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Cấu trúc

  • Definition of skill

  • Definition of practice

  • Definition of skill of applying knowledge into practice

  • The structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice

  • The role of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students

  • Identifying the problem

  • Identifying practical problems in teaching

  • Some practical issues related to biology at high school

  • 1.2.3. Some methods of solving practical problems in teaching

  • Method 1: Researching the document

  • Method 2: Research experiment

  • Method 3: STEM education

  • 1.2.4. Orienting a number of tools used to train and evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school level

  • Use practical exercises

  • Use learning project

  • Using scientific research topics

  • The process to define the practical problems in teaching biology at high school

Nội dung

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION  TRAN THAI TOAN DEVELOPING THE SKILL OF APPLYING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE FOR STUDENTS IN TEACHING BIOLOGY IN HIGH SCHOOL Specialized: Theory and Teaching Methods of Biology Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE HA NOI - 2020 THE WORK IS COMPLETED AT FACULTY OF BIOLOGY, HA NOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION Scientific supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr Phan Thi Thanh Hoi Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Dinh Nham Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Mai Van Hung Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Van Hien Reviewer 3: Dr Hoang Huu Niem This dissertation will be presented before Doctoral dissertation assessment Council at University level at: Ha noi National University of Education …………time………date…………month………year Finding this dissertation at National Library of Viet Nam Library of Ha noi National University of Education Library of Ha tinh Department of Education and Tranning LIST OF PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC WORKS WHICH RELATED TO THE TOPIC Tran Thai Toan, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2017), “Process of training for students skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching biology in high school, Proceeding of international conference on the development of science teachers' pedagogical competence to meet the requirements of general education innovation ”, Publishing house for Science and Technology, Ha Noi, pp 73-79 Tran Thai Toan, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2017), "Training practical skill for students through applying STEM model", Proceedings of STEM Education Science Conference in the new General Education Program, Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy, Ho Chi Minh City, pp.174-184 Tran Thai Toan (2018), "Some measures to develop skills to apply knowledge into practice for students in teaching High School Biology", Journal of Education, No 440, pp.44-48; 29 Tran Thai Toan (2019), "Actual situation of developing skills to apply knowledge into practice for students in teaching High School Biology", Journal of Science, Hanoi University of Education, No 64, p 175-184 PART INTRODUCTION REASONS FOR CHOOSING THEME Stemming from the policies of the Party, the Government, Ministry of Education and Training on fundamental and comprehensive innovation of Education and Training and innovation of teaching methods in high schools Stemming from the current teaching goal is to approach teaching in the direction of developing competences and practical skills, apply knowledge into practice; develop creativity, self-study capacity, and encourage lifelong learning Stemming from the role of skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching in general and teaching biology in particular under the motto "learning with practice" Stemming from the characteristics of biology, which is an experimental science, the knowledge of biology is associated with real life However, in the reality of teaching in high schools today, most teachers only focus on providing theoretical knowledge to students, practicing skills to exams, tests with theory questions, quizzes In the other side, training skill of applying knowledge into practice in real life, in solving practical problems has not been paid much attention, most students not know how to work independently and also work in team in a scientific way to acquire knowledge, have not yet been guided as well as become familiar with scientific research methods, and apply scientific achievements into practice Therefore, it can be affirmed that developing the skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching biology is greatly necessary From the above reasons, we choose the topic: "Developing the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology in high school" as a research direction of the dissertation, with the desire to contribute a small part into the training of human resources to meet the requirements of the society THE PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH On the basis of researching skills, defining concept and structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice; building and using process, tools to train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school level, contributing to the enhancement of knowledge comprehendible quality OBJECT AND SUBJECT OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Object of the research: The process of teaching biology in high school 3.2 Subject of the research Skill of applying knowledge into practice, process and tools of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school SCIENTIFIC THEORY If we can determine the structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice for students and then building, using the process and tools to train in teaching biology at high school, it will be possible to develop the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students, contributing to the enhancement of knowledge comprehendible quality RESEARCH TASKS 1) Research on rationale about: Skill of applying knowledge into practice; teaching towards applying the skill of applying knowledge into practice of students in general and in teaching biology at high school in particular; practical problems in teaching and organizational methods