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MINISTRY OF MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING INDUSTRY AND TRADE VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL AND TRADE POLICY AND STRATEGY - NGUYEN THU HUONG SUPPLY CAPABILITY OF SUPPORTING INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN THE MECHANICAL PRODUCT SUPPLY CHAIN Major: Commerce Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS IN ECONOMICS Hanoi, 2019 The work was completed in Vietnam Institute of Industrial and Trade Policy and Strategy Science suppervisor: Assoc Prof.Dr Le Trinh Minh Chau Dr Vu Quang Hung Reviewer 1: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Reviewer 2: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… Reviewer 3: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… The thesis will be defended in front of the State Council for Thesis Evaluation meeting at the Vietnam Institute of Industrial and Trade Policy and Strategy (VIITPS) - Ministry of Industry and Trade, 46 Ngo Quyen - Hanoi in …… time ……… date ……… month ……… year ………… The thesis can be found at: Hanoi National Library Library of VIITPS PREAMBLE The urgency of the topic In the context of integration and globalization of the world economy, competition is increasingly fierce, supply has really become a sharp strategic weapon, helping to increase the competitiveness of enterprises (Enterprise(s) - EN) on the domestic and international market (Doan Thi Hong Van, 2011) EN wants to grow and develop needs to have a good Supply Capability (SC) to provide customers with high quality goods, services, reasonable prices and to ensure the requirements of progress, flexibility and professionalism (Ohno, 2007; Ananth et al., 2009) And the destination of SC is an economy of integrating goods and services to add value and optimize benefits for businesses and customers (MTA Hanoi, 2018) Along with the three factors are strategy, production conditions, demand conditions; Supporting Industry (SI) is considered to be a determinant of national advantages (Porter, 2012) The 21st century is the century of integration, the century of "flat" and "fast" economy (Thomas, 2006) In this context, countries that attract a lot of foreign investment and have good economies all have developed SI background (Ohno, 2007) Recognizing this problem, the Government of Vietnam and the Ministry of Industry and Trade's direct agency have identified the important role of SI as the breakthrough, rapid and sustainable development of industries in the public process industrialization and modernization (industrialization and modernization) of the country But currently, the number of Supporting Industry Enterprises(s) (SIE) in Vietnam is able to meet the orders of foreign direct investment enterprises very humble According to Japan External Trade Organization JETRO in 2015, only 32% of local suppliers in Vietnam met the standards set by EN Japan compared to 53% in Thailand and 64% in China This figure has increased to 33.2% in 2017 but it is still too low compared to the market capability of Vietnam Moreover, that supply is mostly from foreign ENs operating in Vietnam Vietnam EN contributes only 13.2% of total input materials and accessories sold to Japanese ENs Therefore, to promote the SI industry, not only support from the Government and related agencies, but the first factor, the most important, is still from SIE Understanding customers' goals and having the right SC to meet those goals is the way for the sustainable development of Vietnam SIE Mechanical manufacturing industry and mechanical products (Mechanical Products - MP) have been identified as key areas for industrialization and modernization of the country According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (2018), the mechanical engineering industry plays an important role in the manufacturing and processing industry, considered as the "backbone" of the economy because this is the foundation industry, supporting industries Other businesses develop and provide production tools and materials for fields from production to consumption At present, Vietnamese mechanical engineering has strength concentrated in three (03) sub-sectors including motorcycles and motorbike spare parts; household appliances and tools; automobiles and auto parts, accounting for nearly 70% of the total output of mechanical engineering nationwide However, the technical level of mechanical engineering is still below the average level The field of embryo manufacturing and SI are two key areas for development that have not been properly invested SC is currently being studied at all levels: national, industry and enterprise According to Bagchi (2001), a nation's SC is determined by the quality of its material, information and payment flows and is the SC of key industries The SC of a specific industry is determined by the SC of enterprises with the majority market share At this time, SC of enterprises is considered as the cells that form SC of industry and the nation and plays an important role in the development of the economy SI is a foundation industry, playing a very important role decisive to moving the economy to a higher value-added ladder; improve labor productivity and ensure long-term sustainable economic development Therefore, the Competitive capability of supporting enterprises is always a top concern in the process of industrial development, especially those in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country like Vietnam The context of industrial revolution 4.0 and an increasingly flattened world also require increasing the competitive competence of individual supporting enterprises, in each specific country, but also need deeper participation in the domestical and international supply chains Facing that urgent requirement but the fact shows that Vietnam's supporting industry enterprises currently have very weak SC The number of enterprises in the field of supporting industry is still quite modest, accounting for only 0.25% of the total number of enterprises operating in 2018 The capacity of enterprises is limited so they can only supply from 10% - 30% of the needs of customer The supporting industry industry is still young, technology and management depend heavily on foreign enterprises (Tuan, 2010) The participation in supply chain of MP for different industries is also not so effective This stems from many subjective and objective causes of enterprises, the field of supporting industry and of macroeconomic and institutional issues In addition, there are too few domestic and foreign studies on the internal content of Competitive capability of Supporting Enterprises, especially the orientation in the Administrative Code, making it difficult to shape and develop this capacity of enterprises Thus, besides passively waiting for a favorable legal framework from the Government and relevant ministries and agencies, in order to improve SC, Vietnamese SIEs should proactively change their minds and strategic orientations to in SC to capture the requirements of customers in the chain, thereby focusing on expertise and constantly pursuing the goal of becoming a satellite of the chain subjects Contributing to this goal, the results of SIE's SC research are very important, helping to show ENs about the factors that need to be invested accordingly But there are very few studies on EN's SC both at home and abroad, making SIEs, although they realize their SC is not good, but not know where to invest Stemming from the above analysis, the author has selected the research content on "Supply capability of Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain" for my doctoral thesis 2 Research questions The thesis asks the following research questions: 1) What components and elements does the SC research model of Vietnam SIE in mechanical product supply chai (MPSC) cover? 