Since students are a potential human resource for economic- culture – society development, students of Agriculture field at higher education institutions and colleges are also one of the
Major : Educational theory and history
Code :
Hanoi, 2019
Trang 2The work was completed at:
The Vietnam National Institue of Educational Sciences
Supervisor: Prof Dr Nguyen Huu Chau
Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Duc Minh
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 2:
Reviewer 3:
The thesis will be defended before the examination council
at institue level taking place in The Vietnam National Institue
of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi
At ……on date ………month……year 2019
Thesis can be found out at:
National Library Library of The Vietnam National Institue of Educational Sciences,
1 Reason to choose the topic
Professional ethics is not a new issue but always urgent, especially
in the current situation because besides the positive and progressive aspects
of the process of opening, integrating and international exchanges, the problem of professional ethics degradation has been happening in many industries in society, causing social annoyance
Currently, the role of professional ethical education in the theoretical aspect is very important, but in fact, in recent years, the implementation of moral education in our country has not yet met set requirements Ethical education and professional ethics are far from practical, general and trite content, monotonous forms Assessing this situation, the Party Congress X emphasized: "The work of educating revolutionary ideals, ethics, lifestyles
is still general and ineffective " Our Party considers this an important task
in the human development strategy in the era of innovation, industrialization period Recently, this issue continues to be affirmed by the Party in the Central Resolution 8 on fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training
Professional ethical education for students at higher education institutions is an extremely important task Since students are a potential human resource for economic- culture – society development, students of Agriculture field at higher education institutions and colleges are also one of the main production forces for the country's agriculture, so they need to have scientific knowledge and professional ethical qualities However, in reality, the education of professional ethics for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions is still very limited From the above theoretical and practical education, that studying the topic "Professional ethical education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions" is urgent
Trang 44 Scientific hypothesis
The effectiveness of professional ethical education activities for students in agriculture field at the current higher education institutions has not met the requirements of society If the content of professional ethics standards in agriculture major is built simultaneously if there is a positive change in the implementation of measures of professional ethics education through integration in the subjects at school, organizing extracurricular activities, and through professional internships at production facilities to influence students' perceptions, attitudes and behaviors, it will contribute to improving the effectiveness of professional ethics education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
+ Pedagogical experiment
6 Scope of research
- Scope of research contents: Some professional ethical qualities for students in Agriculture field: Agronomy (Cultivation or crop science) + Scope of study area: We conduct research in three representative higher education institutions: Vietnam Academy of Agriculture, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
+ The scope of research experiments: 30 alumni of 3 higher education institutions - currently working as agricultural officials; 320 students at 3 higher education institutions; 30 managing and teaching staff at 3 higher education institutions
+ Experimental scope: Conduct experiments at Vietnam Agricultural Academy Time from January 2017 to March /2017 and January 2018 to March /2018
Trang 57 Methodology and research methods
7.1 Methodology
7.2 Research Methods
8 The points need to be protected
- Professional ethical education for students in agronomy major, of agriculture field should have a clear content of professional standards consistent with the characteristics of the agronomy major and in accordance with the requirements of society
- Professional ethical education for students in agriculture field should take into account the influence of factors on the effectiveness of educational activities Thereby, to select the objectives, contents, methods, organizational forms and ways to evaluate them reasonably
- Professional ethics education for students is a job that requires flexible implementation of activities through the mainstream education method that are: through teaching subjects in class; through extracurricular activities; through professional internships at production facilities Simultaneously, it is necessary to have consistency and synchronization in the coordination between educational forces in schools and those in society
9 New contributions of the thesis
- Theoretically:
+ The thesis has codified the basic theoretical issues of professional ethical education for students, especially professional ethics in the field of Agriculture
+ Developed the content of professional ethical education for students in agriculture field (majoring in Agronomy - plant science) with professional ethical qualities in accordance with the characteristics of Agronomy and in accordance with society requirements
+ Analyzed the impact of factors on the work of professional ethics education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