of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school level 2) Investigating the reality of skill at applying knowledge into practice of high school students and teaching biology at high school in the direction of training the skill of applying knowledge into practice 3) Analyzing curriculum objectives and structure of biology in high school; propose the process of identifying the practical problems in teaching and applying the process to determine the related practical problems in teaching biology in high school 4) Researching, building concepts, structures, processes and tools to train the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching 5) Building criteria and tools to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology in high school 6) Carrying out pedagogical experiments to verify the research hypothesis RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.1 Methods of theoretical research 6.2 Methods of practical research 6.3 Methods of expert consultation 6.4 Methods of educational experiment 6.5 Methods of processing results by statistics SCOPE OF RESEARCH 7.1 Research content limitation The dissertation focuses on researching the theoretical basis of practical problems and skill of applying knowledge into practice, building processes, tools to train and assessing skill of applying knowledge into practice of students in teaching biology at high school 7.2 The study area limitation NEW CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE DOCTORAL DISSERTATION 1) Building a theoretical basis for teaching biology in high school in the direction of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students 2) Investigating and evaluating the current situation of practicing the skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching biology at high school 3) Proposing the process of identifying the practical problems in teaching and applying the process to determine the related practical problems in teaching biology in high school 4) Proposing principles and a process to train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching 5) Identifying a process and designing tools to train skill of applying knowledge for students includes groups of tools: practical exercises, learning projects and scientific research topics 6) Designing the criteria and tools for evaluating skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching Biology at high school Experimental process and analysis of quantitative and qualitative results have confirmed the effectiveness and feasibility of the project PART 2: RESULT OF THE RESEARCH CHAPTER I THEORETICAL BASIS AND PRACTICAL BASIS OF THE DISSERTATION 1.1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROBLEMS 1.1.1 Overview of researches on practicing skill and skill of applying knowledge in practice in teaching world-wide Research on teaching of developing skills for students in the world can be divided into two different tendencies: First, according to the research direction, consider skills in terms of action techniques Secondly, according to considering skills in terms of competences About the skill of applying knowledge into practice, in the world, some authors were interested in researching from many different angles J A Comenxky (1592 - 1670 of the Czechoslovakia) encourages practical learning and logical thinking to solve the issues posed by problems and problems arisen in practice A.X.Makarenkô (1976) attaches great importance to collective education, focusing on "labor education", linking learning with production Geoffrey Petty (2009) concluded that: "Learning through practice is better through observation or listening because practice helps learners have conditions to consolidate and correct the knowledge and skills they are learning" However, in the world, there are quite a few authors interested in teaching research towards the training of skill of applying knowledge in practice for students in different aspects, levels and fields Reseachers generally have a view towards the goal of education to apply the learned knowledge into real life in different circumstances 1.1.2 Overview of the research on training skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching in Vietnam Skill of applying knowledge into practice for students has been studied by many researchers in different aspects, especially in recent years The tasks of learners that need to be solved can be: practical problems, practical situations, practical exercises, practical exercises, scientific themes, Kim Tung Tho and Mao Thuy Van (1963) raised issues that need attention to be able to apply scientific knowledge flexibly to solve practical problems In the research to develop the skill of applying into practice, there are many people interested in researching on different aspects such as: Nguyen Thi Thanh, Hoang Thi Phuong, Tran Trung Ninh (2014); Pham Van Hoan, Hoang Dinh Xuan (2016); Le Lan Huong, Dang Thi Oanh (2018), Dao Viet Hung (2017), Nguyen Thi Hong Loan, An Bien Thuy, Dieu Thi Mai Hoa (2019); Le Thanh Oai (2017); Nguyen Thanh Nga et al (2019); Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2018) In recent years, there have been many authors interested in training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching Biology such as: Phan Thi Thanh Hoi, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai (2017) defined the skill of applying knowledge into practice; Le Thanh Oai, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2019) proposed to use a number of tools to train skill of applying knowledge in practice for students; Phan Thi Thanh Hoi, Bui Thi Kieu Nhi (2019), studied and taught the 12th grade Ecology section through the local geometries in Tra Vinh province In parallel with the studies to train the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in the subjects, recently there have been a number of studies applying STEM education to solving practical problems In the research process, we have not seen any author doing research on the developing the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology in high school In order to contribute to the development of this skill for students, we have focused on clarifying the theory of skill of applying knowledge in practice, on that basis to produce processes, tools and measures to train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching Biology in high school 1.2 THEORETICAL BASIS 1.2.1 Skill of applying knowledge into practice Definition of skill Through general research on skill, it can be seen that skill can be defined as including knowledge, purpose and action manipulation In our research, on the general basis of the definition above, we generalize the skill as follows: “Skill is a series of activities that are well performed by individuals to solve a problem in a certain situation” Definition of applying and applying knowledge Applying is to bring theoretical knowledge into practice Applying knowledge, skills learned means that students can apply knowledge, learned skills to explain and evaluate common phenomena in nature and in life; have appropriate attitudes and behaviors In this study, we define "Applying knowledge is to mobilize knowledge into explaining, evaluating and solving practical problems" Definition of practice There are many authors who proposed the concept of practice Marxism holds that practice is all of human activities to create the necessary conditions for society In our opinion, practice is problems existing objectively, including human activities affecting the existence and development of nature and society Definition of skill of applying knowledge into practice Based on the researches of other authors, we give the definition of skill of applying knowledge into practice as follows: skill of applying knowledge in practice is a series of activities performed well by individuals to mobilize knowledge into solving the practical problems Those who have skill of applying knowledge into practice need to ensure the following requirements: 1) Having knowledge of the act (defining the purpose, the scientific basis, the way of action and the conditions for the action) 2) Performing a certain sequence of actions according to a certain logic (learning, training) 3) Solving problems in familiar situations and also situations having new extra elements (other complex diverse situations of life) 4) Evaluating and accumulating experiences about actions in different situations and conditions The structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice The structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice including skills process describing in the following Chart 1.1: (D) (E) (B) (C) Learning and mobilizing knowledge related to practical issues Solving the practicalReporting problems results and conclusion Defining the practical problems Forming a scientific hypothesis (A) Picture 1.1 The structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice Based on the process skills of skill of applying knowledge into practice, based on the study of documents, we described the behavioral expressions (indicators) of the process skills in Table 1.1 as follows: Skill in process Behavior - Discover or propose the practical problems to be solved - Recognize the contradictions, the causes of practical problems A Identifying the - Cite the applying knowledge to be solved into a number of practical problems questions - Establish a relationship between known knowledge and geotextile to be solved B Forming a - Identify the focus and ask research questions related to scientific hypothesis associations and relationships - Propose the hypothesis of solving Practical problems - Collect, select and arrange content of knowledge and skills C Learning and related to practical issues mobilizing knowledge - Abstract, arrange the content of knowledge, skill related to related to practical practical problems in a logical and scientific manner as the issues theoretical basis for practical problem solving - Apply knowledge of Biology and related subjects to propose appropriate problem solving methods + Research documents to explain practical problems + Implement a learning project to solve practical problems + Designing STEM model, scientific research topic to solve practical problems - Identify the process (activities or series of activities) problem D Solving the solving techniques practical problems - Determine the conditions for the process to be performed - Implement practical problem solving activities - Carry out the technical operations in accordance with the process; rationally and skillfully use facilities and equipment in accordance with practical conditions - Collect, present information, processing information obtained by specific methods - State the results of the practical problem solving process - Compare the results of solving practical problems with the original hypothesis to make a conclusion to confirm or deny the hypothesis E Reporting result - Summarize, evaluate, conclude the problem and drawing - Apply knowledge to solve other practical problems in life such conclusions as health care, environmental protection, food safety, biotechnology - Propose new ideas about that problem or other relevant practical problems 10 The role of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students In research analysis, we see that skill of applying knowledge into practice is a factor in biological capacity Students who have the skill of applying knowledge into practice not only solve practical problems related to knowledge in school but can approach solving the problem of problems in life It can be said that teaching in the direction of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students will change the teaching style of teachers and students' learning style in the direction of "learning with practice", theory associated with practice, schools attach with family and society 1.2.2 Practical problems in teaching Identifying the problem Some authors have generalized the concept of the problem such as: Lecne (1997); Claire Major (1998), Nguyen Thi Hang (2015) The problem attracts attention and interest from learners, encourages cooperation in problem solving Identifying practical problems in teaching Practical problem in teaching is a concept that has received little research interest Nguyen Thanh Nga et al (2019): “The practical problems in teaching is an open issue that appears in real life and is close to students Those are real problems or are simulated real problems, built by teachers for students to solve in order to achieve certain teaching objectives'' In this research, we believe that: The practical problem in teaching is a phenomenon of nature or society that takes place in life and contains the