A project manager is assigned to a project early in the project life cycle.. A project manager makes a narrative description of the work that must be done for her project.. A project man
Trang 3b Work breakdown structure.
c Universal accounting standard
d Standard accounting practices
3 A person who is involved in or may be affected by the activities oranyone who has something to gain or lose by the activity of the project
The following should be used for questions 4 through 6
A project manager is assigned to a project early in the project life cycle One
of the things that must be done is to do a justification for the project Sincevery little information is known about the project, the estimates are consid-ered to be rough estimates The following table is the project manager’sestimate of the cash flows that will take place over the next five years
Trang 4End of Year Cash Flow In Cash Flow Out
a Greater than the total cash flow without the net present value plied
ap-b Less than the total cash flow without the net present value applied
c The same as the total cash flow without the net present value plied
ap-d Cannot be calculated with the information supplieap-d
7 A group of related projects that are managed in a coordinated way thatusually include an element of ongoing activity is called a:
a Major project
b Project office
c Program
d Group of projects
Trang 5237 Scope Management
8 During the full life cycle of the project, a plot of the project’s expectedexpenditures will usually follow a characteristic ‘‘S’’ shape This indi-cates that:
a There is a cyclic nature to all projects
b Problems will always occur in the execution phase
c There are high expenditures during closeout
d The bulk of the project budget will be spent in the execution phase
9 A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a new product or service iscalled a:
a New product development
b Project
c Program
d Enterprise
10 A project manager makes a narrative description of the work that must
be done for her project This is called a:
a Project plan
b Control chart
c Statement of work
d Project objective
11 An example of scope verification is:
a Reviewing the performance of an installed software module
b Managing changes to the project schedule
c Decomposing the WBS to a work package level
d Performing a benefit-cost analysis to determine if we should ceed
pro-12 The process of establishing clear and achievable objectives, measuringtheir achievement, and adjusting performance in accordance with theresults of the measurement is called:
a Strategic planning
b Contingency planning
c Detailed planning
d Management by objectives
Trang 613 Configuration management is:
a Used to ensure that the description of the project product is correctand complete
b The creation of the work breakdown structure
c The set of procedures developed to ensure that project design criteriaare met
d A mechanism to track budget and schedule variances
14 A project manager is employed by a construction company and is sponsible for the furnishing of the completed building One of the firstthings that the project manager for this project should do is to write a:
re-a Work breakdown structure
a The original project schedule, budget, and scope
b The original project description and the project charter
c The original scope of the project plus or minus any scope changes
d The current budget of the project
17 A project manager has just become the manager of a project The ment that recognizes the existence of the project is called:
docu-a The statement of work
b The project assignment
c The project charter
d The product description
Trang 7239 Scope Management
18 A project manager is reviewing the work breakdown structure for herproject The WBS for the project represents:
a All the tangible items that must be delivered to the client
b All the work that must be completed for the project
c The work that must be performed by the project team
d All the activities of the project
19 A manager that manages a group of related projects is called a:
a Explaining the scope of the project relevant to the client
b The basis for organizing and defining the total scope of the project
c Showing the resource conflicts that exist in the project
d The logical relationship between tasks in the project
21 During the life of a project, the project will go through several phases—initiating, planning, execution, and closeout Which phase of the proj-ect is likely to have the greatest amount of its funding spent?
a They allow stakeholders to judge the performance of the projectaccording to its plan
Trang 8b They are generally considered to be overkill on very small projects.
c They require the use of earned value reports
d They must be produced by the project manager
23 The coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward aspecific goal that has a finite period of performance is a:
a The project plan
b The project goals and objectives
c The project charter
d The project definition
25 A project manager works in a company favoring the weakest authorityfor the project manager The type of organization that holds the projectmanager to be the weakest is:
a Projectized organization
b Strong matrix organization
c Weak matrix organization
d Balanced matrix
26 A project manager has been asked by the client to meet the promisedate of the project The project manager analyzes the schedule beforepromising a date to the customer The project manager uses the pro-gram evaluation and review technique to evaluate the project schedule.She decides that based on the results of the PERT calculations she canpromise a delivery date of June 30 The expected value of the projectcompletion date is May 30 If the project manager is willing to accept a5% probability that the project will be delivered later than June 30,what is the standard deviation of the durations of the activities on thecritical path? Assume a five day work week
Trang 9241 Scope Management
by a certain date The project schedule is reviewed, and it is found thatthe expected completion date for this milestone is considerably earlierthan the date requested by the customer The date for this milestone iswhich of the following?
