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Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Monday,August,25 th ,2008 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson2: SPEAK and LISTEN I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to: - Introduce themselves, get acquainted with a friend and talk about the city where they live throught words and structures: let me introduce my self; pleased to meet you. II. Language contents : 1. Vocabulary : Nem 2. Structure : 3. Skills : Listening, speaking, reading, writing III. Techniques: answer given IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, cards, pictures V. Procedure : STUDENTS’ & TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Warm up : Intruduce oneself - T. divides class in groups of four - S1: My name is Tam. I am 15 years old. There are five people in my family. I like reading and outdoor activities. - S2: Her name is Tam. She is 15 years old. There are five people in her family. She likes reading and outdoor activities. - S3: I am Nam. I am fourteen years old. There are three people in my family. I like sports such as: volleyball, football… - S4: He is Nam. He is 14 yers old. There are three people in his family. He likes sports such as: volleyball, football… * Pre – Speaking : T. Introduces: Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting Lan outside her school. -T asks students to do exercise a). The students have to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue. * While Speaking : S. do with partner T. asks some questions to check students’ understanding. T . asks students to practice speaking the dialogue . UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 2. SPEAK and LISTEN a) Nga is talking to Maryam. They are waiting for Lan outside her school. Put their dialogue in the correct order and copy it into your exercise book. Then practice with your partner: Start lke this * Answer : 1 – c – 5 – b – 4 – d – 2 – e – 3 – a – 6  Hello. You must be Maryam.  That’s right. I am.  Pleased to meet you.Let me introduce myself. I am Nga.  Pleasd to meet you, Nga. Are you one of Lan’s classmates?  Yes, I am. Are you enjoy your stay in Viet Nam?  Oh, yes, very much. Vietnamese people are very friendly and Ha Noi is a very interesting city. 5 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 b) Now you are talking … T : Sets the scene : You are talking to Maryam’s friends. Introduce yourself. T : Asks students to take turns tobe one of Maryam’s friends and practice speaking. - First ask some pairs to present their dialogues. Then asks them to practice with their partners. * Post Speaking : - Calls three pairs to practice speaking the three dialogues in front of the class. T : Corrects their mistakes and asks students to rewrite one dialogue they like into their notebooks. * Pre – Listening : T : Sets the scene : Tim Jones’s Mexican pen pal, Carlo is visiting the USA. He is hungry and Tim will take him to a restauant - T. Asks students to look at the pictures and tell the class what differs between pic-. -S. answer A1: don’t walk on the grass A2: don’t pick up flowers. B1: the bus number 103 B2: the bus number 130 C1: a Mexican food restaurant. C2: a American food restaurant. T. now you listen twice and choose the number of correct pictures- * While Listening : S. listen to the tape twice to check their guesses. * Post Listening : S. after listening S exchange their choice with their partners and give the answers before class. T. lets S listen the last time to check the answers. * Homework. T. has S get information about countries of ASIAN, especial about Malaysia.  Do you live in a city, too?  Yes. I live in Kuala Lumpur. Have you been there?  No. is it very different from Hanoi?  The two cities are the same in some ways.  I see. Oh! Here’s Lan. Let’s go. b) Now you are talking to Maryam’ friends. Introduce yourself. Make similar dialogues. Take turns to be one of Maryam’s friends. - Are you Yoko? - That’s right. I am. - Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. My name’s Thu. I am 15 years old. - Me too. Do you live in Vung Tau? - Yes, I am. Are you from Japan. Which city in Japan do you live in? - I live in Tokyo- a busy big capital city. - Do you like Viet Nam? - Yes. The people are friendly and the beaches are very beautiful. * New words : - Nem : spring roll : chaû gioø Tape Transcript. Tim: are you hungry, Carlo? Carlo: Yes. Tim: Okay. Let’s go to a restaurant downtown. If we go through the park, we can catch a bus on Ocean Drive. Carlo: That’s fine. I really like walking in the park. You’re lucky to have a place like this close to your home. It’s so beautiful with trees and flowers and a pond in the middle. Tim: Carlo! Be careful! You’re walkng on the grass. The park keeper is growing some more- you will kill new grass! Carlo: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign. Tim: Come on. It’s time to catch the bus Carlo: Is that our bus, Tim? * Answers : a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 Tuesday,August,26 th ,2008 PERIOD:4 6 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson3: READ I. Objectives : Reading for details, students