Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS UNDP - United Nations Development Programme: Chương trình Phát triển Liên Hiệp Quốc GDI – Gender – related Development Index:
Đề tài : Bất bình đẳng giới ở Việt Nam
GVHD: ThS Trần Mạnh Kiên
Họ và tên: Hoàng Vân Anh Lớp học phần: MES305_163_D03 MSSV: 030631151410
Hồ Chí Minh, 8/2017
President Ho Chi Minh said: “Every citizen is equal before the law Women have equal rights with men in terms of politics, economics, culture, society and the family” Gender equality is a global issue and is especially important for developing countries, making it a challenge for the development of each country, region, ethnic group and locality
Vietnam is a country with a high population, the population structure is largely young In 2016 the population of Viet Nam is 93421835 people, the proportion of men/women is 100%, but this rate is not uniform in all age groups, especially notably the situation of male children more than female children, aged 0 – 4 years, have the highest gender difference rate of up to 111.6%, or 111.6 boys per 100 girls Today, there are not only gender differences, but the fact that gender inequality in different sectors of society is a real problem
Throughout the Vietnamese courtesy, the women condition is not respected, they are oppressed, suffering and unhappy, especially under feudalism So, President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the modern Vietnamese State, has called on people to eliminate prejudice and historical injustice against women, The Party and the State attach more importance to gender equality in the country's development But to this day, the abuse of women is still widespread, despite the fact that the Party, the State and the entire people are deeply concerned about the issue The Party and the state have many policies and solutions to address gender inequality issue
As a result, I chose to study gender inequality issues in Vietnam, which is extremely important for a country on the rise and integration with the world, to find the cause, then come up with a solution, policy to be able to solve some part of inequality in today's society
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UNDP - United Nations Development Programme: Chương trình Phát triển Liên Hiệp Quốc
GDI – Gender – related Development Index: Chỉ số phát triển giới
GEM – Gender Empowerment Measurement: Chỉ số đo lường vị thế giới
GII – Gender Inequality Index: Chỉ số bất bình đẳng giới
OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Tổ chức Hợp tác và Phát triển Kinh tế
SRB – Sex ratio at birth: Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh
TSGTKS: Sex ratio at birth (Tỷ số giới tính khi sinh)
Oxfam: An international coalition of 20 organizations working together in more than 90 countries and working with partners and alliances around the world to find sustainable solutions to poverty and injustice (một liên minh quốc tế gồm 20 tổ chức cùng phối hợp hoạt động tại hơn 90 quốc gia và cùng làm việc với các đối tác và liên minh khác trên khắp thế giới để tìm giải pháp bền vững cho nghèo đói và bất công)
ACTU – Australian Council Trade Union: Hội đồng Công đoàn Thương mại
1 Some concepts 5
2 The measurement of gender inequality 5
2.1 Gender – related Development Index (GDI) 5
2.2 Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM) 5
2.3 Gender Inequality Index (GII) 5
1 Sex ratio at birth (SRB) 6
2 Gender inequality in education 8
3 Gender inequality in political - social participation 10
4 Gender inequality in the family 12
5 Inequality in labor and employment 13
6 Inequality in income 16
1 Some concepts
Gender is the social relationship between men and women and how the relationship is built up in society Gender reflects the difference between men and women in terms of social aspects These differences are formed in the learning process, they are diverse and can change over time, changing from one country to another, from one culture to another in the specific context of a society due to social, historical, religious and economic factors
According to Article 5, Paragraph 3 of the Gender Equality Law of 2006,
"Gender equality means that men and women have equal positions, roles and are given opportunities and opportunities to develop their capacities for the development of communities, the family, and come in for equally about the outcome of that development So what is gender inequality? Gender inequality is the inequality between men and women in their access to and use of resources, the enjoyment of social achievements
2 The measurement of gender inequality
2.1 Gender – related Development Index (GDI)
GDI is aggregate data reflecting the state of gender equality, calculated on the basis of average life expectancy, education level and per capita income of men and women (Article 5, Paragraph 9 of the Law on Gender Equality)
Gender – related Development Index (GDI) as close to 1, the more equal, and as close to zero, the more unequal In 1995, Vietnam had GDI = 0.537 ranked 74/130 nations; in 1999, Việt Nam had GDI = 0.662 ranked 91/174 nations, in there the nations with the highest GDI are Canada (GDI = 0.928); in 2005 GDI of Vietnam is 0.702 ranked 83/140 nations
2.2 Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM)
This indicator was introduced in 1995 Human Development Report along with the GDI Gender Empowerment Measurement is a mixed indicator measuring gender inequality in three main areas is participation and political decision making, economic participation and decision making, and the power used by women for economic resources
Gender Empowerment Measurement consider how women and men can actively participate in the political economy and decision - making If GDI is focused on expanding capabilities, GEM is interested in using those capabilities to benefit their opportunities in social life
2.3 Gender Inequality Index (GII)
GII measures three essential aspects for women including reproductive health, empowerment, and participation in the labor market GII measures the shortage in these three dimensions due to gender inequality The higher the GII (the
Trang 6closer to value 1), the greater the inequality According to the Human Development Report 2010, the index of gender inequality in the OECD countries is quite low (index values above 0.3), while the inequality index is quite high in South Asian, African and Arab countries (UNDP, 2010, p.160)
(Nguồn: UNDP - Thứ bậc xét trong các nước và vùng lãnh thổ có số liệu so sánh)
1 Sex ratio at birth (SRB)
SRB is measured by the number of infant boys per hundred births of girls born This rate is considered normal when 105 to 108 boys are born versus 100 girls, because boys' mortality is usually slightly higher than that of girls, so when it comes to adulthood, the number of males and females equals one another On the contrary, when the SRB is too high or low, it leads to the imbalance of the population at age of marriage, birth and can cause many unexpected social problems If that rate is high, it will cause serious inequality, trafficking of women, early marriage,
The sex ratio at birth can be considered as one of the indicators for measuring the status of women in aspect of gender inequality, the higher the rate, the more clearly this is the consequence of son preference over daughters and sex selective abortion Any significant change in the rate of disparity from the normal biological level reflects intentional interventions at varying degrees to the imbalance of nature
Vietnam has a high sex ratio at birth, with 114 boys born to over 100 girls:
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Tỷ lệ giới tính trẻ sơ sinh: trẻ sơ sinh nam tính trên 100 trẻ sơ sinh nữ
(Nguồn: Phân tích của cán bộ NHTG từ các nguồn dữ liệu khác nhau)
Son preference exists in many parts of the world, especially in Asia and Eastern Europe In Vietnam, the problem of evaluating men is higher than women leading to high SRB ratios, as shown in the table:
Trang 8(Nguồn: UNFPA, 2012: Số liệu ước tính quốc gia của Trung Quốc, Hàn Quốc và Hồng Kông (2013), Đài Loan (2012), Ấn Độ (2010-2012), và Đông Âu (2008-
2 Gender inequality in education
Gender equality in education increases the quality of the average human resource of society But not only inequalities in social relationships, women and girls are treated unfairly even in education:
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on women's shoulders at an early age because of the large amount of time spent on family work, the time spent on learning has to be reduced
Trang 10Women are less educated and educated than men, so they are losing potential for access to knowledge to contribute to development goals The higher the level of education, the greater the level of gender inequality.
