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Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors Introduction Motivation is the desire and willingness of people to enhance their efforts to achieve specific results Thus, the driving force of motivation naturally comes from each individual needs With each individual with different positions, they are promoted, and with different psychological characteristics, they will have different desires and goals in their life targets Because of these characteristics of individuality, managers need to gain the key points to understand human motivation and to apply different techniques on each management of human –being demands Motivating is understood as a system of policies, measures and management techniques influenced directly on employees to make employees in the labor force working motivation To motivate employees are the responsibilities and objectives of management experts The most important keys used to be applied that showed through efficient policies measures to exploit and promote efficient usages of the potential resource of human in the operations Whenever, employees are motivated to work, they will create the ability to improve productivity and effectiveness in working motivation In addition, it is not only benefits gained but also creates the organization cohesion and attracts good workers to organize To encourage employees, managers must promote the subordinates to release their abilities to work with the best effort to carry out the organizational purposes, in the use of motivational theories that administrators use to encourage and motivate employees to work The effectiveness of encouraging depends on the way and tools of encouragement (physical and mental effects) that stimulates employees to use all their maximum potentials and try to the job To gain the highest achievement and expected results, the administrators must ensure that the workers are always satisfied their individual needs as well as the general needs of the organization Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors PART 1: THEORIES OF HUMAN MOTIVATION There are many theories on motivation, each theory detailed each special aspects and explored the different components of the impact factors Managers must be flexible in applying the theory and decide how to apply each theory to fit the circumstances, the organization characteristics, to build an effective human resource with management policies Specially, in my opinions, I choose two basic theories of motivation that I think it useful and meet my personal favorites, are: Maslow, Pyramid of Needs & Herzberg, Motivation – Hygiene theory I MASLOW, PYRAMID OF NEEDS As my concerns, I learn that Pyramid of Needs of Abraham Maslow that considered as the higher theory of recognizing human – being general living demands Untill now, Maslow theory still appears it outstanding aspects and usefulness of management areas According this theory, human needs showed as a pyramid from low and basic to high and targeted Theory showed that when the first demands are met, human – being requires their next upgraded needs, “the demand of each level needs to be met before people can move up to the next level”- quoting The pyramid is: physiological needs; safety; love and belonging; esteem and respect; self – actualization 1- Physiological needs: Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors At the bottom of pyramid are the physiological needs, for example: food, water, sleep, shelters; breaths; sex; garment All these needs are almost supported by purchases and finance, however, expenses understand as the tool of satisfactions not targets In these first requirements of Human need hierarchy, the human needs are measured and predicted and even accounted by money, thus, managers stimulate working stability, welfare, benefits as targets of working motivation to support living conditions and purchases 2- Safety: Other scientists and Maslow studies about this field and considered that this is an ordinary human need hierarchy and out of working motivation However, in the fact is opposite People need to feel protected and personally safe (ex: from crimes); they need to feel secure their job; and they need to feel financially safe Any workers who took part in their working life, they almost care about their working meanings and characters, as well as working targeted benefits and working confirmed terms of safe in finance and health care safety Working safety aspects reasoned working conditions, welfare, retirements and social security; working stability and supported finances; 3- Love and belonging: Beyond physiological and safety needs is the need for Love and Belonging This includes close friendship and a supportive family Human also need to feel that they belong to a group It could be a club, a team, a religious group or a group at work When people need to be recognized in any group, they desire to live and corporate in peace and corporations, and be called as a social needs of human – being Because of the strong belonging needs in organization, in each company, there arrange Unions and non – manufacturing organization that ensure the needs of employees, in which by the operating techniques and motivating terms to promote work force It is proven that, if the managers apply a suitable to raise the power of team force of satisfactions that will strongly improve working effectiveness And in contrary, managers focus out of employee’s need and desire that easily form the Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors dissatisfaction within working force, which can make the worst damages to organization The positive and negative behaviors of employees depend much on decisions and visions of administrators 4- Esteem and respected needs: When people are satisfied, they will move up to the next levels, in contrary, they will feel very difficult to be motivated to anything Esteem and respected needs is the fourth level of Maslow hierarchy, in which “people need respect and they need to respect others” People also feel motivation from achieving things, either in their personal and professional lives In administration, esteem realed with being respected by individual power, social positions and individual prestige Individual prestige seems a not viewable aspect that recognized by society As a physiological techniques, respect or being respect always take a roles of motivation forward to the better position in life In organization, each individual is respected and motivated or not that affected directly to people behaviors And it is clear that each people always make targets and try to be respect in organization by power, prestige and position 5- Self – actualization needs According to Maslow, this is the highest form of motivation In this level, people seem to be satisfied all fields and they can accept themselves and other people as they are; and they may have a deep sense of right or wrong Self – actualized people often wish to solve problems of society It is difficult to clearly recognize and understand about this self – actualization Explaining in organization, this need recognized as the demands of self – professional and individual decisions in