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Chapter 14 The Itˆo Integral The following chapters deal with Stochastic Differential Equations in Finance References: B Oksendal, Stochastic Differential Equations, Springer-Verlag,1995 J Hull, Options, Futures and other Derivative Securities, Prentice Hall, 1993 14.1 Brownian Motion (See Fig 13.3.)  ; F ; P is given, always in the background, even when not explicitly mentioned Brownian motion, B t; !  : 0; 1  !IR, has the following properties: B 0 = 0; Technically, IP f! ; B 0; ! = 0g = 1, B t is a continuous function of t, If = t0  t1  : : :  tn , then the increments B t1 , Bt0 ; : : : ; Btn  , Btn,1  are independent,normal, and IE B tk+1  , Btk  = 0; IE B tk+1  , Btk  = tk+1 , tk : 14.2 First Variation Quadratic variation is a measure of volatility First we will consider first variation, FV f , of a function f t 153 154 f(t) t2 t T t Figure 14.1: Example function f t For the function pictured in Fig 14.1, the first variation over the interval 0; T is given by: FV 0;T f  = f t1 , f 0 , f t2 , f t1  + f T  , f t2  Zt Zt2 ZT 0 = f t dt + ,f t dt + f 0t dt: t1 t2 T Z = jf 0tj dt: Thus, first variation measures the total amount of up and down motion of the path The general definition of first variation is as follows: Definition 14.1 (First Variation) Let  = ft0 ; t1 ; : : : ; tn g be a partition of 0; T , i.e., = t0  t1  : : :  tn = T: The mesh of the partition is defined to be jjjj = k=0max t , t : ;:::;n,1 k+1 k We then define FV 0;T f  = jjlim jj!0 nX ,1 k=0 jf tk+1 , f tk j: Suppose f is differentiable Then the Mean Value Theorem implies that in each subinterval tk ; tk+1 , there is a point tk such that f tk+1  , f tk  = f tk tk+1 , tk : CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral Then nX ,1 k=0 155 nX ,1 jf tk+1 , f tk j = k=0 jf 0tk jtk+1 , tk ; and FV 0;T f  = jjlim jj!0 ZT nX ,1 k=0 jf 0tk jtk+1 , tk  = jf tj dt: 14.3 Quadratic Variation Definition 14.2 (Quadratic Variation) The quadratic variation of a function f on an interval is hf iT  = jjlim jj!0 nX ,1 k=0 0; T jf tk+1  , f tk j2: Remark 14.1 (Quadratic Variation of Differentiable Functions) If f is differentiable, then hf iT  = 0, because nX ,1 k=0 jf tk+1 , f tk j2 = nX ,1 k=0 jf 0tk j2tk+1 , tk 2  jjjj: nX ,1 k=0 jf 0tk j2tk+1 , tk  and nX ,1 hf iT   jjlim jjjj: jjlim jf 0tk j2tk+1 , tk  jj!0 jj!0 k=0 ZT = lim jjjj jf 0tj2 dt jjjj!0 = 0: Theorem 3.44 hBiT  = T; or more precisely, IP f! ; hB:; !iT  = T g = 1: In particular, the paths of Brownian motion are not differentiable 156 Proof: (Outline) Let  = ft0 ; t1; : : : ; tn g be a partition of Btk+1  , B tk  Define the sample quadratic variation Q = Then Q , T = We want to show that nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 k=0 0; T To simplify notation, set Dk Dk2 : Dk2 , tk+1 , tk  : lim Q , T  = 0: jjjj!0  Consider an individual summand Dk2 , tk+1 , tk  = Btk+1  , B tk  , tk+1 , tk : This has expectation 0, so IE Q , T  = IE For j 6= k, the terms nX ,1 k=0 Dj2 , tj+1 , tj  Dk2 , tk+1 , tk  = 0: and Dk2 , tk+1 , tk  are independent, so varQ , T  = = = nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 k=0 var Dk2 , tk+1 , tk  IE Dk4 , 2tk+1 , tk Dk2 + tk+1 , tk 2 3tk+1 , tk 2 , 2tk+1 , tk 2 + tk+1 , tk 2 (if X is normal with mean and variance 2, then IE X 4 = 4) =2 nX ,1 k=0 tk+1 , tk 2  2jjjj nX ,1 k=0 tk+1 , tk  = 2jjjj T: Thus we have IE Q , T  = 0; varQ , T   2jjjj:T: = CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral 157 As jjjj!0, varQ , T !0, so lim Q , T  = 0: jjjj!0  Remark 14.2 (Differential Representation) We know that IE Btk+1  , Btk 2 , tk+1 , tk  = 0: We showed above that var B tk+1  , B tk 2 , tk+1 , tk  = 2tk+1 , tk 2 : When tk+1 , tk  is small, tk+1 , tk 2 is very small, and we have the approximate equation B tk+1  , B tk 2 ' tk+1 , tk ; which we can write informally as dBt dBt = dt: 14.4 Quadratic Variation as Absolute Volatility On any time interval T1; T2 , we can sample the Brownian motion at times T1 = t0  t1  : : :  tn = T2 and compute the squared sample absolute volatility nX ,1 T2 , T1 k=0Btk+1  , Btk  : This is approximately equal to h B i T2 , hB iT1  = T2 , T1 = 1: T2 , T1 T2 , T1 As we increase the number of sample points, this approximation becomes exact In other words, Brownian motion has absolute volatility Furthermore, consider the equation ZT hBiT  = T = dt; 8T  0: This says that quadratic variation for Brownian motion accumulates at rate at all times along almost every path 158 14.5 Construction of the Itˆo Integral The integrator is Brownian motion following properties: Bt; t  0, with associated filtration F t; t  0, and the s  t= every set in F s is also in F t, B t is F t-measurable, 8t, For t  t1  : : :  tn , the increments B t1  , B t; B t2  , B t1 ; : : : ; B tn  , B tn,1  are independent of F t The integrand is t; t  0, where t is F t-measurable 8t (i.e., is square-integrable: is adapted) IE ZT 2t dt 1; 8T: We want to define the Itˆo Integral: I t = Zt u dB u; Remark 14.3 (Integral w.r.t a differentiable function) If we can define Zt u df u = Zt t  0: f t is a differentiable function, then uf 0u du: This won’t work when the integrator is Brownian motion, because the paths of Brownian motion are not differentiable 14.6 Itˆo integral of an elementary integrand Let  = ft0 ; t1; : : : ; tn g be a partition of 0; T , i.e., = t0  t1  : : :  tn = T: Assume that t is constant on each subinterval tk ; tk+1 (see Fig 14.2) We call such a elementary process The functions B t and tk  can be interpreted as follows: Think of B t as the price per unit share of an asset at time t an CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral 159 δ( t ) = δ( t ) δ( t )= δ( t ) δ( t ) = δ( t ) t2 t1 0=t0 t4 = T t3 δ( t ) = δ( t ) Figure 14.2: An elementary function Think of t0 ; t1; : : : ; tn as the trading dates for the asset Think of tk  as the number of shares of the asset acquired at trading date tk and held until trading date tk+1 Then the Itˆo integral I t can be interpreted as the gain from trading at time t; this gain is given by: I t = t0  B t , B | tz0 ;  t  t1 =B 0=0 t  B t  , B t  + t  B t , B t  ; t tt : t00 Bt11 , Bt00 + t11 Bt2 , B1t1  + t2 Bt , Bt2 ; t12  t  t23: In general, if tk  t  tk+1 , kX ,1 I t = j =0 tj  B tj +1  , B tj  + tk  B t , B tk  : 14.7 Properties of the Itˆo integral of an elementary process Adaptedness For each t; I t is F t-measurable Linearity If I t = then Zt u dB u; I t  J t = Zt J t = Zt u dB u  u  u dB u 160 s t t t l+1 l t k t k+1 Figure 14.3: Showing s and t in different partitions and cI t = Martingale Zt c udB u: I t is a martingale