Kiểm soát các hành vi nguy cơ của bệnh không lây nhiễm trong quân đội năm 2014_Risk taking behaviours of non communicable diseases among military community in 2014 1. INTRODUCTIONNoncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of adult mortality and morbidity worldwide including the Southeast Asia region (SEAR).NCDs are preventable diseases The challenges lie in reducing the avoidable deaths and disabilities related to NCDs as much as possible with the available resources.2. PROBLEM STATEMENT JUSTIFICATIONNCDs are a growing public health emergency. Worldwide, NCDs kill over 35 million people each year, (representing nearly twothirds of the world’s deaths) and onethird of those deaths occur before age 60.As Myanmar moves on the path of socioeconomic development and changing lifestyle, there is a shift in epidemiological transition towards NCDs
8/7/18 RISK TAKING BEHAVIOURS OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AMONG MILITARY COMMUNITY IN 2014 Presented by Dr Nyan Sint Htun M.B.,B.S, M.Med.Sc (Health Care Management) Assistant Lecture, Preventive and Social Medicine Department Defence Services Medical Academy, Myanmar 8/7/18 CONTENTS Introduction Problem Statement & Justification Research Objectives & Methodology Results Discussion and conclusion 6 References References 8/7/18 INTRODUCTION Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of adult mortality and morbidity worldwide including the Southeast Asia region (SEAR) NCDs are preventable diseases The challenges lie in reducing the avoidable deaths and disabilities related to NCDs as much as possible with the available resources 8/7/18 PROBLEM STATEMENT & JUSTIFICATION NCDs are a growing public health emergency Worldwide, NCDs kill over 35 million people each year, (representing nearly two-thirds of the world’s deaths) and one-third of those deaths occur before age 60 As Myanmar moves on the path of socioeconomic development and changing lifestyle, there is a shift in epidemiological transition towards NCDs 8/7/18 According to National Survey (2009) reported the following table is shown: Gender Prevalence Male Female Smoker 33.6% 6.1% Hypertension 31% 29.3% Overweight (BMI ≥25kg/m2) 21.85% 23.07% Obesity (BMI ≥30kg/m2) 4.3% 8.4% 8/7/18 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES METHODOLOGY General Objective To study the risk taking behaviors of noncommunicable diseases among military personnel and their family members in selected military units 8/7/18 Specific Objective To explore the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents To determine the tobacco consumption practice To determine the alcohol drinking practice To describe the healthy dietary practice To identify the BMI, hypertension and diabetes status To find out relationship between social demographical characteristics, smoking, betel chewing, drinking alcohol, dietary pattern with hypertension, diabetes and BMI 8/7/18 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Community based cross-sectional descriptive study Military personnel and their family members (age group ≥18 years of both sexes) from selected military units Seven study areas and collecting the data from 31st May to 15th June 2014 Sample size is 1035 respondents from different areas Informed consent was also obtained for blood sample for checking blood glucose level by Glucose test strips RESULTS A Age and sex distribution of respondents A(1) Age distribution of respondents 34.5 35 30 25 20 15 10 30.3 23.4 11.8 18-25 26-35 36-45 >45 Year • Mean age = 39.96 ± 10.96 year • Minimum and maximum age 18 years and 63 years respectively A(2) Gender distribution of respondents 36.2 male female 63.8 • Male participants = 375 (36.2%) • Female participants = 660 (63.8%) 10 D Distribution of Blood pressure, Random blood glucose and BMI status among Respondents Number Percent Blood pressure (Normal) 809 78.2% Hypertensive stage (Systolic BP 140 mmHg or more and Diastolic BP 90 mmHg) 226 21.8%