a $100,000
b $114,500
c $117,000
d $119,500
29 In a very large project having a budget of $5 million and a project team
of over one hundred persons, the project manager constructs a workbreakdown structure The project manager will do the WBS to thedetail level of which of the following?
a Task
b Activity
c WBS element
d Work package
Trang 1030 A project manager is managing a project that has reached the end of theplanning phase The work scope has been agreed to and definitive costestimates have been completed for the project The total estimated cost
of the project is $100,000 It is reasonable to expect that the projectwill not cost over which of the following values?
fol-a Scope management plan
b Communications management plan
c Configuration management plan
d Quality management plan
32 A project team has made up the work breakdown structure for a project.Senior management for the company and all of the stakeholders includ-ing the client have approved the WBS The client later requests that achange be made in the project, which will cost a considerable amount
of money The client says that the company’s salesman promised thisfeature prior to sign off on the WBS Who should pay for the change?
a The client should pay
b The company managing the project should pay
c Both the company and the client should pay part of the cost
d The change should not be implemented
33 A project manager is managing a software development project for ahospital There is a new computer available that will speed up the devel-opment process considerably The new computer costs $50,000 includ-ing shipping, installation, and startup The computer will cause a grosssavings of $100,000 What is the net present value of the savings if theyoccur one year after the expenditure for the computer? Assume a 10%interest rate
a $90,000
b $40,909
Trang 11243 Scope Management
c $45,555
d $91,110
34 A project manager is managing a project during the planning phase.She chooses to use a precedence network diagram as a graphic planningtool to assist in making the project schedule The most important reasonfor using the network diagram as a graphic planning tool is that it makes
it easier to see which aspect of the project plan better than the othertools available?
a The probability that the tasks will be completed on time
b The logical relationships between activities in the schedule
c The start and finish dates of the activities
d The float between activities
Trang 12The following information and questions 1 through 10 refer to figure 1.
A schedule was developed for a project to install windows in an apartmentbuilding The project is a rush job, and the contractor has agreed to schedulethe work on a single shift basis but will work seven days per week until thejob is done The project is to begin on May 1
Figure 1 Scheduling Practice Exercise.
F4 FS-2
1 What day in May will activity D have for its early finish date?
Trang 13245 Time Management
2 What is the free float for activity F?
Trang 148 If there is a delay in activity F of six days, what is the effect on theproject completion date?
a Increases one day
b No change to project completion date
c Increases two days
d Increases three days
9 What is the early finish date of activity A?
a May 1
b May 2
c May 3
d May 4
10 The above diagram is called:
a Activity on arrow network diagram
be finished cooking and will come out of the oven at the same time,what type of relationship should he or she use in the schedule betweenthese two activities?
Trang 15247 Time Management
table shows the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates that theteam has already made
Figure 2 PERT Diagram.
Trang 16c 32.3
d 48
13 It is desirable to make an estimate that has a greater than 95% chance
of being correct Which of the following ranges of time for the tion of the project best describes this probability of being correct?
a Crashing
b Increasing priorities
c Hurry up defense
d Fast tracking
17 Crashing the schedule means:
a Making the project shorter by any economic means
b Running the project team on overtime
c Doing activities that were in sequence in parallel
d Getting out of town before the project is in trouble
Trang 17249 Time Management
18 The original schedule (for a project, a work package, or an activity),plus or minus approved changes, is called:
a The working schedule
b The target schedule
c The performance schedule
d The baseline schedule
19 Schedules are used in many ways In a project to build a bridge theproject manager wants to use a tool that will show the scheduled activi-ties in such a way that it is easy to see when each activity starts and
finishes and which activities are taking place at the same time Whichtool should be used?