We prove the martingale property for the elementary process case Theorem 7.45 (Martingale Property) I t = kX ,1 j =0 tj  B tj +1  , B tj  + tk  B t , B tk  ; tk  t  tk+1 is a martingale Proof: Let  s  t be given We treat the more difficult case that s and t are in different subintervals, i.e., there are partition points t` and tk such that s t` ; t`+1 and t tk ; tk+1 (See Fig 14.3) Write I t = `X ,1 j =0 + tj  B tj +1  , B tj  + t`  B t`+1  , B t`  kX ,1 j =`+1 tj  B tj +1  , B tj  + tk  B t , B tk  We compute conditional expectations: 2`,1 `,1 X X IE tj B tj+1  , Btj  F s5 = tj B tj +1  , B tj : j =0 j =0   IE t`Bt`+1  , Bt`  F s = t`  IE Bt`+1 jF s , Bt`  = t`  B s , B t`  CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral 161 These first two terms add up to I s We show that the third and fourth terms are zero k,1 k,1     X X IE tj B tj +1  , B tj  F s = IE IE tj Btj+1  , Btj  F tj  F s j =`+1 j =`+1 kX ,1 = IE 64 tj  |IE B tj +1jFztj  , Btj  F s75 j =`+1 =0   IE tk Bt , Btk  F s = IE 64 tk  |IE BtjF tzk  , B tk  F s75 =0 Theorem 7.46 (Itˆo Isometry) IEI 2t = IE Zt Proof: To simplify notation, assume t = tk , so I t = k X u du: tj  B | tj+1 z, Btj  j =0 Dj Each Dj has expectation 0, and different Dj are independent 0k 12 X I t = @ tj Dj A j =0 k X 2t D2 + X = j j j =0 i j ti  tj DiDj : Since the cross terms have expectation zero, IEI 2t = = = k X j =0 k X j =0 k X j =0 = IE IE 2tj Dj2 IE  2t  IE 2tj tj +1 , tj  k tZj X +1  j IE B tj +1  , B tj  F tj  u du j =0 tj Zt u du = IE 162 path of δ path of δ t2 t1 0=t0 t3 t4 = T Figure 14.4: Approximating a general process by an elementary process , over 14.8 Itˆo integral of a general integrand Fix T Let be a process (not necessarily an elementary process) such that t is F t-measurable, 8t 0; T , IE R T 2t dt 1: Theorem 8.47 There is a sequence of elementary processes f n g1 n=1 such that nlim !1 IE ZT j nt , tj2 dt = 0: Proof: Fig 14.4 shows the main idea In the last section we have defined In T  = for every n We now define ZT ZT n t dB t t dB t = nlim !1 ZT n t dB t: 0; T CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral 163 The only difficulty with this approach is that we need to make sure the above limit exists Suppose n and m are large positive integers Then varIn T  , Im T  = IE (Itˆo Isometry:) = IE Z T T Z n t , m t n t , m t ZT !2 dB t dt j nt , tj + j t , mtj dt ZT ZT a + b2  2a2 + 2b2 :  2IE j n t , tj2 dt + 2IE j m t , tj2 dt; = IE 0 which is small This guarantees that the sequence fIn T g1 n=1 has a limit 14.9 Properties of the (general) Itˆo integral I t = Zt u dB u: Here is any adapted, square-integrable process Adaptedness For each t, I t is F t-measurable Linearity If I t = then Zt u dB u; I t  J t = and Zt cI t = J t = Zt u dB u  u  u dB u Zt c udB u: I t is a martingale Continuity I t is a continuous function of the upper limit of integration t R Itˆo Isometry IEI 2t = IE 0t u du Martingale Example 14.1 () Consider the Itˆo integral ZT Bu dBu: We approximate the integrand as shown in Fig 14.5 164 2T/4 T/4 T 3T/4 Figure 14.5: Approximating the integrand B u with , over B0 = BT=n n u = : : : :B n,T1T By definition, ZT Bu dBu = nlim !1 ZT , n 1T if n  u T: X kT  k + 1T kT  B n B ,B n : n k=0 Bk =4 B kT n ; Bu dBu = nlim !1 X n,1 k=0 Bk Bk+1 , Bk : We compute X  u T=n; T=n  u 