2) What is the current situation of SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC? 3) What are the solutions for SC for Vietnam SIE in MPSC? Purposes and research tasks The purpose of the thesis research is to provide solutions for SC for Vietnam SIE in MPSC with theoretical and practical arguments To accomplish the above purpose, the thesis has the following research tasks: i Gather and systematize the related theories: MPSC, SIE, SC of EN; ii Applying relevant theories to build a practical research model (analytical framework) on the SC of of Vietnam SIE in MPSC with specific components and elements; iii Collecting secondary and primary data on SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC; iv Summary, statistics, data processing collected to give research results on SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC; v Analyze and discuss the obtained results; evaluate the achieved results, outline the limitations and the remaining causes; vi Proposing solutions to improve SC for Vietnam SIE in MPSC Research subject and scope 4.1 Research subjects The research object of the thesis is the SC of EN with specific contents that are the resources of EN to create SC, the component competencies in SC, and SC measurement criteria 4.2 Research scope  Scope of content: - Research on SC of EN Other competencies according to different classification criteria such as competitiveness, organizational capability or R&D capability, financial capability if not the connotation of SC, will not be in the scope of the research this - The research level is EN, and the industry and national SC are not covered by this study - The Vietnam SIE studied are EN manufactured and supplied MP to customers in SC The thesis does not study ENs that are solely commercially active - Research of SIE's SC in the process of meeting customer requirements in MPSC will have differences from customers in the market and different from other SIE not supplying in the chain This difference will show in the factors related to SC that EN may or may not have due to requests from customers in SC  Scope of research method: - From the perspective of enterprises: Enterprises self-assess about the NLCU and related factors to collect primary data Besides, there will be secondary data from other reports and researches collected and aggregated for analysis - From the customer perspective: only assess through the secondary data The survey by the questionnaire to collect primary data from customers will not be done because the number of enterprises that are customers of supporting industries surveyed is not enough, in addition to the uncertainty is the questionnaire The answer of the enterprise and the answer sheet of the customer are to evaluate the same object  Scope of space: - Vietnam SIE produces and supplies mechanical components and parts for MPSCs The explanation of these EN choices is detailed in section 1.2.1 below These ENs have headquarters and / or manufacturing plants in all three regions of North, Central and South of Vietnam - MPSC is limited within Vietnam, ie customers of SIE are ENs having business activities in Vietnam (be it Vietnam EN or foreign EN) The position of the EN is studied is a link in the chain, specializing in the supply of SI products - The SC that the thesis has chosen to delve into some contents is the SC of the automotive industry for three reasons: Firstly, this is one of the three sub-sectors where Vietnamese mechanics have strengths and have been set development objectives under Decision No 319 / QD-TTg approving the Strategy for development of Vietnam's mechanical engineering industry; Secondly, SI industry is underdeveloped and Tuesday, this is one of a number of key industries prioritizing SI development (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2018) Although the specific CCU selection is in the automotive industry, because the number of supporting industry enterprises of this industry currently accounts for a relatively small number (about 230 enterprises according to Vasi statistics in 2018), the number of enterprises sending survey questionnaires will being expanded to include companies producing mechanical supporting products in other CCUs such as motorcycles, electronics, etc - Business environment of ENs is a normal business environment, not an electronic business environment (online)  Scope of time: - The thesis collects secondary data in the period of 2008 - 2018 - Primary data was collected in the period from November 2017 to June 2018 - Data analysis and reporting in the period 2018 - 2019 Research method 5.1 Research process The research process of the thesis starts from collecting and reviewing documents of previous studies on SC, SIE, MPSC From that, define a research model for the thesis with hypothetical construction, scale, survey sample, questionnaire design, test survey and adjustment of questionnaires Completion forms will be used for extensive surveys Primary data collected through the survey will be analyzed and evaluated in combination with secondary data, from which testing hypotheses made, drawing conclusions and proposing suitable solutions 2.2 Research methods  The research approach of the thesis consists of a combination of deductive and inductive science  Methods of data collection: - Secondary data is collected through sources of seminars, themes, theses, research works, books, newspapers, internet in the country and internationally - Primary data was collected through methods: in-depth interviews, survey by questionnaires  Methods of data analysis: - Quantitative method includes the following techniques: Testing scales (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and total correlation factor); Multivariate regression analysis (testing the suitability of the model, testing relationships) and linear structure model (comparison between groups) - Qualitative methods: rule analysis, statistics, synthesis and comparison will also be used in the PhD thesis New contributions of the thesis: The thesis has made both theoretical and practical contributions, as follows:  In theoretical term: - Contribution 1: Contributing to systematizing the theoretical basis of the EN’s SC Specifically, the interpretation of concepts and research conceptions on resources, SC, components of SC which are measured through the value of supply to target customers, in there the most important expression is the level of demand response to customers in supply chain on quality, price and delivery - Contribution 2: Identify the research model of SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC with 03 components: resources, SC and supply result (SR) Identify specific elements of EN resources, component capacities of SC, and measurement criteria of SR  In practical term: - Contribution 3: Assessing the status of SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC through 03 components: resources, SC and SR The evaluation will show how much or how little each element contributes in each component - Contribution 4: Identify the relationship between the three components in Vietnam SIE's SC research model in MPSC Indicate which components / factors have direct or indirect effects on the remaining components / elements - Contribution 5: Proposing solutions to improve SC to help Vietnamese SIE understand and have grounds to carry out activities to strengthen SC and the role of EN in MPSC _ LITTERATURE REVIEW A Research on enterprise capability Currently, EN competence is studied in two main approaches: Competence-Based View (CBV) and Resource-Based View (RBV) The views of CBV have been synthesized by the authors' works such as Frank Knight (1921); Edith Penrose (1959); George Richardson (1972); Richard Nelson and SIEey Winter (1982); Camp (1995); Hitt et al (2001); Sirmon & Hitt (2009); Chen et al (2009); Morgan et al (2009); Hua et al (2014); Sonia (2015) CBV viewpoint is suitable for the trade and service sector where resources are not all EN can fully meet RBV is also an appropriate viewpoint for the manufacturing sector where resources are the basis of input for all EN activities Authors whose work on RBV has been studied include Wernerfelt (1984); Rumelt (1984); Penrose (1959); Peng & York (2001); Grant (2002); Morgan, Kaleka, & Katsikeas (2004); Song et al (2007); Alexander et al (2008); Konings and Vanormelingen (2011); Sutton (2012); Shou et al (2014); Van (2014); Mohamed et al (2014); Wang et al (2015); Gelhard et al (2016); Feng et al (2016) The operational advantage of resources and competencies is very different from