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TIỂU LUẬN Bất bình đẳng giới ở Việt Nam

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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGÂN HÀNG THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA KINH TẾ QUỐC TẾ TIỂU LUẬN MÔN : KINH TẾ PHÁT TRIỂN Đề tài : Bất bình đẳng giới Việt Nam GVHD: ThS Trần Mạnh Kiên Họ tên: Hoàng Vân Anh Lớp học phần: MES305_163_D03 MSSV: 030631151410 Hồ Chí Minh, 8/2017 / 21 Hồng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 PREFACE President Ho Chi Minh said: “Every citizen is equal before the law Women have equal rights with men in terms of politics, economics, culture, society and the family” Gender equality is a global issue and is especially important for developing countries, making it a challenge for the development of each country, region, ethnic group and locality Vietnam is a country with a high population, the population structure is largely young In 2016 the population of Viet Nam is 93421835 people, the proportion of men/women is 100%, but this rate is not uniform in all age groups, especially notably the situation of male children more than female children, aged – years, have the highest gender difference rate of up to 111.6%, or 111.6 boys per 100 girls Today, there are not only gender differences, but the fact that gender inequality in different sectors of society is a real problem Throughout the Vietnamese courtesy, the women condition is not respected, they are oppressed, suffering and unhappy, especially under feudalism So, President Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the modern Vietnamese State, has called on people to eliminate prejudice and historical injustice against women, The Party and the State attach more importance to gender equality in the country's development But to this day, the abuse of women is still widespread, despite the fact that the Party, the State and the entire people are deeply concerned about the issue The Party and the state have many policies and solutions to address gender inequality issue As a result, I chose to study gender inequality issues in Vietnam, which is extremely important for a country on the rise and integration with the world, to find the cause, then come up with a solution, policy to be able to solve some part of inequality in today's society / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS  UNDP - United Nations Development Programme: Chương trình Phát triển Liên Hiệp Quốc  GDI – Gender – related Development Index: Chỉ số phát triển giới  GEM – Gender Empowerment Measurement: Chỉ số đo lường vị giới  GII – Gender Inequality Index: Chỉ số bất bình đẳng giới  OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Tổ chức Hợp tác Phát triển Kinh tế  SRB – Sex ratio at birth: Tỷ số giới tính sinh  TSGTKS: Sex ratio at birth (Tỷ số giới tính sinh)  Oxfam: An international coalition of 20 organizations working together in more than 90 countries and working with partners and alliances around the world to find sustainable solutions to poverty and injustice (một liên minh quốc tế gồm 20 tổ chức phối hợp hoạt động 90 quốc gia làm việc với đối tác liên minh khác khắp giới để tìm giải pháp bền vững cho nghèo đói bất cơng)  ACTU – Australian Council Trade Union: Hội đồng Công đoàn Thương mại Úc / 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF GENDER INEQUALITY Some concepts The measurement of gender inequality .5 2.1 Gender – related Development Index (GDI) 2.2 Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM) 2.3 Gender Inequality Index (GII) Chapter 2: GENDER INEQUALITY SITUATION IN VIETNAM IN RECENT YEARS Sex ratio at birth (SRB) Gender inequality in education Gender inequality in political - social participation 10 Gender inequality in the family 12 Inequality in labor and employment 13 Inequality in income 16 Chapter 3: CAUSE OF GENDER INEQUALITY 18 Chapter 4: SOLUTIONS TO OVERCOME GENDER INEQUALITY 19 / 21 Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF GENDER INEQUALITY Some concepts Gender is the social relationship between men and women and how the relationship is built up in society Gender reflects the difference between men and women in terms of social aspects These differences are formed in the learning process, they are diverse and can change over time, changing from one country to another, from one culture to another in the specific context of a society due to social, historical, religious and economic factors According to Article 5, Paragraph of the Gender Equality Law of 2006, "Gender equality means that