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  • Sixth lesson: Construction of separate images and messages for Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark .

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INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION THESIS STRENGTHENING THE ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS TO DONG VAN KRAST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK IN HA GIANG CONFIRMATION The Unit: Project Management Unit of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Ha Giang Province (Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark PMU) Confirms that: Mr Do Viet Hop, working for People's Committee of Yen Minh District, Ha Giang Province, as a student of class ieMBA B03 of PGSM International business administration master training program has selected Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark PMU for his research and thesis preparation with topic "Strengthening the attraction of tourists to Dong Van Krast Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang" Project Management Unit of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Ha Giang Province confirms that all data used in the thesis of Mr Do Viet Hop is absolutely true and accurate Leaders of Project Management Unit of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Ha Giang Province highly appreciates the practical value of the research, especially the proposed solutions for Project Management Unit of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Ha Giang Province to apply in the future to enhance the attraction of tourists to Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark to contribute to strong and sustainable development of the tourism in Ha Giang province in general, Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark in particular Project Management Unit of Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark MANAGER AFFIDAVIT i On basis of research and collection of data, information, thank to the assistance of Dong Van Krast Plateau Global Geopark Management Unit of Ha Giang province, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, attention and enthusiastic instructions of the Guiding Teacher Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Thi Tuyet Mai – Dean of International Economics, Institute of Commerce and the International Economics, Hanoi University of National Economics as well as self-efforts, the author completes the Master’s Thesis in International Business Administration with the topic of “Strengthening the attraction of tourists to Dong Van Krast Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang” The author hereby warrants that the document is researched, collected, and analyzed on basis of information and data from varied sources to complete the Graduation Thesis which is not copied illegally from any other documents Ha Giang, th October 2013 Undertaken by Do Viet Hop ii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONFIRMATION I AFFIDAVIT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VII LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES VIII LIST OF MAPS AND CHARTS .IX INTRODUCTION LIST OF REFERENCE DOCUMENTS X iii CONTENTS CHAPTER BASIC THEORY ON TOURISM AND ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS 1.1 OVERVIEW ON TOURISM AND TOURISTS 1.1.1 Concepts on tourism and tourists .4 1.1.2 Types and promotion of tourism 1.1.3 Features and importance of the attraction of tourists 1.2 ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS 1.2.1 Propaganda and popularization of tourism 1.2.2 Tour joint 10 1.2.3 Connection in tourism promotion 10 1.2.4 Training and cultivation of human resources for tourism 11 1.2.5 Investment in technical facilities for tourism 12 1.3 EFFECTS ON THE ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS 13 1.3.1 External factors (PEST model) 13 1.3.2 Internal factors 17 1.4 EXPERIENCE ON TOURISM PROMOTION OF SOME PROVINCES AND LESSONS LEARNT FOR HA GIANG 21 1.4.1 Experience on tourism promotion of some provinces and cities 21 Experience on tourism promotion of Hanoi 21 1.4.2 Lessons learned .25 CHAPTER 29 REALITY ON THE ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK IN HA GIANG .29 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK IN HA GIANG 29 2.1.1 Background .29 31 2.1.2 Management Board of Global Geopark 32 2.1.3 Investment expenditure of the Global Geopark .36 2.1.4 Some investment projects in Global Geopark 38 2.2 ANALYSIS ON THE POTENTIALITY AND IMPACTS ON THE ATTRACTION OF TOURISTS TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK 39 iv 2.2.1 Tourism potentiality 39 2.2.2 Evaluation of factors impacting tourist attraction 43 2.3 TOURIST ATTRACTION ACTIVITIES TO THE DONG VAN ROCK HIGHLANDGLOBAL GEOPARK IN THE RECENT TIME 49 2.3.1 Propaganda and tourism promotion 49 2.3.2 Connection of Tours 52 54 2.3.3 Connection in tourism promotion 54 2.3.4 Training and fostering the tourism human resource 58 60 2.3.5 Investment in technical infrastructure to support the tourism 61 2.4 REALITY OF TOURIST ATTRACTION TO DONG VAN ROCK HIGH LAND GEOPARK 62 2.4.1 Turns / number of tourists to the Geopark .62 2.4.2 Structure of Tourists in the Tourism Market 63 2.4.3 Revenue from tourism of the Geopark 63 2.5 GENERAL EVALUATIONS ON TOURIST ATTRACTION TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK 65 2.5.1 Achievements 65 2.5.2 Limitations and reasons 66 CHAPTER 70 ORIENTATION AND SOLUTIONS TO INTENSIFYING TOURIST ATTRACTION TO DONG VAN