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  • Chapter 1

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1 INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing dissertation topic Human resource is a decisive factor for the development of each country The level of development of human resources is a measure of national development Therefore, all countries in the world attach great importance to developing human resources In the twentieth century, there are poor countries in natural resources, but due to the promotion of human resources, they have achieved socioeconomic development achievements and have completed industrialization and modernization in just a few three decades For Vietnam, we are in the process of accelerating the industrialization and modernization of the country in association with the development of knowledge economy and international economic integration in order to soon bring our country to become an industrial country towards modernization To achieve that goal, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State have proposed many solutions, in which human resource development is defined as a decisive factor in the current context The 11th National Congress defines rapid development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, which is one of three strategic breakthroughs to build and protect the Fatherland in the new context The XII Congress also pointed out in the direction of the 5-year socio-economic development tasks 2016-2020: "To synchronously implement mechanisms, policies and solutions to develop human resources, especially high quality human resources meets the requirements of socio-economic development ” Born from the first days of revolution, Vietnamese Public Security forces have made worthy contributions and have continued to affirm their important role in the process of national protection, construction Public Security in general, the Public Security press was also born very early, from the first publication date of the new Public Security (1-11-1946), precursor of the Public Security Newspaper today During the construction and growth of the past 73 years, the Public Security press has always affirmed that the speech body and the sharp weapon of the Vietnam's Public Security forces on the ideological front Human resources of the Public Security press from the early days were the police officers who concurrently did propaganda; The team has not been properly trained in law, professional and communication skills Through the development process, the workforce in the press agencies of the Public Security has continuously increased in quantity, quality; structure has been increasingly developed, diverse and gradually improved However, the human resources of the Public Security press have many limitations in terms of quantity, quality and structure The number of human resources, especially high-quality human resources, has not met the demand; the actual level of a part of cadres and employees has not caught up with the task in the new situation; human resource structure has many shortcomings The situation poses many problems that need to be solved about human resource development in the Public Security press agencies In other words, in the construction of the Public Security force, the Public Security press agencies need to solve the problems so that cadres, soldiers and workers are trained and fostered and standardizes, cultivates professional ethics, improves professional, legal, scientific and technical qualifications, deserves to be a soldier of the Public Security force on the ideological - culture front and as a bridge between the police force and the people; actively contribute to nation and society security, prevention of crimes and social evils Therefore, the research to find solutions for human resource development of the Public Security to respond to the new situation is extremely urgent For that reason, the author has chosen the issue of "Human resource development of the Vietnam’s Public Security press" as the dissertation in Political Economics Research purpose and tasks * Research purpose Explaination of the theoretical and practice basis of human resource development of the Public Security press; On that basis, proposing views and solutions to develop the human resources of the Public Security press in the coming time 3 * Research tasks - Overview of domestic and foreign research projects related to the dissertation topic, and pointing out the scientific gaps that the dissertation needs to focus on - Analyzing the theoretical basis for developing human resources of the Public Security press: commenting on the concept, content, factors affecting the development of human resources of the Public Security press; surveying experience of press human resource development of a number of domestic press agencies; drawing lessons for human resource development in the Public Security press agencies - Analyzing and assessing the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press: clarifying achievements, limitations and causes and contradictions that need to be solved in the human resources development of the Public Security press last time - Proposing views and solutions to develop human resources of the Public Security press in the coming time The subject and scope of research * Research subject: human resource development of the press * Scope of research: The scope of content: Studying of human resources development of the Public Security press on three contents: the increase in quantity, the improvement in quality and perfection of rational structure In particular, only research people who work in journalism The scope of space: The project focuses on research and development of human resources in the press agencies of the Public Security Specifically: Researching human resources in agencies, newspapers and magazines of the Public Security forces have published all over the country and professional reasoning journals, internal scientific research of academies in the Public Security force; internal magazines directly under the General Department, or schools of the Academy of the Ministry of Public Security, due to the