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CONTENT A HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN FOR PHARUNG SHIPYARD COMPANY IN 2015 I Openning Science and technology has great progress step, is creating opportunities and challenges for businesses In general the issue of human resources and human resources management in particular will be a topic that are of social management and enterprise very interested because it is one of the decisive factors in the development of society and the business Human resources management is a difficult and complex fields, it has just as the harmonious combination between legal institutions, consisting of science, politics and culture - art, can say it is the problem related to the value system, standards of social life Therefore, HR management has must be ability to analyze and brought out with solutions designed an optimal organization to implement the strategic goals for the development of business and go to affirm the brand name business In any what period, HR also plays a very important role, especially in the modern economy with the explosion of the world economy and explosion of science and technology, so that human resources is even more important role Human resources and particularly highquality human resources both a tremendous resource, and driving force of labor productivity growth, it is a precondition for the organization viable in a competitive environment Thus in the organization, HR planning, training and development, evaluate the work effectiveness of staff needs to be done with the organization and planning With revolutionary storm scientific and technical development, technology and development trend of knowledge economy updating knowledge and equipment to employees to fulfill their assigned work is an indispensable requirement Therefore, administrators need to build and implement human resource plan as part of the overall plan of the enterprise In this essay framework, our group would like to establish a plan to prepare HR for Pharung Shipyard Company in 2015 II Analysis 2.1 General Introduction Pharung Shipyard Company was established on 25/ 03/ 1984 with land use area is 45 ha, construction area is 40 Is company specializing in shipbuilding and ship repairing, specialized ships requiring high technical and currently, the company's headquarters in Minh Duc town - Thuy Nguyen - Hai Phong - Vietnam Pharung Shipyard Company previously Pharung Shipyard Repair Plant is a partnership between the Vietnam Government and the Finland Republic was put into operation from 25/ /1984 Originally, Company was established to repair shipyard to15.000 tons Over 20 years operation, Company has repaired nearly thousand ships of the local and national reputation in the world as: Russian Federation, Germany, Greece, South Korea, Singapore achieve high quality The company is one of the leading units in the repair all shipyard high requirements technical such as liquefied natural gas tankers, ships in service rigs Pharung Shipyard Company is one of the leading establishments of Vietnam has brand and reputation in the shipyard repair field Recent years, company has begun to participate in new shipyard assembling The company has completed and delivered to customers almost ten ships with a tonnage from 6500 tons to 12500 tons That's the premise to Pharung Shipyard Company implementation new shipyard assembling contracts ship types with hightech features to export as oil tankers / 6500 chemical tons for Korea, double hull cargo ship of 34,000 tons for the United Kingdom currently being implemented in the company The output and revenue in 2014 of Company is higher than 10 times in 2005 Plan in 2015, the company strives to achieve total output value is 1,500 billion and revenue on VND 1,000 billion Implement strategic economic development sea of Party, State and the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Group, the company is implementing construction projects, Song Gia shipbuilding Company can play kind of ships 100.000 tons, building Dinh VuVinashin industrial including the seaport system and the auxiliary industry, build and repair shipyard factory in Yen Hung - Quang Ninh Now a day, Pharung Shipyard Company including the parent company, five one member ltd., with dominant contributed capital JSC of company Product of company A newly products of Pharung is U noi about 4.200 tons to serve the repair shipyard at company, followed building successful freighter about 6.300 DWT for Vinashinline Following the success, Pharung has successfully produced a series of shipyard with modern building for all domestic and foreign ships as: bulk carriers seri 6500 DWT, 12.500 DWT, 20.000 DWT for ship owner of Vinaline; tanker / chemical 6.500 DWT seri the Korea Ship owners; tanker / chemical 13.000 DWT seri for Greek Ship owners; cargo ship 34.000 DWT the UK, Italy ship owner seri; seri fishing boats, tug boats, tug ships, naval patrol ship … The product after the handover and put into operation, ship owner are appreciated for the quality With success in two series tanker / chemical ship 6.500DWT and 13.000 DWT, Pharung was known by customers as a reputable unit and rich experience in building tankers / chemical Total area is used: 112 2.2 Assess the current state of human resources 2.2.1 About number of employees: Up to this point 31/08/2014, the total number of employees in the company is 2648 in that have 233 female workers The Management Board has experience training in Finland, Poland and Japan