men and women have equal positions, roles and are given opportunities and opportunities to develop their capacities for the development of communities, the family, and come in for equally about the outcome of that development So what is gender inequality? Gender inequality is the inequality between men and women in their access to and use of resources, the enjoyment of social achievements The measurement of gender inequality 2.1 Gender – related Development Index (GDI) GDI is aggregate data reflecting the state of gender equality, calculated on the basis of average life expectancy, education level and per capita income of men and women (Article 5, Paragraph of the Law on Gender Equality) Gender – related Development Index (GDI) as close to 1, the more equal, and as close to zero, the more unequal In 1995, Vietnam had GDI = 0.537 ranked 74/130 nations; in 1999, Việt Nam had GDI = 0.662 ranked 91/174 nations, in there the nations with the highest GDI are Canada (GDI = 0.928); in 2005 GDI of Vietnam is 0.702 ranked 83/140 nations 2.2 Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM) This indicator was introduced in 1995 Human Development Report along with the GDI Gender Empowerment Measurement is a mixed indicator measuring gender inequality in three main areas is participation and political decision making, economic participation and decision making, and the power used by women for economic resources Gender Empowerment Measurement consider how women and men can actively participate in the political economy and decision - making If GDI is focused on expanding capabilities, GEM is interested in using those capabilities to benefit their opportunities in social life 2.3 Gender Inequality Index (GII) GII measures three essential aspects for women including reproductive health, empowerment, and participation in the labor market GII measures the shortage in these three dimensions due to gender inequality The higher the GII (the / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 closer to value 1), the greater the inequality According to the Human Development Report 2010, the index of gender inequality in the OECD countries is quite low (index values above 0.3), while the inequality index is quite high in South Asian, African and Arab countries (UNDP, 2010, p.160) Thứ bậc Chỉ tiêu Chỉ số Khu vực Thế giới 0.617 7/11 117/187 Năm 1995 0.537 7/10 72/130 Năm 2009 0.73 5/8 94/182 0.554 2/7 62/138 Năm 2008 0.53 3/8 58/138 Năm 2012 0.299 3/9 48/131 HDI (2012) GDI GEM 2007 GII (Nguồn: UNDP - Thứ bậc xét nước vùng lãnh thổ có số liệu so sánh) Chapter 2: GENDER INEQUALITY SITUATION IN VIETNAM IN RECENT YEARS Sex ratio at birth (SRB) SRB is measured by the number of infant boys per hundred births of girls born This rate is considered normal when 105 to 108 boys are born versus 100 girls, because boys' mortality is usually slightly higher than that of girls, so when it comes to adulthood, the number of males and females equals one another On the contrary, when the SRB is too high or low, it leads to the imbalance of the population at age of marriage, birth and can cause many unexpected social problems If that rate is high, it will cause serious inequality, trafficking of women, early marriage, The sex ratio at birth can be considered as one of the indicators for measuring the status of women in aspect of gender inequality, the higher the rate, the more clearly this is the consequence of son preference over daughters and sex selective abortion Any significant change in the rate of disparity from the normal biological level reflects intentional interventions at varying degrees to the imbalance of nature Vietnam has a high sex ratio at birth, with 114 boys born to over 100 girls: / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Tỷ lệ giới tính trẻ sơ sinh: trẻ sơ sinh nam tính 100 trẻ sơ sinh nữ (Nguồn: Phân tích cán NHTG từ nguồn liệu khác nhau) Son preference exists in many parts of the world, especially in Asia and Eastern Europe In Vietnam, the problem of evaluating men is higher than women leading to high SRB ratios, as shown in the table: Năm 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TSGTKS 110,5 112,2 111,9 112,3 113,8 112,2 112,8 (Nguồn: www.gso.gov.vn ) Vietnam's sex ratio at birth is clearly abnormal and much higher than its Southeast Asian neighbors such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, where the SRB is close to 105 (UNFPA, 2012) Vietnam is quite similar to some countries like India However, the SRB in Vietnam is much lower than the highest SRB observed in Azerbaijan and China SRB in