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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 10 unit 12: Music

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English 10 – Giáo án LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC A:READING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to get + Knowledge of some kinds of music and composers + Love and respect to musicians, artists and valued pieces of music 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: Reading about types and history of music + Language: Words related to music 3- Skills: Scanning for details to answer questions , gap – filling II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative III.TEACHING AIDS: Real objects and pictures showing musical tools, singers and composers ; tape of musical extracts IV PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warn-up: (3mn) Brain-storming Student’s answer may vary 1- Folk music 2- Jazz 3- pop MUSIC 4- rock 5- Classical music - Get sts to give some types of music - Ask some more questions: 1.Do you like listening to music? 2.What band you like best? 3.What singer you like best? 4.Can you name some singer? => Lead in the topic Before-reading : (10mn) Pre-teach some words Style (n) kiểu - Sts’ answers may vary Beat (n) tiếng đập, phá Emotion (n) tình cảm Anger (n) tức giận Integral (adj) tồn Funeral (n) đám tang Solemn (adj) trang nghiêm Mournful (adj) buồn thảm Lull (v) ru Has ss to look at the pictures in their text books and answer the questions What kind of music does she play? What band is this? What kind of music they play? What kind of music you think they play in the third picture? Work in pairs, discuss and match a type of music and it’s description Gets ss to go to the b.b and match Student’s answer 1- She plays folk music 2- The Beatles 3- They play Rock ‘n’ roll 4- Classical music Work in pairs in some minutes Students‘ answers 1.b 3.d 5.c 2.c 4.a Remark and correct together While- reading : (20mn) Has ss to open their books and read silently follow the recording Task1: - Ask ss to give the meaning and part of speech of the words in the box - Have ss find the words in the box appear in the passage and underline them - Ask ss to read the sentences in exercise to guess the words and part of speech they’ll fill in - Go around the class to offer help Then asks some ss at random to read their answers and explain - Get other ss to remark and conduct the correction - Read silently - Ss speak out - Students work - Students discuss in pairs in some minutes Answers 1.comunicate 2.lull 3.delights 4.integral part 5.solemn 6.emotion 7.mournful Task 2: - Have students read the five sentences to make sure that they understand all of them - Have ss to read the passage again in minutes to find the answer * Now ask and answer in pairs T gets some students at random to ask and answer aloud - Get other remark and correct together Post-reading: (10mn) - Explain the requirement - Get someone to translate the question - Have sts to work in pairs - Get some sts to ask and answer aloud - Remark and correct together Note: Teacher can ask sts to give some roles of music but they have to distinguish the main roles Homework - Get sts to all the exercises into their notebooks an prepare new lesson Comments : (2mn) - Sts work individually - Read and answer individually - Ss sit in pairs , one asks one answers Ss work S1:ask S2:answer Suggested answer: They are language and music Because it expresses ideas , thoughts and feelings It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival to make of funeral more solemn and mournful It can entertain people, that is it can make them happy, excited and relax and it can delight their senses 5.Because it is billion-dollar industry - Sts speak out - Sts work in pairs - Sts ask and answer Suggested answer: 1- There are roles 2- The answer may vary - sts work at home LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC B:SPEAKING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to give their favourite type of music, give their reason and give their favourite band(s) 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: through this lesson, sts learn bout some kind of music and talk about the type of music they like best + Language: Sentences and expressions for talking about liking and disliking 3- Skills: Developing speaking skill II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative III.TEACHING AIDS: pictures showing singers, composers and some bands IV PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up : (3mn) - Ask sts some questions - Sts’ answer may vary 1- Do you like music? 2- Which song you like? 3- Who composed that song? => Lead in the topic Before-speaking : (10mn) Task 1: - Explain the requirement and some difficult words - Listen and take notes - Get sts to read the passage about Ha Anh individually first, then ask and answer the questions - Read the passage about Ha in pairs Anh individually first, then - Get some pairs to ask and answer aloud ask and answer the questions - Remark and correct together in pairs - Sts work Answer: 1- She likes pop music 2- Because it keeps her happy 3- Her favourite band is - Give sts some adjectives to describe music Backstreet Boys + Rousing 4- She listen to music all the + Sweet and gentle time + pleasant + lyrical + make s.o excited… While-Speaking : (15mn) Task 2: - Explain the requirement and give model Teacher asks a good st to answer and take note Example: Kind of music T : What kind of music you like best? P : I like classical music T : Why you like it? P : Because it is relaxing - Draw the table on the b.b P1 Kind of music Reason for listening to music - Listen and take notes P2 Classical music relax - Get sts to work in groups to ask their friends and get information to complete the table - Go around the class to offer help - Sts discuss in groups - Get pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Remark and correct together - Ask and answer Post-speaking : (15mn) Task : - Explain the requirement and give model - Get sts to work in groups to tell their friends about - Listen and take notes the people they have already interviewed - Get some sts to present