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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DO THI BICH THAO PROMOTING ROLES OF SUBJECTIVE FACTORS OF PEOPLE’S PUBLIC SECURITY FORCE IN NATIONAL SECURITY PROTECTION IN VIETNAM IN PRESENT TIME Major: Dialectical materialism and historical materialism Code: 22 90 02 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION ON PHYLOSOPHY HANOI - 2019 The dissertation has been completed at: GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr PHAM XUAN PHUC Opponent 1: Assoc Prof., Dr Phan Trong Hao Opponent 2: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Ba Duong Opponent 3: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Trong Tuan This doctoral dissertation will be defended at the Academy-level Board of Examiners at 477 Nguyen Trai Str., Thanh Xuan dist., Hanoi at: ……………… on…………./ 2019 The doctoral dissertation can be found at: National Library of Vietnam Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study National security is a fundamental and important issue of a nation and is a prerequisite for the nation to develop and flourish Protecting national security plays a crucial role and constitutes the task of the entire Party, people and army Being fully aware of its significance, our Party and State have always determined: “Strengthening national defense and security is an important and constant task of the Party, the State and the entire people, with the People's Army and the People’s Public Security being the core forces” [41, p.45] Each nation and people, through their development, always adopted different methods, ways and measures to ensure national security effectively on the overall scope, as well as in each field Ensuring national security is acknowledged to be an extremely difficult task, and it is also the honor that the Party, the State and the people assign to the public security forces - to assume the primary responsibility national security maintenance The leaders, commanders, officers and comrades of the whole force always grasp the spirit, “The People's Public Security are willing to sacrifice themselves to serve the country and the people”, overcoming all difficulties and successfully completing their assigned duties Amid complicated changes and fluctuations in the country, the region and the world, exerting multi-dimensional impacts on the national security assurance of the public security force, the renovation in our country, with great and historical achievements, still faces significant difficulties and challenges The economy has not developed sustainably; GDP growth rate is not high, economic structure still has improper aspects and the risks of economic derailing and falling further lagged behind have not been eliminated The security situation of the strategic areas still has the potential of instability The hostile forces escalated their activities of “peaceful evolution”, riots and subversion in order to remove the leading role of the Party, changing the socialist regime in our country The trend of globalization and revolution in science and technology is advancing rapidly, becoming a direct production force, promoting the development of the knowledge economy, making strong and profound changes in socialpolitical relationships, bringing great benefits to humanity, but also being used by hostile forces, reactionaries and criminals to threaten peace and stability Non-traditional security risks are complicated In order to fulfill the assigned tasks, the reality requires the public security force to be always alert and take effective measures to fight against the false allegations, sabotage political thought as well as activities infringing upon national security in an attempt to place pressure to remove the leadership of the Communist Party and demand multi-party and regime change Applying the Marxist-Leninist philosophy to dealing with the relationship between objective conditions and subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security, first of all, it is required that police officers must be a highly enlightened politician, having a strong political stance, knowledge of law, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, modern science and technology; having solid professional qualifications, psychological endurance, physical fitness In fact, these requirements are to promote the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security In perception as well as in research, there exist a number of different points of view when presenting the concept of objective and subjective factors; dialectical relationship between subjective and objective factors as well as the role and mechanism of action of subjective factors in the movement of social laws In the view of national security, most research projects only mention aspects of tasks, responsibilities, powers in ensuring national security in each specific field and mainly related to the public security profession The exploitation of the issue of ensuring national security tasks from the perspective of subjective factors in the current context of the country is still under research Therefore, a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth study on the promotion of the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security in Vietnam is extremely urgent at the present time Based on the abovementioned analysis, we choose the topic “Promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Force in national security protection in Vietnam in present time” for a PhD dissertation, specialized in dialectical materialism and historical materialism Objectives and tasks of the study Research Objectives: On the basis of clarifying several theoretical and practical issues on promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public security force, the thesis proposes a number of basic requirements and solutions to promote the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security in Vietnam today Research Tasks: First, an overview of the research works related to the dissertation topic; Second, clarifying a number of theoretical issues on promoting the role of the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security in Vietnam today; Third, analyzing