working responsibilities And furthermore, it is understood as the need of making decisions and making effects to other people as well as society In this case, people will work to release their characters, capacity in creations and experience their lives In this system of needs, Maslow arranged needs in upgraded order from low to high with their importance and roles, however, in the specific social conditions, this order can be reversed And the demands satisfied will be cause no longer work motivation Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors Personal individuals and organizational individuals usually take actions to live up their demands Due to satisfactions of their needs encourage them to take action and obey demands and keep going On the other hands, the satisfied demands and maximum satisfaction is the purpose of human action Furthermore, understanding these needs is the key to understand human motivation that the leader or manager can control the behaviors of employees of using tools or measures to influence their needs or expectations makes them aggressive and harder to assigned work, more elated when performing tasks and more dedicated to the tasks they perform In a business or organization, basic needs can be met through the good and fair wage paying; lunch or free mid-shift meals providing or ensuring other benefits such as bonuses, welfares, annual bonuses, holidays, vocations,reward initiatives To meet the safety needs, managers can ensure favorable working conditions, maintained stable and equal treatment of job security for employees To satisfy the demand social relationship, the employee should be facilitated group work, given the opportunity to expand exchanges between departments, being encouraged to join their ideas for the business development of organization operation Also to meet the growing demand relationship, business or organization should have team work activities, entertainment or other holiday celebration To satisfy demand of respect for workers should be respected personality, qualities Besides being paid adequate wages or income on the relationship market, they also want respect for human values The managers or leaders, therefore, there should be no regulations and policies praise, honors the successes and popularity of personal achievement results widely And workers should be provided timely feedback, promotion of personnel in the new job levels and greater sphere of influence For self-improvement needs, managers or owners need to provide the opportunity to develop personal strengths At the same time, employees need training and development, should be encouraged to participate in the process of innovation in enterprises or organizations and create conditions for their own professional development Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors Administrators will create motivated employees work better, help them secure more work by the research and find out the specific needs of their employees and take effective measures to meet, which means that they need to know to meet the needs of employees are reasonable and intended But it is important for administrators to implement the motto "feeding hungry, thirsty to drink", that is to find out if your employees are at the demand, which come up with new solutions motivate rational and effective II HERZBERG, MOTIVATION – HYGIENE THEORY The American of management psychologist, Frederick Herzberg separated motivating factors into several parts that is resulted from other factors, including the elements that make up the satisfaction and dissatisfaction Each factors itself consists of both sides of the satisfaction and dissatisfaction and it depends on how it is implemented, and it is met how to live up human needs to clearly recognize the nature of the each factors This theory is divided into two factors of work motivation are: maintenance factors of external satisfactions and motivation factors - internal satisfactions Maintenance factors: It is external environment of satisfactions of working force, such as: working regulations; salary; working conditions that lead to satisfactions.These factors, whelther they are well-organized to meet employee efforts or they are not well-organized to be not satisfied with the work of the employees Motivation factors: It is these factors that create satisfaction, such as: recognizations, achievements, work it self, responsibility, advancement, growth, responsibilities and functions of the labor progress They are the basic needs of the workers participating in work These characteristics of motivation factors, if they are not fulfilled, they can lead to dissatisfaction, and in contrary, if they are satisfied, they will have the effect of motivating human working Herzberg makes a job enrichment program as a method of applying the theory of his motivating factors This program includes making the work of intensively Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors challenging by allowing employees to participate in a more positive and have more autonomy in their work This will give them the feeling of complete and more satisfying III THEORIES, RELATED TO WORKING MOTIVATIONS From analyzing the theoretical basises of theories, we can find the relationships between the two theories (Theory of Human Motivation of Maslow and Dual factors theory of Herzberg) Relationship can be expressed by the combination of needs and motivations that determine the human behaviors Maslow pointed out in every human - being their needs in living and it is divided into five levels from low to high Herzberg stressed on two factors that promote and maintain human working attitudes When people have already satisfied this element, they will rise higher demands the previous levels However, to satisfy the demand is still a big question Their needs and motivations associated with goals that they set will constitute their behavior So if in a enterprises, policies that ensure good employees will stimulate workers to work Their behavior will have a positive impact on the operation of enterprises On the other hand, if the regime's policy without discussion enterprises meet the demands, workers will not be able to stimulate their enthusiasm to work PART 2: PACTS OF MOTIVATIONS IN WORK Currently, I work at the Bureau of Hai Phong Customs, supplied useful knowledge of Dr Binh was meaningful to me, especially, combining them with the practical work of the working motivation theory I precie that there contain several negative problems on working motivation, following: - The working mechanism problems that lead a lot of employees not have the motivation in the work process, but working steps by steps, lack of commitment and enthusiasm, out of targets and responsibility Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors - A leader is very devoted to his job, he always interjects all the work of each employee, however, it will lose coherence of the individual, passive and lacking creativity, which damages the individuality - The link between the members of the company not really close, not really create a strong collective solidarity, and weak team work - Each individual is not actually responsible for the work under their