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  • U.1 The Present Simple

  • U.2 Past tense

  • U3.used to

  • U4.present perfect & PP continuous

  • U5. past perfect

  • U6.Be Going To & Will

  • U.7 future perfect

  • Baitap-TENSES

Nội dung

U.1: The Present Simple Form : • S + V-s/es • S + don’t/ doesn’t + bare infi • Do/ does + S + bare infinitive? Uses - Permanent situations, general true Light travels faster than sound The world is round Oil floats on water Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen It snows in Alaska Rice is grown in Asian countries - Habitual actions: (always, often, never…) We often go to school on foot She gets up early in the morning I watch TV every day • Series of actions: - When the Autumn comes, every body likes going out and they often have a picnic in the mountain to watch the falling leaves • Non-progressive verbs: – We have a beautiful garden – She understands all my questions quickly • Time tables, schedule, instructions … - He leaves London at 10 a.m and arrives in Paris at 13p.m and spends five hours there… Special usage: – In time clause: • As he graduates from university, he is getting married • When it stops raining, we will go out • She takes the boy to school before she goes to work – In conditional sentences: • If she comes here tomorrow, I will sent her your present • Unless you take the brake off the car won’t move – Planned actions in the future: • to be to :The President is to visit Japan next week (official announcement) - She is to leave the hotel tonight • to be about to: We are about to have lunch (very soon) Pronunciation & spelling: – Spelling: • Most verbs add-s : works/ lives/ stops… • V-y (consonant-y) : → IES : tries ; cries ; hurries; replies… • (but : stays ; says ; obeys ; buys…) • V ending in s,z,ch,sh,x: misses ; watches; brushes; mixes • Exception: has; goes; does… Pronunciation • /s/: after unvoiced sound: /k/p/f/t/θ/ • /iz/ : after /s//z/ʃ/ʒ/ tʃ /dʒ/ • /z/: after voiced sounds & ending vowel: • EX: lives, learns, stays, cries, sings U.2: • • • The Present Continuous Form : Uses : S + is/am/are + V-ing Actions in progress : now, at the moment, at present… We are watching TV now Why are you crying? Temporary situation: – – – My parents live in Nha Trang, but now they are living in HCM city for their holiday The church stands on the hill outside the town Our former teacher is standing on the balcony • Changes – The boy is getting taller and taller every day – The climate is getting warmer • An arrangement: – What are you doing tomorrow? – I’m gardening with my father – Are you coming to my party next week? Special use • After Imperatives: – Look! That boy is climbing up the tree – Listen! Some one is knocking at the door • Always + Present Continuous : complains, annoyance … – He is always losing the key – They are always making that mistake Non-progressive Verbs or Nonaction Verbs • Although these verbs are happening at the present, in this very moment, they use simple present tense These verbs talk about or describe mental states, emotional states, possession, sense perceptions, or other existing states 10 • Mental States: know, suppose , imagine, think, realize , feel, doubt, need, understand, want, remember, prefer, believe, recognize, think • Emotional States: love, dislike , mind, like, appreciate, fear, envy, care,hate • Possession: have* possess, own, belong,owe • Sensory Perception: hear taste *smell *see*feel* • Other Existing States: seem look exist owe be, contain,cost include consist of , appear, weigh 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • Verbs that change meaning according to tense: I think you are nice (opinion) I am thinking about that problem (action - considering) She feels sick (health) She is feeling the cat’s fur (action -touching) I have a new car (possession) Expressions with the progressive tense I am having a good time I am having lunch (eating) I am having a baby I am having trouble with this I am having a party You look beautiful She looks cold (perception) I am looking for my keys I am looking out the window.(action) This soup tastes wonderful (perception) The cook is tasting the soup The chef is tasting the dish (action) 12 • You appear to be ill You look like you are ill (perception) He is appearing on stage in Vegas (action) • This soup smells great! (perception) Look at John He is smelling the roses (action) • He weighs too much (state -condition) He is weighing the vegetables (action) • I see the car (perception) I am seeing a doctor (consulting/visiting) I am seeing Bob (dating) • He is a nice person (state - condition) He is being nice (action = behaving; a temporary characteristic) • He is being foolish, nice, kind, lazy, careful, patient, silly, rude, polite, impolite (some of the most common - expressions) 13 Adding V-ing: • For many verbs we make the ING form by simply adding -ING to end of the verb • eat - eating • speak - speaking • cook - cooking • start - starting • - doing • stay - staying • fix - fixing • try - trying 14 Verbs ending with -e (with the exception of verbs ending in -ee and -ie) • Drop the -e and add ING • hope - hoping • ride - riding • make - making • write - writing 15 Verbs ending with –ee Just add ING • agree - agreeing • flee - fleeing • see - seeing • Verbs ending with -ie Change the -ie to -y and add -ING • die - dying • tie - tying • lie - lying 16 Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant (with the exception of w, h, x, and y) • For one syllable verbs double the consonant and add -ING • jog - jogging • sit - sitting • run - running • stop - stopping 17 • • • • • • • For two syllable verbs If the 1st syllable is stressed, just add ING answer - answering offer - offering listen - listening visit - visiting If the 2nd syllable is stressed , double the consonant and add ING • admit - admitting • prefer - preferring • begin – beginning 18 3.1 In this exercise you have to decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong Correct those which are wrong The verb is underlined Examples: I don't know