the situation of promoting the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security in Vietnam today; Pointing out the advantages and limitations along with their causes in promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces Fourth, proposing requirements and some basic solutions to effectively promote the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam today Research subjects and scope 3.1 Research subjects: promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam 3.2 Scope of the study: The thesis focuses on researching and evaluating the promotion of the role of the subjective factors of public security forces in ensuring national security throughout the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam since 2013 (Resolution No 28-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2013 of the 11th CPV Central Committee on the strategy of national defense in the new situation) Theoretical background and research methodology The theoretical background is Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh ideology and the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on the subjective factor and promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security The research methodology is based on the principles and views of dialectical materialism and historical materialism: the method of general analysis, the method of inductive, interpreting, the method of combining history - logic, comparative methods, expert methods and general methods of social science Findings of the dissertation Regarding the theory: The dissertation contributes to supplementing and completing the theory of promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam; The dissertation also highlights the advantages and limitations in promoting the role of the subjective factors of public security forces today Regarding the practice: The dissertation is a work that contributes to summarizing the practice of promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security, clearly indicating the achieved results, limitations, shortcomings and causes, as a basis for proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam today Theoretical and practical significance of the dissertation Theoretical significance: The dissertation contributes to codifying the views of Marxism-Leninism and Marxist researchers on the subjective factor and the role of the subjective factor On the basis of clarifying the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security, the dissertation has proposed requirements and some solutions to improve the efficiency of promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam today Practical significance: The dissertation has a reference value for researching, teaching, learning about issues related to subjective factors and subjective factors of the people's public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam today The research results of the dissertation are also recommended to improve the effectiveness of promoting the role of the subjective factor of public security forces in ensuring national security in Vietnam today Structure of the dissertation In addition to the introduction, conclusion and references, the thesis is structured into chapters and 10 sections Chapter AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROJECTS RELATED TO THE DISSERTATION 1.1 Research projects on subjective factors and promoting the role of subjective factors 1.1.1 Research projects on the subjective factors and the role of the subjective factors Among the studies of former Soviet authors, such projects can be cited as “Dialectics on objective conditions and subjective factors in the construction of communism” by G.E.Gleserman, “Philosophical issues” Journal, No 6/1965; “The objective and subjective" by V.Ph.Cudemin, Moscow, 1976; "Dialectics of the objective and subjective in the expression of social laws” by A.Ph.Iaxkevich, Moscow; “Dialectics of the objective and subjective in development socialism” by various authors, Kiep, 1980; the article “The subjective and objective in the social processes” by B.A.Voronovich, “Philosophic sciences” Journal, No 3/1984 In Vietnam, several research projects related to these topics are the article by Ho Van Thong – “Some issues about the relationship between subjective and objective factors in practice” [96, p.195-221] In this work, the author discussed objective and subjective relationships with reference to the physical and mental category; from there, pointing out the similarities and differences between these two pairs of categories Marx - Engels- Lenin - Stalin discussed the relationship between the subjective and objective factors [30] This document is used for management classes, presenting social laws, human activities in history, the objectivity of social laws, the role of subjective factors in the development of the society, the relationship between objective conditions and subjective factors in socialist society In the article “Subjective factors in the applying mechanism and in the activities of social laws” [48], author Luong Viet Hai mentioned the different conceptions of dialectics between the objective and subjective in the influencing mechanism and in the activities of social laws, thereby pointing out unreasonable conceptions of the role of subjective factors Author Pham Van Duc states in his article “The position and significance of subjective factors in the applying mechanism of social laws” [44] that it is first necessary to understand the correct concept of factors in order to make the requirement that subjective factors are understood as the underlying causes and conditions as well as one of the basic and sustainable decisions of the historical process Author Pham Van Nhuan, in the article “An approach about pairs of categories of objective conditions and subjective factors” [85], has a different perspective on the subjective conditions and subjective conditions In the article “Studying the concept of subjective factors of social life” [100] author Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy puts forward the problem to research, awareness, explanation and social improvement, Marxist philosophy system of categories: production forces - production relations, infrastructure - superstructure, social existence - social consciousness, reflecting the structure of social life With the above-mentioned issues, it can be seen that, in general, the issue of subjective factors and the role of subjective factors has been mentioned in many different aspects Most authors agreed that the subjective factors are governed and regulated by objective conditions But the subjective factors are relatively independent, which can react and change the objective conditions 1.1.2 Research projects on promoting role of subjective factors Regarding this content, we can mention the article of the author Sergeev - The characteristics of dialectics between objective conditions and subjective factors in social and socialist management in the book “Scientific management of society” by VG Afanasev [117, p.46-90] In the article entitled Subjective factors and objective conditions in socialist management [58], author Vu Huy raised the question of the interaction between management systems and managed systems in society, which bears close relation to subject-object, subjective factors and objective conditions In light of that issue, the author gives the view on objective conditions, subjective factors attached with social development In the article The role of the subjective factor in the unity of three benefits [79], the author Nguyen Chi My proved that humanity always operates according to certain interests Author Tran Bao in the article Regarding objective conditions and subjective factors in the construcion of socialism; the fundamental factors that enhance the quality of the subjective factors in the construction of socialism [18] demonstrated studies on methods and standards to distinguish objective conditions and subjective factors in social life Author Tran Thanh in the article The significance of subjective factors in the socialist orientation of economic development in our country today [96] mentioned the issue of continuing to promote the role of subjective factors, first of all the leading role of the Party and the administration of the State to create social consensus and have specific grounds, jobs and steps to construct socialism successfully In addition to the above works, a number of doctoral dissertations have mentioned the issue of subjective factors in general Author Le Huu Xanh, in his doctoral dissertation Enhancing the role of subjective factors in the building of the contingent of Party members in our rural areas today [113], confirmed that the role of subjective factors is directly related to the human element Doctoral dissertation The impact of objective conditions and subjective factors in the construction of a socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam by Duong Thi Lieu [64] In the doctoral dissertation The relationship between objective conditions and subjective factors in the development of socialist ideologies in the youth of Vietnam People's Army today [102] the author Nguyen Duc Tien said that subjective factors are the qualification in all aspects of the military youth, and considered the socialist ideology development as a result of the dialectical impact between objective conditions and subjective factors Author Pham Ngoc Minh in his work On subjective and objective factors, some theoretical and practical issues in our country today [83] have focused on the dialectical relationship between the subjective and objective factors in the period of national advancement toward socialism Author Nguyen Tien Thu in the Doctoral dissertation Dialectics between the cognitive subject and object and promoting the role of cognitive subject in learning of Vietnamese students today [98] Author Pham Van Nhuan in doctoral dissertation The relationship between objective conditions and subjective factors in developing the working- class nature of the Vietnam People's Army [85] has conducted general studies on pairs of categories of objective conditions and subjective factors In the doctoral dissertation Promoting the human factor of the contingent of border guards in the national sovereignty and border security [56] The author Nguyen Dinh Hung stated that the human factor is the sum of the characteristics of human qualities and capabilities which are formed and developed in association with human activities 1.2 Basic theoretical studies on national security and subjective factors of public security forces in ensuring national security Regarding this issue, a number of works can be listed: The works Protecting the nation in the new situation a number of theoretical and practical issues [110]: The authors have raised new perspectives on defending the Nation, building the entire people's national defense and building a strong people's army in political term Curriculum Basic issues of national security protection (People's Security Academy, Hanoi, 2004): This is a textbook used internally; including basic issues of national security, ensuring national security, and ideological points of view to ensure national security Building Public Security forces in the new situation (Strategy and Science Institute of Public Security, People's Publication Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006) Protection of national security, economic security and human rights with criminal law during the construction of the rule of law state [26]: the authors study general issues on national security, international security and rights people from the perspective of criminal law International economic integration - issues posed to the public security [55]: Through topics, by questions and answers, the book has shown readers the overall but very specific picture about international economic integration, problems posed to the task of ensuring national security, the task of preserving social order and safety, the task of building forces and logistics - technology in the People's Public Security The art of protecting the national security: theory and practice [107]: From the explanations of what is the national security, the history of formation and development of art of protecting national security, the author has studied the art of protecting national security in actual fight