some nations, 2008-2014: / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 (Nguồn: UNFPA, 2012: Số liệu ước tính quốc gia Trung Quốc, Hàn Quốc Hồng Kông (2013), Đài Loan (2012), Ấn Độ (2010-2012), Đông Âu (20082012)) The imbalanced sex ratio at birth in Viet Nam occurs in both urban and rural areas: Nông thôn Thành thị 2011 111.1 114.2 2012 110.4 116.8 2013 115.5 110.3 2014 113.1 110.1 (Nguồn: Tổng cục thống kê) The direct cause of gender imbalance at birth is the use of modern sex selection services to intervene and diagnose Imbalance in sex at birth, if not resolved promptly, would cause serious consequences for the country, including increased violence against women, prostitution and trafficking women, … Gender inequality in education Gender equality in education increases the quality of the average human resource of society But not only inequalities in social relationships, women and girls are treated unfairly even in education: / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Nam Nữ Thành thị Nông thôn 2011 96.5 92.2 97.3 92.7 2012 96.6 92.9 97.5 93.3 2013 96.6 93.1 97.6 93.4 Sơ 2014 96.4 93.0 97.5 93.3 Tỷ lệ dân số từ 15 tuổi trở lên biết chữ (Nguồn: Tổng cục thống kê) Gender equality has been guaranteed globally in 2014 for primary, secondary and high school education, although only 63%, 46%, and 23% of countries achieve gender parity at their respective levels Access to education of girls and women of ethnic minorities in remote areas is more difficult and more entangle than boys and men, because women living in poor families and ethnic minorities are less likely to go to school, they often have to start working at an early age, while boys are more likely to go to school Compared to boys, girls are not allowed to go to school or suffer a threefold burden: both work at home, study at school, and help the family business without pay The economic burden placed on women's shoulders at an early age because of the large amount of time spent on family work, the time spent on learning has to be reduced / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Women are less educated and educated than men, so they are losing potential for access to knowledge to contribute to development goals The higher the level of education, the greater the level of gender inequality Tỷ lệ nam nữ giữ chức danh, học vị khoa học năm 2006 (Nguồn: Bộ giáo dục đào tạo năm 2006) It can be said that gender equality in education is of great importance to the development of the country So there is an educator wrote: Educating a man, having a family, educating a woman, having a generation The centennial benefit of growing people is derived from gender equality in education Gender inequality in political - social participation Civil servants have a high proportion of women, but the presence of women in leadership positions is low and tends to be lower A study by the World Bank at commune health stations and district hospitals found that women accounted for 39% of doctors, but only accounted 6% of hospital directors In the past decade and a half, the proportion of women in Congress has fallen to 24.4% The heads of the Congressional Committees have fewer women Female representation is also low in important organs of the Communist Party: The Politburo, the Central Committee and the Secretariat Women account for only 18.3% of the Party leadership positions at the commune level, 14.2% at the district level and 11.3% at the provincial level Gender imbalances also appear in the private sector Although many women have paid jobs, only few are in managerial positions In the enterprise survey in 2015, only 22% of businesses said they had female leaders (compared with an average of 27% in East Asia and Pacific countries) 10 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 December 31, 2014, a total of 4,480,707 members of the party comrades1 The percentage of Party members is increasing, while the percentage of female party members is low As we know, women make up half of the population Thus, women may account for 50% of decision-making positions, but female members are still low, so they will have no advantage in making decisions to ensure that benefit both men and women to develop the country Women consistently make up a low proportion of the state's elements: In 2012 the proportion of female members in the country reached 32%2, the proportion of female deputies to the National Assembly for 2011-2016 XIII is 24.44%, and only 18 members out of 200 members - 9% of the XI Central Committee Percentage of female deputies to the National Assembly