unprofessional nature of the press and the new organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security 2018 no longer maintains the magazine organization model, it is not covered by the dissertation 4 The scope of time: Time for surveying and collecting data and data from 2012 to 2018 Theorical, practical basis and research methods * Theoretical basis: The dissertation is studied based on the theory of Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the Communist Party's view of human resources and human resource development in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization and international integration * Practical basis: The dissertation is based on a survey of human resource development experiences in a number of domestic press agencies, based on the published data and documents in research projects, reports of the Government and Ministries * Research methods: General method: To implement the topic, the author uses the general methodology of materialist dialectics, studying the human resource development of the press agencies of the Public Security in close relationship with the development of the press in particular and the development of human resources in Vietnam in general Methods of scientific abstraction: mainly used in chapter to form the theoretical framework of the dissertation Methods of analysis and synthesis: Used in all chapters of the dissertation, but mainly used in chapter to make comments and assess the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press in the past time; specify achievements and limitations Logical and historical methods: Mainly used in chapter to find out the cause of the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press, especially pointing out the contradictions in the process of human resource development of he Public Security press Statistical and comparison methods: This method is mainly used in chapter of the dissertation Expert method: used by the author in all chapters of the dissertation, mainly focused in chapter 3.4 5 New contributions of the dissertation Clarifying the concepts, content and factors affecting the human resources development of the Public Security press under the perspective of political economy science Outlining the issues that need to be solved from studying the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press Proposing views and solutions of human resources development of the Public Security press in the coming time Theoretical, practical significances of the dissertation * Theoretical significance: Contributing to clarifying theoretical and practical issues about human resources of the Public Security forces * Practical significance: Research results of the dissertation can be used as reference for managers related to the field of human resource development of the Public Security press The dissertation can make reference in scientific research, teaching and learning issues related to human resource development in general and human resource development of the Public Security press in particular and universities in Vietnam today Structure of the dissertaion The dissertation includes introduction, four chapters (10 periods), conclusions, list of scientific works of the author related to the dissertation, list of references and appendices Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ISSUES RELATED TO DISSERTATION Through studying the related works of the domestic and foreign authors have focused on research many different aspects of human resources in general and press human resources in particular The above works and articles are important documents that can be selected, referenced and created basis, conditions as well as pointing out the research directions for the author to continue to inherit and research the topic The contents of the studies can be divided into the following major issues: Firstly, a number of research projects in Vietnam and foreign countries have mentioned common issues of human resources and the role of human resources for socio-economic development Many authors have discussed the concept of human resources and human resource development, according to different approaches For example, Theodore Schultz with the project "Investment in Human Capital" introduced the concept of "human capital"; Kelly DJ with the book "Dual Perceptions of HRD: Issues for Policy: SME's, Other Constituencies, and Contested Definitions of Human Resource Development" said that human resource development is a category within the overall process of human development Discussing the role of human resources for socio-economic development, the authors affirmed that: human resources are a particularly important factor and considered and evaluated in a overall way , in a long time, it will play a decisive role in socio-economic development in general and in each economic sector For example, Edward F Denson with his book "Trends in American Economic Growth 1929-1982" in which he proved that the growth of the US economy for more than 50 years depends in part on human resources; Dang Ba Lam and Tran Khanh Duc with the project "Developing priority technology human resources in our country during the period of industrialization and modernization" have confirmed the important role of human resources for with industrialization and modernization of the country Secondly, some works have been interpreted and analyzed to clarify the specificity and role of human resources in some economic sectors Typically: Le Thi My Linh with the project "Developing human resources in small and medium enterprises in Vietnam in the process of economic integration"; Dinh Van Toan with the project "Human resource development of Vietnam Electricity Group until 2015"; Do Van Dang with the project "Developing high quality military human resources to meet the requirements of modernizing the Vietnam People's Army" the common point in these works shows that, in each other industry and field each other requires human resources with different characteristics and requirements In the direction of this research, the authors believe that, in the era of scientific and technological revolution, rapid change of technology and effective