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2.Skills : Develop and practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.. 3.Attitude: Educate students to know the importance of revision and they will beD[r]


Date of preparing: 3/10/2017 Period: 22




1 Knowledge - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some

vocabulary, the pronunciation of some sounds, grammar from unit to unit + Vocabulary:

+ Grammar:

2.Skills : Develop and practice listening and speaking skills.

3.Attitude: Educate students to know the importance of revision and they will be

interested in learning English more

4 Competence: Ss can review the knowledge.


- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan , board , chalks, pictures and posters


Chatting, odd one out, Crossword puzzle, gap-fill, ordering


I Oganization: (1 minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent students


II Revision / Warmer: (5 minutes)

* Chatting

- T asks Ss to show their project then tell the class - T and Ss correct

III.New lesson : (37 minutes)

Step 1: Pronunciation ( 10 minutes) *Activity 1: Part p 36 ( Odd one out ).

- T shows the contents of part p 36 then T runs through


- T models the first one D

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group can one part

- T corects, give marks, praises the winner + Answer key:

D, C, C, A, B

* Activity 2: Part p 36

- T gives the instructions: Write the names of school things and furniture in the house which begin with / b / and / p /

- T models / b / : book, / p / : pen,

- Ss discuss and in groups of two tables

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group can write one

- T corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Possibe answers:

/ b / : book, bag, bed, board,

/ p / : pen, pencil, picture, poster,

Step 2: Vocabulary (12 minutes)

* Activity 1: Part p 36 Complete the words. - T asks Ss to complete the words in part - T models one


- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects


1 English homework lunch sports badminton physics lesson judo

- Then T asks Ss to write the words in the correct groups - T models one

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

Play: sports, badminton, Do: homework, judo Have: lunch, a lesson Study: English, physics

*Activity 2: Part p 36: Crossword puzzle.

- T asks Ss to the crossword puzzle in pairs - T models one


- T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss write the answers

- T corrects + Answer key:

Across: wardrobe living room apartment poster Down: dining room hall

- T asks Ss to read again all the words

* Activity 3: Part p 36: Multiple choice.


- T models the first one quiet

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually in about minutes then compare - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key: quiet shy

3 hard-working patient

5 sporty

Step 3: Grammar ( 10 minutes)

*Activity 1: Part p 36: Give the correct form of the verbs.

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part p 36 then runs through - T gives the instructions: Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets

- T models the first one is raining

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually in about minutes then compare - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

1 is raining you have

3 am not going out; am doing likes; is sleeping

5 is

*Activity 2: Part p 36: Gap-fill.


- T models the first one is

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in groups of or to the task - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

1 is has isn’t are doesn’t have is is is

Step 4: Everyday English ( minutes) * Activity 1: Part p 37: Ordering

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part p 37 then runs through - T gives the instructions: You work in pairs and number the lines of the dialogue in the correct order

- T models the first one

Can I speak to An, please? - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects + Answer key:

1 Can I speak to An, please? Speaking Is that Mi?

3 Yes An, are you free this Sunday evening? Yes, I am

5 Would you like to go to Mai’s birthday party with me? Yes, I’d love to

7 That sounds great I’ll meet you outside your house at p.m Alright See you then


- T corrects

IV Summary (1 minute)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: some vocabulary and grammar

V Homework: (1 minute)

- Finish part p 36 - 37: Read and draw

- Prepare the new lesson: Review ( reading, speaking, listening and writing )


-@ -Date of preparing: 4/10/2017 Period: 23 REVIEW


1 Knowledge - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice more

exercises to review the knowledge from unit to unit + Vocabulary:

+ Grammar:

2.Skills : Develop and practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 3.Attitude: Educate students to know the importance of revision and they will be

interested in learning English more

4 Competence: Ss can review the knowledge.


- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan , board , chalks, posters, the CD record and cassette


Multiple choice, read and answer the questions, listen and answer the questions, interview


I Oganization: (1 minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent students


II Revision / Warmer: (15 minutes)

* 15 minute-test.

1 Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (5 pts)

a We (watch) an interesting film at the cinama tomorrow

b He (go) to school by bicycle every morning c My teacher (be) kind and friendly

d There (be) two tables in this room

e What time you (have) lunch every day?

2 Write five sentences to tell your plans on the weekend, using the suggested words ( pts)

a watch a football match

b study English with my friends c go to the zoo with my parents d ride a bike

e play chess + Answer keys and marks.

