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đề kiểm tra anh 7 thi điêm số 4

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đề kiểm tra anh 7 thi điêm số 4 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

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MARKS: 3.What does Mary choose to do? Which photo does Nick’s dad choose ? How does Sue’s mum go to work? B USE OF ENGLISH I *Find the word which has different stress pattern A holiday B different C pollution D dangerous A abundant B attention C advantage D Energy * Find the word that has a different sound in the part underlined A.decided B played C listened D enjoyed A.plays B looks C wants D helps II Choose the best option ( A, B,C,D) to complete each sentence 1.Nuclear power .in the future A will replace B replaced C will be replaced D replaces 2.My father .a lot last year, but this year he doesn’t any more A smokes B used to smoke C smoking D gets used to smoke 3.It’s really difficult to .a bicycle up the hill A fly B drive C pedal D sail 4.At this time next week, we a test on souces of energy A will take B take C will be taking D are taking 5.My children often sleep while they are a plane A in B on C by D books are here are there A.Theirs / ours B Their / our C Theirs / our D Their / ours C READING AND WRITING I Read the following passage, then choose a word from the box and write the correct word next to numbers 1-5 There is one exemple roofs garden non - polluting polluting the moon are renewable the sun Solar energy is a long lasting source (0) of energy, and it can be used almost anywhere To generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and (1) ! Solar cells can easily be installed on house (2) , so we don’t need any new space Compared to other (3) sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power rely on turbines which (4) .noisy, expensive and which take up large space Solar cells are totally silent and (5) As they have no moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime II Read the text and answer the questions URBAN TRANSPORT PODS The people living in Milton Keynes, a town about 70 kilometres northwest of London, have been introduced to a new transport experience when they use “pods” to travel on certain routes The pods are a kind of driverless cars which travel at 19km/h and are able to transport two people and their luggage There is a touchscreen in windshield of the pods where passengers select their terminal During the trip they can also read the news, check emails or play video games on the screen Powered by electric motors, the pods have ultrasonic sensors and a GPS system that help themselves know where they are going and how to avoid obstacles along the way People can use a smartphone app to hail a pod in the street Do you think this way of transport will appear in cities in Viet Nam soon? 1.Where is the project introduced? 2.What can passengers with the touchscreen? 3.Are pods a type of robot cars? 4.What enables pobs to know where they are going and how to avoid obstacles? 5.Are pods eco- friendly? III * Make up meaningful sentences using the words and phrases given 1.earth’s / fossil / fuels / running / out 2.we / looking / for / other alternative / sources / energy * Change the sentences into the passive voice 1.They will build a hydropower station in the North of the country next year A hydropower station 2.They sell these chemicals everywhere in my hometown These chemicals 3.My children will turn off the lights when going to bed The lights IV Write a short passage about what we should to save energy Name: Class:7A…… English test No 1 Time: 45' I. Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar 1. Choose out one word that has tress position different from three others (1m) A. restaurant B. amazing C. comfortable D. dishwasher A. finish B. favorite C. apartment D. dryer A. modern B. terrible C. expensive D. orange A. hospital B. newspaper C. vegetable D. electric A. unhappy B. dilicious C. worried D. excuse 2. Write the correct tense of the verbs : ( 1 m) - Mr. Thanh __1___ ( be ) a doctor. He ____2____ (work) in a hospital in the center of the city. Everyday he _____3____ (catch) the bus to work. - What's your sister _____4___ (do) now? - She ____5____ (cook) dinner in the kitchen - We ____6_____ (not go) camping on next Sunday. We ___7_______ (visit) the museum. - Miss Van is a journalist. She ___8_____ (not write) for Lao Dong newspaper. She ____9____ (write) for Nhan Dan newspaper. He ____10____ (like) his job II. Writing 3. Rewrite the sentences keeping their meanings (2m) 0. The living room is very lovely.