a PERT chart
b Gantt chart
c Precedence diagram
d GERT chart
20 Which of the following is true?
a The critical path is the path through the network that has the est total duration
high-b The critical path is the path with the least amount of free float
c The critical path is the list of activities that have zero float
d The critical path is the list of activities that have critical risks ated with them
associ-21 Resource leveling will generally:
a Reduce the time needed to do the project
b Increase the total time necessary to do all the tasks
c Reduce the overutilization of resources
d Reduce resources to the lowest skill that is possible
22 A task was scheduled to use two persons, full time, and take two weeks
to complete Instead, the project manager was only able to assign oneperson to this task At the end of two weeks, the person assigned to thetask was 75% complete What is the cost performance index?
a .75
b 1.5
Trang 18c 1.33
d .5
23 Five tasks are scheduled to be completed in sequence Each task has a
finish-start relationship with the next task Each has one day of total
float As of today, task one and two have been completed on schedule.How many days of float remain in the schedule for these tasks?
c Monte Carlo analysis
d Critical path method
25 The main difference between the two types (ADM, arrow diagrammingmethod, and PDM, precedence diagramming method) of the criticalpath method (CPM) of scheduling is:
a Placement of the activity on the logic diagram line
b Arrow diagramming method (ADM) is a deterministic method,whereas the precedence diagramming method (PDM) is a probabi-listic method
c Precedence diagramming method (PDM) is a deterministic method,whereas the arrow diagramming method (ADM) is a probabilisticmethod
d Precedence diagramming method (PDM) is a more accuratemethod
26 The project schedule is not used to determine:
a The start and finish dates of the activities
b Occasional changes to the activity listing
c The total float of the activities
d The project’s budget
Trang 19251 Time Management
27 The overall duration of the project schedule is not influenced by:
a Using mandatory dependencies as constraints
b Using discretionary dependencies as constraints
c The availability of the resources that are assigned to perform thework
d Using the arrow diagramming method instead of the precedencediagramming method (PDM) of scheduling
28 The program evaluation and review technique (PERT) method ofscheduling differs from the critical path method (CPM) because thePERT method:
a Uses weighted averages of activity durations to calculate project ration
du-b Uses ‘‘dummy’’ activities to represent logic ties
c Uses ‘‘free float’’ instead of ‘‘total float’’ in the schedule calculations
d Uses bar charts instead of logic diagrams to portray the schedule
29 A project manager is managing a project and is considering the ule of an activity because one of the project engineers must work onthis activity and another activity at the same time Each of the activities
resched-is scheduled to have a duration of two weeks One of the activities resched-is onthe critical path and the other activity has eighteen days of free float.The project manager should:
a Reschedule the activity that has no float
b Reschedule the activity with float
c Ask the engineer to work overtime
d Reschedule both activities to take advantage of the float on each
30 A project manager looks at her schedule and sees that there has been adelay in completing a task It seems practical to move a person fromanother task that is an expert on the work that is behind There is achoice of using two different persons that are working on two differenttasks One person is working on a task that has five days of free floatand the other is working on a task that has eight days of total float and
no free float Which person should be used to help out?
a The person working on the task with free float of five days
b The person working on the task with total float of eight days
Trang 20c Either person can be used.
d A person should be brought in from outside the project
31 In the first attempt in resource leveling the project schedule, what wouldyou expect to occur?
a The number of required resources will increase during certain timeperiods of the project
b The number of required resources will decrease during certain timeperiods of the project
c The overall project duration will increase
d The overall project duration will decrease
32 According to the Guide to the PMBOK, work packages can be divided
report-a The schedule should not be changed Original plans should haveallowed for this delay
b The budget money set aside for the risk should be released, but there
is not a need for a schedule change
c The schedule and budget baselines should be changed, to show thenew work
d The budget baseline should be changed, but the work should bedone within the schedule as it is
34 The key inputs to activity definition are:
a Work breakdown structure, the project schedule, and the networkdiagram
b Project schedule, progress reports, and change requests
Trang 21253 Time Management
c The project network diagram, constraints, and durations
d The work breakdown structure, the scope statement, and historicalinformation that supports the applicable activity
35 A project manager is approached by the major stakeholder in the projectand is asked to reduce the time for the scheduled completion of theproject The project manager reviews the project plans and the progressthat has been made on the project He or she decides that the bestapproach to solving this problem is to fast track the project until thenew project completion date can be achieved Which of the followingwill be done by the project manager?