1 Total points - point for each right answer a are watching

b goes c is d are

e you have


b I’m studying English with my friends c I’m going to the zoo with my parents d I’m riding a bike

e I’m playing chess

III New lesson: (27 minutes)

Step 1: Activity 1: Reading (10 minutes) *Part p 37: Multiple choice

- T shows the contents of part p 37 then T runs through

- T gives the instructions: Read and choose A, B or C for each blank in the email - T models the first one


- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group can one part

- T corrects, give marks, praises the winner + Answer key:

A, C, C, B, A, B

* Part p 37: Read and answer the questions

- T asks Ss to look at part p 37 then T runs through the text and also the questions

- T gives the instructions: Read the text and answer the questions - T models the first one

It’s in a quiet place not far from the city centre - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then confirms the correct answers + Answer key:

It’s in a quiet place not far from the city centre They are hard-working and serious


There are five clubs

Because it’s a good school

Step Activity 2: Listening (10 minutes)

* Part p 37: Listen and circle

- T sets the scene: An and Mi are talking on the phone - T shows the words in the box then runs through

kitchen garden garage bathroom bedroom living room

- T asks Ss to listen and circle the parts of the house you hear - T models one


- T checks Ss’ understanding - T plays the recording once

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T plays the recording again

- Ss check their answers

- T gets Ss’ answers then corrects + Answer key:

kitchen garden living room bedroom + Tape script is in the teacher’s book p 71

* Part p 37: Listen and answer the questions. - T shows the questions then runs through

What’s Mi’s mum doing? What’s Mi’s dad doing?

Where is Mi’s younger brother? What’s Mi’s cousin doing?

- T asks Ss to listen again and answer the questions - T plays the recording once


- T plays the recording again - Ss check their answers

- T gets Ss’ answers then corrects + Answer key:

She’s watering the plants in the garden He’s listening to the radio

He’s in Mi’s bedroom She’s watching TV

+ Tape script is in the teacher’s book p 71

Step Activity 3: Speaking (7 minutes)

* Part p 37: Interview.

- T draws the table on the board then runs through What he/she likes +


What he/she dislikes + reasons

Classmate A Classmate B

- T asks Ss to work in groups of three, ask them what they like and dislike about your school and the reasons why then write their answers in the table

- Ss work in groups of three ask and write the answers in the table - T calls some students to the answers to the class

- T and Ss gives comments and corrects

IV Summary (1 minute)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson

V Homework: (1 minute)

- Finish part p.37: T asks Ss to look at this part p 37 then explains som things for them to this task at home

- Prepare the new lesson: Review all what you have learnt from unit to unit to the 45 minute-test




1.Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to practice doing

what they have learnt , know how they understand all the lessons which they have learnt from unit to unit

2 Skills: develop listening, reading, writing skills and the uses of language.

3.Attitude: educate students to be more interested in learning English and they will

know the importance of getting marks from the test

4.Competence: B TEACHING AIDS:

The copies of the test


- Ordering, gap – fill, multiple choice, comprehension questions and write – it – up and matching

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent students 6B

II Revision / warmer: * Greetings

- T asks ss some questions :

Good afternoon How are you today ? What’s the weather like ? Who is absent today ?

Are you ready to the test ? - Ss answer freely

III New lesson *Matrix test




FOCUS) Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng

My friends LISTENING

Loại câu hỏi: Listen and order the pictures Số câu hỏi: 6 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,5 điểm

Loại câu hỏi: Listen and complete

Số câu hỏi: 4 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,0 điểm

10 câu 2,5 điểm (25%) My home My new school

READING Loại câu

hỏi: read and fill in the gaps

Số câu hỏi: 6 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,5 điểm

Loại câu hỏi: Answer questions: How old, Who, How many, Why Số câu hỏi: 4 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,0 điểm

10 câu 2,5 điểm (25%) My new


WRITING Loại câu

hỏi: Complete each sentence so it means the same as the old one

Số câu hỏi: 4 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,0 điểm

Loại câu hỏi: Write a short passage about your school using the questions to guide your writings Số câu hỏi: 6 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,5 điểm



Loại câu hỏi: Multiple choice questions Số câu hỏi: 6 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,5 điểm

Loại câu hỏi: Matching

Số câu hỏi: 4 Số điểm: câu x 0,25 đ = 1,0 điểm

10 câu 2,5 điểm (25%)