charge settlements, being push, avoidance and fear of responsibility II REASONS, ANALYSIS - Under the state's current mechanism of State – owner Organizations, state recruited employees will work months of testing and then become the official State Officers and be entitled to base salarywage coefficient; working full hours, getting salary stably Thus, for state employees in general and especially those who have no capacity to excel, not ambitious to uygrade their job, not violate labor laws, rules and regulations of the agencies, units, does not bear the responsibility, not work hard, but still not get fired or lose their jobs It means that, every component, living conditions are satisfied to maintain lives Thus, the state offiers will have chances to create themselves challenges, experience, and forward efforts and devote capacity for work developing - The good experience senior leader of Organization who will devote to his work hardly and not empower duty to each employee strategically, he will not encrouge his staffs to motivate Separating all the work to each individual or control their work according by his way is a technique of management, which not only reduce the productivities of work but also damage to employee life time of working, specially, with a State –owner company And staffs will loose their individuality gruadually They will not face challenge, not be self confident, not be motivated - Working under the management of such a leader and working under mechanism of State – owner Organizations, employees lead to the intimate connection between the members, almost no coordinationworking groups which are according to the will of the leader Do not have a clear division of duties and enpowers specific to the individual should each individual dodge push for the hard Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors work and not want to be responsible specifically for the part he had the decision III RECOMMENDATIONS STRATEGIES FOR WORKING MOTIVATION IMPROVING - Need to reform new mechanism of State – owner Organizations, of recruitment and working mechanism Building a more challenge working environment to create the needs and desires of employees in life, to be motivated or satisfied - Managers and empower skills Need a new vision and strategy about this Managers need to trust in the ability and qualifications of employees, giving them the right to take the initiative in solving problems, they develop the ability and creativity, listen and absorb their opinions in a selective wayto solve tasks in the most effective quality - Newly layout of managers to ensure positive change to renew organization gruadually When employees believe, be in charge, to promote their qualifications, they will feel valued and more engrossed with work, dedication to the job to prove myself Need to create activities to combine people together, promoting their teamwork, mutual support when handling - At the same time, should also be specified to assign tasks and powers of each individual in a specific, clearly to avoid the push to avoid when dealing with the work and bear the responsibility of each individualthe implementation of the new quality of work actually improved - When empowered individuals of responsibility, clear structure of empowerment, take self staff responsibility system, need to build a supervisory system tightly controlled to ensure the tasks performed, how complete, have the right to request, the time limit set, - Need to organize entertainment activities, organization entertainment, tours, to combine people together, creating a collective bond of unity and mutual love Bonus mode, welfares, timely encouragement in many ways, as cited before Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors the meeting of the unit, per the title of reward, leadership planning, employees to see the talents, see the results, try the constitutionality of how they have been recorded from managers, business managers Conclusions The management course of Organizationbehaviors by Dr Tran Van Binh, I myself found that subject has given me a new vision of a field knowledge, an important issue for managers, leaders who need to understand, use management practices to ensure that the agencies and units, their businesses flexibly apply the basic theory of motivation for employees to create a comfortable working environment, encourage, motivate, reward worthy, maximize productivity, quality, work efficiency, the importance of teamwork, communication and communications, create distinct corporate culture The main things that will make up the image of the leader as well as government agencies, and business units I believe that the subjects with the enthusiasm of Mr Binh - a teacher researcher with experience teaching for many of the major universities, institutions, major projects, the economic groups, and with their own profound experiences during teacher leadership position as Head manager of Faculty of Economics and Management of the Hanoi Technology University, director of the Center for Research and Consulting on Management University HUT with serious learning during all class members international business Management PGSM H02 will bring precious knowledge, useful for application in management practices for each member of the class, help agencies, units, organizations and growing a business sustainable, growth contribute to the economic development of our country Once again, I highly appreciate to thank PGS Dr Tran Van Binh for his lectures very practical, useful, with experience, deep practical experience of the teacher Best Regards Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors Part MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES, EFFECT TO HUMAN RESOURCES WORKING MOTIVATIONS Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy of Needs Physiological needs such as: eating, breathing, sleeping, resting, drinking water, shelter, and sex, Safety and Security needs: physical security, life safety and financial stability, Love and Belongingness needs to be loved, be loved, and belonged: families, clubs and organizations, Self- Esteem needs: respected, honor and trust Self- Actualization needs: to be able to influence to other people (social recognition, famous, power), well recognized " 10 Individual Assignment – Organizational Behaviors Herzberg Theory of Motivation – Hygiene Theory Herzberg refers to two groups of factors that impact on the work of the People, including: Group of Motivations and Group of Stabilities, as follows: a Motivation factors b Maintainance factors: Part ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORS Introduce about the Organization Company Name: Consultancy on Contruction of Building Material Project JSC, Conclusions 11 ... characteristics, to build an effective human resource with management policies Specially, in my opinions, I choose two basic theories of motivation that I think it useful and meet my personal favorites, are:... motivate rational and effective II HERZBERG, MOTIVATION – HYGIENE THEORY The American of management psychologist, Frederick Herzberg separated motivating factors into several parts that is resulted from

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