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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE VIETNAM NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES ============ MAI VAN THI TEACHING PROBABILITY - MATHEMATICS STATISTICS TO SUPPORT CAREER FOR VIETNAM MARITIME UNIVERSITY'S ECONOMIC, TECHNICAL STUDENT Majors: Theory and methods of teaching Maths Code: THE SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE Ha Noi - 2020 Ha Noi, 2019 The work was completed in: The Viet Nam National Insitute of Educational Sciences Science instructor: Assoc Prof Tran Kieu Sc.D Pham Van Trao Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The dissertation will be defended in front of the Dissertation Council at the Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi At date month year The dissertation can be found at: - The National Libary - The Libary of Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences PREAMBLE The reason for topic selection The Resolution of "Vietnam Sea Strategy to 2020" was adopted in February 2007 at the 4th Central Executive Committee Meeting (Session X), this is Vietnam's first strategy on the sea It’s also a guideline to guide the development of Vietnam's maritime economy in the current market economy Along with the implementation of the commitments when joining the World Trade Organization, the effective implementation of the maritime industry, the marine economic sectors associated with the construction and development of "Vietnam Marine Brand " The orientation of the Sea Strategy is extremely important to bring our country "Quickly going to the sea, becoming a strong nation on the sea and enriching the sea”, in the Resolution on "Vietnam Sea Strategy to 2020” was required Evaluating after more than 10 years of implementing and implementing the Resolution on "Vietnam Sea Strategy to 2020", the 8th Central Conference of the XII Session (October 2018) summarized the positive results for priority areas Firstly, to develop is oil and gas exploitation and processing; exploitation and processing of marine products; developing maritime economy; developing sea tourism and resorts; strengthen the construction of economic zones and industrial parks In particular, the maritime economy has developed significantly, the output value of the shipping industry, port services and shipbuilding has continuously increased, with a growth rate in the period of 2007-2010 is 22% / year, the period 2011 - 2015 is 13% / year However, the overall contribution of the maritime economy to the national GDP is still very small and tends to decrease, with 1.05% in 2010, 0.98% in 2015 and 0.97% in 2017 Analyzing the results and limitations, the 8th Conference also stated that the implementation of the Resolution still has many limitations, weaknesses, difficulties and challenges in the sustainable development of the marine economy Development of marine economy has not been in harmony with social development and environmental protection, in which the implementation of the policy of developing some key marine economic industries has not met the requirements set forth Science and technology, basic investigation, and development of marine human resources have not yet become a key factor in sustainable development of marine economy The limitations and weaknesses mentioned above have an objective reason, but the subjective reasons are the main reasons In particular, according to the assessment of the General Department of Sea and Islands of Vietnam, a major subjective factor and the most influential to the reality is the development of marine human resources Vietnam's human resources are inadequate in quantity and weak in quality, the structure of human resources is still imbalanced, and the management team is weak in professional and professional skills Human resources for innovative research are few and low in quality, so the achievements in marine science and technology for marine related activities have not met the requirements The main reason is that the investment in developing human resources is still inadequate; lecturers are still weak and weak; training institutions, research institutes, equipment and facilities, qualifications of personnel in service of human resource training and development are both lacking and weak while international cooperation in the field of training Creation of the sea has not been strongly promoted Overcoming these difficulties, in the past 10 years, the development of marine human resources in our country has been concerned and invested effectively The Government has assigned the Ministry of Education and Training to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities in, conducting review of human resource development projects, with a focus on developing marine human resources through training training (undergraduate and postgraduate), vocational training, building training facilities and human resource training programs for marine management and exploitation The focus on developing human resources through training at universities is shown by the career support process for employees as soon as they are sitting on the school chair Training in schools is conducted through educational activities, in which teaching activities play a major role And so, teaching subjects including mathematics subjects at university, especially applied mathematics, including the subject of statistical probability, must perform the purpose of supporting future careers for students This is not only an urgent and plausible requirement of the practice but also related to the theoretical issue of the process of teaching probability statistics to students and preparing for the career support process for them when still studying at school The practice of teaching probability statistics at Vietnam Maritime University is setting requirements for training students to support their careers There is already some experience with this process, but it is these experiences that need to be enlightened by scientific reasoning In order to serve the best practice, it is necessary to find specific solutions to help train students of the maritime industry oriented to support careers with high efficiency in the process of teaching probability statistics Looking back on the relationship between teaching probability statistics and career support, there has not been a systematic and comprehensive study of that issue in our country systematically For the aforementioned reasons that we have chosen the subject: “TEACHING PROBABILITY - MATHEMATICS STATISTICS TO SUPPORT CAREER FOR VIETNAM MARITIME UNIVERSITY'S ECONOMIC, TECHNICAL STUDENT” Overview of research issues 2.1 In the world In the process of teaching Mathematics in general and statistical probability in particular in the world today, there is a general trend: reducing academic nature, increasing practice and applying it to professional practice Because there are many works on the subject of statistical probability teaching, but within the limited scope of the topic and with the available resources, the topic only points through a number of authors and representative works such as Henry M (1994, Coutigno C (2001), Briad J (2005), Wozniak F (2005), Wilbert J McKeachie (England) et al, Susan Miles, Artaud M., … These studies show that many studies on the subject of statistical probability teaching emphasize the need to pay attention to practicality, raise learners' awareness of the application of statistical probability in life , establishing the relationship between