research and application of new technologies depend greatly on human resources The quality of human resources becomes the determining factor of the competitiveness of each business, industry and nation Thirdly, there are some scientists who are interested in researching human resources For example, overseas, author Kevin Williams works with "Teaching journalism in the UK”; Tapas Ray with the work "Critical tensions in Journalism Education: US parallels for India" (Critical tension in the viewpoint of journalism training: Comparison between the US and India) In Vietnam, the number of authors mentions the specificity as well as solutions to develop press human resources in the current context Typically, Nguyen Tien Long works with "Improving the effectiveness of training and retraining of cadres and civil servants of the Voice of Vietnam"; Nguyen Thanh Liem discusses about "Technical human resource of VTC Digital Television in the television digitization roadmap to 2020"; Kim Ngoc Anh (2013), "Development of Vietnamese radio and television human resources meets the requirements of the international integration process" In general, scientific research works on press human resources have somewhat argued to solve the concepts, roles and characteristics of press human resources in general Some works have analyzed and evaluated the situation and proposed solutions to develop human resources in a number of specific journalistic fields such as radio-television, radio stations, digital television stations However, the number of projects in Vietnam and foreign countries disscussing about press human resources is small, especially there has not been any work discussing the development of human resources of the Public Security press under political economy field An overview of the research related to the topic has helped graduate students become more aware of the role of human resources in socio-economic development, recognizing the need more than ever for human resource development The press force of the Public Security in the current context This is the scientific gap, the problems that the scientific works in foreign countries and in the country have not discussed yet for PhD students to choose as the research topic 1.3.2 The issues that dissertation to be solved From the generalization of the main results of published scientific works, the PhD student identifies the issues that need to be addressed in the dissertation: - Firstly, concept of the human resources and human resource development of the Public Security press are viewed from the perspective of political economy? What are the contents of human resources development of the Public Security press? What are the factors that affect the development of human resources of the Public Security press? The process of human resource development of the Public Security press should consult the experiences of the press agencies about human resource development? To answer these questions, the dissertation needs to: Building the concept and clarifying the contents of human resource development of the Public Security press; Analyzing and clarifying the factors affecting the process of human resource development of the Public Security press; Researching experience of human resource development in a number of typical press agencies in Vietnam to draw lessons for the development of human resources for the Public Security press - Secondly, what is the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press over the years? What are the achievements, limitations and causes of achievements and limitations? What are the conflicts that need to be addressed? - Thirdly, the human resources development of the Public Security press in the coming time should thoroughly grasp the views and implement which solutions Conclusion of Chapter Human resource development in general and human resource development of press sector in particular is a big topic, attracting the attention of scientists, managers and numerous public opinion There have been many scientific works at different levels of domestic and foreign authors mentioning and approaching under different perspectives on this issue Many works have mentioned general theoretical issues about human resources such as concepts, roles, impact factors A number of projects both in Vietnam and abroad have focused on analyzing the situation of human resource development in a number of countries and a number of typical press agencies in Vietnam and abroad, on that basis offering solutions to promote human resource development at the national level and each organization However, until now, no scientific work has been solved systematically and comprehensively under the perspective of political and economic science on human resource development of the People's Police Therefore, the dissertation topic is researched as well as the content of the issues that the dissertation mentioned, analyzed and interpreted as the continuation of the research works and partly gave a new approach The dissertation does not overlap with published scientific works The study of the topic "Human resource development of the Vietnam’s Public Security press" will definitely have a certain value both in theory and practice for policy planning and directing the practice of press activities of the leaders and valuable material for anyone interested in researching this field Through systematizing, analyzing, researching materials, research projects at home and abroad, PhD students have partly clarified the main research results of typical projects related to dissertation, determine the content that can be inherited selectively, as well as clarify the scientific gaps that the dissertation needs to focus on research Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VIETNAM’S PUBLIC SECURITY PRESS AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 General issues of human resources and human resources of the Public Security Press From the research on the press of the Public Security in general and the human resources of the Public Security press in particular, inheriting the conception of human resources and human 10 resources of the press, the author concepts: Human