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- T turns on the tape twice. - Ss listen and read. - T calls two good students to read again the dialogues. - T gives the instructions: Read again the dialogue and check again your predi[r]



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Pronounce the two sounds / t∫ / and / dʒ / with increased fluency and accuracy  Use the lexical items related to arrangements for a trip

 Use prepositions to talk about places

 Use past participles and the passive voice to talk about actions or events in the past

 Read a passage about the first university in Viet Nam for specific information  Listen to a passage about a famous person for specific information

 Write a short passage about a historic place

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing - Students will be educated Ss to study harder to join a university

II Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills


Date of preparing: Period: 41 UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIET NAM


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Mai and Mai’s mum to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about the first university in Viet Nam

+ Vocabulary: consider, Temple of Literature, cultural, contain, pagoda + Grammar:

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students study harder to join a university B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Brainstorming, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmer: (5’) * Brainstorming

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down as many things you take a trip to a temple or a pagoda as possible


blanket - T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers :

bottled water, warm clothes, food, drinks, tent III New lesson:

Step : Pre-reading(10’) * Vocabulary.

- Temple of Literature (n): Văn miếu - cultural (adj):

- consider (v): coi - contain (v): bao gồm

* Concept check: Rub out and remember - Each time, T rubs out one English word but not Vietnamese - Ss chorus the words which T has rubbed

- T and Ss the same with another word

- When all the words are rubbed out , Ss chorus all the words one time

- T asks Ss to come to the board and write again all the words which he / she has rubbed ( one S can write one word only )

- T corrects

- T asks Ss to copy down


* Pre-questions ( Part p.59)

- T asks Ss to look at the picture then asks some questions Who are they?

What are they doing?

What are they talking about?

- Then, T asks Ss to have a quick look at the conversation and ask and answer question, such as:

Who is talking? What are they talking about?

T plays the recoding and has Ss follow along T may want to ask Ss to read the conversation aloud in pairs

Step : While - reading(20’)

* Activity 1: Listen and read then check: - T says: You’ll listen and read the dialogue

- T gives the instructions: You look at the dialogue then listen to the tape and check your prediction

- T turns on the tape twice - Ss listen and read

- T calls two good students to read again the dialogues - T asks the others to correct

- T corrects Ss' mistakes

- T gives the instructions: Read again the dialogue and check again your prediction - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually in about minutes then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers

- T corrects + Answer key:

Mai and Mai’s mum


* Activity 2: Questions ( Part a p 59)

- T shows the poster with questions on the board - T runs through the poster

- T gives the instructions: Read again the dialogue then asks Ss answer the questions in pairs

- T models the first one

1 She’s going to visit the Temple of Literature- the Imperial Academy. - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in their table in minutes - T calls one by one student to give the answers - T corrects

+ Answer key:

1 She’s going to visit the Temple of Literature-the Imperial Academy. 2 It’s the first university in Viet Nam

3 About one thousand years ago./In the 11th century. 4 In the centre of Ha Noi

5 Because it will be cold

* Activity 3:Complete the table( Part b p 59)

- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and underline the things Mai needs to take and why

- T models one

+ Things Mai needs to take and why warm clothes – will be cold

- Ss should also underline the things Mai doesn’t need to take and why not - Then have Ss wire the words/phrases/sentences in the correct columns T corrects the answers as a class



- warm clothes – will be cold

- camera – take photos of interesting things Things Mai doesn’t need to take and why not:

- an umbrella- cold (winter) and not much sunlight or rain * Activity ( Part p 59)

+ Part 2:

a Look at the table and tick the items you would like to take with you - Have Ss imagine that they are going to have a trip to a temple or a pagoda a - T asks Ss to look at the table and tick the items they would like to take with them blanket warm clothes tent

bottled water ball umbrella camera mobile phone food

b T asks Ss to tell their partners three items they would like to take and give the reasons why

ex: I’ll take warm clothes because it’ll be cold c c Giving advice

T asks one S to suggest a place he/she wants to go, and one St to give advice about things to take, then give reasons Remind Ss of the structures they can use to give advice:

Y You’d better take… because…

It’s It’s a good idea to take… because… You won’t need… because …

It’s not necessary to take… because … Step 3: Post - reading(7’)

+ Part 3: Arrangements for a trip

- T asks Ss to work in groups about how to plan a trip to a place - T models one


We’ll go to Huong pagoda.

