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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE DONG VAN VIET FUNNEL TECHNIQUE FOR FINDING SHORTEST PATHS FROM A FIXED SOURCE POINT TO ALL DESTINATION POINTS ON A CONVEX POLYHEDRAL SURFACE IN R MASTER THESIS IN MATHEMATICS HANOI - 2017 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VNU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE DONG VAN VIET FUNNEL TECHNIQUE FOR FINDING SHORTEST PATHS FROM A FIXED SOURCE POINT TO ALL DESTINATION POINTS ON A CONVEX POLYHEDRAL SURFACE IN R Major: Applied Mathematics Code: 60 46 01 12 MASTER THESIS IN MATHEMATICS Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Phan Thanh An HANOI - 2017 Contents Acknowledgements List of symbols Introduction Preliminaries 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The length of a path The space of paths The length metric Polyhedral convex sets Shortest paths on a polyhedral surface 2.1 Shortest paths on a polyhedral surface 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 Chen and Han’s algorithm 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 An implementation of Chen and Han’s Funnel technique for finding shortest paths 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Conclusions References Definition of funnels Funnel tree The algorithm Examples A military path planning algorithm Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and appre-ciation to my supervisor Phan Thanh An The work on this thesis could not have been started if it were not for the generous support and the detail guide provided by my instructor I am indebted to his advice during time of writing this thesis He provided helpful feedback, support and valuable advice in writing this thesis There are many people who have provided me with their insightful comments and generously shared their document and knowledge I would like to thank, in particular, Assoc Prof Dr Tran Van Hoai, Mrs Phong Thi Thu Huyen, Mrs Nguyen Thi Le, for their advice I want to show my gratitude to all teachers from Faculty of Mathemat-ics, Mechanics, and Informatics, who had taught me a lot of knowledge through years In the process of doing this thesis, I received much important encour-aging factor and support from university, teachers, and friends I would like to thank those people who have contributed significantly to this thesis Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support over the years List of symbols [a; b] A closed line segment joining a and b ]a; b] [a; b]nfag E A sequence of common edges F A sequence of adjacent triangles F p;q;F fk fk (f1; : : : ; fm) A sequence of adjacent triangles A path in a metric space L( ) P roj The surface of a polyhedron S (s; (a; b) F s e (a; b) s; P roj Introduction The single source shortest path problem which asks computing the exact shortest paths from a fixed source point to all the other points on a polyhedral surface is a well-studied problem in computational geometry It has many application areas such as path planning for the movement of vehicles, robots, geographic information systems and navigation Sharir and Schorr [13] first presented an O(n logn) algorithm that runs on the surface of a convex polytope, where n is the vertices of the polytope The algorithm was subsequently improved by Mount [9] to O(n log n) time using what the author called the continuous Dijskstra technique Chen and Han [4] provided an O(n ) algorithm for single source shortest path problem on nonconvex polytope which deviates from the conventional continuous Dijskstra technique Chen and Han’s algorithm is conceptu-ally simple It builds a tree, called sequence tree, using planar unfolding technique and projection method The simplicity comes from a new observation of one angle one split" which results in upper bounding the number of branches in the sequence tree The algorithm is particularly interesting and receives much attention and improvement The algorithm was implemented and published by Kaneva and O’Rourke [5] In [2], An introduced the concept of funnels along sequence of triangles in three-dimensional space and straightest geodesics inside a sequence of triangles The concept of straightest geodesics along sequence of triangles are modified from the concept of straightest geodesics on a polyhedral surface of Polthier and Schmies [11] These concepts are used to compute the exact shortest path between two points along sequence of triangles, by