2T=n; if if n,1 To simplify notation, we denote so 0; T X n,1 n,1 k=0 k=0 Bk+1 , Bk 2 = 12 Bk2+1 , = 12 Bn2 + 12 = 12 Bn2 + = 12 Bn2 , X n,1 j =0 n,1 X k=0 n,1 X k=0 X n,1 k=0 Bk Bk+1 + 12 Bj2 , Bk2 , X n,1 k=0 n,1 X k=0 X n,1 k=0 Bk2 Bk Bk+1 + 21 Bk Bk+1 Bk Bk+1 , Bk : X n,1 k=0 Bk2 CHAPTER 14 The Itˆo Integral Therefore, X n,1 k=0 165 Bk Bk+1 , Bk  = 12 Bn2 , 12 X n,1 Bk+1 , Bk 2 ; k=0 or equivalently n ,  k + 1T k  X kT  k + 1T kT  X B n B , B n = B T , B n n T : n,1 1 k=0 2 k=0 Let n!1 and use the definition of quadratic variation to get ZT Bu dBu = 12 B T , 12 T: Remark 14.4 (Reason for the 12 T term) If f is differentiable with f 0 = 0, then ZT f u df u = ZT f uf u du = 12 f u T = 12 f T : In contrast, for Brownian motion, we have ZT B udB u = 12 B 2T  , 21 T: The extra term 12 T comes from the nonzero quadratic variation of Brownian motion It has to be there, because Z IE but T B u dB u = (Itˆo integral is a martingale) IE 12 B T  = 21 T: 14.10 Quadratic variation of an Itˆo integral Theorem 10.48 (Quadratic variation of Itˆo integral) Let I t = Then Zt u dB u: hI it = Zt 2u du: 166 This holds even if is not an elementary process The quadratic variation formula says that at each time u, the instantaneous absolute volatility of I is u This is the absolute volatility of the Brownian motion scaled by the size of the position (i.e t) in the Brownian motion Informally, we can write the quadratic variation formula in differential form as follows: dI t dI t = 2t dt: Compare this with dBt dBt = dt: Proof: (For an elementary process ) Let  = ft0 ; t1; : : : ; tn g be the partition for , i.e., tk  for tk  t  tk+1 To simplify notation, assume t = tn We have hI it = nX ,1 hI itk+1 , hI itk : k=0 Let us compute hI itk+1 , hI itk  Let  = fs0; s1 ; : : : ; sm g be a partition tk = s0  s1  : : :  sm = tk+1 : Then I sj+1  , I sj  = sZj+1 sj tk  dB u = tk  B sj +1  , B sj  ; so hI itk+1 , hI itk = mX ,1 j =0 I sj+1  , I sj  = tk  jjjj!0 ,,,,,! mX ,1 j =0 t Bsj+1  , Bsj  k tk+1 , tk : It follows that hI it = nX ,1 k tk+1 , tk  k=0 nX ,1 tZk+1 u du = k=0 tk Zt 2t jj!! ,jj,,,,, u du: t = Chapter 15 Itˆo’s Formula 15.1 Itˆo’s formula for one Brownian motion We want a rule to “differentiate” expressions of the form f B t, where f x is a differentiable function If B t were also differentiable, then the ordinary chain rule would give d f Bt = f BtB0 t; dt which could be written in differential notation as df Bt = f BtB0 t dt = f B tdB t However, B t is not differentiable, and in particular has nonzero quadratic variation, so the correct formula has an extra term, namely, df Bt = f 0Bt dBt + 12 f 00 Bt |dtz dB t dB t : This is Itˆo’s formula in differential form Integrating this, we obtain Itˆo’s formula in integral form: f Bt , f| Bz0 = f 0 Zt f B u dBu + 21 Zt f 00 B u du: Remark 15.1 (Differential vs Integral Forms) The mathematically meaningful form of Itˆo’s formula is Itˆo’s formula in integral form: f Bt , f B 0 = Zt f Bu dB u + Zt 167 f 00 B u du: 168 This is because we have solid definitions for both integrals appearing on the right-hand side The first, Zt f 0Bu dB u is an Itˆo integral, defined in the previous chapter The second, Zt f 00 B u du; is a Riemann integral, the type used in freshman calculus For paper and pencil computations, the more convenient form of