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Giáo án Anh 7 (Phần II)

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Period 27 Date of teaching: Unit 5: Work and play Lesson 2: A2 (p. 52-53) A Objectives. - To help Sts read the text for details about Ba’s activities at school and at home. - By the end of te lesson, Sts will be able to know the details about Ba’s activities at school and at home. B. Teaching method: T-Wc, H-H< pair/ individual/ group work. C. Teaching aids: New TA7, poster. D. Anticipated problems: E. Procedures: I. Warm up : Jumbled words: - T. give instruction. - Listen to the T. *- v o r a t e f : favorite. - Play in two groups, - f i r e a r g e o t : refrigerator. - a m p : map. - a e n r l : learn. - a t s l : last - e r e x i e n m t p: experiment. - Check with the Wc. II. Pre reading: 1. Pre teach vocab: Elicit from the Sts - Listen and answer . - to enjoy: thÝch, thëng thøc. - to repair: söa ch÷a (m¸y mãc) - Listen and repeat then copy. - to fix: söa ch÷a - an art club: CLB nghÖ thuËt - electronics(n): m«n ®iÖn tö, ®iÖn - to be good at: giái vÒ * Check vocab: R.O.R. - Individual rewrite. 2. T/F statement prediction. - T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. 1, Ba enjoys his school very much. - Run through. 2, His favorite subjects is Electronics. - Individual predict then 3, In this class he does some experiments. Pair compare. 4, He isn’t good at fixing things. 5 He can help his parents at home. 6. He never goes to art club. * collect Sts’ ideas. - Give the answers. III. While reading: 1 Check their prediction. - Ask Sts to read A2 (p. 52) to check their - Individual predict then prediction individually then pair compare. pair compare. - Get feed back. * Answer keys: - Give the answers. 1- T 2 -T 3- F 4-F 5 -T 6- F 2 Guess meaning from context. - Ask Sts to read the text to match the E. - Individual matching with the Vietnamese individually, then pair compair then pair compare. * 1, a house hold a, bức hoạ, bản vẽ appliance 2, a drawing b, đàn ghi ta 3, an artist c, thiết bị gia đình 4 the guitar d, hoạ sĩ * Check with the Wc. - Give the answers. 3. Comprehension Qs: - T gives instruction - Listen to the T. - Get Sts to read the text to practice asking and - Practice readingin pairs. answering the Qs in pairs -Check with the Wc. * Noughts and crosses: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. a b c - Play in two teams. d e i( Pot lucky) h g f - Praise the winner. * Answer keys: a, He likes electronics best. b. Ba also likes othe subjects at school because he enjoys school very much. c. In electronics he learn ro repair house hold appliances. d. This subjects helps Ba to fix the lights, the washing machine and the refrigerator. e. Yes,he is. His drawing are very good. f, I sometimes repair the lights in my free time. g, Im good at fixing things. h, My favorite subject is English. I, What do you study in your geography class? ( I study maps and learn about different countries) VI. Post reading: * Survey: ( T. gives instruction.) - Listen to the T. Name Favorite subjects good at Free time activitives - Play in two group Nam + Ask Sts to ask and answer for information to fill in the survey. - Individual fill. * Eg: What is your favorite subject? What are you good at ? . What do you do in your free time? . V. Homework: - Read the text again and write the answers into exercise- books. -Learn by heart the new words . Prepare the new lesson : A4,6 ( p. 53-54) Week 10 Period: 28 Date of teaching: Unit 5: ( Cont’d) Lesson 3: A4 - 6 (p. 54 - 56) A, Objectives: - To help Sts revise schol subject vocab with listening and reading practice . - By the end of the lesson , Sts wil be able to consolidate school subect vocab with listening and reading , know the details of the text. B. Teaching method: T- Wc, H- H, pair/ group/ individual work. C. Teaching aids: New Ta7 , a stereo, a tape. Poster. D. Anticipated problems: - weaker Sts may get difficulty in listening and reading for the details And it takes more time. * Solution: T. sometimes stops the tape, It is easy for them to listen. E. Procedures: I. Warm up : - T. ask Sts to look at the pictures A4 (p.54) and think - Pair work. of the name of the pictures. - Get feed back: - Give the answers. a. Geography b. Physical education. c. Computer science. d. Electronics. e. English.