things that need to be explained, proved and solved through lessons, exercises, learning tasks built by teachers and organized for students to perform The practical problem is a task that the teacher poses for learners associated with real life, containing knowledge that students already know and knowledge that students not know, from which cognitive contradictions arise, and needs arise, explore and solve problems to acquire new knowledge Some practical issues related to biology at high school There are many practical problems related to biology content at high school level We have listed a number of geotextiles in different ranges: global scope, Vietnam country scope and Ha Tinh province 1.2.3 Some methods of solving practical problems in teaching In this study, we propose methods to solve practical problems in teaching, including: ⮚ Method 1: Researching the document ⮚ Method 2: Research experiment ⮚ Method 3: STEM education 1.2.4 Orienting a number of tools used to train and evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school level 13 ❖ Some practical problems in Ha Tinh such as water pollution in Boc Nguyen lake; flooding caused mass death of citrus trees (oranges, grapefruit) in Huong Khe, etc 2.2 THE PROCESS OF TRAINING SKILL OF APPLYING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE 2.2.1 Principles of building the process traning skill of applying knowledge into practice We build the process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice should comply with the principles: 1) Training skill of applying knowledge in practice must follow the structure of that skill; 2) Training skill of applying knowledge into practice must be associated with the objectives and teaching tasks to both develop skills and improve the quality of subject knowledge; 3) The process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice must go through different levels; 4) The training skill of applying knowledge into practice must be attached to the process of assessing, self-assessing, and evaluating each other about the training skill of applying knowledge into practice for each student 2.2.2 The process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice We propose the following process to train the skill of applying knowledge for student based on problems solving: Step1: Defining the problem Step 2: Stating the scientific hypothesis Step 3: Searching and mobilize knowledge related to practical issues Document research Step 4: Solving the practical problem Research experiment Bước 5: Reporting results and conclude STEM education Picture 2.2 The process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice To training skill of applying knowledge into practice in accordance with the above process, we use the tools of practical exercises, learning project, scientific research assigned to students to perform repeatedly through the following steps: Step 1: Students receive learning tasks in the form of practical exercises, learning projects, scientific research 14 Step 2: Students perform individual tasks Step 3: Students exchange tasks in pairs/groups Step 4: Students discuss in class/through sessions to report on the progress of implementing the project, scientific research topic Step 5: Students report the results and draw conclusions Example: Using practical exercises to practice the skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching Biology at high school ⮚ Example 1: Using practical exercises to train the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching the topic "Digestion in animals" Biology 11 at high school Practical problem: Obesity in children Situation and cause Teacher quotes some content about practical problems from Source:http://bvtamtrisaigon.com.vn/vn/chuyen-de-benh-beo-phi-o-tre-em-thuc-trang-vanguyen-nhan.html) Require student to answer: Process Step1: Defining the problem Student task Answer the questions: - What is the problem mentioned in the above information? - What are the causes of the above problem? - Ask questions about the issue being discussed in the above information passage? Step 2: Stating the scientific hypothesis - The above knowledge and skills are related to the above practical problem area? - Please state your hypothesis on this issue? Step 3: Searching and mobilize knowledge related to - Please state the relevant evidence (knowledge) to prove your point of the matter in the above information? - What are the possible causes of obesity in children? Requirement - The issue being mentioned: about obesity in children - Identify the causes of childhood obesity The questions are raised: + What causes obesity in children? + How to limit obesity in children? - Related information: + Child's diet? + Child's movement regime? + Metabolism and metabolism? - Student hypothesis: obesity in children increases rapidly because children eat too much fat, fast food, junk food,etc (Students can give another hypothesis if they are correct and still give the score) - Depending on their hypothesis, students give the relevant evidence to prove their point of view on the issue in the above information Possible causes of obesity in children: + Due to genetics + Mistakes in the way to take care of the child's 15 practical issues Step 4: - In your opinion, are there any Solving the measures to reduce childhood practical obesity? problem - How does the above problem affect the child's health? Step 5: - There are some classmates who Reporting often experience hypoglycemia results and at the end of a class Please conclude suggest a way to fix the above phenomenon? diet: feeding the child too much fat, fast food, soda water, eating too much food during the day causes excess calories, a lot of snacking, + Children are lazy, love video games, watch TV + Due to the influence of psychology: children with depression, stress, have a higher risk of obesity than normal children Students propose measures - Reduced calorie diet - Increase activity - Surgery to narrow the stomach, combine using medicine - Effects: risk factors of many diseases of many organs and organs in the body such as: hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, depression, difficulty to integrate into the community, - Solution: + In this case, quickly drink a glass of sugar water, suck one or two candies, or eat a banana and other available foods such as rice, porridge, + The