constructing a sequence of funnels In this thesis, the concepts of funnels and funnel trees on the surface of a polytope given by An in [3] are used to compute all shortest paths from the fixed source point to any destination points on a polyhedral surface The structure of funnel tree including all shortest paths is modified from Chen and Han’s algorithm [4] However, the main difference between Chen and Han’s algorithm and An’s method is that we not use the planar unfolding technique and the concept of source images and the projections of ones An’s algorithm (Algorithm 5) builds the funnel tree of funnels without planar unfolding technique Consequently, the number of opera-tions in An’s algorithm is relatively small comparing with the number of operations in Chen and Han’s algorithm The algorithm takes O(m ) time, where m is the number of faces of the polytope The contents of this thesis are organized as follows Chapter reviews the main definitions of paths, length of paths and polyhedral convex sets There always exists a path of minimal length between arbitrary two points in a metric space In Chapter 2, our aim is to prove some interesting properties of shortest paths on a convex polyhedral surface Then we present Chen and Han’s algorithm and an implementation of Kaneva and O’Rourke for Chen and Han’s algorithm We propose a new shortest path algorithm using funnel technique in Chapter Comparing to Chen and Han’s shortest path algorithm, An’s algorithm skips the unfolding steps Instead of building a sequence tree, a funnel tree is built Therefore the proposed algorithm theoretically outperforms in the step of planar unfolding The results in this thesis were presented at the seminar of the Depart-ment of Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Institute of Math-ematics, VAST, Hanoi on November 8, 2017, and were submitted to the 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, 2018 Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi, November 1st, 2017 Dong Van Viet Chapter Preliminaries In this chapter, we review the definition of paths, length of paths in a metric space based on [10] and the definition of polyhedral convex sets based on [14] The most important result here to remember says that there always exists a path of minimal length between arbitrary two points in a metric space 1.1 The length of a path Let X be a metric space We denote by d(x; y) the distance between two points x and y of X We also use the notation d(x; y) = jx yj Definition 1.1.1 ([10]) A path in X is a continuous map : [a; b] ! X, where a and b are two arbitrary real numbers satisfying a < b If (a) = x and (b) = y, then we say that x and y are the endpoints of , and that joins the points x and y A partition, denoted by , of a closed interval [a; b] is defined to be a finite sequence (ti)i=0;:::;n of real numbers satisfying a = t0 < t1 < < tn = b, where n 1: Definition 1.1.2 (The length of a path, [10]) The length of a path [a; b] ! X is the quantity n X LX ( ) = L( ) = sup i=0 j (ti) (ti+1)j; : where the supremum is taken over the set of partition = (ti)i=0;:::;n of [a; b] A path is said to be rectifiable if its length is finite Example 1.1.3 Let X = R equipped Euclidean norm For all x and y in 3 R , let : [0; 1] ! R be a path joining x and y in R defined by (t) = (1 t)x + ty Then we have L( ) = kx yk Proof For all t1 and t2 satisfying j (t1) (t2)j = k(1 t2 t1)x + t1y = k(t2 t1)kx 1, we have (1 t1)x + (t1 = (t2 Thus, if t1 t2)x t2yk t2)yk yk: = (ti)i=0;:::;n is an arbitrary partition of [0; 1], we have n X j (ti) (ti+1)j = i=0 Taking the supremum over all partition, we obtain n X L( ) = sup j (ti) i=0 (ti+1)j = kx yk: Proposition 1.1.4 ([10]) Let : [a; b] ! X be a path, we obtain the following inequality jx yj L( ); where x = (a) and y = (b) are the endpoints of Thus, the length of a path is bounded below by the distance between its endpoints Proof Let P be the set of all partition of [a; b] For each partition = ft0; : : : ; tng P, set n X L := i=0 j (ti) (ti+1)j: Let = fa; bg P be a trivival partition of [a; b], then from the definition of the length of a path we have L( ) = sup L 2P two children It follows that two these funnels of the funnel tree have the following property: funnels Fv;q;F0, and Fp;v;F10 (or funnels Fp;v;F0, and Fv;q;F10 have an overlap area It follows that two shortest paths from the same source s intersect each other at a point in the this overlap area (see Figure 3.12) This