resources of the Public Security press is the sum of physical strength, mental strength and mental strength existing in the labor resources of the Public Security press agency with an appropriate structure which is mobilized and used for real purposes, functions and duties of the press to serve the information needs of the people on activities of national security protection and social order and safety, on political, cultural and social issues of our country Thus, the human resources of the Public Security press have all the constituent elements of human resources in general, including quantity, quality (physical, intellectual, mental power) and structure This human resource is mobilized and used to perform the functions and tasks of the Public Security press; that is to act according to the purpose of the Public Security press In addition to meeting the demand for information on all aspects of the people, the press human resources and the press also serve the information needs of the people on national security protection activities and social order and safety 2.2 Concepts, content and factors affecting the human resource development of the Public Security press * Concept of human resource development of the Public Security press The subject of human resource development in the Public Security press: The Party proposes policies and guidelines for the development of human resources in general, including human resources of the Public Security press Especially the Central Party Committee of the Public Security Ministry - an important subject in the process of human resource development of the Public Security press The State with the legal system, mechanisms and policies plays an important role in promoting or inhibiting the development of human resources in general, including the human resources of the Public Security press Different agencies in the Ministry of Public Security with different functions and tasks have more or less affected the development of human resources of the Public Security press In particular, among the subjects of human resource development of the 11 Public Security press, the editorial offices, the radio stations and the public network of the Public Security press have a decisive significance to this development Because this is the place where there is a need, direct training and retraining and also a place to test the quality of human resources in the press Participating in the development of human resources in the public security force also has a great role of the contingent of journalists in the Public Security press agencies Those are the officials and employees who are directly working in newspaper, radio and magazine editorial offices of the Public Security force The efforts of each staff and staff who directly decide on the press products and at the same time are an important criterion to assess the development of the quality of human resources of the Public Security press * Contents of human resource development of the Public Security press - Developing human resources of the Public Security press in sufficient quantity - Improving the quality of human resources of public security press - Improving the human resources of the Public Security press on the structure in a more and more reasonable manner * Factors affecting the process of human resource development of the Public Security press Impact on the process of human resource development of the Public Security press includes many factors, both internal and external factors Specifically: - External factors: Firstly, the quantity and quality of national human resources Secondly, the socio-economic development level of the country Thirdly, international integration Fourthly, mechanisms and policies for developing the country's human resources - Internal factors: Firstly, the orientation of the Public Security press development Secondly, planning of human resource development of the Public Security press Thirdly, developing human resources in the the Public Security press is under a direct impact of mechanisms and policies to attract, use and treat police journalists 12 Fourthly, the working environment conditions of the Public Security press agencies Fifthly, the effort of cultivating and training of journalists in the Public Security press agencies 2.3 Experience of press human resources development of a number of domestic press agencies and experience for human resource development of the Public Security press The author raises the experience of human resource development of a number of domestic press agencies Including: experience of human resource development of the People's Army press agency; human resource development experience of judicial agencies; Experience in developing press human resources of Vietnam Radio and Television stations Since then, the author draws lessons for the human resource development of the Public Security press - Firstly, correct awareness of the role of human resources in the fast and sustainable development of the Public Security press - Secondly, improve the system of mechanisms and policies to mobilize and attract human resources associated with training and rational use - Thirdly, human resource development is a proactive and regular activity of press agencies - Fourthly, to regularly focus on improving the overall quality of human resources of the Public Security press respond to the development of practice Conclusion chapter Human resources play an important role in the development of socio-economic organizations, especially for press agencies In order to clarify the theoretical issues of human resource development of the Public Security press, in chapter 2, author has analyzed and interpreted the human resources and human resources of the Public Security press ; Concepts, contents and factors affecting the human resources development of the Public Security press In particular, the study has built and completed the theoretical framework to be the basis for assessing the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press in Chapter and proposed views and solutions in Chapter 13 In order to contribute to improving the quality of the dissertation, the author has paid attention to