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- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the past continuous tense and the past simple to retell the story.. + Vocabulary: granny , scream , swallowed.[r]


-Date of preparing: Period: 46






- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the past continuous tense correctly

+ Vocabulary: woodcutter, knight, witch,evil,wicked,cunning… + Grammar: the past continuous tense

- Skills: Speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate Ss to have more knowledge about traditional stories



- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Rub out and remember, matching, gap filling, D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

I. Revision / Warmer: (5’)

-T calls some Ss to write some exclamatory sentences -T reviews the way to use this structure

III.New lesson: Step Presentation Vocabulary

Servant ( n) : đầy tớ, người Spin ( v ) : xe sợi


roar ( n ) : tiếng gầm, tiếng rống Check : slap the board


-T sets the sence to give the pattern.

-T asks Ss to read part of the conversation from GETTING STARTED -Let Ss pay attention to the underlined part.

Duong: I phoned you around p.m last night, but there was no reply. Nick: Oh, I was doing some Internet research on Vietnamese legends.

*Concept check: form, meaning, use, pronunciation Form of the past continuous

(+) Positive

l/he/she/it + was +V-ing we/you/they + were + V-ing (-) Negative

I / he/ she/ it + was not/wasn't + V-ing we/you/they + were not/weren't + V-ing (?) Questions:

was + l/he/she/it+V-ing? were + we/you/they + V-ing?

* Short answers to Yes/No questions: (+) Yes, l/he/she/it was

Yes, we/you/they were (-) No, l/he/she/it wasn't No, we/you/they weren't T asks Ss some questions:


-T asks Ss to write down “Remember”:

We use the past continuous to describe an action that was in progress at a stated time in the past

At 3:30 the tortoise was running ahead of the hare.

We use the past continuous to describe an action that was in progress when another shorter action happened (this shorter action is expressed by the simple past)

She was crying when a fairy appeared A fairy appeared

while she was crying Step Practice Activity

- Ss complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form. -T runs through the sentences

-T models and checks

T asks Ss to the grammar exercise individually

-Remind them to look back at the Grammar box and use a dictionary if necessary Then have Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class


1 was wearing were you doing was going ran

5 was not/wasn't waiting Activity

-Ss use the past continuous and the suggested words to write sentences to describe what was happening in each picture.

servant/ spin/ in the woods girl/ pick flowers/ by the side of the road knights/ ride horses/ to the castle Cinderella/ dance/ with the prince


.T runs through the words -T models and checks -Let Ss it

-T a

sks Ss to the grammar exercises individually, using the suggested words to write sentences to describe what was happening in each picture

- Remind them to look back at the Grammar box if necessary

- Then have Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class

Key: The servant was spinning in the woods.

2 The girl was picking flowers by the side of the road The knights were riding (their) horses to the castle Cinderella was dancing with the prince

5 Saint Giong was flying to heaven The ogre was roaring with anger Activity 3:

-Ss work in pairs Ask and answer questions about the pictures in a. What was the servant doing?

She was spinning -Let Ss work in pairs

Key: What was the girl doing?

She was picking flowers by the side of the road

What was Cinderella doing? She was dancing with the prince What was the ogre doing?

It was roaring with anger

What were the knights doing?

They were riding (their) horses to the castle What was Saint Giong doing? He was flying to heaven


Step Further practice Review the past simple tense Look out!

We use the past simple for a succession of actions Example:

When Tom heard the news, he ran to his car, jumped in it and drove home -Let Ss write down these sentences

-T asks Ss to read the Look out! box.

- Draw Ss’ attention to this use of the past simple tense by analysing the instruction and examples in the Grammar box

- T may give a comparison between the simple past tense and the past continuous tense

-Then ask some more able Ss to give some examples -Ss exercise Ss work in group of four

-Ss write the correct form of each verb Use the past continuous or the past simple.

-T asks Ss to the grammar exercise individually

-Remind them to look back at the Grammar box and the Look out! box

-Then have Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class

Key: was walking, stopped, had

was lying, heard, needed heard, was following, started dropped, ate

5 were dancing, left


-T asks Ss to read the fable and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous

T runs through the fable

T may the first sentence as an example for Ss then have them the exercise individually -Let Ss it

-Then have Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class - T’correction

Key: was shining was sleeping went were flying

5 opened 6.fell

- Then Ss answer the question: What is the moral of the fable?


Have Ss discuss the question in pairs

-Then ask some pairs to give their answers to the whole class - T may give comments or invite comments from other Ss

Suggested answer: Be happy/content with what you have

Play a game: guessing game

T: Guess what your partner was doing last Sunday at these times. I think Minh was having breakfast at a.m last Sunday

Ss work in pairs

Ss ask your partner to check your guesses

Were you having breakfast at a.m last Sunday? Yes, I was./No, I wasn't


Remind them to make a note of their guesses

-Now model this activity with a more able Student

-Then ask Ss to work in pairs


IV Summary: (2’) - vocabularies, structures V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the new words

- Do the exercises in the work book: in U6-part D(Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 4: COMMUNICATION E EVALUATION:

-Date of preparing: Period: 47






- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the past continuous tense and the past simple to retell the story