teaching statistical probability and training in economics, engineering, medicine associated with the development of capacity used in teaching mathematics in general and corpus The statistical productivity in particular in the world today has a common trend: reducing the academic nature, enhancing practice and applying it to professional practice Because there are many works on the subject of statistical probability teaching, but within the limited scope of the topic and with the available resources, the topic only points through a number of authors and representative works such as Henry M (1994, Coutigno C (2001), Briad J (2005), Wozniak F (2005), Wilbert J McKeachie (England) and their partners, Susan Miles, Artaud M., These studies show that many studies on the subject of statistical probability teaching emphasize the need to pay attention to practicality, raise learners' awareness of the application of statistical probability in life , establishing the relationship between teaching statistical probability and training in economics, engineering, medicine associated with the development of students' ability to use statistical probability for the future careers 2.2 In Vietnam In recent years the study of issues related to vocational competencies, the relationship between university mathematics, especially statistical probability, with the process of formation and development of occupational competence has been very concerned There have been many educational scientists and basic scientists interested in researching on this issue as: Nguyen Chien Thang, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Le Ba Phuong, Đo Thi Trinh, Ngo Tat Hoat, Đang Van Uy, Ta Huu, Đao Hong Nam, Hoang Nam Hai, Pham Van Trao Research works mentioned above, can draw some comments as follows: - In universities, teachers of basic science subjects were one of the subjects who played an important role in supporting students' careers while still in school - Need to teach basic science knowledge oriented career support for students - Analyze the characteristics of statistical probability subject and master these characteristics into training activities to support students' careers It has come up with some solutions that are suitable for the trainees when teaching statistical probability with different specific purposes In summary, the research issue that explores the relationship between teaching statistical probability at university and the requirement of basic preparation for career support has been interested by many authors However, it is necessary to have more specific, comprehensive and systematic research works on career support issues for students of economics, engineering in general and students of economics and engineering, maritime engineering in particular Research purposes Propose number of teaching methods for this subject to contribute to career support for students in maritime economic and technical fields in the current context Research subject, research object 4.1 Research subject The process of teaching statistical - probability subject to career support for students in maritime economics and engineering disciplines 4.2 Research object The process of training students in maritime economics and engineering at Vietnam Maritime University Scientific hypothesis On the basis of clarifying the requirements to prepare for the career support that workers trained at the undergraduate level in the maritime field should have with the exploitable potential of the process of teaching corpse statistical capacity, thereby proposing reasonable and feasible measures in teaching statistical probability, will contribute to innovating the teaching of statistical probability at the University in the direction of better service of technical training maritime engineer and bachelor Research mission - Studying concepts, structures, purposes, characteristics and requirements of teaching statistical probabilities to support career for students of maritime economic and technical fields; The relationship between implementation capacity and maritime professional development needs to be prepared for students - Study the role of statistical probability subject in contributing to preparing the basis for career support for Vietnam Maritime University students - Learn about the situation of teaching probability oriented statistics for career support for students in maritime economics and engineering - Proposing a number of measures related to adjusting goals, improving content, innovating methods when teaching statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University in the direction of career support for students in various fields economic and maritime engineering - Conduct pedagogical experiments to verify the scientific hypothesis, the rationality and feasibility of some proposed measures Research scope Study the teaching of probabilistic statistics to support career for students in the fields of shipping economics, logictics and maritime supply chains, maritime economics and globalization, ship navigation, cargo security marine, exploiting ship machines, water constructions in Vietnam Maritime University Research Methods 8.1 Methods of theoretical research Research documents (books, textbooks, magazines, ) on education, training in general, about career support, career support in the maritime field, teaching and supporting career, capacity and capacity development, on occupational competence requirements of maritime workers, on the role of statistical probability subject at Vietnam Maritime University in the process of formation and development of vocational competence maritime industry, 8.2 Practical Research Methodology Group - Methods of investigation and observation - Professional solution - Experimental method of pedagogy Place for conducting research - Department of Marine Engineering, Department of Marine Engineering, Department of Shipping Economics, Department of Marine Engineering, Department of Basic Faculty at Vietnam Maritime University - Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences 10 New contributions of the thesis 10.1 Theoretical - Giving an opinion on career support, the relationship between career support and career capacity development for undergraduate students - The concept of teaching career support in general and teaching probability statistics for career support for students in maritime economics and technology in particular as a basis for proposing methods of teaching probability probability list of career support for maritime students later 10.2 In practice - Clarify the reality of teaching statistical probability in the direction of career support for students of maritime economics and engineering at Vietnam Maritime University - Propose pedagogical measures to teach statistical probability towards career support for students in maritime economics and engineering - Pedagogical measures, examples and exercises have been initially tested and proved feasible through pedagogical experiments 11 Issues of protection - Views on career support, career support teaching and practical requirements on career support for students of the education and training process at Hang University Vietnamese customs - The relationship between career support and career development in maritime industry should be prepared for students - The concept, purpose, meaning and requirements of the process of teaching statistical probability to support career for students in maritime economics and engineering fields proposed in the thesis are scientific