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  • 2.1 Analyse corporate finance:

  • 2.1.1 Profitability:

  • a. Net return on sales and profitability:

    • 2.1.2 The market value:

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“Báo cáo kinh doanh việc nghiên cứu đề xuất đưa sản phẩm nhựa sang thị trường Châu Á cơng ty Nhựa Bình Minh” "Business Report about researching & proposal to export plastic products to the Asia market of Binh Minh Plastics Company" Overview: In International economic integration period, the majority of business enterprises will be effective acquisition, merger or bankruptcy, a number of business enterprises effectively developed into multinational companies, developing domestic product across the border and reach advantage, which they can take advantage of international opportunities to bring about benefits, and value, the Enterprise brand Therefore, the financial managers of multinational companies have the capacity to evaluate the international business environment, identify opportunities to implement the strategy, evaluate the risks and risk management Multinational companies have the ability to respond to changes in the international financial environment, they will be paid off Therefore, the Group as the company's financial management Binh Minh Plastics business report proposals provide plastic products of Dawn for the Asian market These aspects need to research groups to cater to the panel report are: - Analyse company’s financial has sufficient financial ability to participate in the Asian market or not - Build business strategies to expand beyond domestic borders Vietnam to the Asia market - Clarify the legal framework and institutional investors in Asia countries - Analyse country risk and impact to affect on Binh Minh’s financial activities - Analyse of the relevant information necessary and major shortcomings in the business plans to expand beyond the borders of Binh Minh After researching ability of internal financial resources, production technology, product quality has been respected for many years in Vietnam's Binh Minh Plastics market, in the period from 2013-2023, where that Plastic Dawn engaged it was Indonesia or India Here are some reviews, analysis as a basis for investment options Analyse Binh Minh’s financial report Analysis of corporate financial operations is the overall use of scientific methods of analysis to accurately assess the financial situation of enterprises, help for those interested in understanding the financial situation and security financial of company, to accurately predict future financial targets as well as the financial risks that company may face; through which to make decisions consistent with their benifits 2.1 Analyse corporate finance: 2.1.1 Profitability: a Net return on sales and profitability: 2009 2010 2011 Net profit on sales 20,9% 19,4% 16,3% Profitability 33,5% 31,9% 32,9% Profitability ratios of Binh Minh Plastics Company above years is quite high, but that the subsequent years the net rate of return on sales as well as the basic profitability, reduce a significant linear and only the net rate of return on sales decreased linearly indicating plastic picture more losing competitiveness compared to other industries or due to general financial crisis of the world and the region But overall, Binh Minh Plastics companies still work efficiently, recommends long-term investment b Rate of return on assets (ROA) and return on equity ratio (ROE): 2009 2010 2011 ROA 29,3% 28,03% 25,02% ROE 35,5% 31,9% 32,9% Both ratios show the use of assets and capital of the company is the ability to create effective return on assets and on capital is quite high but that the decrease linearly with the decline of industry That is the financial crisis of the world a huge impact on the company 2.1.2 The market value: a Earnings per share EPS 2009 2010 2011 7,223 7,869 8,420 Through these figures, Binh Minh Plastics Company made a profit, earnings per share next year is higher than last year b The ratio of the market price on the profit (P/E): P/E 2009 2010 2011 8.0 6.1 4.1 In 2009 (when the stock market is growing and no economic crisis), investors are willing to pay eight times the income from shares, the rate decreases with each year c Ratio of market value to Sales: Ratio of Market value to Sales 2009 2010 2011 1.75 1.18 0.67 Overall, Binh Minh Plastics Company is the ratio of the market price on sales is quite good, which in 2011, P/S is less than number is a good opportunity for investors as investors pay less for each unit sales d Ratio of price to books: P/B 2009 2010 2011 3.14 2.07 1.21 Overall, in the last years, Binh Minh Plastics Company stock has a market price of shares is higher than the book value, the company proved to eat pretty well, high return on assets However, the P/B ratio is decreasing this part may be due to the influence of the world economic downturn, in part because the stock price has returned to its real value Through financial indicators, the Binh Minh Plastics Company is a company well worth the long-term investment and the company has strong financial resources working capital largely depends on equity, as well as high profitability, besides should also consider other factors affecting future profit: innovative technology, environmentally-friendly plastic material, etc It is also good conditions and opportunities for public companies export their products to foreign markets India Indonesia Risk analysis of the two countries