will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN II. Language contents : 1. Vocabulary : divided (v), separated (v), comprise (v), tropical climate (n), official (adj), language of instruction 2. Structure : 3. Skills : Listening, speaking, reading, writing III. Techniques: True or False, answer given … IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures, map of countries of the ASEAN V. Procedure : ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Warm up : Network - T has S say the names of countries of ASIAN and other group write the namea of capitals of Asian countries. -S. answer Country: Viet Nam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philipines, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei Capital: Ha Noi, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, Vientiane, Phnom Penh, Yangun,Bangkok, Bandar Seri Begawan * Pre-reading : -T introduces the reading by using the map and picture about Malaysia. - Asks students what they know about Malaysia. - Makes students to recognize the two regions East, West and its capital on the map of Malaysia. - Lets students look at the information box and ask them if they know some information in the box. - Asks students to make questions for what they want to know. ?1. Where is it ? ?2. What is it's capital ? ?3. What is it's population ? ?4. How big is it ? ?5. What language is spoken in this country ? - Teacher explains some new words and more information. - Asks students to read the text to find out the answers to their questions. * While reading : * New words : - climate (n) : khí hậu, thời tiết - official (adj) : chính thức - unit of currency : đơn vò tiền tệ - compulsory (adj) : bắt buộc - sq = square (sq km = km 2 ) * Answer : a) 1. 329,758 sq km 2. over 22 million 3. tropical 4. ringgit 7 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 - - Lets students listen to the tape once and then read it to get information to fill the table - Calls some students to give their answers. - Teacher corrects ( if necessary ). - Lets students read the the text again and and check (  ) the boxes, then correct the false statements. - Calls students to answer in front of the class. - Corrects their mistakes and give correct answers. * Post reading : Interview - Gives students the task. A : You’re going to visit Malaysia. Prepare some questions to ask Maryam about her country ( refer to the table on page 10 ) B : You’re Maryam, from Malaysia. You have to answer A’s questions about your country. * Homework : - Teacher gives the topic : In your group of eight do a project to introduce your home town as a tourist attraction. Use the cues : Ho Chi Minh City - Asks students : 5. Kuala Lumpur 6. Islam 7. Bahasa Malaysia 8. English * Answer : b) 1. T 2. F ( There are more than two religions.) 3. F ( English, Chinese, and Tamil are also widely spoken.) 4. F ( One of the three : Malay, Chinese, Tamil 5. F ( English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction.) * Expected interview : A : Hi, Maryam. I’m going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday. I’d like to know something about your country. Can you help me ? B : Yes, certainly. A : What language is spoken in your country ? B : Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken. A : Do children have to study any foreign language in school ? B : Yes. English is a compulsory second language in secondary school. A : Ah, I see. What about the people ? What are they like ? B : I think they are friendly, …… * Cues : - Where is your home town ? - What is it famous about ? - What could people do when coming to your home town ? - Where could they go ? - What could you do to make your home town more attractive ? . - Prepare the lesson for the next period : Write – Unit 1 Monday,September,8 th ,2008 PERIOD:5 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL 8 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Lesson4: Write I. Objectives : Write a personal letter. II. Language contents : 1. Vocabulary : 2. Structure : simple past, present perfect and simple future ( review ) 3. Skills : writing III. Techniques: answer given IV.Teaching aids : Textbook, projector. V. Procedure : TEACHER’S & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Warm up : answer given -T. Asks students : Questions : ?1. Have you ever visited any other places in Vietnam ? ?2. When did you go ? ?3. How did you get there ? ?4. Did you visit any places of interest ? ?5. Did you buy anything ? ?6. When you are from home, do you keep in touch ? How ? * Pre- writing : - Set the scene : Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Vietnam or a different country. -T. Asks students on their own answer the questions Questions : ?1. When did you arrive in…? How did you get there ? ?2. Who met you at the bus stop/ the train station/ the air port ? ?3. What have you done? - Which places did have you visit? - Who did you meet during the visit? - What kinds of food did you try? - What did you buy? ?4. How do you feel about the visit? ?5. What do you think interest you most ? ?6. When did you return home? Who take you? - S. answer - T. reminds students about the format