to protect the national security Third, a number of works have proposed solutions to promote the role of subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security 1.4.2 Major issues addressed in the dissertation First, clarifying the basic characteristics of the subjective factor Second, further disserting and clarifying the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security and the nature of promoting the role of the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security Third, analyzing the situation, clarifying the causes of advantages and limitations, promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security, the dissertation proposes a system of basic, synchronized and feasible solutions to overcome limitations and promote the strengths of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security Chapter Conclusion In the process of researching and gathering data, we have had the opportunity to approach and explore many research works of different authors discussing issues related to subjective factors and promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security Studying the aforesaid works has suggested many important ideas for us We recognize that there is a need for further research on promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security Theoretically, it is necessary to identify the subject of the task of ensuring national security so as to determine its subjective factors in ensecuring national security Practically, when studying the situation of promoting the role of the subjective factor of the public security force in ensuring national security, clarifying the causes of achievements and limitations, the requirements to promote the role of the subjective factors of the public security force from which lays grounds for proposing reasonable solutions, promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security 11 Chapter THEORICAL ISSUES ON PROMOTION OF ROLES OF SUBJECTIVE FACTORS OF THE PUBLIC SECURITY FORCE IN ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN VIETNAM 2.1 Subjective factors and roles of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring national security in Vietnam 2.1.1 Definition of the subjective factors and roles of the subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security Definition of subjective factors The term “subjective factors” refers to the factors, characteristics of an agentive subject while participating in its own activities which create the pro-active, creative abilities of the subject and its activities in order to transform the object Subjective factor is the common definition used to denote a subject’s factors and characteristics constituting the subject’s quality, which are utilized by the subject and directly create the subject’s abilities, motivations to conceptualize and transform certain objects Subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security The Encyclopedia of Vietnamese Public Security Force defines: “Public Security Force is an armed force of Socialist Republic of Vietnam Its mission is to: manage the State on national security and social order, prevent and fight against conspiracies, activities that are detrimental to national security, social order and safety with a view to protecting the socialist regime and free, happy and peaceful life of the People [8, p.131] The subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security are composed of the factors and characteristics constituting qualities of Public Security Force which are utilized in their activities to ensure national security under certain circumstances 2.1.2 Definition of National security and ensuring national security in Vietnam National security and infringement of national security In fact, every nation has its own understanding and definition of national security, which depends on that nation’s internal and external affair policies, especially its economic and military power 12 Article of Law on National Security states: “National security is the stability and sustainable development of the socialist regime and the State of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the inviolability of Vietnam’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity” [70, p.8] Clause 3, Article of Law on National Security state the legal definition of infringement of national security: “Infringement on national security is the actions that infringe on the political regime, economic regime, culture, security, national defense, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Vietnam” [70, p.8] Protection of national security Protection of the National Security is a specific form of social activity; therefore, the manifestation of objective conditions and subjective role of this type of activities also have distinct features Based on the definition of the National Security and infringement of the National Security, Clause 2, Article of the Law of the National Security provides the legal definition of of National Security: "Protection of National Security is the prevention, detection, suppression and negation of activities that infringe upon the National Security” [70, p 8] Essentially, protection of national security is protecting national interests in the fields of politics, economy, culture, ideology, defense and security All activities of agencies, organizations, individuals in all areas of social life must ensure the national interests, prioritizing the national interests At the same time, the subjects must have awareness to proactively detect and to prevent infringement of the national interests Protecting of National Security is not only a task of Public Security force but also a common cause of the society, the people and the socio-political system under the leadership of the Party The Public Security force is the key and specialized task of ensuring the national security 2.1.3 Roles of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security in Vietnam Roles of subjective factors in human’s activities Social history is the history of human, by human In order to meet their needs, human affect and transform nature: “The world does not satisfy human, and human decides to transform the world by his actions” [65, Tr 