to the XIV National Assembly for the 2016 - 2021 period was 26.8%, but still lower than the 30%, but increased 2.4% in the XIII4 course and There are 20/200 Communist Party Central Committee reached 10% Men have more opportunities to become leaders in party organization than women People still have the concept of better men, better-off, unobstructed family work So, men will have more advantages while having many good and strongminded women In fact many women now have the capacity and qualifications, men also confirm that capacity and qualifications However, because of the perception that women leaders are not as productive as men, the percentage of women with high positions is still limited Các cấp Tỉnh/thành phố Khoá 1999-2004 Nữ Nam 22,33 76,67 Quận/huyện Xã/phường Khoá 2004-2011 Nữ Nam 23,8 76,2 20,12 79,88 23,2 76,8 16,56 83,44 20,1 79,9 Tỷ lệ phụ nữ tham gia hội đồng nhân dân cấp (Nguồn: Ủy ban quốc gia tiến phụ nữ Việt Nam, 2004) Nhiệm kỳ 1999-2004 Nhiệm kỳ 2004-2011 Chức Cấp Cấp Cấp Cấp Cấp Cấp huyện danh tỉnh huyện xã tỉnh xã Chủ tịch 1,64 5,46 3,46 1,56 3,92 4,09 Phó chủ tịch 8,19 11,42 5,57 26,56 19,64 10,61 Tỷ lệ nữ chủ tịch, phó chủ tịch hội đồng nhân dân cấp (%) Nhiệm kỳ 1999-2004 Nhiệm kỳ 2004-2011 Các cấp Nữ Nam Nữ Nam Nguồn: www.dangcongsan.vn Nguồn: www.vn.undp.org Nguồn: www.phunuonline.com.vn Nguồn: www.hoilhpn.org.vn 11 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Tỉnh/thành phố 6,4 93,6 8,61 91,39 Quận/huyện 4,9 95,1 6,40 93,60 Xã/phường 4,54 95,46 3,99 96,01 Tỷ lệ nữ cán UBND cấp chia theo giới tính (%) (Nguồn: Báo cáo tình hình bình đẳng giới quy hoạch, tuyển dụng, bổ nhiệm cán bộ, công chức, Bộ nội vụ) Despite the barriers to gender stereotyping, the State encourages and facilitates women's participation in socio-political activities and holds the important position of the Party to create gender equality in society, address social justice issues, help the country develop sustainably, stabilize politics and economic development Women are still suffering from heavy prejudices such as: women’s thinking is limited compared to men’s thinking; women have to spend more time with their families so they are less likely to be involved in politics, women's self-deprecating psychology limits their ability development and strength… As long as such prejudices are not dismissed, the conditions for political participation of women remain limited President Ho Chi Minh taught that “Liberate women is the biggest, most important revolution” Only full liberation of women is the gender gap in the field of politics is overcome Gender inequality in the family Today, the role and position of women in society in general and the family in particular have been raised a lot However, in terms of the current state of gender issues still have urgent matter in the family as: women are still required to housework; there is still the thought of male descent during childbirth, caring for children, family planning; domestic violence still exists and occurs in some places; … Men prevail in the control of land and other valuable assets, and most of the certificate of land use right granted to the male head of household This situation can cause women to lose their rights in case of divorce or inheritance Men often make decisions about household business investment and the use of income Restrictions on property ownership reduce the access of women to credit and investment opportunities According to a survey by the Institute for Family and Gender Studies, in which wife unfaithful could beat their wives, 50.5% of women agreed, while only 24.2% of men agreed Or at the question of whether husbands can beat their wives when their wives not know how to treat their husbands, 12% of women agree, while only 7% of men agree Up to 64% of people agree with the idea of having a son reserne In a 2010 study, 34% of married women reported experiencing physical or sexual violence several times during their lifetime, and 9% subjected to violence for the past 12 months 5% of pregnant women were subjected to physical violence during pregnancy The rate of physical violence is higher among young women and 12 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 low in education Sexual violence rates not differ much by age or education level5 The main cause of gender inequality in the family is the influence of patriarchal ideology along with the slow change of social consciousness, and almost men have not changed their pillar conception with Family, they themselves have set themselves great responsibility Women are still inferiority complex, always