It requires formingteaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army on a missionlevel with its role as a key force in education, training and scientificresearch, and is the reliable
Trang 11 Rationale for the study
According to the views of the Lao People's Democratic Republic,education, training and science - technology are the leading nationalpolicy in the strategy of building and defending the socialist country;Investment in education and training is the investment in development,paying due attention to the teaching staff is the priority, a key step in theeducational development of the country and the army
Academies of the Lao People's Army are the places that traintactical, campaign and strategic personnel of the military, and theyare also the centres for national military science research Thelecturers at the academies are part of the army staff, the key forcewith significant role in educating the propaganda of Marxism -Leninism, the thought of President Cay Xon Phom Vi Han, and theParty’s views The quality of teaching staff directly affects theimprovement of the political bravery, quality and capacity of thetrainees who are the future senior cadres of the military and thecountry’s military science Thus, paying due attention to buildinglecturing staff is an objective requirement, the core content of the keystage in developing academies
Being fully aware of that, in recent years, the work of buildingfaculty staff at the academies has often received the attention andclose direction of the Ministry of Defence, the academy's partycommittees and board of directors The work of forming teachingstaff at the academies has had many positive changes; As a result, thequality of the teaching staff has been gradually improved so as tomeet the requirements of education, training and scientific researchobjectives However, the building of teaching staff at the academiesremains some certain limitations and shortcomings in awareness,leadership responsibility, and direction for the implementation ofconstruction and measures such as planning, training, fostering, andemploying In fact, the number, structure and quality of the
Trang 2contingent compared to the requirements, the educational, trainingand scientific research tasks of the participating institutions are notcommensurate with the requirements of the construction ofacademies to build revolutionary Lao People's Army, formal, elite,step by step modernize in the new phase.
Currently, the world and regional situation has experiencedunpredictable and complicated developments The fourth industrialrevolution broke out, with a profound impact on countries around theworld and in all areas of social life, including defines, militaryconstruction and other Lao People's Army Academy in terms ofinternational integration Besides, the enemy's fierce rebellion withtricks of "peaceful evolution", riot to overthrow, and conspiracy to
"de-politicize" the army became more and more poisonous, making alarge part of the staff neglect, disregard, confusion in identifying,preventing and fighting, refuting false claims and distortions ofhostile forces, reactionary organizations, opportunistic elements anddissatisfaction In that context, the mission of the revolution, themission of the military; tasks in Lao People's Army academies andeducation reform career, revitalize the country, have a newdevelopment step with demanding requirements It requires formingteaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army on a missionlevel with its role as a key force in education, training and scientificresearch, and is the reliable support of the Army and the country.From the above-mentioned reasons, the PhD student decides tochoose the topic entitled: "Building the teaching staff at academies in theLao People's Army in the current period", as his Doctor Thesis of PoliticalScience, specialized in Party Building and State Government
2 Aims and objectives of the study
* Aims
The thesis seeks to clarify the theoretical and practical issues
of forming teaching staff and proposing solutions to build teachingstaff at academies in the Lao People's Army in the current period
* Objectives
Trang 3- Giving an overview of the studies related to the thesis andidentifying the issues need addressing in the thesis.
- Clarifying the theoretical and practical issues of formingteaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
- Assessing the current situation, drawing out the causes, andsummarizing some experience on forming teaching staff at academies
in the Lao People's Army
- Analysing the impacting factors, determining therequirements and proposing the solutions to forming teaching staff atacademies in the Lao People’s Army in the current period
3 Object and scope of the study
Scope of participants: at some academies of the Lao People'sArmy Sufficient documents, materials and data used in the thesis aremainly from 2015 to present
4 Theoretical, practical basis and methodology
Theoretical basis
The thesis is conducted basing on a system of views andprinciples of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, Cay XonPhom Vi Han's thought and views, lines and resolutions of the LaoPeople's Committee, of the Party Committee of the People'sCommittee Laos on cadres, Party cadres work and building acontingent of military cadres; State laws on education, training andbuilding teaching staff
Practical basis
The thesis is carried out on the basis of practical activities ofeducation, training and scientific research and the building of female
Trang 4units in academies in the Lao People's Army, the current situation oflecturing staff building; summary reports on the work of educationand training and scientific research and from the results ofinvestigations and surveys by the author.
