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II.Teaching aids: Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, CD and cassette player. 2.Ss’ preparation: books , noteboo[r]


Date of preparing: 1.10.2020 Period 13

UNIT AT HOME Lesson 2: speak (p.28- 29) I.The aims:

- Help ss practice speaking about the position of each item

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use the preposition of place to talk about the position of furniture in the house

- Develop skills : L , S , R & W 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: Let’s…./Ok / All right

- No, I think we’d better / ought to….- I think it should be …… *Vocabularly: rug,calender,dish rack ,knife- knives, wardrobe,counter 2.Skills: listening

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

English book, pictures, colourchalks,posters 1- Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, pictures.

2- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks.review the old lesson, preview vocabularies III.Techniques:

Jumbled words, slap the board, listen and draw IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

+ Who’s absent today? + What the date?

+ How are you today? 2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, new structures and exercises T corrects the mistakes


Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities

Step1 Warm up: Jumbled words

- Give ss some cards with inorder letters on them

- Asks ss to reorder them into meaningful words 5'

- team work - give answers cushion couch coffe table stereo telephone picture



fofece bteal



Step2: New lesson *Pre- speaking: Pre- teach vocab:

- T elicits the new words from ss

+ rug (n): thảm (picture) + calender (n): lịch (picture) + dish rack (n): gía bát đĩa (picture) + knife- knives (n): dao (picture) + wardrobe (n): tủ quần áo (picture) + counter (n): bàn bếp (picture) Checking vocab: Slap the board

Brain storming:

- T calls ss to go to the board and write prepositions of place

in front of in on above

next to opposite Questions and answers

- Ask Ss the positions of the items in the pictures  Where is the clock? It is above the fridge  Where is the fruit? It is in the bowl  Where is the flowers? They are on the table  Where is the rice cooker? It is next to the bwl

of fruit

 Where is the cupboard? It is on the wall, above the counter

 Where are the knives? They are on the wal , under the cupboard

 Where is the dish rack? It is on the counter, next to the bowl of fruit

*While speaking:

- Asks ss to look at the items in the picture and talk about the position of each

Eg: The calender is on the wall, under the clock *Post speaking:

- T sets the scene : Mrs.Vui bought new furniture for her living room, but she cannot decide where to put it.Now work with apartner and arrange the furniture You must reach an agreement

- T makes sure truths understand all the words given Note:

-T asks ss to say their sentences begin with: Let’s …… or I think ……






- Do one by one

- Listen and answer

- Listen the T sets the scene


+ Answers : - Ok / All right

- No, I think we’d better / ought to… - I think it should be ……

Eg : S1: Let’s put the clock on the wall between the shelf and the picture

S2: Ok I think we ought to put the television and the stereo on the shelf

- T listens and checks

- Then T asks ss to draw and talk about how you arrange new furniture

- Pairs work

S1: Let’s put the clock on the wall between the shelf and the picture

S2: Ok I think we ought to put the television and the stereo on the shelf - Draw a picture about arranging new furniture Step Sumarry: (2m)

- Ask ss what they have learnt today Step Homework:

- Remind ss to learn vocabulary by heart - Ask ss to exercise in workbook - Describe your bedroom

- Ask ss to prepare the next lesson V.Evaluation:

……… ………

Date of preparing: 1.10.2020 Period 14


Lesson 3: listen (p.30) - language focus (p.35) I.Aims:

- Help ss listen to a conversation understanding how to make a meal and get further practice in modal verb “ought to”

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to identify the right item - Develop skills : L , S , R & W

1.Language contents:

*Grammar: Present simple, ought to

*Vocabulary: + ham, teaspoon of salt , fry 2.Skills: Listening, writing

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids:

English book, pictures, colourchalks,posters


2- Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbooks. III.Techniques:

Bingo, ordering, noughts and crosses IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (3’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises T corrects the mistakes


Teacher's activities Time Ss'activities Step1.Warm up:


- Asks ss to write down on their notebooks things they can eat

- Prepare a list of food, then call out each word in aloud voice

+Suggested list of food: chicken, beff, cake, candy, garlic, noodles, bread, rice, ham, peas

Step2:New lesson *Pre- listening: Vocabulary: - T elicits new words

+ ham (n) : thịt muối ( explanation ) + teaspoon of salt: một thìa muối (realia)

+ fry (v): rán (example) * Check: Rubout and Remember


- T points to the pictures on p.30 and then asks ss to predict what they are

- T asks ss to copy the table on the bb and fill in the " I guess" column Ss have to write things they use to cook the Special Chinese fried rice

- T gets feedback

I guess I listen


a a fried rice b pan

c garlic and green peppers d ham and peas

*While listening: Listen and check:

- T asks ss to listen to the tape and check their predictions

- T gets feedback





- Do individually

- Listen and repeat in chorus, then individual - Guess the meaning - Copy down

- Rewrite words

- Look at the pictures and answer

- Copy the table - Individual work then compare with a partner


Ordering :

- T asks ss to listen to the dialogue again and order the recipe to make the Special Chinese fried rice.