a Reduce the project schedule by any means that are possible
b Reduce the project schedule by applying any practical means sary
neces-c Reschedule activities that would be done in sequence to activitiesthat can be done in parallel
d Inform the stakeholder that this will change the project scheduleand will require additional funds to comply with the request
36 A project manager would like to manage his project in such a way that
he will be able to identify specific tasks that should be watched andmanaged more closely than others The project manager should usewhich method?
a The PERT method
b The critical path method
c The GERT method
d The PCDM method
37 A project manager would like to manage his project in such a way that
he will be able to predict more accurately the duration of the projecteven though the estimates for the duration of the activities have a lot
of variability The project manager should use which method to moreaccurately predict the project completion date?
d Activity sampling
Trang 2238 The project manager for a project is going to use the PERT method ofscheduling for the project that she is working on Using the PERTcalculation the variance for the project is found to be 25 days and theduration of the project is found to be 169 days What is the range ofvalues for the project duration such that there will be at least a 95%probability that the actual project completion will fall between the highand low value of the range of values?
a 164–173 days
b 144–194 days
c 119–219 days
d 159–179 days
39 In distinguishing PERT from CPM one could say that:
a PERT is probabilistic and CPM is deterministic
b CPM is probabilistic and PERT is deterministic
c Either one is deterministic or probabilistic depending on how theyare used
d Neither one is deterministic or probabilistic
40 According to the Guide to the PMBOK the lowest level of the work
breakdown structure is:
a The task
b The activity
c The work package
d The element
1 A project manager wants to make a trip to California by car The projectmanager knows how many miles it will be to drive to California, thecurrent price of gasoline, and how many miles the car will go on agallon of gasoline From this information he or she can calculate theestimated cost of the gasoline for the trip This is a form of what kind
a Definitive
b Analogous
c Parametric
d Quantitative
3 To distinguish top down estimates form bottom up estimates, it would
be correct to say that the bottom up estimate would be:
a Less accurate
b Both have about the same accuracy
c More accurate
d No different to perform that the top down estimate
4 A project manager and the project team identify several specific risks in
a project The expected value of these risks is estimated at $10,000 The
Trang 24impact on the project brought about by these risks is estimated at
$40,000 What value should be entered into the management reservefor these risks?
a $10,000
b $40,000
c $0
d $25,000
5 A project manager and the project team identify several specific risks in
a project The expected value of these risks is estimated at $10,000 Theimpact on the project brought about by these risks is estimated at
$40,000 What value should be entered into the contingency reserve forthese risks?
a $10,000
b $40,000
c $0
d $25,000
6 What characteristic best describes the cost baseline?
a Total budget for the project
b Time phased budget for the project
c Total budget for the project including the contingency budget
d Total budget for the project including the contingency budget andthe management reserve
7 A project is formed to produce a product that will be used for ing people Costs that are associated with the project that occur afterthe delivery of the product to the customer are considered to be whatkind of cost?
Trang 25257 Cost Management
additional work The customer realizes that there is a 50 percent chancethat this change will not work and will later be removed What change,
if any, should be made in the budget?
