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Lesson plan 12-Unit 3-Writing

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Date of preparation : Sep, 10 th, 2008 Unit : WAYS OF SOCIALISING Date of teaching : Period:4 Section: Writing Period :… ……Week: I AiMS AND OBJECTIVES :  Language content: - To introduce some new words relating to the topic - To help Ss to build sentences based on given words - Vocabulary : apologize, abrup, thoughtful, discourtesy, interruption - Structure : The simple present  Language function: + Re-order given sentences to make a complete paragraph + Skill : Integrated skills : writing II TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: Method : Communicative Approach Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing Students’ preparation : Previous exercises: III PROCEDURE IN CLASS Stabilization : (2ms) a Warm – up : Greetings b Checking absence : Who’s absent today ? Checking up previous knowledge: Time needed: (5ms) Questions : - Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s The content of the lesson 3ms activities Unit : WAYS OF Warm up Answer the SOCIALISING T asks Ss to rearrange the words so questions Period 4: Section : Writing that they will make a meaningful sentence Listen to New words Something that /an apology is / to tell someone/ that/ you are sorry/ individual you say or write + An apology is something that you say or write to tell someone that you are sorry T introduces the topic: Today we will focus on building sentences based on given words and putting jumbled sentences into correct order to make a comlete 10ms paragraph copy down + appologize (v) 15ms Before writing : + abrubt (a) - T introduces some new words: Answer the + thoughtful (a) + appologize (v) questions + discourtesy (n) ms + abrubt (a) Write + interuption (n) + thoughtful (a) + discourtesy (n) Write on the Task + interuption (n) board - Checking ROR There are many ways to tell someone goodbye And While writing : most of them depend on Task : Sentence building the situation at hand Asks Ss to discuss and makes sentences in pairs However, there is one rule Tells Ss to change the form of verb that all situations observe : and no addition and omission is we seldom say goodbye required abruptly - Asks some Ss to read alound their sentences In English it is necessary to - Calls on some other students to prepare a person for our correct mistakes departure Gives feedback We lead into the farewell There are many ways to tell by saying something someone goodbye And pleasant and thoughtful most of them depend on the like “ I have really enjoyed situation at hand talking to you “ However, there is one rule We might also say that all situations observe : something relating to the time like we seldom say goodbye “ Gosh, I can’t belive how late it abruptly is ! I really must be going ! “ Task In English it is necessary to prepare a person for our departure We lead into the farewell by saying something pleasant and thoughtful like “ I have really enjoyed talking to you “ We might also say something relating to the time like “ Gosh, I can’t belive how late it is ! I really must be going ! “ Task : Jumbled sentence - Puts Ss in small groups to put the sentences into the correct order Goes around the class to control and Paragraph : give help C 2E 3A B D Paragraph : - Asks some Ss to read their 1C 2E 3B 4A 5D results to the class - Gives feedback Paragraph : C 2E 3A B D Paragraph : 1C 2E 3B 4A 5D Post writing Asks one or two Ss to write their writing on the board Corrects mistakes Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to revise their writing Preparation for the next lesson (1m) - Prepare for section : Language focus - Self – evaluation :…………………………………………………………………… ... Corrects mistakes Consolidation Confirms the content of the lesson Homework: (2ms) Asks Ss to revise their writing Preparation for the next lesson (1m) - Prepare for section : Language focus

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2013, 01:26