Tỷ lệ nam nữ giữ các chức danh, học vị khoa học năm 2006
(Nguồn: Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo năm 2006)
It can be said that gender equality in education is of great importance to the development of the country So there is an educator wrote: Educating a man, having
a family, educating a woman, having a generation The centennial benefit of growing people is derived from gender equality in education
3 Gender inequality in political - social participation
Civil servants have a high proportion of women, but the presence of women
in leadership positions is low and tends to be lower A study by the World Bank at commune health stations and district hospitals found that women accounted for 39%
of doctors, but only accounted 6% of hospital directors In the past decade and a half, the proportion of women in Congress has fallen to 24.4% The heads of the Congressional Committees have fewer women Female representation is also low in important organs of the Communist Party: The Politburo, the Central Committee and the Secretariat Women account for only 18.3% of the Party leadership positions at the commune level, 14.2% at the district level and 11.3% at the provincial level Gender imbalances also appear in the private sector Although many women have paid jobs, only few are in managerial positions In the enterprise survey in 2015, only 22% of businesses said they had female leaders (compared with an average of 27% in East Asia and Pacific countries)
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December 31, 2014, a total of 4,480,707 members of the party comrades1 The percentage of Party members is increasing, while the percentage of female party members is low As we know, women make up half of the population Thus, women may account for 50% of decision-making positions, but female members are still low, so they will have no advantage in making decisions to ensure that benefit both men and women to develop the country Women consistently make up a low proportion of the state's elements:
In 2012 the proportion of female members in the country reached 32%2, the proportion of female deputies to the National Assembly for 2011-2016 XIII is 24.44%, and only 18 members out of 200 members - 9% of the XI Central Committee 3 Percentage of female deputies to the National Assembly to the XIV National Assembly for the 2016 - 2021 period was 26.8%, but still lower than the 30%, but increased 2.4% in the XIII4 course and There are 20/200 Communist Party Central Committee reached 10%
Men have more opportunities to become leaders in party organization than women People still have the concept of better men, better-off, unobstructed family work So, men will have more advantages while having many good and strongminded women
In fact many women now have the capacity and qualifications, men also confirm that capacity and qualifications However, because of the perception that women leaders are not as productive as men, the percentage of women with high positions is still limited
Tỷ lệ phụ nữ tham gia hội đồng nhân dân các cấp
(Nguồn: Ủy ban quốc gia vì sự tiến bộ của phụ nữ Việt Nam, 2004)
Nhiệm kỳ 1999-2004 Nhiệm kỳ 2004-2011 Chức
Cấp tỉnh
Cấp huyện
Cấp tỉnh Cấp huyện
Trang 12Women are still suffering from heavy prejudices such as: women’s thinking
is limited compared to men’s thinking; women have to spend more time with their families so they are less likely to be involved in politics, women's self-deprecating psychology limits their ability development and strength… As long as such prejudices are not dismissed, the conditions for political participation of women remain limited President Ho Chi Minh taught that “Liberate women is the biggest, most important revolution” Only full liberation of women is the gender gap in the field of politics is overcome
4 Gender inequality in the family
Today, the role and position of women in society in general and the family in particular have been raised a lot However, in terms of the current state of gender issues still have urgent matter in the family as: women are still required to do housework; there is still the thought of male descent during childbirth, caring for children, family planning; domestic violence still exists and occurs in some places;
Men prevail in the control of land and other valuable assets, and most of the certificate of land use right granted to the male head of household This situation can cause women to lose their rights in case of divorce or inheritance Men often make decisions about household business investment and the use of income Restrictions on property ownership reduce the access of women to credit and investment opportunities
According to a survey by the Institute for Family and Gender Studies, in which wife unfaithful could beat their wives, 50.5% of women agreed, while only 24.2% of men agreed Or at the question of whether husbands can beat their wives when their wives do not know how to treat their husbands, 12% of women agree, while only 7% of men agree Up to 64% of people agree with the idea of having a son reserne In a 2010 study, 34% of married women reported experiencing physical
or sexual violence several times during their lifetime, and 9% subjected to violence for the past 12 months 5% of pregnant women were subjected to physical violence during pregnancy The rate of physical violence is higher among young women and