the study of human resource development experience of a number of typical press agencies in the country From the experience of human resource development of a number of domestic press agencies, it is allowed to draw some valuable lessons for the human resource development of the Public Security press, which are: Correct awareness of the role of human resources for the fast and sustainable development of the Public Security press; complete the system of mechanisms and policies to mobilize and attract human resources associated with training and rational use; human resource development is a regular activity of press agencies; focus on building schools and human resource training centers in accordance with the development practices of the Public Security press With the inheritance and promotion of human resource development experience of typical press agencies in the country plus the self-learning, renovation of organization, personnel scale the Public Security press agencies will be increasingly developed, meeting well the requirements and tasks assigned in the new context and situation Chapter PRACTICAL SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VIETNAM’S PUBLIC SECURITY PRESS 3.1 Achievements and limitations of human resource development of the Public Security press * Achievements of human resources development of the Public Security Press - The number of human resources of the Public Security press is increasing - The quality of human resources in the Public Security press has gradually been raised to the same level with tasks: Firstly, the educational level of the reporters, editors, staff and technicians has continuously increased Secondly, the journalism skill of the staff has 14 gradually improved and met the practical requirements Thirdly, the level of awareness of cadres, employees, technicians, journalists and police officers continues to develop Fourthly, the physical and mental conditions for workers are focused, creating a good working environment - Human resource structure of the Public Security press has been developed more and more rationally: Firstly, human resources with an average age have been reduced and balanced in terms of gender structure Secondly, the structure of human resources according to staffing and training levels is more and more reasonable and balanced among departments * Limitations of human resource development of the Public Security press - The development of human resources has not kept pace with the development of the Public Security press - The quality of human resource development has not yet met the requirements of the rapid development of the Public Security press - The structure of human resources of the Public Security press is still unbalanced in some aspects, not reasonable compared to the development of mission requirements 3.2 Causes of achievements, limitations and issues raised from the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press * The cause of achievements in human resource development of the Public Security press - There is a deep concern of the Party Central Committee of the Public Security to develop human resources for the Public Security press - There is a deep integration in the domestic and foreign press network both in scale and mode of operation - The assessment, layout, use, planning and appointment of press personnel of the Public Security press have been gradually improved 15 - The interest in investment to expand the types of activities of the Public Security press * Limitations of the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press - There is a deep concern of the Party Central Committee of the Public Security to develop human resources for the Public Security press - There is a deep integration in the domestic and foreign press network both in scale and mode of operation - The assessment, using, planning and appointment of press personnel of the Public Security have been gradually improved - The interest in investment to expand the types of activities of the Public Security press * The issues raised from the situation of human resource development of the Public Security press - Resolving conflicts between the development of quantity, quality and structure in the process of human resource development of the Public Security press: When the human resources of the Public Security press need to increase comprehensively to meet the requirement to provide human resource to operate the old media (print newspapers to increase pages, to increase the publication period, to issue new publications) and to new types of media (internet, television), it will inevitably make the conflict between development in quantity, quality and structure of this force even more intense The first requirement is that the Public Security press agencies in recent years need to expand the scale, attract, train and foster to develop the number of human resources to meet the urgent requirements of the press agencies If we leave a shortage of staff, we will not have enough forces to implement these types of vehicles in parallel, causing a gap in staff response while the growth of journalism - communication is always hot However, the rapid increase in quantity if not strictly controlled, often leads to quality problems Developing human resources in terms of quantity and quality is not enough, but it must also be closely linked with reasonable restructuring Therefore, the objective requirement is to develop and effectively implement an overall strategy to resolve the 16 conflict between the development of quantity, quality and human resource structure in tthe Public Security press agencies - - Resolve the conflict between the requirement to strengthen the synergy of the Public Security press with the limited meeting ability the of the specialized labor market: To develop human resources of the Public Security press, the current supply of human resources is mainly through channels from outside the sector very few from the units in the Public Security force Each supply resource has certain positions and roles, so it is necessary to underestimate or absoluteize any supply that leads to certain mistakes in the development of human resources