form of the verbs (2 marks).


4 I ( not meet )……… my old teacher since 2002

II/ Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete sentences ( marks): Miss Nga, - is my neighbor, often shouts at night

a that b who c which d whose Auld Lang Syne is a song - is sung on New Year’s Eve

a when b where c which d who She is tired - she stayed up late watching TV

a because b so c and d or If we pollute the water, we - no fresh water to use

a have b will have c to have d having It’s raining - I can’t go to the beach

a however b so c and d therefore

III) Combine the sentences using the words given (2,5marks).

1 Long is absent from school His mother is in hospital ( a relative pronoun) She's the person She gives me a lift to work ( a relative pronoun)

3 Passover is a festival Passover occurs in late March or early April ( a relative pronoun)

4 It was raining we decided to postpone our camping.( because) I know some people They live in London ( a relative pronou

IV Read the passage carefully then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) and correct the false statements: ( marks)

There are many celebrations throughout the year in Vietnam but Tet or the Lunar New Year is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people Tet usually occurs in late January or early February A few days before Tet is the time for people to clean and decorate there homes During Tet, people, young and old, enjoy special food cooked on the occasion of Tet It is also the time for family members to be together

1 .The Lunar New Year is another name for Tet .Tet may begin in late December

3 .People often try to make their houses nice and new for Tet .4 Tet is the time for family reunions

* Answer Keys: I.2p

1 was occurs will have haven’t met II 2,5p

1 b c a b b


1 Long, whose mother is in hospital ,is absent from school She's the person who gives me a lift to work

3 Passover is a festival which occurs in late March or early April Because It was raining, we decided to postpone our camping I know some people who live in London

IV/ 2p


Week: 33 Date of making: Period: 61

Unit 10: Life on other planets. Lesson 1: Getting started, listen and read A) The aims andrequets:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about UFOs - They have a chance to listen and speak with their friends

2) Teaching points: Listen and read

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, casstte, tape Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0'): 3) New lesson (38'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

* Getting started:

1 What can you see in the pictures? - I can see UFOs in the pictures

2 What we call them in Vietnamese? - We call them “ Dia bay” in Vietnamese Do you know another word for UFOs? - Flying Saucer

4 Do you think they really exist? - Yes, I

5 Have you ever seen any films on UFOs? - Yes, I have

6 Do you want to see a UFOs? - Yes, I

7 What you want to know about UFOs?

- I want to know what UFOs affect our life on earth If you saw a UFOs, what would you do?

If I saw a UFOs, I would take photos of them or put them on camera

I) Vocabulary:

- spacecraft ['speis'krɑ:ft]: t u ũ trụ - meteor (n) ['mi:tjɔ:]: băng

- evidence (n) ['evidəns]: chứng

- alien (n) ['eiljən]: người h nh tinh khác.à

- capture ['kæpt∫ə](n) : su bắt

- device [di'vais](n): dụng cụ, thiết bị

- claim [kleim]: đòi quyền, nhận l




- Listen and

answer the


- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down


II/ Pre-reading

UFOs are strange flying objects that some people report that they have seen in the sky and believed to be spacecraft from another planet Many scientists not believe so They say that if people see a UFO, it might be an aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor However, there is still evidence for people to believe in the existence of UFOs

III/ While-reading:

- Asks student to read the text and find the word the same meaning with the word given

1 Evidence – proof, support

2 Meteor – falling star or shooting star

3 Aliens – unknown, strange people or things Collecting – bringing together or gathering Captured – caught as prisoner

6 Disappeared – became impossible to see - Asks students to the exercise in page 84

a An aircraft, a weather balloon or a meteor can be mistaken for an alien spacecraft

b In 1947, a pilot saw nine large round objects traveling at about 2,800 meters an hour.

c There were over 1,500 UFO sightings worldwide in 1952

d In 1954, a woman and her children saw a UFO above their house

e A farmer saw an egg shaped object in one of his fields and also aliens collecting soil samples in 1964 f In 1971, two men claimed they were captured by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft.

g A pilot and his plane disappeared after sighting a UFO in 1978

h In 1981, a French man reported that he saw a plate-like device at a tree top 30 meters away from his garden


- Work


- Compare and check

- Do the exercise

4) Consolidation (03'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write the answer for the question: What would you if you saw a UFO?

