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tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 78 Lesson – Words Objectives: - To understand a short story and identifying clothes Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.42 Warm up - Word Relay: Review days of the week and weather Choose 10 FOCUS: children to come stand in teams of facing the board Whisper a word to the last Listening – Reading children in each line, they whisper it to the next child and so on The first child Speaking to write the correct word on the board gets a point for the team KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: Clothes - CD track 58 - 60 Development skirt, scarf, gloves - Flashcards – clothes 51-56 Use flashcards 51 - 56 to introduce the key vocabulary Hold up the jeans, boots, - PMB extra activity work flashcards and elicit the clothes Hold up each one in a different order and say shirt sheet p.24 the words for children to repeat Recording 58 & 59: Ask children to look at the pictures on page 42 in exercise and Play the first and second parts of the recording as children ADDITIONAL point to the words Repeat and the children repeat the words after the audio VOCABULARY Time Recording 59: The children listen and repeat Hold the flashcards up as the people words are said aunt Recording 60: Books closed children listen and shout the colours they hear cousins Recording 60: Ask the children to open their books and tell you what they train can see in the pictures in exercise Listen to the track and point to the red speech bubbles in the story as they hear the sentences blue The children read the story again and point to the words from exercise yellow black SENTENCE PATTERN What are you wearing? What’s he/she wearing? He/She’s wearing … Consolidation Speaking: Divide the children into A and B pairs Give the children the cut up copies of PMB p.24 – Pupil A and Pupil B The children write the sentences and colour their pictures A then dictates the sentences for what the boy is wearing and B listens and colours the picture of the boy Then they change roles tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 79 Lesson – Words Objectives: - to practice the spelling of clothes and review these and this Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.40 Warm up: Review clothes Put the children in teams of Ask one child FOCUS: from each team to come to you Put anagrams for each of the clothes one at a Writing – Speaking time on the board e.g kistr (skirt) The first child to write it correctly gets a Listening point Show the flashcards of the clothes one by one and say the words for the KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: Clothes Flashcards – 51-56 Clothes children to repeat gloves skirt Development shirt  Ask the children to look at exercise on page 40 in their workbooks and boots elicit what they can see in the pictures scarf  The children exercise jeans On the board this and these Show the flashcards of the clothes and ask the children to tell you if it is this or these and write in the correct column SENTENCE PATTERN The children exercise These are  Hold the flashcards 51 - 56 up one at a time with a piece of paper covering This is a … the picture Slowly reveal the picture and elicit a sentence for each one e.g These are boots Consolidation Jump: Play jump with the class with the flashcards Hold up the flashcards one by one If the word you say and the flashcard matches the children jump If it doesn’t match the children shout out the correct word tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 80 Lesson – Grammar Objectives: - Identifying and talking about what people are wearing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.43 Warm up: Review colours Ask the children to run and touch something blue FOCUS: in the classroom Repeat a few times with other colours Reading – Writing  Ask the children some questions about the story from the last lesson What is Speaking Joe wearing? Where is the family? Recording 60: Play track 60 Pause after each dialogue The children repeat KEY VOCABULARY Clothes  Get the children to think of some actions for the story from lesson Teaching Aids: gloves - Flashcards 51 - 56 Clothes Recording 60: Play the track again and the children the actions boots - CD track 60 Put the children in groups of and ask them to role play the story scarf - Grammar reference p.75 shirt Unit Development skirt On the board write the questions What are you wearing? What’s he/she T’shirt wearing? Write the answers Drill the children Use the flashcards to substitute jeans the vocabulary for the answers The children look at ex on page 43 Ask them about children in the class, ADDITIONAL What’s … wearing? VOCABULARY The children look again at the story on page 42 and elicit the names of the green, black, blue characters and what they are wearing brown, red The children exercise on page 43 The children work in pairs Using the pictures in exercise the children ask SENTENCE PATTERN and answer Give an example with children across the class What are you wearing? What is he/she wearing? Consolidation I am wearing… On the board write – What … you wearing? Ask a child to complete the He/she is wearing … sentence Write: Ask the children to Unit on p.75 Grammar reference tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 81 Lesson – Grammar Objectives: - to practice word order and describing what people are wearing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.41 Play Snap with the clothes flash cards Show a flash card and say the clothes FOCUS: and the colour e.g a green scarf If it is the same the children say “SNAP” Speaking - Writing KEY VOCABULARY Clothes dress skirt scarf gloves jeans boots shirt SENTENCE PATTERN What are you wearing? What is he/she wearing? I am wearing … He/She is wearing … Teaching Aids: Flashcards 51-56 – clothes Development Give a flashcard to children and ask them to stand up and hold the flashcard so the class can see Ask the children