for the Public Security press However, no matter which resource it is, the school system will always play a particularly important role The high demand for quantity and quality of human resources in the press agencies of the Public Security meets the requirements of the new situation and is very difficult to meet in the limited capacity of the labor market Officials who have profestional skills are very few with talent and journalistic skills And vice versa, officers who are well-versed in journalism, who are well-trained in journalism, have not yet passed a professional school on law enforcement and schools of the Public Security In order to overcome this conflict, the question is to continue to innovate, build a school system in the police, supplement the training majors in communication - journalism, or link training of professionals to satisfactorily meet the requirements of strengthening the general strength of the Public Security press system In addition, synchronous measures must be taken to attract, manage and effectively use the other force to work in the police in a stable and long-term manner Implement effective contents and measures in fostering and training human resources right at the press units - Resolve the conflict between training, retraining, using press human resources with guaranteed conditions that have not been standardized The comprehensive development of human resources inthe Public Security press depends greatly on training scale and quality of the school system in the police force However, this new system is helping half of the training The big contradiction here is 17 the system of police schools that have never trained in journalism, while the police press human resources demanded to integrate both types of journalism and police Thus, training and retraining conditions have not been standardized Meanwhile, the majority of the Public Security force are outside the payroll, have many disadvantages in training and retraining (because they cannot learn the police profession if not yet the police), planning and promotion, appointed (only for payroll) Therefore, the press agencies of the Public Security need to expand the training mechanism of admission of the sector for officials in specific fields such as newspapers, then they can solve the conflict between training and using, retraining and using press human resources with these unqualified security conditions Conclusion of Chapter From 2012, the Public Security press agencies have been facilitated and have had certain guidelines and measures to develop human resources and have achieves some important achievements Human resources of the Public Security press have initially developed in quantity, structure and some typical qualities reflect the quality The press units of the Public Security achieved certain results in the construction of initial sources, training, retraining and implementation of a number of mechanisms and policies for development However, this work still reveals some shortcomings and limitations Those are problems in building resources, training, fostering and using human resources in the Public Security press have not kept up with the requirements to develop this force in the new situation Along with that, there is a conflict between training, retraining, and use of press human resources with unqualified security conditions The system of training and retraining the human resources of the police has not yet been substantially renewed The mechanisms and policies that are lacking and not synchronized, have not really created a breakthrough There are many reasons for this limitation, but the most important is the lack 18 of an overall strategy to develop, along with the training, retraining and use of human resources are not really effective Therefore, at present and in the following years, we must resolve the fundamental contradictions for the human resources of the Public Security press to comprehensively develop to meet the task requirements on the cultural - ideological front in the new situation, especially in the context of organizing new apparatus of the Ministry of Public Security in August, 2016 in the direction of streamlining, effective with the motto "Ministry is streamlined, province is strong, district is comprehensive, commune sticking to the base" Chapter VIEWPOINTS, SOLUTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VIETNAM’S PUBLIC SECURITY PRESS IN THE COMING TIME 4.1 The viewpoint of human resources development of the the Public Security press in the coming time - Developing human resources of the Public Security press must be based on the plans and projects on human resource development and organizational arrangement of the Ministry of Public Security This is a principle of guiding principles, in order to ensure the consistency between the process of human resource development in the Public Security press with the plans and projects for development of the sector and the development of human resources of the Public Security, regulations on organizational apparatus and organizational structure of the Ministry of Public Security If that development does not comply with the development plans and projects of the Public Security press, the public security sector will lead to overlap, spontaneity, structural imbalance, and inadequate quantity and quality of personel The content of the point of view points to the development of human resources in the Public Security press, which should be placed in the overall relationship with the human resource development planning of the Public Security sector, closely linked with the project of innovation, apparatus 19 arrangement or organizational structure regulations of the Ministry of Public Security - Development of human resources in the Public Security press must ensure a comprehensive quanlity, quality and structure to meet political tasks in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 This is the core point in the process of developing the human resources of the Public Security presss In fact, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has changed the whole social and economic activities of humanity In the field of