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Part: B1 P 134 I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in modal verbs II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to sports Grammar : Modal Verbs III/ Teac[r]

(1)Date of planning : / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 200 Period 55: UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY A A HOLIDAY IN NHA TRANG Part: A1 (P 86-87) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about vacation in Nha Trang and the past simple tense II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :Aquarium, Chample Temple, gift, return, was/ were Grammar : The simple past tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections/ Time A1 Steps Presentatio n Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach : - an aquarium: (picture) -Chample Temple: (trans) - a gift: (realia) - be - (to) buy  bought - (to) have  had - (to) take  took - (to) go  went - (to) be  was/ were * Matching: - (to) talk returned - (to) return visited - (to) visit talked *Check: (Ordering):Listen and number the verb you hear T: Liz went to Nha Trang with her parents They took her to Tri Nguyen aquarium Liz bought a lot of gift.The Robinsons had great time in Nha Trang b/ Presentation dial: T: Liz went to Nha Trang with her parents and she returned to Hanoi Now she is talkingto Ba about her vacation in NhaTrang Ss read the dial then number the sentences on page 87 Give feedback (2) 1/ Liz went to Nha Trang 2/ Liz visited Tri Nguyen aquarium 3/ Liz bought souvernir 4/Liz returned to Hanoi 5/ Liz talked to Ba about her vacation * Matching: Liz thought of Nha Trang The people expensive The food friendly The things beautiful The vacation delicious Nha Trang wonderful Practice Word cue drill: a/ vacation / wonderful b/ food / delicious c/ things / expensive d/ people / friendly e/ Nha Trang / beautiful *Example Exchange: S1: How was the vacation? S2: It was wonderful Production Homework  Guessing Game: Last vacation , I was in… Were you in …………….(name of place)? Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare : Unit 9: A2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (3) Date of planning : / 1/ 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 56: UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY A A HOLIDAY IN NHA TRANG Part: A2 (P 87- 88) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell the story of the Robinson’s trip to Tri Nguyen aquarium and practise with Wh-question in the Past simple tense II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :shark, dolphin, crap, cap, turtle ,poster Grammar : Past simple tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, picture, realia IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Revision Contents and techniques Pelmanism : go have had A2 PreReading bought buy talked take took a/Pre- teach -shark: cá mập (picture) -dolphin cá heo (picture) -turtle rùabiển (picture) -crap: cua (picture) -cap: mũ lưỡi trai (realia) -poster: áp phích, tranh khổ lớn (trans) *Check: R.O.R *Matching: - eat wore - see thought - wear ate - think saw b/ True / False Prediction: The Robinsons went to Tri Nguyen aquarium They saw many types of fish Mr Robinson bought a little turtle They had lunch at a foodstall talk went (4) 5.Liz ate fish and crab T: These sentences are about what the Robinsons did at TN aquarium.But some sentences are true and some are false Read them and guess which sentence is true / false… *Check: Do you copy the sentences? What will you if the sentence is true? WhileReadin g PostReading a/Check the prediction: Ss read the text and check their predictions *Key: 1T; 2T ; 3F ; 4T ; 5F b/Comprehension question: Lucky number 1f ; 2LN ; 3a ; 4e ; 5b ; 6LN ; 7c ; 8d Answer key: a her parents b sharks, dolphins, turtles, fish c cap, poster d Yes, Liz did Liz wore the cap all day e Yes, they Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crap f Because when she looked at the fish, she remembered the beautiful fish in the aquarium Recall: Ss look at the pictures a,b,c,d,e on P88 to tell the story of the Robinsons’s trip to TN aquarium A/ The Robinsons family went to the aquarium B/ They saw sharks, dolphins, turtles, and many colorful fish C/ There was a souvenir shop near the exit of the aquarium D/ M.r Robinson bought Liz a cap with a picture on it MrsRobinson bought a poster E/ After their visit to the aquarium, the Robinsons went to a foodstall, Mr and Mrs Robinson ate fish and crap Liz ate noodles Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare : Unit 9: A3,4,5 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (5) Date of planning :6 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 57: UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY A HOLIDAY IN NHA TRANG Part: A3,4,5 (P 89-90) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the Robinsons’ activities and understand Ba’s diary, tell the past events II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :to)rent , (to) improve/ improved, (to) bring / brought, (to) move - moved… Grammar : Past simple tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Prelistening a/ Pre-teach vocabulary: - (to) stop - stopped - (to) arrive - arrived - (to) look - looked - (to) drive - drove - (to) come - came - (to) teach - taught - (to) rent - rented : thuê - (to) improve - improved: cải tiến - (to) move - moved: dời , di chuyển - (to) keep in touch : liên lạc *Check: R.O.R b/ Open prediction: T asks Ss to read the sentences in A3 and sentences they are going to hear Sentences A B C D E F G Guess Listen A3 Whilelistening Check the predictions: Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions T corrects (ex) (expl) (mime) (trans) guess which H I J (6) *Answer key: b d e A4 h j Prereading Set the scene: T: Today, we’re going to read Ba’s diary Ba write about Liz, his friend Ss read Ba’s diary While – reading Correct the statements: T asks Ss to read the sentences from a g themselves Ss read Ba’s diary again then corect the sentences Give feedback Ss copy down the correct answer in their notebooks *Answer key: a/ Liz lived nextdoor to Ba B/ Liz learned Vietnamese in Vietnam C/ Ba collects stamps D/ Liz’s aunt lives in NewYork E/ The Robinsons moved to the other side of Hanoi F/ The Robinsons moved Now Ba is sad G/ Ba will see Liz next week Postreading Transformation Writing: “ Imagine you are Liz ‘s friend, write a letter to one of your friend to tell him / her about Liz and her family Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare : Unit 9: B1,2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (7) Date of planning :11 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 12 / / 2009 Period 58: UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY B NEIGHBORS Part: B1,2 (P 92-93) I/ ObjectiveS : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to put the Yes/ No question in the past simple tense II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :hairdresser, dress-maker, neighbor , material, ( to) make Grammar : Simple past tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time BI Steps Contents and techniques Checking Write the past form of some verbs: teach , come , rent , move , stop , drive , look , arrive , improve , Presentatio n a Pre-teach vocabulary: - a hairdresser: thợ uốn tóc (ex) - a dress-maker: thợ may áo quần (nữ)(ex) - material: chất liệu, vật liệu (realia) -( to) make - made: làm -(to) cut - cut *Check: R.O.R b Presentation Dial: T:Hoa and Lan are talking about Hoa’s hair and her address Lan asks Hoa who cut her hair and who made her addresss Ss listen to the tape twice and practise in pairs c Model sentences: Did your uncle it? -No, he didn’t / Yes, he did  Hỏi đã làm việc gì phải không: Did + S + V-inf ? Trả lời ngắn: Yes, S + did / No, S + didn’t *Ex: Did you go to Danang last Sunday? *Check: - What part of speech is “do”? (8) - What does the sentence mean in Vnese? - Raising or falling for the question? B2 Practice Production Word cue drill: Answer use Yes, he / she did No, he / she didn’ a Did Hoa buy a dress? b Did her aunt make Hoa’s dress? c Did her aunt cut her hair? Mapple Dial: NAM HOA - go NT last summer? Yes - What place / visit ? Cham Temple - buy / any souvenir ? Yes - What / buy ? bought / some pictures *Example Exchange: N: Did you go to NT last summer? H: Yes, I did N: What place did you visit? H: Cham Temple N: Did you buy any souvenirs? H: Yes, I did N: What did you buy? H: I bought some pictures Homework -Learn by heart vocabulary, structure -Prepare : Unit 9: B3 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (9) Date of planning :12 / / 2009 Date of teaching:12 / / 2009 Period 59: UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY B NEIGHBORS Part: B3,4 (P 93) I/ Objectives :By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know Hoa’s hobbies with sewing II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :useful , (to) decide, (to) sew, sewing machine, (to) try on , (to) fit Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre- reading B3 a/ Pre-teach vocabulary: - a hobby: sở thích - a sewing machine: máy may, khâu - a cushion: đệm gối - useful :` có ích , có lợi -(to) decide: định -(to) sew: may vá -(to) try on : thử, mặc thử -(to) fit : vừa , phù hợp (ex) (picture) (picture) (ex) (trans) (mime) (ex) (trans) * Check: R.O.R b/Ordering: a First, she made a cushion b Next, she made a skirt c Hoa bought some material d Hoa;s neighbor helped her e She tried it on f It fitted very well g It wass too big  Hoa watched her neighbor made her a dress and she decided to learn how to use a sewing machine.Now, look at the statements on the poster, they are about Hoa’s sewing but they are in mix order…… (10) Whilereading a/ Check the predictions: Ss read the text and check their predictions *Key: 1c ; 2a ; 3b ; 4e ; 5g ; 6d ; 7f b/Comprehension Questions: Noughts and Crosses 1d 4h 7b 2a 5e 8i 3f 6g 9c Ss work in groups to