What is he/she wearing? The children respond, He/She is wearing… Get the children to ask and answer across the class Ask the children what the children are wearing in the pictures in exercise on page 41 in their workbooks The children exercise Ask them to compare their answers with their partner before you feedback  Writing: On the board write, … is … green gloves … am I ….? And get the children to complete the sentences The children exercise Consolidation Vocabulary review: play categories: Put the children in teams of One child in the team is the writer Tell them a category one at a time e.g clothes, school subjects, after school activities, school rooms and areas, colours, things in the classroom, party objects and everyday activities The teams have one minute to write as many things as they can remember for that category The winning group has the most for each category tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 82 Lesson – Song Objectives: - To identify times Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.44 Warm up: Review clothes with flashcards 51 - 56 Play board slap Ask 10 FOCUS: children to come to the board and make lines in front of the board Put the Listening - Speaking flashcards 51 - 56 on the board Whisper one of the words to the last child in each line They have to whisper the word to the child in front of them down the KEY VOCABULARY Clothes line The child at the front has to slap the correct picture The first team to slap o’clock the correct picture gets a point Play a few times Teaching Aids: half past - CD track 61 - 62 quarter to - Flashcards 57-60 Time Development quarter past - Flashcards 51-56 Clothes Show the children the flashcards of the times 57 - 60 and elicit the vocabulary Show the flashcards one by one again and say the times and ask the children ADDITIONAL to repeat together and by themselves VOCABULARY platform  Recording 61: Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex on page 44 train Ask the children to listen and point to the pictures short  Recording 61: Ask the children to listen again and repeat fast  Recording 62: With books closed children listen to the song clap when they stop hear a time slow  Recording 62: Ask the children to open their books on p44 and look at the pictures in ex.2 Ask them some questions about the pictures e.g Where are SENTENCE PATTERN the people? What time is it on the clocks? What‘s the time? Recording 62: Play the song twice, pausing for the children to repeat It’s … Recording 62: Play the song again for the children to sing along Consolidation Sing and Do: Divide the class into groups – A, B, C and D The groups sing their verse of the song tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 83 Lesson – Words Objectives: - to practice telling the time Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.42 Warm up: Give the children the extra activity work sheet for the song and FOCUS: then sing the song again for them to check their answers with or without track Reading – Writing 62 The children then draw the times on the clocks Speaking KEY VOCABULARY Numbers o’clock half past quarter past quarter to SENTENCE PATTERN What’s the time? It’s … Teaching Aids: - Flashcards 57-60 Time - Extra practical classroom activities – Song worksheet CD track 62 Development  Review the times with the flashcards 57 - 60, eliciting the words from the children On the board draw clocks with times Ask the children to come to the board and write the time under the clock Ask the children to exercise on page 42 of the workbook Get the children to look at the clocks in exercise on page 42 and tell you what the time is The children exercise  Pair work: The children take it in turns to point to a clock and ask their partner What’s the time? Consolidation Speaking: Ask the children to draw clocks with times but don’t show their partner Divide the class into pairs A and B and ask them to sit back to back A dictates the times on their clocks to B and B listens and draws a clock with the time B checks with A that they are correct and then B dictates to A and A draws the clocks tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 84 Lesson – Picture Dictionary Objectives: - Telling the time and describing what people are wearing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction PICTURE DICTIONARY Warm up - Bingo: Give each child the bingo worksheet and ask them to cut FOCUS: Listening – Writing p.71 exercise up the pictures The children put the pictures in any order on the bingo grid Speaking Using the worksheet and read out the times one by one The children cross off the words one by one on their grid and shout BINGO when they have in a row Teaching Aids: - Flashcards Clothes 51-56 KEY VOCABULARY quarter past - Flashcards Times 57-60 Development quarter to - PMB p.22 Review clothes vocabulary with the flashcards 51 – 56, eliciting the words half past - Extra practical classroom from the children o’clock activities – Bingo The picture dictionary: Ask the children to exercise on p.71- everyday boots - Colour pencils activities scarf Show the children the time flashcards and elicit the vocabulary shirt Extra writing: Give the children a copy of PMB p.22 Get the children to tell skirt you the times on the clocks in exercise jeans Ask the children to exercise gloves Ask the children to exercise ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY Colours SENTENCE PATTERN What’s the time? It’s … He/She ‘s wearing … Consolidation Listening and Speaking: Play Pass the Flashcards Using flashcards 51 – 60 Give a flashcard to a child at the front and say the time or the clothes e.g It’s half past or He’s wearing jeans They repeat the phrase and pass it to the next child who says the phrase and passes it on around the class Give out another to a child at the back and repeat the procedure Give out the rest to children in different places in the room until you have a chain of 10 cards going around the room tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 