229] It is in this process that human establishes an objective relationship between human beings, which is the social relationship in society: What is 13 society regardless of its form? … is a product of the interaction between people ” [28, p 657] In essence, the role of subjective factors is the discovery of the objective capacity, based on the material means of the objective situation to affect and transform following certain laws Thus, the subjective factor is the creative activeness of the subject in the process of recognizing and transforming the object The roles of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security “The role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security” is the term used to refer to the function, effect and power of the subjective role of the Public Security Force in close relationship with objective conditions in their activities to fulfill the task of ensuring national security Therefore, the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security is reflected in the understanding, evaluation and reflection of the nature and rules of the conditions in ensuring national security, with that as a basis, recommending solutions and organization activities to protect national security 2.2 Promoting roles of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security: Definition and characteristics 2.2.1 Definition of promoting the subjective role of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security Promoting the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force is the process of enhancing the strength and efficiency of their work The performance of their task of ensuring the security of national security by Public Security force is the process where Public Security Force uses different forces and means to achieve the set goals Therefore, like human activities in general, the protection of national security by Public Security force is the unity between the objective and subjective aspects Promoting the role of subjective factors of People's Public Security Forces in ensuring national security is the process of fostering, developing and perfecting their subjective factors, at the same time, using the subjective factors effectively in their performance of the task of ensuring national security under certain circumstances 14 2.2.2 Characteristics of promoting the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security Applying viewpoints of dialectical materialism to studying the practical security work of security forces of the police force, it is possible to generalize the key characteristics of promoting the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security Firstly, the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security is promoted in association with the process of improving the quality, capacity, strengthening the sense of discipline, solidarity of public security officers Secondly, the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security is best promoted only when the leaders and commanders of Public Security Force the are able to perform their roles well Thirdly, the subjective role of the Public Security Force is promoted when public security officers’ material and spiritual life are cared and improved Chapter Conclusion The role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security is the entire knowledge, will and practical capacity of the Public Security Force which are mobilized into their activities in order to perform their task of ensuring national security in certain conditions In essence, promoting the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force in ensuring national security is the process of constantly improving the personality of public security officers, creating necessary conditions and motivations to motivate them to work actively, proactively and creatively Promoting the role of subjective factors of the Public Security Force is a purposeful and oriented process with a variety of contents based on actual practice Therefore, serious and scientific research is required to find out its basic characteristics On that basis, it is possible to recommend appropriate solutions for this act of promotion 15 Chapter PROMOTING THE ROLE OF THE SUBJECTIVE FACTORS OF THE PEOPLE'S PUBLIC SECURITY FORCES IN ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN VIETNAM TODAY: SITUATION AND CAUSES 3.1 The current situation of promoting the role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces in ensuring national security 3.1.1 Regarding the discovery of elements and issues of normality, raising the spirit of initiative and creativity in leading and directing the task of ensuring national security, then to orient, shape, guide, motivate and encourage police officers to enhance proactiveness, dynamism and creativity in performing duties Over the past years, the Party, the State, the Ministry of Public Security, and leaders at all levels in the People's Public Security have proposed many viewpoints, guidelines, policies and measures in directing, innovating the mission of raising awareness of ensuring national security, force building and strengthening the coordination among forces in the performance of tasks Protecting the national security is the mission of the entire Party, the entire people, all sectors, levels and forces to proactively prevent, repel and fight to defeat all schemes and related activities against Vietnam of hostile forces The strength of the political system is reflected in the collaborating mechanism to protect the national security among branches and levels under the leadership of the Party and the consistent management and administration of the State, with the People's Public Security being the core force The role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces in ensuring national security has been promoted when the Party, the State, the party committees and leaders at all levels concern and well perform the leadership and direction 3.1.2 Regarding researching, finding appropriate methods and measures to proactively innovate working fields constantly to ensure national security, stimulate, develop, enhance self-awareness, initiative 16 and creativity of people's public