in front of the class - Sts work in 8’ - Remark and correct together - Provide the answer Suggested answer Both A and B like pop music because it keeps them happy They like Lam Truong Their favourite song is Got Hong Homework : They usually listen to music - Write a short paragraph about the music, band, song they like best and give reason - Prepare new lesson Comments : (2mn) in the morning - sts work at home LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC C:LISTENING Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives 1- Aim: - Students have knowledge about types of music; students are aware of the value of types of music and respect the talented artists 2- Knowledge: + General knowledge: Sts listen to the interview and True / False and answer comprehension question + Language: Some words 3- Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information II.METHOD: Integrated ; mainly communicative III.TEACHING AIDS: textbook, pictures, cassette player pictures showing singers, composers and some bands IV PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm up : (3mn) - Ask sts some questions 1- What song we always sing on every 1- It is Tien Quan Ca morning? 2- Do you know who compose that song? 2- Yes, He is Van Cao 3- Do you know any songs which were 3- Sts’ answer may vary written by Van Cao? - Lead in the lesson Pre-listening : (9mn) - Get sts to look at the picture of Van Cao and tell each other what you know about Van Cao - Get s.o to talk about Van Cao in front of the class - Remark and give more ideas - Get sts to look at their books and say which songs were written by Van Cao - Remark and give the correction * Listen and repeat - Get sts to open their books and read the words in chorus - Get sts to give the words’ meaning - Sts discuss in pairs - Speak out - Sts’ answer - Read in chorus twice - Speak out - Speak out - Ask sts to tell which words above can use to describe Van Cao’s music - Remark and conduct the answer While-listening : (23mn) - Set the scene Task : True/ False statements - Explain some difficult words - Get sts to guess the answer - Play the cassette twice - Get some sts provide the answers - Get the whole class to listen again and check the answers Task : Answer the questions - Get sts to read through the questions to make sure that they understand all of them - Ask sts try to answer any question they can - Play the cassette twice - Get some sts provide the answers - Get the whole class to listen again and check the answers (pause at the necessary information) - Remark and give the correct answers Answers: Sweet and gentle Rousing solemn - Write their guess on the b.b - Listen and take notes - Write the answers on the b.b and explain Answer : 1-F 2-F 3-T 4-F 5-F - Read the questions - Listen and take notes - Provide the answers Answer : 1- It’s “My favourite musician” 2- Tien Quan Ca 3- Because it’s hard and solemn It makes him feel great and proud of his country - Sts discuss in groups Post-listening : (8mn) - Stick some questions on the b.b 1- What does Quang Hung think about Van Cao’s music? 2- What does he when he listens to “Tien Quan Ca”? 3- Do you agree with him or disagree? - Get s.o to give their ideas - Remark and give more ideas - Speak out - Sts work at home Homework exciting lyrical - Write a paragraph about 50 words to give ideas about Van Cao’ music and prepare new lesson Comments : (2mn) LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC D:WRITING Time: 45 minutes I Objectives Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a profile Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Lexical items: Some words about musical tools and kinds of music Skills: Writing a profile II Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach III Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV Procedures Teacher’s activities * Warm up (3mn) - Get sts to listen to the song “Truong ca song lo” and ask some questions 1- What is the name of the song? 2- Who composes it? 3- What you know about him? Students’ activities - Sts’ answer may vary Before - writing (12mn) * Task - Explain what to in task 1: use the prompt to make up complete sentences about Scott Joplin - Ask S to work in pairs to the task - Tell some Ss to write the complete sentences on the board - Correct Ss’ task - Listen -Read through the task to understand what to - Work in pairs to the task - Write the sentences on the board Suggested answers He learnt to play the guitar when he was very young He learnt to play the works of composers like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart as well as to compose music He quickly became famous His tunes were wonderful mixture of classical European and African All in all, he wrote 50 piano rags, and was called the King of Ragtime Scott Joplin died in 1917 While – writing (18mn) * Task - Let Ss have a look of what to write - Ask Ss to write about the life story of Van Cao, using the prompts, divide Ss into groups and ask them to write on the posters - Go around to give help - Ask ss to exhibit their task on the board for others to comment - Give feedback - Read the cues - Go through the task to know what to write - Work in groups - Exhibit and comment the task on the board - Take notes Homework - Write a short paragraph about on of their favorite musician or singer - Prepare for Language focus Comment (2mn) Suggested writing Van Cao was born in Nam Ha in 1923, into a poor worker family He could compose music when he was very young He composed his first song in 1939 and quickly became famous Tien Quan Ca, the Vietnamese National Anthem, was composed in 1944 His artistic works were songs, poems, and paintings He died in 1995 Van Cao was known as a very talented musician and is highly appreciate by the Vietnamese people - Do at home LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC D: LANGUSGE FOCUS Time: 45 minutes I Objectives Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn to pronounce /s/ and /z/; using to inf to talk about purposes; and using WH- questions Knowledge: - General knowledge: + /s/ and /z/; + to inf to talk about purposes + WH- questions - Lexical items: some words related to music Skills: Speaking, writing, listening, II Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV Procedures Teacher’s activities A Pronunciation : (15mn) Warm-up - Ask Ss to read to read this sentence: To relax, Susan listens to jazz music - Correct Ss’ pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ Presentation: - Demonstrate the sounds /s/ and /z/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - Explain to Ss the position of the lips, tongue and the open of the mouth - Ask Ss to pronounce and repeat the sound several times Practice: - Read the minimal pairs, ask Ss to repeat - Read the sentences - Ask Ss to underline the words containing the sounds /s/ in the given sentences - Tell Ss to practice in pairs - Tell some Ss to read the words and the sentences loudly, correct their pronunciation Further Practice Students’ activities - Read the sentence -Listen to know the pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ - Listen and repeat - Read the word in columns and then in minimal pairs - Read the sentences - Underline the word containing /s/ in the sentences - Practise in pairs - Read aloud - Hang a poster, ask Ss to choose the word pronounced differently from the others peas zoo relax prize Susan spring sad solve fiction listens wishes mission missing jazz kiss message music finish option depression B Grammar I To infinitive Ex: To relax, I listen to classical music to inf Usage: To- infinitive is used to express a purpose Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the task - Ask Ss to write these sentences on the board - Give feedback Exercise - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to work in pairs to the ask - Tell some Ss to write their answers on the board - Give feedback II WH- Questions - Introduce the pattern of WH questions: 1- Wh-words : (subject) WH-words + S + V? Ex : Who comes to school late? 2- Wh-words : (object/adv) - Read and choose the word that are pronounced differently Answer Keys relax Susan listens jazz music - Read the example and find out what “ to relax” is used for - Listen to T - Take notes - Work in pairs - Go to the board to present their work Suggested answers I phoned her to tell her good news I am saving money to buy a cassette She practises singing all day to win the singing contest I’m learning French to sing French song The monitor always goes to class on time to set a good example for the class - Listen - Work in pairs - Present the answer on the board Suggested answers to read to buy to send to invite to learn/ to study WH-words + aux + S + V? Ex: When you listen music? 3- Wh-words : Complement WH-words + be + S ? Ex: Who is she? * Exercise - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to have a look and find out the WH words suitable to the underlined words or phrases - Ss work in pair to make questions - Tell some Ss to give their answers Homework - Review the lesson - Prepare for Unit 13 Reading Comments: 2mn) - Listen - Work in pairs to the task Suggested answers What will you if it rains? What sort of music does her father enjoy listening to music? When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh City? Who wants to talk to you? How did you spend the evening last night? When dose the film start? Who is your favorite musician? Why you like pop music? - Do what T asks at home [...]... to do the task Suggested answers 1 What will you do if it rains? 2 What sort of music does her father enjoy listening to music? 3 When did he leave for Ho Chi Minh City? 4 Who wants to talk to you? 5 How did you spend the evening last night? 6 When dose the film start? 7 Who is your favorite musician? 8 Why do you like pop music? - Do what T asks at home ... Vietnamese National Anthem, was composed in 1944 His artistic works were songs, poems, and paintings He died in 1995 Van Cao was known as a very talented musician and is highly appreciate by the Vietnamese people - Do at home LESSON PLAN Unit Twelve : MUSIC D: LANGUSGE FOCUS Time: 45 minutes I Objectives 1 Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to learn to pronounce /s/ and /z/; using to inf to... purposes + WH- questions - Lexical items: some words related to music 3 Skills: Speaking, writing, listening, II Teaching method: integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: pictures, posters IV Procedures Teacher’s activities A Pronunciation : (15mn) 1 Warm-up - Ask Ss to read to read this sentence: To relax, Susan listens to jazz music - Correct Ss’ pronunciation of /s/ and /z/ 2 Presentation:... word pronounced differently from the others 1 peas zoo relax prize 2 Susan spring sad solve 3 fiction listens wishes mission 4 missing jazz kiss message 5 music finish option depression B Grammar I To infinitive Ex: To relax, I listen to classical music to inf Usage: To- infinitive is used to express a purpose Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task - Ask Ss to write these sentences on... WH-words + aux + S + V? Ex: When do you listen music? 3- Wh-words : Complement WH-words + be + S ? Ex: Who is she? * Exercise 3 - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to have a look and find out the WH words suitable to the underlined words or phrases - Ss work in pair to make questions - Tell some Ss to give their answers Homework - Review the lesson - Prepare for Unit 13 Reading Comments: 2mn) - Listen -... groups - Exhibit and comment the task on the board - Take notes Homework - Write a short paragraph about on of their favorite musician or singer - Prepare for Language focus Comment (2mn) Suggested writing Van Cao was born in Nam Ha in 1923, into a poor worker family He could compose music when he was very young He composed his first song in 1939 and quickly became famous Tien Quan Ca, the Vietnamese National... Wh-words : (subject) WH-words + S + V? Ex : Who comes to school late? 2- Wh-words : (object/adv) - Read and choose the word that are pronounced differently Answer Keys 1 relax 2 Susan 3 listens 4 jazz 5 music - Read the example and find out what “ to relax” is used for - Listen to T - Take notes - Work in pairs - Go to the board to present their work Suggested answers 1 I phoned her to tell her good news

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 16:06