thinking of themselves as supportive role of husband According to research by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, GSO, Institute of Family and Gender, 21.2% of couples experience violence ranging from verbal insults, threats, forced sex when there is no need Every couples have a pair of violent incidents of any kind Therefore, in order to realize gender equality in the family, it is necessary to enhance propaganda and education on gender issues and gender equality in the family as stipulated in the guidelines and policies of the Party, laws of the State Besides, creating favorable conditions for every woman to self - consciousness and self-liberation; continuously try to learn to improve knowledge to assert their role, place in the family and in society Promote gender science education in the school system (especially upper secondary schools), to help young people become aware of basic and systematic gender issues and gender equality; help them to be aware of the responsibility for building the family later Inequality in labor and employment In Viet Nam, as in developing countries, women remain the main constituent of poorer, lower-income workers who are more likely to be victims of underemployment or unemployment, and There are more precarious employment conditions than men Vietnamese women are mainly employed in low-income occupations or vulnerable jobs Women also make up the bulk of the unpaid family work group, and in the “invisible” area of the informal economy they work as housekeepers, home workers, street vendors and work in the entertainment industry Women's incomes are still lower than men's, although their education is comparable, as women tend to have lower positions than men With the same commonality, women have the opportunity to work 9% lower than men Of the wage earners, ethnic minorities received 7% lower while female workers had a lower income of 13%, although the rate has declined sharply in recent years6 In addition, women engage in informal work and are more vulnerable than men Highly traumatic jobs (self-employed and unpaid family workers) are primarily women-based jobs Im lặng chết: Kết Nghiên cứu cấp nhà nước bạo lực gia đình nữ giới Việt Nam, Tổng cục Thống kê (2010) Demombynes testaverde (2016) 13 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 According to research by Nguyen Duy Loi et al (2014)7, albeit in large numbers 8, female workers are mainly lack of skills and lack of training, working in labor-intensive industries such as footwear and apparel (78.5%), food processing and production (66.8%), ceramics and glassware (59.2%); 24.5% of women are paid compared to 35.4% of male wage earners In the formal employment sector, equal employment opportunities for men and women are equal However, in the informal economy and household economy, women often not have equal employment opportunities In the informal employment sector, the opportunity for women to obtain paid employment is 64% lower than that of men The lowest chance for women to get a paid job is 12.4%, while the figure for men is 34.7%9 About 60% of female workers and 48.9% of male workers work more than four hours a day (60 hours per week in practice versus 40 hours per week in law); about 23% of workers, especially women, work in hazardous environments For specific industries, among the most common occupations for men and women, Men are higher than women in the construction industry, service workers and workers in general, while Women have higher rates than men in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, education and training: Although women make significant contributions to agricultural, rural and food production, these contributions are often not assessed at all For example, women's groups play a key role in buying materials and selling products but are generally not recognized as economic actors either at household level or in value chains Of the job vacancies with gender elements, 70% require only men, while only 30% expect female applicants to apply: Nguyễn Duy Lợi cộng 2014, Việc làm, thu nhập bảo trợ xã hội cho lao động nữ khu vực phi thức Việt Nam, Tài liệu nghiên cứu EADN số 84 Hiện nay, 47,4% lực lượng lao động Việt Nam làm ngành nông nghiệp, 30% làm dịch vụ 21,1% làm ngành cơng nghiệp (Phân tích Bối cảnh Chung, 2015) Theo TCTK (2011), Việt Nam có dân số khoảng 87,84 triệu người, với 50,54% nữ Lực lượng lao động từ 15 tuổi trở lên có khoảng 51,4 triệu người, với 24,93 triệu (48,5%) nữ Tỉ lệ lao động nữ khơng có hợp đồng cao nhiều so với nam (24.4% so với 16%), Nguyễn Trần Lâm