The thesis is based on Marxist-Leninist methodology, thethesis uses a combination of research methods of specialized andinterdisciplinary sciences, focusing on methods, analysis, synthesis,statistics, comparison, total practical results, combining logic -history, sociological investigation and expert consultancy
5 New contributions of the thesis
- Introducing and clarifying the conception of building acontingent of teachers at academies in the Lao People's Army
- Drawing out some experience in building a contingent oftrainers at academies in the Lao People's Army
- Proposing some specific and feasible measures and solutions
to building teaching staff at academies in the Lao People’s Army inthe current period
6 Theoretical and practical significance of the study
The thesis results contribute to the theoretical and practicalissues on forming teaching staff at academies in the Lao People'sArmy; it provides the foundations for relevant agencies and units toapply and determine the guidelines and measures of leadership, directthe building of teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army.Simultaneously, the thesis can be used as references for researching,teaching and learning of party work, political work at differentacademies in the Lao People's Army
7 Structure of the study
The thesis includes: Introduction; 4 chapters (9 periods),concludes; the author's published works related to the thesis; a list ofreferences and appendices
Chapter 1
SITUATION 1.1 The studies overseas related to the thesis
1.1.1 The studies in the former Soviet Union
Typically: "Party work, political work in the Soviet armedforces of 1918-1973" by A.A Elizabeth; "Activities of the SovietCommunist Party in the field of military personnel training" by A.M.Ioblev; "The curriculum of CTĐ - CTCT in the Soviet-Soviet armedforces" by P I The - pen - woman; and "Professional style ofpolitical cadres" by M.V.Tretrekin
1.1.2 The studies in China
Typically: "Building the ruling Party - the Vietnameseexperience, the Chinese experience" at the theoretical seminarbetween the Vietnamese Communist Party and the ChineseCommunist Party; "Strengthening leadership building, trying to form
an enthusiastic, vibrant leadership class, striving for success" byTong Xiaowun; "Promoting the full role of the Party school, doingwell the education and training of cadres" by Jia Cao Kien; "Startingfrom the general department, in the long term, trying to build a team
of high quality reserve cadres" by Chu Phuc Khoi; "Curriculum ofthe Red Cross, JSC of the Chinese People's Liberation Army used inacademies and schools in the new period" by Truong Tu Nghi
"Theory and practice of cadres education of the Communist Party ofChina" by Ly Trieu Van; and "Party building work in the currentperiod" by Nhiem Khac Le
1.1.3 The studies in Vietnam
Typically: "Building and developing faculty staff andmanagement staff of Hanoi National University meeting internationalstandards" by Le Kim Long; "Improving the quality of the contingent
of teachers - the key stage of the quality of general education" by thearticle Nguyen Thuy Hong; "Teachers and educationaladministrators: current situation and solutions" by Dao Nguyen Phuc;
Trang 6"The situation and solutions to consolidate and develop thecontingent of military teachers" by Pham Duc Tu; "Improving thescientific criticism capacity of the social sciences and humanitieslecturers at military school" by Nguyen Thanh Hai.