market changes (Miller & Shamsie, 1996; Song, Droge, Hanvanich, & Calantone, 2005) and competition (Brush & Artz, 1999) ) In most cases, resources cannot produce EN products by themselves To create a competitive advantage for an EN, individual resources must work together to initially establish organizational capability and these resources need to be included in the processes to create organizational competencies Necessary to have a direct effect on competitive advantage There is a direct relationship between: 1) Resources and performance (Miller & Shamsie, 1996; Ray et al., 2004); / Resources and competitive advantage (Berman et al., 2002; Hatch & Dyer, 2004); / Competitive edge and performance (Porter, 1985) However, the first relationship has fewer empirical studies than the following two In addition, as Grant (2002) said, individual resources cannot produce products for EN that they need to combine to become organizational capability Then this organization's capability continues to have an impact on competitive advantage, creating competitiveness, thereby affecting the performance of EN In this process, Porter (1985) argues that these relationships will be governed by industry influences, referred to as industrial influences These regulatory influences can be directly or indirectly on competitive advantage, ie on the relationship between organizational capability and competitive advantage (Rivard et al., 2006; Spanos & Lioukas, 2001; Tuan, 2010) B Research on supply capability At the national level, SC is determined by the quality of physical flows, information, payments and other factors such as communication systems (Bagchi, 2001; Bagchi et al., 2014) The authors identified three factors of SC that influence FDI decisions, which are considered as three explanatory variables including supply environment, supply infrastructure and absorption capability Supply environment variables, including 04 component variables: buyer level of sophistication, number of local suppliers, quality of local suppliers, local availability of components and parts Supply infrastructure variables, including 01 component variable is the total score of infrastructure quality Absorbent variable, also includes 01 component variable is the technology absorption point of the company The resulting variable is the Internal Potential FDI factor, defined as “a set of 12 FDI indices (according to UNCTAD, 2011) affecting the attractiveness of an economy to a binary index to indicate that a country has low or high potential to attract FDI” Thomas and Deniel (2006) have the concept of “Each supply base (a supply base) is part of a supply network that is actively managed by a buyer The purchaser, understood as a focal point, manages the suppliers in a supplier through contracts and the procurement of parts, materials, and services To facilitate the management of a supplier, we consider "complexity" as a major area of consideration for managing and applying complexity documents to an establishment supply Complex supplier complexity is conceptualized in three respects: (1) the number of suppliers in the supplier, (2) the degree of difference between these suppliers, and (3) degree of relationship between suppliers Mai Thanh Lan (2012) determined that EN's SC is meant to integrate capabilities and internal resources to provide the necessary products for customers to maintain and develop market share, profits and positioning Advantages to achieve defined goals The SC of EN is made up of many factors, some of which are sustainable, some of which act as source, some of which are displayed, factors that energize the core of EN in the market SC management consulting service system of EN consultancy is evaluated by Mai Thanh Lan (2012) on levels of competency: Resources - Practical ability Dynamic capability SC system structure model is described by concentric circle structure and covered by a pentagon Luc Thi Thu Huong (2015) has identified a research model on SC services of small and medium-sized garment retail EN in Hanoi According to author Luc Thi Thu Huong (2015), EN when supplying goods must satisfy customer satisfaction To accomplish this goal, SC services of small and medium-sized garment retail EN in Hanoi need to have 05 elements: goods, vehicles, information, current services, hiddend services The research model will be the basis for the author to explore the contents: / SC services include what factors? / For EN retail goods, what are the most important factors that reflect SC services; / How customers rate the SC of retail EN; / How managers perceive SC services; and / ENNVV in the retail industry need to to improve SC services? C Research on supporting industries, mechanical products Pham Truong Hoang (2008) studied the current status of SI industries in the field of machinery and equipment in Vietnam, especially the development of SI in the automobile and motorbike industry The four cases studied were local suppliers and foreign investment representing the different forms of supplier development of a country It also discusses how the development of SI sectors in the field of machinery and equipment in Vietnam identifies new factors and trends in industrial development in basic activities, aiming to create an input that ensures EN business and satisfies the needs of consumers (Vietnamese Dictionary, 1996; Mai Thanh Lan , 2012) Capability According to the Vietnamese Dictionary (1996), competency is understood as "the ability, subjective or natural condition available to perform an activity" or "the psychological and physiological qualities created for human beings ability to complete an activity with high quality ” The competencies studied here are those of the organization, the EN In this respect, the competency is expressed at the level of using the organization's available capabilities and resources to carry out key activities (Mai Thanh Lan, 2012) The term "competency" in English is used equally by the words "capability" and "competence" (Grant, 2012) Capability reflects the key role of strategic management in adjusting, integrating and reshaping resources, organizational skills, and functional competencies to meet the challenges of the external environment EN capabilities are often associated with resources and represent the level of use of resources Supply capability The EN’s SC, according to Mai Thanh Lan (2012), is EN's ability and available resources to provide products and services necessary to meet customer needs In other words, EN's SC is meant to integrate the capabilities and internal resources to provide the necessary products for customers to maintain and develop market share, profitability and positioning the advantages to achieve the defined goals The EN SC shows EN's strength and advantages in satisfying customers' needs to gain more and more benefits for EN The SC of EN is made up of many factors, some of which are sustainable, some of which act as source, some of which are displayed, factors that energize the core of EN in the market EN does not always have sufficient resources for supply at EN But even if EN resources are sufficient, it is unlikely that the SC of EN will be high And vice versa, an EN may not have too many resources of its own but can still get a good SC by knowing how to effectively exploit both internal and external resources Therefore, in this thesis, the author approaches in both viewpoints of resource access and demand orientation This view is customer-focused, EN must have the appropriate capability to meet the needs of customers in the supply of goods Internal and non-EN resources will be the inputs that make up the EN’s SC The concept of SC was authored based on the studies of Amit & Schoemaker (1993); Bharadwaj (2000); Collis (1994); Wu (2006); Mai Thanh Lan (2012) and Liao (2014) and defined the content: “EN's SC is the level of using resources to provide products and services that meet customer needs” According to process approach of this thesis, the EN’s SC will be expressed through the process of providing value by products and services to create value to target customers According to Philip Kotler (2011), the goal of any enterprise is to provide value to customers to satisfy their needs, and