and feasible - The role of statistical probability subject in contributing to preparing the basis for career support for Vietnam Maritime University students - The pedagogical measures proposed in the thesis are scientific and feasible in the process of teaching statistical probability to students in maritime economic and technical fields towards career support 12 The structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusions and recommendations, appendices and lists of references, the thesis consists of chapters: Chapter I Theoretical and practical basis Chapter II Measures main method is to provide career support for students in maritime economics and technology through teaching the export subjects at Vietnam Maritime University Chapter III Pedagogical experiment CHAPTER I THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS 1.1 Competence, professional capacity and professional economic, technical maritime 1.1.1 Capacity According to the general education program: Capacity is an individual attribute formed and developed thanks to the available qualities and the process of learning and training, allowing people to mobilize a combination of knowledge, skills and other personal attributes such as interests, beliefs, wills, successfully performing a certain type of activity, achieving desired results under specific conditions [4] We share this view of the general school education program 1.1.2 Occupational competencies The concepts of occupational competence mentioned above are mostly associated with the successful implementation of specific jobs of a profession according to pre-defined standards and identifiable occupational competence There are some characteristics as follows: - Occupational competence meets work output standards and it is an important basis for the process of setting training standards - The content of occupational competence is realistic and can be assessed and measured - In addition to the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees, occupational competence also contains the necessary principles to implement all or some of the specific occupational labor contents 1.1.3 Capacity of economic and technical maritime jobs Maritime economic profession capacity Thai V.V and his colleagues reviewed nearly 20 important projects on occupational capacity that were scattered in nearly 40 years (1973 - 2009), a similar number of works in the field of public maritime economy published over 20 years (1990 - 2011) shows that maritime economic career competencies are related to all three areas of commerce, logistics - supply and management with 71 component capacities both general and specific (Appendix 7), in which competencies are compatible with the support of statistical probability include: - Regarding commercial activities: Competence in accounting and financial management; Ability to analyze statistical data; Risk management capacity; Competence in maritime law and insurance; Competence on tax sequence - Regarding the supply field: Capacity of supply chain management; Goods inventory capacity; Warehouse management capacity; Port traffic control capacity; Ability to plan and operate; Capability management and handling - shipping; Capacity of network design and optimization - Relating to the field of Management: Competence to think problem solving; Time management capacity; Planning and conditioning skills; Time management and performance Competence in marine engineering By analyzing STCW's specific maritime technical labor requirements and competencies that need to be emphasized in ABET's technical training as well as output standards of Vietnam Maritime University, we think that basic capabilities that statistical probability is likely to affect such as: (1) Capacity to receive, transform and process information; (2) Capacity to apply mathematical knowledge in practice; (3) The ability to explore new knowledge, self-study, and self-research, the statistical probability is also capable of supporting a number of specialized capabilities of the maritime profession such as: (4) Positioning capacity ships at sea based on the theory of errors; (5) Capacity to respond and handle emergency situations at sea; (6) Competence in applying mathematics, namely statistical probability in the use and operation of maritime equipment; (7) Management capacity, organize a team on board to overcome troubleshooting; (8) Capacity to organize the mechanization of port loading and unloading, as well as to calculate and select beneficial options; planning loading and unloading work at the port; (9) Capability to organize operation management at ports; organization of warehouse management and exploitation; select the most effective exploitation plan; (10) The system's ability to use operational survey and evaluation devices to detect and promptly solve incidents; (11) Capability to use appropriate tools for common onboarding and repair activities, evaluation and quality control of equipment manufactured and manufactured in the workshop organization of warehouse management and exploitation; select the most effective exploitation plan; (10) The system's ability to use operational survey and evaluation devices to detect and promptly solve incidents; (11) Capability to use appropriate tools for common onboarding and repair activities, evaluation and quality control of equipment manufactured and manufactured in the workshop organization of warehouse management and exploitation; select the most effective exploitation plan; (10) The system's ability to use operational survey and evaluation devices to detect and promptly solve incidents; (11) Capability to use appropriate tools for common onboarding and repair activities, evaluation and quality control of equipment manufactured and manufactured in the workshop 1.2 Professional support for workers of maritime economic and technical fields 1.2.1 The concept of career support Career support in colleges and universities is understood to create career opportunities for students, that is, create opportunities and conditions for students to approach and implement (work) with careers related to the career their future through course knowledge, through forging activities, apprenticeship 1.2.2 The concept of career support for students in maritime economics and engineering Career support for students in maritime economics and technology is to assist them in the process of maritime vocational training, which can be interpreted as The school's teaching activities are all geared to helping students approach, get acquainted and even practice while studying at the school 1.2.3 The relationship between career support and career capacity development relationship between occupational capacity and career support At the same time, based on analysis, research on output standards, professional practice gives the statistical probability factors that can support career for students of maritime engineering and economics - Provide views on the process of teaching probabilistic career support statistics to students in maritime economics, purposes and requirements of this process - Organize surveys and analyze the status of teaching statistical probability for maritime students in the direction of career support at Vietnam Maritime University in order to assess the reality of teaching the subject of statistical probability, thereby orienting the teaching of statistical probability towards developing maritime professional capacity for students - Clarify the characteristics of physiology, learning