( Class activities) II. Pre listening : A4. - T. sets the scene. - Listen to the T, - Give Sts two minutes to predict what subjects - Individual predict Ba/ Hoa has on Saturday morning. Then pair compare. - Predict to write the name Ba / Ha next to te picture. Iii. While listening : - Check their prediction - Listen to the T. - Get Sts to listen to the tape and check their prediction. - Individual work. -Play the tape.(2ts) * Check with the Wc. - Give the answers. + Answer keys: - Ba: d, a, e - Hoa: c, b, e VI. Pre reading : A5 (p.54) 1.Pre teach vocab: Elicit from the Sts. - Give the answers. - an essay: bài văn - past: quá khứ ( situation) - Listen and repeat - an event: sự kiện ( ) then copy. - present: hiện tại ( syn .) - equation (n): công thức, PT ( realia) - globe(n): quả cầu ( realia) - graph(n): đồ thị - an atlas: sách bản đồ địa lý - to paint: sơn - a calculator: máy tính. * Check vocab: Matching - Individual matching. * Get Sts to match on the poster. 2. Prediction: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - Ask Sts to predict the subject that appears - Predict individually in the text in pairs then compare . then pair compair * Collect Sts ideas. - Give the answers. V. While reading: 1. Get Sts to read A 5 (p55) to check their prediction - Individual work then then pair compare. pair compare. 2. Comprehension questions: ( On the poster) - T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - Get Sts to practice asking and answering the Qs on - Pair work. the poster in pairs. * Lucky numbers: T, gives instruction. - Listen to the T. and read the Qs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - Play in two groups. - Praise the winner. 1- a. What do you study at school? 2- b. What do you learn in literature? 3. LN. 4- d. What subject do you learn about different Countries and their people? 5- e. Do you speak English in language class? 6. LN. 7- c. Do you study past ans present events is history? 8- f. What other things do you study? VI. Post reading: A5 (p 55) - Discuss with a partner: Add one out : - Group work. * Literature: author writing, pating, stories. * History: basketball, games, famous people, world events, important days. * Science: experiment, meter, preposition, tmperature. * English: words, England, pronouns. VII. Homework : - Learn by heart the new words. - Write a passage about Ba and Hoa using picture and answer keys A4 (p 55) - Study A7 (55) and prepare the new lesson. Period 29 Date of teaching: Unit 5 ( Cont d)’ Lesson: 4 B 1 (p. 56) A. Objectives: - To help Sts know how recess acrivities vocab and revise the present progressive tense. - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to knoe the recess activities vocab and use the presenr progressive tense. B. Teaching method: T-Wc, H-H, Pair/ group/ individual work. C. Teaching aids: New TA.7, poster. A tape, a sereo. D. Anticipated problems: Weaker Sts may be get difficulty in remembreing recess activity vocab to prsctice. E. procedures: I , Warm up: Net works - T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. Math. - Play in two groups. Subjects II. Presentation: 1. Pre teach vocab: Elicit from Sts: - Listen to the T. - a bell: c¸i chu«ng. - Listen and repeat - a yard: c¸i s©n then copy. - a recess: giê ra ch¬i - to talk about: nãi vÒ - to chat: t¸n gÉu, nãi chuyÖn phÉu - blind mans bluff(n): trß bÞt m¾t b¾t dª - catch(n): trß ch¬i ®uæi b¾t - marble(n): trß ch¬i b¾n bi - to ring; ( chu«ng) reo * Chech vocab: Matching - Individual matching. 