- Practically
+ Surveyed, analyzed and assessed the current status of professional ethics of agricultural officials - former alumni of higher education institutions This is the basis to compare with the results of professional ethics education for for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
Trang 6+ Did a survey, analyzed and assessed the current status of professional ethical education activities for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
+ Through practical research results, the thesis has pointed out the situation in moral education for students in the field of Agriculture at higher education institutions Since then, designed measures to educate professional ethics through education: through teaching subjects in class; extracurricular activities; and professional internships at production facilities
+ Organized pedagogical experiment and affirmed the change in organization of vocational education measures to increase the awareness, attitude, and professional ethical behavior for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
10 The layout of the thesis
The thesis includes the following sections: Introduction; Content with four chapters (Chapter 1: Theoretical basis of the topic, Chapter 2: Actual situation of professional ethical education for students in Agriculture field at higher education institutions, Chapter 3: Measures professional ethical education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions, Chapter 4: Pedagogical experiment.); Conclusions and recommendations; Catalogs and references; Appendix
1.1 Overview of the problem study
1.1.1 Research on professional ethics
Some authors have studied this issue such as: Quang, T H (2014) in the article "Arguments on professional ethics", the author has pointed out the foundation of professional ethics originated from the two bases that are the labor meaning of the profession and the meaning of moral behavior;
Son, D V T (2015), in the study "Having a new passion having
professional ethics" analyzed the current situation of social development,
leading to a diversity and growing number of careers However, in recent
Trang 7years, phenomena that are contrary to professional ethics have become more and more serious in different areas; By J.Patric Dobel (1990), in the study of "Integrity in the pulic service", discussed the commitments with the department in charge of regimes, that is high individual responsibility, being cautious, thoughtful, taking it a moral source to act wisely.[72] Apart from that, there are also other authors such as: Author Blatz C V
(1991), in Ethics and agriculture research: an antiquity on current issues
world context; John Hardwig (1991), in the study “Toward an ethics of expertise”; Daniel E Wueste (1998) in "Professional ethics and social responsibility", etc.,
1.1.2 Research on professional ethics in agriculture
Thang, D X (2012), in "Scientific research must meet practical
requirements", Journal of Management Science, January 2012, emphasized:
Agricultural Science always requires practitioners to self learn, improve professional capacity, be passionate in the profession and stick with agriculture, farmers and rural areas; Author Joseph R Herkert (1991) said that the object of agricultural sector was nature (plants and animals) Therefore, people in this field need to follow the rules of professional ethics Some other authors have studied in this area such as: Hong, K.T
(1989), in "Some psychosocial characteristics of farmers in the
development of careers in a rural area.”; Author Lan.N (2004), in the
article "Psychology of Vietnamese farmers: Some issues to consider in the
process of training human resources"; Marter J Chrispeels; Penelope L
Diebel (2008) - Ethics and agriculture teaching perspective
1.1.3 Research on professional ethics education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
Stanislas J Durdon (1980), "Professional ethics in the classroom"
author described the teaching of professional ethics in agricultural production at Cal Poly san unis Obispo He selected topics and class projects aimed at raising public awareness of the legitimate needs of agriculture
In addition, a number of other authors have studied this issue: such
as J Peter Clark and Christopher Riston (2011) with the book "Practical
ethics for food professionals: ethics in research, education and the workplace"
The studies mentioned above have clearly showed the standards and regulations on professional ethics of each profession In the agricultural
Trang 8sector, researchers of professional ethics have also raised the professional ethical standards of agricultural practitioners These professional ethical standards must be concretized in ethic perceptions, attitudes and behaviors
of practitioners, not just in code of practice of a sector, a company or a certain workplace In Vietnam, these ethical standards still do not have specific regulations and there has been no research mentioning in detail about professional ethics for agricultural workers in general and students in agriculture field in particular about the manifestations of awareness, attitudes and behaviors when they practice to acquire professional ethics as required by society and according to the characteristics of Vietnam's agricultural production Thus, there has not been a systematic study of the professional ethics education for students in agriculture field This is a major defect that has significantly affected the personality of the officials in agriculture, and it has also made agricultural production in our country not really developed as strongly as its inherent potential
1.2 Some basic concepts
1.2.1 Morality
Although there are many different definitions, it is possible to
generalize morality as follows: Ethics is a form of social awareness, a