Engineering Technology, technical specialists are trained in the country and abroad Skilled workers Workers welding certificates 3G, 4G and 6G of the registration grant VR, KR, NK, GL-DNV, BV… There are training programs the skills and qualifications enhance for the employee's annual To ease the work of assessment and planning HR, workforce of the company are divided into groups: management and production labor and direct production history Management labor group is a main leaders, the direct operating activities of the company as: Director-General, the Deputy Director, leaders of specialized departments, professional … Currently the company has 49 peoples in this group Production labour group of company is staff of the departments under: Organization - Staff - Labour, Finance - Accounting, Room Supplies, Business Manager … ; those working in the field of logistics, health care and life as kitchen workers, medical clinics; those under guard; Parts of driving … There are currently 403 employees heading for production of the company Finally, the direct production labor: that is primarily workforce, accounted for the majority of the company's employees, most of these people are technicians and technical staff By the time 31/08/2014, the total number of employees directly involved in the production of Pharung is 2520 poeples On the basis worth of total number employees working, the company will know the labor force holding company that is how many people, percentage relationship between the number of workers directly engaged with the number of CNA workforce management and service production This rate has not yet reasonable, more or less, if many workers should be cut in which parts, if lacking in part, to need how much additional labor 2.2.2 About quality (level) labor Along with the assessment about the number employees, assessing the quality of labor is a very important job With characteristics of a company building and ship repair, the quality of labor issues to the fore as in the current period, the training the workers is a full technical qualities, meet the requirements of the job is not so easy When evaluating human resources in terms of quality, company is divided into groups: labor, management and technical workers group For ease of comparison and evaluation of the rate, labor structure, the company divides the labor management group into two smaller parts It is the staff who work in the field of technical and economic officials To assess the quality of the labor group, the company based on education and qualifications of each person: How many staff on the college level: Masters and PhD students How many staff have university degrees, how many people have college degrees, school For technical workers, criteria for assessing the quality of the company's workers are qualified technician level Company should share of workers this technique into each worker, different professions In this small group, will be split and evaluated according to grade level workers In the company, the level is 7/7 level with the highest skill level, the lowest level is 1/7 Currently, there are huge differences between groups of workers Career: the level of qualified workers skilled (6 and grade) is less while the number of workers with secondary skill is very much, dominated of technical workers of the company On the basis evaluation of the quantity labor, Companies will know the relationship between quality and quantity of labor, skilled labor like dominated technical workers meet the production requirements of the business in the future yet Which part is the most lack, lack of how qualified people … Since then, the company will identify the needs of their workforce in the future Some scientific and technical staff in the company has university degree (engineering, bachelor) were expressed in the following tables: Table 1: Staff members of Pharung Shipyard Company (Source: HumanResource) Kind of majors University majors Ship shells 63 Ship Welds University Safety of goods ensure Control Ship Ship machine 86 Engineering controls Ship electricity 25 Environmental technical Electrification and civil 20 Accounting 20 Mechanical engineering 11 Economy shipping 21 Pressure processing Business Industrial 14 Business Administration 15 Finance and Accounting , banking Mechanical boats 21 English, Russian, French Cars Medicine Building construction 24 Information technology Statistical math information Information Metal Casting Foreign Economy Textiles Engineering Political ideology Labor protection Aquatic exploitation Loading machine Loading machine and unloading and unloading and Trade resource With the total number of technical workers is 2104 peoples, company has distributed to each specific type of worker and different industries:  Assembling (iron) Ship;  Welder Ship;  Machinist ship;  Electrician ship Total in2104 workers are assigned according to the level of worker: 1/7, 2/7, 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, 6/7, 7/7 level 1/7 is occupied 218 peoples, 2/7 is occupied 1104 peoples, 3/7 is occupied 246 peoples, 4/7 is occupied 184 peoples, 5/7 is occupied 153 peoples, 6/7 is occupied 84 peoples, 7/7 is occupied 28 peoples Thus the number of qualified technicians 2/7 is the most occupied and 7/ level is occupied at least The company has regular opened classes and training practices to improve skills level for workers and technical workers According to the statistics above shows the skill level of employees in the company are not high So the regular