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Cấu trúc

  • Would you + verb (inf. without to), please?

  • How + adjective + be + S?

  • S + be + số lượng (+adj)

    • 2.5 too/ so; either/ neither

      • Like + to infinitive : thường được dùng để nói về sự lựa chọn và thói quen

      • Like + Ving : thường được nói về sở thích

      • Prefer + to infinitive : thường được dùng trong một trường hợp cụ thể

      • Prefer . . . to = like . . . better than = thich . . . hơn . . .


    • Period: 2 Getting Started – My favourite hobby

    • Period: 3: A Closer Look 1

    • Period 4 : A Closer Look 2

    • Period 5 : Communication

    • Period 6: Skills 1

    • Period 7 : Skills 2

    • Period 8: Looking Back

Nội dung

Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 Period: English REVISION I Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1.Knowledge: Review some grammar points that they have learnt in grade Skills: Listening , speaking and writing II Language content: Vocabulary Structure: - Present simple, Present progressive tense - Comparative/ Superlative adjective - Modal verbs: must , will , should - Past simple tense III Technique: - Pair work, group work, ask-answer IV Teaching aids: - Sub board V Procedure: Warm up: (4’) Ss review tenses that they have learnt in grade Activities Activity 1: (15’) - Ss review present simple tense about usage, form… * Present simple tense: (5’) S + Vs/es Ex: I go to school every day - Every day/ week/ month… - Adverb of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes… Put the verbs in the present simple tense 1.He (go) to school everyday Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page School year Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year 2.A lot of people ( go) to work by car 3.John usually ( take ) the bus to school 4.He ( play ) volleyball but he ( not enjoy ) it 5.School children ( wear ) uniform on Monday * Progressive tense: (5’) S + tobe + V_ing Ex: I am reading now - Now, at the moment, at the present, right now… - Ss review past simple tense * Past simple tense: 5’ S + V2/ ed Ex: I did homework last night - Yesterday, last night/ week/ month my Put the verbs in the past simple tense 1.He (go) to school yesterday 2.Mary ( go) to work last night 3.John ( take ) the bus to school yesterday 4.He ( play ) volleyball yesterday 5.She ( go ) to school last Sunday Activity 2: 20’ Other grammar points 2.1 How to read –ED /id/: after t d Ex: wanted, ended, needed, visited… /t/: after: f, k, p, ss, ce, ch, sh, gh, ph Ex: stopped, passed, watched, looked… /d/: after a, e, o, u, i and (b, g, l, m, n, v, z, th,…) Ex: used, tired, joined, failed… 2.2 Imperative sentences (Câu mệnh lệnh) Verb (inf Without to) + object Verb (inf Without to) + preposition Don’t + verb (inf Without to) + object 2.3 Require (Câu đề nghị) Would you + verb (inf without to), please? 2.4 Measurement questions (Câu hỏi kích cỡ) How + adjective + be + S? Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year S + be + số lượng (+adj) Lưu ý: - Những tính từ dùng tính từ mơ tả trọng lượng, kích thước như: high (cao), long (dài), short (ngắn; thấp), tall (cao), heavy (nặng), thick (dày), thin (mỏng) …etc 2.5 too/ so; either/ neither  too/ so (cũng, vậy, thế) Được dùng câu mang ý khẳng định - too thường đặt cuối câu, sau dấu phẩy (,) - So thường đặt đầu câu, chủ ngữ trợ động từ phải đảo vị trí (so + auxiliary verb + subject)  either/ neither (cũng không) Được dùng câu mang ý phủ định - either thường bật đầu câu, chủ ngữ trợ độg từ phải đảo vị trí - Neither + auxiliary verb + subject) 2.6 Adjectives and adverbs (Tính từ trạng từ)  Trạng từ thể cách thường thành lập theo cơng thức tính từ +ly bad -> badly happy -> happily quick -> quickly beautiful -> beautifully  Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: good -> well late -> late dangerous -> dangerously skillful fast -> skillfully -> fast hard -> hard early -> early 2.7 Modal verb : ought to (Động từ hình thái Ought to) 2.8 Ordinary verbs : LIKE –PREFER (Động từ thường : like –prefer) LIKE :thích  Like + to infinitive : thường dùng để nói lựa chọn thói quen  Like + Ving : thường nói sở thích PREFER :thích (hàm ý chọn lựa)  Prefer + to infinitive : thường dùng trường hợp cụ thể Prefer + Ving : hàm ý lệ thường thói quen  Prefer to = like better than = thich 2.9 Prepositions of time (Giới từ thời gian) Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year about (khỏang chừng), after (sau khi), at (vào lúc), by (vào khỏang, vào lúc), before (trước lúc), between (giữa), during (trong suốt), for (trong khỏang), from (từ), in (trong, vào), on (vào), since (từ khi), till/untill (cho đến), to (đến) 2.10 Comparative and superlative adjective: Short adj + “er”-> comparative Short adj + “est”-> superlative Homework: (3’) - Free time activities - Your hobby UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period: Getting Started – My favourite hobby I Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able 1.Knowledge: listen and read for information about the topic “My favourite hobby”, practice asking and answering with “ Do you like + Ving ?Know some words and structure related to the topic Skills: Listening , speaking reading and writing II Language content: Vocabulary: words relate to the topic Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Technique: - Pair work, group work, ask-answer IV Teaching aids: - loud speaker , text book, picture V Procedure: Warm up: (3) - What you like doing for pleasure in your free time? Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year Presentation: (10’) Look at the picture.Ask Ss questions about the picture (page 6) - Can you guess who they are? - Where are they? - What can you see on the shelf? What may their hobbies be? - Write Ss’ answers on the board - Play the recording Ask Ss if their guesses on the board are correct Practice: (20’) 3.1 - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and decide they are true or false - Allow Ss to share answers before discussing as a class.Get feedback Key: F (They go upstairs to her room) T F( Mi’s hobby is collecting glass bottles) F ( Her parents, aunt and uncle) T Look out! Have Ss guess the meaning of the idiom 'It's a piece of cake' from the conversation Explain that it means‘a thing that is very easy to do’ Ask them if they know any other idioms T may give them some simple idioms: as easy as pie/ as ABC = very easy, or very easily; all of a piece = all at the same time, etc - Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to answer the questions (b) Key: 1.She receives dolls on special occasions 2.No, they aren’t 3.She keeps the bottles after using them 4.No, she doesn’t 5.No, he hasn’t 3.2 Listen and repeat: - Play the recording - Let Ss listen andrepeat the words/ phrases Have some Ss practice reading the words/ phrases out loud 3.3 Individual work choose ht ewords / phrases in that match the pictures - Call on some ss to read their answers aloud T & ss correct Key: Playing board games Taking photos Bird-watching Cycling Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year Playing the guitar Gardening Cooking Arranging flowers Skating 3.4 - Ask Ss work in pairs and complete the table Write their answers on the board - Ask Ss to explain their answers - Have Ss add more words to the table Suggested answer: Cheap Expensive hobbies hobbies playing board games, gardening, bird-watching, collecting old bottles, … taking photos, cycling, playing the guitar, cooking, arranging flowers, collecting watches, … Easy hobbies Difficult hobbies playing board games, gardening, playing the guitar, cooking, bird-watching, collecting old bottles, arranging flowers, making short taking photos, … films, … Productions (10’) - Set the time for Ss to this activity Ask their classmates to complete the table using “Do you like…?” Example: A: Do you like gardening? B: No, I don’t -Ask Ss to read aloud the names on the list Homework: (2’) Prepare a talk about your favorite hobby Prepare “ A closeer look 1” Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period: 3: A Closer Look I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds /ə/ and /ɜ:/ in isolation and in context Skills : Reading , writing , listening and speaking II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Technique: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player V Procedures: Warm-up: (3’) Call on three ss to talk about their favorite hobbies Presentation: (5’) - Ask Ss to read the action verbs incolumn A and match them with the suitable words/ phrases in column B in pairs - Check and confirm the correct answers  Vocabylary: Matching Key: d, e, i g b, c, j f, h c a Pratice: (30’) 3.1 Fill in the blanks with one hobby or one action verb - Ask Ss to read all the sentences carefully to make sure they understand the sentences - Ask Ss to read the their answers Key: Swimming, swim Listen, Listening to music Plant, gardening Catch, fishing Paiting, paints 3.2 Write down keywords to describe the hobbies in the table - Explain that a keyword helps Ss understand a text quickly and it is usually a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb - Model the way to locate keywords for “listening to music” - Ask Ss to read the their answers - Check and confirm the correct answers Key: - Listening to music: medoly, songs, headphones, noise, rhythm, lyrics… - Gardening: trees, flowers, garden, plant, vegetables, grow, fruit… - Fishing: lake, exciting, catch, fish, water, boat… - Painting: creative, colours, pictures, artist, painting… Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year - Swimming: pool, fun, water, keep fit,swim… 3.3 Listen and tick the words you hear Repeat the words