1.2 The studies in the country related to the thesis
1.2.1 The studies on staff and staff building
Typically: "Fourth Conference on political-ideological work"
by the General Political Department (Lao People's Army); "Life andgreat revolutionary career of President Cay Xon Phom Vi Han, Hero
of the Lao people" by the Central Propaganda Department (LaoPeople's Committee); "Officials in the schools" by Som Cot Mang
No Meo; "Organizational work of provincial ministries in the LaoPeople's Democratic Republic today" by Un Keo Si Pa Sat;
"Breakthrough in staff work" by Lit thi Si Sou Vong; “Building acontingent of strong and high-quality Lao People's Army cadres” byBun Lon Sa Luoi Sac; "Evaluation of the staff of the StandingCommittee to become a managerial committee in the capitalVientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period"
by Mon the thip Khun vi Han; and "Some solutions to train and fostermilitary personnel in the new period" by the Military History-ScienceDepartment of the Military Department
1.2.2 The studies on the teaching staff and building the teaching staff related to the thesis
Typically: "Improving the quality of training and retraining forteachers of the Lao People's Army in the new period" by the GeneralPolitical Bureau; "Improving the quality of the contingent of politicallecturers of the Lao People's Army" by Kham La Phan Xay NhaGiam; "Improving the quality of the contingent of military trainersaccording to the point of view of President Cay Xon Phom Vi Han inthe current revolutionary period" by the Suc Cong Hall Xay Nha Lo;
"Training and retraining of lecturers on party work, political work atthe current Lao People's Army Technical and Logistics Academy" by
Trang 7Kham Phet Visiting Ma The Va; "Some opinions about the teachers
in the new period" by Phan KhamVi pham; "Improving the quality oftraining of lecturers at the National School of Politics andAdministration in the new period" by Kham Phan Phom Ma That;
"Fostering young teachers' pedagogical skills at the academy, armyofficer school" by Vom Phon X Xu Van Mask; “Building acontingent of humanities and social sciences lecturers in academiesand military schools to meet the standardization requirements in thenew situation” by Bun Lon Xa Luoi Sac
1.3 An overview of the results of published works and the issues need further addressing in the thesis
1.3.1 An overview of the results of published works related to the thesis
First, the studies by the authors in the Soviet Union, China,
and Vietnam on cadres work and staff building, lecturers all affirmedthat: Staff work is the key stage of Party building work; In the work
of building a contingent of staff, lecturers must firmly grasp theprinciples, stages and steps of staff work from resource creation,planning, training, retraining, evaluation, and employment
Second, the studies of some domestic authors on staff and staff
work have great theoretical and practical significance The works arebased on the theory of Marxism-Leninism, the thought of President CayXon Phom Vi Han associated with the features of the Lao revolution
Third, the studies on teaching staff and building lecturing staff
related to the thesis topic show a lot of research works, discussing theinnovation of objectives, models, and content programs, methods ofeducation, tertiary training, consolidation, innovation, developmentand improvement of the quality of the teaching staff at universities
1.3.2 The issues need further addressing in the thesis
First, the thesis seeks to clarify the issues of organizational
structure, functions and tasks of academies in the Lao People's Army,about the teaching staff in terms of conception, responsibility,
Trang 8mission, characteristics, role, quality, capacity, and manners ofteaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army.
Second, on the basis of the theoretical framework of building
lecturing staff at the institutes, the thesis conducts different surveys,and collects sufficient documents to evaluate the current situation ofbuilding teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
Third, the thesis predicts the factors affecting the building of
lecturing staff; require innovation to improve the quality of educationand training, the task of building and protecting the country, direction
of building the army and the military schools in the new period
Fourth, on the basis of the previous experience, the objective
and subjective impacts and the requirements to strengthen lecturingstaff, the thesis proposes a system of synchronous and feasiblesolutions to strengthening the building of lecturing staff at academies
in the Lao People's Army in the current period
Conclusion chapter 1
The present chapter gives an overview of domestic and foreignscientific research on the construction of a contingent of cadres andlecturers in general and in the army in particular The studies arepresented in various forms: from reference books, scientific topics atall levels, doctoral dissertations to seminars and articles inspecialized journals From different research angles, the scientificworks have explained and clarified many issues related to the topic,the position and role of the staff, lecturers; the needs to buildlecturing staff through each revolutionary period In each specificstage, they introduce the building of lecturing staff with differentspecific contents and requirements, but consistently in determiningthe basic content, process, form of construction measures, fromplanning, creating resources, to training, retraining, arranging, usingteaching staff and propose feasible solutions according On the basis
of reference to available documents and documents, combined withthe process of surveying and investigating the practical situation ofbuilding faculty staff at academies in the Lao People's Army, the
student decides to choose the topic entitled: "Building teaching staff
at academies in the Lao People's Army in the current period" as his
Trang 9doctoral thesis in political science, specialized in Party Building andState Government.
