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ĐỀ KIEM TRA ANH 7 - TEST 1 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực k...

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A see B to see C seeing What awful day! A a B an C the Mai’s brother is a He writes for some newspapers A journalist B engineer C fireman Hoa’s school is than Lan’s school A more bigB bigger C more bigger III Give correct form of the verbs in brackets (2.0pts) Mr Hung is a doctor He (work) ……… …….in a hospital Every day he (catch) … .……… the bus to work We (not play)…… ……soccer tomorrow What ……… your father (do) ……………………now? - He (watch) …… .……………TV in the living room She’d like (come) …………… with us Hoa (be) 13 on her next birthday Ba (not have) many friends in her new school Part C: READING II Read the passage and answer the questions below (2.0pts) I am Hoa I live with my parents in a small town in Hanoi My parents are workers, and they work in a factory Every day, they go to work to the factory early in the morning and come back late in the afternoon They go to work by bus My school is not far from my house so I often go to school on foot I often the housework to help my parents The next Sunday will be my thirteenth birthday I’ll invite some of my classmates to join in my birthday party at my house Where does Hoa live ? ……………………………………………………… How Hoa’s parents go to work? ……………………………………………………… Why does Hoa go to school on foot? ……………………………………………………… How old will she be next Sunday? ……………………………………………………… What will she invite some of her classmates to do? ……………………………………………………… Part D: WRITING I Write the second sentence beginning with the words given so that the meaning stays the same (2.0pts) There is a sink, a tub and a shower in the bathroom => The bathroom …………………………………………………… The picture is very expensive => What …………………………………………………………… ! No houses on the street are older than my house => My house ……………………………………………………… She rides a bike to school every day => She goes ……………………… Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thu Trường THCS Đặng Thai Mai - Vinh ĐỀ THAM KHẢO KIỂM TRA MÔN TIẾNG ANH HỌC KÌ II- LỚP 7 THỜI GIAN LÀM BÀI: 45 PHÚT Nội dung NHẬN BIẾT THÔNG HIỂU VẬN DỤNG I. Listening KQ TL KQ TL KQ TL 5 0,5 5 2,5 II. Reading 5 0,5 5 2,5 Language focus 10 0,25 10 2,5 IV. Writing 5 0,5 5 2,5 Tổng số 10 2,5 10 5 5 2,5 25 10 B. NỘI DUNG ĐỀ I. LISTENING Listen to the passage about Huong. Tick (√) the best option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. (2.5 pts) Huong was absent from class yesterday because she had a bad cold. She had to stay in bed all day. Mother took her temperature three times. Huong took some medicine and drank some orange juice. Now she doesn't have to stay at home. She can go to school , and she feels a lot better. 1. Huong was absent from __________ yesterday. A. the meeting B. discussion C. class 2. She had __________ . A. a headache B. a bad cold C. a toothache 3. __________ took her temperature. A. mother B. father C. brother 4. Now she doesn't have to __________ at home . A. learn B. stay C. cook 5. She feels __________ better. A. lots B. a lot C. a lot of II. READING Read and choose one suitable option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following passage. (2.5 pts) 1 James Cook was born in England in 1728. His parents (1) …… poor farm workers. (2) ……James was 18, he found a job on a coastal ship. He worked on ships until he was 27 years old, and then he joined the navy. He fought (3 ) …… Canada in a war against France. In 1768 King George III made him the captain of a ship and (4) …… him to the Pacific. He was away for nearly three years when he (5) ……, he was a national hero. 1. A. are B. be C. were D. was 2. A. while B. when C. because D. during 3. A. at B. in C. to D. against 4. A. got B sent C. send D. sending 5. A. got B. came C. returned D. arrived III. LANGUAGE FOCUS Choose the best answer to complete the sentences 1) In his letter to me, Tim tells me his life in the USA. A. all things about B. all about C. about all D. all of 2) Could you tell me . to get to the police station? A. what way B. in what way C. what direction D. how 3) Hurry! or you will be late school. A. at B. in C. with D. for 4) Excuse me, could you . the way to the railway station, please? A. tell B. A and D C. explain D. show 5) Excuse me! Is there a souvenir shop . here? A. from B. near C. at D. around 6) I phone my parents A. once every week B. one time a week C. once a week D. a time a week 7) I'd like to mail this letter . my friends in the USA A. to B. up to C. with D. for 8) Do you have . for a 50,000 dong note? A. changing B. a change C. changes D. change 9) Use these stamps to mail letters . A. oversea B. to overseas C. over the sea D. overseas 10)This room is ____ cleaner than that one. A. very B. so C. more D. much IV. WRITING Complete the sentences, using the suggested words: below. (2.5 pts) 1. He/ tell/ me/ not/ talk/ class/ last week 2. You/ look/ well/ than/ you/ yesterday 2 3. I/ happy/ meet/ her/ new school 4. Can/ tell/ me/ how/ get/ post office? 5. books/ English/ as/ thick/ ones/ French …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… The end 3 Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thu Trường THCS Đặng Thai Mai - Vinh Đ ÁP ÁN MÔN TIẾNG ANH HỌC KÌ II- LỚP 7 THỜI GIAN LÀM BÀI: 45 PHÚT Key to English 7 I. LISTENING Listen to the passage about Huong. Tick (√) the best option (A, B or C) to complete the sentences. (2.5 pts) 1. Huong was absent from __________ yesterday. A. the meeting B. discussion C. class 2. She had __________ . A. a headache B. a bad cold C. a toothache 3. __________ took her temperature. A. mother B. father C. brother 4. Now she Name: Class:7A…… English test No 1 Time: 45' I. Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar 1. Choose out one word that has tress position different from three others (1m) A. restaurant B. amazing C. comfortable D. dishwasher A. finish B. favorite C. apartment D. dryer A. modern B. terrible C. expensive D. orange A. hospital B. newspaper C. vegetable D. electric A. unhappy B. dilicious C. worried D. excuse 2. Write the correct tense of the verbs : ( 1 m) - Mr. Thanh __1___ ( be ) a doctor. He ____2____ (work) in a hospital in the center of the city. Everyday he _____3____ (catch) the bus to work. - What's your sister _____4___ (do) now? - She ____5____ (cook) dinner in the kitchen - We ____6_____ (not go) camping on next Sunday. We ___7_______ (visit) the museum. - Miss Van is a journalist. She ___8_____ (not write) for Lao Dong newspaper. She ____9____ (write) for Nhan Dan newspaper. He ____10____ (like) his job II. Writing 3. Rewrite the sentences keeping their meanings (2m) 0. The living room is very lovely.-> What a lovely living room ! 1. The bed is very comfortable ->What …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. The movie is very boring. ->What…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. No one in the group is taller than Trung -> Trung …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. The black car is cheaper than the red car -> the red car…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. No houses in the neighbourhood is more beautiful than my house -> My house…………………………………………………………………………………………………… III. Speaking 4. Write the questions for the answers (2m) 1 _____________________________? - My name is Hoa 2 _____________________________? - I am a doctor 3.___________________________ __? - I live in Hue 4._____________________________ ? - I am 25 years old 5.______________________________? - It’s about 20 kms from my house to the hospital IV. Reading: read the text and do the tasks below 1 Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer which I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. In the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines. 1. Multiple-Choice Comprehension Check Questions (1m) Choose the correct answer based on the reading. Click on the arrow to check your answer. 1. What do I need to do in my office? A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines 2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk? A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier 3. Where are the pictures of my family located? A) on the wall B) next to the lamp C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax 4. I use the lamp to read: A) all day B) never C) in the morning D) in the evening 5. Where do I keep the paperclips? A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone 2.True Or False (1m) Decide if the statements are 'true' or 'false' based on the reading. 1. I work late every night. 2. I use highlighters to help me remember important information. 3. I also read industry magazines in my office 4. It is important to me to feel comfortable at work V. Listening Listen to the text and fill in the personal card (2 Ms) Full name:……(1)…………………………………………… Age:………(2)…………………………………………………… Job:………(3)…………………………………………………… Place of wok:……(4)…………………………………………… Distance from Full name:…………………………. THE SECOND ENGLISH TEST Class 7:……………………………… ( The time allowed 45 minutes) Mark Teacher’s remarks I/ Chose the correct words: 1. He is interested ……………picture books a. in b. on c. of d. with 2. Tam is good …………… Math a. with b. on c. at d. of 3. The yard is very ……………… during recess a. quiet b. noisy c. calm d. sad 4. Come in and ……………… a seat. a. do b. have c. give d. go 5. My father is ……………… . He works on the farm a. teacher b. journalist c. doctor d. farmer 6. How ………… do you play soccer? Once a week. a. long b. far c. often d. much 7. If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late ……………school. a. at b. on c. with d. for 8. She is …………… than Nga a. beautifull b. more beautifull c. most beautifull d. the beautifullest II/ Use the correct verb tense form: 1. What……… you ………(do) now? I ……………(play) soccer. 2. She often ………… (visit) her grandmother. 3. They …………… (drink) cane sugar juice next Sunday. 4. Lan should …………… (study) hard. III/ Read the passage. Then anwser the questions: This is the library in Nhung’s school. It is not large, but it is very nice. In the library, there are a lot of books, novels, readers, magazines, newspapers and pictures. There is also a study area. The library opens at seven o’clock and closes at 11.30 in the morning. Nhung often goes there. She likes reading books in the library. Questions: a. Is Nhung’s school library large? ……………………………………………………………… b. Why does Nhung often go there? ………………………………………………………………… c. What time does it open and close? …………………………………………………………………… d. What does Nhung do in the library? …………………………………………………………………… IV/ Rewrite the same meaningful sentences: 2ms 1. Nga is shorter than Hoa. Hoa ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2. English book is cheaper than math book. Math book………………………………………………………………………. 3. Let’s go to the cinema. Why …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. I want some orange juice. I’d …………………………………………………………………………………………. V/- Write the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. 