Indonesia and India1 Year 2008 2009 2010 Political Risk 0.28 0.23 0.24 Financial Risk 4.49 4.99 4.99 Political Risk 0.36 0.45 0.44 Financial Risk 7.30 9.75 9.75 Indonesia is the biggest impact from the East Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998 The country's currency exchange rate against the U.S dollar has dropped from about Rp http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/pdf_country.asp 2,000 to Rp 18,000, and the economy fell by 13.7% Since then the rupiah has stabilized at about 10,000 Rp/dollar, and has appeared significant signs of economic recovery, though still slow Political instability, slow economic reform, and corruption at all levels of government and business in 1998 had a negative impact on the economic recovery For example, Transparency International ranked Indonesia 143rd out of 180 countries in the corruption index table So, when entering this market need to pay attention to the cost of "slippery" and cost rate difference of each period involved Compared to Indonesia, India have lower corruption rate (ranked 94 out of 176 countries on the corruption index by Transparency International) However, according to World Bank statistics, in terms of each perspective on political risk, financial risk, Indonesia has more dominant Currently, the disagreement between the political parties in India has caused many terrorist attacks all over the place Cause of the riots because the police force is not well trained and ill equipped Therefore, this force must also operate in a bureaucratic environment and cumbersome administrative system, corruption in popular media when there is not enough force and advanced technology On the market Indonesia Market: Indonesian lending rate steady at a low level during the period from 2009 to 2011, especially the end of the third quarter 2011 interest rate decrease of 6% / year This shows that the lower the cost of capital in Indonesia is a favorable condition for enterprises to expand business Although interest rate is 13%/year, is very high in 2008 but it curbs inflation by the government, due to the influence of the world economic crisis Indonesia inflation rate has been trending down from 7% compared to the same period last year in January to 3.8% in December 2011 Inflationary pressure has allowed Bank Indonesia to focus more on promoting economic growth rather than fighting inflation As a result, Bank Indonesia has caught the market off guard by cutting interest rates 25 basis points and 50 basis points in October and November 2011 while keeping it unchanged at % in the last monetary meeting Bank Indonesia aims to reduce the cost of borrowing to boost domestic demand The growth of Indonesia is relatively well over the past 10 years, tend to be higher in recent years India Market: Indian interest rates steady at a low of about 5%/year for a long time Although interest rate is 13%/year, is very high in 2008 but it curbs inflation by the government, due to the influence of the world economic crisis Although India has a high GDP growth rate over the years, but the biggest challenge of emerging countries is the high level of inflation and increasing over time Specifically, in 2008 the level of inflation at 5.8%/year, then increased continuously to reach 16% in 2010 The same period of 2010, interest rate at 5%, it shows the interest rate was negative 11%, compared to the rate of inflation Considering the conditions on GDP, inflation and interest rates in Indonesia and India in recent years, Indonesia has more advantages to Binh Minh Plastics Company to export its products than India The legal framework and institutional foreign investment Foreign investment is the global business and trends of the countries in the region and the world in order to expand the market, improve production efficiency, access near more customers, take advantage of natural resources, raw materials, freight cost savings, avoid export license regime in the country and take advantage of the host country's export quotas to expand the market At the same time, strengthen science and technology; improve management capacity and the level of marketing to other countries in the region and the world Vietnam comes up from a bad economy, conducted attract foreign investment slower than other countries in the region and the world But past 20 years have gained a lot of self-attraction and use of foreign investment, and time, so be aware of the role of overseas investment policy soon had encouraged Vietnamese businesses invest overseas etc We take advantage of the open-door policy as well as the international integration of Vietnam and the encouragement and protection incentives for businesses invest overseas companies Binh Minh Plastics finds opportunities and market assessment Indonesia: In the report "Business Invironment 2013" of the World Bank, Indonesia jumped six spots from No 18 in 2012 to No 12 in 2013 in the ranking of countries with good business environment in the world Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board data on 07/25/2012, foreign direct investment in Indonesia rose by 30 % compared to the same period last year, particularly in the second quarter of investment to a record 56.1 trillion rupiah ($ 5.9 billion) On 07.05.2012, the UN Conference on Trade and Development said in its first annual survey of 174 companies, Indonesia ranked 4th in the points to FDI for years, an increase of level in 2011, behind China, the U.S., India Through these figures, Indonesia is