security forces under certain circumstances and conditions * Innovating the struggle to prevent and suppress activities infringing upon the National Security Amid complicated and diverse changes, unpredictable fluctuations and potentially risky factors threatening internal political stability in the country, the region and the world, hostile and reactionary forces promptly deploy the strategy of "peaceful evolution" and overthrowing riot, intensify several activities of intelligence, espionage and sabotage with a view to abolishing the leading role of the Communist Party and the socialist regime in our country Facing the above situation, the people’s public security force has been proactive in grasping, analyzing, accurately forecasting the situation, timely proposing to the Party and the State to effectively direct and deal with many basic and strategic issues in the fight against reactionary forces; thoroughly grasping, flexibly and creatively applying the viewpoint "Destroying the reactionary organization in the bud", organizing the remote fighting against the enemy from their origin, promptly detecting, striking hard, hitting right, besieging and neutralizing hundreds of reactionary groups, thousands of reactionary bases inland * Innovating the mission of ensuring internal security There has been a groundbreaking innovation in thoughts, which regards the mission of internal security as a reconnaissance task, including many contents, with a focus on protecting internal political security, economic security, cultural security, ideology and information security Theoretical awareness of internal security protection is constantly being supplemented, perfected and becoming clearer day by day To promote the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces in ensuring national security, the police officers have attempted to overcome difficulties and made efforts, initiative, creativity from grasping the situation, advising leaders to devising plans and organizing the implementation of the working aspects to ensure national security Following the initiative in innovating the professional fields to ensure national security, the public security force has continued to show the effective performance in other specific fields 17 3.1.3 Regarding the enhancement of activeness, initiative, energy and creativity of subjects in carrying out the missions of ensuring national security: constructing forces, logistics, and techniques to ensure national security; proposing advices and conducting scientific and legislative researches, launching the all-people campaign to protect the national security, bolstering the external relations of the People's Public Security and other fields * Proactively and actively innovate the mission of constructing forces, logistics and techniques to ensure the national security * Proactively innovate the task of counsellor, conducting scientific and legislative researches, launching the all-people campaign to protect the national security, bolstering the external relations of the People's Public Security and other fields 3.2 Assessing the situation of promoting the role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces in ensuring national security 3.2.1 Advantages and limitations in promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces In general, over the past years, the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces has been promoted and brought about many positive changes contributing to bettering the results of the mission of ensuring national security These positive changes can be generalized at the following points: First: The tasks of education, training and cultivation in the people's public security force have seen remarkable changes, contributing to fostering the virtue and capacity of police officers to meet the requirements of new duties Second: Staff assessment, utilization and management Third: The implementation of the staff policy Fourth: The quality of the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces has been constantly enhanced, contributing to promoting the quality of public security work and meeting the increasing requirements of the mission of ensuring national security However, in addition to the achievements in promoting the role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces, some inevitable limitations still remain, specifically as follow: 18 First, the task of staff training, cultivation, management and utilization still has some limitations and shortcomings Second, some regulations and policies have been slowly or thoroughly, asynchronously implemented Third, the environment and working conditions of the police officers have not really paved the way for them to strive and cultivate to perfect the virtue, capacity and result of their tasks Fourth, weaknesses in the virtue and capacity of certain groups of public security officers still exist 3.2.2 The causes of the advantages and limitations in promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces * Causes of advantages (1) Thoroughly grasping the renewal viewpoint of the Party and the State (2) The Public Security Force has made fundamental changes in awareness and mindset of national security and ensuring it; regarding objects - partners; innovating many guidelines, policies and solutions to ensure national security (3) Reforming and organizing the implementation of many appropriate policies and measures to ensure national security (4) Focus on making creative use of the Party's viewpoints and guidelines, innovating methods of preventing and suppressing crimes, firmly defending the National Security (5) Promoting the reform of judiciary, administration, working manner, serving spirit and operational mechanism to adapt to the development and change of the situation (6) Persistently innovating the mission of constructing forces, police officers are generally aware of their roles and responsibilities, own the right motive to strive properly, actively cultivate and train in virtue, capacity, always keep enhancing work results, well-done completing their duties * Causes of limitations (1) The police officer of some units and localities have not utilized the synergy of the entire People's Public Security