1.after/study/library/how/the/often/in/school/do/you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. Huong/reading/book/and/her sister/are/a/now. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. you /would/have/like/to/lunch/a? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Nga /more/is/ beautiful/Mr Hoang/than………………………………………………… Full name: …………………………. Full name:…………………………. THE SECOND ENGLISH TEST Class 7:……………………………… (The time allowed 45 minutes) Mark Teacher’s remarks I/- Choose the best answer : 1. I hope the ……… can repair our car quickly. A. mechanic B. reporter C. nurse D. journalist 2. Minh will be eighteen ……… his next birthday. A. in B. at C. of D. on 3. Hoa is ……… television at the moment. A. reading B. watching C. listening C. hearing 4. We study the world rives and mountain rangers in ………… lesson. A. Geogaphy B. History. C. Literature D. Math 5. In …………… we learn how to speak, listen, read and write. A. Physics B. Chemistry C. Math D. English 6. He is a ……… He works in hospital, he takes care of sick people. A. teacher B. doctor C. worker D. mechanic 7. There is …………. Orange juice in the glass. A. a few B. a lots C. lots D. a little 8. Mai is ………. Her math homework at the moment. A. does B. doing C. did D. do II/ Give the correct form of the verb in bracket. 1. He always ……….(do) his homework with his friends. 2. Next Saturday we……….(meet) some best friends at school. 3. What… you … (do) next Summer holiday? 4. What is she doing? She………… (eat) an apple. III/- Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it. 1. Are you go to school now ? ……………………………………… . 2. He play marbles with his friends. ……………………………………… . 3. She do some experiments in Chemistry class. ……………………………………… . 4I seeing a movie tonight ……………………………………… . IV/- Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions below it. Student nowadays have more chances to take part in after – school activeties. Some students stay at school and play such sports as football, badminton, and table tennis. These ĐỀ KIỂM TRA ANH VĂN TEST 7 Questions 1 - 4: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. A. society B. provide C. remote D. promotion A. campaign B. against C. gradually D. struggle A. village B. message C. page D. luggage A. spread B. disease C. health D. pleasure Question 5 – 8: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. A. answer B. begin C. refuse D. complain A. marathon B. maximum C. formally D. effective A. champion B. recite C. female D. general A. contestant B. completion C. remember D.membership Questions 9 - 24: These are incomplete sentences. Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. Not until the early 1900s ________ to vote in the United States. A. women were allowed B. they allowed women C. were women allowed D. when women allowed I ________ Ann against giving the information. A. banned B. objected C. prevented D. warned Suddenly ________ hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate. A. feeling B. having left C. felt D. feels He apologized ________ able to finish the project on time. A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being Nowadays, young men with a technical education _____because of the great demand for highly skilled workmen. A. is well-paid B. should pay well C. are well-paid D. could pay well It is no use ________to school if you ________ to work hard. A. going; do not ready B. to go; do not ready C. going; are not ready D. go; are not ready For work to flow , proper preparations must be made. A. smoothly B. freely C. constantly D. naturally She was worried about ________ A. being robbed B. robbing C. being rob D. be robbing 17. all the papers, Sarah put them back in the file. A. Photocopying B. Having photocopied C. She has photocopied D. After had photocopied Some parents didn't approve __ a lot of television. A. in their children watching B. of their children watching C. on their children watching D. at their children watching This test ______of multiple-choice questions. A. consists on a number B. consists in a number C. consists to a number D. consists of a number While they were tables, he was ______the radio. A. arranging / listening to B. arranging / hearing C. laying / listening to D. making / hearing I suddenly remembered that I ________to bring my keys. A. having forgotten B. have forgotten C. had forgotten D. forgot By the year 2010 many people currently employed ________their jobs. A. will have lost B. will be losing C. have lost D. are losing Jack made me ________him next week. A. to promise to call B. to promise calling C. promise calling D. promise to call . Are you sure you told me? I don't recall _______about it. A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told Questions 25 - 29: Read the following passage and then choose the be answer to the questions by circling the correspondmg letter A, B, C, or I ~ark your choice on the answer sheet. Instructors at American colleges and universities use many different teaching methods. Some instructors give assignments every day. They grade homework Students in their classes have to take many quizzes, a midterm exam, and a fin test. Other instructors give only writing assignments. Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the text book. Others send students to the library for assignments. The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their instructors "Professor Smith," "Mrs. Jones", and so on. .. .- He (watch) …… .……………TV in the living room She’d like (come) …………… with us Hoa (be) 13 on her next birthday Ba (not have) many friends

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2017, 13:08