+ Vocabulary: granny , scream , swallowed

+ Grammar: the past continuous tense and the past simple tense - Skills: Speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate Ss to have to listen the old people B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Matching, ordering, retelling,… D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

I. Revision / Warmer: (5’)


-T reviews the way to use this structure III.New lesson:

Activity 1

- Ss looks at the pictures Then put the parts of the fairy tale in order

-First help Ss understand the meanings of the words in Extra vocabulary by using

pictures or examples

Granny = grandmother , scream ( n ) : tiếng thét , swallow – swallowed : nuốt

-Then have Ss work independently, looking at the pictures and putting parts of the fairy tale in order

-Ss that the pictures are in the correct order but the text (a-h) is jumbled -Ss a time limit to keep a lively pace to the lesson


-Ss work in pairs

-Ss compare with their partner's Discuss any differences -Then discuss as a class

- T collects and corrects

Key :1 h a 3.e 4.f d c 7.b 8.g Activity 3

-Ss work in groups of six , in turn, retelling the fairy tale to their group members in their own words

- Set a three-minute time limit per story and have one group member keep time -Then Ss can choose the best storyteller in their group

Activity 4


-Encourage them to have fun and be creative

- Choose a student from each group to read the ending to the whole class -After each student has finished, invite some comment from Ss in other groups -Then T makes comments and corrects Ss' mistakes if there are any

-Finally, T may have Ss vote for the best fairy tale ending IV Summary: (2’)

- vocabularies, structures V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the new words

- Do the exercises in the work book: in U6-part E(Workbook) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6: Lesson 5: Skills


-Date of preparing: Period: 48






- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the story and practise speaking skill

+ Vocabulary: fortune, star fruit tree, ripe ,filled, load ,repay + Grammar: the past simple tense

- Skills: Speaking and Reading skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate Ss to have more knowledge about traditional stories




- Lucky numbers, matching, gap filling, retell story D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

I. Revision / Warmer: (5’)

-T calls one or two students to retell the story : “Little Red Riding Hood.” III.New lesson:

Pre –Reading: Chatting

1, Do you like the fable story ? 2, Can you retell one story ? Reading


-T asks Ss to read the fable The Star fruit Tree

- Then find the following words and underline them in the story

fortune star fruit tree ripe

filled load repay

Activity : Ss guess the meaning of the words and match one word in column A with one phrase word in column B



1.Fortune a, ready to be eaten

2.star fruit tree b, put gold into the bag until there is no more space 3.ripe c, something that is being carried

4.filled d, pay back

5.repay e, a large amount of money

6.load f, tree with green fruit shaped like a star -T runs through the words


-Let Ss it individually Then compare with the partners

-T collects and corrects.


fortune - a large amount of money

star fruit tree - tree with green fruit shaped like a star ripe - ready to be eaten

filled - put gold into the bag until there is no more space repay - pay back

load - something that is being carried


T asks Ss to read the story again and answer the questions 1,What did the older brother give his younger brother? 2,What did the eagle promise to the younger brother?

3,What did the elder brother when found out how his younger brother became rich?

4,What did the elder brother when he got to the place of gold? 5,What happened to the elder brother in the end?

-T may set a longer time limit for Ss to read the story again and answer the questions -T asks Ss to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions

-Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class


1 He gave his younger brother only a star fruit tree The eagle promised to repay him in gold


5 He was dropped (by the eagle) into the sea Activity

T asks Ss to complete the details of the fable.

Main characters Character 1:The younger brother He is kind and honest Character 2: The elder brother He is (1) _

Characters 3: The eagle It is grateful

Plot: beginning Once upon a (2) _ there was a rich man living in a village Plot: middle The man left his two sons a (3) _ but the

elder brother gave his brother only a star fruit tree An eagle came and ate the fruit It repaid the younger brother by taking him to a place of (4) _

He brought home some gold and became very rich The elder brother (5) _ his fortune for his brother's tree The eagle helped the elder brother take gold

Plot: end As the eagle was flying back, the load was too heavy

The eagle got tired and (6) _ the elder brother into the sea

First, have Ss work independently, completing the details of the fable The Star fruit

Tree Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class

Key:1 greedy time fortune gold swapped dropped

Post – Reading Activity

- T asks Ss to read the story summaries Ss decide which story they would like to read

- First, T asks Ss to work individually to read every story summary T may help with

any new vocabulary

-T calls some Ss to in front of the class -T corrects


Ss work in pairs Ask and answer questions about the stories. I want to read Saint Giong

What kind of story is it? It's a fable

Who are the main characters in it? -T runs through the sentences - T models

- Let Ss work in pairs

- T calls some pairs to in front of the class GAME:

-Work in groups One student imagines he/ she is a character in a story in The others can ask three Yes/ No questions to guess which character he/ she is

-First, remind Ss of the words to describe characters or creatures in fairy tales/ legends/ fables

- Ss may, refer to the words and phrases in A Closer Look - Then, ask Ss to play this game in groups of about five, -Each member chooses a character in any of the stories in -The others ask Yes/ No questions to discover who that person is

-For example, 'Are you evil? "Do you live in a castle? "Do you have long hair? T may go around to provide support if necessary

IV Summary: (2’) - vocabularies, structures V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the new words - Retell strories in the reading text

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:35