profit for businesses Porter (1985) proposed using value chain as a tool of enterprises to find ways to create greater value for customers Each enterprise is a set of activities carried out to 11 design, produce, sell, deliver and support its products Value chain identifies 09 activities corresponding to the strategy of creating value and cost in a specific enterprise, including 05 primary activities (key activities) and 04 support activities Key activities represent a series of jobs that move materials to factories, outsource, export them, sell and serve them And support activities appear in all of these key activities 1.2 The supply capability of Vietnam supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain 1.2.1 Vietnam supporting industry enterprises Vietnam in the mechanical products supply chain From the relevant content, the author determined that: “SIE in MPSC is EN producing mechanical components and spare parts to provide (or potentially become suppliers) to customers in SC ” MPSC includes the following main subjects: (1) Material suppliers; (2) Supplier of machinery and tools; (3) Supplier of mechanical components and parts; (4) Subcontracting assembly; (5) Final assembly house; (6) Distributors; (7) Retailers; (8) Customer With the concept of SI of Vietnam, we see that, in MPSC, SIE can stand in one of the first positions of the chain Identifying the correct position of SIE in SC will be the basis for identifying SC in accordance with customer requirements in the chain 1.2.2 The concept of supply capability of Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain Thus, summarizing all related concepts along with the above analysis, in this thesis, the author defines the concept: “SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC is the level of using resources of EN to produce components and mechanical parts for assemblers in the chain ” The inner meaning of the concept is clarified as follows: - Level of use of resources: are the activities of SIE related to the exploitation and operation of infrastructure, finance, technology, human resources to serve production and business - SIEs here are ENs manufacturing mechanical components and equipment; is the 3rd EN group in MPSC - The customers of these SIE are assemblers, that is, including subcontractors and final assemblers These are 02 subjects at position and in MPSC According to Porter (1985), each EN is a collection of activities to design, manufacture, sell, distribute and support their products All of these activities can be expressed in a CGT including activities divided into two main groups: primary activities and support activities Primary activities are physical activities related to product creation, sale and delivery to customers as well as after-sales support Support activities complement the primary activities and support themselves through the supply of inputs, technology, human resources and other functions in EN Consistent with the conceptual content of SC is the level of use of EN resources, ie activities related to the exploitation and operation of resources to serve production and business; in particular, the SC of EN put in a product SC will have to create values to contribute to the overall CGT Therefore, the author has selected the contents of primary activities in the CGT model of 12 Porter (1985) as a basis for assessing the SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC Because both focus on the core competencies (activities) of EN to create products (values) for customers; At the same time, we have the support from EN resources There are 05 proposed component capacities for SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC: Capability of Logistics Activities; Capability of production activities; Capability Logistics activities Output; Competence in Marketing and sales activities; Capability of service activities The scale of each of these capacities will also be determined based on the descriptions of primary activities in Porter's CGT model (1985) and will be detailed in the following section 1.3 Research model of supply capability of supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain Vietnam SIE's SC in MPSC is defined as the level of EN resources used to provide products and services according to customer requirements Or from supply process approach, EN’s SC is a series of key activities from the input to the output stage in the efficient use of internal and external resources to create products and services that bring value to the company's target customers It can be seen that SC is an intermediary form to turn discrete resources into a specific result in order to meet customer requirements Therefore, the research model of the thesis is built including the following main parts: - Resources of EN under Grant (2002) are divided into 03 groups: Tangible resources (finance, equipment infrastructure, manufacturing technology, information technology); Intangible resources (technology know-how, brand reputation, EN culture); Human resources (characteristics and orientation of the leadership and management team; skills and experience of human resources; team cooperation) Figure 1.1 Research model Source: Author (2018) - Characteristics of EN include 03 main elements: Type of EN (according to capital ownership structure); EN scale (according to the number of employees); Age of EN (based on number of years of establishment) - SC includes: • Input activities (logistics): Activities related to receiving, inventorying, distributing product inputs, such as materials management, storage and inventory management, scheduling Program operation for vehicles and reimbursement to suppliers 13 • Production activities: Activities related to converting inputs into final product forms, such as mechanical processing, packaging, assembly, equipment maintenance, inspection and printing and other utility activities • Output (logistics) activities: Activities related to the actual collection, storage and distribution of products to buyers, such as finished product inventories, materials management, operations with delivery facilities, order process, and calendaring • Marketing and sales activities: Activities that involve providing a means for customers to buy products, or motivating them to buy products, such as advertising, promotions, sales, quotes, Select distribution channels, relationships between distribution channels and make pricing • Service activities: Activities related to the provision of services that enhance or maintain the value of the product, such as installation, repair, training, spare parts supply, and adjustment product - SR is determined to consist of 03 criteria: Q (Quality); C (Cost - Cost); D (Delivery) These factors were identified through a review of literature by Mummalaneni et al (1996); Cox (2003); Edward (2001); Camarotto et al (2007); Ohno (2007); Ananth et al (2009); Veera et al (2011); James (2011); Thanh (2014); and consult an expert In order to ensure the scientificity of variables and scales of the detailed research model, the author conducts expert methods for each content group and research model on enterprise resources, NLCU, KQCU and special Enterprise scores to reaffirm the necessary elements in each small model Factors and scales will be selected if too much (10/20) experts agree With this research model, the author formulated the following research hypotheses: - Hypothesis 1: EN resources are constituted by 03 component resources: tangible, intangible and human resources - Hypothesis 2: EN's SC is constituted by 05 component capacities: input logistics capability, production capability, output logistics capability, marketing and sales capability, service capability - Hypothesis 3: EN's SR is composed of 03 criteria: quality, price, delivery - Hypothesis 4: Resources have direct and positive impact on SC - Hypothesis 5: Resources have direct and positive impact on the results - Hypothesis 6: SC has a direct and positive impact on the outcome - Hypothesis 7: SC of EN FDI is better than SC of Vietnam EN - Hypothesis 8: SC of larger ENs is better than SC of smaller ENs - Hypothesis 9: The SC of EN is more active per year than the SC of EN is younger _ 14 CHAPTER CURRENT