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* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use the simple present tense, “ WH”questions with he/ she to talk about other people’s daily routines. Teacher: Text - book, [r]


Date of preparing: 19/10/2018 Period 24

Unit 4: Big or Small

Lesson 5: C


A Objectives * Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to ask and answer about the time and time of daily routines

* Skill

- Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to ask and answer about the time and time of daily routines

B Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Number dictation, ROR, noughts and crosses, survey, picture drill.

C Preparations

1 Teacher: Text- book, lesson plan, radio, picture, poster Students: Text- books, notebooks, exercise books D.Contents

I Organization: ( 1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 23/10/2018

6B 23/10/2018

II.Warm-up: ( 5')

Revision: Number dictation:

- T reads: one ten, five twenty, three fifteen, six forty, seven thirty, ten thirty, twelve twenty five

- Ss write: 1.10, 5.20 , 3.15, 6.40, 7.30, 10.30, 12.25 III New lesson( 35')

Teacher and students’activities Contents 1 Activity Presentation(15’)

- Pre teach, vocab

- Elicit the word from the Ss

- Ss read the Vocab chorally then individually

- Checking the vocab - What and Where

1 Vocabulary

- The time: thời gian


- Presentation dialogue:C4/P.50

+ Ask Ss to look at the pictures to answer the questions?

(?) Who are they?( Ba and Lan) (?) What are they doing?(talking) (?) What are they talking about? ( about the time)

- Elicit from the students to give the model sentences

- Ss read the model sentences in chorus then in pairs

+ Concept checking:

+ Meaning: Ss translate the model sentences

+ Form: Use: Pro:

2 Activity Practice(10’) - Picture Drill (C5/P.51)

+ Run through all pictures + T models first- Ss repeat + Ss work in groups to practise 1/2 of class : ask

1/2 of class: answer;  exchange

+ Then Ss work in pairs to practise asking and answering the time

(open pairs- closed pairs) - Word cue Drill: C7/P.52

+ Run through all word cues + T models first Ss repeat

+Ss work in pairs to ask and answer(open pairs- closed pairs) 3 Activity Further Practice: (10’) - Put the time poster on the board - Ask Ss to ask and answer about the time given in the box

- Get Ss to play the game: noughts and crosses

2 Model sentences Lan: What time is it, Ba? Ba: It’s is eight o’clock eight five half past eight Form:

What time is it/ What is the time? It is + Số +o’clock ( đúng) Số giờ+ phút ( hơn) Half past + số giờ( rưỡi)

Use:: Dùng để hỏi đúng, hơn, rưỡi

3 Practice

* C5/P.51(poster)

S1: What time is it? S2: It’s ten o’clock

*C7/P.52 Word cue Drill

Example Exchange

S1: What time you get up? S2: I get up at 6.00

* Noughts and crosses

6.10 (1) 6.30 (2) 6.45 (3) 7.00 (4) 11.00 (5) 10.30 (6) 7.15 (7) 11.20 (8) 9.30 (9) Example Exchange


- T’s instruction check - Ss play in group: A-B

S2: It’s half past six

IV Summary( 2’): Practise the ways telling the time. V Home work( 2’):

- Vocab, Make sentence telling the time you get up, get dressed have breakfast, go to school, go home

- Do Ex3/P.23( exercise note book)

- Prepare: Lesson1: A1,2

E Evaluation:


I Objectives: By the end of the unit ss can talk about activities. 1 Theme: Recreation: Talk about sports / games and pastime. 2 Competences:

- Describe every day routines - Ask for and say the time - Describe school time tables 3 Skills:


- Ask and say the time

- Describe everyday routines - Describe school timetables

- Talk about sports and pastime activities - Talk about duration

- Describe timetables

Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 50 words for general information

Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 80 words for general information Writing: Write sentences or a paragraph within 50 words with idea / word or picture cues

4 Grammar:


- Preposition: at

- Yes / No questions: Do / Does…………?/Is / Am / Are ………? - Adv of time

5 Vocabulary:

- Names of sports and pastime activities: badminton, soccer, tennis, … - Classes

- Days of the week

- Words describing time: (a quarter) to, past, half past, … II Unit plan:

Lesson 1: A - 2: Simple present tense with I vs he/ she to talk about daily


Lesson 2: A - 4: S P T “wh” questions with he/ she to talk about other people’s

daily routines

Lesson 3: A - 7: S P T y/ no questions and short answer to talk about daily


Lesson 4: B - 3: Reading a picture sstory about Ba’s daily routine to practice S.


Lesson 5: C 1: School subjects vocabs with have/ Don’t heve to talk about the

school tinetable

Lesson 6: C - 4: Days of the week vocabs with has/ doesn’t have “to talk about

weekly timetable”

Grammar practice: Further practice in S.P.T, telling the time, Adj with “Be”,

question words, school subjects & day of the week

Date of preparing: 19/10/2018 Period 25

Unit 5: Things I Do

Lesson : A


A Objectives


tense with ‘I’and ‘ he/ she’ to talk abuot daily routines

* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill.

