Chapter 8How to Conduct a Five-Stage Counseling Session Using Only Listening Skills... ▲ Have a good start on Rogerian person-centered counseling, as well as the empathic relationship
Trang 1Facilitating Client Development in a
Multicultural Society
9th Edition
Allen E Ivey Mary Bradford Ivey
Carlos P Zalaquett
Trang 2Chapter 8
How to Conduct a Five-Stage Counseling Session
Using Only Listening Skills
Trang 3Awareness and Knowledge
▲ Understand and become competent in the five stages of the
well-formed session: empathic relationship—story and
▲ Learn the basics of decision counseling and how it relates to
other theories of helping.
▲ Have a good start on Rogerian person-centered counseling,
as well as the empathic relationship basics of most other
theories of counseling and therapy, through your awareness, knowledge, and skills with the basic listening sequence and the five stages.
Trang 4Chapter Goals and Competency
Objectives (slide 2 of 2)
Skills and Action
▲ Develop further competence with the basic listening sequence—the
foundation of effective interviewing, counseling, and psychotherapy.
▲ Conduct a complete decision counseling session using only
listening skills and the five stages.
▲ Evaluate your interviewing style and competence.
▲ Become skilled in completing a full five-stage interview using only
the listening skills and be able to take these skills to other theories
of helping, such as client-centered therapy, cognitive behavioral
therapy, and crisis counseling.
Trang 5▲Empathic understanding and careful listening are
valuable in all areas of human communication
▲Teaching the social skills of listening has become a
standard and common part of individual counseling and psychotherapy
▲When you use the BLS, you can anticipate how others
are likely to respond
▲The BLS rests on a foundation of ethics, multicultural competence, positive psychology/wellness, therapeutic lifestyle changes, and neuroscience
Trang 6Introduction: The Basic Listening Sequence:
Foundation for Empathic Listening in Many Settings
(slide 2 of 5)
Basic Listening Sequence: The
BLS, based on attending and
observing, consists of these
microskills: using open and
closed questions,
encouraging, paraphrasing,
reflecting feelings, and
Anticipated Client Response: Clients will discuss their stories, issues, or concerns, including key facts, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors Clients will feel that their stories have been heard In addition, these same skills will help friends, family members, and others to be clearer with you and facilitate better interpersonal relationships.
Trang 7▲BLS skills would not be effective or meaningful without
skilled attending and observation skills
Questioning—open questions followed by closed questions bring out client stories and concerns.
Encouraging—used throughout the session to support clients and help them provide specifics around their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Paraphrasing—captures the cognitive essence of stories and
facilitates executive functioning
Reflection of feelings—provides a foundation for emotional
regulation, enabling examination of the complexity of emotions.
Summarizing—brings order and makes sense of client
conversation, facilitating executive functioning and emotional
Trang 8Introduction: The Basic Listening Sequence:
Foundation for Empathic Listening in Many Settings
(slide 4 of 5)
Trang 9▲ BLS skills need not be used in a specific order.
▲ Ensure that all BLS skills are used in listening to client
▲ Adapt the skills to meet client needs.
▲ Observe and be flexible in use of skills to support the client.
▲ Use client observation skills to note client reactions and
effectively support the client.
▲ Include skills of questioning, encouraging, paraphrasing, reflection of feeling, and summarizing.
▲ BLS skills are used in many settings to define problems
and outcomes (see Table 8.1)
Trang 10Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills: The Five-Stage Model for Structuring the Session (slide 1 of 3)
▲The five stages of the well-formed session (empathic
relationship—story and strengths—goals—restory—
action) provide an organizing framework for using the
microskills with multiple theories of counseling and
▲The structure will also serve as a way to organize your work with theories as varied as client-centered therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic
therapy, and more
▲Following the stages in a specific order is not essential
Trang 11The Five-Stage Interview
Structure: Empathic
Relationship—Story and
Anticipated Client Response: The client will establish a positive relationship with the interviewer, tell his or her story, set realistic goals, develop a new story or way
of viewing issues, and transfer new learning to daily life.
Trang 12Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills: The Five-Stage Model for Structuring the Session (slide 3 of 3)
Trang 13▲ The five stages also serve as a structure for
decision making.
▲ Many see Benjamin Franklin as the creator of the systematic decision-making model.
Three stages:
1 Identify the problem clearly (draw out the story and strengths,
along with goal setting).
2 Generate alternative answers (restory).
3 Decide what action to take (action).
Trang 14Decision Counseling and the
Five Stages (slide 2 of 2)
▲Virtually all interviewing, counseling, and psychotherapy
sessions involve deciding what actions to take in cases
of intrapersonal or interpersonal conflict
▲Neuroscience foundations of decisions are under study.
▲Problem-solving therapy (PST) builds on the Franklin
However, PST focuses on the problematic word “problem” and thus may ignore a more positive wellness approach and multicultural issues.
Trang 15Example of Five-Stage Decision Counseling
I Can’t Get Along with My Boss has been edited to show
portions that demonstrate skill use and levels of
Reflection Questions
Was the use of questions effective?
How would you increase the rating of some of the
empathic responses observed in this interview?
Trang 16Multiple Applications: Integrating Microskills with Stress Management and Social Justice
(slide 1 of 3)
▲ A fully aware ethical base suggests the need for
awareness of social justice and stress management.
▲ Toxic and long-term stress is damaging and can
shrink the brain, enlarge the amygdala, and shrink the hippocampus (Hanson et al., 2015)
▲ Environmental issues, ranging from poverty to toxic environments to a dangerous community, all work against neurogenesis and the development of full potential.
Trang 17▲ Think of the various positive and negative
environments from which clients come.
▲ Clients need to be informed about how social
systems affect personal growth and individual
▲ A social justice approach includes helping clients find outlets to prevent oppression and working with schools, community action groups, and
others for change.
Trang 18Multiple Applications: Integrating Microskills with Stress Management and Social Justice (slide 3 of 3)
▲ Neuroscience research provides a biological
foundation for understanding the impact of our work.
▲ Brain research helps us pinpoint types of
interventions that are most helpful to each client.
▲ We advocate the integration of counseling,
psychotherapy, neuroscience, molecular biology,
and neuroimaging and the infusion of knowledge
from such integrated fields of study to practice,
training, and research.
Trang 19become an issue in the interview.
▲Obtain permission from a new client
▲The same guidelines should be followed for audio or
video recording of the session
▲Too much attention to note taking detracts from rapport building and active listening
▲Write session summaries shortly after the session ends.
▲Performance accountability and HIPAA are important.
Trang 20Action: Key Points and Practice
▲The Basic Listening Sequence
▲The Five Stages Model
▲Decision Counseling
▲Social Justice and Stress Management
▲Note Taking