Week: 34 Date of making: 16/04/2010

Period: 62 Date of teaching: 19/04/2010

Unit 10: Life on other planets. Lesson 2: Speak and Language focus 1,2 A) The aims and requets:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk to one another about what they think there might be on Mars, on the moon and on other planets

- They have a chance to speak with their friends


B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book II) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (05'):

Questions Answers

 Answer the question:

What would you if you saw a UFO ?

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocaulary:

- minerals ['minərəl] (n): khoáng sản

- gemstone ['dʒemstoun] (n): đá quí

- sparkling ['spɑ:kliη] (adj): lấp lánh

- creature ['kri:t∫ə](n): sinh vật

- trace [treis](n): dấu vết

- microorganism [,maikrou'ɔ:gənizm](n): vi sinh vật

- precious ['pre∫əs] (adj): có giá trị, quý

+ Checking voabulary: Rubout and remember II) Presentation:

* Modal verbs: May/ Might.

Form: May/ Might + Verb infinitive

Use: we use May/ Might to talk about present or future possibility.

A space tourist traveled to Mars He saw many things there and noted them down These are drawing of things Try to guess and match the drawings with their names

Words Drawings

Plants Water Mountains Gemstones Minerals

Little creatures Gas

* Practice: Use the drawings to drill What’s this?

- This may be water on Mars What are they?

- They may be minerals on Mars What are they?

- They might be plants on Mars What’s this?

- This may be gas on Mars What are they?

- They may be gemstones on Mars What are they?

- They may be little creatures

- Asks student to read * Language focus 2.




- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Listen and copy down


a If Ba forgets his lunch, he’ll be hungry at lunch time b Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry

c If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup

d Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early

e If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy

* Conditional sentences type 2:

- Form:

If clause Main clause Simple past tense Future in the past. ( If + S + Ved2 S+ would/ could/ might + V) + Were

- Use: we use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikely present or future situations.

Ex: If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world.*

- Work


- Listen

4) Consolidation (04'):

- Do language Focus

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

Week: 34 Date of making: 16/04/2010

Period: 65 Date of teaching: 21/04/2010

Correct the test A) The aims:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know his/ her mark

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how mark they have and what they need to in the future

2) Teaching points: Recite students’ test paper

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, test papers, keys

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (15 ):

Do the test 15 minutes:

I-Fill in the gaps with "Who or Which (5 points)

1- It was Jack ………came late for the meeting

2- Andrew is flying to Sacramento,………is the capital city of California 3- Ba ,………….lives on Trang Tien street ,like playing the guitar

4- It snowed in Lang Son,……….is on the Ky Cung river, in the winter of 2002 5- The machine ………I have to use in my job, cost over a million pounds 6- I have a friend ……… ran in the New York marathon last year

7- My brother has told me about the festival ……….is held in Hue city every two years

8- Easter is a joyful festival ………is celebrated in many countries

9- Tomorrow I’ll go to the airport to meet my friend,……… come to stay with us during the Christmas


II- Choose the right word in bracket (5 points)

1 What’s the name of the girl (who/which) is singing on the stage? (Because/Even though) I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain The (tide/tidal) wave traveled from Alaska to California

4 A huge earthquake (strike/struck) the city of Kobe in Japan It’s very kind (of/for) you to help me with my homework

3) New lesson (24'):

I/ hand in papers test

-Ask ps to look at their test and compare with their friends - Ask ps to look carefully at the mistakes

- Comment the test II/ Correct the test

- Ask ps to go to the board and the test again - Ask ps to give in the notebook

- Ask ps to retell grammar tested in the test

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Prepare new lesson

Week: 35 Date of making: 21/ 4/ 2010

Period: 66 Date of teaching: 26/4/2010

Unit 10: Life on other planets. Lesson 3: Listen and language focus 3, A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a rather long talk about the moon and be more confident in True or False listening comprehension exercise

- They have a chance to listen

2) Teaching points: Listen for the tape about the moon

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, casstte, tape, poster

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?


Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities I) Vocabulary:

- expert ['ekspə:t] (n): chuyªn gia - crater ['kreitə](n): hè, miƯng nói lưa - one – sixth: phần s¸u

- two – fifth: hai phần năm

- science for Fun program: chương trình khoa hc vui - Olympic Champion: Vô ch Olympic

+ Checking voabulary: Rubout and remember II) Listen:

- Asks student to look at the poster and read the sentences and choose which one is True and which one is False

a There is no air on the moon

b There are rivers and lakes on the moon c There is no sound on the moon

d It is very cold at night on the moon

e During the day the temperature is even lower f There are great round holes on the moon g There are no mountains on the moon h You will weigh kilo heavier on the moon i You will be able to jump very high on the moon j One day on the moon lasts for two weeks

- Asks students to listen to the tape times and check their prediction

- Asks students to listen again the tape and answer the questions:

1 What is the temperature on the moon at night?

2 What is the temperature on the moon during the day? What is the height of the highest mountains on the moon?

4 Why won’t you sleep well on the moon?

* Answers:

1 About 151C below zero About 100 C above zero

3 About 26,000 feet or 8,000 meters high

4 Because one day on the moon lasts two weeks

Language focus 3.

b If Mr Loc had a car, he would drive it to work

c If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would visit Sai Gon Water Park

d If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time e If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day f If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well g If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades

h If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer



05’ 09’



- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down - Work in pairs

* Answers: a, c, d, f, i, j - Work in pairs

4) Consolidation ( 02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write the answer for the question: Is there life on the moon? Why or Why not?


Period: 67 Date of teaching: 28/4/2010 Unit 10: Life on other planets.

Lesson 4: Read A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text about a space trip

- They have a chance to read an English text

2) Teaching points: Read about the space trip

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, casstte, tape Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Give correct form of the verbs

3) New lesson (32'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I) Vocabulary: - push – up: hít đất

- (to) orbit ['ɔ:bit]: theo quĩ đạo - totally ['toutəli] (adv): hoàn toàn

- marvelous ['mɑ:vələs] (adj): tuyệt diệu, kỳ diệu - physical condition: tình trạng thÓ chÊt, thÓ lc + Checking voabulary: What and where

II) Reading:

* Ordering statements.

- Asks students to read the phrases from 1-5 (page 87) and guess the order of the phrases:

1 get a letter from a doctor to show you are in perfect health

2 see pictures of the earth, its interesting places, and the stars from very far

3 feel free and enjoy wonderful feeling

4 get ready and be in an excellent physical condition get on the trip

- Asks students to read the text and check their prediction:

a – 4, b – 1, c – 5, d – 2, e – * Comprehension questions:

- Asks students to read the text again and answers the questions:

1 What will you have to if you decide to take a space trip?

- If you decide to take a space trip, you’ll have to run a lot, swim everyday, and aerobics and push – ups to have an excellent physical condition

2 What must you if you want to show you are in perfect health?

- If you want to show you are in perfect health, you must get a letter from a letter

3 What scenes on the earth can you see from the outer space?





- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Listen

- Work



- You can see pictures of the earth: your country, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the tall mountains

4 How many times a day can you see these scenes? - We can see those scenes 16 times a day

5 What things can you while you are in orbit that you cannot when you are on the earth?

- We can walk on the wall or on the ceiling

6 First, I woule get ready and be in excellent physical condition I would run a lot, swim everyday, and aerobics and push – ups Then, I would get a letter from a doctor to show I am in good health… I would like to bring…

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary

- Write about the works that you are going to prepare for the trip in space?

Week: 36 Date of making: 28/4/2010

Period: 68 Date of teaching: 03/5/2010

Unit 10: Life on other planets. Lesson 5: Write

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary about life on other planets

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs

- They have a chance to write English

2) Teaching points: Write the existence of UFOs

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead.