your telephone number (R) Please don't make so much noise I study (W):am studying Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there Can you hear those people? What they talk about? Are you believing in God? -4 Look! That man tries to open the door of your car The moon goes wund the earth I'm thinking it would be a good idea to It'ave early The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing I'm usually going to work by car 19 • 3.2 Now you have to put the verb into the correct form, present continuous (I am doing) or present simple (I do) ' • Examples: Please don't make so much noise I _(study) • How many language _ (Tom/speak)? • This machine (not/work) It hasn't worked for 'years I _ (not/belong) to a political party Hurry! The bus (come) I (not/want) to miss it The River Nile _ (flow) into the Mediterranean The river _(flow) very fast today - much faster than usual _ (it/ever/snow) in India? We usually (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not/grow) any A: Can you drive? B: No, but I _learn My father (teach) me 20 10 • Ex1: Use will or Be going to Why did you buy that paint? – Oh! I (paint) the kitchen tomorrow Do you look OK?- I (get) some medicines for you Look! That house is on fire I (call) the fire brigade now Are you going shopping? – Yes, I (buy) s/t for the party tomorrow Oh! I can manage to use this machine – Don’t worry I (show) you What would you like to drink? Tea or coffee? - I (have) coffee please Have you decided what to after your graduation? – Yes,I (have) a year off and (travel) around the world The future continuous • S + will + be + V-ing Something will be in the progress at a specific time in the future • This time tomorrow, we will be learning Maths together (as usual) • At This time tomorrow, I will be walking on the sandy beach Polite ways of asking for s/o’s plans in the near future: • We will be having lunch with our boss tomorrow Something has already been arranged: • Will you be using the copy machine soon? 6 The future perfect S + will + have + V-ed (pp) – The future action will be completed before particular future time – By the end of this year, We will have lived here for 20 years – By the end of this month, she will have saved $20 000 by this time, by then, before; by 24th • You can call me at work at am I will have arrived at the office by • They will be tired when they arrive They will not have slept for a long time • "Mary won't be at home when you arrive." "Really? Where will she have gone?" • You can sometimes think of the future perfect tense like the present perfect tense, but instead of your viewpoint being in the present, it is in the future – You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S – Will you have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.? – You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S • USE 1: Completed Action Before Something in the Future • The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future • Examples: By next November, I will have received my promotion By the time he gets home, she is going to have cleaned the entire house I am not going to have finished this test by o'clock Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? Sam is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50? The future perfect continuous (continuous state) S + will + have been + V-ing Emphasize the continuation of an action that will be in progress up to a certain in the future – By the end of this year, we will have been working for this company for 25 years – By the time I finish my degree, I will have been living here for four years To be/ be about + infinitive * To be + infinitive → extremely important: • * • • • • No-one is to leave this building without the permission of the police He is to stay here till we return → future plans: She is to be married next month The Prime Minister is to make a statement tomorrow be about + infinitive → immediate future: They are about to start He is just about to leave Conditional sentences: If I have enough money, I will buy a modern car (type1) 10 U.7: Future Continuous & Future Perfect Form : S + will have + V-ed (past participle) S + won’t have + V-ed (pp) Will + S +have + V-ed? Look at some more examples: You can call me at work at 8am I will have arrived at the office by They will be tired when they arrive They will not have slept for a long time "Mary won't be at home when you arrive." "Really? Where will she have gone?" You can sometimes think of the future perfect tense like the present perfect tense, but instead of your viewpoint being in the present, it is in the future You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S Will you have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.? You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S USE : Completed Action Before Something in the Future The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future It can also show that something will happen before a specific time in the future Examples:  By next November, I will have received my promotion By the time he gets home, she is going to have cleaned the entire house I am not going to have finished this test by o'clock Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? Sam is probably going to have completed the proposal by the time he leaves this afternoon By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests How many countries are you going to have visited by the time you turn 50? I you have to decide whether the verbs in these sentences are right or wrong Correct those which are wrong The verb is underlined Examples: I don't know your telephone number Please don't make so much noise I study (I’m studying) Look! Somebody is climbing up that tree over there Can you hear those people? What they talk about? Are you believing in God? Look! That man tries to open the door of your car The moon goes round the earth I'm thinking it would be a good idea to leave early The government is worried because the number of people without jobs is increasing I'm usually going to work by car II Now you have to put the verb into the correct form, form, present continuous or present simple Examples: Please don't make so much noise I …… (study) How many languages ……………… (Tom/speak)? This machine ……………… (not/work) It hasn't worked for 'years I (not/belong) to a political party Hurry! The bus ………… come) I ………… (not/want) to miss it The River Nile ………… (flow) into the Mediterranean The river ……………… (flow) very fast today much faster than usual 5' ………… (it/ever/snow) in India? We usually ………… (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we 10 (not/grow) any 11 A: Can you drive? 