press, the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has fundamentally changed the structure, communication methods, from program production, transmission, interactive setting up, receiving information by the public Since then, there has been an increasing popularity of the editorial model of converging media and media Therefore, for the development of human resources, the Public Security press must also gradually change in the direction of training human resources to meet the requirements of multimedia journalism activities The content of the point of view clearly: developing the human resources of the Public Security press must be comprehensive in both quantity, quality and structure with good moral qualities, good professional capacity; In particular, the quality of human resources is respected according to the new requirements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 - Development of human resources in the Public Security press is the responsibility of the whole political system, in which the Public Security force is the core The content of the point clearly points out, in order to develop human resources, the Public Security press must promote the combined strength of the whole political system, based on the resources of the entire society At the same time, the subject of the development process is the Public Security force with a core role Because, the governing body of the Public Security press agencies is the Central Public Security Party Committee - Ministry of Public Security (for ministerial-level press units), which is the Party Committee - the Directorate of the Provincial Police Department and cities directly under the Central Government (for local police press agencies) These managing agencies shall directly direct and take responsibility before law for their scope and powers over their 20 attached press agencies Therefore, the Public Security force is the direct subject to the Public Security press system - Combining the promotion of internal resources with the enhancement of domestic and international cooperation in human resource development of the Public Security press This is an important orientation in determining the direction for human resources development of the Public Security press The content of the point of view points out, the development of human resources of the Public Security press requires both internal force and strengthening domestic and international cooperation 4.2 Solutions of the human resources development of the Public Security press for the coming time * Raising awareness and responsibilities of party committees, agencies, training institutions, press agencies on human resource development of the Public Security press - Strengthen propaganda and education on the position and role of the human resources of the Public Security press - Party committees, agencies and units in the police sector and police press agencies need to strictly implement the Party's resolutions, policies and regulations of the State on the human resource development of Public Security press - Party committees, commanders of units in the Public Security press system need to pay due attention to political education and ideology, work force building for cadres, reporters and editors in my unit - Promoting the role and responsibility of the subjects in improving the quality of human resources of the Public Security press * Promotion of training and retraining of human resources of the Public Security press - To attach importance to building a contingent of lecturers and reporters in the task of training and fostering the human resources of the Public Security press - Stepping up the renewal of content, programs and methods of training and fostering human resources of the Public Security press - Strengthening cooperation in training and retraining human resources of the Public Security press 21 - To increase investment in material foundations and funding in service of training and fostering human resources of the Public Security press * Renovating mechanisms and policies in attracting, using and treating long-term talents in the Public Security press agencies - The Ministry of Public Security should soon have a master plan to develop human resources in the Public Security press system in accordance with the development requirements of the force in the new situation - Gradually improving the policy of recruitment of human resources of the Public Security press - There are specific mechanisms and policies to attract human resources from outside the police sector to long-term service in a number of the Public Security press agencies - Continuing to pay attention to completing policies to appoint and circulate the human resources of the Public Security press in a reasonable manner * Promoting the role of the head of the press agency for the development of human resources of the Public Security press - Enhancing the responsibility of the head of the Editorial Board, General Director, Director of the Public Security press agency - The Editor-in-Chief, the General Director and the Director of the Public Security press agencies need to show the drastic, dynamic, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility in the development of human resources - Completing legal documents in order to grant autonomy and self-responsibility to the head of the Public Security press agency in which continue to renew the mechanism of recruitment, use and management of human resources - Developing effective mechanism, inspecting and supervising the activities of the head of the Public Security press agency * Building a healthy, friendly, democratic, open working environment, creating an environment and favorable conditions for the development of human resources in the Public Security press 22 - Propaganda to raise awareness of Party committees, cadres, reporters and editors in the Public Security press agencies to need to build a healthy and friendly workplace culture environment, democracy and openness in their agencies and units - Building a clean and healthy working environment in the Public Security press agencies - Building a democratic environment, self-discipline and strict discipline in