-> What a lovely living room ! 1. The bed is very comfortable ->What …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The movie is very boring. ->What…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. No one in the group is taller than Trung -> Trung …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The black car is cheaper than the red car -> the red car…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. No houses in the neighbourhood is more beautiful than my house -> My house…………………………………………………………………………………………………… III. Speaking 4. Write the questions for the answers (2m) 1 _____________________________? - My name is Hoa 2 _____________________________? - I am a doctor 3.___________________________ __? - I live in Hue 4._____________________________ ? - I am 25 years old 5.______________________________? - It’s about 20 kms from my house to the hospital IV. Reading: read the text and do the tasks below 1 Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer which I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. In the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines. 1. Multiple-Choice Comprehension Check Questions (1m) Choose the correct answer based on the reading. Click on the arrow to check your answer. 1. What do I need to do in my office? A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines 2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk? A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier 3. Where are the pictures of my family located? A) on the wall B) next to the lamp C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax 4. I use the lamp to read: A) all day B) never C) in the morning D) in the evening 5. Where do I keep the paperclips? A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone 2.True Or False (1m) Decide if the statements are 'true' or 'false' based on the reading. 1. I work late every night. 2. I use highlighters to help me remember important information. 3. I also read industry magazines in my office 4. It is important to me to feel comfortable at work V. Listening Listen to the text and fill in the personal card (2 Ms) Full name:……(1)…………………………………………… Age:………(2)…………………………………………………… Job:………(3)…………………………………………………… Place of wok:……(4)…………………………………………… Distance from Trờng THCS Quảng Tiến đề kiểm tra 1 tiết - bài số 1 Học kỳ I - năm học 2007-2008 Môn tiếng anh- lớp 7 Thời gian làm bài 45 phút *** Họ và tên: Lớp . SBD . Phòng I/ Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ để điền vào chỗ trống: 1. _____________ are you doing? A- What B- Who C- When 2. Children should ____________ to bed early. A- to go B- go C- giong 3. ___________ don't you come to my house? Ok - Let's go. A- Let's B- What C- Why 4. Tam enjoys __________ soccer. A- playing B- to play C- play 5. Nga is ____________ a play for the school aniversary celebration. A- making B- rehearsing C- practicing 6. What about ____________ Ha Long Bay? A- to visit B- visit C- visiting 7. It's time __________ recess. A- on B- for C- to 8. Mai learns ___________ to use a computer. A- what B- when C- how 9. My brother is good ___________ English. A- at B- in C- with 10. Tim and Hoa are the same ____________ A- years old B- in C- age II/ a) Sắp xếp các từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Ví dụ: the / never / she / does / house work. -> She never does the house work. Điểm Lời nhận xét của giáo viên Đề chẵn 1. always / church / he / to / goes / Sundays / on. -> He . 2. library / I / in / study / school / after / the / sometimes. -> I b) Cho d¹ng hoÆc th× ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong ngoÆc. 1. Minh usually (play) __________ volley ball after school. 2. Let's (go) ____________ to the English club. 3. My sister (listen) __________ to music at the moment. 3. We are good at (make) __________ cakes. III/ Tr¶ lêi c¸c c©u hái vÒ b¹n: 1. What do you usually do after school? . 2. How ofter do you listen to music? 3. Are you good at English? 