tổng hợp từ vựng có kèm gia đình từ, phiên âm quốc tế và nghĩa của unit 1 tiếng anh 10. các bạn có thể tham khảo thêm phần ngữ pháp ở bài kế tiếp. tổng hợp từ vựng có kèm gia đình từ, phiên âm quốc tế và nghĩa của unit 1 tiếng anh 10. các bạn có thể tham khảo thêm phần ngữ pháp ở bài kế tiếp.
UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF I READING Daily routine(n): thói quen ngày, công việc ngày Bank(n) [bæηk] : bờ Boil (v) [bɔil]: luộc, đun sôi(nước) Plough(v) [plau]: cày( ruộng) Harrow(v) ['hærou]: bừa(ruộng) Plot of land(exp): ruộng Fellow peasant(exp): bạn nông dân Lead(v) [led]: dẫn, dắt(trâu) Buffalo(n) ['bʌfəlou]: trâu 10 Field(n) [fi:ld]:đồng ruộng, cánh đồng 11 Pump(v) [pʌmp]: bơm(nước) 12 Chat(v) [t∫æt]=talk in a friendly way: nói chuyện phím, tán gẫu 13 Crop(n) [krɔp]: vụ, mùa 14 Do the transplanting(exp) [træns'plɑ:ntin]: cấy( lúa) 15 Be contented with(exp) [kən'tentid]=be satisfied with(exp) ['sætisfaid]: hài lòng 16 Go off =ring(v): reo leo, reng len( chuông) 17 Get ready [get 'redi]= prepare(v) [pri'peə]: chuẩn bị 18 Be disappointed with(exp) [disə'pɔint]: thất vọng 19 Be interested in(exp) ['intristid] : thích thú, quan tâm 20 Go to bed(exp): ngủ (go-went-gone) 21 Go to school(exp): học 22 Have breakfast/lunch/dinner(exp) : ăn sáng/trưa/tối (have-had-had) 23 In the morning/afternoon/evening(exp): buổi sáng/chiều/tối 24 Get up(v): thức dậy (get-got-got) 25 Wake up [weik ʌp](v): thức giấc (wake-woke-waken) 26 Local tobacco: ['loukəl tə'bækou] : thuốc lào 27 Life(n) [laif]: sống 28 Lives(npl.) [laivz] sống 29 Cue(n) [kju:] : gợi ý, lời ám 30 Farmer(n) ['fɑ:mə]: nông dân 31 Alarm(n) [ə'lɑ:m]=alarm clock: đồng hồ báo thức 32 Break(n) [breik]: nghỉ 33 Take an hour’s rest: nghỉ ngơi tiếng 34 Take a short rest(exp): nghỉ ngơi ngắn (take-took-taken) 35 Neighbor(n) ['neibə]: người láng giềng 36 See(v) [si:] thấy (see-saw-seen) 37 Option(n) ['ɔp∫n]sự chọn lựa, quyền lựa chọn 38 Italicised word: chữ in nghiêng 39 Meaning(n) ['mi:niη]: nghĩa 40 Suit(v) [sju:t] hợp với, thích hợp với 41 Go and see(exp)=visit(v) ['vizit]: viếng thăm 42 Occupation(n) [,ɒkjʊ'pei∫n]= job(n) [dʒɔb]: nghề nghiệp, công a việc II SPEAKING Tenth-grade student: học sinh lớp 10 Timetable(n) ['taimtəbl]=schedule(n) ['∫edju:l; 'skedʒul]: thời gian biểu, thời khóa biểu Weekly(n) ['wi:kli]: tuần Civic education(n) ['sivik edju:'kei∫n]: giáo dục công dân Technology(n) [tek'nɔlədʒi]: công nghệ học Maths(n) [mæθ]: tóan học Music(n) ['mju:zik]:nhạc, âm nhạc Literature(n) ['litrət∫ə] : văn chương, văn học Information technology(n) [ infə'mei∫n tek'nɔlədʒi ] : công nghệ thông tin Geography(n) [dʒi'ɔgrəfi] : địa lý học History(n) ['histri] : lịch sử học Chemistry(n) ['kemistri]: hoá học Class meeting [klɑ:s 'mi:tiη]: sinh họat lớp Informatics(n) [,infə:'mætiks]: tin h ọc Lesson(n) ['lesn] : học Class(n) [klɑ:s] : học, buổi học English(n) ['iηgli∫]: Anh Physics(n) ['fiziks]: vật lý học Physical education (n) ['fizikl edju:'kei∫n]: giáo dục thể chất Biology(n) [bai'ɔlədʒi]: sinh vật học Activity(n) [æk'tiviti]: hoạt động Read books: [ri:d buks]: đọc sách Watch TV [wɔt∫ ti: 'vi:]: xem tivi Ride to the stadium: xe đạp đến sân vận động Stadium(n) ['steidiəm]: sân vận động Ride(v) [raid]=go by bicycle ['baisikl]: xe (xe buýt, xe lửa, xe điện ), xe đạp e.g ride to school(đi xe đạp đến trường) Ride- rode [roud] –ridden ['ridən](v): xe đạp Play football [plei 'futbɔ:l]: chơi bóng đá Play(v) [plei ]: chơi Ride home [houm]: xe đạp nhà Do the homework ['houmwə:k]: làm tập nhà Exercises: Word form: A Write the missing parts Vocabulary exact → exactly satisfy → satisfied → satisfying die → death frighten → frightened → frightening realize → realization heavy → heavily Part of speech Vietnamese meaning study normal → normally dangerous → danger → dangerously 10 safe → safety → safely B Complete these sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses 10 I know how she felt (exact) I felt quite with my day’s work (satisfy) Her was a shock to him (die) It is even to think of the horrors of nuclear war (frighten) I was struck by the sudden that I would probably never see her again (realize) We postponed our picnic because it was raining (heavy) I’m not really interested in French (study) It’s much warmer than this in July (normal) Some rare species are in as we’re cutting down trees (dangerous) The plane arrived after a violence storm (safe) New word: a Write the phonetic script and give the Vietnamese meaning of the following words Phonetic script Vietnamese meaning buffalo (n) / 'bʌfəlou / 'bʌfalou / ………………… plough (v) / plau/ plof/ ………………… harrow (v) / 'herou/'hærou / ………………… peasant (n) / 'pezənt /'pizənt / ………………… repair (v) /’ripeə/ ri'peə/ ………………… transplant (v) / træns'ple:nt/ træns'plɑ:nt/ ………………… contented (adj) / kən'tentid/ kən'tentd/ ………………… biology (n) / ‘baiɔlədʤi / bai'ɔlədʤi/ ………………… chemistry (n) / 'kemistri / ke’mistri/ ………………… 10 literature (n) / 'literat∫ə /'litrət∫ə / ………………… b Subjects: Write the name of 12 subjects: …………………………………………………………… …………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……… …………………… ……………………………………… …………………… ……………………………………… …………………… ……………………………………… …………………… ……………………………………… …………………… …………………………………… …………………… …………………………………… Fill in each blank with an appropriate preposition I got panic when I found the door was locked Is Sue contented her present job? “How you go to school?” – “ bicycle” I had a long chat her music line The thief ran away when the burglar alarm went Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence 11 12 13 14 15 John isn’t contented with his present salary a excited about b satisfied with c disappointed about d interested in Doing homework is a student’s daily routine a thing one rarely does b thing one regularly does c thing one occasionally does d thing one never does She purchased a number of shares in the company a invested b sold c exchanged d bought We had a nice chat over a cup of tea a formal talk b informal talk c serious talk d long talk She’s upstairs getting ready to go out a dressing b determining c planning d preparing People are fleeing the area in panic a excitement b fear c gust d danger We……… the seedlings into peaty soil a take b plough c raise d transplant Before the plane takes off, passengers must ……… their seat belts a fasten b flee c emit d unbind My morning ……… is to get up at seven, have breakfast, then leave home at eight a timetable b habit c routine d action 10 When the passengers realized that the ship was flooded with water, they were very upset and ………………in panic a cheered b laughed c screamed d hurt On his … at the airport, John felt a little disappointed when no one came and picked him up a arrival b arrive c arriver d arrived Could you tell me the ……… time when the meeting begins? a exact b exactly c exactness d exacting It was the most ……….experience of my life a frighten b frightening c frightened d frightful She got……… as soon as the alarm clock went……… a over /on b up / down c up / off d on / off The Pikes live …… farming They work hard …… the field every day a on /in b at / with c in / on d with / for PART 2: PHONETICS I Write the sound for the underlined letters in the following words routine …… scream …… 15 relieve …… beach …… peasant …… 16 pleasant …… deer …… 10 green …… 17 field …… ready …… 11 sheet …… 18 death …… pilot …… 12 pleasant …… 19 bread …… frightening …… 13 little …… 20 fire …… sheep …… 14 weather …… II Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group a scream b death c ready d peasant a pleasant b beach c bread d weather a frightening b pleasant c pilot d fire a sheet b green c sheep d deer a relieve b little c routine d field a chat b panic c buffalo d passenger a technology b lunch c chemistry d mechanic a worked b pumped c watched d contented a traveled b stared c landed d seemed 10 a typical b worry c happy d early III Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest a tobacco b passenger c buffalo a literature b routine c neighbor a repair b harrow c contented a interested b transplanting c frightening a technology b biology c wonderful d district d purchase d announce d comfortable d immediately PART 3: GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURES 1) Adv of frequency: a order advs base on their frequency: normally/generally, always , usually, sometimes, occasionally , often/frequently, as a rule , never , seldom, hardly ever/ rarely Frequency 100% 90% 80% 70% 50% 30% 10% 5% 0% b.The Position of the Adverb in a Sentence • An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be) Subject + adverb + main verb I always remember to my homework He normally gets good