training for workers is an essential work to improve the efficiency of production of the company According to reports on the response of human resources in first six of 2014 shows: About technicians: The number engineers have just graduated to lack of practical experience, Head units assigned mentor training directly in the actual production under Rule 62 recruitment- the decision and content practice for newly graduated engineers were issued by the Company Especially the knowledge of welding training, thermal deformation processing for the new engineer-manager Particularly engineer shell ship still not enough to meet the unit, by the number of engineers shell ship graduate of the Marine University is limited, yet meet the evolving needs of IT industry overheating To attract engineers specialized shipbuilding, past General Director of the company has linked ship course of Maritime University contact the organization to communicate with student in third and fourth-year students The company has applied mid-shift meal allowance and travel for students in shipbuilding majors internships in company With many preferential policies for students in shipbuilding majors, to create favorable conditions for students with good academic future of the company will work and dedication to the company This will be a great resource engineers graduated with high technical level contribute to improving the productivity of the company later The company has an allowance 200.000 VND / month for engineers, bachelor has just qualified with salary is 1/8 The company is planning to link with Marine University service training class engineers shell with second certificate at company In short with many policies and allowances regime for engineers and bachelor has just graduated, along with preparing students graduated of Marine University The company has created good conditions contribute to improving life in terms of physical and mental everyday people, motivate people more spiritual work better Regarding technical workers: The company has carried out checks, examination for new workers recruitment with training content, level standards prescribed workers workers by the company Doing this enables the company to recruit workers with the quality of the first companies to suit the needs of a lack of resources companies, as well as ensuring the technical level of response for all activities of the company The company has trained DNV certificate registration for: 85 welders Open training for white steel welding technology for 15 welders tube and 25 welders In addition, the company also handles training classes, bending deformation distribution, total segment in the building for 87 people But in terms of infrastructure and technical infrastructure has limitations due to the ground, narrow buildings, equipment working tools is not enough For that reason, the unit can not receive new workers for additional training 2nd base according to the plans of the company This also causes the recruitment rate technicians first months of 2014 were lower Also present has 115 welder company checkup eligible but not arrange the job 2.3 Build a human resource plan in 2015 2.3.1 Pursuant to build To build the additional human resource plan, company must be based on the following factors: - Planning and producing annual business, with particular attention to the criteria: • The value of total production • Revenue consumption plan period • Quantity, product structure  The number of repair and new build vessel  Kind of ship: cargo, tankers, chemical ships …  Each type of ships tonnage: 6.500 tons, 13.500 tons, 20.000 tons, 34.000 tons … - Plan-scale development of the company • Expansion establishments, current production capacity • New development:  Construction of the new facility more  Capacity, equipment, technology - Growth of annual labor (ratio% annual increase labor) - Number of employees annual reduced natural: retirement, death, injured workers labor lost; employees leaving … Number of refresh displaced employees Based on the production business in 2014 and member units organization of Pharung Shipyard Company and production and business planning of Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry group and Pharung Shipyard Company production has business planning in 2015 as follows: The basic cost of Pharung Shipyard Company in 2015: Consisting of Pharung Shipyard Company, three Liability Company One Member co,.Ltd ( old branch) and Five share capital JSC is dominated by Pharung Shipyard Company Obligations paying: 50.504.416.000 vnd ~103 % compared in 2014 Business income: 12.950.148.000 vnd ~214 % compared in 2014 Production :1.497.548.295.000 vnd ~ 205.4 % compared in 2014 4.Revenue :1.131.907.819.000 vnd ~191 % s compared in 2014 In addition, the company also based on the development salary in 2015 plans for additional employees Based on the results of annual employees in 2014 and the actual condition of the company in 2015, Pharung Shipyard Company construction cost salary in 2015 as follows: Table 2: Aost salary building in 2015 Nu Name of target Revenue Labor Salary Fund Cost 1.000vnd people vnd vnd/1.00 I Main production 848.000.000 2.958 86.915.000.000 102,5 Repair ships 43.000.000 308,0 210,0 Newbuilding 803.000.000 2.594,0 95,0 Internal repairing 2.000.000 56,0 1.600.000.000 800,0 II Production Business 3.000.000 7,0 1650.000.000 55,0 851.000.000 2.965 102 other III Sum (Source: HR) Every year companies to build more production facilities as well as the expansion of many