- T checks Ss understanding

Where to go Huong Pagoda

When to go Who to go with How to get there What to take What to

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner IV Summary: (1’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary - Do the exercises in the work book: 1, and in part B - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 2: A closer look * EVALUATION:

-@ -Date of preparing: Period: 42 UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIET NAM


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get some more words to talk about the first university in Viet Nam then practice to pronounce the sounds / t∫ / and / dʒ / + Vocabulary: review


- Skills: Practice and develop listening and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students study harder to join a university B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record

C METHODS: Matching, discussion,description, listen and write, listen and repeat the chant

D PROCEDURE: I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmer: (4’) * Matching ( part p 60)

- T hangs the poster on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: You match the words with the pictures


d e

- T models the first one - d - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss' answers then corrects

+ Answer keys.

- d - b - c - a

- e III New lesson:

Activity Complete the lay out ( Part p 60)(7’)

- T hangs the poster which has the contents of part p 60 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: look at the layout of the Temple of Literature – the Imperial Academy

- T asks Ss to guess the names of the sections in the layout - T models the first one

Van Mieu gate - T checks Ss’ understanding


- Play the recording a third time for Ss to check the answer Ss compare their answer in pairs or groups T may correct the exercise as a class

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

1 Van Mieu Gate Khue Van Pavilion 3 Thien Quang Tinh Well Doctor’s stone tables 5 The Temple of Literature

Activity 2: Describe the lay out ( Part p 60).(13’) - T shows the poster on the board then runs through

- Have Ss describe the layout using the prepositions suggested T may ask some Ss to write the sentences on the broad Then asks some Ss to give the descriptions of the layout for the class

- T models one

Thien Quang Tinh Well is in the middle of Doctor’s stone tablets - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs

- T walks around to see and helps Ss - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

Activity 3: Pronunciation / t / and / d ʒ /.18’)

* Listen and write the words in the correct colunm ( Part p 60 ) - T models the two sounds with / t∫ / and / dʒ /

- T shows the words and has some Ss read out

- T asks Ss to listen and write the words in the correct colunms - T plays the recording twice

- T plays the recording and Ss repeat, paying attention to the sounds and - T may pause the recording to drill difficult items Then Ss write the word in the correct columns


- T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

Key: / t∫ / : children, chair, architectural, cultural, watch, teach, question / dʒ /: Job, jeans, engineer, heritage, village

* Listen and repeat the chant ( Part p 60)

- T plays the recording twice First allow Ss to listen and repeat the chant sentence by sentence

- T asks them to observe the T’s lip position for the two sounds / t∫ / and / dʒ / - Then ask them to sing the chants in groups

* Write the words from with the sounds / t / and / d ʒ / in the right colunms T shows the table then runs through

/ t / / dʒ /

- T asks them to listen and put the words in the correct column in the table - T plays the recording twice

- Ss listen individually then they compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers then T gives feedback and has Ss repeat the sounds as the class + Answer key:

/ t / / dʒ /

chicken, chop, cherry, children, chip, cheap, cheaper, which, lunch

orange, jam, juice, Jill, John

IV Summary: (1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the sounds / t∫ / and / dʒ /

V Homework: (1’)

- Learn by heart vocabulary


- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 3: A closer look * EVALUATION:

-@ -Date of preparing: Period: 43 UNIT 6: THE FIRST UNIVERSITY IN VIET NAM


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use and practice the present simple passive voice

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: the present simple passive voice

- Skills: practice and develop speaking, listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to love their country and study harder to join university


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, pictures and the posters


Chatting, complete the sentences, complete the passage, write sentences, ordering D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / warmer (3’)

Chatting: Have you ever been to the Temple of Literature? How many gates and courtyards are there ? 3.What can you see there?