marks in exams • An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be Subject + to be + adverb They are never pleased to see me She isn't usually bad tempered • When we use an auxiiary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb This is also true for to be Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main verb She can sometimes beat me in a race I would hardly ever be unkind to someone They might never see each other again They could occasionally be heard laughing • We can also use the following adverbs at the start of a sentence: Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally Ex: Occasionally, I like to eat Thai food BUT we cannot use the following at the beginning of a sentence: Always, seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, never • We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs: Ex: She hardly ever comes to my parties Ex: They never say 'thank you' • We use ever in questions and negative statements: Ex: Have you ever been to New Zealand? Ex: I haven't ever been to Switzerland (The same as 'I have never been Switzerland') • We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more specific about the frequency: - every day - once a month - twice a year - four times a day - every other week 2) Simple present (thì tạI đơn ): [S + Vbare/ V_s/ V_es ] Chức năng: • Dùng để diễn tả hành động lập lập lạI (repeatedly ) Những kiện, hành động sở thích cá nhân (personal habits ); thói quen thường ngày (routines ); thời gian biểu (timetable = scheduled events ) Ví dụ: She likes to listening to music in her free time • Dùng để nói thông tin có thật (factual information ) như: thật hiển nhiên, thật cuả khoa học, định nghiã o Ví dụ: The Earth revolves about the Sun (revolves about = turn around) Động từ trạng thái (stative verb ) vớI tạI đơn (simple present ): • Dùng simple present vớI động từ trạng thái để nói trạng thái điều kiện Gồm: be, have, seem, like, want, know, understand, mean, believe, own, belong, … Trạng từ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency ) vớI tạI đơn (simple present ): • Dùng trạng từ tần suất vớI tạI đơn để diễn tả điều có thường xảy hay không • Vị trí: Trạng từ tần suất thường đứng trước động từ thường, đứng sau be Ở thể phủ định, hầu hết các adverbs of frequency đứng trước be + not do/does + not Chỉ có always đứng sau Trường hợp đặc biệt: có still sometimes mớI đứng vị trí be still not be sometimes not 3) Simple past (thì khứ đơn ): [S + V2 ] a Chức năng:(Dùng hành động bắt đầu kết thúc có thời gian xác định ) • Diễn tả hành động kết thúc tạI thờI điểm xác định hay thờI gian đặc biệt quá khứ o Ví dụ: He broke up his love on December 25, 2007 • Xảy tạI thờI kỳ (khoảng thờI gian ) xác định qúa khứ • • • • • o Ví dụ: They fell in love with together in the Autumn 2007 Diễn tả chuỗI hành động o Ví dụ: Yesterday, he got up late In addition, He forgot about his wallet and his house key at home Therefore, hewalked to school Diễn tả hành động xảy đồng thờI o Ex: He left the room as I entered it Diễn tả thói quen quá khứ dùng vớI “used to” “would” o Ví dụ: When I was a child, I used to taking a shower twice a week o Ví dụ: When I was a child, I would take a shower twice a week Diễn tả thật quá khứ o Ví dụ: Hàn Mạc Tử died of leprosy Hành động trạng thái xảy lần lặp lặp lại o Ví dụ: She send many letters to her boyfriend every day I Put the “adverb of frequency” in brackets in its correct position We go to Hanoi in the spring (always) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… My neighbors are out on Sundays (usually) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… We travel by plane (sometimes) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Jim never phones me I have to phone him (always) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… We go to a restaurant on Friday evenings (often) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… She is late for class (seldom) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… I didn’t understand the directions (fully) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… I get up at six o’clock (normally) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… What you after school? (usually) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Is Phong interested in stamps? (always) ………………………………………………………………………………………………… II