SITUATION OF SUPPLY CAPABILITY OF VIETNAM SUPPORTING INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES IN MECHANICAL PRODUCTS SUPPLY CHAIN 2.1 Overview of Vietnam supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain 2.1.1 Supporting industry of Vietnam Supporting industry development policy of Vietnam For SI field, according to Vu Quang Hung (2018), in the period from 2011 up to now, many SI development policies have issued issued documents Including many important documents such as Decision 12/2011 / QD-TTg dated 24/02/2011 of the Prime Minister on policies to develop some SI industries; Decision 1483 / QD-TTg dated August 26, 2011 of the Prime Minister on the List of SI products prioritized for development; Decision 1556 / QD-TTg dated October 17, 2012 of the Prime Minister approving the project: "Supporting the development of ENNVV in SI field"; Circular 96/2011 / TT-BTC dated 07/07/2011 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the implementation of financial policies for the development of some SI industries; Official Letter No 9734 / BCT-CNNg guides the order, procedures of elaborating, appraising and approving projects on development of SI products prioritized for development Especially in 2015, the Government issued Decree No 111/2015 / ND-CP on SI development; Applicable to organizations and individuals carrying out SI development activities in Vietnam Characteristics of Vietnam's supporting industry SI often develops (evolves) in different stages, with the quality and competitiveness of domestically produced SI products (Sang, 2011) The development stage of SI sectors is associated with the industrialization process of industrialized countries For example, more industrialized countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan have different industrialized positions corresponding to different stages of development of SI sectors in the economy their (Ohno, 2004a) These stages are summarized in the table below Table 2.1 Stages of development of industrialization Type Description Country Stage 1: Only assemble with the fledgling SI industry Very dependent Vietnam on foreign technology and management Stage 2: Assembly and manufacturing of parts With significant SI Thailand, development Much still depends on foreign technology and Malaysia management Stage 3: High localization capability Technology and management are South mainly centralized Can produce high quality products but Korea, cannot lead to product innovation or design Taiwan Stage 4: Comprehensive innovation capability Equipped with all Japan, USA industrial capabilities, including innovation and product and EU design in advanced technology Source: Nham Phong Tuan (2010) 15 The classification criteria are (i) the existence of SI sectors; (ii) technological and managerial competencies; and (iii) capability to lead innovation, in increasing order of difficulty (Ohno, 2004) 1.1.2 Vietnam mechanical products supply chain To understand MPSC in the automotive industry, a typical case study in the Vietnamese market needs to be studied, which is Toyota This is a SC that is considered to be the most cost-effective but still retains customer satisfaction, quality of finished products and completion time (Le Thanh Sang, 2017) Toyota's simple model of SC includes: Supplier, Manufacture, Distributor but also helped Toyota to become "World's No Supply Chain" From Toyota's SC, it can be realized that Vietnam SIE is at the top of MPSC, at No 1, which is the domestic component supplier Vietnam SIE's customers are manufacturers in the chain Specifically, it is the subcontractors assembled at levels 3, 2, or the final assembler to create finished products In MPSC, the relationship between manufacturer and supplier is very close Product information is fully shared with suppliers Suppliers also receive support from the manufacturer's experts And the result of this attachment is sustainability in the relationship between manufacturers and suppliers Manufacturers will stick with suppliers long-term that can supply components with the best price, optimal quality and flexible commitment to cooperation 1.1.3 Vietnam supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain Vietnam currently has 1,800 EN producing spare parts and components, of which only about 300 EN participate in the production network of multinational corporations The number of active EN in SI currently accounts for nearly 4.5% of the total EN of the processing - manufacturing industry, creating jobs for more than 550,000 workers However, the scale and capability of SIE are still limited: The number is small, the production capability is very low, lack of resources and technology to improve productivity, human resources have not met the requirements Domestic SI products are mainly simple components and details, with medium and low technology content, with small value in the product value structure This stems from the fact that most of the domestic SIE is outdated compared to good manufacturing practices in the world, showing waste in high plants Producing the same product, a domestic SIE uses 1.2-1.5 times more hours than Japanese-invested EN in Vietnam The production has not been optimized, the quality is less stable Researching MPSC in general and SC of the automotive industry in particular with representatives of SC Toyota, Vietnam SIE whose research thesis is the suppliers of components and mechanical details are currently in leading position in SC in general and SC of automobile industry (Toyota) in particular These are considered initial locations, producing components, quite simple details for MPSC 16 1.2 Survey results on the supply capability of Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain 1.2.1 Descriptive statistics research sample The number of valid votes used in the study is 231, corresponding to 231 EN Among them, there are 95 Vietnam EN and 136 EN foreign investment (FDI) Regarding age, there are 58 ENs operating under 10 years; 93 EN operates for 10 to 20 years; 64 EN has been in operation for 20 to 30 years and 16 EN has been in operation for over 30 years According to criteria of classifying EN scale according to employees of production EN (Decree 39/2018 / ND-CP guiding the Law on Small and Medium EN Support), out of 231 EN surveyed, 141 EN had small tissue (less than 100 employees); 50 EN is of medium scale (from 100 to 200 employees) and 40 EN is of large scale (over 200 employees) 1.2.2 Situation and overall assessment of supply capability of surveyed enterprises Through the use of techniques to evaluate the reliability of the scale (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient and the total correlation factor), multiple multivariate regression analysis (testing the suitability of the model, testing the relationship system) and linear structure model (comparison between groups), the thesis gives the following assessments: Factors and relationships in supply capability of surveyed enterprises Through separate analysis results about each group of factors in the research model such as resources, SC, SR, EN characteristics; 06 hypotheses are accepted as 1,2,3,4,6,7 Hypotheses 5,8,9 are currently not accepted for EN survey Thereby, some conclusions about SC of Vietnamese SIEs in MPSC are presented as follows: - Firstly, about EN resources: • NLHH, NLVH and HR are the three resources that make up the common resources of EN That is, in order for EN to be able to operate and bring efficiency, these three resources are indispensable There may be ways to divide them into different groups, but the scale of components will still have to be fully presented corresponding to each tangible, intangible and human resources • Of the three constituent resources, NLV contributes the most important role with the proportion of 51.6% The remaining two resources, NLHH and HR, account for nearly the same proportion, respectively 24.9% and 23.4% (the proportion is converted from standardized estimates) • Directly, resources have a positive impact on EN's SC with a contribution of 49.4% In contrast, resources have almost no direct impact on the results This means that it is through the SC that resources are created / impacted on EN results In