answer the questions Give feedbback *Answer key: A/ She learned how to use a sewing machine B/ She made a cushion for her arm chair first C/ It was blue and white D/ Next, she made a skirt E/ It was green with white flowers on it F/ It looked very pretty G/ She tried it on but it didn’t fit G/ Hoa’s neighbor helped her I/ Finally, it fitted very well Postreading Homework Recall: T asks Ss to retell how Hoa did the sewing work, using the information in the ordering - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do B4 - Prepare : Language focus PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (11) Date of planning :13 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 14 / / 2009 Period 60: LANGUAGE FOCUS (95-98) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple past tense to talk about past action , use the parterns “How much” , “How far” to talk about the price and the distance… II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Grammar: Simple past tense ,preposition, “How much” “How far” III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time LF3A Steps Contents and techniques Checking Write the past form of these verbs: watch , buy , use , decide , make , help , fit , be Further Practice 1.Past simple tense: a/Pelmanism: help remember helped LF3B LF1 LF2A remembered take took send think sent thought b/Gap fill: Fill in the blank with the words in the box *Key: 1.talked ; 2.bought ; 3.worked ; 4.sent 2.How much: Practice in pairs, using the information in 1b *Example Exchange: S1: How much is the violet dress? S2: It’s 30.000 dong 3.Preposition of place: Listen and make each place Library (12) There is a library on Le Loi Street To the left of the library, there’s a shoe store To the right of the library, there’s a bookstore The hairdresser’s is next to the bookstore on the right There’s the clothing store opposite the shoe store The restaurant is between the clothing store and the minimart *Key: shoe store ; bookstore ; hairdresser’s clothing store ; restaurant ; minimart 4.How far Practise in pairs, úing the information in 2b *Example Exchange: S1: How far is it from the shoe store to the minimart? S2: It’s 500 meters 5.More ; less ; fewer: Complete the following sentences, using more, less, fewer 1/ Before, there was a lot of meat Now, there is………(less) 2/ Before, there was half a litter of orange juice Now, there is………(more) 3/ Before, there were bananas Now, there are…… (few) 4/ Before, there were tomatoes Now, there are…… (more) 5/ Before, there was a lot of milk Now, there is……….(less) LF2B LF5 Homework - Do LF2 - Prepare Unit 10(A1) PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (13) Date of planning :1 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 61: UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE A PERSONAL HYGIENE Part: A1 (P 99-100) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the detail about Hoa and her family II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :hygiene, harvest ,helpful,(to) iron III/ Teaching aids: poster, picture IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Revision Brainstorming: Hoa T: Today, we will talk about Hoa -Where is she from? -Where does she live now? -Who does she live with? -Which class is she in? -What does she like? Prereading a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - hygiene: vệ sinh (trans) - a harvest : mùa gặt (expl) - (to) hope : hy vọng (trans) - (to) iron: ủi, là (mime) - helpful (adj): giúp ích , giúp đỡ (ex) - probably (adv) : có lẽ (trans) *Check: matching b/Ordering prediction: Hoa’s Mom write: (14) a Your Dad and I hope you are well b I hope you’re taking well of yourself c I received a letter from your aunt last week d I miss you a lot e Don’t forget to write f Your grandad talks about you a lot These sentences are about what Hoa’s Mom write to her but they are in mix order… Whilereading a/ Check the predictions: Ss read the letter and check their predictions T corrects * Answer key: 1a ; 2f ; 3c ; 4b ; 5d ; 6e b/ Answer given: Lucky number a.Because it ís almost harvest time b.Hoa’s grandfather helps them on the farm c.They’ll go after thr harvest d.She gets up early and does morning exercises e.Hoa’s mother wants her to take care of herself, to wash and iron her clothes, not to eat too much candy and stay up late  1LN ; 2a ; 3c ; 4LN ; 5b ; 6e ; 7d ; 8LN T asks Ss to work in pairs , using Answer Given and Post- Questions (a-e) to ask and answer about Hoa’s Mom letter reading - Learn by heart vocabulary Homework - Prepare A1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (15) Date of planning :.2 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 62: UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE A PERSONAL HYGIENE Part: A2,3 (P 100-101) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice personal hygiene through listening, talking about routines II/ Language contents: Vocabulary :(to) polish, (to)comb, (to) change, sandals, pants Grammar : Simple Past tense III/ Teaching aids: pictures, cassette player IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections/ Time Steps Prelistening A2 While Listening Contents and techniques a/Pre- teach vocabulary: - (to) polish : đánh bóng ( visual) - (to) change : thay đổi (trans) - (to) comb : chải tóc (mime) - sandals : dép quai hậu (visual) - pants : quần ống rộng (visual) - (to) drink - drank - (to) get - got *Check: what and where b/Ordering Pictures: T sticks all the pictures on the board How many pictures are there? These pictures are about some activities which Hoa did yesterday Look at them and guess what Hoa did first, then, after that….by numbering them in the order 1……… ; 2…………; 3………… ; 4………… 5……… ; 6……… ; 7………… ; 8………… a/Check the predictions: Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions T corrects *Answer key: 1a 2e 3f 4d 5g 6c 7h 8b (16) b/ Picture story: T asks Ss to use the pictures, tell what Hoa did yesterday *Ex: Yesterday, Hoa got up, she took a shower and put on clean clothes… A3 Postlistening a/ Question – Answer: T asks Ss to complete their diary entry like Nam’s then practise with their partners with these questions What you every day? What time you get up / eat breakfast/ homework/ go to bed … ? b/Transformation Writing: T asks Ss to write about what they did yesterday, base on Hoa’s activities and their diary Homework -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare A3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (17) Date of planning :5 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 63: UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE A PERSONAL HYGIENE Part: A4 (P 101- 102) I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Ss know how to say and write about routines, review words and phrases of personal hygien II/ Language content: Vocabulary :(to) comb, comb (n), (to) get , (to) drink , (to) tell, (to) shower(ed),(to) change(d) Grammar : III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Checking Answer the questions: - What time you have breakfast? - Do you often morning exercises? - What time you go to school? - Do you go to bed late? PreWriting Recall: Ss talk about Hoa’s Mom letter by answering the questions: Did Hoa get a letter from her Mom? Will her Mom visit her after the harvest? Can Hoa take care of herself? Does she get up early every morning? Does she go to bed late? Will she write to her Mom soon? WhileWriting Gap fill: T asks Ss to complete Hoa’s reply letter to her mother with suitable verbs SS work in group of 4, write the complete letter on poster *Key: (18) Postwriting Homework 1.was 5.get ; 9.eating ; 2.having ; 3.take/ show 6.go ; 7.wash ; ; 10.told ; 11.meet ; ; 4.take 8.iron ; 12.go a/ Exhibition: T colects some poster and hangs them on the board , wall Comparing the result and correcting b/ Transformation Writing: Write a reply letter to your penpal , telling what you every day Prepare B1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (19) Date of planning :8 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 64: UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE B A BAD TOOTHACHE Part: B1,2 (P 103) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about oral hygiene II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : (to) have an appointment, Scared ,Drill,Cavity, Dentist , (to) fill(ed), (to) fix(ed), feel / felt Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading a/ Pre- teach vocabulary: -(to) have an appointment: có hẹn (ex) -Scared: sợ hãi (ex) -Dentist : nha sĩ (expl) -(to) fill(ed): trám, hàn (mime) -(to) fix(ed): sửa chữa (ex) - feel - felt: cảm thấy (trans) -(to) remind : nhắc nhở (ex) *Check: ROR b/True /False prediction: 1.Minh has a toothache 2.Hoa never goes to the dentist 3.Minh likes to go to the dentist 4.The dentist ís kind 5.Hoa’s tooth stull hurt her 6.Minh is not scared after talking with Hoa T: Look at the picture P.103  Who’s this?