is a contradiction as two shortest paths can not intersect each other unless at the source point or destination point Thus, at most one of funnels Fp;q;F and Fp;q;F1 can have two children Next, we indicate that which funnel can have two children We consider the followings: 2) If l < l1 then we prove that Fp;q;F1 has one child and we let Fp;q;F have two children Indeed, we unfold F and F1 on the plane of 4pqv and suppose that s; s1 are images of s on the plane of 4pqv It follows from F =6 F1 and Lemma 3.3.2 that \pvz 6= \pvz1 2)i) If \pvz > \pvz1 then by Lemma 3.3.1, l([s; x]) < l([s1; x]) for all x [v; q] We are in position to prove that the funnel Fv;q;F 01 is deleted Assume that Fv;q;F 01 and Fv;q;F0 occupy some vertex y of the polyhedron, where 4vqy and 4pqv have the same common edge [v; q] It follows that l( F0[4vqy(s; y)) < l( F10[4vqy(s; y)): Then, the funnel Fv;q;F10 is deleted 2)ii) If \pvz < \pvz1 then again, by Lemma 3.3.1, l([s; x]) < l([s1; x]) for all x [p; v] We are in position to prove that the funnel Fp;v;F10 is deleted Assume that Fp;v;F10 and Fp;v;F0 occupy some vertex w of the polyhedron, where 4pvw and 4pqv have the same common [p; v] It follows that l( F0[4vpw(s; w)) < l( F10[4vpw(s; w)): Then, the funnel Fp;v;F10 is deleted 3) Similarly, if l1 < l, Fp;q;F1 has two children while Fp;q;F has only one child which can be used to define the funnel tree 4) Finally, if l = l1 then Fp;q;F ties Fp;q;F1 If \pvz > \pvz1 (\pvz < \pvz1, respectively) then, as seen in Figure 3.13, Fv;q;F0 and Fp;v;F10 (Fp;v;F0 and Fv;q;F10, respectively) are not overlap then Fv;q;F0 and Fp;v;F10 (Fp;v;F0 and Fv;q;F10, respectively) can be used to define the funnel tree 44 Figure 3.13: \pvz > \pvz1 implies that Fv;q;F0 and Fp;v;F10 are not overlap then Fv;q;F0 and Fp;v;F10 can be used to define the funnel tree (Fp;v;F0, respectively) is not a child of We now consider whether Fv;q;F10 the funnel Fp;q;F1 (Fp;q;F , respectively) 4)i) If \pvz > \pvz1 then by Lemma 3.3.1, l([s; x]) < l([s1; x]) for all x ]v; q] and l([s; x]) > l([s1; x]) for all x ]v; p] Assume that Fv;q;F10 and Fv;q;F0 occupy some vertex y of the polyhedron, where 4vqy and 4pqv have the same common [v; q] and Fp;v;F0 and Fp;v;F10 occupy some vertex w of the polyhedron and 4vpw and 4pqv have the same common [v; p] It follows that l( F0[4vqy(s; y)) < l( F10[4vqy(s; y)) and l( F10[4vpw(s; w)) < l( F0[4vpw(s; w)): Then, the funnels Fv;q;F10 and Fp;v;F0 are deleted 4)ii) If \pvz < \pvz1 then again, by Lemma 3.3.1, l([s; x]) > l([s1; x]) for all x ]v; q] and l([s; x]) < l([s1; x]) for all x ]v; p] Assume that Fv;q;F10 and Fv;q;F0 occupy some vertex y of the polyhedron, where 4vqy and 4pqv have the same common [v; q] and Fp;v;F0 and Fp;v;F10 occupy some vertex w of the polyhedron, where 4vpw and 4pqv have the same common [v; p] It follows that l( F0[4vqy(s; y)) > l( F10[4vqy(s; y)) and l( F10[4vpw(s; w)) > l( F0[4vpw(s; w)): 45 Then, the funnels Fv;q;F0 and Fp;v;F10 are deleted Remark 3.3.4 ([3]) By Lemma 3.3.3, we only let the funnel which is the closest to the direct destination fork into two children This property is called one direct destination one split If we maintain this technique in the funnel tree, the number of leaves at each level of the tree will be reduced to O(m), because there are O(m) direct destinations in the polyhedron Procedure Clip off Funnels(4pqv; F; F1) below executes the three cases 2) - 4) of Lemma 3.3.3 It compares two funnels Fp;q;F and Fp;q;F1 on the same edge [p; q] and having the same direct destination v of the triangle 4pqv to determine which children of these two funnels are deleted Procedure Clip off Funnels(4pqv; F; F1) [3] 0 1: Let F = F [ 4pqv; F1 = F1 [ 4pqv 2: Let l (l1, respectively) be the length of the path F0(s; v) ( F10(s; v), respec- tively) 3: if l < l1 4: if \pvz > \pvz1 applying Lemma 3.3.3 2) 5: then delete child Fv;q;F10 of Fp;q;F1 6: else if \pvz < \pvz1 then delete child Fp;v;F10 of Fp;q;F1 7: 8: if l1 < 9: l applying Lemma 3.3.3 3) if \pvz > \pvz1 10: then delete child Fp;v;F0 of Fp;q;F 11: else if \pvz < \pvz1 then delete child Fv;q;F0 of Fp;q;F 12: 13: else 14: applying Lemma 3.3.3 4) if \pvz > \pvz1 15: then delete child Fp;v;F0 of Fp;q;F and child Fv;q;F10 of Fp;q;F1 16: else if \pvz < \pvz1 then delete child Fv;q;F0 of Fp;q;F and child Fp;v;F10 of Fp;q;F1 17: We now ready to present an algorithm for building the sequence tree 46 Similar to [4], the following algorithm builds the funnel