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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a news report for specific information about a natural disaster, and make notes and write a news report about a natura[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 67


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise the passive voice and understand the use and the form of the past perfect tense

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: The passive voice; the past perfect tense - Skills: practice and develop speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to know more details about natural disasters, their effects and rescued activities


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, pictures and the posters

C METHODS: chatting,questions – answers, game, gap-fill, . D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

II Revision( 5’): Chatting:

-Ask if Ss remember how to form the passive voice T may ask one student to write the form on the board and have other Ss give examples


-T gives Ss questions and lets them answer individually- T encourages Ss to answer in full sentences

- Then T asks Ss to read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and underline all instances of the passive voice that they can find Then, ask them to share their findings with one or more partners before checking with the whole class

+ Key:

Was anyone injured?

Only a few minor injuries were reported

It seems many houses and public buildings were destroyed or flooded, and thousands of people were left homeless

They've sent rescue workers to free people who were trapped in flooded homes Medical supplies, food and rescue equipment have also been sent

They've been taken to a safe place where temporary accommodation will be provided for them

III New lesson

1.Grammar (15’) The passive voice: review

*Activity 1: 2- Complete the sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets

- Have Ss work independently Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners

- Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud Confirm the correct answers + Key:

1 was scattered are built were taken


Activity 2: 3- Rewrite the following sentences using the correct passive voice. - T runs through the sentences

- Let Ss work in individually to the Ex, then check with their partners

- Let Ss work in groups, go to the board and write their answers while other Ss write the sentences in their notebooks

- Ask some Ss to give comments on the sentences on the board Confirm the correct sentences

- For a class that needs more support, model the first sentence for Ss Have Ss write the next two sentences and correct them carefully The rest can be done as homework

+ Key:

1 Food and blankets have been given out to homeless people (by volunteers). 2 Ten people trapped in collapsed buildings have been freed (by the rescue workers) so far.

3 Was the whole village destroyed (by the storm)?

4 If the area is hit by the storm, a lot of damage will be caused.

5 A garden party is going to be organised to raise money for the victims of the flood.

2 The past perfect tense (20’)

- T asks Ss to read part of the conversation from GETTING STARTED, paying attention to the underlined part Then, refer to the yellow box, explaining the form of the past perfect tense and going through the examples


- Let Ss read and study the grammar rule in the box

- T goes through the grammar points and the examples with the class to make sure that everybody understands

* Activity 3:5- Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past perfect.

- T runs through the sentences and asks Ss to compare the use of the two tenses - - Let Ss work individually to the Ex

- Ask them to share their answers with one or more partners Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud by reading their completed sentences

- T gives comments, and makes any correction if available + Key:

1 had left, erupted arrived, had stopped had spent, arrived

4 got, hadn't taken found, had bought *Activity 4: 6- Questions and answers.

- T and WC run through all the questions

- T asks Ss to prepare their answers independently Then model the activity by asking a student one of the given questions

- Let Ss to work in pairs T may go around to provide help - Call some pairs to practise in front of the class

*Activity 5: 7- Game:


IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the grammar- make active sentences and change them into passive; make sentences using the past perfect

- Do the exercises: 5,6,7 in U9- part B - WB

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5: Lesson 4: Communication

Date of preparing: Period: 68 UNIT : NATURAL DISASTERS


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read and understand the passage about the way to prepare for a natural disaster to get more details and then pratise talking about the news about the natural disasters

+ Vocabulary: wreak havoc, destructive, guidelines, emergency + Grammar: Past simple tense;

- Skills: develop and practice reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to know the ways to prepare for the natural disasters


- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan , board , chalks, pictures and posters C METHODS: open – prediction questions; answer the questions, matching, discussion




II Revision / Warmer: (5’) Chatting:

- Before Ss open their books ask the question: “What can we to prepare for a natural disaster?”

- See if any Ss can come up with some ideas Make notes on the board As an option, this could be done in Vietnamese with T showing how to express these ideas in English Now have Ss open their books

III New lesson: 1- Reading(20’)

*Activity 1: 1- Read , find he words in the box and underline them and guess their meanings.