Tổng số câu: Tổng số điểm: Tỉ lệ % :

12 câu 3,0 điểm

30 %

18 câu 4,5 điểm

45 %

10 câu 2,5 điểm

25 %

40 câu 10 điểm

100 % *The content of the test

Part I: Listening (2,5 pts)

1 Listen and order the pictures (1,5 pts)


2 Listen a paragraph about Susie Brewer then complete the following information (1,0 pt).

* Age: (1) * Grade: (2) * School: (3) Sydney

* Teacher’s personality: nice and very (4)

Part II: Language focus(2,5 pts)

1 Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences (1,5 pts)

a We usually go swimming in the summer it’s hot A when B where C so D time b Mr Tuan often his car to work

A flies B rides C drives D goes

c “ How are you going to get to Ha Long Bay next weekend?” - “ ” A For three days B Sometimes C Very much D By bus d “Would you like to go to my house for dinner?” - “ ”

A Yes, sure B Yes, I C Yes, I’d love to D Yes, please e It’s cold now The students warm clothes

A wear B wears C wearing D are wearing e


f “ Look! The girls are rope in the playground.”

A dancing B playing C skipping D doing

2 Match one in column A with the suitable one in column B (1,0 pt)


1 What’s in the room?

2 How many rooms are there in your house?

3 Can you pass me a book, please? Where is the computer?

a There are five

b It’s on the table in my bedroom c A sofa and a television

d Yes, sure

Part III: Reading: (2,5 pts)

1 Read then answer the questions (1,0 pt)

John is a student in class 7A His full name is John Smith He is 13 years old

now John lives with his parents at 245/14 Saint Street John’s house is very large and comfortable It has a bright living room, four lovely bedrooms, two modern bathrooms and a convenient kitchen There is a nice yard in front of his house John’s mother often grows flowers in the yard John and his younger sister always the morning exercise in the yard In the evening, his family often sits together and watches the stars in the sky

a How old will John be on his next birthday? b What does his house look like?

c How many rooms are there in his house? d Do you like John’s house? Why?

2 Read and fill in each blank one suitable word ( 1,5 pts)


(6) at twelve o’clock Then she goes home and has lunch at a quarter to two

Part IV: Writing (2,5 pts)

1 Complete each sentence so it means the same as the old sentence (1,0 pt)

a I don’t have a bookshelf in my bedroom

-> There isn’t b We have a clock, a table, a board and twenty desks in our classroom -> There is c I like our math teacher

-> My favourite teacher d My favourite subject is math

-> I like

2 Write a short passage ( about sentences) about your school, the following questions will guide your writings 1,5 pts)

What is the name of your school? Where is your school?

How many students does your school have? How many teachers does your school have? What students at school?

What you wear at school?

*Answer keys and points Part I Listening ( 2,5 pts )

1 (1,5 pts) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt f

2 d c b a e


(2) six / (3) PLC (4) friendly

Part II Reading ( 2,5 pts )

1 (1,0 pts) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt

a He will be 14 years old

b It’s very large and comfortable c There are eight / (rooms) d Ss’ answers

2 (1,5 pts) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt

gets goes has takes for end

Part III Writing ( 2,5 pts )

1 (1,0 pt) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt

a There isn’t a bookshelf in my bedroom

b There is a clock, a table, a board and twenty desks in our classroom c My favourite teacher is our math teacher

d I like math

2.( 1,5 pts) - Each correct idea is 0,25 pt

Ss’ answers

Part IV ( 2,5 pts )

1.- (1,5 pts) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt a A when

b C drives c D By bus

d C Yes, I’d love to e D are wearing

f C skipping

2 - (1,0 pt) - Each correct answer is 0,25 pt


* The tapescripts ( for part I – Listening )

+ The tape script 1:

1 Taking part in a cooking competition Playing beach volleyball

3 Riding a bike Hiking

5 Skiing

6 Taking part in a art workshop + The tapescript 2:

Hi My name’s Susie Brewer I’m eleven years old I’m now in grade at PLC Sydney I like it here, as I like to study in a girls’ school The teachers at my school are nice and very helpful, and my favourite teacher is Mrs Susan Mc Keith I have three hours to study Vietnamese in the afternoon Usually I my homework at break time



- T gets back students’ tests then T gives some her ideas about how students their tests


Home work

- Do again the test to prepare for feed back next period


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 12:44

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