THE LAO PEOPLE’S ARMY 2.1 Academies and the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
2.1.1 Academies in the Lao People's Army
* The conception of academies in the Lao People's Army
Academies in the Lao People's Army are in the system ofschools that are responsible for training and retraining cadres, anddoing scientific research in the military and national army Thecentral political task of academies is to train and foster advisoryofficers; political staff, logistic and technical staff; train teachers inmilitary science, social science and humanities
* The organizational payroll of academies in the Lao People's Army
The staffing organization of academies in the Lao People'sArmy shall comply with the uniform regulations of the Ministry ofDefence of the Lao People's Army
In addition to the payroll organization of each Academy, TheBoard of Directors consists of the director, deputy directors, politicalheads, deputy political heads who are the highest commanding,managing and commanding organizations in the academies; take fullresponsibility to the Party Committee of the Ministry of Defence.Education, training and scientific research agencies are the agencies thatadvise the Board of Directors to direct and manage and administer alleducational, training and scientific research activities of the Academy.The faculty of teachers: is the unit that organizes teaching andscientific research; is subject to the leadership of the academy's partycommittee, the direction and direction of the board of directors andprofessional guidance of the relevant agencies
The units of student management: are places that directlymanage students, are staffed and perform their tasks according toregulations of the Ministry of National Defence; the direction and
Trang 10direction of the director, the political head and the heads of thestudent management unit.
The party organization system in the academies was set upaccording to the administrative organization of the academies AcademyParty Committee under the Party Committee of the Ministry of Defence;the leading bodies between the two congresses are the Academy PartyCommittee and the Academy Party Standing Committee
* The functions and duties of academies in the Lao People's Army
In terms of functions: The Charter of the Lao People's Army
School has determined: academies in the military have legal status,perform the task of education, training, scientific research, building themain military school regulations and grant diplomas and certificatesaccording to regulations of the State and the Ministry of NationalDefence Students are selected according to the standards, norms andregulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry ofDefence and ministries, departments and branches to send them toschools in the education system of the country and overseas
In terms of tasks: Training and fostering political officers,
officers, chief staff members, technicians, logistics, nurses at alllevels of the army; Scientific teaching and research staff who havecollege, university or post-graduate degrees according to the State'sdegree regulations To train and foster high quality human resources
in service of the country's industrialization and modernization.Researching, applying and developing military science, art, socialscience and military humanities, specialized military science.Fostering knowledge of national defence and security for provincial,district and functional agencies Training for combat readiness,formal building, discipline training; to abide by the military's orders,regulations and regimes and regulations to build strong andcomprehensive academies in the Lao people's army
* The roles of academies in the Lao People's Army
Trang 11First, the academies in the Lao People's Army have a role of
paramount importance in training and retraining cadres and officersfor the Army and the State of Lao
Second, academies in the Lao People's Army are centres for
training and fostering high-quality human resources for the cause ofbuilding and defending the country
Third, the academies are the core and key force that takes the
lead in grasping and implementing the guidelines and policies of theParty and State, resolutions and directives of the Party Committee ofthe Ministry of Defence, political tasks of the Lao People's Army
Fourth, academies have a key position and role in research,
application and development of military science and art of the Party,the State and the Lao People's Army
Fifth, academies are an important force in building the Lao People's
Army, protecting the Party, the State and the socialist regime
2.1.2 The teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
* The conception of the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
The teaching staff of the academies in the Lao People's Army
is defined as a collection of qualified State and Party cadres to beselected, arranged and appointed by competent authorities according
to regulations of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry ofEducation; directly teaching and doing scientific research in thefields of politics, military, logistics, engineering, and militarymedicine
* The classification of the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People’s Army
The teaching staff at the current academies, including 4 main groups:
First, lecturers of humanities and social sciences include
lecturers who teach basic, fundamental and specialized theorysubjects such as: Marxist-Leninist philosophy, Political Economy,Scientific socialism, State of Law, History of the Lao People's
Trang 12Revolutionary Party, Revolutionary Ethics of President Cay XonPhom Vi Han, Psychology, Education, Party and political work.