Sita Sumrit 2015, Bất bình đẳng: Một Phân Tích Nghiên Cứu Chính Sách 14 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 By the level of management from low to high: Monitoring - Assistant Manager - Head of Division - Director, sex discrimination trends becoming more pronounced: Quảng cáo việc làm có yêu cầu giới theo vị trí The proportion of trained labor has increased over the years, but the proportion of trained men labor is always higher than that of women: 15 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Nguồn: Tổng cục Thống kê Thus, in order to expand opportunities, ensure a fair environment, improve access to and exercise the employment rights of women and men, clearly macroeconomic measures should be taken into account in terms of economic restructuring and labor restructuring, reduce the proportion of agricultural workers, and the extension of off - farm employment opportunities; developing commodity economy, enhancing the application of science and technology to production; develop the labor market, narrow the informal sector; improve the quality of human resources; improve labor productivity and improve the capacity of international economic integration and regional economy; … On the other hand, the challenges that women are facing greater than men in terms of employment, low proficiency, low-income jobs, vulnerable employment, … Therefore, in addition to macro interventions, specific measures should be taken to give priority to women in education, vocational training, training and re-training, access to employment opportunities, improved working conditions job At the same time strengthen the social security system, social welfare, social services in the informal sector and agricultural production to support workers in general and women in particular Inequality in income In fact, Vietnam is one of the countries with the highest percentage of women laborers in Southeast Asia But many studies show that women have lower income than men According to research by Nguyen Duy Loi et al (2014)10, the average male labor income is 33% higher than that of female colleagues in all occupations The smallest income gap between men and women in the public sector, at 7%, while large in the informal sector (as well as in domestic enterprises), is up to 30% But the biggest difference (43%) is in agriculture and foreign companies The gap is even greater when calculating unpaid workers with a high number of women While the wage gap in the official employment sector has narrowed and now stands at 12% across the country, estimates show that women in the informal economy only earn 50% of men's income 10 Nguyễn Duy Lợi cộng 2014, Việc làm, thu nhập bảo trợ xã hội cho lao động nữ khu vực phi thức Việt Nam, Tài liệu nghiên cứu EADN số 84 16 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 (Nguồn: Corak 2013; NHTG 2013; Nguyễn Việt Cường 2016) Ged Kearney, ACTU president, says women have suffered from the consequences of gender inequality from an early age “At every stage of life, women always have less income than men This is really startling as it is already 2016”, Kearney shared “We found that girls' pocket money was typically 11% lower than boys It is evident that women face gender inequality at an early age I was also surprised to learn that the lifetime earnings of women with bachelor degrees are usually less than men's with a diploma equivalent to $ 1.5 million” The ACTU study also points out that the consequences of gender inequality in income are evident when women retire 60% of women between the ages of 65 and 69 not have pensions, and 40% of single women will probably have to retire in poverty “This is an indictment for today's society Women's income at the moment means that women are almost unable to save money for retirement life like men We must look directly at this fact There will be many women living in needy retirement if we not gradually solve the problem of gender inequality in income” Gender inequality in income can negatively affect everyone, not just women This situation reduces competition in the workplace, putting pressure on men to secure family income, the income of women is not equal to the work they spend, causing disadvantage for women, … Economic development, therefore, must be coupled with the reduction of inequalities, need a comprehensive look, income inequality must be set in relation to economic growth, it is important to ensure that the economy grows fast and sustainably along with the equitable distribution of income 17 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 Chapter 