85 Lesson – Phonics Objectives: - Phonics magic e with o Speaking and listening skills Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.45 Warm up: Play Quick Flash with flashcards 51 - 60 Show each flashcard in FOCUS: Speaking and listening turn very quickly and the children shout out what it is skills Magic e with o Development  Hold up the phonics cards 19 - 23 one at a time and say the words and then the isolated sound Drill each sound with whole class and individuals KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: rope - Phonics cards 19-23 Hold the cards up again and say the words and the children repeat nose - CD track 63-65 Recording 63: The children look at the pictures in exercise on page 45.The stone - Flashcards 51–56 Clothes children listen and point at the pictures Play again for the children to repeat bone - Flashcards 57-60 Times  Recording 64: The children look at the picture in exercise and tell you home what they can see Play the chant The children put up their hands when they hear any of the words from exercise  Recording 64: Play the chant again pausing after each line and ask the ADDITIONAL children to repeat Repeat again VOCABULARY dog  Recording 64: Play the chant the whole way through and the children follow Hurry up! in their books Repeat and the children say the chant with the recording cold On the board write The dog has got my rope The dog is on the stone Ask a cake child to come to the board and circle the “ o “ sound and the magic e in the words The children exercise 3, circling the sounds  Recording 64: The children look at the pictures in exercise and tell you what they see The children exercise Play track 64 to check answers Consolidation Ask children to stand at their desks Tell them you are going to call out a word If the word contains a magic e they must shout Magic e Shout out the following words: rope, nose, stone, bone, home, not, hop, mop, stop, son, tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 86 Lesson – Phonics Objectives: - Magic e with o Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources WORKBOOK p.43 FOCUS: Speaking - Writing Magic e with o KEY VOCABULARY home nose rope bone stone ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY cat, van plane, gate, name, lake snake, cake, face, make, dog Teaching Aids: - Phonics cards 19 - 23 - CD track 64 - Extra practical classroom activities – Sounds Fun Dictation Key Activities Introduction Warm up: Ask the children to work in pairs – A and B Give each child an A or B extra practical classroom activity worksheet The children take it in turns to dictate the key vocabulary words to each other and fill in their worksheet Development  Show the phonics cards 19 - 23, but cover the words so the children only see the picture Elicit the words Write meho (home) on the board and ask the children what the word is Ask the children to open their workbooks on p 43 and exercise  Ask the children to look at the picture in exercise and tell you what they see The children exercise Write this sentence on the board a dog has got a bone There is a mop in my home Ask a child to come to the board the children and underline o and circle o _ e The children exercise  The children exercise Recording 64: Ask the children if they remember the chant from the last class Play it again for the children to sing along with Consolidation Play stand up sit down Tell the children when they hear a word with a magic e they stand up and when there is no magic e they sit down Read out the following words: plane, gate, name, lake, snake, cake, face, make, cat, van, bone, home, mop, rope stone, nine, line, pin, fig, bin, stone, kite, dog tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 87 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Reading a poem Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.46 Warm up: Sing the song “Here comes the train” from p.44 of the class book, FOCUS: track 62 Reading - Listening – Writing - Speaking Development Ask different children what they are wearing today and to describe a couple KEY VOCABULARY big, small, short, coats, of children in the class e.g He has got short hair He is tall Teaching Aids: tall, red, yellow green, CD track - 62 Ask the children to open their books at p 46 and look at the picture and tell blue, coach, station ,long, you what they see Ask them to describe the people, what they look like, what short, curly, bags they are wearing Describe of the people and the children point to the correct person in the picture e.g She has got long hair She is wearing a green short and ping skirt ADDITIONAL Recording 62: Ask the children what time it is in the picture and what colour VOCABULARY seaside, aunt, wave the coach is Play the track and the children listen and read Recording 62: Play the track again and ask the children some questions e.g What time does the coach come? What colour is the coach? What are the people wearing? On the board write: They are at the train station Ask a child to come and correct the sentence The children exercise Ask the children to check their answers with their partner Consolidation Speaking: Memory game Tell the children they have minutes to look at the picture on page 46 and write true sentences and one false sentence about the picture The children work in pairs A and B A closes their book and B says their sentences about the picture A says if they are true or false Then they change and B closes their book and A says their sentences tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 61 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Listening to speaking to writing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.35 Warm up: Give out the flashcards 31 - 36 to children Ask the children FOCUS: around the class What you in the morning/evening etc? The children with Listening - speakingthe flashcards listen for their activity and hold the flashcard up when they hear writing the word KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: Time - CD track 47 Development Times of the day - Flashcards 31-36 everyday Ask the children to look at the pictures in exercise on p.35 Ask the children Everyday activities activities questions about the pictures e.g What can you see in picture 2? - Extra practical classroom On the board draw a clock face and ask a child what time they get up Get activities – Spelling quiz another child to draw the time on the clock ADDITIONAL Recording 47: Play the recording and ask the children to listen and shout out VOCABULARY school bag, bedroom, the times they hear under, chair  Recording 47: Play the track again and stop after the first item and show the time in box one of exercise 1.Continue the track, pausing after each item for the children to draw the time on each clock SENTENCE PATTERN He/ she gets up/goes to  Recording 47: Play the track again for the children to check their answers school etc at … Speaking: exercise 2: Give an example with one child- prompt by saying number and the child says he gets up at 10 o’clock Give another example with number Ask the children to work in pairs and continue On the board draw a write when, where and what Ask a child to draw a circle around what, underline when and draw a box around where Writing: The children exercise Consolidation Writing: Spelling quiz: Put the children into teams of Give each team a hand out – the spelling quiz Read out the words one by one from page and the teams have to spell the words correctly on their hand out Teams change hand outs and check each other’s spelling as you write them on the board tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 62 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Writing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources WORKBOOK p.33 FOCUS: Writing KEY VOCABULARY Wash hands/ face, clean teeth, cook, brush hair, have breakfast, watch TV, play ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY toys cousin SENTENCE PATTERN I wash/ clean etc in the morning Teaching Aids: - PMB p.15 Values worksheet - Flashcards 1-10 school subjects and school rooms - Extra practical classroom activities – It’s time to… Counters and dice Key Activities Introduction Warm up: Give the children the extra practical activity board game – It’s time to … and get them to play in teams of Development  Write the following on the board: What, Where’s, When, Where, What’s, When Elicit a question for each Wh word and write them on the board, asking the children to correct the questions as you write The children exercise on p.33  Children compare their questions  The children exercise – draw pictures Consolidation  Identifying values: Write Personal hygiene on the board Ask the children what they to keep clean every day? Give the children a copy of p.15 of PMB Ask them what they can see in the pictures Ask them which activities they in the morning The children exercise Feedback whole class Writing: The children exercise Draw pictures and write about what they to help Ask a few children to tell the class for feedback tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 63 Lesson – Words Objectives: - To understand a short story and identify different types of weather Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.36 Warm up - Word Relay: Vocabulary Review Choose some vocabulary FOCUS: from Unit Get 10 children to come to the board and stand in teams of facing Listening – Reading the board Whisper a word to the last child in the line They whisper it to the Speaking next child and so on The first team to write it first and correctly gets a point Use flashcards 41 – 46 to introduce the key vocabulary Hold up the KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: hot, sunny, snowing, - CD track 48 - 50 flashcards and elicit the vocabulary Hold up each one in a different order and raining, windy, cold - Flashcards 41-46 weather say the words for children to repeat - PMB p.20 ADDITIONAL Development Recording 58&49: Ask children to look at the pictures and play the first and VOCABULARY Imperatives second parts of the recording as children point to the words Repeat and the hat, sunglasses, raincoat, children to repeat the words after the audio coat, shorts, T-shirt, sun Recording 49: Ask the children to listen and repeat Hold the flashcards up cream, gloves, key, wet as the words are said Recording 50: With books closed children listen to the story and shout out when they hear any of the words from exercise one when they hear them SENTENCE PATTERN What’s the weather like? Recording 50: Ask the children to tell you what they see in the pictures in It’s raining/hot/windy etc exercise Listen and point to the speech bubbles as they hear the sentences Put on … The children read the story again and point to the words from exercise Don’t put on… Consolidation Writing: Give the children a copy of PMB p.20 Elicit the following vocabulary: hat, sunglasses, raincoat, coat, shorts, T-shirt, sun cream, gloves, key, wet from the pictures in exercise The children exercise Speaking: On the board write: Put on your… Don’t put on your …Show a weather flashcard and ask the children what to wear Elicit Put on your hat Don’t put on your gloves In pairs they take it in turns to point to the pictures and their partner gives them instructions tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 64 Lesson – Words Objectives: - to practice writing and weather vocabulary Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.34 Warm up- Miming: Review weather Put the children in teams of Ask one FOCUS: child from each team to come to you Show a flashcard of weather The child Writing - Listening goes back to their team and mimes the action- no speaking The first team to guess gets a point Repeat with different children KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: sunny, hot, snowing, cold, Flashcards 41-46 weather Show the flashcards again one by one and say the words for the children to windy, raining repeat SENTENCE