12 B: No, but I (teach) me (learn) My father ; 13.You can borrow my umbrella I (not/need) it at the moment ………… 14.(at a party) I usually ………… (enjoy) parties but I (not/ enjoy) this one very much 15 George says he's 80 years old but I ………… (not/believe) him 16 Ron is in London at the moment He … (stay) at the Hilton Hotel 17 He usually ………… (stay) at the Hilton Hotel when he's in London 3 Put the verbs in parentheses in either in the Simple Present or Present Continuous: My brother (need) medical care He (make) mistakes whenever he is nervous The heart (pump) blood through the body We (travel) to Sweden by air tomorrow They (make) good progress at present Listen! Someone (knock) at the door Grandfather tells the children some stories as the mother (prepare) dinner He (leave) HCM city for Paris at three p.m tomorrow They (deliver) the goods some time next month 10 Light (travel) faster than sound 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The medicine (taste) bitter to me Her mother ( get up) at o’clock every morning Please shut the window The rain (come) in now Metal (expand) when it is heated The famous German physician (come) to our school next week My parents (live) in Bristol They were born there and have never lived anywhere else Where (your parents /live)? She (stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live A: What (your father / do)? He's a teacher, but he (not/work) at the moment Put the verbs in parentheses in either in the Simple Past or Past Continuous: The explorers (discover) a path through the forest last week He (not recognize) you at the meeting yesterday We (live) in Dalat from1990-2000 I (be) in Ha Noi during the Summer of 2009 He (smoke) a lot when he was young We usually (have) dinner together in this restaurant in those days The victim still (lie) unconscious at o’clock last night I (While I (spray) the room, she walked in think) what to when the phone rang 10 She (think) of her boy friend all the time you were talking to her 11 My uncle (work) for a gas station from 1998 until 2005 12 The patient over there (have) an operation for appendicitis three days ago 13 They (drive) through the tunnel when they ran out of gasoline 14 We (wait) here for you at o’clock this morning 15 She (die) while the surgeon (operate) on her V Put the verbs in parentheses in either in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous: Continuous: Man (invent) machines that can help explore outer space He (be) ill since June last year She (feel) better since she saw the doctor Men (travel) since they first appeared on the earth We (study) humanities for six months They (explore) that area several times John (camp) in the desert once in his life I’m cold b/c I (swim) all the afternoon He has not found a wife, though he (look) for one ever since he was twenty 10 She (read) the novel “The Old man and the Sea” many times 11 My friend (not arrive from San Francisco yet 12 Scientists (try) to find the way of preventing cancer.8 V Put the verbs in parentheses in either in the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous: Continuous: Before we (go) far the car broke down She asked me how long the man (be) unconscious The patient (just die) when the doctor arrived By the end of the nineteenth century, men (discover) many effective ways of controlling malaria The poor man (wait) for six hours before he was brought into the operating room The telephone (ring) for five minutes before it was answered The scientist declared that he (succeed) in his experiment At the time of her recovery she (lose) a lot of weight At the time of her examination she (work) too hard V Put the verbs in parentheses in either in the Future tenses: When we come back, she (already buy) the house We (finish) all the lessons in this book by June this year By the end of the holiday, he (recover) his health She (be) twenty tomorrow My grand (be) in this hospital for two years on next January 12th You (study) for seven years by the time you take your examination By five o’clock this evening the spaceship (travel) eight hours in outer space The doctor (ask) you some questions before he checks you According to the weather report, it (be cloudy) tomorrow 10 The phone is ringing – Hi! I (answer) it for you 10 Vi Error Analysis: All of the following contain typical errors Find them and correct: I visit my uncle home many time when I was young I am living at 337 grand avenue since last September I have been in NY city two week ago My country have change its capital city five time Dormitory life is not quite Everyone shouted and make a lot of noise in the halls My friends will meet me when I will arrive at the airport tomorrow Hasn’t anyone ever tell you to knock on the door before you enter someone else’s room? Didn’t your parents taught you to that? 11 When I was a child, I viewed thing from a much lower height Many physical objects around me appear very large When I want to move something such as a chair, I need help She will intend to go back home when she will finish her education The phone rung while I doing the dishes I dry my hands and answer it When I was hear my husband voice, I am very happy I am in Japan for the last four months During this time, I had done many thing and saw many place When the old man started to walk back to his cave, the sun has already hided itself behind the mountain While I am writing my composition last night, someone knocks on the door 12

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2016, 08:49