Complete the conversations using the words in brackets Put the adverbs in the best place A: Did you know the man who tried to steal your bag? B: No, but I him again (certainly/ recognize / would) A: That was a goal, wasn't it? B: Yes, the ball the line (clearly/crossed) A: The weather is a lot better today B: It said on the radio it later (probe/ rain/ will) A: How we get to Mike's place? B: I don't know I the directions (didn't/ fully / understand) A: It's quiet here today, isn't it? B: Yes, the neighbors cut on a Sunday (usually/are) A: Have you been to this place before? B: Yes, I as a child (it/ occasionally/visited) A: Did the computers crash this morning? B: Yes but they main (soon/ were/working) A: Your friend's late Vicky B: Rachel .that we arranged to go out (forgotten/ has/ obviously) A: Do you know them? B: Yes, they live in the same street as me but I to them (never/ have/ spoken) 10 A: Have you finished your homework yet? B: Yes, I have But I .homework (hate/really) III Use the right tense of the verbs in brackets 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 14 15 16 I (like) ……………… …….film I often (go) …………….……to the cinema Thao (send) ……………………… ….three letters to her parents last week Her father (drive) ……………………….… her to school everyday Dad and I (work) ………………………….… in our garden yesterday Quan usually (have) ……………………….… bread and milk for breakfast Two new students (arrive) ………… …………from Singapore a few months ago I will tell you a secret when I (meet) ……………………you tomorrow The last time she (write) ……………………… to me was in 2005 It’s time we (sell) ……………………….this old car and bought a new one It is seven years since we last (talk) ……………… …… to Daisy Water (boil)……………… …………….at 100 degree Celsius I will see him when he (come)…………… ……… here tomorrow As soon as the light turned red, she (stop)……………… ……………the car Harry works all the time He (relax / never)…………….……………… The last time I (go)…………….………… swimming was when we were in Spain I (get up / normally)………………….…at six o’clock, but sometimes I have to be up by five We (have to / always)…………………………… a long time for the bus What (happen)……………………….… to you yesterday? Please don’t touch anything before the police (come)……… …………… “When ……………………penicillin (discover)……… ………… ?._ “In 1928” It’s at least a month since I last (see)……… …………… Tom People (speak)………… ………… English and French in Canada The light (go)………….………… out while we were having tea Glenda (work)………………….……… extremely hard when she was a student The World War II (begin)………….……….in 1939 and (end)……………… ……in 1945 Who (hear)…………………………the boss tell him that? – Peter did 17 According to the research reports, people usually (turn)…………….in their sleep 25 to 30 times each night 18 19 20 Susan usually (do)………………………… her homework after dinner He had a bath, and then he (go)…………………………… to bed My uncle (buy)………… ………twenty calves last week, now he is feeding them up to sell III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct Before going to bed, Mrs Tuyet usually read something or watches some programs on TV a b c d It’s ten years since we have left school in 1996 a b c d I was working really hard in my office when the light goes out a b c d She usually has a glass of milk after breakfast, but now she drinks a cup of coffee a b c d Are you ready? It’s time we go a b c d Frank is usually swimming before work, but this morning he is jogging a b c d I have learnt English for I was 10 years old a b c d Why you called me so late last night? a b c d Mr Miller doesn’t likes being kept waiting a b c d 10 Everybody danced and sang happy at the party last night a b c d IV Viết hình thức khứ, khứ phân từ học thuộc lòng động từ bất quy tắc sau: ST T 10 INFINITIVE awake be bear beat become begin bend bet bite bleed PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE MEANINGS [...]... jogging a b c d 7 I have learnt English for I was 10 years old a b c d 8 Why you called me so late last night? a b c d 9 Mr Miller doesn’t likes being kept waiting a b c d 10 Everybody danced and sang happy at the party last night a b c d IV Viết hình thức quá khứ, quá khứ phân từ và học thuộc lòng các động từ bất quy tắc sau: ST T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 INFINITIVE awake be bear beat become begin bend