Key:  Away  Burn  Hurt  Birth  Answer  Neighbour  Heard 3.4 Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen Key: /ə/ /ɜ:/ Away Burn Answer Birth Neighbour Hurt Common Heard 3.5 Listen to the sentences and tick /ə/ and /ɜ:/ - Play the recording twice - Ask Ss to practice the sentences Key: /ә / His hobby is collecting toy cars My sister has a lot of photos When I have free time, I usually go surfing / з:/ x x x x I love the colours in their paintings x My friend has an unusual hobby: learning foreign languages Production: (5’) Group work Have Ss to play the guessing game Game: The keys to my hobby! (text book /8) Example: A: Water, grow, flowers, vegetables B: Is it gardening? A: Yes, it is Homeworks: (2’) - Learn vocabulary by heart - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 2)The form and usage of the present simple and future simple Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period : A Closer Look I Objectives: 1.Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can use the present simple and the future simple tense and verbs of liking + V-ing correctly and appropriately Skills: reading and writing II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Technique: Communicative approach, ask - answer , presentation, pair/ group work IV Teaching aids: Course book, CD player V Procedures: Warm-up: (3’)Have Ss to play a game.make sentences with the words given Nought and Crosses: play like read listen visit make watch cook Presentation (5’) - Have Ss present the form and usage of these two tenses before asking them to the exercises (period 1) Practice: (25’) - Ask Ss to this exercise individually and then compare the answers with a partner - Check the answers and write the correct answers on the board 3.1 Complete the sentences Key: Loves; will not/ won’t continue Take Does… Will enjoy Do…do Will… play 3.2 Complete the table - Ask Ss to look at the table and make sure they understand it Explain that x per week means three times a week - Model the first answer for Ss Key: Like Watch Don’t love Go Enjoy Play Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year Plays Doesn’t like Plays 3.3 Work in group a Think of some activities and make a table like the table in - Have Ss draw a table similar to the one in The first column is for the activities The other columns are for the rest of the group - Set time limit for this - Have each group write a short report similar to Nick’s report in - Have Ss read the Look out! Box Explain the structure - Call on some Ss to make sentences with the verbs of liking 3.4 Complete the sentences, using the –ing form of the verbs in the box - Ask Ss to the exercise individually - Have them compare their answers with a classmate - Call on some Ss to read out the answers Key: Riding Watching; going Talking Playing Eating Walking 3.5 Look at the pictures and write sentences Use suitable verbs of liking or not liking and the – ing form ( in group) - Have Ss read the example and explain the way to the activity Ask Ss to write the sentences using the pictures as clues - Call on some ss read their answer T & ss correct their answer Suggested answers: He doesn’t like eating apples They love playing table tennis She hates playing the piano He enjoys gardening She likes dancing Production (10’) -Have Ss to this exercise individually, then compare their sentences with a classmate - Call on some Ss to read their answers - Ask other Ss for their comments - Correct any mistakes (if any) Homework: (2’) Talk about your family’ hobby Prepare next lesson (Communication) What you think about the hobbies in the pictures? Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 10 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period : Communication I Objectives: Knowledge:By the end of this lesson, students can describe and give opinions about hobbies Skills: Reading , writing , listening and speaking II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Technique: Communicative approach, pair work , group work, individual work IV Teaching aids: Course book, CD player, pieces of paper V Procedures: Warm-up: (3’) - Have Ss guess the meaning of the vocabulary - Tell Ss that this vocabulary will appear in the task - T explain the meaning of these wordsmaking pottery: making pots,dishes … from clay -making models: making copies of things, usually smaller than the original objects -carving wood: making objects, and patterns by cutting away material from wood -unusual: different from what is usual or normal -take up sth: learn or start to something, especially for pleasure -making pottery: making pots, dishes … from clay Presentation (5’)Individual work - Ask Ss to this exercise individually and give T the answers - Confirm the correct answers - Ask Ss to make one sentence with each picture Key: A carving B making models C ice-skating D dancing E making