a The project budget should not be increased
b The project budget should be increased by $15,000
c The project budget should be increased by $10,000
d The project budget should be increased by $5,000
9 The act of doing anything that will help to bring future project formance into line with the project plan is called:
an increase of 46% over the 1.1% which had been budgeted
b The client has authorized a $10,000 addition to the scope of theproject
c The contractor’s company has instituted a quality program on whichthey have pledged to spend $1 million during the next year
d The productivity in the drafting department has shown to be lowerthan anticipated, which has resulted in 1,000 additional hours, a78% increase over what was budgeted
11 In terms of earned value reporting, a project is considered completewhen the:
a BAC is equal to the PV
b The EV is equal to the AC
c The PV is equal to the AC
d The BAC is equal to the EV
12 The time phased cost of the project that reflects the expenditures ratherthan the consumption of a resource that will be used to measure andmonitor cost performance on a project is the:
Trang 2615 Life cycle costing:
a Is a method of including all of the cost associated with the projectover its entire life
Trang 27259 Cost Management
b Is a federal government accounting method
c Is a method of predicting the life of a project
d Is a method of evaluating projects when they are complete
The following table and description refer to questions 16 through 22
A project manager is using the earned value reporting method to manage hisproject The following table shows the data collected to date The plan is forthe project to be complete after eight weeks The earned value report showsdata collected for the first four weeks of the project The figures shown inthe table are cumulative
Trang 2823 The calculation of the EAC assumes that:
a The schedule performance index will remain the same for the maining part of the project
re-b The cost performance index will remain the same for the remainingpart of the project
Trang 29261 Cost Management
c The BAC will be different by the end of the project
d The EAC will continuously increase for the remaining portion ofthe project
24 What factors need to be known in order to be able to calculate theETC?
a Budget at completion, actual cost, and planned value
b Budget at completion, earned value, and actual cost
c Estimate at completion and planned value
d Estimate at completion and actual cost
25 A construction company is being measured by the earned value ing method During the project one of the tasks, installing ten elm trees,was completed The planned value for this task was $4,000, and it wascompleted two weeks ago Unfortunately for the contractor, maple treesshould have been planted The customer insists that maple trees beplanted and that the elm trees be removed As of this time the elm treesare still in the ground, but the contractor has agreed to do the work
report-of replacing them What action should be taken on the earned valuereport?
a Reduce PV by $4,000
b Reduce AC by $4,000
c Reduce EV by $4,000
d Make no changes since the vendor has agreed to fix the problem
26 Learning curve theory emphasizes that in producing many goods:
a Cost decreases as production rates increase
b Average unit cost decreases as more units are produced
c Materials become cheaper when they are purchased in bulk
d Laborers become more productive because of technological vances
ad-27 A project manager is considering applying learning curve theory to hisproject The project involves designing a number of software modulesthat are very similar According to the cost figures that have been col-lected the first unit required 100 person-hours to design and test Thesecond unit required 90 person-hours to design and test How manyperson-hours will the eighth module take to design and test?
Trang 30b Scaling the estimate.
c Quantifying the estimate
d Historical support for the figures used
29 A project manager is preparing the budget for the project There areseveral inputs to the budgeting process that the project manager willuse One of the things that the project manager will not use is the:
a Cost estimates
b Project schedule
c Cost baseline
d Work breakdown structure
Use the following information for questions 30 and 31
A project team has a programmer on the team The programmer will work
on the project for twenty-six weeks as a full time team member Her tion is 72%, productivity is 80%, basic wages are $50 per hour, fringe bene-
utiliza-fits are 30%, and overhead costs are 50% of wages plus fringe benefits Use
a forty hour work week
30 What is the cost of this employee for the project?
a $136,760
b $126,750
c $176,041
d $101,400
31 One of the tasks that the person in the above project is assigned requires
100 hours of effort What is the cost of the task?
Trang 31263 Cost Management
a $12,187
b $16,927
c $9,750
d 13,541
32 The contingency budget will:
a Reduce the probability of scope changes
b Reduce the probability of cost overruns
c Increase the probability of a cost overrun
d Increase the probability of scope changes
The following table should be used for questions 33, 34, and 35
A project manager is assigned to a project early in the project life cycle One
of the things that must be done is to do a justification for the project Sincevery little information is known about the project, the estimate is considered
to be rough estimates The following table is the manager’s estimate of thecash flows that will take place over the next five years
End of Year Cash Flow In Cash Flow Out
Trang 3235 If the net present value for each of the cash flows were calculated at a10% interest rate, the net present value cash flow at the end of five yearswould be:
a Greater than the total cash flow without the net present value plied
ap-b Less than the total cash flow without the net present value applied
c The same as the total cash flow without the net present value plied
ap-d Cannot be calculated with the information supplieap-d
36 During the full life cycle of the project, a plot of the project’s expectedexpenditures will usually follow a characteristic ‘‘S’’ shape This indi-cates that:
a There is a cyclic nature to all projects
b Problems will always occur in the execution phase
c There are high expenditures during closeout
d The bulk of the project budget will be spent in the execution phase
37 A project manager is using the earned value reporting system to managehis project At this point in time the EV is $24,000, the BAC is
$97,000, the PV is $29,000, and the AC is $45,000 What is the cent complete?