tree by recursively splitting funnels Each node of the tree other than the root may have one child or two children If it has two children then call Procedure to delete nodes and their subtrees that are not used to determine shortest paths Algorithm Funnel tree for finding shortest paths [3] Require: A point s on a polyhedral surface Ensure: The funnel tree with root s that contains the shortest paths from s to all vertices of the surface 1: root := s 2: for all the edge [p; q] opposite to s 3: insert Fp;q;F = 4spq as root’s children 4: for i := 5: to m for all funnel Fp;q;F at the i m is the number of faces th level 6: for direct destination v of the funnel Fp;q;F , set F = F [ 4pqv 7: determine extended funnels Fp;v;F0 and Fv;q;F0 if Fp;q;F has one child 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: then insert that child as Fp;q;F ’s child if Fp;q;F has two children Fp;v;F0, Fv;q;F0 if \pvq is previously marked by another funnel, called Fp;q;F1 then call Procedure Clip off Funnels(4pqv; F; F1) else insert both children of Fp;q;F and mark \pvq if Fp;q;F has no child then insert Fp;q;F0 as Fp;q;F ’s child Lemma 3.3.5 ([3]) All extended funnels that contain shortest paths starting from s are among the extended funnels computed in Algorithm Proof Let v be an arbitrary vertex on the surface of the polyhedron Because the polyhedron is convex, there always exists at least on shortest path (s; v) from s to v on the polyhedral surface Let F be the sequences of triangles that contains (s; v) Because the number of faces is finite, 47 the number of triangles in F is finite, the number of direct destinations (vertices) is also finite For a funnel Fp;q;F (F F), and for a direct destination u F of Fp;q;F , the algorithm calculates extended funnels, updates F = F [ 4pqu, and then move on the next direct destination in the next level Therefore, after finite steps when vertex v is reached, a funnel Fv;q;F having F (s; v) as the left border is formed Assume for the purpose of contradiction that Fv;q;F is deleted by Procedure of Algo-rithm 5, then there exists a shorter path from s to v along the surface of the polyhedron This contradicts with F (s; v) is the shortest path from s to v on the polyhedral surface Therefore, the lemma is proved By Lemma 3.3.3, we only let the funnel which is the closest to the ex-tended vertex fork into two children If we maintain one direct destination one split" in our funnel tree, the number of leaves of the tree at each level will be reduced to O(m) Theorem 3.3.6 ([3]) Algorithm computes all shortest paths on a triangulated polyhedron surface S from s to the other vertices of S in O(m ) time, where m is the number of faces Proof The correctness: For i = 1, the tree consists of triangles incident to s, which is in fact the shortest paths from s to all vertices of those triangles The tree grows by exploring new vertex and updating shorter path lengths Incrementing i for the next iteration of for loop in line and determing new funnels then preserve the loop invariant The for terminate when no new funnel can be found, then no shortest path can be found By Lemma 3.3.5 the tree contains all shortest paths from s to all vertices of the polyhedron For m is the number of faces of the polyhedron, the number of leaves of the tree at is level is O(m) For each leaves, computing extended funnels and comparing to other funnel take constant time Hence, it takes O(m) time to generate the next level of the tree The number of face is O(m) Hence the length of the funnel tree is O(m) Therefore the time complexity of Algorithm is O(m ) Because the number m of faces is finite, Algorithm terminates after a finite number of steps 48 In comparing with Chen and Han’s algorithm, An’s algorithm has the same time complexity since structure of funnel tree is modified from Chen and Han’s sequence tree However, the main difference between Chen and Han’s algorithm and our method is that we not use the planar unfolding technique and the concept of source images and the projections of ones The projection method generates two straight borders while funnels only require one straightest geodesic border Using funnels, we can give directly the answer for the length of shortest paths 3.4 Examples Example 3.4.1 Take the convex polyhedron with 12 vertices and 20 faces as in Example 2.3.1 Similarly, take vertex as the root, we perform computing shortest paths using funnel technique and funnel tree Figure 