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1 Theory basic for human resouce planning 3

1.1 Concept of planning human resource 3

1.2 Major reasons for development of human resource in company 3

1.2.1 Ensuring human resource to meet requirement of number and structure 3

1.2.2 Improving quality of human resource 4

1.2.3 Efficient use of human resource 4

1.2.4 Due care of settling social regime for employee in order to create motivation and encouragement of work 5

1.3 Factors impacting to company development of human resource 5

1.3.1 Outside factors 5

1.3.2 Inside factors 6


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1.4 Forecast human resource of company 6

1.5 Basic for planing human resource 7

1.5.1 Job analysis 7

1.6 Criteria to review the efficiency of human resource use 8

1.6.1 Average working productivity criterion 8

1.6.2 Efficient use of wage criterion 8

1.6.3 Wage productivity criterion 8

1.6.4 Staff’s profitable capability criterion 9

2 The formation and development of Urban Development Infrastructure Corporation (UDIC) 9

2.1 Formation history 10

2.2 Organization chart 10

3 Assessment of current human resource in UDIC 11

3.1 Assessment of Corporation’s human resource on number and structure 11

3.2 Table listing workforce’s level of UDIC 12

4 Making human resouce plan for UDIC in year 2015 12

4.1 Steps for human planning include: 12

4.1.1 Demand determination 12

4.1.2 Demand forecast 12

4.1.3 Forecast of human supply 16

4.1.4 Method to balance Corporation’s human resource 17

4.1.5 Assessment method for improving quality of Corporation’s human resource 18

4.1.6 Implementation of social policies 18

4.1.7 Factors impacting to Corporation’s development of human resouces 18

4.1.8 Assessment of plan for human resource in UDIC 19

4.2 Solution for making plan for human resouce in UDIC 20

4.2.1 Group of soluions for ensuring the number of human resource in Corporation 20

4.2.2 Solution for professional development (staff planning) in Corporation 20

4.2.3 Group of supportion solutions for aiming to improve quality of human resource in Corporation 21

4.2.4 Group of solutions for efficient use of human resource in Corporation 22

4.2.5 Group of solutions for enhancing motivation of employees 22

5 Conclusion 22

6 Reference 23


1 Theory basic human resource planning

1.1 Concept of planning human resourcec

Planning human resource is a process of research, determination of human resouce demand and implementation of programs, activities to ensure company having


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sufficient human with suitable qualification, skill to carry out the work prodcutivitlyand efficiently.

Planning human resource is often specified by short-term and long-term plan forhuman resource This plan can be flexibly adjusted in accordance with business’schange The effectiveness of the human resource planning strategy depends on thecompliance of human resource strategy with the overall business’s strategy such asmarketing strategy, new product strategy

1.2 Major reasons for development of human resource in company

1.2.1 Ensuring human resource to meet requirement of number and structure:

In terms of human resource number, the first question to be named is how manypeople will leave and come to company in the future and this question is used fordetermination of human resource number For ensuring structure and number of humanresource, company should conduct well human resouce planning and and labor recruitment

a Human Resource Planning

Human resource planning is a process of deployment and implementation of planningfor human resources to ensure that there are sufficient labor, good quality to be arranged forthe work once required on time and on place That is an assessment process, identification

of human resource demands to meet the company business goals and also a make of humanresource plan to meet such demands

b Labor recruitment

Labor recruitment is an important issue among human resource management thatincludes following activities: job analysis, recruitment and selection of employees to ensurethe quantity and quality of labors in accordance with company business development

1.2.2 Improving quality of human resource

On the basis of current human resources, company business shall maintain its goodhuman resources and also find ways to improve quality of current human resourcesincluding:

a Review work performed by employees


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The review methods are often used as: scoring method alternated ranking method,pair comparision method, behavioral observation methods, Objective management method.

b Training and development of human resources

1.2.3 Efficient use of human resource

Development of human resources has close relation to efficient use of companyhuman resource The efficient use of human resources is based on good allocation andcooperation of labors

a Allocation of labor

Currently, there are three common types of labor allocation in company as follows:+ Functional allocation of labor

+ Profesional allocation of labor

+ Allocation of labor following the complexity level of job

b Cooperation of labor: Nowaday, there are two types of labor cooperation in

company such as:

+ Cooperation in space aspect;

+ Cooperation in timme aspect;

1.2.4 Due care of settling social regimes for employees in order to create motivation and

encouragement of work

a The material wage: basic salary, allowance, bonus, welfare.

b The un-material wage: promotion, good condition and environment for working.