3: CAUSE OF GENDER INEQUALITY The conception and behavior of society The gender prejudice is still popular in society The status of harmful cultural products is not well controlled, domestic violence, trafficking, harm human dignity, sexual and health-related trafficking of women and children is still a major issue Although the Government has a strong commitment to the implementation of gender equality, expressed by the introduction of legal regulations, the participation in international conventions, the establishment of a network of Committees for advancement Women in all ministries, branches and provinces and centrally-run cities and support for women's mass organizations, but the conception and behavior of society is still significantly influenced by patriarchy Patriarchal society still plays a key role in family relationships, especially in rural areas Generally, most women play a minor role in the family during their lifetime The attitude of society requires that women play a “proper” role in the family, making it difficult to deal with complex issues such as violence against women, divorce, and the needs of single moms Although women are often more disadvantaged than men due to norms and gender stereotypes, this does not mean that men not suffer and influence In fact, men's attitudes, behaviors and roles in the household, in the community and in society, as well as in their career and physical and mental state, all are influenced by gender norms and stereotypes Changing the conception and behavior of society is a long and complex process, but it is a fundamental process to create and maintain a change of attitudes of individuals, organisation and in the whole community Gender development policies can still produce gender-differentiated outcomes, regional policies with social norms that may lead to unequal access to resources between men and women The current institutional capacity restriction on gender mainstreaming in activities is due to lack of resources, institutional procedures, standards and organizational culture Gender issues have not been systematically considered in the planning and administrative reform process as well as in the reporting and performance indicators of the units Statistical data that separate males and females are rarely collected, analyzed and used to improve performance Capacity for gender equality activities of the units is limited to some members who have been trained in gender analysis and integration skills Therefore, many opportunities to integrate gender into the annual, five and ten year plans as well as in the administrative reform process have been missed There is a considerable gap in the perceptions, knowledge and skills of dealing with gender issues of individuals Due to gender characteristics, there are more areas of male labor than female workers such as heavy industry, mining, construction, and vice versa, the areas of female labor are more numerous than men such as agriculture, weaving, processing food This means that in the paid work sector, women's contributions are not too 18 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 different from men Women's jobs are generally poorly paid compared to men's intellectually strategic jobs At work, women are less competitive than men in health, reproductive functions regenerate labor Many employers not want to recruit women for fear of social policy and productivity decline Chapter 4: SOLUTIONS TO OVERCOME GENDER INEQUALITY Communications, international organizations and civil society address social and economic inequalities issues with policy makers and citizens, highlighting negative consequences such as the ability to move socially reduction, slow economic growth and the possibility of political instability The government should act to narrow the gender gap: collect and provide more specific statistics, gender distribution, distribution of men and women in different economic sectors, their occupation and position as well as their respective income both in the public and private sectors; provides information on training activities for judges, inspectors and staff in the sector, as well as measures to raise awareness among social partners The government needs to intervene, supporting the private sector to make changes For their part, businesses need to rethink governance culture, allocate staff, and create equal opportunities for both, thereby better utilizing talent Promote gender science in the school system (especially upper secondary schools) so that youth and young people are aware of basic and systematic gender