best way to prevent hypoglycemia is not to skip meals and meals must contain all food groups 2.3 DESIGNING TOOLS TO TRAINING SKILL OF APPLYING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE FOR STUDENTS 2.3.1 Bases for building the design process and tools to training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students In this study, we orient ourselves to use types of tools to practice and evaluate the skill of applying knowledge into practice that is practical exercises, learning projects, scientific research To determine what kind of tools need to build and use, we have based on the following bases: Required level of Practical problem; the amount of time it takes to solve the problem; Organizational form of teaching and solving practical problem; The independence and creativity of students; Tool for evaluating the results of solving practical problem of students 2.3.2 The process of designing training tools and assessing the skill of applying knowledge into practice From 01 practical problem we can design only into 01 tool, you can also design into 02 or 03 different tools The general process takes place according to the following scheme: 16 Defininh the practical problem fining the requirement, time and organization form, capability of Student to organize Solve the Practical problems Picture 2.3 The process of designing training tools and assessing the skill Building the practical exercises Building the scientific research Building the learning project of applying knowledge into practice 2.4 ORIENTATION OF MEASURING AND ASSESSMENT FOR SKILL OF APPLYING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE IN TEACHING BIOLOGY AT HIGH SCHOOL Building the action plan to solve the pratical problem Building the action plan to solve the pratical problem Building the2.4.1 actionOrientation plan to solve problem tothe usepratical the scale for skill of applying knowledge into practice We use Dreyfus 'scale to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice of students in teaching Biology in high school according to the levels: Level 1: Apprentice; Level 2: Initial level; Level 3: Advanced level; Level 4: Proficient level, and Level 5: Student experts can not achieve In each skill level achieved by the scale, determine the Building criteria for evaluating the results achievement skill level of the process skills.of solving problematic problems 17 2.4.2 Building criteria for evaluating the skill of applying knowledge into practice Table 2.7 Criteria for evaluating the skill of applying knowledge into practice 4.4 - Implement the process of solving the 3.4 problem in a 1.4 Useing flexible way, Citing 2.4 proofs, suitable with practical Proposing knowledge, the context problem to be a scientific skills to solve - Collect, solved into a hypothesis problems present and question appropriately process information according to suitable methods 1.3 - Discovering practical problems that need to be solved actively - Recognizing the contradictions, the causes of practical problems 1.2 Detecting practical 5.4 - Evaluating and counteracting the impact and results of solving the geosphere Outlined solutions to improve, apply other related problem solving - Proposing new related diagrams (if any) Level Proficient Identifying the geotextile in a comprehensive way and intuitively identify outstanding objectives or aspects Perform the steps to solve the geomorphology proficiently, have drawn conclusions and can evaluate the impact, propose a new related geotextile Level Advanced level 5.3 3.3 4.3 - Stating the Arranging Performing the results of the Identifying knowledge, problem problem the focus of skills related solving solving practical to the activities in process problems geotextile by accordance - Report the - Raising logic and with the results, draw research science process the problem questions conclusions 2.3 2.2 3.2 Establish a Identifying relationship the 4.2 5.2 Proposing Outlined appropriate some of the There is awareness of activities according to the objectives of the process skills There are solutions to apply knowledge, skills learned appropriately, identify and conclude the practical problem Level Initial level Process skills can 18 problem solving methods problems or - Building the proposing between process, the geotextile known knowledge conditions to needs to be knowledge and skills solve the solved more and the related to the problem flexibly under need to geotextile the solve the Implementing supervision of problem a number of the teacher activities to implement the above process 2.1 1.1 Initiallying Detecting 3.1 4.1 realize the geotextile Initiallying Initiallying relationship needs to be identified proposing a between resolved some method to the passively, knowledge solve geotextile rigidly, related to problematic and the according to geotextile problems topic of instructions teaching C Searching B Stating and mobilize A Detecting D Solving the knowledge the practical practical scientific related to problem problem hypothesis practical (Level 1-4) (Level 1-4) (Level 1-4) problem (Level 1-4) Skill process be implemented under the supervision of results of the teachers At first, practical there could be problem small adjustments solving and flexibility in process the implementation process Level 5.1 Apprentice level Initiallying Initiallying predict some implementing the of the results compliance skills, of the problem rigid process solving under the process guidance of teachers E Reporting result and draw conclusion (Level 1-4) Describing the skill level (Level 1-4) Skill of applying knowledge into practice 19 2.4.3 Design scale to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice Table 2.8 Scale to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice D Solvinng E Evaluating Detecting the Skill level the the result the scientific practical practical assessment hypothesis problem problem Proficient 4 4 3-4 Advance 3 3 2-3 Initial 2 2 1-2 Apprentice 1 1 We have described the development path of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students according to the chart 2.4 of the dissertation 2.5 ASSESSING SKILL OF APPLYING KNOWLEDGE INTO PRACTICE IN TEACHING BIOLOGY IN HIGH SCHOOL 2.5.1 Evaluating skill of applying knowledge into practice Understandable: Evaluation of skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching is the process of