The contents of the report are presented in three parts: Part I: Concept of Human Resource Part II: Overview of Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings and features the company's hum
Trang 1“HR Planning 2015 for Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings”
In the market economy, the trend of integration with the fierce competitive environmentcompanies has to deal with many challenges To survive and develop strong right nowabout all resources including human resources play a decisive role A business has a goodstaff management system; it basically creates a workforce to work effectively, dedicationfor the survival and development of enterprises That is the competitive advantage of theutmost importance in the market now The first step plays an important role in the system ofhuman resource management activities are activities of human resource planning Planninghuman resources help enterprises to have an accurate overview of the labor force inbusiness, anticipating the needs of human resources in the short term, long term andoffering the best solution for workers in order to successfully implement the goals of theorganization
Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings have a long development history in theconstruction industry Through many years of development, the position of the company isincreasingly asserted in the construction industry and aims to become the leading enterprise
in the field of construction Specifically, on 11/5/2009 officially listed shares on the HanoiStock Exchange floor PHC - HNX Achieving ISO 9001: 2008 Global Group - UKAS.Therefore, it creates a strong motivation for all officers and employees in the company andfor the development and growth of the Company
The contents of the report are presented in three parts:
Part I: Concept of Human Resource
Part II: Overview of Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings and features the company's human resources
Trang 2Part III: HR 2015 Plan for Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings
Part I: Concept of Human Resource
1.1 The basic concepts of human resource plan
To survive and develop a business, we must effectively address the issues related to thefour basic areas such as finance, production management, marketing and human resourcemanagement The settlement does not only focus on the issue that requires resolution butalso look to the future to anticipate and deal with these problems will occur Therefore, HRplanning is needed to bring the initiative, reduce risk and increase efficiency Thus, HRplanning is important, necessary as a basis for effective use of human resources as well asthe efficiency of production and business activities
There are many different definitions of the staffing plan was launched, namely:
"Human Resource Planning is the process of assessment, determine the need for humanresources to meet the business goals of the organization and construction workers plan tomeet those needs"
"Human Resource Planning is the process of implementing plans and programs to ensurethat the company will have the right quantity, right quality at the right time to be arranged
at the right time, the right amount of quality, place and place "
1.2 The role of human resource plan
1.2.1 Planning HR plays a central role in the strategic management of human resources.
The workforce has the skills of an organization is increasingly aware, has become acompetitive advantage of the organization Planning HR organizations have an importantrole as the capital plan and the financial resources of the organization However, for aperiod of time, managers are interested in planning capital and financing needs of theorganization, but only recently they have noticed clear competitive advantage of theorganization’s labor force with skill, high-skilled level
Any organization that wants to survive and withstand the competition will have to conductstrategic planning of human resources
Trang 3Strategic planning is the process of human resources to build human resource strategy andset of programs or strategies to implement strategic human resources Therefore, the role ofhuman resource plan is to help organizations achieve business goals.
The strategic plan of the organization's resources when built correctly will bring manybenefits directly or indirectly to the organization
1.2.2 HR plan has a great influence on the efficiency of the organization.
Planning personnel have close relations with strategic planning of production and businessorganizations To achieve the goal in time, each organization must have a reasonable set ofworkers with the skills and knowledge necessary capabilities
1.2.3 HR plan is the basis for the recruitment of human resources, training and development of human resources.
1.2.4 HR plan to regulate the activities of human resources.
HR plan can help enterprises labor turnover from this department to other departmentswhen necessary to avoid excess labor
1.3 Factors affecting the HR plan
1.3.1 Type of products and services that the organization will provide social and organizational strategy
Each type of products and services that the organization will produce trading and marketmaking will require quantity and quality of labor, occupational structure and level of skilledlabor skills of human resources is very different from each other Therefore, the HR planshould carefully consider the complexity of the product to determine the type of laborstructure suitable qualification and skills
1.3.2 The volatility of the environment
As the changes in the economic, society, politic, science and technical progression willaffect the business operations of the organization From the effect of demand and supply,some job has been removed while some have been created
1.3.3 The length of the HR plan
The length of time is also an important factor affecting human resource planning, humanresource plan can be made in the short term from 1 month to 1 year or longer period of 3years 5 or 7 years Determination of long or short duration of planned human resources
Trang 4depends on the degree of influence of environmental factors internal and externalenvironment of the organization.