a Multiplication of the years’ digits
b Straight line
c Sum of the years’ digits
d Average deflation
Trang 33265 Cost Management
The following situation refers to questions 39, 40, 41, and 42
In a manufacturing facility that makes electronic widgets, the main widgetmaking machine is getting old and a project is formed to consider the re-placement of this machine The average cost of the operations performed onthis machine for making a widget is $5.00 per unit A new machine can bepurchased for $50,000 that will perform these operations much morequickly and with less scrap and rework for an average cost of $3.00 per unit
An alternative machine is even faster than the first machine considered andwill perform the same operations for $2.00 per unit However, this machinewill cost $75,000 The company manufactures 1,000 widgets each month
39 What is the break even point for the $75,000 machine compared to theexisting machine?
a Do not replace the machine
b Replace the existing machine with a new machine costing $50,000
c Replace the existing machine with a new machine costing $75,000
d Buy both machines
Trang 341 What are the major advantages of the functional type of organization?
a Single point of contact for the customer
b Stable organizational structure
c Project orientation
d Multifunctional teams are easy to form
2 The project manager’s leadership style should be matched to the sponding developmental level of the project team and should movethrough successive steps in the following order:
corre-a Disciplinary, autocratic, participative
b Projectized, matrix, functional
c Team building, team development, responsibility assignment
d Directing, coaching, supporting, delegating
3 A company has signed a contract for new work that is different fromwork that they have done before The company’s strategic plan calls formuch of this kind of work in the future It is important that they beable to bring the correct shared resources together to work on differentparts of the contract The type of organization that this suggests is a:
a Functional organization
b Contractor organization
c Matrix organization
d Pure project organization
4 The manager of a large corporation wants to sign a contract to build anuclear power plant in Botswana several thousand miles away from thehome office The project will take several years to build and test Whattype of organization will be best for managing this project?
Trang 35267 Human Resources
5 In matrix management organizations, if the organization maintainsmany of the characteristics of the functional organization and the proj-ect managers are considered more like project coordinators or expedit-ers, it is called a:
in selecting the team members?
a Previous experience
b Personal characteristics
c Personal interest
d Salary
7 A project manager is responsible for all that goes on in the project One
of the most important duties that the project manager can perform isthe function of:
d Project management office
9 On a project team one of the team members has a problem collecting
on a medical insurance claim The team member comes to the project
Trang 36manager and explains the problem The problem is the responsibility ofthe:
a Project team
b Project manager
c Executive manager
d Human Resources Department
10 The organization that is a formalized structure where the project teamsand the project managers reside is called:
a Matrix organization
b Project office
c Project team
d Project management office
11 A conflict arises about the method to solve a difficult design problem.The project manager is seeking a method of resolving the conflict Inorder to achieve the most long lasting resolution to project conflicts,which of the following approaches should be used?