collecting information about students' products when doing learning activities, thereby determining the level of achievement compared to criteria of skill of applying knowledge into practice, have set out and confirmed the progress of the learners themselves, thereby taking measures to adjust teaching and learning in order to improve the quality and efficiency of work 2.5.2 The process of assessing skill of applying knowledge into practice of students The process of assessing skill of applying knowledge into practice of students include these following steps: A B Stating C Designing the action plan Defining skill and skill of applying knowledge into practice Building the evaluation criteria of skill of applying knowledge into practice Designing tools to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice Organizing the evaluation of skill of applying knowledge into practice Analyzing the result and draw conclusion Picture 2.5: The process of assessing skill of applying knowledge into practice of students In order to evaluate skill of applying knowledge into practice real life is done at different times, we have conducted input survey assessment, monitoring and evaluation of 20 the learning process and final evaluation at the end of each topic CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL PEDAGOGY 3.1 PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT Conducting pedagogical experiments to test the feasibility and test scientific hypotheses of the process to training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology at high school 3.2 CONTENT OF THE EXPERIMENT 3.2.1 Documents, pedagogical experimental topics Before experimenting, we have transferred the following documents: The process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice; experimental lesson plan; description table of criteria; the scale; examination topics and organizing to guide teachers to implement the process and requirements of the experiment We have focused experiments on a number of topics in the biology curriculum at high school 3.2.2 Objects, experimental methods Experimental plan: Using the impact experiment method and evaluate the development of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students after being trained We use the same evaluation questionnaire and the same skill assessment scale to evaluate the results of training each type of skills and synthetic skills before and after the experiment 3.3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.3.1 Evaluate the results of developing processing skills of the skill of applying knowledge into practice of students Statistics of the results of the achieved levels of the process to train the skill of applying knowledge into practice of students through the tests are shown in Table 3.6 below Table 3.6 Table synthesis results checks skills processing of the skill of applying knowledge into practice Result Before Skills Number Level experimental progress pupil achieved Test SL % 70 14.1 167 33.6 Skill 497 203 40.8 57 11.5 1.0 57 11.5 Skill 497 268 53.9 167 33.6 Skill 497 28 5.6 In experimental Test SL % 91 18.3 213 42.9 166 33.4 27 5.4 42 8.5 152 30.6 207 41.6 96 19.3 29 5.8 Test SL % 140 28.2 276 55.5 63 12.7 18 3.6 65 13.1 258 51.9 130 26.2 44 8.9 60 12.1 Test SL % 166 33.4 264 53.1 51 10.3 16 3.2 122 24.5 253 50.9 98 19.7 24 4.8 91 18.3 After experimental Test SL % 230 46.3 237 47.7 25 5.0 1.0 192 38.6 250 50.3 54 10.9 0.2 115 23.1 21 Skill 497 Skill 497 4 106 197 166 34 141 177 145 15 99 162 221 21.3 39.6 33.4 6.8 28.4 35.6 29.2 3.0 19.9 32.6 44.5 128 234 106 49 190 171 87 19 128 222 128 25.8 47.1 21.3 9.9 38.2 34.4 17.5 3.8 25.8 44.7 25.8 242 153 42 89 258 127 23 49 247 166 35 48.7 30.8 8.5 17.9 51.9 25.6 4.6 9.9 49.7 33.4 7.0 272 121 13 140 242 100 15 77 285 112 23 54.7 24.3 2.6 28.2 48.7 20.1 3.0 15.5 57.3 22.5 4.6 284 96 169 251 75 107 306 78 57.1 19.3 0.4 34.0 50.5 15.1 0.4 21.5 61.6 15.7 1.2 Picture 3.2 The development of the process skills of skill of applying knowledge into practice Through table 3.6 and chart 3.2 shows that the process of skills in skill of applying knowledge into practice has a clear increase in a positive direction From the rate of students achieved at the levels shows that in the pre-experimental period, the skills of the process are mainly at level and level 2, to the middle of the experiment and the end of the experiment, the rate of students reaching level and level increases significantly This partly shows the effectiveness and feasibility of training the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students that we have researched and implemented In addition, Table 3.6 clearly shows the uneven increase between the process skills Skills increase strongly such as concept 1, concept 3; Skill 2, concept increase medium; Skill increased but at a low level 22 Picture 3.3 Results of the process skills through the tests Figure 3.3 shows that there is a clear development of the process skills through the tests Level of all skills, progressing is reduced quite quickly and by the 5th time there is almost a little left Level increases the rate very clearly, level increases gradually through the tests but the speed increases slowly At the 5th test, the process skills of level and level account for a large proportion, skill (level 3: 47.7%, level 4: 46.3%), corresponding to skills (50, 5%; 38.6%); Skills (57.1%; 23.1%); Skill (50.5%; 34.0%); Skills (61.6%; 21.5%) Thus, through the process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice, we partly show the effectiveness and feasibility of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students that we have researched and implemented 3.3.2 Evaluating the results of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students Statistics of the results of the achieved levels of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students through the tests are shown in Table 3.7 below Table 3.7 Table summarizes the results of assessing the skill of applying knowledge into practice Test Level Number students Number % 497 260 52.3 497 188 37.8 497 82 16.5 497 42 8.5 497 1.4 Level Number % 218 43.9 250 50.3 214 43.1 204 41.0 143 28.8 Level Level Number % Number % 19 3.8 0.0 56 11.3 0.6 182 36.6 19 3.8 204 41.0 47 9.5 276 55.5 71 14.3 23 Picture 3.4 Chart of the development of skill of aplying knowledge into practice The data in Table 3.7 and