KARAST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK IN HA GIANG PROVINCE 70 3.1 FORECAST AND ORIENTATION OF TOURIST ATTRACTION TO HA GIANG PROVINCE, PERIOD OF 2013 – 2020 70 3.1.1 Forecast of tourists to Ha Giang Province .70 3.1.2 Orientation of tourist attraction to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark 72 3.2 SOLUTIONS TO INTENSIFYING TOURIST ATTRACTION TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK 75 3.2.1 Effective implementation of mechanisms, policies to secure prioritized finance resourced invested to the tourism promotion of the Geopark .75 3.2.2 Improvement of tourism promotion capacity of the Geopark 76 3.2.3 Intensifying connection in tourism promotion of the Geopark 76 v 3.2.4 Intensifying international cooperation in tour connection .77 3.2.5 Diversifying tourism products and construction of tourism value sequence of the Geopark 78 3.2.6 Strengthening tourism propaganda activities of the Geopark 79 3.2.7 Strengthening tourism advertisement activities of the Geopark .81 3.2.8 Consolidation of the tourism promotion apparatus in the Geopark 81 3.2.9 Tăng cường đầu tư sở vật chất cho du lịch vùng Công viên .82 3.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ON PROMOTION OF TOURIST ATTRACTION TO DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK IN HA GIANG 82 3.3.1 Recommendations to the State and UNESCO 82 3.3.2 Recommendations for Ha Giang province and districts in the Geopark .83 3.3.3 Recommendations for travel agencies in the area 85 CONCLUSIONS 86 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations English full name ASEAN Association of South East Asian BQL The Management unit CVĐCTC Global Geopark FAM Trip GDP Familiarization Trip Gross Domestic Product GGN Global Geopark Network JATA Japan Association of Travel Agents KHĐC&KS Geologic & Mineral Science PATA TPHCM Pacific Asia Travel Association Ho Chi Minh City UBND The People’s Committee UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UBQG The National Committee UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization USTOA VHTT&DL United States Tour Operators Association Culture, Sports and Tourism WTO World Trade Organization vii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES TABLE 2.1: INVESTMENT FUNDS FOR TOURISM OF DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK WITHIN 2009 – 2012 37 TABLE 2.2: ECONOMIC GROWTH OF HA GIANG AND DONG VAN ROCK HIGHLAND- THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL GEOPARK OF VIETNAM AND GEOHERITAGE PRESERVATION 45 TABLE 2.3: SOME SOCIO-CULTURAL TARGETS OF DONG VAN ROCK HIGHLAND- THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL GEOPARK OF VIETNAM AND GEOHERITAGE PRESERVATION 46 TABLE 2.4: SOME EVENTS AND TRADE FAIR IN HA GIANG AND DONG VAN ROCK HIGH LAND GLOBAL GEOPARK IN 2010 – 2012 .50 TABLE 2.5: PUBLICATIONS, PRODUCTS OF THE TOURISM ISSUED BY HA GIANG AND THE GEOPARK IN 2009 – 2012 52 TABLE 2.6: STATISTICS OF TOURISM EVENTS WITH PARTICIPATION OF DONG VAN ROCK HIGH LAND GEOPARK IN PERIOD OF 2010 – 2012 53 TABLE 2.7: SOME CONNECTION ACTIVITIES OF THE GEOPARK MANAGEMENT UNIT TO ATTRACT THE TOURISTS 54 TABLE 2.8: NUMBER OF TOURISTS TO HA GIANG AND THE GEOPARK 62 TABLE 2.9: REVENUE FROM THE TOURISM AND EXPENDITURE OF TOURISM PROMOTION OF THE GEOPARK IN PERIOD OF 2009 - 2012 .64 TABLE 3.1: PLAN TO ATTRACT TOURISTS TO THE GEOPARK IN THE PERIOD 2013-2015 75 viii LIST OF MAPS AND CHARTS FIGURE 2.1: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD OF DONG VAN KARST PLATEAU GLOBAL GEOPARK 33 FIGURE 2.2: NUMBER OF TOURISTS TO HA GIANG AND THE GEOPARK 63 FIGURE 2.3: REVENUE FROM TOURISM AND TOURISM PROMOTION EXPENDITURE 65 FIGURE 3.1: INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS TO REGIONS AND TERRITORIES FROM 1950 AND FORCAST BY 2020 71 ix the province the attraction solutions to new students to Ha Giang for the works relating to tourism - Coordinating with the Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to review and arrange with ineffective companies to secure growth of scope associated with improvement of quality and business capacity of the enterprises in tourism - The Management Unit should pay more attentions and priorities to tourism promotion with such limited budget Applying flexible policies and measures to create and use funds for tourism development, creating favorable environment for tourism investment and development; simplifying administrative procedures to attract investments in the Geopark Focusing on attracting the direct foreign investments or joint ventures with foreign partners 3.2.2 Improvement of tourism promotion capacity of the Geopark To extensively and effectively promote tourism of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark with such limited finance, it is necessary to unite and comprehensively coordinate and reach agreements of the State’s tourism management agencies from the Central to local levels, of the community of companies and local people with the Geopark Management Unit to implement synchronous solutions The combination of internal factors (the machines, people with qualifications, experience and financial resources of the Management Board) and external resources in tourism promotion activities to create powerful attraction to tourists to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark Improving promotion capacity may help the Geopark Management Unit construct the tourism image and brands of the Geopark with sufficient competitiveness and attractions to international