other words, SC helps EN turn resources into SR, EN will not be able to have SR when only resources without SC • In proportion, resources contributed 49.4% to SC, while SC contributed up to 90.7% to earnings Thus, it can be concluded that, indirectly, resources contributed (49.4% * 90.7%) - equivalent to 44.81% Accordingly, each component resource such as 17 NLHH - NLVH - NNL will contribute respectively 11.16% - 23.14% - 10.50% in business results - Secondly, about EN's SC: • Input logistics capability, production capability, output logistics capability, marketing and sales capability, service capability are the 05 capabilities that make up SC of EN In other words, the SC of EN is inseparable from any of these five competencies • Of the constituent capacities, production capability plays the most important role with the proportion of 22.3% Next is input logistics capability accounting for 21% The remaining three component capacities have approximately the same contribution and account for less than 20% with the specific proportion of 19.6% - 18.7% - 18.4% for marketing and sales capability, respectively logistics output capability, service capability (proportion converted from standardized estimates) • SC has a direct and positive impact on SR, contributing 90.7% to EN results The 9.3% missing in the results is because this result will depend on environmental factors outside of EN and objective factors that EN cannot control • SC is affected by EN resources with the proportion of 49.4%; This figure is less than the rate of 90.7% created by SC for SR This means that SC itself has its own contribution to business results with a proportion of [(100% - 49.4%) * 90.7%] equivalent to 45.89% At this time, considering each component capability in SC, each capability of In - Prod - Out - SM - Ser will have the level of contribution to SR corresponding to the proportion of 9.64% - 10.23% - 8, 58% - 9.00% - 8.45% - Thirdly, about EN results: • EN's SR is composed of three factors: Quality (Q), Price (C) and Delivery (D) That is, EN must ensure all these three factors to ensure the customer-accepted SR • Price is the most important factor when measuring business results with a contribution ratio of 35.3% Next is Delivery with 33.8% The final contribution of 30.8% belongs to the quality factor (the proportion is converted from the standardized estimated value) Thus, it can be seen that the factors not differ much, that is, EN needs to meet all three if you want to have good results • SC has a direct and positive impact on SR, contributing 90.7% to EN results The 9.3% missing in the results is because this result will depend on environmental factors outside of EN and objective factors that EN cannot control • SR is not directly affected by EN resources but directly from SC The two resources resources and SC, if placed in parallel, have almost equal contribution, in which SC is slightly better (44.81% and 45.89%) That is, if you want to have good results, only resources will certainly not be possible, but without resources, SC can not achieve the maximum performance • The justification for the resources is only 49.4% of SC but SC still contributes 90.7% of the SR because EN can fully mobilize external resources through hiring, borrowing, cooperation with resource suppliers Meanwhile, the role of SC will be promoted to create 45.89% of the results as in the conclusion of SC presented above - Fourth, the difference in SC between EN FDI group and Vietnam EN group 18 Characteristics of the EN type divide the survey EN into 02 groups: EN FDI and Vietnam EN The analysis results have shown that there are differences in SC of these two EN groups Specifically, the SC of EN FDI is better than the SC of Vietnam EN 2.45 units with 94.5% reliability - Fifth, the difference in SC among groups of ENs of different sizes The characteristic of EN scale according to the number of employees is divided into pairs, respectively (large scale EN - small and medium scale EN) or small and medium scale EN - small scale EN different about SC The analysis results have shown that there is not enough evidence to conclude that ENs with different scales will have different SCs This is completely understood because sometimes EN is large but SI products are not core products, so SC in this range may not be equal to small-scale ENs but specialize in specific products - Sixth, the difference in SC between EN groups has different ages Characteristics of the EN age according to the number of years of establishment and operation, divided into pairs, respectively (EN from 10 years or less - EN over 10 years) or (EN from 20 years or less - EN over 20 years ) to test for differences in SC The analysis results have shown that there is not enough evidence to conclude that ENs with different ages will have different SCs It is possible to explain this in the current economic and technical innovations, so young ENs will be able to have new technologies and production methods more effectively than long-standing EN, helping SC is also better Limitations and causes in the supply capability of surveyed enterprises As analyzed in the actual situation of Vietnam SIE in general and the survey data of Vietnam SIEs in MPSC that the thesis researched, these ENs are quite limited in SC’s quantity and quality The cause of this situation can be mentioned through the criteria of the analysis model such as: - Firstly, the reason is due to the characteristics and resources of the business Small EN scale, small capital, poor infrastructure, old equipment, not modern technology, weak human resources - Secondly, the main causes are the activities that directly create the supply capability of enterprises: the lack of material supply, low production capability, poor marketing and sales capability - Thirdly, the cause of the enterprise's supply results: the product quality is less stable, the price is high, the delivery is not flexible - Fourthly, external causes: lack of engagement with FDI and members of SC; The downstream market is poor; SI support policies are not effective _ 19 CHAPTER SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE SUPPLY CAPABILITY OF VIETNAM SUPPORTING INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES IN MECHANICAL PRODUCTS SUPPLY CHAIN 3.1 Viewpoints and orientation of developing Vietnam supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain 3.1.1 Developing Vietnam's supporting industry The world is in the process of deeper and deeper international integration and the strong increase of the 4.0 industrial revolution These trends can bring many opportunities and challenges for the development of SI in Vietnam However, the development of SI needs a long process of accumulating management and production skills, it cannot be leap without the strong support from the State The State needs a consistent, long-term policy; allocating resources large enough to support processing and manufacturing enterprises to reach regional and international levels Decision No 68 / QD-TTg dated January 18, 2017 on SI Development Program from 2016 to 2025, creating a premise and development orientation for SI industry of Vietnam and Conference on solutions to promote development SI Development in Vietnam on December 19, 2019, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc also emphasized the goal to 2020, with a vision to 2030: - By 2020, Vietnam has a highly competitive SI product, meeting 45% of the essential needs for domestic production and consumption; accounting for about 11% of the total industry production value; There are about 1,000 EN qualified to supply for the assembly EN and multinational corporations on the territory of Vietnam - By 2030, SI products will meet 70% of the demand for domestic production and consumption; accounting for about 14% of industrial production value of the whole industry; There are about 2,000 EN qualified to supply for the assembly EN and multinational corporations on the territory of Vietnam Some key industries have been clearly defined by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, such as electronics industry, automobile industry, textile industry, footwear, energy industry These are all industries that Vietnam has