the Public Security press agencies - Actively improving working conditions in the Public Security press agencies Conclusion of Chapter Human resource development of the Public Security press is a very important content of the Central Public Security Party Committee and the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security, along with the responsibility of many branches, many levels and the Party Committee, local authorities and police, as well as the Public Security press units themselves In the process of developing human resources, the the Public Security press should thoroughly grasp orientations, which are: (1) Human resource development in the Public Security press system must be based on plans and projects on human resource development and organizational arrangement of the Ministry of Public Security; (2) Human resource development in the Public Security press system must ensure a comprehensive quantity, quality and structure to meet the requirements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; (3) Human resource development in system of the Public Security press is the responsibility of the whole political system, in which the Public Security force is the core; (4) Combining the promotion of internal resources with strengthening domestic and international cooperation in the human resource development of the Public Security press Thoroughly grasping the above points of view, the dissertation has proposed solutions of human resource development of the Public Security press: Raising awareness of party committees; 23 Promote training and retraining of human resources; Renovating mechanisms and policies; Promoting the role of the head of the press agency; Building a working environment The system of these solutions has been built first from a clear awareness of the role, as well as from the situation and issues raised for the human resource development of the Public Security press today Each solution has different positions, roles, contents and measures, but all aim to create a new breakthrough for human resource development of the Public Security press To promote the role of human resources in the Public Security press in the current period, it is necessary to synchronously implement the above solutions CONCLUSION During the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge economy and expanding international integration, the press agencies in Vietnam, especially the Public Security press must step up the human resource development In particular, in the context of the strong impact of the fourth industrial revolution on press types, there are pressing demands on human resource development in general, including human resources of the Public Security press Human resource development of the Public Security press are the overall operation of the subjects in order to create changes in the quantity, quality and structure of human resources to meet the requirements of practical functions and tasks of the Public Security press agencies Human resource development of the Public Security press is now under the influence of many factors, including subjective and objective factors At the same time, in the process of human resources development of the Public Security press can refer to the experience of developing human resources in some typical press agencies in the country From the analysis and assessment of the current situation of human resource development of the Public Security press in the past 24 time shows that, in addition to the achievements of development, there are certain limitations of development in quantity, quality and structure These restrictions have many causes both objective and subjective In order to overcome these limitations, it requires the development subjects, especially the Central Public Security Party Committee to focus on resolving the issues identified in the dissertation On the basis of theory and practice, in order to push the process of human resource development, the Public Security press needs to synchronously implement the views: Developing the human resources of the Public Security press must be based on the basis of the plans and projects on human resource development and organizational arrangement of the Ministry of Public Security; Human resource development of the Public Security press must ensure a comprehensive number, quality and structure to meet the requirements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; Development of human resources in the Public Security press is the responsibility of the whole political system, in which the Public Security force is the core; Combining the promotion of internal resources with the strengthening of domestic and international cooperation in the human resource development of the Public Security press At the same time, it is necessary to implement the main solutions: Raising awareness and responsibilities of party committees, agencies, training institutions, press agencies on human resource development of the Public Security press; Promote training and retraining of human resources of the Public Security press; Renovating mechanisms and policies in attracting, using and treating long-term talents in police press agencies; Promoting the role of the head of the press agency: Building a healthy, friendly, democratic, open working environment, creating an environment and favorable conditions for the development of human resources the Public Security press Solutions that have a close relationship with each other require synchronization ... "Trends in American Economic Growth 1929-1982" in which he proved that the growth of the US economy for more than 50 years depends in part on human resources; Dang Ba Lam and Tran Khanh Duc with... taken to attract, manage and effectively use the other force to work in the police in a stable and long-term manner Implement effective contents and measures in fostering and training human resources... different aspects of human resources in general and press human resources in particular The above works and articles are important documents that can be selected, referenced and created basis, conditions

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2019, 06:39