4.How did you feel? III New lesson:

A.The passive voice ( the present simple passive) Step 1: Presentation (5’)

- T asks Ss too look at the table and explains how the present simple passive is used (we use the present simple passive to emphasize the action being done) and how it is formed (affirmative, negative )

- Let Ss read the example below the table

Example : The Temple of Literature is visited by thousands of people.

- Ss read the sentence in the Look Out ! box to have better understanding about the passive voice (In the passive voice the person or thing doing the actor is placed at the end)

* Concept check

? When we use present simple tense ?

- When the action is more important than the person ? Is it more common in writing or speaking?

- It is more common in writing than speaking. ? How is verb in the passive voice?

- change into Part participle

?Where is the person/ thing doing the action in the passive voice? - It is usually placed at the end.

Step :Practice (10’)


- T shows the poster that has the contents of part p 61 then runs through - T models one

located - T checks Ss’ understanding

- T asks Ss to complete the exercise individually

- First , Ss read the passage and guess the appropriate word that can be put in each gap

- Then , they have to change the verbs given in the box into the past participle - Finally , Ss write the past participle of the verbs in the corrects gaps

- T corrects the answers with the class KEY

located surrounded displayed taken 5.considered

* Write the sentences ( Part p 61)

- T shows the poster that has the contents of part p 61 then runs through - T asks Ss to read the example

The Temple/ by Vietnamese people and foreign tourists (visit) - The Temple is visited by Vietnames people and foreign tourists - T checks Ss’ understanding

- T asks Ss to this activity in pairs

- T controls then gets Ss’ answers then corrects

- T asks one student to read his/her answer aloud in front of the class The class listens and gives comments


1 Many precious relics are displayed in the Temple of Literature

2 Many old trees and beautiful flowers are taken care of by the gardeners

3 Lots of souvenirs are sold inside the Temple of Literature


5 The Temple of literature is considered one the most important cultural and historical places in Viet Nam

Step 3: Production ( 5’)

Make sentences in the present passive (Part 3- p61)

- T asks Ss to work in groups of 5, look at the box and write the sentences using words to talk about the Temple of Literature

- T models one: The Temple of Literature is surrounded by brick walls. - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss write on the poster in their groups - T gets some groups’ writings then corrects + Answer key:

The courtyards in the Temple of Literature are cleaned everyday. Food and drink are not sold in the Temple of Literature.

The tickets are sold outside the Temple of Literature. B.The passive voice ( the past simple passive) Step 1: Presentation (5’)

- T asks Ss to look at the table and explains how the past simple passive is used (we use the past simple passive to emphasize the action being done in the past) and how it is formed (affirmative, negative )

- Let Ss read the example below the table

Example: The One Pillar Pagoda was built in 1049. The Temple of Literature was not built in 1049. T asks Ss to note verb tobe ( past)

Step :Practice (7’)

* Complete the sentences (Part 4.p 62)

- T shows the poster that has the contents of part p 62 then runs through - T models one


- T checks Ss’ understanding

- T asks Ss to exercise individually

- Then, asks them to share their answers in pairs or groups T may correct the answers with the class

Key: was constructed were regarded renamed * Order the sentences (Part 5.p 62)

- T shows the poster that has the contents of part p 62 then runs through - T models one

D - T checks Ss’ understanding

- T asks Ss to read and put the passage in the correct order Then have Ss circle or underline the phrase/sentences in the past simple passive voice

Key: D-C-A-B Suggestions:

was built, was used, were very well educated, were selected, were carefully prepared Step 3: Production ( 6’)

Make sentences in the present and past passive voice (Part 6- p62)

- T asks Ss to make as many setences as possible about the topics the given, using the present or past simple passive voice

For example:

The One Pillar Pagoda is located in the centre of Ha Noi. The One Pillar Pagoda was built in 1049.

T asks Ss to write their sentences on the board, the rest of the class observes and gives comments or corrects the mistakes

IV Summary: (1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (2’)


- Finish part p 62 at home

- Do the exercises: 4, 5, in part B

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:37

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