PATTERN It’s hot/ sunny/windy etc Development  The children look at the pictures in exercise on page 34 in their workbooks Elicit the weather The children exercise Ask the children to look at the pictures in exercise and ask them what they can see and what the people are wearing The children exercise Ask individual children what kind of weather they like and what they wear Ask the children to draw a picture of their favourite type of weather Consolidation Writing practice: Ask the children to give their pictures to their partner The children look at the pictures and write what they see Give an example sentence on the board – It’s snowing Put on your gloves and hat Jump: Play jump with the class with the flashcards Hold up the flashcards one by one If the word you say and the flashcard matches the children jump If it doesn’t match the children shout out the correct word tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 65 Lesson – Grammar Objectives: - Talking and reading about weather Practicing imperatives Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.37 Warm up: Review weather Play slowly reveal with the flashcards 41-46 FOCUS: Cover the front of each card as you show it and uncover slowly as the children Listening – Writing guess what the activity is Speaking  Ask the children some questions about the story from the last lesson It is sunny or windy in the story? What does Billy put on? KEY VOCABULARY Weather Recording 50: Play track 50 and pause after each dialogue for the children to Teaching Aids: sunny - Flashcards 41-46 repeat snowing - CD track 50  Get the children to think of actions for the story from lesson rainy - Grammar reference p.75 Recording 50: Play the recording again and the children the actions windy Unit Put the children in groups of and ask them to role play the story hot cold Development The children look at the pictures in exercise and ask them what they can ADDITIONAL see VOCABULARY The children point to the pictures as you read the sentences coat On the board write the sentences from exercise Ask the children to repeat window after you, whole class and individual children hat Rub out the weather and clothes in each sentence and show the flashcards and ask the children to repeat the sentences with the weather on the flashcard SENTENCE PATTERN Repeat a few times with different activities What’s the weather like? Write: Ask the children to look at the words and pictures in exercise and It’s … the first sentence as an example The children exercise Put on your… Pair work: Asking and answering Give and example of exercise with Don’t put on your … children The children the exercise with their partner Consolidation Write: Ask the children to Unit on p.75 Grammar reference tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 66 Lesson – Grammar Objectives: - To practice word order and writing and describing weather Imperatives Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.35 Play Snap with the weather flash cards Show a flash card and say the FOCUS: activity If it is the same the children say “SNAP” Writing – listening speaking Development Put the following sentence on the board: weather What’s like the? Ask a child KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: Weather Flashcards 41– 46 weather to come to the board and get the rest of the class to help them put the sentences Sunny, raining, snowing, in the correct order cold, hot, windy, coat, Ask the children to exercise on page 35 in their workbooks raincoat, shorts, hat, Ask them to compare their answers with their partner before you feedback sun cream On the board write the following words – shorts, coat, hat, raincoat, sun cream Show the children the weather flashcards and get them to tell you what to wear e.g It’s sunny wear your hat ADDITIONAL  Ask the children to look at the pictures in exercise and tell you what the VOCABULARY Door, window, umbrella, weather is like The children exercise close, open, sun The children exercise 2.to work in pairs and name them A and B A and B take it in turns to point to a picture and their partner says the sentence SENTENCE PATTERN I do/have/ go … Consolidation I don’t do/have/go… Simon says: Tell the children to follow your instructions – they the action when you say and don’t it when you say don’t e.g Do stand up Don’t pick up your pen Choose a couple of children to give instructions to the class or play in small groups tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 67 Lesson – Song Objectives: - Talking about after weather and weather activities Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.38 Warm up: Review weather with flashcards 11-16 Play board slap Ask 10 FOCUS: children to come to the board and make lines in front of the board Put the Listening - Speaking flashcards 41 - 46 on the board Whisper one of the words to the last child in each line They have to whisper the word to the child in front of them down the KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: fly a kite - CD track 51 - 52 line The child at the front has to slap the correct picture The first team to slap make a snowman - Flashcards 41-46 after the correct picture gets a point Play a few times wear coats school and 47-50 weather go outside activities Development cold Show the children the flashcards of weather activities 47-50 and elicit the sunny vocabulary windy Show the flashcards one by one again and say the words and ask the children snowing to repeat together and by themselves  Recording 51: Ask the children to look at the pictures in exercise on page 38 Ask the children to listen and point to the pictures ADDITIONAL  Recording 51: Ask the children to listen again and repeat VOCABULARY play  Recording 52: With books closed children listen to the song and stand up sky when they hear the vocabulary from exercise night  Recording 52: Ask the children to open their books on p.38 and look at the park pictures in exercise Ask them where the children are and what they are slide