one of the attractive investment destinations for foreign investors Achievements so is thanks in large part by the Government of Indonesia in recent years has not stopped efforts to maintain the uneven development between regions in attracting FDI and harmonize policies between different levels of management Since 2004, the Government of Indonesia started the "red carpet" invites foreign investors to simplify procedures for business start-up, founded the Chinese-style special economic zones, simplified procedures customs and taxes Report on the business environment of the World Bank said Indonesia has made significant reforms in the procedures established business, registering property and protecting investors This is one of the important factors for investors for business in a country, by legal procedures too cumbersome and complicated to discourage them Because of this, many countries in Southeast Asia (including Vietnam) later lose the opportunity to attract more FDI Thanks to the openness of the investment climate, although Indonesia is still leading on corruption in the rankings of Transparency International Indonesia economy still growing very strongly It is also hard to push back corruption A number of investment incentives such as: Exempt income tax for many years with the foreign-invested companies Businesses operating in remote areas are exempted investment for 10 years Free import - export taxt to the foreign-invested companies No prohibition, restriction of imports of machinery and raw materials necessary for the production for export Foreign investors invest in new areas of development, using a variety of workers, producing the kind of priority or use more than 50% of local raw materials for the production of export credit granted preferences Gradual elimination of tariff barriers, non-tariff Implementation of a policy of visa, business licenses, resolve administrative procedures, etc For Vietnamese investors invest to Indonesia based on the Agreement between the Vietnam and Indonesia for the promotion of investment protection was signed in Jakarta on 25/10/1991 to promote the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Indonesia; Desiring to create favorable conditions for strengthening economic cooperation between the two countries In particular, capital investments of investors of the other country's territory based on respect for each other's independence and sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit; Recognizing that the encouragement and reciprocal protection for capital investment and international investment agreements contribute to prosperity in both countries This is the legal basis for Vietnamese investors to invest in Indonesia Business expansion strategy of the company Binh Minh Binh Minh Plastics determines of strategy involved in international business activities during economic integration is necessary Since the determination of sufficient financial capacity, product quality, production capacity production as well as the understanding, assessment, determine the market, join scale, the time involved, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the influence factors after analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the selection of business expansion strategy to participate the foreign markets in the period 2013-2023 are entry export strategy, then extended by a joint venture with a local company in Indonesia Why use the strategy to participate the Indonesian market by export before because: Indonesia is a big country (1,919,440 km2 and the world's No (248 645 008 people) estimated that in 2012, per capita in Indonesia is not high $ 4,986/person (ranked 120 in the world) Construction infrastructure in Indonesia compared to other countries in Asean is still great potential Since this is the first time, Binh Minh Plastics participates to Indonesian market and experience in this market is limited, this entry will be relatively low cost and quickly put the company's high-end plastic products plastics into this huge potential market Indonesian President - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said at the Indonesia Forum abroad in Berlin, has once again confirmed the determination of the government to conduct super construction project through the Sunda Strait Bridge two islands of Java and Sumatra - the two main centers contributed to 70% of the country's economic strength This strategic significance of this project for the long-term development of Indonesia, and is 30 km long bridge through Sunda Strait connects the two islands most densely populated Java and Sumatra is one of the content development infrastructure, the most important in the overall plan to expand and accelerate the economic growth of the country (MP3EI) to 2025 Government of Indonesia Strategic regional development infrastructure Sunda Strait content emphasizes two equally important is to build a bridge across the Sunda Strait investment and development of the area around the bridge of two provinces Banten and Lampung The implementation of two of this content without wasting and promote the highest economic value, social commerce and huge investment, the expected $ 34 billion of projects This is also an opportunity for Binh Minh to engage in supplying plastic products for the construction of pipeline infrastructure Retail network in Indonesia is similar in Vietnam, so very convenient for Binh Minh Plastics deployment Indonesia joined the trade organization is