+Answer key:

a Put the little oil in the big pan b Heat the pan

c Fry the garlic and the green pepers d Put the ham and peas in

e Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in *Post listening:


- Set the scene: Hoa is very sad because she failed her English test What you say to advise her?

- Give model sentences:

You ought to study harder. Ought to =should

+Form: S + ought to + V-inf + Use: Give advise to smb Practice:

- Asks ss to LF (p.35) +Answer key:

a You ought to study harder b You ought to get up earlier

c You ought to eat more fruits and vegetables d You ought to see a dentist




- Pairs work

Step 3.Sumarry: (2m)

- Ask ss what they have learnt today - Can you tell me how to make fried eggs? Step 4.Homework:

- Remind ss to learn vocabulary by heart

- Ask Ss to write the recipe to make "Special Chinese Fried Rice" V.Evaluation:

……… ………

Date of preparing: 1.10.2020 Period 15


Lesson 4: READ (P.31- 32) - language focus 4(p.36- 37) I.Aims:


- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the safety precautions in the house and use "Why - Because"

- Develop skills : L , S , R & W 1.Language contents:

*Grammar: the simple present tense, Why-Because,

*Vocabulary:precaution,socket,match,object,safety, injure,bead 2.Skills: Reading

3.Attitude and moral sense : It helps ss to have motivation , happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can helps ss work harder

II.Teaching aids: Lesson plan, textbook, handouts, posters, pictures, colorchalks 1.Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, CD and cassette player.

2.Ss’ preparation: books , notebooks, workbooks.

Brainstorming, rubout and remember, T/F statements prediction III.Techniques:

Brain storming, matching, T/F predictions, comprehension questions IV.Procedures:

1.Organization:( (1m)

2.Checking the old lesson: (5’)

T asks SS to go to the board and write the new words, newstructures and exercises T corrects the mistakes


Teacher’s activities Time Ss'activities

Step1.Warm up Brain storming

- Asks ss to go to the board to write down the danger in the home for children

Boiling water drug

fire electricity gas knife

Step2: New lesson *Pre- reading

Pre- teach vocab -T presents some new words

+ precaution :sự phòng ngừa (translation) + socket:ổ cắm điện (realia) + match: que diêm (realia) + object : vật , đồ vật (realia) +safety (n) :sự an toàn (translation) + injure :làm bị thương (translation) + bead (n) : hạt nhỏ

* Check : Matching

T/F statements prediction:



- Do individually

- Listen and repeat in chorus, then individual

- Guess the meaning - Copy down


- T sets the sence : Lan's mother , Mrs Quyen, is at her local community center She is reading one of the posters on the wall: safety precautions in the house. a It is safe to leave medicine around the house b.Drugs can look like candy

c.A kitchen is a suitable place to play

d.Playing with one match can not start a fife e.Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous

f.Young children not understand that many house hold objects are dangerous

- T asks ss to read the statements on extra board and guess which is true os false Then T gets feedback *While - reading

Read and check:

- T asks ss to read the poster on p.31 and check their predictions

- T gets feedback * Answer :

a.F > It's safe to keep medicine in looked cupboards


c.F -> A kitchen is a dangerous place to play d.F -> playing with one match can cause a fire e T f T

Comprehension questions: Why- Because

- T asks ss to give the use of the qs and answer with "Why - Because"

- Then T asks ss to work in pairs to exercise on p.32

- T gets feedback * Answer :

b, Because it is a dangerous place c, Because one match can make a fire

d, Because children not try to put anything into them

e, Because the dangerous objects can injure or kill children

*Post reading: - Asks ss to LF





- Match words - Listen to the t

- Read and guess individually

- Work individually 1st then compare with a partner

- Read and check their prediction individually

- Copy and correct

- Listen and answer - Pair work

- Pairs work to ex

3.Consolidation: (1m)

- Ask ss what they have learnt today

_Introduces ss how to write “sơ đồ tư duy” with present simple 4.Homework:


- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare new lesson


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:31


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