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use the simple present tense with ‘I’ and ‘ he/ she’ to talk about daily routines

B Preparations

1 Teacher: Text-book, workbook, lesson plan, radio, pictures , poster Students: Text-books, notebooks, workbooks

C Methods

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Network Picture drill, slap the board, survey, substitution drill

D Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 24/10/2018

6B 24/10/2018

II Warm-up:

III New lesson (40')

Teacher and students’activities Contents 1.Activity 1: Presetation (15')

+ Pre teach: Vocab

- Elicit words from the students - T guides Ss to read the Vocab - Ss read the Vocab chorally, then individually

+ Checking the Vocab: Slap the board

- T’s instruction check - Ss play in groups: A-B - Praise the winner

+ Presentation text: A1/P.52

- Set the scene

+ Have Ss look at the pictures on P.52 and say:

“This is Nga She is in grade She is telling us about things she does every morning Let us read the text about Nga to know her daily routines”



- Ss read the text silently

- Elicit from the students to give the model sentences

- Ss read the model sentences in chorus then in pairs

+ Concept check

Meaning, from, use, pro

(?) What subjects go with”do”? (?) What subjects go with”does”? Ss: answer:

(?) When we add “e/es” to verb?

Ss: repeat

- Ask Ss give examples 2.Activity 2: Practice (15')

a Answer the questions: A2./P.53

- Ask Ss to practise asking and answering the questions A2./P.53

- Ss work in groups: 1/2 of class: ask 1/2 of class: answer  exchange

b Substitution Drill

T.reads sentence by sentence Ss substitute I  she and change the Verb


Every day, I get up at six I brush my teeth I wash my face

I get dressed I have breakfast

2 The text

a Model sentences

S1: What you everyday? S2: Everyday, I go to school S1: What does Nga everyday?

S2: Every day, She goes to school  Form:

What+do/does+S+do+every morning? day? afternoon?

 S+ V<e/es>

 Notes:

- Do: I/ you/ we/they - Does: He/she/it

Ta thêm “s” vào sau động từ động từ theo sau thứ số (he/she/it) Thêm “es” V theo sau ngơi thứ số mà có tận là” o, s, x, ch, sh” Eg: go - goes

Brush - brushes Wash - washes

 Use: Dùng để hỏi trả lời xem người làm vào buổi sáng, buổi chiều, hàng ngày

b Practice

- Answer the questions: A2/P.53

Example Exchange

S1: What does Nga everyday? S2: She goes to school

*Substitution Drill Students


I go to school I go home

She goes home 3.Activity 3: Production (10')

- Have Ss ask their friends some questions then fill in the survey

Name Get up Have breakfast Play games Do my homework

Quynh Nhung Trang Hanh

5.30 6.00 4.30 7.30

Examples S1: What time you get up? S2: I get up at 5.30

S1:What time you have breakfast? S2: I have breakfast at 6.00

- Then ask Ss to orally report back Examples

“Every day, Quynh gets up at 5.30 She has breakfast at 6.00 She plays games at 4.30 and she does her homework at 7.30”

- Call on some Ss to demonstrate before class IV Summary(2’): to talk about daily routines. V Homework(2’)

- Learn vocab

- Write a paragraph to talk about one of your family member/s daily routines - Do A1,2,3/P.44-45( exercise book)

- Prepare: A3-4

E Evaluation

Date of preparing: 19/10/2018 Period 26

Unit 5: Things I Do


A Objectives * Knowledge

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use the simple present tense, “ WH”questions with he/ she to talk about other people’s daily routines

* Skill: Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill.

* Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use the simple present tense, “ WH”questions with he/ she to talk about other people’s daily routines B Teaching- aids

1 Teacher: Text - book, work book, lesson plan, radio, picture , poster Students: Text - books, notebooks, work books

C Methods

- Model –Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: chatting, ordering, Picture drill, noughts and crosses

D Contents

I Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A 26/10/2018

6B 26/10/2018 II Check the old lesson (5')

Ask Sts to complete the sentences using the words given - They/ wash face / 6.15

- We/ brush teeth / 6.20 - He/ have breakfast / 45 Ss: Go to the board and complete T: Comment if necessary

III New lesson: (35')

Teacher and students’ activities Contents 1.Activity1: Presentation(15')

+ Pre - teach: Vocab.

- Using pictures on P.53 for eliciting words from students - T guides Ss to read the Vocab - Ss read the Vocab, chorally then


- listen to music (v): nghe nhạc - watch T.V(v): xem ti vi



+ Checking the Vocab * Rub out and Remember + Presentation text: A3/P.53

- T sets the scene:

- Ask Ss to look at all pictures These are after school activities of people - Have Ss look at the first picture and answer questions

(?) Who is this? ( Ba )

(?) What does he do?(He washes T.V)

- Ask Ss the same questions as picture for picture 2,3,4

- Have Ss read the text silently

+ Elicit from the students to give out the model sentences

- Get Ss to read the model sentences in chorus, then in pairs

+ Concept check

- Meaning, Form, Pro, Use 2.Activity 2: Practice(10') * Picture Drill A3/p.53

- Divide the class in to teams then name their teams: A-B

- Give tasks : A: ask - B: answer  exchange

- Then Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answering (open pairs-closed pairs)

3.Activity 3: Production (10') - Play the game: noughts and crosses - T’s instruction  check

2.The text: A3/P.53

a.Model sentences

S1: What does Ba after school? S2: He watches T.V

 Form:

What +does+he/she/Ba ? S+V<e,es>

 Use: Hỏi trả lời xem nguời làm sau học

b Practice:A3./P.53

Example Exchange

A: What does Lan after school? B: She does the housework

* Noughts and crosses

- Ss play in groups: A - B - (0) (x) Example Exchange

S1: What does Ba go every morning? S2: He gets dressed

Ba/get dressed

He/wash his face

Lan/do the housework She/brush

her teeth

She/play game


He/have breakfast

Nam/go to school

Mai/listen to music

IV Summary(2’): To practise the present simple tense with “(I/he/she/it) to talk about daily routines

V Homework(2’): - Write a paragraph about your mother or father’s routines - Do A3(p.44-45)

- Prepare: Lesson 3: A5-6 E Evaluation

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:39