doing together Recording 52: Play the song again twice, pausing for the children to repeat SENTENCE PATTERN Recording 52: Play the song again for the children to sing along After school I read/write/help/play… Consolidation Sing and Do: Divide the class into groups Give each group verse to sing Ask the children to sing loudly and then softly tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 68 Lesson – Words Objectives: - to practice writing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.36 Warm up: Give the children the extra activity work sheet for the song and FOCUS: then sing the song again for them to check their answers with or without track Speaking - Writing 52 KEY VOCABULARY weather cold hot snowing raining sunny windy fly a kite wear coats play outside make a snow man SENTENCE PATTERN When it’s windy we … Teaching Aids: - Flashcards weather 41- 46 and weather activities 47-50 - Extra practical classroom activities – Song worksheet - CD track 52 - Picture dictionary p.70 weather - PMB p.18 Development  Review weather and weather activities with the flashcards 41 - 50, eliciting the words from the children Ask the children to exercise on page 36 in their workbooks The children the first part of exercise on page 16, completing the sentences in their workbooks The children exercise Give the children a copy of PMB p.18 and the children exercise and Consolidation Writing practice: the children Unit on page 70 of the picture dictionary tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 71 Lesson – Phonics Objectives: - Sounds – long vowel i with magic e Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.37 Warm up: Divide the children in to pairs A and B Give each child an A or B FOCUS: extra practical classroom activity worksheet The children take it in turns to Speaking -writing Sounds long vowel i with dictate the words The children listen to their partner and write them in the magic e correct box Feed back with the whole class KEY VOCABULARY kite white line nine bike figs bin ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY red count all together ride fly Teaching Aids: - Phonics cards 14-18 - CD track 54 - Extra practical classroom activities – Sounds Fun Dictation Development  Show the phonics cards 14-18, but cover the words and pictures so the children only see the picture Elicit the words On the board write hiwte and get a child to write the correct word Ask the children to open their workbooks on p.37 and say the words in the pictures in exercise 1.Ask them to exercise Ask the children what they remember of the chant from the previous lesson The children exercise writing in the missing words to the chant .Recording 54: play the chant for the children to check their answers  The children exercise .The children exercise Consolidation Writing and speaking: Put the following words on the board: white, kite, line, nine, figs, bin, bike Ask the children to help you make a rhyme with at least of the words e.g There are white kites Ask the children to work with a partner and write a rhyme like the one on the board using as many words as possible from the list Get the children to read their rhymes to the class tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 72 Lesson – Phonics Objectives: - Phonics – long vowel i with magic e Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.39 Warm up: Play Quick Flash with flashcards 41 – 50 Show each flashcard in FOCUS: turn very quickly and the children shout out what it is Speaking and listening skills Long vowel I with magic e Development  Hold up the phonics cards 14 - 18 one at a time and say the sound words Drill each sound with whole class and individuals KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: bike - Phonics cards 14-18 Hold the cards up again - covering the words and the children say the words line - CD track 53-55 Recording 53: Ask the children to open their student books on p 39 and look kite - Flashcards – weather and at the pictures in exercise 1.The children listen and point at the pictures white weather activities 41 - 50  Recording 54: The children look at the picture in exercise and tell you line what they can see Play the chant and ask the children to shout out when they hear any of the words from exercise  Recording 54: Play the chant again pausing after each line and ask the ADDITIONAL children to repeat Repeat again VOCABULARY fly  Recording 54: Play the chant the whole way through and the children follow ride in their books Repeat and the children say the chant with the recording red On the board write white and kite Ask a child to come to the board and circle count i – e sound in the words Ask the children to exercise 3, circling the sounds nine  Recording 55: The children look at the pictures in exercise and tell you children what they see The children exercise Play track 55 and the children listen together and check their answers Consolidation Put the children in teams of Ask to them to think of other words with the i and magic e Give them a couple of minutes Feedback to the board The winning team is the team with the most words that other teams don’t have tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 73 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Reading - speaking Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.40 Warm up: Sing the song “What’s the weather like today?” from p.38 FOCUS: Reading - listening – writing - speaking Development Ask different children what the weather is like today – use flashcards 41- 46 as prompts KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: Times - CD track 52 & 56 Ask the children to open their books at p.40 and look at the pictures of the cold, coats, hats, raining, - Flashcards – weather 41– TVs Ask them to tell you what they can see on each TV Tell them to close umbrellas, sunny, hot, sun 46 and weather activities 47- their books again and elicit which words they think they will read in the text e.g hats and sunglasses, 50 sunny