1.3.4 This type of information and the quality of the forecast information on HR plan
The nature of the work will be done
When planning personnel to determine: What types of work will be done within theorganization; gaps in the organization need to be replaced and additional reasons: labortransfer, promotion, retirement and generate new jobs Moreover, human resources will beattracted from? The ability to train and develop existing employees within the organization
in order to complete the job like? Staff recruited like? The ability to search easy or hard,long or short?
These factors should be considered when conducting assessment and planning of humanresources
1.4 The basis of the plan's
Job analysis is the process of collecting the materials and assesses systematically withimportant information related to the specific job within the organization in order to clarifythe nature of each job
1.4.2 The relationship between HR plan and business plan
- Production planning for long-term business with HR plan
To survive and thrive in the long period (about 3 years) the organization should focus onplanning for long-term strategy The senior management of the organization has to definestrategic thinking such as why your organization exists? But what should be done? Therefore, organizations must clearly identify the products and services that are useful tothe business Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization as the products and
Trang 5services will be produce in the coming years There are serious weaknesses that may harm
or bankrupt organization for a long time
Strategic Planning requires analysis of labor force as a result of changes in thedemographic, cultural, and social and changes in labor supply Each change may havecertain influence to the future workforce of the organization
- Production Plan mid-term business plan with HR plan
Planning and production of medium-term business organizations include: identifying thegoals and objectives of the organization within 1 to 3 years Manifestations such sales; thenumber of products in each category; or some other indicator of production and businessactivities as profitable labor productivity
- Planning and producing short-term business with HR plan
Production and business plans often offer short-term performance objectives andoperational plans of a year Short-term business plan plays a very important role foreconomic triumph and survival of any organization, especially the forecast of saving andspending The planning tool creates the conditions for coordinating the activities of theorganization and direction of the activities of individual employees to achieve superiorresults
1.4.3 Review the job done
As predicted labor supply, one of the important factors that administrators used is resourceinformation system which is the most important under review the work done
Assessment work is understood as a systematic evaluation and formal work on theimplementation of the employees in the comparison of standards have been developed anddiscussed the results of the assessment for each employee action
1.5 The process of HR plan
Trang 61.5.1 Predicting human needs Predicting short-term HR needs
Predicting short-term resources is the needs for personnel within 1 year, the primarymethod to predict resource needs in the short time analysis tasks / analyzing workload.Depending on the characteristics of the business, product type and structure of eachorganization, and adopted the following methods:
- The method of calculating the amount of labor wastage
Identify staffing needs for the next year (in plan) based on the following grounds: a totalwaste of labor to complete the number of products, or the workload and tasks of the planyear; coefficient of labor productivity growth projected in the plan
- Method of calculation according to labor productivity
Basic contents of this method are that the total output of the plan year (in kind or value)divided by the labor productivity of labor a year's plan for the year
- The method of calculating the standard
A person must undertake standard calculation of workload / tasks For example, the number
of students that a teacher must undertake; number of beds that a nurse must serve Predicting long-term HR needs
Long-term HR plan is usually carried out for a period of 1 year, possibly from 3 to 5 years
or 7 years
Predicting long-term staffing requirements is the task of the human resource managementprofessionals Each institution engaged in the production of various kinds of product,process and management of the organization, technical skills are applicable to themanufacturing business, so the demand for quantity and quality of human resources indesign planning is very different
1.5.2 Predicted labor supply
After predicting human needs, it should be conducted to predict the organization's laborsupply during the plan period Organizations must evaluate, analyze and ability to predicthow many people are willing to work for the organization to take measures to attract, useand exploit the potential of workers, improve the efficiency of its operations function