Figure 3.3 shows that, in the time Experiment was conducted before the experiment, there were 52.3% of students only having skill of applying knowledge into practice at the initial level (Level 1), this level is considered as having no skill of applying knowledge into practice; 43.9% of students only have skill of applying knowledge into practice at the initial level at a higher level (Level 2); 3.8% students have skill of applying knowledge into practice (Level 3), no students reach level Through the training process, the rate of students with skills at level decreases very quickly and clearly Rate is at level and level increases gradually Thus, through the experimental results, we can see that the skill of applying knowledge into practice has gradually increased through the phases of the training process However, at the level of students with skills (Level 3) through training, the increase is quite obvious, but the level of proficiency skills (Level 4) increases quite slowly This shows that the skill of applying knowledge into practice is a highly demanding skill for students, not only having knowledge but also having skill of applying knowledge into practice to solve specific situations in life are very diverse and rich 3.3.3 Evaluate the development skill of applying knowledge into practice in some students ❖ We randomly select students to divide into groups to monitor the impact of the tools of training skills in practice ❖ Compare the development of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students in groups 24 Picture 3.8 Chart of the development skill of applying knowledge into practice of students in groups The results show that the results of training skill of applying knowledge into practice also depend on the ability of students In addition, Figure 3.7 also shows that, in groups, there are different results of practicing skills Group only uses practical exercise and has slower development than Group uses a combination of practical exercise and learning projects Group used a combination of all tools to have fastest development However, in order for students to achieve the proficiency level of skill, it requires students to have the ability to start at a fairly good level Thus, through experiments, we can conclude: - About Skill of Applying Knowledge in practice: Before experiments, most of the students showed progression skills at level (52.3%) and level (43.9%), very few students reached level (3.8%) ), no students have reached level After the pedagogical impact according to the practice plans of skill of applying into practice, the rate of students achieving skills at level and level increases significantly This result shows the effectiveness of the toolkit and process of training skill of applying into practice for students in teaching Biology Through the training process, the percentage of students with skill at level decreased very quickly and clearly (test (52.3%); test (38.7%); test (16.5 %); test (8.5%); test (1.4%)) Rate is at level and level increases gradually Specifically, at the level of skill (Level 3) at test (3.8%), at test (11.3%); third test (35.6%); test (41.0%); times (55.5%) The rate of students having mastery of skill of applying knowledge into practice (Level 4) of students in test (0.6%); test (3.8%); test (9.5%); times (14.3%) However, the number of students reaching the level of proficiency skills (Level 4) increased quite slowly This shows that the skill of applying knowledge into practice is a highly demanding skill for students, not only having knowledge but also knowing that skill of applying knowledge into practice in solving specific situations in life are very diverse and rich In addition, the results also clearly show the uneven increase between the process 25 skills Skills increase strongly such as concept 1, concept 3; Skills 2, concept increase medium; Skill increases but at a low level, students need to be trained over many times and longer time to reach proficiency Only skill initially had 6.8% students at proficiency, but after the experiment only reached 34%, proving that solving problematic problems in some students may initially be due to life experience or familiar situations so students can solve it, but when meeting newly arising problems, students are still confused and have not achieved the proficiency level of this process skills - About the impact of the training tool groups: Through monitoring and evaluating the development of skill of applying knowledge into practice, all students in general and students in groups with different learning capacity in particular shows that students tend to develop skills through the process However, the results also depend on the ability of students, students with good learning ability, good ability quickly reach the level of skills and proficiency than students with average skills In addition, the results also show that the impact of the toolkit has different effects on the forging process Group only uses mathematical communication tools, students have slower development than Group uses a combination of practical exercise and learning projects Group used a combination of all tools to have the fastest development Thus, it can be seen, if at the same time combining training tools, the development skill of applying knowledge into practice of students will be faster - In the spirit and attitude of learning: According to the evaluation of the teachers participating in experiments, most students are active, proactive in practice, self-study, selfstudy and creativity in performing the tasks study, especially in the process of implementing learning projects and scientific research topics From the above results, it can be seen that measures to practice the skill of applying knowledge into practice as the thesis presented have contributed to improving the quality of teaching, while stimulating students to actively and actively participate in learning, contributing to develop teachers' teaching capacity This can confirm the scientific hypothesis of the thesis is completely correct, feasible and effective PART 3: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I CONCLUSIONS After a period of research and implementation of the topic, we have solved some of the following theoretical and practical problems: The skill of applying knowledge into practice is a component of the bio-competence a