Write their answers on the board windy, kite Recording 56: Ask the children to listen to the track and read and then tell you which words on the board are in the text  Recording 56: Play the track again and ask the children some questions e.g ADDITIONAL “What’s the weather like at o’clock?” “What’s the weather like at o’clock?” VOCABULARY news, wear, warm, wet, In pairs the children take it in turns to point to a picture and their partner tells forget, afternoon, them what the weather is like morning, outside Ask the children to look at exercise Ask the children to check their answers with their partner Consolidation Speaking: Ask the children to close their books and work in teams and play a memory game Ask the teams, in turn, questions about the text e.g What’s the weather like at …? When can you fly a kite? Ask each team a few questions and give points for the correct answer tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 74 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Reading to writing and speaking Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.38 Warm up: Review vocabulary from the last lesson Ask 10 children to come FOCUS: to the board and put them in lines facing the board Show the first child in Reading – speaking each line a flashcard and they run to the board and write the word The first team writing to write it correctly gets a point KEY VOCABULARY break time, sunny, hot Teaching Aids: Development T’shirts, tracksuits, sun - PMB p.21  Ask the children to look at the picture in exercise on p.38 of the workbook hats, shorts, raincoats, - Flashcards 41–50 weather and ask them to tell you what they see umbrellas, hats and weather activities Ask the children to look at the text and circle the weather words - Extra Practical classroom  Ask the children to look at exercise Write It’s break time What’s the activities – Here is the weather like? on the board Ask the children to give you the answer from the ADDITIONAL weather text VOCABULARY outside, blow away, Ask the children to read the text again and exercise Feedback asking individual children for the answers Give the children a copy of PMB p.21 Ask them what they put on and don’t put on when it’s sunny or cold The children read the text and exercise The children and x for what the children and don’t wear in the text Consolidation Pair work: - Speaking: Ask the children to work in pairs and name them A and B and ask them to sit back to back Give A and B the correct part of the extra practical activity worksheet A reads their text to B and B fills in the missing words and then they change They check with each other to make sure the texts are the same tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 75 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Listening to speaking to writing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p.41 Warm up: Give out the flashcards 41-50 to 10 children Ask the children to FOCUS: put the flashcard on their head so you can see it Shout out the words When the Listening - speakingchildren with the flashcards hear their word they stand up and then sit down writing when they hear it again KEY VOCABULARY Days of the week Teaching Aids: Development sunny, hot, cold, snowing, - CD track 57 Ask the children to look at the pictures in exercise on p 40 Ask questions raining, windy - Flashcards 41-50 weather about the pictures e.g What is the weather like in picture 2? What are the and weather activities children doing/wearing on each day? - Extra practical classroom Recording 57: Play the recording and ask the children to listen and shout out ADDITIONAL activities – Spelling quiz when they hear weather or weather activity vocabulary VOCABULARY wear, open, big, yellow,  Recording 57: Play the track again and stop after the first item and show the umbrella, eat, play, drink,  next to picture 1b Continue the track, pausing after each item for the milkshake, pizza, small, children to  the correct picture playground  Recording 57: Play the track again for the children to check their answers Speaking: exercise 2: Give an example with one child- prompt by saying Monday and the child says It’s cold It’s cold Put on your coat Give another SENTENCE PATTERN It’s Monday What’s the example with number Ask the children to work in pairs and continue weather like/ It’s … Writing: The children exercise Consolidation Writing: Spelling quiz: Put the children into teams of Give each team a hand out – the spelling quiz Ask the children to choose a name write it on the top of the hand out Read out the words one by one from page and the teams have to spell the words correctly on their hand out Teams change hand outs and check each other’s spelling as you write them on the board tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 76 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Writing Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources WORKBOOK p.39 FOCUS: Writing- speaking KEY VOCABULARY wear, cold, tired, wear, go, hungry, thirsty, eat, sunny, drink, raining, snowing, cold, hot, windy ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY make a snowman, fly a kite SENTENCE PATTERN Today it’s sunny I can/can’t … Teaching Aids: - Flashcards 41-50 weather and weather activities - Extra practical classroom activities – How’s the weather? - Extra practical classroom activities – Board game Counters and dice - Extra practical classroom activities – Weather memory cards Key Activities Introduction Warm up: Give the children the extra practical activity board game – How’s the weather? They play in teams of Development  Write columns on the board: adjectives and verbs Elicit a few examples of each from the children The children exercise on p.39 Ask the children what they can when it’s sunny/raining etc  The children exercise The children exercise Consolidation  Speaking: Ask the children to work in groups of and give them the cut up memory cards The children shuffle them on the table face down They take