of a personal letter by asking the question : What are the parts of a personal letter ? + Heading : Writer’s address and date. + Opening : Dear … + Body of the letter + Closing : Your friend / Regard / Love UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 5. WRITE * Suggested letter: - First paragraph : 9 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 * While writing : -T. Asks students to write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit. -T. Asks students to look at the outline and asks them what part of the letter they are going to write. ( body of the letter ) -T. Asks students to follow the outline to write their own letter. -T.Asks them to swap the letters, compare with their partners * Post writing : -T. Chooses some letter to correct in class. -T. Asks students about the tenses used in this letter (simple past, present perfect and simple future ) -T reminds the formations of those tenses * Note : 1. The simple past tense : S + V1 + O 2. The present perfect tense : S + have / has + PP II +O 3. The simple future tense : S + will / shall +V( inf.) + O * Homework : -T. Asks students : - Write their letters on their notebooks. - Learn their lessons. - Prepare lesson for the next period : Language focus – Unit 1 I arrived at Hue train station at 2 pm on Saturday. My uncle Tuan met me there, then took me home by motor bike. - Second paragraph : I’ve visited many places: the citadel, Tu Duc monument, Khai Dinh monment. I also went to Dong Ba market where I bought a lot of souvenirs. I went across Trang Tien Bridge and walked along Le Loi Street. I enjoyed many kinds of food such as: Hue beef noodle, corn sweet soup . They are very spicy. - Third paragraph : I feel so happy and enjoy myself very much. The people here are so nice and friendly, the foods are so delicious, and the sights are so beautiful. I’ll leave Hue at 7 a.m next Thursday and will arrive home at 11 p.m. Please pick me up at the train station. Yours truly Mai Tuesday,September,9 th ,2008 PERIOD:6 UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Lesson5: Language focus 10 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 I. Objectives : Further practice in simple past tense and simple past tense with wish II. Language contents : 1. Vocabulary : vs (versus) = against 2. Structure : Simple past tense and simple past tense with wish 3. Skills : Listening, speaking, reading, writing III.Techniques: answer given, IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures V. Procedures : TEACHER’S & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS * Activity 1 : - Sets the scene : This is the conversation between A and B. They are talking about what Ba did on the weekend. - T.asks students to read the model dialogue. * Model dialogue : A : What did Ba do on the weekend ? B : He went to see a movie called “ Ghosts and Monsters ”. A : When did he see it ? B : He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. -T. Asks S to look at the activities and times of Ba, Nga, Lan, Nam, Hoa in the table. - T.Gets S to note the word vs (versus) -T. Asks S to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about what they did on the weekend. -T. Tells students that the activities happened in definite time in the past. -T. Gets some pairs of S to practice the dialogue before class. - T. corrects * Activity 2 : - Sets the scene : Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam. Write the things they did to prepare for the party. -T. Asks S to look at the pictures and the words in the box, then name these people. -T. Asks S to work in pairs talking what they did. -T. Calls on 5 students to talk in front of the class and then 5 other students write on the board. -T. Corrects if necessary, then let students write into their notebooks. -T. Reminds the formation of the simple UNIT 1 : A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL Period 6. LANGUAGE FOCUS 1. Work with a parner. Ask and answer questions about what each person did on the weekend. * New words : - vs (versus) = against (pre.) : ñaáu vôùi A : What did Nga do on the weekend ? B : She went to the concert performed by Hanoi singers. A : When did she go to see it ? B : He saw it on Saturday evening at 8 p.m. 2. Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam. Write the things they did to prepare for the party. *Example : 1. They made a cake. 2. They hung colorful lamps on the wall / in the room. 3. They bought flowers. 4. Theypainted a picture of Ha Noi. 5. They went shopping. 