pottery 3.Practice (20’) - Have ss look at the Look Out! Box Write some examples sentences on the board to make one sentence with each picture - Call Ss to give some examples - Ask Ss to work individually and tick the appropriate boxes Then, they move on to complete the five sentences - Call on a student to model the first sentence Ex: I find swimming interesting  find + doing sth + adj Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 11 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year They think (that) + swimming is interesting  think (that) + doing sth + is + adj - Ask Ss to write their anwers on the board - Have other Ss give comments Production (15’) Interview a classmate about the hobbies Take note and present your partner ‘s answers to the class - Have Ss work in pairs to make conversations as in the example Ask Ss to take turns being the person who ask the questions This student has to note down his/ her partner’s answers to report to the class later - Call on some Ss to report the answers to the class Example: You: What you think about making pottery? Mai: I think it is … / I find it … You: Why? Mai: Because … You: Will you take up making pottery in the future? Mai: Yes, I will./ I’m not sure Homework: (2’) - Learn new vocabulary and practice using structure when you give your opinion about something - Prepare next lesson : (Skill 1)Talk about your hobby UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period 6: Skills I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can read and talk for general and specific information about an unusual hobby 2.Skills: reading and speaking II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Techniques: Brainstorming, Communicative approach,individual/pair/ group work IV Teaching aids: Course book, CD player, pieces of paper V Procedures: Warm- up: (3) Chatting “ What is your hobby?” Reading (20’) 2.1 Pre-reading - Ss look at the pictures and answer three questions - Elicit the answers from Ss and quickly write them on the board - Ask Ss to read the text and check their guesses with the information from the text Key: Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 12 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year A teddy bear, a flower, a bird and flowers They are made of eggshells The hobby is carving eggshells 2.2 While-reading - Ask Ss to read the passages again, then answer the questions - Ask for Ss’ answers and have them explain their answers Ss can either paraphrase the original information from the text or read out loud the part of the text where the answer to each question is located - Confirm the correct answers Key: He thinks his father’s hobby is unusual because eggshells are very fragile and his father can make beautiful pieces of art from empty ones He saw the carved eggshells for the first time in an art gallery in the US They find it difficult and boring Yes, he does 2.3 Post -reading: - Have Ss try to complete the sentences without reading the text again Then Ss can understand parts of the text that help them find the answers - Ask Ss to share their answers with a partner - Check and confirm the correct answers Key: Carving eggshells The US The internet Time Gifts Speaking (20’) 3.1 Pre-speaking: Discuss other uses of the pieces of artwork Share your ideas with the class Some uses:  Decorations at home  Souvenirs  Lights (with big eggs) … 3.2 While -speaking: - Ask Ss to work in groups and take turns talking about their hobbies Then they vote for the most exiting hobby - Call on some Ss to talk about the most exciting hobby of their group 3.3 Post -speaking: Who you think has the most exciting hobby ? Why? Homework: (2’) - Practice speaking more - Prepare next lesson : (Skill 2)What you think about collecting glas bottles? Is it a good hobby? Why? Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 13 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period : Skills I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about a hobby and write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby Skills: Listening, speaking and writing II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Techniques: Communicative approach, brainstormning , ask - answer IV Teaching aids: Course book, CD player, papers V Procedures: Warm- up : (3’) Chatting - Have ss look at the picture and answer “ What are they?” - Ask Ss if they know anything about the collecting glass bottles and if they think it is useful - Call on some Ss to answer the questions - Accept all answers provided that Ss make sense Listening: (15’) 2.1 Pre- listening: - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to an interview about Mi’s hobby - Have Ss read through the word web Have them guess the word to fill each blank and write their guesses on the board 2.2 While - listening: Individual work - Play the recording Ask Ss to