Forces and other social resources into the innovating process of their missions 19 (2) The reforming process of the mission to ensure national security is not systematic, regular and continuous (3) Political and ideological education in some places are sometimes not sharp, not attaching political and ideological education to the official policy (4) The logistic - technical aspect has many innovations, but the process of state management is somewhere, sometimes loosened; investments in many projects are still scattered, not really effective, and not focused on offering priority to key units (5) The advisory work on the development of some legal documents is still slow, failing to keep up with the growth and requirements of ensuring national security mission (6) Some public security officers themselves lack a sense of selfawareness in studying, practicing and cultivating, lack of will to strive, fear of hardship and suffering Chapter Conclusion The promotion of the role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces still has some limitations However, regarding the causes of advantages and limitations in promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces in ensuring the national security, we can absolutely believe to overcome the limitations in promoting the role of the subjective factor of the People's Public Security Forces, certainly the quality of the role of the subjective factors of the People's Public Security Forces will be enhanced and fostered to meet the increasing requirements of ensuring national security in the new situation Chapter REQUIREMENTS AND FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTE SUBJECTIVE FACTORS IN ENSURING NATIONAL SECURITY IN VIET NAM IN PRESENT TIME 4.1 Requirements for promoting roles of subjective factors of public security force in ensuring national security in Việt Nam in present time On the theoretical and practical basis of promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force in ensuring the national security as well as the requirements of the task of building a clean, elite and modern public security force, the promotion of the role of the the subjective 20 factors of the public security force in ensuring the national security must thoroughly grasp and implement the following requirements: Firstly, upholding the role of the police force role of the police force in ensuring the national security must be based on the reality, attached to the revolutionary task and the task of the public security branch Secondly, the party committees, leaders and commanders at all levels must have the righteous views, attitudes, responsibilities and measures in promoting the role of the subjective factors of the officers and soldiers Thirdly, thoroughly grasp the comprehensive viewpoints associated with the synchronous implementation of measures, as well as uphold the responsibilities of organizations and forces in promoting the role of the subjective factors of the public security force 4.2 Fundamental solutions to promote roles of subjective factors of public security force in ensuring national security in Việt Nam in present time 4.2.1 Enhancing Party's leadership, State's management, Ministry of Public Security's role in performing the task of ensuring national security in Vietnam today The changing face of the world is beneficial for capitalism, along with the cruelty of the imperialist strategy of peaceful evolution against socialism, which has been adversely affecting the national security This makes a number of the public as well as party members forfeit trust in the Party's leadership, the path of building socialism Facing this situation, the Party, the State, the people and the police force more than ever before should be more deeply, fully and comprehensively aware of the task of protecting the national security, the guidelines and measures of building people's security disposition, consolidating the great national unity bloc This is a crucial stage to enhance the role of subjective factors in ensuring national security at the macroscopic level 4.2.2 Promoting proactive and creative roles of the masses in building Homeland security protection movement In Vietnam, in every era and situation, the role of the masses always emerges as a decisive factor for the success or failure of the national building and defence 21 The role of the people considered a crucial factor has made due contribution to such successes President Ho Chi Minh taught the people's public security: “How much manpower is it? Even if there are thousands or tens of thousands, the force is still very few in comparison with the people Fifty thousand people have only five thousand pairs of eyes and pairs of hands How can there be tens of millions of hands, tens of millions of eyes? To that end, we must rely on people but abandon them, or else failure will come The more the people help us, the more successes we will achieve” [75, p 366] Imbued with Ho Chi Minh's thought, thoroughly grasping the direction of the Party and the State, the People's Public Security Forces always attaches great importance to the work of mass mobilization and promotion of people's mastership The Party Central Committee's of the Public Security and the Ministry of Public Security's leaders have issued guiding documents on building a movement of the entire people to protect national security 4.2.3 Improving ability and fighting capacity of people’s public security in ensuring national security * Proactively improving and renewing the quality and performance of Party organizations in parallel with raising the level, leadership and commanding capacity of the People's Public Security Forces at all levels * Clearly defining the consciousness, responsibility, discipline for public security officers and soldiers in their work, fight against hostile forces to firmly protect national security * Strengthening education, training and retraining to improve the quality of cadres in the People's Public Security Forces In order to promote the role of subjective factors in ensuring national security, it is required to improve the level of knowledge, wills, affection and leadership capacity of the leadership In order to showcase the important role