1.3 Factors impacting to company developement of human resource

1.3.1 Outside factors

a Diversification of labor

Current workforce includes many elements coming from different locals, regions.They differ in religion, educational level, ability, age Therefore, when the laborworkforce is an increasing diversification, the management of human resource in general,the development of human resource in particular become more complexity


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b.Education - Training quality of labors before being recruited into the company willdecide the development policy of human resource in the future.

c The development and change in science, engineering, technology dramatically

affect the human resource of an enterprise From that it also affects the company’sdevelopment policy of human resource because the workers themselves, rather than theother ones will have to acknowledge, master the advances of such science and technology inorder to apply them into the works and then serve for the development of company’sbusiness

d Economic chanlenges

The economy has experienced profound changes in addition to the spread ofglobalization trend has forced companies to change to adapt to these changes, to makebusiness decisions more productively and effectively It could restructure departments’spersonnel to reduce costs Besides, they also attract qualified managers having higherprofessional with higher wages

e Goverment’s training policy and development of human resource: whe the later

issued policies have changes; the company must change its policy of human resourcedevelopment appropriately

f Labor market signal

Labor market signals are information flow obtained from the labor market, includingmessages, news, or indicators such as wages, employment, unemployment displaying thestatus and trends of the labor market When these signals are collected periodically,analyzed systematically, they will form a labor market information system and impact tocompany’s policy of human resource development

1.3.2 Inside factors

a Company’s demand

b Organization structure, company’s business scale

c Factors that belong to employee and managers

1.4 Forecast company’s human resource


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Company’s demand of human resource is the need of entire workforce required forimplementation, completion of business tasks (production-business plan) and further tasks(business strategy).

- The identification of company’s human resource demand starts from businessstrategy Company shall make a specific production – business plan basing on the requiredlabor (determined by machine and technology and labor’s qualification), the retiringreplacement to calculate manpower needs From that manpower needs and humanstructure, company will determine the need to recruit and training needs for themselves

- Human resource demand must represent in the number and proportion of laborworkforce (human structure) The level of current labor structure meeting requirementcomparing labor structure must be required for implemention and completion of shor-termand long-term company’s tasks shall be determined as human quality

Map for determination of company’s human resource demand


Company’s business Strategy

Detailed business plan

Equipment / Machineavailable for productionLabor capacity


Demand of labor for replacement

of retired people, leaving laborsand on-training staff

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1.5 Basic for planning human resource

1.5.1 Job analysis

Job analysis is understood as a process of defining a system of tasks and skillsneeded to perform the job in an organization Job analysis is considered a basic and mostimportant tool for human resources management It is a base for implementing all humanresource function within company Since, the first basic e of human resource planning is thejob analysis

When conducting job analysis, management administers must answer the followingquestions:

 What kind of job do the employees do?

 When is job completed?

 Where is job implemented?

 How did the employee implement the work?

 Why do they need to do that job?

 What are requirements for doing that job?

1.6 Some criteria to review the efficiency of human resource use

1.6.1 Average working productivity criterion

Average working productivity is a specific production capacity of individual labor Itreflects the result of individual labor’s production activity in a certain time unit

This indicator is defined by the formula:

W = Q/T

In which:

W – Average working productivity of a labor

Q – Total output in production


Labor requirement

Current labors who meet requirementincluding leaving and on-training laborsDemand for


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T – Total labors.