activities of maritime students compared with other subjects at Vietnam Maritime University Therefore, we determine that teaching statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University in the direction of supporting career for maritime students should meet the following requirements: Firstly, the content of teaching corpses Statistical capacity must be associated with practice and contribute to supporting the maritime career, especially the examples and exercises related to knowledge of statistical probability in order to maximize the role of statistical probability in occupation right in the learning process Second, students must be trained in the ability to use statistical probability as a tool to solve real-life maritime problems and problems Thirdly, prepare students to be interested in their careers, create learning motivation in general and study statistical probability in particular while still in school to help them gradually approach and practice the model occupations that use statistical probability The above results are the theoretical and practical basis for us to propose some methods of teaching statistical probability towards career support for maritime students at Vietnam Maritime University in Vietnam in chapter II CHAPTER II THE MAJOR MEASURES TO PROVIDE OCCUPATIONAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS OF THE MARINE ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL THROUGH THE TEACHING OF THE STATISTIC CAPACITY AT VIETNAM MARITIME UNIVERSITY 2.1 Orientation to develop measures 2.1.1 Orientation Pedagogical measure is built on the basis of ensuring the content of the program, providing students with basic knowledge of the subject of statistical - probability in accordance with specialized knowledge of economic and maritime engineering and know how to put it into practical practice 13 2.1.2 Orientation Pedagogical measures need to stick to and meet the goals and requirements of teaching Probability - Career support statistics for students in maritime economic and technical fields in section 1.2.2 in Chapter I 2.1.3 Orientation Pedagogical measures contribute to adjust teaching objectives, improve programs, innovate content, teaching methods towards strengthening the relationship between statistical probability subject and economic and technical professions shipping 2.1.4 Orientation Measures must be feasible, suitable for students, training program of marine engineers, conditions of material facilities of Vietnam Maritime University and can be applied in teaching process in general, the process of teaching statistical probability in particular 2.2 Probability - statistic teaching methods to support career for students in maritime economics and engineering 2.2.1 Measure 1: Organize the teaching of Probability - Statistics to equip students with the knowledge, basic skills of the subject, to ensure the objectives and training standards of the bachelor training program, marine engineers towards career support The basis of proposing measure - Starting from the training target [3] of marine engineers and the goal of statistical probability in the marine engineer training program of Vietnam Maritime University - Approaching the output standards of Vietnam Maritime University for students majoring in marine economics and engineering on common standards - Based on the practice results of the survey on the learning situation of students towards career support presented in section Chapter I Purpose and meaning of the measure - Purpose: Measures to meet the requirements of standards of knowledge and skills required of economic and maritime specialties when teaching statistical probability subject to students at the University learn Vietnamese maritime - Meaning: Helping students perfect their knowledge of statistical probability at university level and initially approach terms and insights about maritime professions This measure meets purposes 1, 2, and requirements 1, 3, of teaching statistical probabilities to support career for students of maritime economics and engineering How to implement the measures From the goals and requirements of teaching the probability of career support statistics mentioned that this measure meets, the measure is divided into the following two 14 implementation directions: a) Direction of implementation 1: Exploiting the inheritance of common mathematical knowledge in teaching statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University to help students better improve this subject knowledge b) Direction of implementation 2: Guiding students in majors economics, marine engineering self-study and use information technology to learn statistical probability associated with professional practice, especially when conducting analysis of statistical problems 2.2.2 Measure 2: Design practical situations associated with maritime specific characteristics in the process of teaching statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University for students Proposed basis measures - Approach from the philosophical point of view: Unification between theory and practice - From the point of view of education: “Training at university level must ensure that students have relatively complete basic scientific knowledge and specialized knowledge; capable of applying theory to professional work” (Article 40, section 1, chapter II, Education Law 2005) - Derived from practice: Based on the current situation survey results for 100 alumni working in the industry and 55 students studying in continuity after completing the subject; survey of business owners in the maritime sector in Chapter I (sections and Purpose and significance of the measure - Purpose: The measure helps students to be equipped with a number of practical situations in maritime career in the field of economics and engineering, and students understand the application of probability statistics with their own career practice in the future, which will stimulate students' autonomy and self-discipline in learning - Meaning: The design of real-life situations for students in the process of teaching statistical probability will make the principles, abstract, hard-to-understand and complex principles and problems become practical, simple and practical problems Simplified, receptive, enabling students to feel the practical application of the subject of statistical probability to their profession From there, students are interested in the subjects and disciplines, and students will have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet practical career needs This measure meets purposes 1, 2, 4, and requires 1, 2, of teaching probabilistic statistics to support career for students in maritime economics and engineering Method of implementation of the measure 15 In order to carry out the design of practical situations in teaching statistical probability subject in the direction of career support for students of maritime economics and engineering, the measure is implemented by the following directions: a) Direction of implementation 1: teachers adopt practical and pseudo-occupational situations of marine engineers to build knowledge for each lesson in the process of teaching statistical probability b) Direction of implementation 2: Students build their own real-life, pseudo-career situation under the guidance of teachers through practice activities, test hours or study subjects with probability- statistics 2.2.3 Measure 3: Train the mathematical modeling capability for students in maritime economics and engineering