2. Presentation text: B1 (p 56) - T, gives instruction. - Listen to the T - Play the tape. ( 2 ts) - Ask sts to read the text and fill in the list ( with - Individual work then the answer keys) pair compare. Recess activities The most popular acticvities. - Group work - meeting friends. - talking about. - talking. - eating/ drinking - chating -playing catch/ marbles - skipping. * ? How can you from the present progressive? - Listen and answer Eg: Lan is reading then copy What is Lan doing? ? When do you use it? / And form? (+) S + Be + V.ing…. (- ) S + Be not + V.ing…. (?) Be + S + V.ing….? III. Practice: 1. Picture cue drill: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - Ask Sts to look at the pictures to ask and answer. - Pair work. * Ex: S1: What is the boy doing? S2: He is reading. - Some pairs read out before the class. IV. Production: * Write it up ( T. gives instruction) - Listen to the T. - Ask Sts to write sentences using the present pro- - Group work. - gressive tense and pictures A1 (p.56) * Ex : a, The boys are talking. b, They are playing blind man’s bluff. ……………………………… V. Homework: A1 (p. 57-58) -Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercises. - Prepare the lesson: B3. (p.57-58) Period 30 Date of teaching: Unit 5 ( Cont d) Lesson 5: B3 (p. 57-58) A. Objectives: - To help Sts to raed the text for details about recess activities at American school. - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know the details about recess Activities at American school. B. Teaching method: T-Wc, H-H, Individual/ pair/group work. C. Teaching aids: Ne TA 7, poster. D. Anticipated problems: - Weaker Sts may get difficulty in understand the details of the text because there are two many new vocab . E. Procedures: 1. Warm up : Bingo ( T. gives instruction) - Get into games by - Ask Sts to write five activities at recess. listening to the T. - T. reads : play catch / skip rope/drink/ play/ tennis/ - Listen and write. Play soccer/ play baseball/ talk to friends/ read/ listen to music/eat/ play badminton/ chat/meet friends. * Praise the winner. II. Pre reading: 1. Pre teach vocab: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - junior high school(n): trêng cÊp 2 - senior high school: trêng cÊp 3 - Listen and repeat - to swap: trao ®æi then pair compare. - to relax: th gi·n - to take part in: tham gia - to score a goal: ghi bµn * Check vocab: S;ap the board ( T. gives intruction) - Play in two groups 2. Open prediction: - Get Sts to prediction what Sts in American school do - Individual predict then at recess individually then pair compare. pair compare. - Collect Sts’ ideas. - Give the answers. III. While reading: 1. Check prediction - Get Sts to read the text to check their prediction in pairs - Individual work then Then pair compare. pair compare. 2. Guess meaning from context: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - Get Sts to read the text again then guess meaning -Read the text and match individually. 1, energetic students a, kh¾p thÕ giíi -Go to the board and 2, potrable CD players b, b¹n qua th match. 3, packets of candy c, m¸y nghe CD x¸ch tay 4, pen pal d, chñ yÕu 5 mainly e, nh÷ng gãi kÑo 6, world wide d, nh÷ng HS n¨ng ®éng * Check with the Wc. 3, Multiple choice (p.58) - T gives instruction - Listen to the T. - Ask Sts to read the text again and choose the best answers - Individual work then individually then pair compare. pair compare. * Check with the Wc. + Answer keys: a - C, b- A, c - D, d - D. IV. Post reading: Discussion. - T. gives instruction: * Talk about what abou what you often do at recess. -Group work. And what is the most popular recess activity in your school? V Homework: - Learn by hr\eart the new words - Use the discussion to write a paragraph. * Eg: We often talk each other ar recess . Sometimes we play football… - Prepare the new lesson: B2,4 Week 11 Period 31 Date of teaching: Unit 5: Work and play. Lesoon 6 : B 2, 4 (p. ) A. Objectives: - To help Sts to revise school vocab and pratice listening and matching , furthe practice in present simple tense. - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to know the information about Mai, Lien, Lan, Ba by listening to the tape, revise present simple tense. B. Teaching method: T- Wc, H-H, individual/ pair/ group work. C. Teaching aids: New TA 7, a