system of principles, rules and social norms, whereby people voluntarily adjust their behavior for the sake of society and happiness among people in the relationship among people, between individuals and collective or the whole society, and in the relationship between people and nature as well as the surrounding environment They are made by personal beliefs, by the power of tradition and the power of public opinion
Trang 9Professional ethics is a system of qualities and values of social morality but suitable with the characteristics of each type of profession, reflecting the personality of employees It is reflected in the adherence to the rules, requirements, and demands of the profession and society for individuals involved in that career Professional ethics become the driving force for personality development, general capacity development and professional capacity, increasing productivity and efficiency of professional activities and social activities of each person
1.2.5 Professional ethics in the field of Agriculture
Professional ethics in the field of Agriculture can be understood as a system of moral qualities and values in accordance with the characteristics of the Agriculture sector and social requirements, reflecting the personality of the labours in the agricultural sector, is the driving force for the development of professional capacity of labours and increase the productivity and reputation of the agricultural occupation in society
1.2.6 Professional ethical education
According to the author of the thesis, professional ethics education
is a system of activities, solutions and measures to influence the awareness, attitudes and behaviors of learners in order to form professional ethics standards, from that when practicing, each individual knows a harmonious combination of professional competence and professional ethics
1.3 Theory of professional ethical education for students in agriculture field at higher education institutions
1.3.1 Characteristics of Agriculture and ethical requirements for Agriculture
When conducting professional ethical education, it must be based on the characteristics of the agricultural industry, the characteristics of students who are studying agricultural specialties so as to determine which education of moral qualities is appropriate for students
1.3.2 Principles of professional ethical education
Professional ethical education must comply with the following four principles: Avoid doing evils, actively doing good things; Respect personality combined with high requirements; Educate professional ethics
in labor, by labor; Unify the purpose of professional ethical education in the educational forces
Trang 101.3.3 Activities of professional ethical education for students ini agriculture field at higher education institutions:
The professional ethical education for students is to help students realize the moral values properly, to act in the right way, according to justice and humanity, to live for people, for the community, and for the advancement of society In the end, the most important purpose of professional ethical education is to create the right professional ethical behavioral habits The content of professional ethical education for students in agriculture field in higher education training
* Education for students to understand the meaning of professional ethics in the field of cultivation; Conscience - professional responsibility; Respect the regulations of the field, the agency - the workplace; Respect partners - customers, respect colleagues; Respect the nature - the surrounding environment; The spirit of daring to start a business; Consciousness to improve and develop oneself; Brave, confidence, flexibility, risk acceptance - confronting difficulties; Spirit of cooperation in work; Living and working in accordance with the Constitution and the Law Methods of professional ethical education in higher education
Presentation Methods, Conversation Methods, Reward Methods, Experimental Methods, etc The path of professional ethical education in higher education
Education of professional ethics through classroom teaching activities, through organizing thematic activities, extracurricular topics, and through professional internship activities Evaluate the results of professional ethical education in higher education
In higher education institutions, it is necessary to regularly evaluate educational activities in order to provide information for management and organizing education Students must also assess themselves to have a direction to strive for
1.3.4 Several factors affecting professional ethical education in higher education
Professional ethical education is influenced by the following factors: Legal documents; Content of training programs of higher education institutions; Influence of the market economy, the period of opening and
Trang 11integration of exchanges on the aspects of social life; Elements of facilities
of higher education institutions; The coordination between outside and inside school educational forces (families, production facilities, etc.); Local customs, culture of the local places and habits in production of one field
In general, professional ethical education for students is always an important task because they are the knowledgeable labor forces in the future and each individual who wants to participate in the practice must know the harmonious combination of professional competence and professional ethics The education of professional ethics for students in agriculture field is a very difficult and complicated process because it is subject to many positive and negative effects of society, the labor market, and the living environment of students, of other impact forces in society Professional ethical education for students in agricultural field in general and cultivation students in particular is an issue that always receives concern and special attention, and organizing, implementing this work practical effective, but not formal and cliché Thus, it contributes to comprehensive education for students