/ It’s Minh  Who’s this? / It’s Hoa  What’s the matter with Minh ? -He has a toothache …… a/Check the predictions B1 Whilereading (20) B2 PreListening Whilelistening Homework - Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions -Ss work in pairs and act out the dialogue *Key: 1T ; 2F ; 3F ; 4T ; 5F ; 6T a/ Matching: - sound lỗ sâu - drill tiếng (âm thanh) - cavity to (âm thanh) - afterward cái khoan - loud sau đó c/Comprehension Questions: T asks Ss to reread the dialogue, ask and answer the questions Give feedback *Answer key: A/ Minh has a toothache B/ No, he doesn’t The loudness of the drill scared him C/ Because she has a toothache D/ She filled the cavity in her teeth …… Pre-questions: T asks Ss to read the pre- questions and try to think about them 1.What is Dr Lai’s job? What clothes does Dr Lai wear to work? How most Ss feel when they come to see Dr Lai? 4.How does Dr Lai help these children? Answer the questions Ss listen to the tape then answer the questions *Key: a/ Dr Lai is a dentist b/ She wears uniform to work c/ They feel scared when they come to see Dr Lai d/ She explains what will happen She gives them advice She tell them how to look after their teeth and reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare B3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (21) Date of planning :9 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 65: UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE B A BAD TOOTHACHE Part: B3,4 (P 104-106) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about causes II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : surgery, serious , smile , check Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Presentatio n a/Pre-teach vocabulary -surgery: phòng phẩu thuật (picture) -serious : nghiêm trọng (trans) -pleased : hài lòng (trans) -(to) smile : mỉm cười (picture) -(to) check: kiểm tra (expl) *Check: R.O.R b/ Pre- questions: How does Dr Lai help Minh ? How does Minh feel? Ss listen to the tape , read the text again and answer the prequestions c/Model sentences: Why does Minh’s tooth hurt? Because he has a cavity  Ask and answer about the cause B4 Practice Picture / Word cue drill: a tooth / hurt have / cavity c cavity / not serious small *Example Exchange: b nervous see / dentist d happy teeth / OK (22) S1: Why does Minh ‘s tooth hurt? S2: Because he has a cavity B3 Production Homework Gap fill: Ask Ss to reread the text,then complete the story Givefeedback *Answer key: 1/ nervous/ worried 2/ smiles 3/ cavity 4/ brush/ clean 5/pleased/ happy - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Unit 11 A1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (23) Date of planning :10 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 11 / / 2009 Period 66: UNIT 11: KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY A A CHECK-UP Part: A1 (P 107-108) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about a check up II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Medical check- up, Medical record: Temperature,Height, scales, (to) weigh ,(to) measure Grammar : I/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Revision Prereading Whilereading Contents and techniques Pelmanism: Give take Had was/were tell left leave gave have took be told a/Pre- teach vocabulary: -Medical check- up: kiểm tra sức khoẻ ( trans) -Medical record: phiếu khám (realia) -Temperature: nhiệt độ (ex) -Height : chiều cao (ex) -scales: cái cân (visual) -(to) weigh : cân nặng (expl) -(to) measure: đo (mime) *Check: what and where b/Ordering statements T uses the picture to introduce the dialogue: They are the students of Quang Trung school They are having a madical check up…… - Ask them to open their books, read and check their guess - Give feedback *Answer key: 1f 2d 3c 4g 5e 6a 7h 8b (24) Postreading -Remind the sentence: Would you open your mouth, please? Would you+V ?: đề nghị lịch -Ask ss to pick out some sentences Would you stand here, please? Would you get on the scales ,please? Homework -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare A 2, PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (25) Date of planning :15 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 16 / / 2009 Period 67 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY A A CHECK-UP Part: A2,3 (P 108-109) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for details and practice with height and weight II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : heavy,forenames, male,female Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Prelistening a/Pre- teach vocabulary: -heavy: (a) nặng (ex) -forenames: (n) tên và chữ lót (ex) -male: (n) giống đực/phái nam (expl) -female: (n) giống cái / phái nữ (expl) Check: what and where b/Prediction: -Ask Ss to look at the picture , ask somes questions to elicit them Who are they in the picture?( Hoa and the doctor) What is Hoa doing?( she is having a medical check- up ) This is the conversation between Hoa and the doctor However some words are missing Let find out the missing words and complete the conversation Whilelistening a/Check the predictions - Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction b/Gap filling - Ss listen again to complete the dialogue - Correct , give feedback - Ss practice dialogue in pairs (26) - Give feedback *Answer key: 1/ ask 2/ how 3/ your 6/ me 7/ tall 8/ meter 10/ will 11/ nurse 12/ height 4/ 50 5/shorter 9/ centimeters 13/ think 14/ No 15/ form Remind the structure: How+ adj+ be +S? Ex: How tall are you? How heavy are you? - Remind some model sentences : 1/ School: Which school/ class you go to study? 2/ Surname: What your surname? 3/ Address: Where you live / What’s your address? 4/ Age: How old are you? 5/ Weight: What’s your weight? / How heavy are you? 6/ Height: What’s your height?/ How heavy are you? -Ss work in pairs, asking and answering -give feedback Postlistening *Survey: Name Hoa Homework - Male/ Female Age Weight Height Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (27) Date of planning :.16 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 16 / / 2009 Period 68: UNIT 11: KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY B WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU? Part: B1 (P 107-108) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the sickness II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : (to) have a bad cold, (to) have a headache,(to) have a stomachache, (to) have a virus, (to) have flu, (to) write a sick note Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Presentatio n a/Pre-teach vocabulary: -(to) have a bad cold: bị cảm -(to) have a headache: bị đau đầu -(to) have a stomachache: đau dày -(to) have a virus: bị vi rút -(to) have flu: bị cảm cúm -(to) write a sick note: viết giấy xin phép (ex) (mime) (mime) (expl) (ex) (situa) Check: Matching b/Presentation Dialogue: Who are they in the picture?(Hoa and Mr Tan) -What was wrong with Lan?(She was absent/ sick) Now, you are going to listen to the conversation between Hoa and Mr Tan Yestesday Hoa was sick Ss listen to the tape , work in pairs to act out the dialogue Correct their pronunciation c/Model sentences: What was wrong with you /her / him? -I / She / He had a headache Practice Word cue drill: a You / a cold b Lan / a headache (28) c Ba / a stomachache d He / flu e She / a tooothache *Example Exchange S1: What was wrong with you? S2: I had a cold Production Homework Noughts and Crosses: Use the correct tense.( Simple Present and Simple Past) The weather (be) awful today Lan (be) sick yesterday She (not come) to school yesterday How you (feel) now She (walk) to school everyday She (send) a letter to her penpal last month He (work) in Hue a few years ago Why Lan (not go) to the library yesterday Hoa (go) to the dentist last week - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B2,3 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (29) Date of planning :16 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 17 / / 2009 Period 69: UNIT 11: KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY B WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU? Part: B 2,3 (P 111) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to fill in check up forms and identify illnesses and diseases and their symptoms II/ Language contents Vocabulary : tobe absent from,semester,sick/sickness Grammar : III/ Teaching aids poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections Steps / Time PreListening B2 Contents and techniques a.Pre- teach vocabulary: -tobe absent from: vắng mặt -semester: học kỳ -sick: ốm sickness (n) Check: R.O.R b/Survey Name B3 WhileListening Cold Flu (ex) (ex) (ex) Headache Stomachache Tooothache -Ask ss to work in groups of in turn ask and answer to complete the survey T combines the result for the whole class and asks Ss to answer the questions: What was the most common illness? What was the least common illness c/Open Prediction: Tasks Ss to predict the days lost through sickness in class 7A (30) last semester Cold ( ) ; Headache ( ) ; Flu ( ) ; Stomachache ( Total days lost ( ) PostListening Homework Toothache ( ) ) Ss listen and check their predictions *Key: Cold ( 10 ) ; Headache ( ) ; Toothache ( 17 ) Flu ( 43 ) ; Stomachache ( 37 ) Total days lost ( 112 ) T asks Ss to compare the day lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class Orally report back Ex: Last semester , in class 7A , cold (10) caused 10 days’ absence , but in our class… - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare B4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (31) Date of planning:22/ /2009 Date of teaching:23/2 /2009 Period 70 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT , STAY HEALTHY B WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU? Part: B (P 112 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the details about the common cold II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Common cold, Symptom, Runny nose, Slight fever ,(to) cough, (to) sneeze Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, picturres IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre- a.Pre-teach vocabulary: reading -Common cold: bệnh cảm phổ biến -Symptom: triệu chứng -Runny nose: chảy nước mũi -Slight fever : sốt nhẹ -(to) cough: ho -(to) sneeze: hắt hơi, nhảy mũi ( ex) (expl) (ex) (ex) (mime) (mime) Check: slap the board b/Pre- questions: 1/ Why people call the cold “ common”? 2/ What are the symptoms of the common cold? - T asks Ss to think about the questions - Ss open the book, read the text , answer the questions Whilereading a/ Matching: Unpleasant biến Relieve ngăn cản Disappear hồi phục Prevent khó chịu b.Comprehension questions: Lucky Numbers - Ss work in pairs, ask and answer the questions - Give feedback (32) *Answer key: A/ Because every year millions of people catch it B/ a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing , sneezing C/ No, there isn’t D/ No, they don’t They relieve the symptoms E/ Eat well, exercise and you will be fit and healthy Postreading Homework Write it up: Write a paragraph about the common cold/(sumary the text) -Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare Revision PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (33) Date of planning :22 /2 /2009 Date of teaching: 23 / /2009 Period 71: REVISION I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to prepare well for the one-period Test II.Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense , Structures with some question words III.Teaching aids : Textbooks IV.Time : 45’ V.Procedures : A/ Grammar structures : 1.The simple past tense : T asks Ss to remind the forms and the use of this tense * Form : (+) : S + V2/ Ved (-) : S + didn’t + V.inf (?) : Did + S + V.inf ? * Use : It expresses an action happening in the past with a definite time * Exercise : Give the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets a Nam (go) .to the supermarket yesterday b What (you/do) last week? c They (not/visit) the museum days ago d Why (Ba/go) to the dentist yesterday? e We (sing) English songs now f She always (get) up early 2.Question words : a Why + do/does/did + S + V.inf ? Because + S +V b What’s your/his/her + height? = How tall + be + S? c What’s your/his/her + weght? = How heavy + be + S? d How often + do/does/did + S + V.inf ? -S + adv + V / S + V + once, twice a day * Exercise : Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning with the first - What’s your weght? à How .? - How heavy is he? à What’s ? - How tall are you? à What’s ? - What’s her age ? à How .? - Nam went to the doctor because he was sick à Why .? - They visit their grand father once a year à How often .? B/ Vocabulary : Vocabbulary refer to health and hygiene, keep fit and stay healthy C/ Home work : Be ready for the Test (34) Date of testing:24/2/2009 Period 72 TEST III (35) Date of planning :1 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / /2009 Period 73: UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! A WHAT SHALL WE EAT? Part: A1,2 (P 114-115) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about food vocabulary and adverbs: too, so, either,neither to express preferences II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : spinach, Cucumber, Papaya , Durian, ( to) hate ,(to) smell Grammar : Adverbs: too , so , neither , neither I/ Teaching aids: poster, pictures IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Prereading Contents and techniques a/ Pre- teach vocabulary: -spinach: rau chân vịt, rau mâm xôi ((visual) -Cucumber: dưa leo (visual) -Papaya : đu đủ (visual) -Durian: sầu riêng (visual) -( to) hate : ghét (antonym) -(to) smell : ngửi (mime) *Check: matching b/ Presentation dialogue: Yesterday Hoa and her aunt went to the market They stopped ảthe meat stall, vegetables stall and fruit stall to buy the things they like Now ,listen to the dialogue to know what they buy -Ss listen to the dialogue then practice in pairs c/ Model sentences: I like spinach and cucumbers So I / I do, too I don’t like pork Neither I / I don’t either *Concept checking: - Too: nằm câu khẳng định, cuối câu - So: nằm câu khẳng định, đầu câu Meaning: -Either: nằm câu phủ định, cuối câu -Neither: nằm câu phủ định, đầu câu Meaning : không (36) Picture Cue Drill Whilereading papaya durian beef mangoes pork chicken *Example exchanges: 1/ S1: I don’t like durian S2: Neither I/ I don’t , either 2/ S1:I like papaya S2: So I/ I , too *Drill: (open pairs – close pairs) PostReading Homework Comprehension Questions: LUCKY NUMBERS 1/ What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market? 2/ L.N 3/ Does Hoa like pork? How about her aunt? 4/ L.N 5/ What meat would they like for dinner? 6/ What are the favourite vegetables of Hoa’s aunt? 7/ L.N 8/ What fruit did they buy ? 9/ Why didn’t they buy a papaya and a pineapple? 10/ L.N -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare A3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (37) Date of planning :1 / /2009 Date of teaching: / /2009 Period 74: UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! A.WHAT SHALL WE EAT? Part: A3,4 (P 116-upload.123doc.net) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to make a meal II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : bowl, dish, soy sauce, (to) slice, (to) stir- fry, (to) add Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, pictures IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time A3 Steps Contents and techniques Pre- a/Pre-teach vocabulary: Reading -bowl: cái bát, tô (realia) -dish: món ăn (ex) -soy sauce: nước xì dầu (picture) -(to) slice: thái mỏng (picture) -(to) stir- fry: Xào (trans) -(to) add: thêm vào, bổ sung (expl) * Check: what and where b/ Ordering statements: S asks Ss to guess the order of the statements a First, she sliced the beef b Then, she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach c Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner d Next, she sliced some green peppers and onions e And then she set the table and her family sat down to eat f After that, she stir-fried the beef and vegetables g Finally, she sliced the cucumbers and make cucumber salad Whilereading a/ Check the predictions: Ss open their books, read and number these statements Correct their guess Give feedback *Answer key: 1c 2a 3d 4b 5f 6g 7e b/Comprehension Question: Ss work in groups to ask and answer the question:What did Hoa, her aunt and uncle have for dinner? Write the menu (38) *Answer key: MENU - cucumber salad with onions - Boiled spinach - Stir- fried beef with green pepper and onions - Rice c/ Add the missing verbs: 1/slice 2/slice 3/ heat 4/ stir- fry 5/ add 6/ boil/ cook 7/ add d/Matching: Ss match the instructions to the pictures Give feedback: 1c , 2f , 3a , 4d , 5b , 6e , 7g A4 Postreading Homework Write-it –up: Write about what you ate and drank yesterday? *Ex:For breakfast, I ate I drank For lunch, I ate I drank For dinner, I ate I drank - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (39) Date of planning :2 / / 2009 Date of teaching: / / 2009 Period 75: UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! B.OUR FOOD Part: B1 (P -119) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand why Ba had to go to the doctor’s II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : dirt/dirty(a)/ medicine Grammar : IIITeaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Checking Pre-reading Contents and techniques Talk about what you ate and drank yesterday a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - dirt: bụi bẩn (ex) - dirty(a): bẩn, không (ex) - medicine: thuốc tây (realia) *Check: Matching b/True / False prediction: T:Ba feels terrible so he go to see the doctor now What’s the matter with him? Ba had a headache He was at the doctor’s He ate spinach, but his parents didn’t His Mum washed the spinach Vegetables often have dirt on them That dirt can’t make him sick Ss guess with T/ F (in groups) Write their prediction on the board Whilereading a/ Check the predictions Ss open book, listen to the tape, check their predictions Give feedback *Answer key: 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T 6F b/Comprehension Questions: (40) Ss work in pairs to answer the questions Give feedback 1.What did Ba eat last night?( fish, rice, soup and spinach) 2.Who washed the spinach? (Ba) 3.Why did Ba go to the doctor?( because he had a stomachache) 4.What make him sick? (The dirt on vegetables) Postreading Homework a/Complete the story: Ask ss to reread the dialogue to complete the story Give feedback 1.doctor sick/ ill 3.asked ate/had 5.spinach wash/ clean carefully vegetables make 10 doctor/ she 11 medicine b/Recall: Ss retell the story - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (41) Date of planning : / / 2009 Date of teaching: 10 / / 2009 Period 76 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! B.OUR FOOD Part: B2 (P 120) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read comprehension and further practice in Indefinite quantifiers with: a little/too much/ lots of II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : diet,balanced, energy, moderate, life style, (to)effect= (to) affect Grammar : Indefinite quantifiers with: a little/too much/ lots of IIITeaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections/ Time Steps Contents and techniques PreReading a/Pre-teach vocabulary: -(an) amount of: số lượng (trans) -(a) diet: chế độ ăn uống (ex) - dairy products: sản phẩm từ sữa (ex) -energy: lượng (trans) -life style: cách sống (ex) -balanced (adj): cân (ex) -moderate (adj): điều độ , vừa phải (trans) -(to)effect= (to) affect: ảnh hưởng (trans) *Check: What and where b/True / False prediction: What does “ a balanced diet” mean? Eat a lot of meat Eat a little fruit, vegetables Eat a moderate amount of sugar Eat a little fatty food Eat plenty of the food you like While Reading - a/ Check the predictions Ss read the text, check their predictions Give feedback *Answer key: 1/F 2/F 3/T 4/T 5/F b/Comprehension Questions: Ss work in pairs to answer the questions (42) Give feedback a Two advantages of eating sugar - adds taste to food - gives you energy b A balanced diet alone is not enough , all people need exercise to keep a healthy life c./student’s answer PostReading Matching: Ss the matching then talk about “a balanced diet” *Ex: To have a balanced diet , we should eat a lot of… A lot of Should A little of Too much Should Plenty of Homework - Sugar Fatty food Meat Fruit Coffee Deed- fried food Vegetables Eggs Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (43) Date of planning :12 / / 2009 Date of teaching:13 / / 2009 Period 77 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! B.OUR FOOD B4 (P 121) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for details and further practice in food vocabulary II/ Language contents: Grammar :Past simple tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, cassette player IV/Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Revision Contents and techniques Jumbled words: - soodenl ( noodles ) - sifh ( fish ) - eirc ( rice ) - ucjei ( juice ) - febe ( beef ) - awert ( water ) PreListening Open Prediction: Ss look at the pictures on p.121 carefully and name the food ( drink ) in each picture Ss predict what Lan, Ba, Nga , Hoa had for their lunch Write their prediction on the board WhileListenin g T plays the tape, Ss listen ( times ) and check their predictions T gets feedback from the Ss T lets Ss listen to the tape once more and gives the correct answers * Answer key : Lan : b, d, f, g Ba : a, c, e, h Nga : a, d, Hoa : b, e, g PostListenin g a/Lucky Numbers: T puts some questions and writes them down on the b.b 1.What did Lan have for lunch?