tape, a stereo. D. Anticipated problems: Sts may ge difficulty in listening. * Solution: T. sometimes stops the tape. E. Procedures: I. Warm up: Net works ( T. gives instruction) - Listen to the T. Recess - Play in two groups in 2 ms. Play catch. - Praise the winner. II. Pre listening: - Get STs to predict what sport each person play by - Individual matching then matching B2 ( p. 57) individually then pair compare. then pair compare. - Collect Sts’ ideas. - Give the answers, III. While listening: 1. Check their prediction: - T. gives instruction - Listen to the T. - Play the tape ( 2-3 ts) - Listen to the tape and - Get Sts to listen and check their prediction individually check their prediction. then pair compare. - Get feed back. - Give the answers. & Answer keys: + Mai: Playing catch + Kien: playing blindman’s bluff + Lan : skipping rope + BA: playing marble IV. Post listening: 1. Write it up: T. gives instruction - Listen to the T. - Use “ matching” and present progressive to write sentenses - Group work. *Eg: Mai and Ba are play catch . Kien is playing blindman’ bluff. 2. Survey: B 4. ( p. 58) - T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. * Devide the class into groups of 4 . - Draw the table. - Elicit the activities from Sts to fill in the table Name Activities Play soccer skip rope … … Lan. * Eg: S1: What do you usually do at recess? - Listen and repeat. S2: I usually skip rope. I sometimes read or then work in groups. Talk to my friends. V. Homework: - Learn by heart the new words. - Write it up ( Using survey) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 6 ( A 1,2) Period 32 Date of teaching: Unit 6 : After school. Lesoon 1: A 1, 2 (p. 60-61) A, Objectives: - To help Sts to practice asking and answering about what SB do after school by revising the present simple tense, revise the after school actvities, adverbs of frequency. - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to remember the after school activities, practice asking and answering , using the present simple tense, adverbs of frequency. B. Teaching method: T- Wc, H-H, pair/ individual group work. C. Teaching aids: New TA.7, poster, picture D. Anticipated problems: - It takes more time than I expect. * Solution: Change modle: “ What do you often .?” Into the next period. E.Procedures: I Warm up: Net works: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. Activities at recess - Play in two groups in 2 ms. Play marble - Praise the winner. II. Presentation : A1 ( p.60) - Give instruction - Listen to the T. - Play the tape ( 2 ts) - Listen to the tape. - Ak Sts to practice reading then some pairs read out - Practice reading. before the class. * Comprehension Questions: - T. gives Sts 5 ms to read dialogue again and find out - Pair work The answers to the Qs in pairs. - Check with the Wc. * Lucky numbers: T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - Play in to groups. -Praise the winner. * Answer keys: 1- a, She is doing her math homework. 2- b, The are going to get a cold drink in the cafe. 3 - LN. 4- c, He is in the music lesson. 5- d, He usually meets his friends. 6- Pot luck: 7- LN. 8- f , She likes playing volleyball. III. Practice: - Give Sts 2 ms to think about the activities. (A 2,4- p.61) - Say out the words - Then ask Sts to say out the activities. of activities. * Answer keys: 2, Swimming in the pool. 3, Playing computer. 4, Going to a movie. 5, Playing soccer. 6, Watching TV. * Modle sentences: Elicit from Sts. - Give the answers -S1: How often do you read in the library? - Listen and repeat - S2: I never read in the library. Then copy. [...]