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LESSON PLAN unit1- reading- Lop10

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LESSON PLAN English 10 Unit 1: A day in the life of .… Lesson 1: Reading I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson - Students can know more about the life of a farmer. - Comprehend the reading text through reading activities: + Practise skills to guess the meanings of the phrares based on the context. + Read and answer the questions about the content of the reading text. + Skim through the reading text and write down the information. + Summarise the reading text under writing or speaking. - Students can use newwords for speaking activities. II. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information. III. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, handouts, cassette, CD, projector, computer. IV. Anticipated problems: Students may not know what a farmer has to do during his working day, so teacher should be ready to help them. V. Procedure: Teacher: T Students: Ss Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 1. Warm up. a. Greeting - Good morning! - How are you today? - What is the date today? b. Asking some questions: + What time do you have breakfast? + What time do you go to school? + What time do you start your lesson? T says: You have just known the routines of some students in our class. Now do you want to take part in a game? - Greeting - Goodmorning! - Fine, thanks. And you? - Free talk - Answer teacher’s questions 7’ * Game: Who am I ? T gives the information of a person’ job to help Ss find out the word related to the topic of the lesson ( the word has 6 letters with 5 blanks) R - Divides the class into 3 groups and group that can find out “ Who am I ” first will be the winner. - Asks Ss: + What do farmers often do everyday? + Do they have to get up early? Lead in: To day we will have a chance to understand more about the life of farmers. - Shows a picture of farmers on the screen and asks: + What can you see in the picture? + What are they doing? + Where are they doing? 2. Pre- reading. *Vocabulary: - Shows somes pictures on the screen to explain the meanings of the newwords in the reading text + peasant (n): give synnonym: farmer + plough(v): use a picture: T point to the picture and asks: *What is he doing? + harrow (v): + lead (v): + do the trasplanting(v): + pump (v): - Asks Ss to look at the picture and tell what they are doing. - Shows all the newwords and their meanings on the screen. Asks Ss to read after T once. - Calls some Ss to stand up to read aloud all the - Work in group and try to find out the word based on the suggestions. - Give the answer. - St A: I am a farmer. F A R M E R - Answer taecher’s questions. + They work in the fields + Yes, they do - Look at the screen and answer teacher’s questions. + Some farmers and a cow ( buffallow). + They are doing the trasplanting, ploughing, harrowing. + They are doing in the fields. - Look at the picture and guess the meaning of the words. - Ss can say in Vietnamese. *He is ploughing/ harrowing / doing the trasplanting. - the whole class listen and repeat. - Individuals raed aloud 20’ newwords. 3. While-reading. - Tells Ss to open their textbooks - Plays the cassette and asks Ss to listen to the recording. a. Task 1: Choose the option A, B or C that best suits the meaning of the italicised word(s). - Asks Ss to work individually to read throug the passage and try to guess the meaning of the phrases based on the context. - Asks Ss to check their answers with their partners. - Calls some Ss to give their answers and tell them to point out the sentences in the text that help them to find out the answers. - Calls the others to correct then T corrects. b. Tasks 2: Answer the questions. - Tells Ss to read the questions in task 2 carefully and tells them to focus on the keywords of the questions such as “occupation”, “get up”. - Asks Ss to skim the passage again and locate the information for the answers based on the keywords. - Asks Ss to work in pairs, raise the questions and answers. - Gets some pairs to make questions and answers in front of the class. - Calls somes Ss to correct then T coorrects. c. Tasks 3 : Read the passege and fill in the spaces to make a brief note about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet s rountines.’ the newwords. - Open the textbooks. - Look at the textbooks and listen to the recording. - Individual read silently. - Exchange the answers with partners. - Give the answers. - Suggested ansers: 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A - Individuals read the questions carefully -Work individually to find out the question then discuss the answers with partners. - Pair work. - Suggested answers: 1. He is a peasant. 2. He gets up at 4.30 and then goes down to the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea. 3. In the morning, he ploughs and harrows his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes locals tobaco during his break. 4. In the afternoon, he repairs the banks of their 9’ - Gives handouts and asks Ss to work in 4 groups and tell them to complete their handouts. - Asks Ss to read the passage again to fill in the spaces. - Calls 3 representatives of the groups to write their answers on the board. Group 1+2 Group 3 Group 4 In the morning In the afternoon In the evening - 4h30: .…………… - .: go to …… the field. ………. Sometimes…… - : leaves … houses. - 4h30’: .…………… - : go to ……… bed - 5h30’: … - : ……… finishes the work - 7h45’: .…… - 7 pm: …… - .: goes…… homes 11h30’: …… - Calls some Ss to give their comments. - Tells Ss to open their textbooks and check again. - T checks and corrects the mistakes if necessary. 4. Post-reading. - Aks Ss to work in pairs to talk about their daily routines. - Calls one or two Ss to present in fron of the class. - T gives marks to Ss’ good presentation. 5. Wrapping. - T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? plot of land. Mr. Vy pumps water in to it. While his wife does the trasplanting. 5. Yes they are, because they love working and they love their children. - Get the handouts and find information in the reading text to fill in the spaces. - Read the text again. - Write the answers on the board. - Give comments. - Take note the answers. - Work in pairs to talk about their own daily routines. - Present in fron of the class. Ex: I often get up at 6:00 and then I have breakfast at ……… 2’ 2’ - T summarise the main point: Today you have learnt about the life of the farmers. 6. Homework. - Asks to write a short paragraph about their mother/ farther’s daily routines. - Tells Ss to learn by heart all the newwords in the reading text and prepare “ Speaking” lesson. - Answer T’s question - Write down the homework and ask T for suggestions if necessary. . LESSON PLAN English 10 Unit 1: A day in the life of .… Lesson 1: Reading I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson - Students can know. have breakfast? + What time do you go to school? + What time do you start your lesson? T says: You have just known the routines of some students in our class.

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2013, 01:26

Xem thêm: LESSON PLAN unit1- reading- Lop10