and domestic visitors 3.2.3 Intensifying connection in tourism promotion of the Geopark It is necessary to have a connection and assistance among localities in promoting the advantages and exploiting resources properly to develop tourism In addition, is advised to promote cooperation, tourism promotion connection and tourism propaganda to create generalized strength and important solutions to develop the Geopark stably This solution helps the tourism advertisement and propaganda happen regularly and consecutively from the nation to abroad advertisement and propaganda activities 76 The Geopark Management Unit should strictly coordinate with departments, industries of the province to secure more effective connection, actively expanding connection to provinces in the region namely Tuyen Quang, Phu Tho, Thai Nguyen, Cao Bang, Yen Bai, Lao Cai, Ha Noi, etc to make connections, expand markets, and exploit more domestic and international tours on the basis of the advantages of each region or locality At the same time, enhancing the association with international travel agencies in Malypho, Yunnan, Quon Ming (China) to expand to attract international tourists Taking advantages and assistance of organs of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the General Department of Tourism, Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism of cities and provinces, etc in an effort to promote tourism to promote the image of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark Close coordination between the Geopark Management Unit and departments, centers of the Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism, districts in the Geopark, tourism traders such as hotels, restaurants, transportation companies, entertainment places, cutural post offices, etc of the communes in tourism propaganda and advertisement of the Karst Plateau Building regulations on coordination of tourism promotion programs to implement large-scale events in and outside the Geopark, the Geopark Management Unit should actively construct and sign the programs on tourism advertisement coordination, production coordination to supply publications to potential tourists, etc 3.2.4 Intensifying international cooperation in tour connection Currently, international cooperation in tourism is in macro level only and mainly focuses on the State’s Management Authorities meanwhile cooperation programs at the grassroots level are limited The Geopark Management Unit shall actively sign the minutes of memorandum, contents on basis of legal frames, cooperation treaties in association with localities, tourism enterprises inside and outside the region to promote tourism of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark and issuing the suitable route-maps and plans to implement specific cooperation programs For international tour connection activities, the Geopark Management Unit has secure the principle of equality, mutual benefit and effectiveness, creating the extensive spread of tourism image of the Plateau, respecting national sovereignty, control of order and security, preservation of traditions and cultural values of each concerned party as well as assessment to cultural essence of human beings in general 77 3.2.5 Diversifying tourism products and construction of tourism value sequence of the Geopark Diversification of types of tourism, stimulating and strengthening production of many tourism products such as handicrafts, souvenirs, high-quality and unique catering services of the Karst Plateau; Branding of specific products (honey and mint, dried beef, corn wine, herbs, fruits, handicrafts, silver jewelry, garments, etc The Geopark Management Unit should coordinate with travel agencies to continue to strengthen market survey activities, survey of famous tourism places to take full advantages of the tourism of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark to build, invest in new products, to diversify the existing tourism products, to improve product quality, competitiveness and to exploit the potential effectiveness The Geopark Management Unit should pay more attentions to the following types of tourism: - Cultural tourism, history, relics, beauty spots, spirituality, especially new sight tourism: with the strength of rocky plateau, plenty of geological heritage, majestic mountains, famous scenic spots, rich cultural values, etc, it is the type of tourism to be focused, invested, upgraded, developed and favored by the domestic and international visitors, including such regions as Cong Troi, Tam Son Twin Mountains (Quan ba); Lao Gate, and Chai, Thong – Sa Moc Forest, Ngam La Terrace Rice Field (Yen Minh), Lung Cu Flag Tower, Vuong Building Architecture, Dong Van Ancient Town (Dong Van); Ma Pi Leng, Khau Vai Love Market (Meo Vac), etc - Tourism of traditional villages, festivals, cuisine: This is a type of tourism The geopark is facilitated by unique advantages of the products: brocade garments, ethnic instruments (H’mong people’s Khen, H’mong people’s flute, Tinh musical instrument of Tay Ethnic people, costumes of Lo Lo and Dao ethnic minorities, etc), festivals (maturity festival of Dao people, Gau Tao Festival of H’mong people, Moon Festival of Tay people, Buffalo fighting festival, horse racing, Long Tong Festival, etc); typical dishes such as Men Men, Thang Co, Five Color Sticky Rice, Black Chicken, Corn Wine, etc to introduce the attractive and unique products to the visitors in typical cultural and tourist villages in districts in Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark The geopark Management Unit should make planning on development of some typical traditional villages and a 78 connection network to visitors such as Ngan Chai Brocade Garment Village, Bo Moi (Yen Minh); Lo Lo Chai (Dong Van), Tong Niem Son Village (Meo Vac), etc - Eco-tourism and resorts: the mountainous terrain, natural forest, forest s with rich landscape, cool climate, clean environment are advantages of the Geopark Specialized forests namely Bat Dai Son, Thai An Hydropower Lake (Quan Ba); Du Gia, Thong – Sa Moc (Yen Minh), etc are cores for investment in eco-tourism and resorts therein - Community-based tourism: This type of tourism is highly social and potential in term of tourism, which can be implemented in varied sizes (household, households, villages, etc) The investment is not large and feasible The tourists are able to select food services, hotels, beauty spots for sightseeing, folk arts, etc in the residential community or household - Adventure Tourism: This type of tourism is favorite by domestic and foreign tourists Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark has more advantages and potentials to develop this type of tourism Therefore, the Geopark Management Board and travel agencies in Ha Giang are able to combine with localities in the Geopark to construct adventure tourism programs to exploit Karst Plateau mountains and forests such as Tung Vai (Quan Ba), SungThai- Phu Lung (Yen Minh), Sung La – Ma le (Dong Van); exploring caves: Kho My cave (Quan Ba), Na Luong cave (Yen Minh), etc However, this type of tourism requires necessary aid equipment, mobile escue team with the skilled professional guiders who are good at specialty, foreign languages, medical devices, modern information technology - One of the solutions involved in increase in competitiveness for tourism of the Geopark is to improve the quality, reduce service costs, reduce intermediaries, increase close links between the service value chain supply processes to tourists in the Geopark The tourists in the Geopark shall be provided with a range of services to order tours and services in the destination of the tourism places Therefore, chain of the tourism value chain will include activities from making the relaxing plans, selection of means of transportation, hotels, restaurants, entertainments, procurement, sightseeing, etc are closely connected and impacted among steps 3.2.6 Strengthening tourism propaganda activities of the Geopark - Strengthening tourism propaganda and education, raising awareness of authorities in all levels, departments, officers and the community on position, role, growth prospects, 79 social - economic efficiency of tourism and creating consistency in policies, investment solutions of the tourism development of the Geopark On the other hand, to further expand the tourism and services of the Geopark, it is necessary to renovate contents and appearance of information dissemination and promotion of tourism, improving practical effects, especially On the other hand for further expansion of tourism activities and services of the Park and tasks to promote should be innovative content and form , improve, most the need to active participation into good planning for trade fairs, festivals, workshops, events for tourists inside and outside the region, to invest in maket design, tourism publications such as Travel Maps, traveler manual, VCD discs, travel news, image and contents on electronic pages, etc to create attraction and rich information - Promotion of tourism propaganda, promotion and development abroad: + Organization of propaganda programs, introduction of destination to the Geopark in large scale in key and foreign markets on occasion of important political events between the two countries in the form of the Vietnamese culture – tourism week, Vietnamese Tourism introducing program, etc + Participating and organizations of trade fair, international tourism exhibitions overseas + Tourism promotion of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark on international mass media, including advertisements on international TV channels, some travel magazines, billboards at the station, airport, public means of transport in some key markets + Strengthening international co-operations, participation into conferences and seminars abroad, especially in the key and potential markets to increase promotional activities to promote Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark - For domestic travel market + Tourism promotion of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark on domestic mass media Coordinating to radios, the Central televisions of the province to increase the broadcasting time to introduce value of cultural tourism products of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark to masses of people in the country + Organization of conferences, special seminars to promote tourism promotion to enhance connection between Ha Giang and ministries, departments of the Central Government It is possible to host the specialized conferences on tourism development and 80 development of World Tourism Organization UNWTO, international organizations and the ASEAN region and the world, at Ha Giang or at Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark + Construction of large billboards, e-panels to introduce and advertise the image of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in national tourist places, international border gates, roads, waterways, airlines, some airports with