Second, military lecturers include teachers who teach the
following subjects: Strategy, Campaign, Command-General Staff,Local Military, General Military, Tanker-Armoured, Artillery,Engineers, Information, Chemistry, etc
Third, the group of lecturers specializing in logistics,
engineering, and military medicine at the Logistics Academy,Engineering Academy and Military Medical Academy, arespecialized teachers compared to the humanities and social scienceslecturers, military and foreign language teachers
Fourth, a group of lecturers in culture, foreign languages,
informatics, including lecturers teaching cultural subjects, foreignlanguages and informatics are available at all academies
* The structure of the teaching staff at academies includes
- The structure of age, teaching seniority, education level, expertise, profession, etc.
- The hierarchical structure: a part of lecturers with the rank of
colonel - are high-ranking cadres of the Army, this number is notmuch often associated with the title (dean) in some faculties of theNational Defence Academy of Phom Vi Hem, Com Ma DamAcademy, etc.; a section of lecturers with the rank of major frommajor to lieutenant colonel are the lecturers holding the title of vicepresident, head of the department, deputy dean, dean, and a section oflecturers with the rank of lieutenant They are young officers in terms
of age, age and seniority of teaching
- The structure by position: often attach certain conditions,
standards and certain age groups In the teaching staff, there is asection of lecturers holding the position of dean, deputy dean of thedepartment - usually from 55 to 60 years old, the head of the subject,the deputy head of the subject are between 50-55 years old and most
of them are lecturers aged 49 and under
Trang 13* The responsibilities and duties of the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
In terms of responsibilities: organize and direct the cognitive process
to develop the quality, thinking capacity, capacity to organize practicalmilitary career for trainees according to the objectives, training requirementsand performance of scientific research tasks, compile textbooks andmaterials for teaching of academies in the Lao People's Army
In terms of tasks:
First, equip with military and defence science knowledge,
training skills, imparting professional experience and skills,developing students' capabilities according to training objectives andrequirements This task is conducted through exchange, discussion,practice, internship, examination and evaluation activities
Second, educate, foster, train, develop, and perfect the quality
and personality of the military cadres and officers according to theobjectives and training model The lecturers at academies in the LaoPeople's Army not only equip students with knowledge, skills,experience, train skills in military operations, national defence, butalso have the task of educating and fostering students’ qualities,morality, and lifestyle
Third, do research on military science, compile textbooks,
teaching materials This mission comes from the functions and quests
of the academy Like other universities, scientific research is thefunction and task of the academy
Fourth, foster, train, and improve political quality, morality,
lifestyle, scientific knowledge, professional pedagogical capacity,competence leadership, and management on military-defence practicalactivities; improve the level of education at university and postgraduatelevel; and hold the positions of leaders and managers in the military units
Fifth, obey the Party's lines and policies and issue the State's
laws; obey orders and regulations of the Army; directives of
Trang 14superiors; regimes and regulations in the academies, together withagencies and units, build a comprehensive strong academy.
Sixth, ready to fight and prevent "peaceful evolution",
"self-development", "self-internal transformation, ideological, political,ethical deterioration and negative lifestyle
* The characteristics of the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
First, the teaching staff at the academies in the Lao People’s
Army includes cadres with basic training, high education, andexpertise in the sciences in the teaching profession; a department hasundergone practical leadership
Second, the teaching staff at the academies in the Lao People's
Army is often responsible for teaching many subjects, teaching atmany levels, some of them become older teachers
Third, the teaching staff at the academies in the Lao People's Army
still lacks many leading experts and good subject heads; The nation'sability to integrate with scientific research and teaching is insufficient
Fourth, their foreign language and computer skills still have
many shortcomings compared to the requirements of teaching andscientific research in academies in the Lao People's Army
Fifth, cadres and lecturers’ families at academies in the Lao
People's Army are not stable and their working conditions are hard
* The role of the teaching staff at academies in the Lao People's Army
The teaching staff plays a very important and decisive role in thequality of education and training at academies in the Lao People's Army
First, the teaching staff is the core force, an important factor
that determines the quality of teaching and scientific research atacademies in the Lao People's Army, contributing to the successfulimplementation of the goals and the training requirements