3. Work with a partner. Write wishes you want 11 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 past tense and its usage. -T. Asks students talk the same about their birthday parties in pairs, then in front of the class individually. * Activity 3 : - T.asks S what thing you want most but you can’t get it - S. answer: I want to have a computer but I don’t have it -T. you don’t have a computer. You wish you had a computer you say: I wish I had acomputer -T. who remark which tense is used -T.introduces the formation and the usage of the clause after wish. T. gets S to look at the example in the textbook Questions : ?1. Is he tall ? ( No.) ?2. Is he happy with it ? ( No.) ?3. What does he have in his mind ? ( “ I wish I were taller ”.) -T Asks students to read the next situations and make wishes. -T. Checks and correct, then ask students to write all correct sentences into their notebooks * Consolidation : -T. Asks students : ?1. What tenses do we learn today ? ?2. When do we use the simple past tense ? ?3. What tense is used in the clause after wish ? ?4. Do we use was in the clause after wish ? - Reminds the content. * Homework : -T. Asks students : - Make three wishes of their own. - Learn their lessons. - Prepare for the next period : Getting started + Listen and read (U2 ) to make in these situations. * Note : + The simple past tense : - Formation : S + V1 + O - Usage : Express an action happened in definite time in the past. ?4. What tense was used in the clause after wish ? ( simple past tense ) * Note : Wish is used when we want really tobe different and exactly opposite of the truth. It expresses wishes in the present. - Form : I wish + S + V( simple past ) Ex : I wish I could fly as a bird ( I can’t fly) - With tobe, we use were for all subjects. * Suggested answers : a. I wish I were taller. b. I wish I were in the swimming pool now. c. I wish I had a computer. d. I wish I lived close to school. e. I wish I had a sister. f. I wish I drew well. g. I wish I had my friends’ phone number. h. I wish I knew many friends. i. I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown. Friday,September,12 th ,2008 PERIOD:7 12 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 UNIT 2 : Clothing Lesson1: Getting started Listen and read I. Objectives : Students will know some more about ao dai, the traditional dress of Vietnamese women II. Language contents : 1. Vocabulary : poet (n), long silk tunic (n), (to) slit (n / v), inspiration (n), ethnic minority (n), pattern (n) 2. Structure : - The present perfect tense ( review ) - The passive forms. 3. Skills : Listening, speaking, reading, writing III. Techniques: gap filling, answer given IV. Teaching aids : Textbook, pictures of ao dai V. Procedure TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up * Quiz : - T. devide class into groups, ask them to look at the clothes people are wearing in the pic- and take turn to decide where each person comes from. - T. suggest some questions and - S. answer about the people in the picture. * Suggested questions and answers : ?1. Picture a) : Where does she come from ? – She comes from Japan. ?2. How do you know ? – She is wearing a kimono. -T. let students discuss the questions. -T. introduce new words about the traditional clothes of some countries. * Note some new words : - kimono : bộ áo dân tộc truyền thống của Nhật Bản. - kilt : váy xếp nếp bằng vải len kẻ ô vuông của người miền núi Scotland. - sari : vải quấn quanh thân người thay cho quần áo của phụ nữ n Độ - veil : mạng che mặt - T. call S to answer 13 CONTENTS a. GETTINGSTARTED Lesson plan - English 9 Page Schoolyear: 2010-2011 * Answers : a. She comes from Japan. b. She comes from Viet Nam. c. He comes from Scotland. d. She comes from India. e. He comes from the USA. f. She comes from (Saudi) Arabia. -T. check and correc - Set the scene : You are going to listen and read a text about the traditional dress of Viet Nam, ao dai (T. use pictures of some different ao dai to introduce and introduce new words in the text. - Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember. -T. ask students to listen and do the exercise a) - S. listen to the text twice, then read the sentences that have dificult intonation and new words or new phrases. - 5 students called to give the 5 answers. - T. correct - S. asked to read the main sentences to check their answers. -T. let students read the text again (silent) . Then S work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in exercise b) -Af about 6 minutes S called to to practice in front of the class. Then 3 other students to write the answers on the board. - T. check and correct. ( if necessary ) -T. make S note some grammar points in the text. * Note : 1. The present perfect tense : S + have / has + V(p.p) 2. The passive forms : S + be + V(p.p) - Simple present : be  am / is / are - Simple past : be  was / were - Present perfect : be  have / has been - Simple future : be  will / shall be - Modal verbs : be  modal verbs be - Asks students to use their own words to tell the group what they have known about the ao dai. * Homework : - Asks students - Write what they have spoken to their partners and adding their opinion whether they like wearing the ao dai or not. - Learn their lesson. - Prepare for the next period : Speak; Listen ) b.LISTEN AND READ * New words : - poet (n) : Ex : Nguyen Du, To Huu, Huy Can … are poets. - long silk tunic (n) : áo lụa dài và rộng - (to) slit (v / n) : (to make) a long thin cut in something : xẻ / đường xẻ - inspiration (n) : cảm hứng, hứng khỡi  to take inspiration from something : lấy cảm hứng từ … - ethnic minority (n) : Ex : Thai, Muong, Ede, H’ mong … are ethnic minorities. b) answer these questions a) Complete the sentences. Use the information from the passage. * Answers : 1. … poems, novels and songs. 