to solve problems in professional practice through studying statistical probability Proposed measure base - From the point of view of education: Modeling method is used in many sciences, especially in education - Practical approach: Through surveying the situation of teaching and learning statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University in the direction of career support in Chapter I Purpose and meaning of the measure - Purpose: + Help students improve their ability to analyze and solve practical problems, practice mathematical thinking operations because the modeling process in teaching requires Students must analyze and synthesize, abstract and generalize, compare and similar, systematize and specialize, deduce and induce + Help students train their collaborative ability in learning, academic independence and confidence for students through group exchange, using teaching software to support problem solving, modeling and improvement processes Advance the model to suit with the reality + Help students practice the ability to apply knowledge of statistical probability subject to solving specialized subjects to solve problems in professional practice - Meaning: Helping students learn mathematics become more meaningful by strengthening and clarifying statistical probability factors in professional practice Through the process of modeling knowledge content will be conveyed in a positive way, creating motivation for learning, increasing interdisciplinary and scientific in the process of teaching statistical probability This measure meets purposes 1, 2, 3, and requires 1, 2, of teaching statistical probabilities to support career for students in maritime economic and technical fields 16 Methods to implement measures a) Process of mathematical modeling (statistical probability) for maritime economics and engineering students: Implementing the above orientation, in the process of teaching statistical probability to major students in economics and maritime engineering, we built a 4-step process to organize students to develop their thinking about modeling through practical career situations, practical problems and use The statistical probability tool to solve is as follows: - Step 1: Starting from a real-life maritime situation, designing a problem that can be solved with a statistical probability tool - Step 2: Build a mathematical model of the situation (modeling mathematical situations, in other words, expressing mathematical problems, in particular, statistical probability corresponding to the situation) That is, turning practical problems into statistical probability mathematical models, bringing the language format suitable for statistical probability theory to solve - Step 3: Handling mathematical models (solving problems within the framework of mathematical theory and tools) - Step 4: Analyze and show the result of the problem in practice (turning the result of the mathematical solution of the problem into the language of the problem, the initial actual situation) b) How to proceed and notes when performing the mathematical modeling process for maritime students Firstly, the teacher poses the problem: The task posed to the student or each group of students build specific situations that work practice encounter related to knowledge of statistical probability and propose solutions to solve Secondly, the teacher guides students to research the problem: the teacher can present a number of situations associated with the content of statistical probability knowledge so that students take the initiative in making situations Thirdly, the teacher guides the students to solve the problem: After having orientated the students on the problems that can give a situation, the teacher gives specific examples and analyzes the example for students members know the sequence to solve Fourthly, instruct students to apply situations and solve problems similar to what the teacher presented: This is the step that the teacher makes requirements, tasks for students, and assigns service for students to conduct and from there to test and evaluate students' products 2.2.4 Measure 4: Train students to perform and handle statistics in the direction of supporting career in teaching statistical probability at Vietnam Maritime University Scientific basis proposing measures 17 - From the point of view of education: Teaching tasks in universities stipulate requirements for fostering a system of knowledge, skills and techniques associated with the future careers of student tablets - Stemming from the practical survey results of the marine engineers in using statistical probabilities in their work (Chapter I) Purpose and meaning of the measure - Purpose: This measure will contribute to train students the ability to collect, perform and process statistics suitable for their future career - Meaning: Measures to meet the general needs of the current information explosion development, when a marine engineer practicing real profession will need a lot of statistical capacity to detect and research the statistical rules; collect and analyze data objectively and honestly, thereby discovering new knowledge and new information that are being hidden right in situations related to their profession or field of study This measure meets purposes 1, 2, 3, and requirements 2, 3, of teaching statistical probabilities to support career for students in economics and maritime engineering Method of implementation of this measure This measure is implemented in the following two directions: a) Direction of implementation 1: Train students to perform and handle statistics through access to models specialized learning and practical process at units in Vietnam Maritime University b) Direction of implementation 2: Regular training for students to apply statistics in the collection and processing of numbers materials, assessments during the internship, in the implementation of the thesis report and scientific research 2.2.5 Measure 5: Innovating goals, structure, content of the curriculum and how to implement the program of statistical probability in the direction of career support for students of maritime economics and engineering at the same time associated with specialized subjects to help students use statistical probability knowledge for the next modules The basis of proposing measures - Approach to the point of education: it is integrated theory in teaching - Starting from practice: Based on the results of surveying the current status of the statistical probability textbooks for students majoring in marine economics, engineering and the results of surveying teachers of specialized junior faculties and the faculty of using statistical probability knowledge in the specialist teaching process at Vietnam Maritime University in Chapter I Purpose, meaning of the measure 18 - Purpose: Through this measure, we propose to revise the content of lectures, curriculum and distribution of statistical probability program, in order to change the gaps in subject content learn current statistical probabilities with maritime industry practice - Meaning: Measures to help teach statistical probabilities to students in maritime economics and technology are unified from the goals to the content of the program Help students visualize easier than what they will learn? What's the use of studying? What are learning materials? Thereby reaching the goals of the subject and meeting the learning outcomes of the training program This measure meets purposes 1, 2, and requirements and of teaching