issues and gender equality, to help them to be aware of the responsibility for building the family later Create favorable conditions for every woman to become aware and self-striving, to liberate oneself; Continuously try to learn to improve knowledge to assert their role, position in the family and in society To formulate, amend and supplement regimes and policies for women laborers to suit their professions and target groups, create jobs, increase incomes, improve their living conditions, Protect legitimate rights and interests of women workers Improve people's intellectual level, strengthen family role and gender equality Continue to improve the legal system of gender equality Resolutely strive to eliminate acts of domestic violence Family is the cell of society, each member of the family is equal, respect each other, the society will be fair and civilized To stipulate the ratio of men and women or to ensure the proportion of women who are eligible to participate and enjoy; training to improve the capacity of women or men; support to facilitate, opportunities for women or men; Women are entitled to choose in the case of women who meet the same criteria and criteria as men; to ensure the appropriate proportion of female deputies to the National Assembly and People's Council deputies in line with the national targets on gender equality; to ensure the appropriate rate of women in appointing positions in state agencies in 19 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 line with the national objective of gender equality,… set out in Decree No 48/2009/ND-CP dated May 19, 2009 of the Government providing for gender equality measures to ensure gender equity in the event of a major disparity between Men and women in terms of positions, roles, conditions, opportunities to promote their abilities and enjoy the fruits of development To build and consolidate the Vietnam Women's Union with real strength and full play a key role in the mobilization of women Strengthening the training, fostering, capacity building, qualifications, political qualities, public advocacy methods for staff at all levels To establish and develop the Vietnam Women's Institute in order to meet the requirements of scientific research on women's work and the training and fostering of cadres and women cadres in the period of accelerated industrialization and modernization 20 / 21 Hoàng Vân Anh, lớp MES305_163_D03 REFERENCES 1/ Bất bình đẳng giới, 25/4/2016 https://prezi.com/pxji_meb3a5f/bat-binh-ang-gioi/ 2/ Giới phát triển, 15/09/2010 http://www.hoilhpn.org.vn/NewsDetail.asp?Catid=112&NewsId=14554&lang=VN 3/ Vũ Thị Thanh, Bình đẳng giới Việt Nam qua số báo cáo phát triển người, Nghiên cứu Con người số (80) 2015 4/ Báo cáo Đánh giá quốc gia Việt Nam 2016, World Bank Group http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/199441476437862446/pdf/108348VIETNAMESE-PUBLIC-VietnamSCDfinalVNOct.pdf 5/ Tỷ số giới tính sinh Việt Nam: Những chứng từ Cuộc điều tra dân số nhà kỳ năm 2014 (Tài liệu tiến sỹ Christophe Guilmoto, chuyên gia nghiên cứu SRB xây dựng nhằm chia sẻ phát từ phân tích SRB dựa liệu IPS 2014) http://ctxh.hcmussh.edu.vn/Resources/Docs/SubDomain/ctxh/SRB%20Booklet_VI E.pdf 6/ Trần Hồng Cơ, Bình đẳng giới lĩnh vực trị, 20/05/2016, Báo Nghệ An 7/ Tổ chức Lao động Quốc tế (ILO), Bình đẳng phân biệt đối xử 8/ TS Thái Phúc Thành, Bình đẳng giới nâng cao chất lượng việc làm cho nam nữ, Tạp chí Lao động & Xã hội, 10/8/2017 9/ Oxfam, Báo cáo Nghiên cứu sách: Thu hẹp khoảng cách, giảm bất bình đẳng Việt Nam, 12/1/2017 https://vietnam.oxfam.org/sites/vietnam.oxfam.org/files/file_attachments/Vietnam% 20Inequality%20Report_VIE.pdf 10/ ILO Việt Nam & Navigos Search, Bình đẳng giới thực tiễn tuyển dụng thăng tiến Việt Nam, 3/2015 11/ Hội Đồng Thương Nghiệp Úc (ACTU), Phụ nữ phải chịu bất bình đẳng thu nhập giai đoạn đời, 9/3/2016 http://origin.m.radioaustralia.net.au/vietnamese/2016-03-08/ph%E1%BB%A5n%E1%BB%AF-ph%E1%BA%A3i-ch%E1%BB%8Bu-b%E1%BA%A5tb%C3%ACnh-%C4%91%E1%BA%B3ng-thu-nh%E1%BA%ADp-%E1%BB%9Fm%E1%BB%8Di-giai-%C4%91o%E1%BA%A1n-trong-cu%E1%BB%99c%C4%91%E1%BB%9Di/1556346 21 / 21

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2019, 12:51

Xem thêm:


Mục lục


    2. The measurement of gender inequality

    2.1. Gender – related Development Index (GDI)

    2.2. Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM)

    2.3. Gender Inequality Index (GII)


    1. Sex ratio at birth (SRB)

    2. Gender inequality in education

    3. Gender inequality in political - social participation

    4. Gender inequality in the family