Itˆo’s rule is Itˆo’s formula in differential form: df B t = f Bt dBt + 21 f 00 Bt dt: There is an intuitive meaning but no solid definition for the terms df B t; dB t and dt appearing in this formula This formula becomes mathematically respectable only after we integrate it 15.2 Derivation of Itˆo’s formula Consider f x = 12 x2 , so that f x = x; f 00 x = 1: Let xk ; xk+1 be numbers Taylor’s formula implies f xk+1  , f xk  = xk+1 , xk f 0xk  + 12 xk+1 , xk 2f 00 xk : In this case, Taylor’s formula to second order is exact because f is a quadratic function In the general case, the above equation is only approximate, and the error is of the order of xk+1 , xk 3 The total error will have limit zero in the last step of the following argument Fix T and let  = ft0 ; t1; : : : ; tn g be a partition of 0; T Using Taylor’s formula, we write: f BT  , f B0 = 12 B T  , 21 B 0 = = = nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 k=0 f Btk+1  , f Btk  X B tk+1  , B tk  f B tk  + 12 B tk+1  , Btk  f 00Btk  n,1 Btk  Btk+1  , Btk  + 12 nX ,1 k=0 k=0 B tk+1  , Btk  : CHAPTER 15 Itˆo’s Formula 169 We let jjjj!0 to obtain f BT  , f B0 = = ZT Bu dB u + 12 h|B izT  T ZT f Bu dBu + 12 f| 00Bzu du: 0 ZT This is Itˆo’s formula in integral form for the special case f x = 12 x2 : 15.3 Geometric Brownian motion n o Definition 15.1 (Geometric Brownian Motion) Geometric Brownian motion is where  and S t = S 0 exp Bt +  , 12 t ; are constant n Define f t; x = S 0 exp x +  , 21 o t ; so S t = f t; B t: Then ft =  , 12 f; fx = f; fxx = 2f: According to Itˆo’s formula, dS t = df t; Bt = ft dt + fx dB + 21 fxx dBdB | z dt =  , dt + f dB + 21 f dt = S tdt + S t dB t f Thus, Geometric Brownian motion in differential form is dS t = S tdt + S t dB t; and Geometric Brownian motion in integral form is S t = S 0 + Zt S u du + Zt S u dBu: 170 15.4 Quadratic variation of geometric Brownian motion In the integral form of Geometric Brownian motion, S t = S 0 + Zt S u du + the Riemann integral F t = Zt Zt S u dBu; S u du is differentiable with F t = S t This term has zero quadratic variation The Itˆo integral Gt = Zt is not differentiable It has quadratic variation hGit = Zt S u dB u S 2u du: Thus the quadratic variation of S is given by the quadratic variation of G In differential notation, we write dS t dS t = S tdt + S tdBt2 = 2S 2t dt 15.5 Volatility of Geometric Brownian motion Fix  T1  T2 Let  = volatility of S on T1; T2 is ft0; : : : ; tng be a partition of T1; T2 The squared absolute sample nX ,1 T2 , T1 k=0 S tk+1 , S tk 2' ZT T2 , T1 T 2 ' S T1 S 2u du As T2  T1 , the above approximation becomes exact In other words, the instantaneous relative volatility of S is This is usually called simply the volatility of S 15.6 First derivation of the Black-Scholes formula Wealth of an investor An investor begins with nonrandom initial wealth X0 and at each time t, holds t shares of stock Stock is modelled by a geometric Brownian motion: dS t = S tdt + S tdBt: CHAPTER 15 Itˆo’s Formula 171 t can be random, but must be adapted lending at interest rate r The investor finances his investing by borrowing or Let X t denote the wealth of the investor at time t Then dX t = tdS t + r X t , tS t dt = t S tdt + S tdB t + r X t , tS t dt = rX tdt + tS t | ,z r dt + tS t dB t: Risk premium Value of an option