4. What sports do you like playing? Trờng THCS Quảng Tiến đề kiểm tra 1 tiết - bài số 1 Học kỳ I - năm học 2007-2008 Môn tiếng anh- lớp 7 Thời gian làm bài 45 phút *** Họ và tên: Lớp . SBD . Phòng I/ Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ để điền vào chỗ trống: 1. _____________ are you doing? A- What B- Who C- When 2. Children should ____________ to bed early. A- to go B- go C- giong 3. ___________ don't you come to my house? Ok - Let's go. A- Let's B- What C- Why 4. Tam enjoys __________ soccer. A- playing B- to play C- play 5. Nga is ____________ a play for the school aniversary celebration. A- making B- rehearsing C- practicing 6. What about ____________ Ha Long Bay? A- to visit B- visit C- visiting 7. It's time __________ recess. A- on B- for C- to 8. Mai learns ___________ to use a computer. A- what B- when C- how 9. My brother is good ___________ English. A- at B- in C- with 10. Tim and Hoa are the same ____________ A- years old B- in C- age II/ a) Sắp xếp các từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh. Ví dụ: the / never / she / does / house work. -> She never does the house work. Điểm Lời nhận xét của giáo viên Đề lẻ 1. always / church / he / to / goes / Sundays / on. -> He . 2. library / I / in / study / school / after / the / sometimes. -> I b) Cho dạng hoặc thì đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. Minh usually (play) __________ volley ball after school. 2. Let's (go) ____________ to the English club. 3. My sister (listen) __________ to music at the moment. 3. We are good at (make) __________ cakes. III/ Sắp xếp các danh từ vào các nhóm thích hợp. catch skiprope history computerscience math atlas calculator bell basketball ball physics earphones blindman'sbluff guitar literture soccer biology Subjects (môn học) things (đồ vật) activitius (hoạt động) History atlas catch ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ DIEMDIEN LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL Name: ………………………………………. Class: ……………………………………….. TEST 45 MINUTES - NUMBER 1 ENGLISH 7 WRITTEN TEST 45’ I- Reading (2 marks) : Choose A, B or C to fill in the blank to complete the text. There are many reasons (1)………… it is important to have a hobby. First of all, a hobby can be a cure for your (2)…………. Because it is the activity you choose for yourself, it will always gives you pleasure and (3) …………..you relax. Even if you spend a little time enjoying your hobby, you can see the difference (4)……….in your spirit. Second, some hobbies can also(5)…………you financially. Many old people enjoy gardening. They grow a lot of trees and vegetables, so they can sell them for some money. In(6) …………, a hobby can help you connect with other people. If you like collecting stamps, you can (7)………….. a stamp club to share your albums with other collectors. If your hobby is carving eggshells, you can give your products to your friends (8)……….. gifts. 1. A.for B.why C.because 2. A.happiness B.pain C.tiredness 3. A.help B.have C.do 4. A. for B.in C.on 5. A.harm B.give C.benifit 6. A.addition B.general C.conclusion 7. A.take part B.go C.join 8. A. like B.as C.for II- Language focus (6 marks) Ex1. (2marks)Write 2 words with each letters as examples. 1./ɜː/ : hurt ;………......................................... 2./ə/ : common ;…………................................ 3./f/ : fat ;.......................................................... 4./v/ : vat ;…………….................................... Ex2.(2marks) Complete the table with 2 activities for each action verb. action verbs go play do collect listen to watch activities swimming; cycling Ex3.(2marks) Put the verb in the correct form. 1. I enjoy (fish)………….. because it (be)………… interesting. 2. Don’t worry. I (go)………..……… boating with you tomorrow. 3. My friends hate (eat)…………junk food. They thinks it (cost)………. a lot of money. 4. My parents like (live)………….in the countryside. 5. We(go) …………….. to the movies theater twice a month. We all love(watch)……… the latest films. III.Writing (2marks) : Rearrange the words to form the sentences about healthy living. 1. apple/keeps/An/day/doctor/ a/ the/ away. …………………………………………………………………..………………. 2. sleep/ are/ the/ cures/ A/ good/ and/ best/ laugh/ a/ long. ……………………………………………………………………………………. 3.eat/ not/ live/ Eat/ to / live/ to/,/ ………………………………………………….…………………………………. 4.thirds/ health/ Hygiene/ two/ of/ is. …………………………………………………………….………………………. 5.good/ eat/ cheerfully/ To/ health/ :/ lightly/ ensure/and/ laugh. ……………………………………………………………………………………… The end ... questions URBAN TRANSPORT PODS The people living in Milton Keynes, a town about 70 kilometres northwest of London, have been introduced to a new transport experience when they use “pods” to travel on... year, but this year he doesn’t any more A smokes B used to smoke C smoking D gets used to smoke 3.It’s really difficult to .a bicycle up the hill A fly B drive C pedal D sail 4. At this time... “pods” to travel on certain routes The pods are a kind of driverless cars which travel at 19km/h and are able to transport two people and their luggage There is a touchscreen in windshield of

Ngày đăng: 27/04/2016, 18:24

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