specific capacity in the general education program of biology 2018 The training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching science subjects, including biology is 26 a mission of the high schools Analysis from the program and some other documents shows that the skill of applying knowledge into practice can be identified as a series of activities also known as process skills: discovering practical problems; forming scientific hypotheses; explore and mobilize knowledge related to practical issues; solve the problem and report the results, draw conclusions Students who have skill of applying knowledge into practice not only solve practical problems related to knowledge in schools, but can approach various diverse issues of life, access to the material production process and the scientific research process The process of training the skill of applying knowledge into practice for students is designed with steps corresponding to the process skills Investigating 302 teachers and 820 students on teaching status to develop skill of applying knowledge into practice for students shows that skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching is a new problem for teachers and students The survey results of teachers and students show that the skill of applying knowledge into practice of students is still very low Most students just stop at the level of understanding and explaining a number of practical problems but not know how to perform a process to solve related problems Teachers not know how to build a toolkit as well as build a process to train students to apply knowledge to solve problem problems Therefore, it is necessary to train teachers on the process and organize the train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students Based on the analysis of the goal and structure of the high school biology curriculum following the direction of practicing the skill of applying knowledge into practice, we have built the process of identifying the geometrical objects including steps: Step 1: Analysis the biology into main focused content; Step 2: Analyze main content, build the relevant topics; Step 3: Determine the practical problem in the world and in Vietnam related to the topic; Step 4: Determine local practical problem related to the topic content and identify problem related to topics in curriculum objectives of biology in high school (Table 2.4) The topic has stated the concept, structure, process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice; building the design process of learning tasks in the form of practical exercise, learning project, scientific research topic to train skill of applying knowledge into practice for students, including steps: Step 1: Identifying practical problems; Step 2: Determining the required level, time, organizational form, and capacity of students to organize the solving of the problem; Step 3: Building the geosphere into learning tasks in the form of: practical exercise, learning project, scientific research topic; Step 4: Planing to organize the implementation of the learning tasks; Step 5: Evaluating the problem solving results On the basis of steps, the teacher can build the practical problems according to specific topics used in the teaching process To evaluate the level of achievement of skill of applying knowledge into practice of students, the topic has built a table of criteria, evaluation tools, assessment scale for each 27 process and the skills to integrate skill of applying into practice of students in teaching Biology at high school level In the evaluation criteria table, we evaluate skill proficiency level, including levels: Level 1: Initial level; Level 2: Initial level is higher; Level 3: Skilled and Level 4: Proficient On the basis of this set of criteria, we design the assessment scale based on the difficulty of the process skills and the proficiency level of the skills; from there, building a road to develop skill of applying into practice for students in teaching biology In order to serve pedagogical experimentation in high school biology, we have built topics used in pedagogical experimentation Educational experiment results have confirmed the effectiveness and feasibility of the topic That is to determine the structure of skill of applying knowledge into practice; building and using processes, tools for training and testing and assessing skill of applying knowledge into practice in teaching biology at high school level Measures of training skill of applying knowledge into practice as the doctoral dissertation presented contribute to improve the quality of comprehension of subject knowledge, develop skill of applying knowledge into practice for students, and at the same time stimulate students to actively and actively participate learning, it is possible to export related new video art II RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the achieved results and the unrealized content, we have the following suggestions: Continuing to research and conduct experiments "The process of training skill of applying knowledge into practice for students in teaching biology" in high schools across the country Continuing to research and build into a system of interactive practical problems in teaching biology according to topics and content circuits of the biology program at high school associated with regions as tools for teachers and students Skill of applying knowledge into practice is a difficult skill, this skill is a component of the specific biological competences It is necessary to continue to practice regularly and over a long period of time so that many students can reach proficient level and experts level of skill of applying knowledge into practice ... Thi Hong Loan, An Bien Thuy, Dieu Thi Mai Hoa (2019); Le Thanh Oai (2017); Nguyen Thanh Nga et al (2019); Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2018) In recent years, there have been many authors... teaching Biology such as: Phan Thi Thanh Hoi, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai (2017) defined the skill of applying knowledge into practice; Le Thanh Oai, Phan Thi Thanh Hoi (2019) proposed to use a number... Biology at high school The process to define the practical problems in teaching biology at high school In order to define the practical problems in teaching biology at high school, we have

Ngày đăng: 09/09/2020, 07:28