a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit, was a member of the UN since 1950, and is a founder of the Organization link (NAM ) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Indonesia to participate in the ASEAN Free Trade Area agreement, the Cairns Group, and the WTO should implement procedures as well as import and export tariffs in the country is also convenient and easy After Binh Minh Plastics products are available in the Indonesian market, consumers know and get familiar with the product is the next strategic plan for joint ventures with companies in Indonesia to produce plastic products and distribution to the market, only the use of new advanced products export forms The joint venture will facilitate the using frozen human resources and cheap as well as using some of the materials in place because Indonesia is a country rich in untapped resources Once the joint venture is to share development costs and minimize risk so much for the company With stable production technology and has many years of experience in manufacturing plastic products popular in Vietnam, on the other hand involved in product distribution market is also favorable for local partners who should know regional, local, tastes needs to be exploited more thoroughly and avoid political risk by conflicts of ethnicity The product lines used for joint ventures are common products of satisfactory quality, price competitive with domestic companies Advantages of the joint venture is the cost of administration, marketing, debt recovery, service costs, labor costs, transportation costs will be reduced significantly, reducing cost will be for the next weapon price competition with domestic companies Therefore, the Indonesian market entry strategy of Binh Minh Plastics company is Export and Venture Analyze the necessary information and the shortcomings of the business expansion plans of Binh Minh Plastics exports When the company identified importers or distributors in Indonesia market strategy, the company should pay attention to build long-term and steady relationship with them Since then, through importers as well as distributors, the company Binh Minh will be pretty easy to swap and in the relevant information about your business products as well as attitudes and level two their hearts about our products Importers and distributors always want to buy the cheapest price to increase maximum their profits Basis for importers and distributors want the cheapest price, it is because the lack of information the domestic market of the exporter Therefore, to overcome this, companies need to increase depth analysis Moreover, there are many more information about the plastics market in Indonesia Specifically: Estimate how many plastic companies in Indonesia for the largest share of which there were many companies also manufacture and trading of plastic products with the same product with the company - The rivals from outside Indonesia have the same industries as exporters from other countries such as China, etc - Refer to each other as well as sampling the opponents to refer to the products in design, product quality, product weight through which to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the product to convincing explanation for over to the importer and distributor in Indonesia - Collect information about consumer psychology of the host country as they like colors for this product and for the product have different functions, what color they like, the majority of them generally accepted to pay which of price, etc If the company knows this information, the products of Binh Minh will participate to each household consumer in Indonesia - Understand the geographical location as well as the position of the distribution of major cities in Indonesia Through this information, the company will decide how much weight the official importer to the Binh Minh Plastics products are sold on the market, ensure the company's products will be distributed throughout the Indonesian market a most convenient way - View comment was plastic items intended exports to Indonesia have been imposed anti-dumping committee from the Indonesian government or not to be prepared legally Conclusion Through the analysis to assess the market potential of Indonesia and India in the export and joint venture of plastic companies Dawn, the Indonesian market, the selection of the target market to companies like the dawn open Export markets and JV will be a major turning point in the development plan for the period the business expansion of the Binh Minh Plastics company in the period 2013-2023 Specifically, this is the entry strategy in the form of export, and then extended by a joint venture with a company in Indonesia We believe in the power companies through the review and analysis of the Indonesian market will bring great success to the company Binh Minh Plastics ... finance: 2.1.1 Profitability: a Net return on sales and profitability: 2009 2010 2011 Net profit on sales 20,9% 19,4% 16,3% Profitability 33,5% 31,9% 32,9% Profitability ratios of Binh Minh Plastics... sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit; Recognizing that the encouragement and reciprocal protection for capital investment and international investment agreements contribute to prosperity in... integration is necessary Since the determination of sufficient financial capacity, product quality, production capacity production as well as the understanding, assessment, determine the market,

Ngày đăng: 30/12/2017, 10:52