( beef,noodles, vegetables,fruit) 2.L.N 3.Did Ba have some fruit? ( Yes, he did) 4.LN 5.Who had vegetables? ( Lan, Nga) 6.Who drank juice? ( Lan, Nga, Hoa) (44) 7.What did Ba drink?( water) 8.Did Hoa have fish? ( No, she didn’t) b/ Write - it - up: T asks Ss to use the listening to write about Lan, Hoa , Nga and Ba *Ex:For her lunch, Lan had Write about what you ate and drank yesterday Prepare L.F Homework PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (45) Date of planning :12 / / 2009 Date of teaching: 13 / / 2009 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT ! Period 78: Language focus I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practise Past Simple tense, indefinite quantifiers , imperatives and adverbs: too; so; either; neither II.Language contents: III.Teaching aids : Textbook Pictures from textbook IV.Time: 45’ V.Procedures : Sections/ Time LF1 LF2 LF3,4 Steps Further Practice Contents and techniques I/ Past simple tense : T asks some Ss to remind the use and the form of the simple past tense T uses the pictures on p.123 to elict the activities : a) watch TV b) eat at a food stall c) go to the movies Ss answer 5questions ( a à e ) according to the pictures ( pair work ) * Answer key : a, No, I didn’t ate dinner at a food stall b, No, I didn’t I went to the movie theater c, No, I didn’t I read d, No, I didn’t I played soccer II/ Indefinite quantifiers : a/ Matching: Ss match the corect expressions to the pictures * Answer key : B a lot of / lots of tea C a little suga D a lot of salt E too much water b/ Gap fill: T asks Ss to complete the dialogues with the corect indefinite quatifiers , cues from the pictures * Answer key : A a little or a lot / a little B a lot of C too much D a little III/ Too ; So ; Either ; Neither: (46) Noughts and Crosses: T uses pictures (p126) LF5 Homework Mangoes  Banana  Papaya  Corns  Spinach  Potatoes  Fish  Chicken  Beef  *Example Exchange: S1: I like mangoes S2: So I / I do, too IV/ Imperatives: Gap fill: Ss look at the pictures and complete the instructions *Answer key: a peel b wash c slice d mix e add f stir g wait - Do LF Prepare Unit 13 (A1,4) PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (47) Date of planing: 17 / / 2009 Date of teaching : 18/ / 2009 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES A SPORTS Period 79 Part: A1, I.Objectives :By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the reading text and talk about the sports they like II.Language contents: Vocabulary: skate boarding, roller- skating , rollerblading…… III.Teaching aids : textbook, pictures , poster IV Time : 45’ V.Procedures: Sections/ Time Steps PreReading A1 WhileReading Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach Vocabulary: - skate-boarding ( n ) - roller-skating ( n ) - roller-blading ( n ) - football ( n ) - surprising ( adj ) à surprisingly ( adv ) -(to) take part in: -(to) win the prize *Check:RO.R b/Pre-questions : T puts some questionsand asks Ss to think of the answer a.Which sports you think are the most popular in the USA ? b What orther sport you think are also favoured? T sks Ss to read the text and answer the pre questions Comprehension questions : T runs through the questions Ss read the text silently and answer the questions T collects Ss’answers and corrects them a Which sports is the most popular in the USA ? b Which sport is at 11th position ? * Answer key : a, Baseball b, Tennis Predictions: A4 Pre- (48) Reading WhileReading - What kind of sport in the picture? What is WFF? / WTS? a/ Check the predictions: Ss read the text and check their predictions *Key: Walking / Jogging Walking For Fun / Walking To School b/ Matching: -organize tình nguyện -increase tổ chức -volunteer thay vì -in stead of gia tăng c/ Comprehension questions: Ss answer the questionssin the text book Find S.O who: Post – Reading Homework Name Likes……… best Soccer Badminton Walking Swimming Table tennis - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare A3,5 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (49) Date of planing:20 / / 2009 Date of teaching : 21/ / 2009 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES A SPORTS Period 80 Part: A3,5 I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use adjectives and adverbs when talking about sports II.Language contents: Grammar: Structures: S + be + adjective + noun S + verb + adverb Vocabulary: skillful-skillfully , slow-slowly …… III.Teaching aids : Textbooks , pictures from textbooks IV.Time: 45’ V.Procedures : Sections/ Time Steps Presentatio n A3 Contents and techniques a/ Pre-teach Vocab : Adjectives à Adverbs Good (adj) well (adv) skillful skillfully slow slowly bad badly quick quickly safe safely careful carefully interesting interestingly ( to) cycle à (a ) cyclist *Check: RO.R b/ Presentation text : ( A3 / p 131 ) T uses the pictures to elict the model sentences from the Ss: “Who is he? – a volleyball player” “ How does he play volleyball ? - play skillfully” “So what can we say?” c/Model sentences : He’s a skillful volleyball player (50) He plays skillfully T elicts the functions of “ skillful” and “ skillfullly” in the two sentences ( functions of adjectives and adverbs ) Note : - Adjectives : an adjective modifies a noun and stands right before that noun Besides, it stands after linking verbs ( be, become, look, seem, keep, taste …… ) - Adverbs : an adverb modifies a verb and stands after that verb or after the direct object * Form of adverbs : T elicts the form of adverbs from Ss ADJECTIVE + LY = ADVERB Ex : careful ( adj ) à carefully ( adv ) * Exception :- good ( adj ) à well ( adv ) - hard ( adj ) à hard ( adv ) - fast ( adj ) à fast ( adv ) - late ( adj ) à late ( adv ) - early ( adj ) à early ( adv ) Practice A5 Further Practice Homework Word cue drill: a.good /well soccer player c quick / quickly runner *Examle Exchange: S1: He’s a good soccer player S2: He plays well b slow / slowly swimmer d safe / safely cyclist Gap-filling ( A5 / p.132 ) T hangs the poster with the passage from A5 ( p.132, 133 ) on the b.b Ss work in pairs to exercise T collects Ss’answers and corrects them *Answer key : 1, clearly 2, carefully 3, safely 4, carelessly 5, strictly -Learn by heart the lesson -Do A5 -PrepareB1,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (51) Date of planning: 22/3/2009 Date of teaching: 23/3/2009 Period 81 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES B COME AND PLAY Part: B1 (P 134) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in modal verbs II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to sports Grammar : Modal Verbs III/ Teaching aids: poster, picture IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Presentation a/ Pre-teach vocabulary: - table tennis paddle: vợt đánh bóng bàn - Should: nên  - Ought (not) to: nên  - Must phải  - Have to phải - Has to *Check: R.O.R b/Presentation Dialogue: Ba suggests Nam to play table tennis with him but Nam can’t play because he must his hmework.So they will play after Nam finishes his homework -Ss listen to the tape , act out the dialogue then answer the questions -Give feedback c/ Model sentences: What should Nam before he play table tennis? -He ought to his homework -He must his homework Should Ought to (52) Must Practice + V(bare- inf) Word cue drill: a.Nam / before / table tennis / homework b Children / when / swimming swim with an adult c We / after meals brush / teeth d Lan / when / very thin eat more *Example Exchange: (as model sentences) Futher Practice Homework Gap fill: Ss complete the passage with theModal verb *Key: 1.can 2.must 3.must not 4.should 5.can 6.ought to 7.can/ should 8.should/ must -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare B2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (53) Date of planning : 24/3/2009 Date of teaching:251/4/2009 Period 82 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES B COME AND PLAY Part: B2 (P 135) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practise making, accepting and refussing an invitation ,using modal verbs II/ Language contents: Grammar : Modal Verbs III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Presentatio n Practice Contents and techniques Presentation dialogue: Ba suggests Nam to play basketball but Nam refuses because he must clean his room, so they will play on other time Now listen to the tape Ss practice the dialogue in pairs Ss use cues given in the box to make new dialogues Give feedback Ss practice before class * Sample: Ba: Come and play volleyball Nam: I’m sorry I don’t think I can Ba: That’s too bad Why not? Nam: Well, I should visit my grandmother Ba: Can you play on the weekend ? Nam: Yes, I can Ba: All right See you on Saturday afternoon Nam: OK Bye Ba: Bye (54) Ss pick out some sentences using Modal Verbs EX: I should clean my room I should visit my grandmother I ought to help my Dad I must go to the dentist Production Homework Ss use pictures P 135 to make their own dialogues - Give feedback -Do B2, LF5.2 -Prepare B3 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (55) Date of planning :25/3/2009 Date of teaching: 26/3/2009 Period 83 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES B COME AND PLAY Part: B3 (P 136-137) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about Jacquest Cóuteau’s invention II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to undersea world Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading aPre-teach vocabulary: -scuba diving : lặn có bình dưỡng khí -Vessel : tàu thuyền -Special breathing equipment : dụng cụ , thiết bị hô hấp đặt biệt -( to) invent: phát minh -invention: phát minh -(to ) explore: thám hiểm , khám phá *Check: R.O.R b/True/ False prediction: Most of the world’s surface is land Before the invention of special breathing equipment, man couldn’t swim freely underwater Now, scuba - driving is a popular sport Jacques Cousteau invented special TV camera We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to Jacques Cousteau’s invention While- a/Check the predictions: Ss open their book, read the text and check their predictions Give feedback (56) reading *Key: 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T b/ Comprehension Questions: LUCKY NUMBERS a/ How long could a pearl diver stay under water? - minutes b/ Now, how long can a diver stay under water? - a long time c/ When did Jacques Cousteau die? - 1997 d/ When did he invent the deep sea diving vessel? - the early 1940s e/ What could he study? - with special TV cameras Postreading Homework Ss talk about invention: *Invention: Special breathing equipment *Verbs: explore the oceans, learn about the sea *Sentences : before special breathing equipment , we couldn’t explore the oceans We couldn’t learn about the sea - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Unit 14 A1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (57) Date of planning :29/3/2009 Date of teaching: 30/3/2009 Period 84 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN A.TIME FOR TV Part: A1 (P 139-140) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Hoa and Lan’s activities II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to freetime fun Grammar III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Pre-reading Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - adventure: phiêu lưu - cricket: dế - series: phim truyền hình nhiều tập - (to) guess: đoán *Check: R.O.R b/Open prediction: - T asks Ss to predict what Lan/Hoa usually does in the evening - write their prediction on the board Whilereading Ss open their books, listen to the tape , check their predictions Give feedback HOA: -talks about day -reads -plays chess LAN : -watches TV * Mutiple Choice: - Ask ss to reread the dialogue then work in pairs or (58) groups to choose the best answer - Give feedback *Answer key: a C -eat dinner with her family b A -before c B - her aunt and uncle don’t like watching TV d C -likes spending time with her aunt and uncle at night e D - always Postreading Find S.O who Find S.O who reads book go to English Club watch TV plays volleyball has a picnic does homework Name *Example exchange: S1: Do you usually read book? S2: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Unit 14 A2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (59) Date of planning :31/3/2009 Date of teaching: 1/4/2009 Period 85 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN A.TIME FOR TV Part: A2 (P 141) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to talk about the favorite TV program II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to film Grammar : What would you like to watch?/ I’d like to watch III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Presentatio n Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - cowboy film/ movie: - detective film/ movie: Phim cowboy Phim thám tử *Check: R.O.R b/Presentation dialogue: Hoa and Lan are talking about some movies Hoa wants to invite Lan go to see them Ss listen to the tape Ss practice the dialogue in pairs c/Model sentences What would you like to watch? I’d like to watch a cowboy film *Concept checking: Meaning: Bạn thích xem gì?/ Mình thích xem phim Form: What would you like to+ V .? I’d like to +V Use: dùng để hỏi thích xem chương trình yêu thích nào Pronunciation: What would you like to+ V .? (60) I’d like to +V Practice Word cue drill: *Example exchange: S1: What would you like to watch? S2: I’d like to watch a cowboy movie Football game “ Easy life ” play Cowboy movie Detective movie Production Homework “ Beautiful summer” play Chain Game: T: What would you like to watch? S1: I’d like to watch cowboy film S2: and cartoon S3 - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Unit 14 A3 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (61) Date of planning :2/4/2009 Date of teaching:3/4/2009 Period 86 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN A.TIME FOR TV Part: A3 (P 142) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about TV in Vietnam II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to TV program Grammar : Simple past tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps PreReading Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - owner: chủ nhà - program: chương trình - (to) gather: tập trung - (to) change: thay đổi - (to) sit sat : ngồi - might: có thể *Check: what and where b/True/ False Prediction: Thirty years ago in Vietnam, a lot of people have TV sets These TV owners were very popular The neighbors gathered to watch color programs in the evening Now, they don’t spend much time together A few people have TV sets today Whilereading a/Check the predictions Ss open their books , read and check their predictions Give feedback *Answer key: 1/F 2/T 3/F 4/T 5/F (62) b/Answers given: T asks Ss to red the dialogue again then put the questions for the given answers 1/ No, very few people had TV sets 30 years ago Did a lot of people have TV sets 30 years ago? 2/ The black and white programs What did they watch? 3/ They might sleep a little What might the older people do? 4/ No, noone Did anyone go home before the TV program finished? 5/ In their own living rooms Where people watch TV now? Postreading Homework Gap fill: Ss complete the summary Give feedback Answer key: 1/ people 2/ not 5/ evening 6/ gather 9/ have 10/ life - 3/ TV 7/ they 11/ know 4/ popular 8/ today Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B1,2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (63) Date of planning :2/4/2009 Date of teaching: 3/4/2009 Period 87 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN B WHAT’S ON ? Part: B1,2 (P 144-145) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the program they like II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to TV program Grammar : What kinds of programs you like?/ I like programs about III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Presentation B1 Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: - kind: thể loại - cartoon: phim hoạt hình - fistful(a): đấm - sport show: buổi chiếu thể thao - weather forecast: dự báo thời tiết - (to) prefer/ like + V-ing/ to- inf: thích *Check: What and where b/ Presentation dialogue: T uses the picture and asks: What kind of program is on TV? (catoon) / Do you like to watch a catoon?- Now, listen to the dialogue between Nga and Ba to know what kinds of progrrams they like Let ss listen to the tape Elicit the model sentences from the dialogue c/Modelsentences: What kinds of programs you like? I like programs about teenagers *Concept checking: -Meaning: Bạn thích xem chương trình nào?/ Mình thích xem (64) chương trình -Form: What kinds of programs do/does/ did + S + like? S+ like/likes/ liked programs about -Use: Dùng để hỏi và trả lời chương trình mình yêu thích trên TV Pronunciation: What like? Practice a/Word cue drill WEATHER FORECAST CARTOON CHILDREN THE WORLD TODAY EARLY NEWS TEENAGERS *Example Exchange: S1: What kinds of programs you like? S2: I like programs about weather forecast b/Comprehension Questions: Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions P.147 Give feedback *Answer key: A No, because there aren’t any good programs for teenagers B Ba watches sports shows, cartoons and movies C Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries D Nga doesn’t like the music program because they don’t play the kind of music she likes E This evening Nga is going to listen to the radio and may be read a book B2 Production Ss listen and write the time of the programs *Answer key: A/ 5.00 B/ 6.00 C/ 6.10 D/ 6.15 E/ 7.00 Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare B3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (65) Date of planning :5/4/2009 Date of teaching: 6/4/2009 Period 88 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN B WHAT’S ON ? Part: B 3,4 (P 145-146) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about popular TV programs II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to entertainment Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps Pre-reading B3 Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: -(an) audience: khán giả -(a) band: ban nhạc -(a) contest: thi -(a) contestant: người dự thi -(an) import: sản phẩm nhập -(a) satellite: vệ tinh *Check : matching b/True/ False Predictions: 1/ Pop music , contests, imports are popular TV programs 2/ Teenagers like to listen to classical music 3/ There are contests of knowledge 4/ The contestants are students , workers , TV viewers 5/ Imports are very expensive Whilereading a/ Check the predictions: Ss open their books, read the text and check their predictions (66) Give feedback *Answer key: 1/T 2/F 3/T 4T 5/F b/Comprehension Questions: T asks Ss to read the text again then work in pairs to answer the questions Givefeedback *Answer key: A They like to hear the lastest pop music and see the shows of their favorite artists B In contest programs, the contestants are students, workers or family members C They usually include police and hospital series D Student’s answer Postreading B4 Homework Gap fill: T asks Ss to read the passage , use the cues given to complete the passage Give feedback Answer key: 1.around 2.watch 3.listen 4.series 5.show like 7.station 8.receive 9.cities 10.possible - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare for one period test PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (67) Date of planning :6/4/2009 Date of teaching: 7/4/2009 Period 89: REVISION I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to prepare well for the one-period Test II.Language contents: Grammar: Past simple tense , Structures III.Teaching aids : Textbooks IV.Time : 45’ V.Procedures : A/ Grammar structures : 1.The simple past tense 2.Model verbs: -should / ought to / must / can /could /may /might…+ Bare-inf… 3.Adverbs: too / so / either / neither 4.Adjectives – ly = Adverbs of maner - S + be + adj + noun - S + V / Vs/es + adv 5.Suggestions: -Would you like…? -How about………? 