statistical probabilities to support career for students in economics, maritime engineering Method of implementation Through the investigation of the actual situation of the curriculum and lectures presented in Section 1.5, Chapter I, we found that it is necessary to renovate the content of the lecture, the curriculum of statistical probability suitable for teaching towards career support for students in economics, maritime engineering and that must be started by renewing the objectives of compiling lectures, statistical probability curriculum a) Implementation direction 1: Innovating the objective of compiling lectures, statistical probability curriculum in the direction of supporting career for students of maritime economics and engineering b) Implementation direction 2: Renewing the structure, curriculum content and how to implement the program of statistical probability subjects c) Implementation direction 3: Linking specialized subjects to help students use statistical probability knowledge for the next modules CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER II Chapter II presented four orientations when developing methods of teaching probabilistic statistics to support career for maritime economics and technology students at Vietnam Maritime University Based on these orientations, the thesis has proposed methods of teaching statistical probability in the direction of supporting career for students of maritime economics and engineering In each measure, the thesis presents according to a unified structure: the scientific basis of the measure, the meaningful purpose of the measure; method of implementation of the measure; illustrative examples The examples given by the thesis are related to the real career of marine engineers, thereby helping students to see the nature of their work, forming the necessary capabilities in practical career in the future This confirms the feasibility of the measures and is consistent with the teaching method at Vietnam Maritime University The above measures contribute to improving the quality of training, career support for students as well as the ability to apply statistical probability in practical work of economic and marine engineering engineers Since then, we believe that if applied scientifically, 19 reasonably and flexibly measures into that teaching will ensure the process of teaching probabilistic statistical support for students in economics and technology Marine engineering has high efficiency, contributing to improving the quality of training for Vietnam Maritime University in particular and the quality of maritime manpower in general CHAPTER III EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIENCE 3.1 Experimental purposes - Experiments are conducted to test the validity of the scientific hypothesis stated in the thesis; through the process of experimental teaching in maritime major classes at Vietnam Maritime University, initially evaluating the feasibility and effectiveness of the measures proposed in Chapter of the thesis 3.2 Experimental requirements - Pedagogical experiments must ensure honesty and objectivity - Experiments suitable to students close to the actual situation of teaching 3.3 Experimental tasks - Exploiting, building situations situations in the maritime industry that the thesis has proposed - Prepare experimental lesson plans and conduct experimental teaching according to some pedagogical measures proposed in Chapter 2; - Collect and process empirical results to check the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed measures 3.4 Principles of empirical organization 3.5 Contents, process, implementation method and evaluation method of the experimental process 3.5.1 Exploiting and building practical problems in the maritime industry 3.5.2 Implementing proposed measures in teaching probability statistics to support career Content, object and experimental time a) Content: In the experiment, we carry out two main tasks - Firstly, conduct experimental teaching of the thesis's measures mentioned in Chapter - Secondly, price of results obtained after experimental training to test the degree of development in the ability to apply knowledge of statistical probability subject to professional practice, the degree of interest of students in the experimental teaching content through final exam results at the end of the semester and the ability to complete reports on scientific research projects, graduation reports and practical work b) Time: We conduct experiments in two rounds - Experiment round 1: + Perform some contents in measures 1, 2, 3, and and test the suitability of each measure 20 + Time: From September 2017 to December 2017, the first experiment at Vietnam Maritime University: experimental class is statistical probability - N02 and reference class is statistical probability - N06 In the first round, we conducted a case study of KTB56 - LC1 interconnection class with 55 students working in the maritime industry, the experimental teacher is the author of the thesis with 13 years of experience - Experiment round 2: + Fully implement the contents of measures 2, and through the addition and coordination of all measures in the teaching process + Time: From February 2018 to July 2018, conducted at Vietnam Maritime University; In this second round, we continue to study the case study of KTB56 - LC1 through the application of statistical probability in professional practice in our work unit after completing the system of statistical probability theory Experimental organization a) Training for trainers b) Organize experimental teaching, evaluate lesson based on the evaluation criteria designed c) Through the opinion form after teachers complete experiments to collect feedback from teachers, students and other teachers business management d) Conduct interviews with students and teachers after class to verify and adjust learn from experience that cannot be measured through the test e) Let students the test and analyze the results 3.5.3 Process and forms of empirical content deployment Experimental process round - Step 1: Choose the experimental and control classes that are similar in academic level Investigate thoroughly pedagogical experimental subjects: age force, physiology, the understanding of maritime professions - Step 2: Make a detailed plan for the experiment phase, clearly identify the things that need to be conducted experimentally: Purpose of pedagogical experiment, how to proceed - Step 3: Design the experimental lesson then give discussing empirical intentions with students and teachers teaching the statistical probability section so that they grasp the focus of the experimental classes and reference classes taught in the usual way - Step 4: Conduct teaching experimental classes and attend the selected control classes At the same time, interviews with students and teachers after the lesson - Step 5: Have students take written or oral tests, practice and analyze the results, to see how well they develop career skills in the maritime profession 3.5.4 Methods of evaluating experimental results Evaluation content - The student's ability to absorb lessons with the proposed measures in the thesis, the atmosphere of the classroom, and the students' interest in the content of experimental teaching 21 - Students' understanding of theoretical knowledge of the lesson and the ability to apply knowledge into maritime practice, thereby forming and developing some skills of marine engineers - Results of the tests to assess the knowledge of each