of this human resource, we should train, develop and improve the thinking capacity, especially their theoretical and dialectical thinking Chapter conclusion In order to perform the task of ensuring the national security in the new situation, the practice requires promoting the role of subjective factors of the public security force - the core force in the cause of protecting the 22 national security The reality of the task of ensuring the national security force of the public security force has shown that the quality of the subjective factors of the public security force is increasingly meeting the task requirements of the force in the new situation However, besides the achievements, the subjective factors of the public security force have limitations that need to be overcome in some areas However, we believe that if the requirements and solutions given are thoroughly and strictly implemented, the subjective factors of the public security force will bring into play its existing strengths; successfully performing the assigned tasks CONCLUSION Our country has undergone over 30 years of renovation with great historic achievements, marking the maturity in all aspects of our Party, State and people However, given international and regional complicated, swift and unpredictable developments, international economic integration is an indispensable trend, full of complicated and contradictory issues, requiring both cooperation and struggle , which has a direct impact on national security, putting national security of the people at fresh risk, and also creates new opportunities for the successful implementation of the task of ensuring the national security The aforesaid context has shown that the world is witnessing three major trends: (1) Globalization and revolution of science and technology have strongly developed, promoting the process of forming an informationimbued society and knowledge-based economy (2) The trend of forming a multi-polar world influences the world's politics (3) The trend of social democratization is influenced, intervened and supported by the US and Western countries, leading to the development and spread of “street revolutions” and “color revolutions” These trends have a strong impact on all countries, including Vietnam Protection of the national security is the prevention, detection, check, and struggle in a bid to defeat activities of infringing upon the national security Protection of the National Security is the cause of the entire people and is the task of the whole socio-political system in which the People's Public Security Force is a specialized force to protect the 23 national security The People's Public Security is a reliable armed force of the Communist Party of Vietnam, a sharp weapon of the Socialist State with the task of fighting to ensure national security and maintain the country's social safety and order The task of the public force in the short and long term is tremendous, difficult and complicated In order to fulfill the responsibilities assigned by the Party and the People, the force is supposed to take advantage of the aggregate strength of the entire political system, the strength of the “people's heart disposition”, combine and promote the strength of the subjective factors of the public security force itself in conceptualize and tapping advantages and overcoming difficulties in carrying out the task of ensuring national security To promote the role of the subjective factors of the public security force - promoting the aspects of awareness, knowledge, emotions, political qualities, wills, ideological stance, morality and capacity of public security officers, soldiers in ensuring national security at present, requires the public security force to renew awareness and thoroughly understand the basic requirements and implement synchronous and specific solutions to improve the quality of the subjective factors Accordingly, the public security force is required to thoroughly grasp the Party and State's views and guidelines; pursue constant innovation in awareness as well as organization of task performance; flexibly and scientifically apply professional measures, accelerate judicial and administrative reform; renovating the work of force building, the work of training, fostering and staffing; innovate and ensure technical logistics work; promote the role of the masses in protecting the Homeland security, and focus on education, fostering personality, ethical qualities, political awareness combined with training of high-quality human resources projects, serving the successful implementation of the task of ensuring the national security with the motto “Building up public security officers' qualities of bravery and humanity and dedication to the people” Towards building and perfecting the force in the direction of “elite ministry, strong provinces, comprehensive districts, grassroots-rooted communes”, ensuring the promotion of democracy, openness, transparency, discipline, examples setting and effective activities, successfully implementing the tasks of ensuring national security and maintaining social order and safety 24 AUTHOR’S THESIS-RELATED PUBLICATIONS Do Thi Bich Thao (2010): “Subjective factors in national security protection”, Journal of Political Theory and Communications, ISSN 1859-1485, issue July-2010, p.28-31 Do Thi Bich Thao (2018): “Nontraditional challenges facing Viet Nam in international integration”, Journal of Science and Strategy of Public Security, ISSN 1859-4085, issue 05/2018, p 17-19 Do Thi Bich Thao (2018): “Labourers’ motivation from the perspective of subjective factors”, Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, ISSN 0866-756X, issue 5/2018, p 83-88 Do Thi Bich Thao (2018): “National Security protection amid international economic integration”, Journal of Human Resources and Social Sciences, ISSN 0866-756X, issue 11/2018, p 46-54 ... human’s activities Social history is the history of human, by human In order to meet their needs, human affect and transform nature: “The world does not satisfy human, and human decides to transform... 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Ngày đăng: 30/12/2019, 17:58

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