* Overview of the survey
* Some survey results
2.5.2 Current status of professional ethics manifestation of students
in agriculture field at higher education institutions Awareness situation of students in Agriculture sector about the meaning and importance of professional ethical education
In order to gather information about agricultural students' perceptions of the meaning and importance of professional ethics education, we have used question 2, a poll of MS01 – Appendix The meaning of professional ethical education for students is to help students to constantly improve the quality and professional capacity they are studying For this opinion, 295 students selected, accounting for 97.7% Secondly, the
Trang 12opinion that professional ethics education is to help students have a sense of community and society was chosen by 284 students, accounting for 94% Thirdly, the opinion that ethical education helps students have a sense of practice and self-improvement was selected by 277 students, accounting for 91.7% However, there are many students still not aware of the role and meaning of professional ethical education Students' awareness of the contents of professional ethics education consistent with the reality of the Agriculture sector
Student's judgment on moral qualities in accordance with the characteristics of the agriculture sector is considered to be a professional ethics reflected in the selection of the contents of the education of professional ethics of the agricultural sector that came up in question 4 of the poll MS 01 – appendix
The table above shows that the majority of students believe that all the given ethical content is within the professional ethics of the agriculture sector The items all have a grade point average of 3, 4, 5 – relatively the suitable , quite suitable and very suitable level Thus, they
do not have a clear distinction between morality in general and professional ethics
The content of professional ethics that students think best suited to the reality of the agriculture sector is "Be self-discipline, seriousness, discipline in work" with an average score of 4.48 belonging to level 5 - very suitable level Next is the content of “Educate responsibility and conscience" with an average score of 4.41 belonging to level 5 - very suitable level, ranking second; and ranked the third is the content of
"Respect the regulations of the Agriculture field, the agency - the workplace" has an average score of 4.38 belonging to level 5 - very suitable level Meanwhile, such important contents as "Love education for nature" ranked in the last position with an average score of 3.11 belonging to level 3
Thus, it can be seen that students' awareness of the contents of professional ethics is still vague and misunderstood The perception of students about professional ethical qualities is still limited, not suitable to the professional characteristics and social requirements Most of them do not have a clear distinction among which ethical requirements is suitable with the characteristics of the agricultural sector Therefore, there seems to
be a general agreement of all moral standards in the ethics of agriculture
Trang The attitude of students in Agriculture field for violations of professional ethics
The professional ethics of students are expressed through the attitude
of sympathy or disagreement with the manifestations of violations of professional ethics in agricultural production MS01 - Appendix
Through the table of data, we find that most students disagree with the expressions contrary to professional ethics, in which the content of
"lack of respect for customers" with the highest objection selected by 285 students, accounting for 94.4% of opinions; The environmental pollution in agricultural production is also the behavior that many students oppose with the amount of 277 students, accounting for 91.7% In addition, acts that are contrary to professional ethics such as fraud in trade, indiscriminate natural exploitation are also opposed by many students, 276 students accounting for 91.4% of opinions In general, students find that behaviors contrary to professional ethics are acts that negatively affect the benefits of the community and society Therefore, the majority of students are against Status of training professional ethics of students in Agriculture field
We use question 5, questionnaire MS01- Appendix to learn about the status of training professional ethics of students in agriculture field Through the survey, we find that the practice of professional ethics of students takes place infrequently Most items have a grade point average of
3 - sometimes, there are two items at level 4 - quite often, one item at level
5 - very often and one item at level 2 - seldom The training of professional ethics of students is mainly through the practice at production facilities, in localities having the average score of 4.42 corresponding to level 5 - very often, ranked first The second activity that they choose to practice professional ethics is through the practice of the department with an average score of 4.21 – level 4 - quite often, ranked second The third way has an average score of 3.78 - level 4 - quite often The way was least chosen is through out-of-class activities with GPA of 2.50 - level 2 - seldom, ranked the eleventh, and through self-governing collective action has the average of 2.64 – level 3 - sometimes Thus, activities of self-training professional ethics of students are not really positive The activities that the students participate in can be very rich and diverse but the sense of self-training to get the ethical qualities required by the profession is very limited Whether morality in general and professional