buildings to serve the production process Besides the many shopping facilities and apply new advances in science and technology to significantly improve the productivity of the company's operations The plan supplements the company's labor issues based on the annual number of employees of the company: retired, died, leaving or the number labor to other places to work 2.3.2 Calculate, determine the demand for labor need additional tasks to meet production and business Based on the above basis the company will identify the needs of their human resources in the planning The company identified in its parts are lacking parts employees, employees that is how, skilled employees of the stars: higher or lower university degree or postgraduate … Additional employees needs of the company are divided into groups: group employees management and technical workers Each group has its own requirements, in particular With employees management will be the scientific and technical personnel and economic officials, criteria will be given the required level of education, the company will need how qualified staff With technical workers, the demand for labor will be divided by level of worker 2.3 Employees supply - Training school managers have a university degree and over university provided by the school as: Maritime University, Science and Technology University, National Economics University, Academy of finance University… - Training and technical workers school: + The Central Vocational College of Transport Number 2; + I Maritime College; + Maritime Vocational College I; + Aquatic High School … 2.4 Training plan and human resources development In addition to scheduling labor and training plan and human resources development, includes the content following: 2.4.1 Training needs analysis About training needs Company has often applied method of determining training needs dbased on the total amounts of working time for each project, each building products of the Company Totally new training, more vocational training: Apply for hiring new workers due to lack of human needs or those from other parts not move to become familiar with the work New training needs are identified through the balance of annual labor: Labor needs to recruit = The demand for labor should have in following year – current employees in the previous year With the staff has just apply, Companies pay special attention to training with form of direct instruction is led by people with extensive experience in the job, can also be based on the next target of the company that new employees participate in other training courses Aew employees recruitment of company's annual about 25 people, in that 70% is engineering construction workers and 30% is officers and staff management Based on the number employees working in departments to detect surplus and shortage labor and have measures the most use reasonable employers Ccompany balance in the departments of human by transferring surplus labor from to shortage department, associated with the conduct of training for employees Every year the company transferred employees between departments, to make full use of human resources in the company The method used in the evaluation training needs by means of questionnaires, interview and use the results in the expression evaluation work hardly be applied which is often used method of observation and through collective opinion About training subject: Reality identify training objects as indirect labor: The company regularly sent staff to attend classes senior political theory Criteria for participation in this training include: Employees must be party members, level university or higher (formal or in-service training), work experience, age over 35 Based on this criteria the company annually determines the training courses number participants (usually -10 people) For engineers, bachelor, staff the company has policies concerned with training and development of this object Companies often training, short courses or those with high levels of security companies directly, mentoring Every year the company also organizes short-term classes open 3times / year to create conditions for employees to learn and improve continuously For subjects trained is technical workers: As companies operating in the construction sector should especially pay attention to the training of workers The training took place primarily for workers is to retrain and improve skills for workers Before conducting the training, Companies also have to the level exams keep, workers must meet the criteria for time keeping and standard grade exam grade promotion, if they pass this exam to participate in the contest increment Main form exam consists of two parts: theory and practice With any participating employees must adhere to the principle, rules of competition 2.4.2 Identify training objectives and content training methods About training objectives: With training courses to enhance professional qualifications the quality of the workforce after training is top priority, assessed by the number employees at university level, College, Intermediate and increased levels of Workers The company evaluated the high quality workforce because qualified workers raised Effective work, labor productivity also increases as the level of labor is raised, value-added production and workers will be interested in more jobs and stimulate employees with salaries and wages to be paid more With more vocational training, additional training to new knowledge, initial skills necessary for