We can predict the labor supply from two sources: labor supply from the organization (i.e.analysis of existing personnel within the organization) and provision of personnel fromoutside the organization
Trang 71.6 Balancing supply and labor demand, these solutions imbalance between supply and demand
After predict demand and supply personnel for the period of organizational planning,conducting balance / compare players with not only provide HR personnel in large groupsbut also detailed to each job Results in comparing demand and supply personnel of theorganization will occur the following three cases: Demand is greater than the supply for the(lack of manpower); the larger labor supply and demand of the (excess manpower); Bridgepersonnel by providing personnel (balance) Each case requires organizations to havespecific measures, adaptation
2.1 Company’s overview
2.1.1 History and Development
- Name: Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings
- Abbreviated Name: Phuc Hung Holdings., JSC
- Address: 03 floors, HH2, Duong Dinh Street Art, new urban Yen Hoa, Cau Giay District,Hanoi
- Phone: + 84.4.6275.60.61 / 62/63 - Fax: +84.4.6275.6065
- Email: Website
Phuc Hung Construction Joint Stock Holdings was established on 04 January 07 2001(formerly known as the Phuc Hung Holdings., JSC), in 2003 joined the "parent company-subsidiary" of Constrexim Holdings
With industry is the construction of residential, industrial, interior equipment; Investment inreal estate business; Trading & manufacturing of building materials
Phuc Hung identified own direction of high-tech applications in construction and civilengineering industry with specialized technology sliding formwork construction andconstruction of reinforced concrete structures prestressing steel, this is the advancedtechnology in the world
Orientation is the first 10 ÷ 15 years focused on the construction of tall buildings (offices,luxury apartment .), cement plants, plant food by the application of advanced
Trang 8technologies of the developed countries in the field of construction (Germany, Austria,USA, Korea, China .) such as sliding formwork, climbing formwork, construction ofprestressed cables and promote investment property estate, focused on projects in Hanoi,HCMC Ho Chi Minh City and Ba Ria-Vung Tau Improving competitiveness in the field
of commercial business, first serve the business needs of the company; Non-stop researchand investment projects of building materials factory when eligible
With a staff of experienced engineers, workers skilled technicians have spent many years ofexperience in the construction sector, are mature through the major projects of the Investor
in & abroad demanding progress, quality management methods PHUC HUNGHOLDINGS has been involved in the development, major investment projects, hightechnical standards
The strategic objective of PHUC HUNG HOLDINGS is innovation, increase investment inthe development, production and business expansion in the direction of multi-sector,diversification of products that focus on the construction sector and civil industrial,transportation, irrigation, enhance competitiveness, improve business efficiency,sustainable development towards regional integration and international
2 The model of organization of the management of the company
Comment: Phuc Hung Holdings operates under the regime of independent accounting, legalstatus, there is a seal for trading relations and signing contracts with economic units andabroad Currently the company has gradual improvements under the new model whichsuitable to meet the business plan from 2015 to 2018 which was approved by the Board, thefunctions and responsibilities of each department is clearly divided Human resources wasidentified as the most important in determining the success or failure strategic corporatedevelopment and effective implementation of the objectives set out by the company, inwhich the role of the leader, officials Management at all levels, staff engineers and workersare the biggest assets of Phuc Hung Holdings
Trang 93 Structure of the Company's shares
Currently the use of the entire personnel of the company is to create stability and timerequired friction with the company's shares However, a general orientation in employmentsynthesis in the table below, to ensure the development of the company in the comingmonths, the company will add several departments such as: construction managementRoom, The project Management Board at the investment project
Trang 10Looking at the structure of employment by industry trained qualified staff we seeemployees of the workers is very high Number of employees with bachelor's degreeaccounted for 13.49% (49 people), number of employees qualified engineers andtechnicians accounted for 58.68% (213 people) The workforce will certainly be a hugeadvantage for the company in the implementation of construction projects that meet thetechnical requirements.
