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- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into 2 groups. One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer... - T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises [r]



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ use the lexical items to change in transport systems, family groups, and school life in Viet Nam in the past and at present

+ indentify in which situations to stress all the word in sentences and say these sentences correctly + use the past perfect correctly

+ use the structure adj+ to-infininive and adj+that-clause correctly

+ read for general and specific information about tram system in Ha Noi then and now

+ talk about changes in transport in the neighbourhood and express opinions about these changes + listen for general and specific information about life in an extended family

+ write about some qualities a person needs to get along in an extended family - Skills: students will be developed skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing

- Political thought and moral sense: students will be educated to know more about life in the past and be aware of preserving the past

II Teaching aids

- Posters, cassette, CD, projector III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills

Lesson 7: Looking back + Project

Date of preparing: 29/11/2018 Period: 42 UNIT 6: VIET NAM: THEN AND NOW


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Duong, Phuc and Nhi to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about Viet Nam: then and now + Vocabulary: trench, tiled roof , facility, thatched house

+ Grammar:

- Skills: practise and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about Viet Nam: then and now B TEACHING AIDS:


Name the picture game, presentation text, T/ F or NG statements, comprehension question, matching, gap-fill, discussion


I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / Warmer: (5 minutes) * Name the picture game

Before Ss open their books, review the previous unit by asking them to play a game Form two teams of Ss Ask the two teams to join the game

T prepare pictures or a slideshow of wonders (including caverns, fortresses, tombs, citadels, sculptures, monuments, palaces, ect) and shows the pictures one by one each time, the team that can call out the right word denoting the wonder show wins a point The game stops when all pictures/photos have been shown The team with more points wins

III New lesson: (37 minutes)

Activity 1: Presentation text (7 minutes)

- Write the word ‘Past and present’ on the board and ask Ss to give another expression for the phrase - When they have given the phrases Then and Now, ask them to look at the picture and the heading Our school in the past and ask them question:

Who can you see in the picture? Where you think they are?

Is there anything in the small pitures on the wall related to past and present? - Ss give their answers as a class

- T can write their ideas on the board

- Play the recording and have Ss follow along

- T calls two good students to read again the dialogues

- After that, Ss can compare their answers with the information in the dialogue Activity Match ( Part 1a/p61) (5 minutes)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 1b/ p.27 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: work in pairs to label the pictures with the word given

- T models the first one trench - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs to label the pictures with the word given

- Allow pairs to share their answers before asking them to discuss as a class

- Then ask some Ss to read the words aloud and correct their pronunciation if nessesary + Answer key:

1 trench tiled roof facilities


- T gives the instructions: find the words/phrases with given meaning in the conversation - T models the first one anniversary

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs to label the pictures with the word given

- Allow pairs to share their answers before asking them to discuss as a class

- Then ask some Ss to read the words aloud and correct their pronunciation if nessesary + Answer key:

1 anniversary fascinating missing conditions improved proper Activity T/ F or NG statements ( Part 1c/ p61) (5 minutes)

- T hangs the poster which has the contents of part 1.c/ p61 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Read the conversation again and decide whether the information is T/ F or NG - T models the first one

1 F ( It was founded in the 1960s) - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

1 F ( It was founded in the 1960s) T

3 F ( They wore rubber sandals and straw hats) NG T Activity Comprehension question ( Part 1d/ p61) (5 minutes)

- T hangs the poster which has the contents of part 1.a/p41 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Read the conversation again and answer the questions

- T models the first one

1 The conversation takes place on the school’s 60th aniversary.

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

1 The conversation takes place on the school’s 60th aniversary.

2 Because it explains a lot about how the school was in the past There were trenches outside the classrooms


5 They can learn are lucky to have such great learning facilities nowadays Activity 6: Gap-fill( Part 2/ p 61) (5 minutes)

- Have Ss read the REMEMBER! Box individually Then go through the points as a class and make sentences using these adjective and adverbs

- Afterwards, ask Ss to work individually on the gap-fill exercise - Check the answer as a class

+ Answer key:

1 slight dramatically signficantly considerable gradual Activity 7: Discussion (Part 3/ p 61) (5 minutes)

- Ask Ss to think about their own school’s history First, have pairs write a couple of question about the school in the past that they would like to ask T

- Then, as a whole class, T can answer questions from Ss about the school when she/he started teaching The aim is to generate a short discussion Now have Ss work in small group to talk about changes to the school Ask them to use the adjective and adverbs in REMEMBER! Box T can tell Ss that they can talk about: + the school principal and school teachers

+ the school playground + the computer room + the classroom

IV Summary: (1 minute)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: : (1 minute)

- Practice the dialogue - Finish all exercises at home

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 4: Lesson 2: A closer look E EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: 29/11/2018 Period: 43 UNIT 6: VIET NAM: THEN AND NOW


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use some more words to talk about changes in transport in the neighbourhood and express opinions about these changes

+ Vocabulary: tram, flyover, elevated walkway, skytrain, underpass, tunnel + Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about Viet Nam: then and now and educate them to love the subject more




Brainstorming, match, gap-fill and write it up D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / Warmer: (5 minutes) * Brainstorming

- Ask two pairs of Ss to come to the front to play a quick game

- Ask them to write as many adjectives and adverbs describing degree and speed of change that they have learned as possible

- Set a time limit of two minutes The pair with the most words wins - Ss answer

III New lesson: (37 minutes) * Vocabulary (27 minutes) Activity Match (Part 1/ p 62).

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 1/ p.62 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Put one word under each picture

- T models the first one tram - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in their tables in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

1 tram flyover elevated walkway skytrain underpass tunnel

Activity 2: Gap-fill (Part 2- p.62).