Consider an European option which pays g S T  at time T Let v t; x denote the value of this option at time t if the stock price is S t = x In other words, the value of the option at each time t 0; T is v t; S t: The differential of this value is dv t; S t = vt dt + vx dS + 12 vxxdS dS = vt dt + vx S dt + S dB + 12 vxx S dt h i = vt + Svx + 21 S 2vxx dt + SvxdB A hedging portfolio starts with some initial wealth X0 and invests so that the wealth X t at each time tracks v t; S t We saw above that dX t = rX +  , rS dt + S dB: To ensure that X t = v t; S t for all t, we equate coefficients in their differentials Equating the dB coefficients, we obtain the -hedging rule: t = vx t; S t: Equating the dt coefficients, we obtain: vt + Svx + 12 S 2vxx = rX +  , rS: But we have set  = vx , and we are seeking to cause X to agree with v Making these substitutions, we obtain vt + Svx + 21 2S 2vxx = rv + vx  , rS; (where v = v t; S t and S = S t) which simplifies to vt + rSvx + 12 S 2vxx = rv: In conclusion, we should let v be the solution to the Black-Scholes partial differential equation vtt; x + rxvx t; x + 21 x2vxxt; x = rv t; x satisfying the terminal condition vT; x = g x: If an investor starts with X0 = v 0; S 0 and uses the hedge t = vx t; S t, then he will have X t = vt; S t for all t, and in particular, X T  = g S T  172 15.7 Mean and variance of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process The Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model for interest rates is drt = ab , crtdt + q rt dB t; where a; b; c; and r0 are positive constants In integral form, this equation is Zt rt = r0 + a b , cru du + Z tq ru dBu: 0 We apply Itˆo’s formula to compute dr t This is df rt, where f x = x2 We obtain dr2t = df rt = f rt drt + 21 f 00rt drt drt  = 2rt ab , crt dt + q   rt dB t + ab , crt dt + q 2 rt dB t = 2abrt dt , 2acr2t dt + r t dB t + rt dt = 2ab + rt dt , 2acr2t dt + r t dB t 3 The mean of rt The integral form of the CIR equation is Zt rt = r0 + a b , cru du + Z tq ru dBu: Taking expectations and remembering that the expectation of an Itˆo integral is zero, we obtain Zt IErt = r0 + a b , cIEru du: Differentiation yields which implies that d dt IErt = ab , cIErt = ab , acIErt; d heactIErti = eact acIErt + d IErt = eactab: dt dt Integration yields eact IErt , r0 = ab We solve for IErt: Zt eacu du = cb eact , 1: IErt = bc + e,act r0 , bc : If r0 = cb , then IErt = bc for every t If r0 6= cb , then rt exhibits mean reversion: b: lim IEr  t  = t!1 c CHAPTER 15 Itˆo’s Formula 173 Variance of rt The integral form of the equation derived earlier for dr2t is r2 t = r20 + 2ab + 2 Zt ru du , 2ac Taking expectations, we obtain IEr2t = r20 + 2ab + 2 Differentiation yields Zt Zt r2u du + IEru du , 2ac Zt Zt r u dBu: IEr2u du: d IEr2t = 2ab + 2IErt , 2acIEr2t; dt which implies that d e2actIEr2t = e2act 2acIEr2t + d IEr2t dt dt act = e 2ab + IErt: Using the formula already derived for IErt and integrating the last equation, after considerable algebra we obtain  ! b + b2 + r0 , b + 2b e,act 2ac2 c2 c ac c 2 2 b b , act ,2act + + r0 , c ac e ac 2c , r0 e : var rt = IEr2t , IErt2 2 2 b b b , act = 2ac2 + r0 , c ac e + ac 2c , r0 e,2act : IEr2t = 15.8 Multidimensional Brownian Motion Definition 15.2 (d-dimensional Brownian Motion) A d-dimensional Brownian