... groups V Home work: - Learn by hart the new words - Read the letter (p .76 ) again and answer the Qs (p 77) - Prepare the new lesson: B2,3 (p .77 ) Period 44 - Individual work then pair compare - Listen and check - Give the answers - Listen and write in groups - Some say out Date of teaching: Unit 7 ( Cont d) Lesson 5 : B 2, 3 ( p 77 ) A Objectives: - To help Sts to read and understand the main idea and... nghỉ 3, buffalo shed C - chuồng gà 4 day off D - trồng lúa 5, real vacation E - chuồng trâu 6, chicken coop F - kì nghỉ thực sự * Check with the Wc 2, Grids : B3 (p .77 ) - T gives instruction - Ask Sts to read the text B2 (p .77 ) and A1 (p76) to complete the grids ( with answer keys) in groups - Check some groups * Answer keys: Name Mr.Jone Mr.Tuan Hours per week Giờ làm việc/tuần 40 84 Day off Ngày nghỉ... the new work and some structures - Write the Mapped dialogue up - Read the text again and write the answers into your ex Books - Prepare the new lesson; A 2- 3 (p .73 ) Period 41 Date of teaching: Unit 7 ( Con t) Lessson 2 : A 2 3 ( p .73 -74 ) A Objectives: - To help sts to read, understand the content and know the details of a letter from Americaand then listen to the tape and write the name of the pulic... Period 43 Date of teaching : Unit 7 ( Cont d ) Lesson 4 : B 1 ( p 76 ) A Objectives: - To help Sts to listen to the letter and know the main idea and details of the letter about Jims parents - By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to know the specific information about Toms parents B Teaching method: T- Wc, H H, individdual / pair/ group work C Teaching aids: New TA 7, poster D Anticipated problems:... aids: New TA 7, a tape, a stereo, poster D Anticipated problems: Weaker Sts may get difficulty in listening E Procedures: I Warm up : Net work ( T gives intruction) - Listen to the T Play soccer - Play in two groups After school activities - Praise the winner II Pre listening: 1 Pre teach vocab: Elicit from the Sts - a circus: rạp xiếc -to tidy: dọn phòng - bored(a): chán - to be tired of: chán - healthy... Homework - Learn by heart the new words - Read the letter again carefully and write the answers - Prepare the new lesson: A4 (p .75 ) Period 42 Check, then write - Give the answers - Listen to the T Then work in groups Date of teaching: Unit 7 ( Cont d ) Lesson 3 : A 4 ( p 75 ) A Objectives: - To help Sts to read, understand the details of a text about St Hoas work - By the end of the lesson, Sts will... the T - Work in groups * Some say out V Homework: - Learn by heart the new words - Write the dialogur between Mr.Tuan and Mr Jones - Prepare the new lesson B 4, 5 (p 78 ) Period 45 Date of teaching: Unit 7 ( Cont d) Lesson 6 : B 4, 5 ( p .78 ) A Objectives: - To help Sts to practice listening skill, to know the information about 4 persons: Peter, Susan, Jane and Phong - By the end of the lesson, Sts will... aids: New Ta 7, a tape, a stereo Poster D Anticipated problems: E Procedures: I Warm up: Bing go - T gives instruction - Listen to the T - Ask sts to choose 9 numbers to fill in the table 1 30 -T Wc - T reads: 10 15 19 6 27 - - Praise the winner - II Presentation: 1 Pre teach vocab: Elicit from Sts: - Listen and give answers - coach (n): xe tuyến ( xe chạy dờng dài) - guess(n): sự phỏng đoán - have... before 5, She studies 45 hours a week * Collect Sts ideas III While reading: 1 Check prediction: - Ask Sts to read the text ( p 75 ) and check their prediction Individually then pair compare * Get feed back * Answer keys: 1- F, 2 T, 3 F, 4 F, 5- T 2 Comprehention Qs: - Give Sts 7 ms for Sts to read the text and find out the answers To the Qs * Get feed back * Answer keys: a, People think Sts have an... This is my bag c, Put those dirty socks in the washing basket these socks - No, those socks on thr bed d, Throw away those comics.But I like these comics,Mom 4, Exercise 4 (p .70 ) Vocabulary - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 70 Then ask Sts to match the work in the box with the picture - Ask sts to give the correct answers * Answer keys: a, Physical education d, Geography b, Chemmistry e,Enlish . ……………………………… V. Homework: A1 (p. 57- 58) -Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercises. - Prepare the lesson: B3. (p. 57- 58) Period 30 Date of teaching:. p .71 ) -T. gives instruction. - Listen to the T. - Ask sts to listen and write. - Group work. V Homework: - Have Sts look at the lesson. - Do focus 6 (p .71 )

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 04:10