student in the experimental class and the control class after the lessons - Students' understanding of the content of knowledge and interest in the subject - The progress of students in learning as well as applying knowledge into professional practice through other teachers and students themselves by asking students to design and build situations in reality using the knowledge of statistical probability Methods of evaluating experimental results To evaluate the above contents, we use the methods: - Test of essay: + Assess the level of acquiring knowledge of students through the lessons + Test students' knowledge of experimental and control classes through essay tests after experiment + Examining the application of statistical probabilities to students' professional practice to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching probabilistic statistics to support career for students in maritime economics and technology - Survey questionnaire for students: Assessing the level of awareness, understanding of students' knowledge of theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply knowledge of statistical probability to the maritime profession - Observe the classroom: Teachers observe the learning atmosphere in the classroom, data taking sessions, student discussions - Interview: Discuss with colleagues, teachers who teach specialized subjects, and collect ideas of students about new ways of learning through interviews - Mathematical statistical method: Make a statistics table of students' scores from the tests The data on the test scores are collected and processed according to the following formula and results: (1) Average score: x = n å ni xi ; (với n i =1 n ån i =1 i = n ) In that: x is the average score; xi is the point achieved; ni is the number of papers (number of students) achieving xi corresponding score at each test; n is the sample size (total number of students tested) (2) Adjustment variance is calculated by the formula: s = (3) Standard deviation of adjusted sample: s = 22 ( ( ) n n x x åi i n - i =1 n å ni xi - x n - i =1 ) Variance s , standard deviation s typical for the dispersion (compared to the average numbers) T = xTN - xDC sTN s2 + DC nTN nDC of the data range The smaller the variance, the smaller the degree of dispersion of the data (4) Hypothesis testing of differences between variance methods using standard inspection: F= 2 STN S DC 2 2 nếu STN F = S < S < S DC DC TN 2 S DC STN (5) Test the hypothesis of comparing two average values of two independent samples (when the variance is unknown) by testing standards: T = xTN - xDC sTN s2 + DC nTN nDC 3.6 Experimental process - Round experiment (from September 2017 to December 2017): to implement the proposed measures to adjust and supplement the next experiment - Pedagogical experiment round from February to July 2018: checking the feasibility, reality and effectiveness of the proposed measures in the process of teaching probabilistic statistics to support career for students of maritime economics and engineering at Vietnam Maritime University 3.7 Evaluation of experimental results 3.7.1 For constructing practical situations in maritime economics and engineering Experimental process shows that teachers are fully aware of their responsibilities in renovating teaching methods, creating motivation for students to understand vocational and especially career support for students after graduation When exchanging directly, we found that 100% of the teachers determined the suggested method of measures is necessary and helped them solve the difficulties in the teaching process and created a lot of interest when exploring and building the problem have practical situations, economic sectors and maritime techniques Thereby they also know how to collect, design and build problems to serve teaching This proves the feasibility of initially implementing the measures mentioned in the thesis 3.7.2 For the use of teaching methods * From teachers participating in experimental teaching and lecturers listening to experimental lectures: Through the hours of statistical probability instruction in the direction of career support, we see the application of measures teaching methodology has brought certain results: - During the learning process, students have also actively thought, participated in building lessons, discovered and solved problems, actively contributed opinions to make The classes are more exciting 23 - Students gradually grasp the basic knowledge of the subject more firmly, and at the same time help students to form a number of vocational skills, meet the requirements of maritime professional practice - The effectiveness of empirical lectures in helping students gain knowledge about maritime careers is highly appreciated, teachers have used positive teaching methods that are highly practical for students to implement * From the students when participating in lectures We send votes for students to self-assess some of their occupational skills before and after the experiment We see that there has been a certain change, most students have confirmed the level of development of their occupational skills, namely: - Self-assessment results on the level of excitement, toxicity Establish, positive and creative students in the private lessons are at a high level, students are more active when participating in learning activities - The level of understanding of maritime professional practice knowledge after real hours of study also has a positive change, students self-assess their level of understanding of occupational practices with development - The majority of students in the class are conscious of actively participating in training sessions and self-training at home Many children feel more confident, more brave - Their ability to reason and solve problems is logical and coherent; the ability to speculate and reason when meeting situations related to marine professional practice is also improved 3.7.3 Assessing the development of maritime vocational skills of students In the evaluation, the thesis focuses on the role of statistical probability subject with the development of occupational skills by applying subject knowledge into practice Economics, marine engineering were presented in Chapter and Chapter Through observation, interviews, gathering opinions of teachers, students and maritime experts, the thesis assessed: - About ability to receive information from practical situations - About the ability to convert information from practical situations about mathematical models - About the ability to solve problems with knowledge of statistical probability subjects - About the ability moving from results of solving mathematical models to solutions of practical situations in maritime economics and engineering The experimental process shows that, by applying measures to use problems with practical situations in the economic industry, maritime technology has helped students see the content of statistical probability in different situations of industry practice Also through experiments shows that students are very active and interested in carrying out the activities and steps mentioned in the process of solving problems Through this, students determine the core of the statistical probability subject of the problem with practical situations in economics, maritime engineering, gain occupational skills to a 24 certain extent in turning the problem there are practical situations in economics, maritime engineering about the problem of "pure mathematics" and vice versa CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER III Through the process of experimental training round 1, round at Vietnam Maritime University, together with the obtained results and the data processed by statistical methods, observation methods, methods The survey has a basis to draw the following conclusions: - Students have shown their ability to confidently and understand their profession, they see the role of statistical probability in the maritime field - Measures and directions for implementing the proposed measures not only create conditions for students to acquire good subject knowledge, but also help them acquire practical knowledge, fostering their experience in the process life, career experience, ability to accept and cooperate with others, enabling students to assert themselves, students understand more clearly the role of this subject with specialized subjects in the training program and carry out maritime career This is very important for students, which is the initial foundation for their future economic activities - Improve the quality of learning probability statistics for students of maritime economic and technical fields The ability to use statistical - probability to practice to support career for students after graduation Thus, the experimental results obtained are test proofs for the scientific hypothesis of the thesis; initially proved that the measures were feasible, practical and applied in accordance with teaching conditions at Vietnam Maritime University with maritime economic and technical sectors CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion In the course of research, the thesis has obtained the following main results: 1) The thesis has reviewed and synthesized relevant theoretical and practical issues, such as: Scientific basis of career-oriented teaching for university students (concept, structure, purpose of career support, ), the relationship between career support and Maritime career development needs to prepare students, the role of statistical probability subjects in contributing to preparing the basis for career support for maritime university students in Vietnam 2) Through investigating the actual situation of teaching statistical probability in the direction of career support for students of the disciplines for teachers teaching statistical probability, students, former students, engineers working in the industry Customs and business owners, the thesis has clarified some basic features of the situation of teaching statistical probabilities for students of maritime economics and engineering in the direction of supporting career At the same time, through the survey of examples, exercises in the textbooks, lectures on statistical probability subjects of Vietnam Maritime University, the thesis has confirmed the need to renovate textbooks and lectures statistical probability for students of economics in the direction of developing professional capacity 3) The thesis proposes measures to teach statistical probability to students of 25 maritime economics and engineering at Vietnam Maritime University in the direction of career support measures are presented according to a unified structure (scientific basis of the measure, purpose, meaning of the measure, method of implementation and attention when using the measure) 4) The thesis proposes a system of more than 40 examples (sum of examples in chapters I and II) and some exercises to apply statistical probability to the maritime field, suitable to the program and content the statistical probability module and the subject of maritime economics and engineering at the Vietnam Maritime University 5) The thesis has organized pedagogical experiments to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical measures Pedagogical experiment results show that the pedagogical measures proposed initially are feasible and achieve good results From the main results above, it can be concluded that: The scientific hypothesis of the thesis is acceptable, the research purpose of the thesis has been completed, contributions of the thesis can be implemented and applied in practical teaching probability statistics career support for students of maritime economics and engineering at Vietnam Maritime University The thesis can be used as a reference for teaching statistical probability for teachers and students of colleges and universities with specialized training in economics and maritime engineering Recommendations - In the distribution of training programs of Vietnam Maritime University, it is necessary to increase the amount of time for Statistics so that teachers can contribute to career support for students in a more complete and deeper way - The School and the Faculty Department should regularly foster and encourage teachers to apply positive teaching methods in the direction associated with professional practice for all subjects - The functional departments and divisions of Vietnam Maritime University need to study and synchronize the curriculum, content, teaching methods, forms of examination and evaluation of student learning outcomes of students in the direction of support career for the students in general, students in economics, maritime engineering in particular 26 THE RESEARCH WORKS OF THE AUTHOR RELATED TO THE THESIS HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED 1.Mai Van Thi, Researching the Program of Probability - Statistics of Economics and Engineering at Vietnam Maritime University in the direction of teaching and supporting career support for students, Journal of Educational Science No 02, February 2018, pages 108 - 111 Mai Van Thi - Ta Quang Dong, Organization for maritime students using mathematical modeling to solving a number of problems in career practice in teaching Probability Statistics, Journal of Special Education No 8/2018, pages 73 - 76 Mai Van Thi, The reality of knowledge, skills and awareness of students in maritime economics and engineering after completing the module of Probability - Statistics in the direction of supporting maritime career, Proceedings of Scientific Conference "Young cadres with innovation, improving capacity to approach the industrial revolution 4.0, Hanoi National University Press, 2018 Mai Van Thi, Some measures to enhance real contacts in Probability - Statistics teaching to support career for students of Vietnam Maritime University, Journal of Education No 439, I, October 2018 Mai Van Thi - Ta Quang Đong - Đong Xuan Cưong, Proposing some measures to improve the efficiency of teaching probability and statistics to help students access to maritime practice, Science Magazine, Hai Phong University, November 31, 2018 Mai Van Thi, Training students to perform and process statistics during teaching Probability - Career-oriented statistics at Vietnam Maritime University, Science Magazine, Hanoi National University of Education, Vol.63, 12/2018 27 ... Maritime University of Vietnam has not been given due attention and proper attention - Regarding the actual situation of developing a statistical probability program in Vietnam Maritime University:... universities is shown by the career support process for employees as soon as they are sitting on the school chair Training in schools is conducted through educational activities, in which teaching activities... career support process for them when still studying at school The practice of teaching probability statistics at Vietnam Maritime University is setting requirements for training students to support

Ngày đăng: 20/08/2020, 07:33