employment or job transfer or new staff into the company: this training course purpose create conditions for employees to grasp, get acquainted with the work and complete business plan produced in each period About training method: The Company apply the training method mainly vocational training, mentoring and sent to study directing at the center Percentage of people trained in all methods by company, applied to the total number of workers trained accounts for a relatively high proportion but tends to decrease over the years: in 2012 occupied 66,23%, in 2013 occupied 42,71%, in 2014 occupied 41,49% Methods of training centers: The company sent workers to the center of professional training to attend According to this method the students acquire knowledge easily and more systematic, but it requires greater training costs Style training methods directing and tutoring: This method applies to all officers and employees Workers receive training in the form of huge but tend to fall through the water in 2012 is 157 poeples, in 2013 is 63 poeples, in 2014 is 53 poeples The cause of this change is in the process of training the employee is not to acquire knowledge in a systematic way, prone to repeat according to the gaps, errors of the guide, not create innovative working environment for workers, especially not grasp the knowledge of modern science and technology The unfocused method training: This method primarily applicable for officials and employees, usually short-term training courses The class professional training to improve the knowledge of the officials and employees before the change of in management policy or change of the business environment Number employees trained in this method decreased over the years has stabilized and went into operation in the form shares (In 2012: 28 poeples, in 2014: 25 poeples), Some workers were sent for training knowledge of equitization large proportion 2.4.3 Identify funding for training Study costs for the human resources training can include: Salaries for school Training costs include remuneration for teachers, cost of materials, accommodation and catering expenses courses … Based on all content about plans to develop human resources mentioned above and personnel training plan of Pharung Shipyard Company is shown in the following table: Table3: HR training plan of Pharung Shipyard Company (Unit: 1.000.000vnd) Nu Content and Training Training training subjects unit Quantity forms Training time Training costs (VND) Cost Salary 156 140 Total Cadres management & staff I Short training Enforcement 70 Staff Company and 296 Long +Outside Term Fostering of professional and specialize Staff 20 Company +Outside Short Term 60 40 100 Outside Apply progress and New technologies 20 Staff Short 40 46 Term transfer Outside Level improve Staff Short 30 training Technical II workers training Initial personal and Long 90 60 150 Term Short Technical workers 2.000 and Company Long +Outside Term Technical Company Short workers 800 training new Term 2.545 160 1.245 17,5 3.790 177,5 recruits Step increase annual Technical Company workers 250 Technical Training and Certificate of Term 400 and Company Long +Outside Term Technical Short workers Term 300 registration 500 775 1.275 Short workers Advanced Short 1.260 400 800 93 1.353 52,5 277,5 Company +Outside Apply Technical Short progress and workers Term New 150 technologies Company transfer +Outside 225 Training new Technical Company workers Company Training III - awareness Staff Short Term - Short 2.200 Term 28,6 80 - 108,6 about ISO Total (I+II+III) 2.729, 1.465 4.194,6 I Conclusion In the market economy, businesses often faced with the rules of market, so that the sign of market is the basis for enterprises to perform acts production business However, planning management mechanism is still needed, effectiveness of business In the HR business plan is an essential part of the direct impact on revenue and profitability of the business The problem of increased headcount in the business, quality, number of how employees in businesses? This is a very important issue was interested by all the planners Planning permission personnel managers and HR department forecast needs the future HR of business and supply capacity labor If the business does not meet the needs number HR and type labor can target and operational strategy will not achieved So to implement HR plan is one of the basic elements for the successful implementation of business strategy REFERENCES Human Resource Management Lecture Human Resource Management text book - Publisher social workers Editor: MA Nguyen Van Diem - Assoc Nguyen Ngoc Quan Capacity Profile of Pharung Shipyard Company in 2014 – Organization and Administration The training of human resources development report of Pharung Shipyard Company in 2013, 2014 ... assessed by the number employees at university level, College, Intermediate and increased levels of Workers The company evaluated the high quality workforce because qualified workers raised Effective... highest skill level, the lowest level is 1/7 Currently, there are huge differences between groups of workers Career: the level of qualified workers skilled (6 and grade) is less while the number... Since then, the company will identify the needs of their workforce in the future Some scientific and technical staff in the company has university degree (engineering, bachelor) were expressed

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2018, 14:24

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