large number of tourists, intersections in large cities in Vietnam 3.2.7 Strengthening tourism advertisement activities of the Geopark After Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark was recognized by UNESCO as the global Geopark, mass media organizations know more about Ha Giang, the image of the Karst Plateau appears on many domestic and foreign magazines Therefore, the Geopark Management Unit has to construct the tourism icon and its own header as the basis for consistent and professional advertisement of tourism brand, image of the Geopark It is very necessary to construct the long-term tourism advertisement plan by 2020 Advertising should be carefully prepared because the posting expense is costing so it must be practical and effective Advertisements on some famous television channels with suitable audiences in key markets and on overseas newspapers and magazines are done similarly Building the systems of publications, advertising materials with high quality The Geopark Management Unit should have plans on construction of publications to be propagandized and promoted in suitable markets They must be constructed, produced and designed suitably to the local practices It is necessary to have own publications and detailed information for each festival or major event Due to limited budget, the Geopark Management Unit should pay more attentions to socialization of tourism advertisements, including roles of the tourist agencies, which is more important Strengthening the application of information technology and internet exploitation in tourism advertisement activities of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark The applied means are via multiple networks including online purchases Therefore, the solutions providing the online information must be focused on investment and promotion 3.2.8 Consolidation of the tourism promotion apparatus in the Geopark Reviewing, supplementing and consolidating entire officers and staff of the Geopark Management Unit and localities in the field of tourism promotion to construct the plans on 81 training, retraining and improvement of profession and specialty of the officers and staff to meet requirements of tourism management at present In particular, supplementing officers and staff of the Geopark Management Unit and information centers of districts namely Quan Ba district, Yen Minh, Dong Van, Meo Vac (6-8 people in average); and arranging infrastructure and facilities to good capacity of storage, preservation, establishment, operation and supply of the information to promote the image of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark, gradually raising the community’s awareness on promotion activities to attract tourists 3.2.9 Tăng cường đầu tư sở vật chất cho du lịch vùng Công viên - Paying a special attention to the promotion of investment in the construction and upgrading of the road system in the Geopark; Performing statistics and classification of roads, decentralization of management and investment (central budget for upgrading of national highways, provincial budget for the construction and upgrading of provincial roads, etc); Focusing on solution of socialization and integration of investment programs and projects of the economic sectors to overcome the weaknesses of the road network, meet travel needs of vehicles and visitors In addition, the Management Board of Geopark and surrounding districts may establish Companies or professional transport team or driver services for tourists to the Geopark - Encouraging economic sectors to socialize the investment resources, build accommodation facilities, develop the environmentally friendly on-site accommodation services in line with cultural identity of locality - Promoting the development of technologies: mobile network, internet, wireless network, etc to meet needs of visitors 3.3 Recommendations on promotion of tourist attraction to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang 3.3.1 Recommendations to the State and UNESCO * For the State - The Government is respectfully recommended on investment mechanism in Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang, high priority in infrastructure development for tourism to make sure to accelerate the progress of tourism projects in the key tourist places under the master plan on preservation, restoration and promotion of the value of 82 Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in period of 2011 - 2020, vision by 2013, which was approved by the Government In addition, the local people in the Geopark are supported to change their employments and the locality to shift its economic structure - The Government is respectfully recommended on simplifying the procedures for international visitors to the border gates, specifically they enjoy such convenience right at the airport to complete immigration procedures or decentralization to the local governments (in district, commune levels) or tourism management authorities such as the Geopark Management Unit, etc In addition, it is necessary to improve the ability to update information in lieu of compulsory licenses - The Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism, the Ministry of Construction are kindly required to assist Ha Giang in the construction of detailed planning of the national tourism place of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark; prioritizing the allocation of funds for the national objective programs for investment in tourism of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark to construct some tour routes, promptly review the recommendation on recognizing some national heritages in the Karst Plateau, zoning and pegging geological heritage points for preservation, protection and management of exploitation operations * For UNESCO - Continual care and connecting Ha Giang in general and the Geopark Management in particular to the global geological park Calling for prestigious international investors to learn and invest in area of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang - Supporting Ha Giang to promote propaganda, promotion, introduction of the image of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark to regions and countries around the world to contributing to economic restructuring, poverty reduction, sustainable tourism development, improvement of the life of 17 ethnic minorities in Dong Van Karst Plateau - Supporting Ha Giang to contact, campaign and receive the group of membership appraisal and evaluation experts of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang 3.3.2 Recommendations for Ha Giang province and districts in the Geopark * As the Geopark Management Unit, Ha Giang province is recommended: - Investing in building the infrastructure of critical tourism (resorts, great resorts, tourism villages, etc); Focus on strategic infrastructure in the special places in short term, investment in towns in the district centers (Quan Ba, Yen Minh, Dong Van, Meo Vac) 83 - Repairing and maintaining the existing roads in the Geopark to ensure smooth and safe travel Researching to pilot apply in or routes to discover Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark from each district center therein - Offering policies on priority development of high-quality handicrafts, especially paying more attentions to building some brands in the field of agriculture, small-sized industry, associated with the consumption markets, contributing to creation of employment, increase in income of the local people On the other hand, t is necessary to have policies to encourage tourism businesses, travel agencies, transportation companies to stimulate development of the tourism- service sectors - Developing the website of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark to supply appropriate, necessary and practical information; connection to English version in the website to attract more users Supplementing the system of cards for seeking the website of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark on Internet and posting sufficient specific information on places, procedures, licensing fees for international visitors (maps, address, telephone, working hours) * For the districts in the area of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark - Construction of special education programs (brief and understandable contents on value of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark) as the handbook to provide the residents the knowledge on conservation, restoration and promotion of geological heritage, valude of the cultural traditions of the peoples in the area, allocating funds for conservation and restoration of cultural values which are risky to be forgotten - Focusing on exploiting the strengths of each region and type of tourism such as ecotourism, adventure tourism, restoration of traditional festivals to preserve and promote the ancient culture of local people, construction of new urban areas associated with specifically cultural traditions of each ethnic people and tourism exploitation of the community - Protection of landscape heritage while the exploitation mines (stone, metal, etc) direct impact the current heritage landscape in the Geopark - Implementing adjusting methods for urban areas, tourist spots, in particular, replacement with billboards in languages(Vietnamese and English) in all public buildings, service facilities in the area of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark and enhancing the environment hygiene in the tourist spots Actively implementing tourist promotion solutions in the controlled areas 84 3.3.3 Recommendations for travel agencies in the area The enterprises specialized in the field of tourism travel, hotels, transportation should actively connect to each other to become a complete chain to coordinate in supply of tourism services; actively selecting partners, constructing types of tours and tourism products to secure unique, deep culture and traditions of the locality as well as difference to compete other enterprises out of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark 85 CONCLUSIONS Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang Province has become the common heritage of the people of Vietnam and the world In the average altitude of 1,000 to 1,600 meters from the sea level, as a special limestone region with strong attraction to tourists and scientific researchers, Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark contains typical features of the historical development of the earth's crust, natural phenomena, the unique landscape, high bio- diversity and the special cultural traditions of the majority of ethnic minorities It has not only the value of geology, geomorphology, landscape, but also holds the traditional cultural values and unique characteristics of ethnic minorities such as the Hmong , Lo Lo and Pu Peo, etc Therefore, Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark has become a beauty spot for domestic and foreign tourists Ha Giang Tourism in general and Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in particular is a new economic sector It is necessary to have special interests in promotion, propaganda and attraction to domestic and foreign tourists in its first development time The tourism in the area of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark shall fruitful on basis of open policies and its potentials but it requires effective tourist promotion and attractions to make it come true In the aspect of management, after northern mountainous provinces of Ha Giang province are recently recognized to be the global geopark, Giang tourism has been developed and it is currently focused on detailed planning issues of investment and construction projects as well as arrangement and organization Therefore, tourism promotion activities have not been interested properly and tourism potentials have not been exploited The process of formation and development of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark has created opportunities and challenges for Ha Giang tourism On one hand, it facilitates to expand diplomatic, economic, cultural and tourist relations but also requires more trading activities (tourism promotion, publicity and attraction) On the other hand, globalization also opens the opportunities to simplify travel among countries and regions in the nation The tourist attraction activities must be in higher level, using new technologies to meet the global trend to attract tourists In current context, many developing countries, many provinces and cities have created strong competitive pressure for Ha Giang tourism Tourist attraction of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark now plays an important role, 86 which should be implemented skillfully and smartly to avoid separating from the region and connects, which is a necessary condition for development In the study scope and objectives of the topic which are to give solutions to attract tourists to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark from now until 2020, it is focused on completing the contents: overview introduction of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark, the factors affecting the attraction of tourists to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark, including internal factors and external factors On the basis of the reality analysis of tourist attraction activities to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in the past time, the author assesses the achieved specific results, points out the shortcomings, causes and limitations and bravely makes some solutions to improve tourist attraction to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in Ha Giang in the coming time Implement measures to attract tourists to Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark in particular and Ha Giang province in general in line with the policies and guidelines of social economic development of the province, assisting Ha Giang tourism to become a key economic sector to encourage ethnic minorities in the Northern rocky mountainous areas of Ha Giang province to overcome poverty to enrich in the sacred father land, the border area As a citizen with nearly 30 years of living and working in Ha Giang province, including nearly 10 years of working and attaching to the place and human being in Dong Van high land, I am fully aware of such difficult life therein; In spite of the difficult mountainous terrain, limited infrastructure, solidarity, diligence and creativity of all ethnic minorities as well as unique cultural values of the High Land has created a new face and opened promising directions for the development of the districts in the area of Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark is expected to become a dynamic social economic development area and attractive destination of international and domestic tourists In addition to the Thesis, the author would like to recommend the next study: surveys of tourist companies in Ha Giang Province because the existing companies in the province have not working effectively, impacting the general tourism development process of the province Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the industries: the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Geopark Management Unit; the Center for Tourism Investment and Promotion; People’s Committees of Quan Ba, Yen Minh, Dong Van, Meo 87 Vac districts in Ha Giang province; interests and assistance of the Training Board, teachers of IeMBA program, especially the assistance and enthusiastic instructions of the instructing teacher: Prof Dr Ngo Thi Tuyet Mai –Dean of International Economics, Institute of Commerce and the International Economics, Hanoi University of National Economics to facilitate the author to complete the Thesis I would like to continue to receive the help of the teachers, friends and colleagues to complete the thesis with higher quality 88 LIST OF REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 1/ Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2010), "Vietnam Tourism Development in the context of active international integration" Conference report 2/ Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2012), “Evaluation of the implementation of Vietnam Tourism Strategy in period of 2001-2010” Conference report 3/ Dong Van Dong Van Karst Plateau Global Geopark Management Unit (2012 ), Report on task performance in period of 2010-2012 4/ The Government 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Ngày đăng: 30/11/2018, 13:32