potential, advantages and market capacities 3.1.2 Developing Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises Developing small and medium-sized SIE based on the Government's Decision No 1556 / QD-TTg of October 17, 2012, approving the Scheme "Helping to develop small and medium-sized EN in the field of SI" and Decision No 3071 / QD-BCT dated 10 April 2014 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade promulgating the Regulation on operation of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the project "Supporting the development of small and medium EN in SI field" Developing large-scale SIE by taking advantage of scale to make a breakthrough in SC, becoming the first-class supplier of SC assemblers / manufacturers, in the long run to develop into a manufactured and assembled to own SC SIE is large-scale with different strategies but must focus on investment, increase production capability and 20 competitiveness for products manufactured in Vietnam For example, in the automotive industry, Vietnam has had large manufacturers and assemblers such as Truong Hai Automobile Joint Stock Company (Thaco), Thanh Cong Group Joint Stock Company or VinFast These are the leading ENs in the automobile manufacturing industry, always nurturing the ambition to reach out to the region to make Vietnam a country that can export cars 3.1.3 Developing the mechanical products supply chain According to Nguyen Van (2015), there are two ways to help EN mechanical SI join SC: One is to act as a satellite for foreign contractors or famous firms to become a supply chain of spare parts and equipment for them; and The two are linked together to fulfill orders and bidding packages Whichever path to follow, the most urgent thing now is to implement quality management programs of Europe, the US and Japan Next, there must be a training program for cadres and technical workers to implement projects with industrial manners to implement on schedule, to ensure quality and high productivity to participate in SC Global As for the automotive industry, in 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will implement solutions to support and promote automotive projects, such as Truong Hai Automobile Joint Stock Company (Thaco), Thanh Cong Group Joint Stock Company, Vinfast and other projects Specifically: / Set up pilot SC of the automobile industry; / Increasing investment attraction from multinational corporations with brand and new cars; / Modify and overcome inadequacies of Decree No 111/2015 / ND-CP; / Implement effectively approved SI development assistance projects 3.2 Some solutions to improve the supply capability of Vietnam supporting industryl enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain 3.2.1 Solutions on resources The study shows that, for SIE in MPSC, the resources of EN include NLHH, NLVH and HR In each issue, the government has policies and solutions to support EN In addition, EN also needs to mobilize itself to take advantage of the State's incentives and develop in a general direction Some solutions given to EN on resource issues include: - Equipment infrastructure: rational planning; increase the area of workshops about 1000-2000m2; combine with factory lease with other EN; Invest in modern machinery - Financial resources: looking for preferential loans in terms of time, interest rates and conditions; access to national funds, credit funds around the world; prepare good capability records; proactive capital sources from suppliers, partners, customers - Production technology: self-study to improve scientific and technical capability; propose support from associations, partners, customers in training to improve technical skills; Participate in government training and investment programs - IT infrastructure: attaching importance to IT development; proactively approach EN infrastructure development policies to enhance the efficiency of production and supply activities; building customer and supplier-oriented data systems into SC 21 - Intangible resources include: always attaching importance to prestige; building EN culture; develop science and technology to get effective production know-how - Leadership team: Nurturing the desire to join the global production chain to bring our products to the world; shaping EN culture; define clear goals and make specific and drastic implementation plans - High quality human resources: invest in developing high quality human resources; participate in the training of schools; Recruiting export labor force teams from countries with high technology 3.2.2 Solutions on supply capability - Regarding production capability: currently the most influential capability for SC of Vietnam SIE, it is necessary to have close and feasible solutions such as strengthening scientific and technological applications ; apply advanced management system, apply 4.0 technology effectively; actively learning from FDI and customers about production technology; ensure basic standards in the factory and move towards international standards - Regarding the capability of marketing and sales activities: a national information portal on SI is required; attaching importance to the domestic market and taking the global market as a target; forming focus area for start-up support services in SI; participate in investment promotion activities in SI; proactively invest in weak skills such as marketing and English; actively search and connect with target customers - About the capability of service activities: continue to maintain consulting services, introduce products / companies to customers; perform maintenance and maintenance services as committed in production and supply Improving the capabilities above will also lead to better service delivery when there is more information and a higher quality product - In terms of the capability of input and output logistics activities: forming the satellite EN network; Focusing development options on downstream sectors In addition, to strengthen SC when resources are not high, SIEs can combine to form a link to mutually support different resources and production stages; thereby creating the joint strength or SC of the whole group, meeting the requirements of customers For example, a SIE producing and supplying mechanical mold products can hire another EN to perform the stage to reduce the need to invest in polishing machines and staff specialized for this work because polishing is only a small part of the entire production process but it is necessary to complete the product 3.2.3 Solutions on supply results The gap between customers' requirements in SC and SC of domestic MP manufacturers EN is still very large In general, domestic SIEs are quite similar in terms of level, scale, technology and products, lack of resources and technology to innovate and improve production capability Therefore, in order to get a good SR, EN needs to pay attention to the following solutions: - Invest in improving production processes to improve quality - Practicing Kaizen to reduce wastes helps reduce costs 22 - Sewing delivery to ensure optimal on time, costs In the higher stage of development, especially when the requirements for sustainable development are being placed at the top, developing more environmental E (Environment) standards; F (Finance) on finance; T (Technology) on technology; R (Responsibility) about liability and L (Law) on law to improve supply efficiency for customers 3.2.4 Supported solutions The goal of raising the SC of EN survey is to help EN increase its ability to participate in MPSC Therefore, besides direct solutions to SC problems; One of the trends is also a prerequisite for Vietnam SIE to develop strongly and sustainably, it must actively participate in product SCs Currently with MPSC, EN has gained the advantage of providing foundation products, enabling EN to be able to join most of SC industrial products because every industry needs MP And in order to systematize its activities to participate more deeply in MPSC, EN survey recommended some solutions as follows: - Firstly, formulate strategies and plans to supply your SI products to MPSC - Secondly, clearly defining the products - stages - industries that EN supplies in the chain to produce to meet