3.14: A convex polyhedron with 12 vertices and 20 faces from Example 2.3.1 Using Algorithm 5, the funnel tree is built and is illustrated in Figure 3.15 For each funnel Fp;q, the number below it indicates the length of the locally shortest path from the root s to vertex p The numbers in red are the length of shortest paths along the polyhedral surface For example, the shortest path from to has length 0.768, the shortest path from to 10 has length 1.726, the shortest path from to has length 2.147 The shortest path from to passes to the sequence of edges 49 f[5; 4]; [5; 11]; [6; 11]g (the edge [6; 11] does not appear in the funnel tree because the angle \056 , then we make F5;11 is a child of itself) Figure 3.15: The funnel tree computed by Algorithm We use JavaView software to check the results Figure 3.16 illustrates the shortest paths from vertex to vertices 6; 8; 11 extracted from the funnel tree Comparing with the results of Example 2.3.1, our results are the same 50 Figure 3.16: The shortest paths from vertex to vertices 6; 8; 11 extracted from the funnel tree 3.5 A military path planning algorithm Path planning problem for military applications such as for robots or unmanned autonomous agents in combat situations is to plan a safe and efficient path from a specified origin to destination This problem has become a popular resrearch topic in recent years and is stated as follows Problem ([7]) Require: Given a scenario that there exists a terrain, a robot, enemies, an origin and a destination Ensure: Plan a path to reach the destination from the origin without being shot by the enemies In the scope of paper [7], the enemies are supposed to be located at fixed locations on the given terrain The enemies can shoot the robot when it is located within a certain distance er from the enemy location Also, the robot has a certain distance range rr through which it can identify an enemy location That means the robot cannot identify enemy locations that are located at a distance greater than rr Therefore, the robot range rr should be greater than enemy range er, otherwise the robot will be shot by the enemies 51 A terrain is a set of sparsely distributed points over a region Each point has Cartesian coordinates (xi; yi; zi) These points try to represent the actual ground as close as possible The points that are distributed on the actual ground are joined by lines such that they form small triangles The triangles are formed using Delaunay’s triangles Then, we can view the terrain as a graph whose nodes are joined by lines The objective here is to find a path with length as short as possible In [7], Jha et al gave a solution for Problem as follows Using shortest path algorithms for graphs such as Floy’s algorithm, the shortest path from any node to any other node can be calculated When the shortest path from any node to any other node is obtained, the robot can reach its destination using the shortest path While the robot is moving forward, it keeps on scanning for the enemy locations within a circle around it with a radius er1 (er < er1 < rr) If an enemy location is found, the robot marks all the lines that overlap or are within the circle with radius er1 with enemy location as the centre These links are deemed infeasible for the robot to travel Therefore, it will remove these lines from the graph The robot now comes back to the previous node that it just crossed and with that node as the starting point the robot now calculates the shortest path to reach the destination This process is repeated until the destination is reached In conclusion, we have the following algorithm given by Jha et al [7] 52 Algorithm Military path planning Require: A terrain, robot, enemies, and origin and destination Ensure: A path to reach the destination from origin without being shot by the enemies 1: Identify origin and destination nodes 2: Assign the robot at origin 3: Find the shortest path from origin to destination 4: Look for the enemies that are within the distance er1 from the robot 5: If an enemy location is found then go to step 6, else the robot reaches the destination without getting shot by the enemies 6: Mark all the lines that overlap or are within the circle of radius er with an enemy location as the center, and remove the lines from the graph 7: Assign the robot to the last visited node This now becomes the new origin 8: Repeat steps to until the destination is reached This algorithm is developed in Matlab