a Communications plan
b Work breakdown structure
Trang 37269 Human Resources
c Staffing plan
d Project schedule
14 The beginning and the end of the project is defined by:
a The project plan
b The project charter
c The team charter
d The project life cycle
15 Herzberg divided motivation factors into two classes: satisfiers and satisfiers Examples of satisfiers are:
dis-a Vacation time, assignment of a personal staff assistant
b Work satisfaction, fringe benefits
c Plush office space, performance based salary raise
d Sense of personal achievement, work satisfaction
16 The skill of listening involves more than just hearing the sounds One
of the characteristics of a good listener is that he or she:
a Finishes the speaker’s sentences
b Takes good notes
c Repeats some of the things said
d Agrees with the speaker
17 Primary outputs from team development are:
a Input to performance appraisals
b High project team morale
c Reduced project cost
d Greater customer satisfaction
18 An automotive oil change station was receiving complaints that theirservice took too long A coffee machine and television were installed inthe waiting room and the complaints went down This is an exampleof:
a Smith-Carlisle method
b Creative problem solving
c Analytical problem solving
d Decision analysis
Trang 3819 A project manager is concerned about team building on her project.One of the mandatory things that she must have in order to have goodteam building is:
a Commitment from top level management
b Co-location of team members
c Establishment of clear negotiated goals
d Open discussion of poor individual performance
20 The project manager of a new project wants to get things started in apositive way with the project team The project manager wants the teammembers to get to know one another, to introduce the project team andthe project manager to one another, to discuss the objectives and goals
of the project, and to identify some of the potential problem areas Thismeeting is called a:
a Project team meeting
b Project kick off meeting
c Goal setting meeting
d Introduction meeting
21 A project manager is managing a project where there will be a number
of persons working together She wants to enhance the ability of theteam to work together and perform as a team One of the things thatshe can do to maximize the ability of the team to do this is:
a Cohabitation
b Co-location
c Staffing plan
d Work breakdown structure
22 A project manager is in need of a solution to a problem He decidesthat the best thing will be to arrange a meeting to solve the problemrather than solve the problem himself or by having one of the projectteam members solve it individually Generally, this will result in:
a The group taking more time than one individual
b The solution to the problem being less accurate
c The group taking less time than an individual
d It depends on the specific problem
Trang 39271 Human Resources
23 A project manager will manage a large complicated project that is cated in a remote part of Africa The project will last for five years andwill have the product of producing a nuclear reactor that will generate
lo-900 megawatts of power at start-up The best kind of organization formanaging this project is:
a Strong matrix management
b Weak matrix management
c Projectized organization
d Functional organization
24 Project human resources management is divided into which of the lowing?
fol-a Organization planning, staff acquisition, and team development
b Leadership, team building, and negotiation
c Recruitment, labor relations, and personnel administration
d Team building, communication, and labor relations
25 A project manager wants to do as much as she can to help in developingher project team A key barrier to project team development is which ofthe following?
a Strong matrix management structure
b Major problems that delay the project completion date or budgettargets
c Team members who are accountable to both functional and projectmanagers
d Formal training plans that cannot be implemented
26 A large, complicated software development project is being plated by a large company The project will be done as part of a com-pany strategic plan The project will be multifunctional and will requiremany of the project team members to work on multiple other projectsduring the life of this project The best kind of organization to supportthis project is which of the following?
contem-a Projectized
b Functional
c Strong matrix
d Weak matrix
Trang 4027 According to McGregor’s concept of theory X and theory Y, which ofthe following statements is true?
a Theory Y managers view their subordinates as lazy, irresponsible,and resistant to change
b Theory Y managers view their subordinates as creative, imaginative,and agreeable to change
c Theory X managers tend to delegate authority
d McGregor did not conceive of theory X and theory Y
28 A project manager wants to have some of the people trained on hisproject team The project team is working in a balanced matrix organi-zation Generally, the approval for this training should come fromwhich of the following managers?
a Project manager
b Executive manager
c Functional manager
d Human resources manager
29 Which of the following is true of management by objectives (MBO)?
a The supervisor establishes performance objectives
b The supervisor sets the general objectives and the subordinate views and agrees to them
re-c Objectives do not need to be quantifiable
d The supervisor and the employee jointly establish performance jectives
ob-30 In the matrix management organization, which of the following is true?
a The project manager is responsible for employee skills improvement
b The functional manager is responsible for employee skills ment
improve-c The project manager is responsible for the employee’s annual praisal
ap-d The employee is responsible for his or her own skills improvement
31 A project manager wants to better control the procedure for sanctioningwork that is done on the project He initiates a system for doing this It