2. … long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants. 3. … to wear modern clothing at work. 4. … lines of poetry on it. 5. … symbols such as suns, stars, crosses and tripes. * Answers : 1. Traditionally, men and women used to wear the ao dai. 2. Because it is more convenient. 3. They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbols such as suns, stars, crosses, and stripes to the ao dai. Sunday,September,14 th ,2008 PERIOD:8 14 [...]... partner exercise b) after reading the text b) In the 196 0s: A lot os university and again college students wore jeans T explain the questions c) In the 197 0s: Jeans became T get S to give the answers (each pair) cheaper so many, many people S write on the board began wearing jeans d) In the 198 0s: Jeans became high fashion clothiong e) In the 199 0s: the sale fo jeans stopped going up T remark and give... 196 0s’ fashions were embroidered jeans, painted jeans and so on f) Because jeans became cheaper Lesson plan - English 9 Page 18 Consolidation Discussion: Do you like wearing jeans? Why/ why not? Do you wear jeans in formal occasion? Schoolyear: 2010-2011 g) Jeans at last became high fashion in the 198 0s h) The sale of jeans stopped growing up because worldwide economic situation got worse in the 199 0s... Do the exercises 6, 8 page ( 22, 23, 24 ) - Prepare the lesson for the next period : Write ( Unit 3 ) Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Lesson plan - English 9 Page 29 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Lesson plan - English 9 Page 30 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Lesson plan - English 9 Page Period18 31 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Tuesday, October,21st,2008 Unit3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 4: Write I Aims : By the end of the lesson,... Homework : Asks students : - Write their passage (after correction) into their notebook - Learn their lesson - Do the exercise 9 ( page 24, 25 ) - Prepare the lesson : Language focus ( Unit 3 ) Lesson plan - English 9 Page 33 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 Friday, October, 24th,2008 Period 19 Unit3: A trip to the countryside Lesson 5: Language focus Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use... the banyan tree + Give feedback and answer key 5 T 6 F People had a picnic on the riverbank 7 T 8 F Liz had a lot of photos to show her parents * While reading : Lesson plan - English 9 Page 24 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 9 T * Answers : 1 It’s 60 kilometers to the north of Ha Noi - Comprehension questions : 2 They got there by bus + Has students work in pairs to answer the 3 It’s at the entrance to the... : Textbook, cassette, cards, pictures, small board IV Procedure : Lesson plan - English 9 Page 25 TEACHER’S & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES • Warm – up : Noughts and crosses : Questions and answers about a place - Divides the class into teams - Draws a nine – square grid on the board - Each square is numbered from 1 to 9 - Makes nine word cards : Who, Where, What, When, How, How many, Which, Is, Are - The teams... PERIOD:11 UNIT 2 : Clothing Lesson2: Write I Objectives : Helping Ss how to present one side of an arguments, especially about wearing uniform in school II Language contents : Lesson plan - English 9 Page 19 Schoolyear: 2010-2011 1 Vocabulary : my opinion is…; I think…; firstly; secondly…; therefore; in clusion, 2 Structures : Review the simple present tense 3 Skills : writing III Techniques: report... Series of Presents Firstly,… hoặc không arguments arguments in a Secondly,… logical way, Finally,… đồng ý) give example Trình bày Trước hết Thân where possible bài( các những ý tranh Thứ hai là Conclusion Sums up the Therefore,… ý tranh luận theo một … argument In conclusion cách logic luận.) nhất, cung a)Read the topic and Outline A Then read cấp dẫn the passage chứng khi cần thiết • Bear their school’s... & STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT UNIT 3 : A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE * Warm – up : Matching Period 19: LANGUAGE FOCUS - Divides the class into teams - Asks students to write down two sentences on different pieces of paper, each sentence begins with : I am …… (real situation) I wish …… Lesson plan - English 9 Page 34 - Collects these pieces and put them into two different bags - Asks students to pick up... students to match the prepositions with words on the list : - Prepositions : in, on, at - Words : the twentieth century, Christmas day, 192 5, Saturday, winter, Sunday evening, September, the evening, 10 o’clock, 10 October, weekend * Answers : - in the twentieth century, in 192 5, in winter, in September, in the evening - on Christmas day, on Saturday, on Sunday evening, on 10 October, on weekend - at 10 . 196 0s: A lot os university and college students wore jeans. c) In the 197 0s: Jeans became cheaper so many, many people began wearing jeans. d) In the 198 0s:. became high fashion in the 198 0s. h) The sale of jeans stopped growing up because worldwide economic situation got worse in the 199 0s. Tuesday,September,23

Ngày đăng: 22/10/2013, 16:11