by Jha et al [7] For example, there are two enemy locations, one at node and another along the line joining node and node 11 (see Figure 3.17(a)) The robot objective is to start from node and reach node 13 without getting shot Using Floy’s algorithm, the shortest path was found to be 9-1011-13 While scanning the line 10-11, the algorithm found an enemy located on line 7-11 (see Figure 3.17(a)) 53 Figure 3.17: (a) Origin, destination, enemy locations, robot and their shooting ranges (b) Robot finding an enemy location without being detected by the enemies The algorithm removes lines 7-11, 11-13, 11-14, 11-15, 11-10 from the graph The robot now comes back to node 10, the new origin At this point, the shortest path is found to be 10-7-12-13 On this path there are no enemies and hence the robot safely reaches its destination (see Figure 3.18) Figure 3.18: A revised shortest path is obtained for the new graph 54 We see that the solution given by Jha et al for Problem is a path going on the edges of terrain If the path goes through the interior of triangles, then we may obtain a shorter path Our aim is using the concept of funnels and funnel tree to find a path going through the interior of triangles Furthermore, the terrains are not convex in general Algorithm has to be modified so that it can run in nonconvex case They are new problem for studying in the future Lemma 3.3.3 says that given two node on them same oriented edge which occupy a common vertex, then at most one of these funnels can have two children which can be used to define the funnel tree The observation helps to reduce the size of funnel tree But we can reduce the size of tree more by using Property 2.1.7 (iii) which says that two shortest paths can not intersect each other unless at the source point of the destination point We will investigate more on this aspect of shortest paths to reduce the size of the funnel tree Our try to a C++ implementation of Algorithm has not been done We are still working and hope that task will be done in near future 55 Conclusions In this thesis we present a new algorithm using the concept of funnels and funnel tree for computing shortest paths on convex polyhedral surfaces in three dimensions Specifically: We review the definition of paths, length of paths in a metric space and the definition of polyhedral convex sets There always exists a path of minimal length between arbitrary two points in a metric space In Chapter 2, we present some interesting properties of shortest paths on convex polyhedral surfaces that are given in [1] From these prop-erties and the key observation of one angle one split", Chen and Han used the planar unfolding technique and the projection method to built sequence trees containing shortest paths We also present the implementation of Kaneva and O’Rourke [5] for Chen and Han’s algorithm Finally, we present An’s algorithm for Problem using funnel technique and funnel tree given in [1, 2, 3] Comparing to Chen and Han’s shortest path algorithm, An’s algorithm ([3]) skips the unfold-ing steps Therefore the proposed algorithm theoretically outperforms in the step of planar unfolding The example is visualized in JavaView software 56 References [1] P T An (2017), Optimization Approaches for Computational Geom-etry, NXB Khoa håc Tü nhi¶n v Cỉng ngh», Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, ISBN: 9786049135736 [2] P.T An (2018), Finding shortest paths in a sequence of triangles in 3D by method of orienting curves , Optimization, 67, pp 159 177, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02331934.2017.1387260 [3] P.T An, T.V Hoai, D.-S Kim, K Polthier, and D.V Viet, Funnel Technique for Finding Shortest Paths from a Fixed Source Point to all Destination Points on a Convex Polyhedral Surface , 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific 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X is the quantity n X LX ( ) = L( ) = sup i=0 j (ti) (ti+1)j; : where the supremum is taken over the set... that d‘(x; y) = From the inequality jx yj d‘(x; y) we obtain jx yj = 0, which implies x = y: To prove that d‘ is a metric, it remains to show that the triangle inequality is satisfied Let x;... (ti+1)j = kx yk: Proposition 1.1.4 ([10]) Let : [a; b] ! X be a path, we obtain the following inequality jx yj L( ); where x = (a) and y = (b) are the endpoints of Thus, the length of a path is

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2020, 09:34