Motion is a process B t = B1 t; : : : ; Bd t with the following properties: Each Bk t is a one-dimensional Brownian motion; If i 6= j , then the processes Bi t and Bj t are independent Associated with a d-dimensional Brownian motion, we have a filtration fF tg such that For each t, the random vector B t is F t-measurable; For each t  t1  : : :  tn , the vector increments Bt1  , Bt; : : : ; Btn , Btn,1  are independent of F t 174 15.9 Cross-variations of Brownian motions Because each component Bi is a one-dimensional Brownian motion, we have the informal equation dBit dBi t = dt: However, we have: Theorem 9.49 If i 6= j , dBit dBj t = Proof: Let  = ft0 ; : : : ; tn g be a partition of of Bi and Bj on 0; T to be C = nX ,1 0; T For i 6= j , define the sample cross variation Bi tk+1 , Bi tk  Bj tk+1  , Bj tk  : k=0 The increments appearing on the right-hand side of the above equation are all independent of one another and all have mean zero Therefore, IEC = 0: We compute varC First note that C2 = +2 nX ,1 k=0 nX ,1 ` k 2 2 Bi tk+1  , Bitk  Bj tk+1 , Bj tk  Bi t`+1  , Bi t`  Bj t`+1 , Bj t`  : Bi tk+1  , Bi tk  Bj tk+1  , Bj tk  All the increments appearing in the sum of cross terms are independent of one another and have mean zero Therefore, varC  = IEC2 = IE nX ,1 k=0 Bi tk+1 , Bitk  Bj tk+1  , Bj tk  : But Bi tk+1  , Bi tk  and Bj tk+1  , Bj tk  are independent of one another, and each has expectation tk+1 , tk  It follows that varC  = nX ,1 nX ,1 k=0 k=0 tk+1 , tk 2  jjjj tk+1 , tk  = jjjj:T: As jjjj!0, we have varC !0, so C converges to the constant IEC = CHAPTER 15 Itˆo’s Formula 175 15.10 Multi-dimensional Itˆo formula To keep the notation as simple as possible, we write the Itˆo formula for two processes driven by a two-dimensional Brownian motion The formula generalizes to any number of processes driven by a Brownian motion of any number (not necessarily the same number) of dimensions Let X and Y be processes of the form X t = X 0 + Y t = Y 0 + Zt Z0 t u du + u du + Zt Z0t 11u dB1 u + 21 u dB1 u + Zt Z0t 12 u dB2u; 22 u dB2 u: Such processes, consisting of a nonrandom initial condition, plus a Riemann integral, plus one or more Itˆo integrals, are called semimartingales The integrands u; u; and ij u can be any adapted processes The adaptedness of the integrands guarantees that X and Y are also adapted In differential notation, we write dX = dt + 11 dB1 + 12 dB2 ; dY = dt + 21 dB1 + 22 dB2: Given these two semimartingales X and Y , the quadratic and cross variations are: dX dX =  dt + 11 dB1 + 12 dB22; dB dB +2 = 11 | z 11 12 dB | zdB2 + 12 dB | zdB2 = dY dY =  = dX dY =  = dt + 2 dt; 11 12 dt + 21 dB1 + 22 dB2 2 2 21 + 22  dt; dt + 11 dB1 + 12 dB2 11 21 + 12 22  dt dt dt + 21 dB1 + 22 dB2  Let f t; x; y  be a function of three variables, and let X t and Y t be semimartingales Then we have the corresponding Itˆo formula: df t; x; y = ft dt + fx dX + fy dY + 21 fxx dX dX + 2fxy dX dY + fyy dY dY : In integral form, with X and Y as decribed earlier and with all the variables filled in, this equation is f t; X t; Y t , f 0; X 0; Y 0 Zt + f +  = ft + fx + fy + 12  11 12 xx 0Z t Zt dB1 + 12 fx + 22 fy dB2 ; 0 where f = f u; X u; Y u, for i; j f1; 2g, ij = ij u, and Bi = Bi u + 11 fx + 21 fy 2 11 21 + 12 22fxy + 21  21 + 22fyy du

Ngày đăng: 25/05/2019, 19:36