customer requirements - Third, access to support from customers or input suppliers to learn technology and experience through technology transfer training, production management advice, improvement Advanced - Fourth, access to support for associations in mechanical engineering, SIE support associations 3.3 Proposals to state management agencies Some suggestions for the State management agencies to positively impact EN's SC are as follows: - Regarding business environment: creating an equal environment between FDI and domestic EN; streamline legal procedures; building and operating effectively SIE support centers - Regarding policies and laws: eliminating the inadequate policies that cause difficulties for EN such as component tax, contractor tax, VAT ; policies encouraging domestic EN to join SC - Access to capital: policies of differentiated interest rates, preferential interest rates with machinery and equipment, policies on capital preservation and preferential technology investment - Learn SI development experience from countries in the region with the closest development level such as Thailand and Malaysia on SI development policies such as promoting import substitution, strengthening links between ENs , developing SI clusters And even with lessons learned from any country, Vietnam needs to have policies that really understand the internal situation of the country before it can be implemented effectively Next is the consistency and consistency according to the strategies and policies set out for SI to be developed in a synchronized and sustainable manner The state - instead of just controlling and managing - should serve EN development Completing the mechanism of SI development policy, reforming administrative procedures, developing regulations and standards suitable for integration 23 CONCLUSION The thesis of the researcher on "Supply capability of Vietnamese supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain" is presented in accordance with 03 chapters including chapter theoretical basis, chapter current situation and chapter some recommendations In the theoretical basis, the PhD student synthesized the concepts of MPSC, SIE and SC Based on the concept and direct implication of SC "is the level of using resources to provide products and services to meet customer needs," NCS has built a research model including 04 The main factor group is EN Resources; SC; SR and EN characteristic factors The model is based on previous studies by Grant (2002); Porter (1985) and several other authors and experts consulted by NCS In chapter 2, after an overview of SI Vietnam, about MPSC in Vietnam and about Vietnam SIE in MPSC; NCS has conducted an assessment of the status of SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC through secondary and primary data sources Research results 231 Vietnam EN has identified specific factors in each group EN's resources include 03 elements: NLHH, NLVH and HR EN's SC is made up of 05 competencies including input logistics, manufacturing, output logistics, marketing & sales, and customer service capabilities The survey results' SR is currently measured by three main criteria: Quality (Q), Price (C) and Delivery (D) The analysis of survey data also shows that, in terms of roles, energy production - Production capability - Price are the most important factors in each group of Resources - SC - SR Relatively, resources not directly affect SR and through SC to create SR is contributed by 90.7% from SC; of which 49.4% belongs to resources indirectly and 45.89% directly from SC Some reviews about SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC are presented by NCS at the end of this chapter; which has pointed out both the limitations and the causes Chapter is the solutions to enhance SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC The first is the development orientations for SI Vietnam; Vietnam SIE development and development oriented to SC Since then combined with the practical assessment of SC of Vietnam SIE, the author has made 04 solutions and some proposals to the State management agencies The first three groups of solutions related to the elements of the research model are the resources and characteristics of EN, SC of EN and SR of EN The final solution group is supportive and focused on helping SIE to increase its participation in the MPSC, thereby improving its SC effectively Some of the lesson recommendations from successful SI developing countries in the region such as Thailand and Malaysia are presented by the PhD student at the end The SC of SIE is placed in MPSC, which is a research problem that has not been done by many authors both at home and abroad Therefore, the implementation process of NCS has encountered many difficulties So, despite trying to systematically research the contents and make contributions in both theory and practice, with the limitations of capability and time, the thesis will certainly not be avoided From the shortcomings, the PhD student is looking forward to receiving valuable contributions from teachers, colleagues and colleagues so that the PhD student can complete the thesis better 24 LIST OF PUBLISHCATIONS BY AUTHOR Nguyen Thu Huong, Le Trinh Minh Chau (2018), “Determining elements of resources, supply capability, supply results of Vietnam's supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain ”, Journal of Commercial Science, University of Commerce (post no.10/2018) Nguyen Thu Huong, Le Trinh Minh Chau (2018), "The capability of Vietnam's supporting industry enterprises in the mechanical products supply chain", Finance Magazine, period - September 2018, p .61-64 Tran Huy Phuong, Nham Phong Tuan, Nguyen Thu Huong (2018), “Determinants of high performance work system and its dramatically on organizational performance: empirical study of listed companies in Vietnam”, 1st International Conference on Contemporary Inssues In Economics, Management and Business (1st CIEMB 2018), 29-30 November, Hanoi - Vietnam Nham Phong Tuan, Yoshi Takahashi, Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Thu Huong (2017), "Training and transferting knowledge in BMC Group - Vietnam", International Business Management 11 (2): 522-529, 2017 ISSN: 1993- 5250, Medwell Journals, 2017 Nham Phong Tuan, Nguyen Thu Huong (2017), Mekon Supply Chain Study Country Report 2017: Asian Supply Chain for Perspective of Human Resource Develoment: Vietnam, Institute for International Trade and Investment (ITI), pulished by JKA and Keirin Race Nham Phong Tuan, Nguyen Thu Huong (2016), Mekon Supply Chain Study Country Report 2016: Vietnam, Institute for International Trade and Investment (ITI), pulished by JKA and Keirin Race Nguyen Thu Huong (2016), “Training and transferring of knowledge in Hoang Duong Joint Stock Company - Vietnam”, 13th International Conference ASIALICS 2016, Centara Grand at Central Plaza Ladprao Bangkok, Thailand, October 4, 2016 Nguyen Thu Huong (2015), "Enhancing the capability of enterprises producing supporting industrial products in Vietnam's electronics supply chain", Journal of Trade Science No 82 + 83 June +7/2015, Tr 81-89 Nguyen Thu Huong (2012), "Technology transfer activities in Vietnamese universities", Journal of Commercial Science No 49, August 2012, Pg 68-72 ... regions of North, Central and South of Vietnam - MPSC is limited within Vietnam, ie customers of SIE are ENs having business activities in Vietnam (be it Vietnam EN or foreign EN) The position of... chapter 2, after an overview of SI Vietnam, about MPSC in Vietnam and about Vietnam SIE in MPSC; NCS has conducted an assessment of the status of SC of Vietnam SIE in MPSC through secondary and... is still too low compared to the market capability of Vietnam Moreover, that supply is mostly from foreign ENs operating in Vietnam Vietnam EN contributes only 13.2% of total input materials and

Ngày đăng: 02/12/2019, 08:09

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Mục lục

    1. The urgency of the topic

    3. Purposes and research tasks

    4. Research subject and scope

    6. New contributions of the thesis:

    A. Research on enterprise capability

    B. Research on supply capability

    C. Research on supporting industries, mechanical products