6Prepositions 7.Some personal questions: -What sports you like? -Do you like …? -What would you like to watch? -What kinds of programs you like? -…… B/ Vocabulary : Vocabbulary refer to food and drinks , activities, TV C/ Home work : Be ready for the Test (68) Date of testing: 7/ /2009 Period 90 ONE PERIOD TEST (69) Date of planning :12/4/2009 Date of teaching: 13/4/2009 Period 91: UNIT 15: GOING OUT A VIDEO GAMES Part: A1 (P 147 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to give advice for not doing something and further practice in Wh- questions II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to entertainment Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections / Time Steps Presentatio n Contents and techniques a/Pre-teach vocabulary: -the museum center: trung tâm vui chơi -addictive (a) : có tính gây nghiện -arcade (n) : khu vui chơi có mái vòm *Check: R.O b/Presentation: Nam and Lan are talking aboutplaying video games Have you ever played video games? How often you play? Ss listen to the tape twice Ss work in pairs, act out the dialogue c/ Model sentences: Don’t spend too much time in the arcade No, I won’t *Concept check: Imperative - Form: Don’t + bare-inf - Use: Advise S.O not to sth Practice Comprehension Questions: Lucky number Ss work in groups to answer the questions (70) Play a game : Lucky numbers Give feedback ( 1B ; 2E ; 3LN ; 4A ; 5LN ; 6F ; 7C ; 8G ; 8LN ; 10D ) *Answer key: A the museum center B play video game C once a week D No, he doesn’t E about an hour F Because video games can be addictive G He will his homework Production Mapped Dialogue: YOU -Where……going? YOUR FRIEND … amusement center -What …… do? … video games -How often……… ? / week -Don’t spend……… Video games  - Don’t forget… Homework Homework -  Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare A2,3 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (71) Date of planning :14/4/2009 Date of teaching: 15/4/2009 Period 92: UNIT 15: GOING OUT A VIDEO GAMES Part: A2 (P 148-149 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more details about video games II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to entertainment Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections / Time Steps Pre-reading Contents and techniques a/ Pre-teach vocabulary: -dizzy (adj): hoa mắt, choáng váng -(an) inventor: nhà phát minh -social skill: kỹ giao tiếp xã hội *Check: what and where b/True/ false statements: Children like playing video games because they are good fun It’s very good for children to spend too much time on their own playing video games for a long time made children become dizzy Children mustn’t play outdoors with their friends Some inventors become rich when they are very young Whilereading a/Check the predictions: Ss read the text and check their predictions Give feedback (72) *Answer key: 1/ T b/Matching : Careful Develop Forget Play outdoor 2/ F 3/ T 4/ F 5/ T chơi ngoài trời quên phát triển cẩn thận c/Multiple choice : Ss work in pairs or groups to choose the best answer Give feedback *Answer key: a/ D b/ A c/ D d/B - Ss A3 - Give feedback Answer key: Post – reading Homework Discussion: T asks Ss to discuss about playing video games, using the following sentences: Do you like playing video games? How often you play video games? 3.When you play video games? 4.How much time you spend playing video games? 5.Should we spend much time playing video games ? -Learn by heart vocabulary -Prepare B1 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (73) Date of planning 14/4/2009 Date of teaching: 15/4/2009 Period 93: UNIT 15: GOING OUT A VIDEO GAMES Part: A3 (P 149 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about video II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to video Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures: Sections / Time Steps PreWriting WhileWriting Contents and techniques Pre teach: - (the) premises: - (a) robber: -(a) robbery: -(a) teaching aids: -(an) image: -(to) identify: -(to) protect: *Check: RO.R tài sản , đất đai kẻ cướp vụ cướp ĐDDH hình ảnh nhận dạng bảo vệ Gap fill: T asks Ss to use the words in the box to complete the passage *Answer key: 1.be 2.have 3.is 4.identify 5.are 6.use 7.can 8.will 9.buy 10.show T asks Ss to write down the exercise in their notebooks (74) Post – Writing Homework Write it up: T asks Ss to write the sentences, using the cue words give bellow: You / know / video / can / addictive You / can / play / games / short / time You / should not / spend / time / video Video / are / useful / industry / education Schools / use / videos / teaching aids - Learn by heart the vocabulary Prepare B1,2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (75) Date of planning 19/4/2009 Date of teaching: 20/4/2009 Period 94: UNIT 15: GOING OUT B IN THE CITY Part: B1,2 (P 150-151 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know and talk about life in the city and life in the country II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to city and country life Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading a/Pre- teach vocabulary: - rest: phần còn lại - (to) awake : thức giấc - (to) get used to : quen với , thích nghi với - (to) scare : đe doạ , sợ *Check: Matching b/Presentation dialogue: T: Hoa and Lan are talking about life in the city and in the country … Ss listen to the tape twice Ss act out the dialogue in pairs Whilereading Comprehension Questions : Ss reread the dialogue, work in pairs or groups to answer the questions Give feedback *Answer key: A She go to the school theater once a week The rest of the B1 (76) week she usually stays at home in the evening B No, she doesn’t like the city C Before, Hoa lived in a small village near Hue D She liked living there because she knew all the people in her neighborhood, the village was quiet and there was only a little traffic E She doesn’t like the city because it’s noisy and the roads are busy F She hates crossing the road most because bikes, motorbikes and cars :come from every direction, and they scare her B2 Postreading Homework Discussion: T asks Ss to discuss about life in the city and in the country by using the questions  Do you like the city or the country? Why/Why not?  What you like mostabout the city? Why?  What you most in the country? Why? - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare B3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (77) Date of planning :20/4/2009 Date of teaching:21/4/2009 Period 95: UNIT 15: GOING OUT B IN THE CITY Part B3,4 (P 151-152 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about activities in the evening II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to entertainment Grammar : III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading a/Pre- teach vocabulary: -Rarely (adv): , ít -regularly (adv): đặn, thường xuyên -(to) socialize (d): giao tiếp xã hội -(to) borrow(ed) : mượn -(to) begin began -(to) teach taught -(to) get got *check: R.O.R b/Pre- question What did Hoa and her friends in the evening? Whilereading Ss read the text, answer the question Give the answer key: visited, talked , listened to music or helped each other with their homework T asks Ss to write the things that Hoa often does in the evening ( Use the simple Present Tense) EX: She visits friends They listen to music and talk (78) PreListening Prediction: Ss look at the pictures and activities of each picture Ss guess and write the names : Hoa , Nga, Nam, Lan, Ba next to the pictures WhileListening Ss listen to the tape twice and check their predictions Give feedback *Answer key: b/ Ba a/ Hoa f/ Lan d/ Nga c/ Nam e/ An Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Unit 16 A1,2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (79) Date of planning :.20/4/2009 Date of teaching: 21/4/2009 Period 96: UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA Part: A1,2 (P 154-156 ) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the Simple Present Tense with Frequency Adverbs to talk about famous places II/ Language contents: Vocabulary : Relating to traveling Grammar : Simple present tense III/ Teaching aids: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedures Sections / Time Steps Pre-reading Pre- teach vocabulary: - (to) fly: bay - postcard: bưu thiếp - album: an-bom - occasionally (adv ) : - pilot : phi công *Check: what and where B1 b/ Presentation dialogue: Ba is talking to Hoa about his uncle, now listen to the dialogue to know what Uncle Nghia’s job is While -reading B2 Contents and techniques Ss listen to the tape twice , draw out sentences in the Present Simple with Adverb of Frequency He usually flies to HongKong He sometimes goes to Phnom Penh a/ Matching: T asks Ss to the matching (P 155) Give feedback *Answer key: a/D b/ F c/ B d/ C e/ A f/ E b/ Grid: T asks Ss to complete the table Give feedback *Answer key: (80) Capital PostReading Homework Country Bangkok Thailand Beijing Kuala Lumpur Phnom Penh Vientiane Yangon Jakarta China Malaysia Cambodia Laos Myanmar Indonesia Question-Answer: T asks Ss to use adverbs of frequency to ask and answer *Example exchange: S1: Where does Ba’s uncle fly to? S2: He usually/ sometimes/ occasionally flies to ( Bangkok) S1: Where is it? S2: It’s in ( Thailand) Ss write down a dialogue in their notebooks - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare Unit 16 A 3,4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (81) Date of planning : Date of teaching: Period 96: UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES A FAMOUS PLACES IN ASIA Part: A 3,4 (P 156-157 ) I/Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the Modal verbs : May II/ Language content: Vocabulary : Relating to places Grammar : Modal verb: May III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading Whilereading  Pre- teach vocabulary: - attraction : lôi , hấp dẫn - ancient monument : lăng mộ, tượng đài cổ xưa - resort: khu nghỉ mát , an dưỡng - coral: san hô - (to) admire: thán phục, khâm phục - shadow puppet show: màn biểu diễn rối Check: R.O.R  Pre- question: Why tourists like to visit SouthEast Asia ? - Let ss read the text and answer the question  Comprehension Questions: - ss work in pairs to answer the questions - givefeedback Answer key: A/ The kinds of tourist attractions mentioned in the passage are: ancient monuments - shows - resorts B/ Two examples of the ancient monuments? - The Khmer Temples of AngKor Wat - The Buddhist temples of Borobudur Matching: activities kinds of tourist attractions that go with the (82) kinds of tourist attraction 1/ ancient monuments 2/ shows temples of Angkor Wat 3/ resorts and beaches corals and fish Activities a/ you can swim and dive b/ You may visit the Khmer c/ You may admire colorful d/ you can see colorful dances ar shadow puppet shows e/ you can listen to and enjoy traditional music during the performances f/ You can sail and enjoy a Postreading Homework healthy outdoor life - Correct the matching - Give feedback Grammar note: -ss pick out some sentences using Modal Verb:May  You may be interested in the traditions of different cultures  You may prefer the ocean  - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare Unit 16 B1,2 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (83) Date of planning : Date of teaching: Period 97: UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES B FAMOUS PEOPLE Part: B1,2 (P 157-158 ) I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the famous person and a historic people,practice with ‘ prefer/like ’ to talk about famous people II/ Language content: Vocabulary : Relating to famous people Grammar : prefer/ like III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading  Pre- teach vocabulary: - quiz : câu đố - battle: trận chiến đấu - The General : đại tướng - (to) lead: lãnh đạo - (to) defeat : đánh thắng - (to) be famous for : tiếng vì - force : sức lực , lực lượng Check: what and where  True/ False statements A/ Liz knows a lot about General Giap B/ the people’s Army of Vietnam defeated the French in 1956 C/ The people’s Army of Vietnam won the battle of Dien Bien Phu D/ General Giap was born in 1920 E/ Ba does like history F/ Liz will lend Ba somehistory books While- reading - ss listen and check their prediction - give feedback Answer key: A/ F B/ F C/ T D/ F E/ T (84) F/ F Ss listen , fill in the form Post –reading Write-it-up a short paragraph Name -ss write : Vo Nguyen Giap about General Vo Nguyen Giap( :using Year of birth 1991the cues from the form and the dialogue) 1/Presentation *Predict dialogue: Job : General/ Commender-in-chief : use a poster to present the of dialogue Famous for : leading the People’s Army Vietnam Ss work in pairs to complete the dialogue The battle : Dien Bien Phu - Give feedback Answer key: 1/ like 2/ prefer 3/ guess 4/ favourite - Ss act out the dialogue before class WORD CUE DRILL A/ Hong Nhung / Thanh Lam 2/ Practice: B/ My Linh/ My Tam C/ Hong Son/ Huynh Duc D/ Hieu Ngan/ Thuy hien E/ Dan Truong / Lam Truong F/ Ronandal/ Backham Example exchange: S1: Do you like Hong Nhung ? S2: I prefer Thanh Lam to Hong Nhung S1: Why? S2: Because she prettier than Hong Nhung S1: What about you? S2: My favourite singer is Hong Nhung B2 b/ P.158 Mapped dialogue Grammar note: 3/ Production: Like/ prefer to : thích -ss pick out some sentences from dialogue they made *Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare Unit 16 B4 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (85) Date of planning : Date of teaching: Period 98: UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES B FAMOUS PEOPLE Part: B4 (P 159-160 ) I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the famous people and talk about their biographiers II/ Language content: Vocabulary : Relating to famous people Grammar : III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure Sections / Time Steps Contents and techniques Pre-reading * Pre- teach vocabulary: - bulb: bóng đèn tròn - actor : nam diễn viên - author : tác giả - fairy tale : truyện cổ tích - gramophone : máy quay đĩa - motion picture : phim điện ảnh - (to) establish : thiết lập Check: R.O.R  Open- Prediction: Introduce Thomas Edsion and Hans Christian Andersen - Ss predict what Thomas Edsion and Hans Christian Andersen did by doing matching - Ss read and check their predictions - Give feeback Whilereading Thomas Edison Hans Christian Andersen -an actor, an author -a fairy tale -a bulb, an invention -a gramophone -(to) establish 1/ an inventor 2/ the electric light bulb 3/ the first central power station 4/ the gramophone 5/ a Denish author  Answe rs Given: (86) Postreading Homework 6/ an actor 7/ Novels, plays , poetry and travel books 8/ the fairy tales Answer Key: 1/ Who was Thomas Edison ? 2/ What was his famous invention? 3/ What did he establish? 4/ What other inventions did he invent? 5/ Who was Hans Christian Andersen? 6/ What did he want to be? 7/ What kind of books did he write ? 8/ What was the most famous for? Role Play A /Hans Christian Andersen S1: When was you born, Mr Edison? S2: I was born in 1847 S1: Were you born in America? S2: Yes, I was B/Hans Christian Andersen S1: When was you born, Mr Andersen? S2: I was born in 1805 S1: Were you born in Denish? S2: Yes, I was - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare Unit 16 B5 PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (87) Date of planning : Date of teaching: Period 99: UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES B FAMOUS PEOPLE Part: B5 (P 161 ) I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Uncle Ho’s biography with sequence of the past tense II/ Language content: Vocabulary : Relating to famous people Grammar : III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure Sections / Time Steps Prelistening Contents and techniques * Pre- teach vocabulary: - - (to) leave (to) find (to) form: (to) move : left: rời found : tìm kiếm hình thành di chuyển, dời Check: slap the board  Prediction: - let ss predict the place where uncle Ho travelled to - Ss listen once and guess the places Whilelistening - ss listen again twice and check their predictions give feedback Answer key: Africa, England , America, London, Paris , Moscow , Guangzhou - Ss listen again and complete the table - Give feedback Year Place Date of birth 1980 Kim Lien Left Vietnam 1911 Africa, England , America Worked in hotel 1900s London Went to another 1917 Paris country Moved again 1923 Moscow (88) Founded Vietnamese Communist Party Formed Viet Minh Front Became president Died Postlistening 1930 Guangzhou 1941 Vietnam 1945 1969 Vietnam Hanoi Write -it- up - ss use the table above to write a paragraph about Uncle Ho , using the verbs in the past Ex: Uncle Ho was born in 1890 in Nghe An he left Viet nam in 1911 and travelled to Africa, England , America, London, Paris , Moscow , Guangzhou Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary Prepare Language Focus PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (89) Date of planning : Date of teaching: LANGUAGE FOCUS ( P 162-167 ) Period 100: I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in expressing Likes and Dislike , Because, why , simple past tense, simple present tense, present progressive tense, simple Future tense, Modal verbs, adjectives and adverbs II/ Language content: Vocabulary : Grammar : Likes and Dislike , Because, why , simple past tense, simple present tense, present progressive tense, simple Future tense, Modal verbs, adjectives and adverbs III/ Teaching aid: poster, IV/ Time: 45’ V/ Procedure Sections / Time Steps Language Focus Language Focus Contents and techniques 1/ Adjective and adverbs: a/ Check the correct box: - ss tick in the grid which is adj, which is adv - give feedback b/ Complete the sentences: - Ss work in pairs to choose the best answer - Give feedback 2/ Modal verbs : a/ Practice dialogue - ss work in pairs to act out the dialogue , correct pronunciation b/ make up dialogue: - Ss look at the pictures in b/P.163, then make up similar dialogues - give feedback c/ Give some advice - ss look at the pictures , using Ought to / Should to give Hoa some advice - give feedback 3/ Expressing Likes and Dislikes Kim’s game - Ss look at the likes and dislikes expressions on the bottom left P 165 and the matching Answer key: (90) Likes I’d like I prefer Yes That sounds nice Dislikes I don’t really like No.I don’t like I don’t know - Language Focus Language Focus Ss work in pairs , look at the menu and decide which items to order , make similar conversations , using the Likes and Dislikes expressions “ Would you like ? What would you like to eat? What would you like ?” 4/ Tenses: - Ss read the sentences and check the correct column, - Give feedback 5/ Why- Because: - ss work in pairs to act out the dialogue , then make a similar dialogue - give feedback *Homework: - Review all for the second Semester test PHẦN TỰ RÚT KINH NGHIỆM SAU TIẾT DẠY(NẾU CÓ): (91) Period 101-104: REVISION FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER Period105: TEST FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98)

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2021, 21:02