- Ask Ss to scan the passage to find where the words/ phrases: wreak havoc, essential, destructive, guidelines,and emergency are in the passage

- Ask if Ss know the meanings of the words/phrases If they not, T may help Ss work out the meanings of these words from the context T can also explain the words/phrases

+ Suggested answers:

- wreak havoc: great damage or harm to somebody / something - essential: necessary

- destructive: causing major damage, from the verb destroy

- guidelines: rules or instructions telling you how to something, especially something difficult

- emergency: a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation


-T runs through the questions

- T may set a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions Ask Ss to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions

- Let Ss compare answers before discussing them as a class + Key:

1 Because they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life or damage to property Learn about the risks in your area and read the information about natural disasters on local government sites.

3 Enter all the emergency contact numbers in your mobile phone so you can call the rescue and emergency workers if necessary.

4.Your emergency supply kit should include food, water, medications, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents and some money

5 We need to know the evacuation routes and shelters. 2- Speaking(15’)

* Activity 1: 3a- Matching

- First, ask Ss to read each news report T may help with the new vocabulary - Then ask Ss to match the news reports to the correct picture

- Have some Ss read out their answers before checking with the whole class

+ Key: C B A

* Activity 2:3b- Role play.

- First, remind Ss of the responses they practised in GETTING STARTED, e.g., That's shocking! refer them back to this section if necessary


- T may go around to provide help After finishing, T may call on some groups to the role-play in front of the class

- T gives feedback… +Sample dialogues: Report A

A: Did you watch the news last night? B No, I didn’t What’s happened?

A A tornado hit a small town yesterday morning. B That’s shocking! Where is the town?

A It’s in Missouri.

B How did the tornado hit the town?

A People said the sky darkened very quickly The winds were so strong that trees, cars and even houses were picked up and carried for miles.

B So terrible What’s about the residents? Where were they when the tornado came?

A As local TV and radio stations had issued an early warning, most of the residents had had time to take shelter underground or in basements.

Report B

A: Did you watch the news last night? B No, I didn’t What’s happened?

A There was a powerful earthquake in Monday. B That’s shocking! Where was it?

A In the north-east of Japan.

B Was there any early warning for this earthquake?


A Suddenly the ground started moving The shaking continued for a few minutes and became stronger People began running away from buildings as walls started to collapse.

B That’s terrible Poor them! Report C

A: Did you watch the news last night? B No, I didn’t What’s happened?

A Mount Sinabung in Indonesia erupted again. B That’s shocking! When did the mount erupt? A Two days ago.

B So how did it happen?

A People said that they saw a big cloud of ash coming from the top of the mountain, then the lava ran down the volcano’s sides.

B What damage resulted from the eruption?

A The lava from the volcano destroyed everything in its path By the next morning, several villages around Mount Sinabung were buried in ash and debris.

*Activity 3: 4a - Making the list….:

- Ask Ss what disasters often happen in their area Elicit the answers from Ss and choose two disasters that happen the most Divide the class into two groups; each will discuss one disaster Ss work in pairs within each group to discuss and write down what to before, during and after this disaster Move around the class to help SS if necessary

* Make a list of things to before, during and after each of the disaster in your area.

Disasters Things to do

Before During After


earthquake plan at your school

-Learn first aid Put together an

emergency supply kit

-Turn off the gas, water, and electricity - Place heavier objects on lower shelves to prevent breakage and personal injury

- If indoors, drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and hold on until the shaking stops

- If outdoors, stay away from buildings, trees, and power lines

- If in a high-rise building, stay in the building, on the same floor Get under a desk and stay away from outside walls and windows

- Do not use the

elevator(they'll probably get stuck anyway)

and others for injuries Provide first aid for anyone who needs it

- Listen to the radio for public-safety instructions

- Check gas, water, electrical lines, and appliances for damage

- If you're at school, follow the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge

*Activity 4: 4b - Discussion

- Now have Ss form new pairs: one student from each group above Have Ss ask and answer questions about the things they should in the event of each disaster they had discussed in a If time allows, invite some pairs to demonstrate their conversations in front of the class

+ Sample dialogue:

A What should you to prepare for earthquakes in your areas?