1 The cause and significance of the HR plan
1.1 Reasons:
Looking at the functions and duties of the Organization - Administration, we see theworkload of the room is very diverse, but it was the company programmed to apply fromthe beginning with four employee to adapt the workload of the company, but if the workplan, the number of personnel on the staff is not enough for the job analysis process for allofficials and employees of the company
Organization with a staff management personnel, but officials did not learn in-depth aboutthe HR planning process, the remaining three staff only focus on management salaries andinsurance So when companies plan their personnel will not analyze the work of thecompany because the company has multiple departments scattered everywhere to find andfocus on data which having a lot of difficulties, in addition, the deadline of HR planningprocess is very limited In general administrative office don’t have expert on HR planningand analysis work, this is a huge cause of obstruction
When building HR planning, the companies have to spend a certain cost to the plan iscompleted with a knowledgeable staff and an amount of time to complete this So the cost
of money is relatively large but not necessary for the company, hence, the company did notelaborate planning with proper process
Moreover, the characteristics of seasonal employment, with the management of permanent contracts, we see that the management is very easy to just one personknowledgeable about construction or have experience in process construction management,
non-is able to manage these workers, therefore the demand for determining human resourcesmanagement for the future is not really urgent for the company
Trang 11- Analysis of the current situation in the company's number of employees, thereby know thequality of implementation, of each department, division, specific projects;
- Develop a plan staff turnover, recruitment of staff in order to grow in the company in2015
- Actively funds to pay salaries, bonuses, training and retraining of employees
- Pursuant to the strategic direction, development planning and implementation of earlyhuman to retain existing human resources, avoid inviting, inducing existing employees ofthe company to another work; initiative agreed to invite the factors to be evaluated isconsistent with the work of the company and the expected benefits for the development ofthe company
Our country is in the period of industrialization and modernization so we have moreopportunities for Phuc Hung Holdings; hence the success is or not largely depends on thecompany But the company had to stand in the fierce competitive environment, competingnot only with the state-owned companies but also to compete with private companies andforeign companies, the business environment is very large and uncertain Therefore in order
to survive, the companies have to improve from their own work, including HR plan
The labor needs of the company are quite diverse, rich, if not the plan will cause a greatimpact on the business plan
The company has to predict the labor needs of in the future
The company will use effectively the available resources when a shortage of laborhappened or hire more people
3 Develop the planning process at the Phuc Hung Holdings
- To have a reasonable HR plan at first, the companies have to determine constructionmethods labor planning
- The company has knowledgeable staff but in the building but the company needs andlimitations of the lack of specialized human resources management field, the company has
Trang 12no plans to do HR plan, if possible, the company can hire HR professionals to createmanpower planning process But they should not forget to build a mechanism formonitoring and supervising the plan.
+ The company should consider, send people to improve their training, should choosesomeone who has studied labor economics or human resources management and are willing
to invest to meet the costs of distribution area of work, of course, to build a team ofsurveillance and monitoring mechanisms
+ Company would hire one or two additional experts in Organization - Administration,measures difficult for remuneration policy of the company is not high
+ The company should invest the cost to process HR plan to follow the procedure below.3.1 Identify the needs and demand forecasting
Proposed requirements:
Normally HR needs to arise from the requirements of the business plan, especially plan that
is the product of volume and revenue
- For the production: can calculate the time, the output of which will be converted into thelabor consumption per unit of product
- For other works: For those workers will use the conversion rate is very little or no change
Using standard methods for boundary:
Step 3: Calculate the number of labor management
To calculate the labor management, use the HR standards to each department If thefunction is more complicated the more people are needed However, if the organizational