it in turns to turn over cards and show them to the group If the cards match they keep them, If they don’t they put them face down again tailieuonthi SEMESTER – Unit – Lesson - Period 77 Lesson – Skills Objectives: - Identifying values Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction WORKBOOK p.41 Warm up: Put the 10 flashcards on the wall around the classroom Choose 10 FOCUS: children Shout out a word and they have to run to the correct flashcard Repeat Identifying values a few times with different children KEY VOCABULARY take care, world Teaching Aids: - PMB p.19 - Values worksheet - Flashcards 41-50 weather and weather activities Development  Identifying values: Write Let’s look after our world on the board Ask the children what they can to take care of the world e.g Collect rubbish Give the children a copy of p.19 of PMB Ask them which pictures are good and which pictures are bad The children exercise Feedback whole class  The children exercise Draw pictures about what they to look after the world Ask a few children to tell the class for feedback Consolidation Choose 15 – 20 words from the previous units and make anagrams for each one e.g snowing – wigsnon Put the children in teams and write the anagrams on the board The first team to guess the word correctly gets a point [...]... turns to point to a photos and their partner tells them what the children are doing Consolidation Writing: Ask the children to draw an invitation using the one in the email on page 56 as an example and complete the details for their birthday party tailieuonthi SEMESTER 2 – Unit 7 – Lesson 5 - Period 1 05 Lesson 5 – Skills Objectives: - Reading to writing and speaking Resources and Teaching Topic – Language... Ask the children to open their student books on page 55 and - Flashcards – celebrations look at the pictures in exercise 1.The children listen and point at the pictures ADDITIONAL and getting ready 61 - 70  Recording 74: The children look at the picture in exercise 2 and tell you VOCABULARY birthday ,puzzle, new, what they can see Play the chant and ask the children to shout out when they poster hear... Celebrations and 67-70 Show the children the flashcards of getting ready 67 - 70 and elicit the Getting ready vocabulary Show the flashcards one by one again and say the words and ask the children ADDITIONAL to repeat together and by themselves VOCABULARY cousin, wedding  Recording 71: Ask the children to look at the pictures in ex 1 on page 54 lovely, suit, tie, dress, Ask the children to listen and point... correctly on their hand out Teams change hand outs and check each other’s spelling as you write them on the board tailieuonthi SEMESTER 2 – Unit 8 – Lesson 1 - Period 108 Lesson 1 – Words Objectives: - To understand a short story and identifying adjectives to describe people Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p .58 Warm up - Word... Unit 6 10 children come to the board and stand in teams of 5 facing the Listening to reading board Whisper a word to the last child in the line They whisper it to the next child and so on The first team to write it first and correctly gets a point KEY VOCABULARY wedding, guests, cake, Sing Here comes the train from Unit 6 with track 62 Ask the children some bride, band, invitation questions about the... What are Grandma and Grandpa doing? KEY VOCABULARY guests, cake, band, Recording 70: Play track 70 and pause after each dialogue The children Teaching Aids: invitation, dance, watch, - Flashcards 61-66 repeat video, eat ,talk, read, sing, Celebrations  Get the children to think of actions for the story from lesson 1 bride, dress, sleep - CD track 70 Recording 70: Play the recording again and the children... the board and write the word The first team Speaking to write it correctly gets a point KEY VOCABULARY Teaching Aids: skirt, jeans, shirt, clothes, - PMB p. 25 Development toys, farm, station, zoo, - Flashcards 51 - 56 clothes  Ask the children to look at the picture in exercise 1 on p.44 of the workbook school, aunt, mum, friend, - Extra Practical classroom and ask them what the time is and what they... can’t wait  Recording 71: Ask the children to listen again and repeat  Recording 72: With books closed children listen to the song and stand up when they hear the vocabulary from exercise 1 SENTENCE PATTERN I am …ing  Recording 72: Ask the children to open their books on p .54 and look at the He/She‘s …ing pictures in exercise 2 Ask them what the family members are doing They’re … ing Recording 72: Play... book and B asks 3 questions about the picture and then they change tailieuonthi SEMESTER 2 – Unit 7 – Lesson 4 - Period 102 Lesson 4 – Phonics Objectives: - Phonics – magic e with u Resources and Teaching Topic – Language target Key Activities Aids KEY LANGUAGE Resources Introduction CLASSBOOK p .55 Warm up: Play Quick Flash with flashcards 61 - 70 Show each flashcard in FOCUS: turn very quickly and. .. groups a copy of PMB p. 25 ADDITIONAL with the cards cut up The children put the cards face down on the table and take VOCABULARY front, end it in turns to turn over 2 If the time and the sentence match they keep the cards SENTENCE PATTERN It’s quarter to/past/half past/o’clock … I’m wearing … Consolidation Pair work: - Speaking: Ask the children to work in pairs and name them A and B and ask them to sit ... board draw a write I like horses and hens and I don’t like cats or dogs I can … and … Ask a child to come to the board and circle and, and underline or I have got … and … Writing: The children exercise... the words and the children repeat nose - CD track 63- 65 Recording 63: The children look at the pictures in exercise on page 45. The stone - Flashcards 51 56 Clothes children listen and point... Flashcards 57 -60 Time Development quarter past - Flashcards 51 -56 Clothes Show the children the flashcards of the times 57 - 60 and elicit the vocabulary Show the flashcards one by one again and say

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2016, 14:43