B First, I’ll learn the earthquake plan at my school Then I’ll learn first aid and put together an emergency supply kit If I am at home, I will ask my parents to place heavier objects on lower shelves to prevent breakage and personal injury and turn off the gas, water, and electricity.

A What should you during an earthquake?


and hold on until the shaking stops.If outdoors, I’ll stay away from buildings, trees, and power lines

A So what should you after the earthquake?

B I’ll check myself and others for injuries Provide first aid for anyone who needs it If I am at school, I’ll follow the emergency plan or the instructions of the person in charge.

IV Summary (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Read again the passages, answer the questions; Rewrite 3b; 4b - Do the exercises: 1, 2, in part D- Unit 9- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9: Lesson 6: Skills E EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: Period: 69


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a news report for specific information about a natural disaster, and make notes and write a news report about a natural disaster that they have seen/ heard

+ Vocabulary:


- Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss understand more about the damage and effects of the natural disaster and the ways to report the news about it


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record

C.METHODS :- Chatting, open - predictions, listen and correct the false statements, gap fill, writing

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

II Revision / Warmmer: (5’) : Chatting - T asks SS some questions:

1 Have you ever experienced/ seen a natural disaster? 2 What was it?

3 How did you feel? 4 What were the damage?

5 What had been done after the disaster? - Ss discuss give their ideas

III New lesson : A Listening( 15’)

* Activity 1: 1- Listen and correct the statements - T runs through the statements

- Remind Ss about listening for key words in statements


+ Key:

1 A typhoon hit Nghe An Province last night.

2 Dozens of people were seriously injured in the storm.

3 There was extensive damage to property in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An. 4 The storm had already weakened when rescue workers arrived in the area. 5 According to the weather bureau, heavy rain will continue over the next few days.

- T asks some Ss to read the corrected statements * Activity 2:2- Listen and complete the date chart.

- First, ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the missing word for each gap from the information they have heard in

- Then play the recording again and allow Ss to fill in the gaps as they listen Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs before playing the recording a final time to allow pairs to check their answers If time is limited, T may play only the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answer

+ Key:

1 winds homeless damage 4.flood debris accommodation

B Writing( 20’)

*Activity 1: 3- Complete the table

- Ask Ss to make notes about a natural disaster they or one of their family members have experienced in the given table Remind them that they not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations


+ Sample idea:

Type of natural disaster Landslide

What is this disaster? A landslide is the movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope

When and where did the

disaster occur? - Sampang villagein central Java, Indonesia - on 14 December, 2014. What are the effects of this

disaster? - 105 houses were buried in and near Sampang village - 17 people were killed

- Muddy water still rushed along paths of the

landslide the next day and more showers felt down in the area in coming days

What has been done to help

the victims of the disaster? - 600 people were evacuated from around the village.- The military, local Red Cross officials, police, volunteers, and the national search and rescue agency joined in a rescue mission in the affected area

- A rescue team of about 400 people, which included police, soldiers and volunteers had used their bare hands and makeshift tools to search for survivors - Trucks cleared roads leading to the landslide area

*Activity 2: 4- Writing

- Set up the writing activity Remind Ss that the first and most important thing is always to think about what they are going to write In this case, Ss can use the chart in as a model for their report T may still need to provide some help with the language necessary for writing


+ Sample writing: News report

A landslide is the movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope On December 14, 2014, a landslide destroyed Sampang village, a remote village in Indonesia, killing at least 17 people 105 houses were buried in and near the village. Muddy water still rushed along paths of the landslide the next day and more showers felt down in the area in coming days In order to help the victims of the disaster, the military, local Red Cross officials, police, volunteers, and the national search and rescue agency joined in a rescue mission in the affected area 600 people were evacuated from around the village A rescue team of about 400 people, which included police, soldiers and volunteers had used their bare hands and makeshift tools to search for survivors while trucks cleared roads leading to the landslide area Unfortunately, 17 people were dead in the landslide.

IV Summary (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3' )

- Finish your writing

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:37


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