complete the word web - Allow Ss share their answers before listening to the recording a final time to check 2.3 Post- listening: - Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their guesses Listen and complete each blank in the word web with no more than three words Key: Collecting glass bottles Two years ago Mother Grandmother, flowers, lamps, home Useful Continue the hobby Writing (25’) 3.1 Pre- writing: - Have ss read the writing tip and give explanation - Let them read the word web Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 14 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year - Ask Ss to work in pairs and interview each other about their hobbies Name of the hobby:… When he/ she started the bobby? Who he/ she shares it with? To this hobby you have to:… Feelings about the hobby:… Future:… - Ask to take notes on each other’s answers in the word web - Have some Ss present their friend’s answers for the class (or write on the board) 3.2 While - writing: - Ask Ss write their paragraphs individually based on the information in their word webs Start your paragraph as shown below: …… is my classmate His/ Her hobby is …… ………………… 3.3 Post-writing: - Ask one student to write his/ her paragraph on the board - Have other Ss comment on the paragraph on the board - Collect some writings to correct at home Homework: (2’) - Write a paragraph in your notebook - Prepare next lesson :Do the exercises (Looking back) Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 15 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES Period 8: Looking Back I Objectives: Knowledge:By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit skills: reading , writing , speaking and listening II Language contents: Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense Verbs of liking + V-ing III Techniques: Communicative approach, ask- answer , pair work IV Teaching aids: Course book, CD player, poster V Procedures: Warm- up: (3’) Vocabulary Complete the sentences with appropriate hobbies - Tell Ss to complete the sentences - Have Ss to compare their answers with a partner - Check and confirm the correct answers - Ask Ss read sentences out loud for other Ss in the class Key: Collecting Bird-watching Playing board games Arranging flowers Making pottery Dancing Activities 2.1 Put one verb from the box in each blank Use the correct form of the verb (5’) - Have Ss to this activity individually - Have Ss to compare their answers with a partner - Check and then confirm the correct answers Key: Listens Go Plays Read Do Collect 2.2 Add hobbies to each of the following lists (10’) - Ask Ss to this activity in pairs - Allow them five munites to add many hobbies to the table as possible - Give feedback Key: Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 16 Phu Long Secondary School 2018-2019 English School year Easy hobbies Difficult hobbies Collecting label Skating Collecting leaves Cooking Playing board games painting Cheap hobbies Expensive hobbies Collecting used books Collecting cars Collecting leaves Taking pictures Painting Travelling 2.4 Grammar (15’) Use the present simple or future simple form of each verb in brackets to complete the passage - Ask Ss to this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a classmate - Check and then confirm the correct answers Key: Have Likes Plays Doesn’t like Enjoys Walks Will join Loves Don’t like 10 Will read Write true sentences about yourself - Have Ss this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a partner - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board (Students’ answers) 2.5 Communication: (10’) - Have Ss this exercise individually, then compare their answers with a partner - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board - Ask Ss work in pairs and role play to interview each other Role play Student A: reporter Student B: a famous person Example: (page 14) - Ask Ss to complete the self- assessment Identify and difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice Finised! Now you can… Homework (2’) - Prepare next lesson : What should we to stay healthy? read (Unit 2: Health -Lesson 1: Getting Started) and check the meaning of the new words Do Thi Hoang Oanh Page 17 ... either thư ng bật đầu câu, chủ ngữ trợ độg từ phải đảo vị trí - Neither + auxiliary verb + subject) 2.6 Adjectives and adverbs (Tính từ trạng từ)  Trạng từ thể cách thư ng thành lập theo cơng... early -> early 2 .7 Modal verb : ought to (Động từ hình thái Ought to) 2.8 Ordinary verbs : LIKE –PREFER (Động từ thư ng : like –prefer) LIKE :thích  Like + to infinitive : thư ng dùng để nói... chọn thói quen  Like + Ving : thư ng nói sở thích PREFER :thích (hàm ý chọn lựa)  Prefer + to infinitive : thư ng dùng trường hợp cụ thể Prefer + Ving : hàm ý lệ thư ng thói quen  Prefer

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2018, 10:35