Average labor productivity criterion is a basic important quality indicator in basiccompany’s business processes This criterion also assesses the level of labor duringoperation

1.6.2 Efficient use of wage expenses criterion

This indicator is defined by the formula:

1.6.3 Wage productivity criterion

This indicator is defined by the formula:

1.6.4 Staff’s profitable capability criterion

The average profit of an employee in company is one of the important indicators toevaluate the company’s effective use of labor A company makes an effective businesswhen it creates more sales, more profits


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This indicator is defined by the formula:

Corporation Name: Urban Development

Infrastructure Corporation (UDIC)

Address: 27 Huynh Thuc Khang – Dong Da

On 13/04/1990 Hanoi People's Committee issued Decision No 1740 / QD-TC,changed Company’s name from foundation backfilling to Construction EngineeringInfrastructure Company After six years of operation, the company continues to be renamed

as the Urban Development Infrastructure Corporation

According to Decision No 111/2004 / QD-UB dated 20/7/2004 of the Hanoi People's

Committee, the Urban Development Infrastructure Corporation was established in form

parent company – subsidiaries which based on reorganization of the Company with theinclusive of members (subsidiaries) from State-owned enterprises, joint stock company, the


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joint venture company under Hanoi Departments of Civil Engineering, Transportation,Industry and Union of Import-Export Company (Unimex).

In Decision No 3462 / QD-UBND dated 13/07/2010 of Hanoi People's Committeeand the Business Registration Certificat no 0100106232 issued by the Department ofPlanning and Investment in Hanoi on 04/7/2011, Urban Development Infrastrucutre

Corporation was renamed as Urban Development Infrastructure Corporation – One

member Limited Liability Company.

2.2 Organization chart

3 Assessment of current human resources in UDIC

3.1 Assessment of Corporation’s human

resource on number and structure

a Assessment of Corporation’s

human resources on number showed that

employee numbers had gradually

increased over the years, from 1,400 in

2012 to 1,650 in 2013 and 1,855 people in

year in period 2012-2014

b Assessment of Corporation’s human resource on structure

* Structure of labor following nature of work



0 500 1000 1500 2000

Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014

Personnel Chart


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Company’s labors mainly include direct labor working on project sites, there are1,320 people in year 2012, accounting for 94.29% of total; 1,550 people in year 2013,accounting for 93.94% of total and 1,728 people in year 2014 accounting for 93.15% oftotal.

* Structure of labor following age

Company’s labors have wide age range, varying from 18 to over 55, young workersfrom 24 to 35 years old accounting for largest proportion has increased from 2012 to 2014

In year 2012, employees from 24 to 35 have 882 people, accounting for 63.00% of total, inyear 2013, there were 1,132 people accounting for 68.61% of total and in year 2014, therewere 1,337 people accounting for 72.08% of total

* Structure of labor following working seniority

According to working seniority, there is a division of labor having seniority over 20years, focusing on the number of managers and professional technicals existed sinceestablisment of company to date

* Structure of labor following type of labor

Company’s labors could be classified following three main categories which aremanagement labor, professional- technical labor and unskilled workers The number oflabor types has gradually increased over the years, in which un-skilled works was largestproportion, with 1,320 people in year 2012, accounting for 94.29%, with 1,550 people in

2013, accounting for 93.93% and 1,728 people in year 2014, accounting for 93.15%

3.2 Table: List of UDIC’s workforce level


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III Technical Labors People 657 797 843

Source: Administration Department.

4 Making human resource plan for UDIC in year 2015

4.1 Steps for human planning schedule:

4 1.1 Demand determination

Based on Corporation’s production and business strategy in 2015 as well as actualsituation in the factories, project sites, Management Board shall set up plan for humanresource demang for every year

4.1.2 Demand Forecast.

Corporation divide the forecast process into three periods

First stage of short –term labor forecast:

Step 1: Determine the workload required for implementation during planned period:this could be done through the amount of product, sales

Step 2: Determine the required labor for each type of work based on the use of theconversion rate

From the volume of work and basing on labor norms, they calculate the total timerequired to complete the work Thus, they could determine the number of workers neededfor each job Company could use the reulation to identify labor norm or they could calculate

by themselves to identify more correctly Specifically as follows:

- For the production: they can calculate required time, the output so that it could beconverted into the labor consumption per unit of product

Formula: T= n i=1Qi*ti

In which: T is total of hours (days) required for person to carry out the work


Ngày đăng: 08/12/2018, 10:08