- T shows the content of part on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Fill in each blank with a suitable word from 1, making them plural where necessary

- T models:

1 tunnel

- Ss work individually to the task - Have some Ss compare their answers - T gets Ss/ answers and confirm them + Answer key:

1 tunnel elevated walkway flyover skytrain underpass tram Activity 3: Match (Part 3- p.62).


- T gives the instructions: Match each word/ phrase in the left column with the meaning in the right one - T models: f

- Ss work individually to the task - Have some Ss compare their answers - T gets Ss/ answers and confirm them + Answer key:

1 f b e d c a Activity 4: Gap-fill (Part 4- p.42).

- T shows the content of part on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Fill in each gap with a suitable word/ phrase in part - T models:

1 extended family

- Ss work individually to the task - Have some Ss compare their answers - T gets Ss/ answers and confirm them + Answer key:

1 extended family sympathetic obedient tolerant nuclear family cooperative * Pronounciation: Stress on auxiliary verb in sentences (10 minutes) Activity Write each sentence in the box next to its patern (Part - p.63). - Have Ss silently read the information and examples in the box

- Ask some Ss summarise the rule and read out the examples in the box to give their own examples - Ss write the sentences next to the patterns individually, then compare their answers in pairs - Ask some Ss to give the answers and quickly write them on the board

- Play the recording for Ss to check their answers

- Have the whole calss repeat chorally after the recording chorally after the recording of after T + Answer key:

1 OO - I know!, That long?, Don’t cry! OoO - Go away!

3 Ooo - Keep going! OOO - Don’t turn left! * Activity write it up (Part 6- p.63)

-This section can be done with some dramma, so encourage Ss to exaggerate a little and have fun - They can also add hand gestures and facial expression to increase the dramatic element

- Have Ss work in pairs to describe the pictures quickly and to fill the bubbles with the utterances as in the example

- Then ask some pair to read out their utterances with the correct stress - Confirm the correct answers


1 Be quiet! Ooo Don’t talk! OO Don’t turn right! OOO

3 Wake up! OO Get up! OO Smile please! OO Say cheese! OO Don’t worry! Ooo Don’t cry!OO Look out! OO Look ahead! OoO

- If time allow, have Ss work in groups and think of some other suprising or urgent situations - Then they decide what to say in those situations

- Have them demonstrate the situations and utterances with the whole class IV Summary: (1 minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1 minute)

- Finish execises A page 31- workbook

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 3: A closer look E EVALUATION:

Date of preparing:29/11/2018 Period: 44 UNIT 6: VIET NAM: THEN AND NOW


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the past perfect to and the structure adj + to-infininive and adj+that-clause correctly

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: the past perfect; adj + to-infininive and adj + that-clause - Skills: practice and develop writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about life in the past B TEACHING AIDS:

- Posters


Jumbled words, gap-fill, matching, write-it-up, retell D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / warmer (5 minutes) * Jumbled words

- T hangs a poster with groups of letters on the board and runs through them tmra fyorle stinakyr tluenn - T asks Ss to think and reorder each group of letters to a correct word

- T divides class into two teams -> check


1 tram flyover skytrain tunnel III New lesson: (37 minutes)

* Past perfect (17 minutes)

Activity 1: Gap-fill (Part 1/ p.63).

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part1/ p.63 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Fill in each bank with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets - Elicit from Ss when to use the past perfect tense

- If necessary, remind Ss that the past perfect is used to describe an action that happened before another action in the past

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers

- T corrects + Answer key:

1 had been had played had (you) used had (only) seen had had had experienced Activity Write it up (Part 2/ p63).

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 2/ p.63 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Using the cues, ask and answer the questions

- T models the first one

1 What family group had Vietnamese people lived before 1990? - They had lived in extended families

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers

- T controls, corrects + Answer key:

1 What family group had Vietnamese people lived before 1990? - They had lived in extended families

2 How had people in Viet Nam travelled before the first motorbike was imported? - They had travelled by bicycle

3 How had Vietnamese people lived before the open-door policy in 1986? - They had had a harder life

4 Where had your family spent holidays before 2005s?

- We had only spent our holidays only in Viet Nam before then Who had ruled Viet Nam right before the Tran dynasty?


Activity Retell (Part 3/ p.64)

- Ask Ss to read the speech bubbles from the conversation in GETTING STARED, then have them read the structure and examples in the grammar box carefully

- Help them with the meaning of adjective if necessary Then ask some more able Ss to retell the rules and give examples Correct their sentences if necessary

Activity Matching (Part 3/ p.64.)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 4/ p.64 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Match the first half of the sentence in A with the second half in B - T models the first one F

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

1 F A B E D 6 C

Activity Gap-fill (Part 4/ p.64.)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 4/ p.64 on the board then runs through - T gives the instructions: Fill in each bank with one adjective from the box

- T models the first one

glad /pleased - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers

- T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 glad /pleased Sorry relieved /pleased sure /cetain surprised /astonished relieved /pleased

Activity Gap-fill (Part 5/ p.64.)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 5/ p.64 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Create one sentence by combining each pair of sentences using subject + be + adjective + that –clause.

- T models the first one

1 We were relieved that we had done well in the exam - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task in about minutes - T gets Ss’ answers

- T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 We were relieved that we had done well in the exam I am sorry that our parents had very poor school facilities


4 Everyone is aware of that it will be much safer to have elevated walkways and underpass systems for pedestrian

5 All of us are delighted that life in the countryside has improved considerably IV Summary: (1minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1minute)

- Do the exercises: B1,2,3 p.31,32 in workbook

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 4: Communication E EVALUATION:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:53

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