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (07'):

Questions Answers

* Give correct form of the verbs

3) New lesson (32'):


I) Vocabulary:

- imagination [i,mỉdʒi'nei∫n] (n): sù tëng tỵng - trick [trik] (n): mĐo, kü x¶o

- man – like creature ['kri:t∫ə]: sinh vËt gièng ngêi - mysterious [mis'tiəriəs] (adj): bÝ hiÓm

- flying saucer ['sɔ:sə] (n): đĩa bay + Checking voabulary: Slap the board II) Write:

- Asks students to the exercise 6a (page 88) by matching




II I don’t believe there exist UFOs even though many newspapers talk a lot about them

2 Body

III First, flying sauces might be aircrafts, balloons, clouds or tricks of light Secondly, there are not enough photos showing clearly the shapes of the UFOs Moreover, if there are UFOs, there will certainly be traces of their landing on the ground

3 Conclusion

I Therefore, UFOs are just the imagination of some writers and they exist only in films for entertainment

- Asks students to read the text between An and Ba about UFOs and answer the questions:

* Questions:

1 Does An believe there are UFOs? - No, he doesn’t

2 Does Ba believe in UFOs? - Yes, he does

3 What does An think about UFOs?

- He thinks that It might be people’s imagination Why does Ba think UFOs exist?

- Because newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many people around the world say they have seen flying sauces

5 What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs?

- There are plenty of photos of them are the mysterious circles on the fields

- Asks students to use Ba’s opinions and write about the exist UFOs

- Limits the time for students to write and check their writing if necessary





- Listen

- Listen and read

in choral,

individually - Copy down

- Work


- Work


- Work


4) Consolidation (02'): - Retell the content 5) Homework (02'):

- Learn vocabulary


Week: 37 Date of making: Period: 66-68

Revision for the second term A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- Helps students know some vocabulary and the knowledge from Unit to Unit 10

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review all the strutures that they have learnt

- They have a chance to exercise

2) Teaching points: Review

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, English book, overhead.

Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book C) Procedures:

1) Organization: (02') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today?

- Who’s absent today? - How are you today?

2) Checking up and warm up (0 ):

3) New lesson (39'):

Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities

I Grammar:

1 Relative clauses:

+ Who is used for people + Which is used for thing

+ That is used for both Who or Which

2 Defining and non – defining relative clauses:

- Asks students to distingwish defining and non – defining relative clauses

- Defining relative clauses identify nouns and these clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker means - Non – defining relative clauses give more information about a person or thing already identified when we write these clauses, we put commas at the beginning of the clause and often at the end of the clause

- We can not use “ that” in a non – defining relative clause

- In a non – defining relative clause we can not leave out Who or Which

3 Modal verbs: May/ Might.

Form: May/ Might + Verb infinitive

Use: we use May/ Might to talk about present or future possibility.

4 Conditional sentences type 2:

- Form:

If clause Main clause Simple past tense Future in the past. ( If + S + Ved2 S+ would/ could/ might + V)


- Listen - Review


+ Were II? Prectice:

* Join the sentences using WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHICH or WHOSE:

1. She’s the girl She works in the library

2. Corfu is an island It has many beautiful beaches

3. Here’s the alarm clock I bought it yesterday

4. I’ve spoken to John His house was burgled last Monday

5. That’s the lady Her jewellery was stolen

6. That is the radio I won it in the competition

7. John is the man His house was destroyed by the fire

8. There is the hospital I was born there

9. That was the summer I met my wife then

10.That is Fiona Webb She is a famous dancer

11.France is the country The best wine is produced there

12.1945 was the year The Second World War ended then

13.That’s the hotel I stayed there last summer.

14.August is the month Most people go on holiday then

*Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms

1 If we keep our environment clean, we(live) a happier and healthier life

2 If Mrs Hoa (write) a shopping list, she will not forget what to buy

3 If he (be) rich, he would travel around the world She (buy) a new car if she had much money Mrs Lan will join us if she (finish) her work early If we plant more trees along the streets, we (have) … more shade and fresh air

7 If I (be) you, I wouldn’t that 8.He (go) swimming if he had free time


- Combine


- Work

individually - Pairwork - Give answer

- Combine


- Work

individually - Pairwork - Give answer

4) Consolidation (02'):

- Retell the content

5) Homework (02'):

- Prepare for test

Period: 70

KiÓm tra học kỳ II

(Đề phũng giáo dục Đào tạo Ngha n)

A) The aims and requests:

1) Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to apply the structures to exercises

- They have a chance to the test and check how they have learned in the first term

2) Teaching points: Do the test

B) Preparation: Teacher’s: The test paper for students


Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 11:35


