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Trang 1

Trinh bày T ng quan lý thuy t

(Literature Review)

“Research is to see what everybody has seen

and to think what nobody else had thought.”

Trang 2

Literature review

Literature review is an analysis and synthesis of primary source materials, written in a specific style which flows from broad to narrow, and takes into account both the theoretical and empirical issues of the problem without over citing any source or sources

“The literature" means the works you consult in order to

Trang 3

Y nghĩa

Trang 7

£ What should I read in order to develop i an appropnate Ắ question? ” How do I develop a convincing rationale for this a “ What theory or theories will nform my study? Ss : in this area that will — : inform my reviow?

Background reading for your own leaming using a Droad array of matenals, including popular media, texts, journals, etc

Need for more in-depth engagement in

research iiterature so that questions

relevant and significant to the field can be developed

Background/contextual readings that put the significance of the research in a broader societal/scientific context

Reading of contemporary and/or classic theorsts/theory — may be directly related to the topic or may more Droadly inform your thinking/approach

A review of past studies can inform your choice of method Background reading relating to specific methods may also be necessary for your own leaming WRITING A LITERATURE REVIEW

Need for thorough and critical review of the research studies that have been conducted on this and smmilar topics — generally

journal based


Trang 8

Nn ngv nd cont ptrung

1S cn thi tc p thi tc a nghiên c u - Ý


2.Nh ng lý thuy tquan đi m chính y u.Tóm t t

các nghiênc utr cvàk tqu c achúng

3.C s c anh nggi thuy tnghiénc u

4.Cac khai ni m, gi Gnhvagi ih ne anghién C U

5.Ph ng pháp nghinc u và côngc do! ng

Trang 9

T ng quan lý thuy t

4 giai đo n:

1 Hình thành v nở (Problem formulation)

2 limki md_ l¡ u (Lierature search)

3.Danh giad li u (Data evaluation) 4 Phân tích và di n gi |

Trang 10

ĐÐcnh th nào

1.Ir ch tnên tham kh onh ng ngu nt ng quát, ch ng

h n sách giáo khoa (textbook), d co cai nhint ng quat v ý nghĩa và b nch tc anh ng khai ni m, ly thuy tco lién

Trang 12

ĐÐcnh th nào

> Càng đ cnhi u, càng có nhị u câu h |

= Ÿ nghĩa???

>» Khid c,2vi cd cti nhanhd ngth |:

¬A Ti pt c hoàn thi n vị c xác đnhv ng nghiên cu

Trang 13

—> Khi nào thì cóth xemnh đãgđ cd 2

Trang 14

Cách đ cm tbài báo nghiênc u

(a journal article}

1.Dcvimtm ctiéu rd rang trong d u

2.D cl tm tcacht ng quat:c u trúc chung, m c tiêu,

ph ngphap,k tqu nghiénc uvak tlu n 3 Liên ktv ¡nh ng hu bi tcabnv ch d và ph ng pháp, và k † qu : chu y nh ng đi m gi ng nhau và khác bi t 4 Chú ý xem xét k tqu nghiên c u có phù h pv ¡d li u hay khong?

5 Tomt tn i dung, néu ranh ng nh n xét, cầu h ¡c a

bnv bài báo = nh n d ng nh ng quan đi m, ý

Trang 15

Nh ng câu h i

1.Bnđãbi tgi v nh ng khái ni m, bị n nghiên c u

chính y u?2Quanh gi anh ng khái ni m, bi n nghiên

c unàynh th nào?

2.Cac ly thuy thintiv vnd nghiênc unh th nao? Nh ngch naohi ubi tc ab ncon mau thu n ho c khong ro rang?

3.T i sao cn th c hi n nghién c u? Pong gop c a

nghiénc ulagi? H ngnghiénc uti ptheonh th


Trang 16

V nd t ng quat Dc xong ph nt ng quan lý thuy t,ng | đ cch còn t p trung vao mt cau Nit

Chi ti t trong đ u

Đó là, câu h i

nghiên c us

qd ctr | inh

Trang 17

C© u trúc Gi ithi u mN Ădung mâ Uutrỳc đGi ihn N idung chính Ph n1 Ph n2 Ph n3 Ch đ quantr ngnh tho c khái ni m Ch d quantr ng ho c chính y u khái ni m chính y uk ti p

mih olu n và đánh giá "ith o lu n và đánh giá

“tóm! cvàliênh vivnđ nghiênc u "tml cvảlênh vi vnđ nghiênc u Ktlun T cácph n trên: " làm rõ nh ng đi m quan tr ng mliênh v ivnđ nghiênc u:

Trang 18

Th nào làm tt ng quan lý thuy tt t?

A good literature review is an argument that is more purposeful than a simple review of relevant literature

(O’Leary, Z., 2004 — The essential guide to doing research)

„Trình bày cóh th ng,ch tch vàm chỉ c

° Các ph n có lênh v ¡ nhau, làm sáng! vnđ c n trình


¢Binhlu nv iy ki nriéng, lam sangt nh ng mauthu n(n u

co) gi anh ngnghiénc utr c

eLamn I1 rõ giá tr c anghiênc u trong b ¡c nh lý thuy thị n t i

¢Ch ranh ngh_= ngnghiénc uti p theo

Trang 21

Lý thuy t (Theory}

A theory can be defined as:

¢ a set of organically connected propositions,

¢ that are located at a higher level of abstraction and generalization than empirical reality,

¢ and which are derived from empirical patterns,

¢ and from which empirical forecasts can be derived

(Social research - Theory, Method, and Techniques, p.60)

Mth th ng cacyt ng, khái ni m có liên quan ln

nhau hình thành nên ki nth cnh m môt, gi ¡ thích

Trang 23

Gi thuy t (Hypothesis)

science employs hypothesis in guiding the thinking process When our experience tells us that a given phenomenon follows regularly upon the appearance of certain other phenomena, we conclude that the former is connected with the latter by some sort of relationship and we form an hypothesis concerning this relationship


A hypothesis then could be defined as an expectation about events based on generalization of the assumed relationship between


(Bruce W Tuckman)

A theory when stated as a testable proposition formally and clearly and subjected to empirical or experimental verification is known as a hypothesis

Trang 24

A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a research problem, expressed in the form of a clearly stated relation between the independent and the dependent variables Hypotheses are tentative answers because they can be verified only after they have been tested empirically

(Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996, p.62)

A theoretical proposition must be able to be broken down into specific hypotheses By hypothesis, we mean:

Trang 25

Relative Theories

& Concept Hypothesis

Problem (with Variables Predicting Labelled)

Relative Finding

Data +

Findings Collection Experimental

& Analysis Device

Trang 26

Khái ni m (Concept)

A concept is an abstract summary of a particular phenomenon that is of interest to a researcher — a representation of an object or one of its properties

Researchers have an idea of what they mean, and

they are a useful way of describing and understanding different types of action, behaviour, characteristics, attitudes, or other phenomena

Trang 27

Khái ni m (Concept)

M tkhái ni m làm ttph pnh ng ÿ nghĩa ho cnh ng ở c tính liên quant inh ngs

Trang 28

Bi n (Variable)

A variable is an operationalized concept

(Social research - Theory, Method, and Techniques, p.68)

Binlabi uhinc th coth dol ngd c

Trang 29

Các lo ¡bi nnghiênc u

> D cl p (Independent variable} > Ph thu c (Dependent variable)

> Di uti t/ Trung hoa (Moderating variable) > Ngo i lai (Extraneous variable}

> Ki m soat (Control variable)

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2019, 19:29



