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5. Work in pairs. Talk about your last holiday. Tell they are going to write a similar coversation to the one in Activity 4 Ask ss work in pairs and give them a time limit to do the task. Call some pairs to act out the dialogues. Correct the pronuciation. 6. Read and match Tell they are going to read and match the questions with the answers. Have ss read the text and check their comprehension. Give Ss a time limit to do the task. Ask Ps to compare their answers before checking as a class Call some pairs to read the questions and answers aloud.

HT primary school English plan Date of preparing: 12/3/2017 Date of teaching: NK: 13/3/2017 NB: 13/3/2017 WEEK 26 REVIEW Period 73 Language focus I Objectives: Ss will be able to perform their abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing related to the topics from Unit 16 to Unit 20, using the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns they have learnt II Language focus * Vocabulary: Review * Sentence patterns: Review III Resources: Recordings, puppets, pictures IV Procedures Time 5’ Learning activities Language Focus Warm up: Modes T- whole Ask Ss sing a song class Review 20’ * Phonics and vocabulary - Put the piece of paper with the phonics written on the board and Wh-questions usually play the recording (two times) have a falling intonation, - Ss listen and repeat the sentences which can be marked in chorus with an arrow like this - Draw Ss’ attention to the sounds at the end that are difficult to pronounce Teacher: ……… School year: Individually HT primary school English plan - Have Ss to practice reading the sentences aloud in pairs Pair- work - Have some pairs demonstrate Correct their pronunciation when necessary - Call on some pairs to demonstrate at the front of the class Have the rest of the class 10' observe and give comment - Where's the post * Structures: office ? - Put the sheet of paper which -> It's contains the sentences patterns on - What would you like to the board eat ? - Ss repeat the patterns aloud as -> I'd like , please Whole class they follow the text on the board - What will the weather Individually - Ask Ss to make short dialogues like tomorrow ? with the sentence patterns -> It's will be - Have some pairs act out their and dialogues at the front of the class - Which place would you The others listen and comment like to visit ? ->I'd like to visit - Which one is more exciting, life in the city or life in the countryside ? -> I think Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school 2’ English plan Home link: Encourage Ss to Pair- work practice more at home and well - prepare for the test V Comment Date of preparing: 12/3/2017 Date of teaching: NK: 15/3/2017 NB: 13/3/2017 Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan REVIEW Period 74 Do exercisese I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and the world around - Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and the world around - Use simple sentences to write about themselves - Skills: Read, listen to and understand from unit 16 to unit 20 II Language focus * Phonics : Review * Sentence patterns: Review III Resources - Student’s book , chalk, recording… IV Procedures Tim Learning activities Language focus Modes e Warm up Greeting Greeting Listen and tick 5’ Whole class - Tell ss that they are going to listen and tick the correct boxes Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures Ask them to identify the details in these pictures Check their understanding 8’ Key - Play the recording for pupils to listen - Play it again for them to tick the boxes b - Get them to comparew their answers before c checking as a class Give explanations for the Teacher: ……… Whole School year: HT primary school English plan answers which ss find difficult Play class recording again to confirm the answers Listen and number - Tell the ss that they are going to listen and number the Pictures in the order they hear - Give ss a few seconds look at the Ps Ask Key them to identify the details Check comprehension b - Play the recording all the way through for ss a to listen Play it again for them to number the d Ps c - Call ss give answer Whole class Listen and complete 10’ - Tell the class that they are going to listen and complete the sentences - Give them a few seconds to read the Key sentences and guess the words to fill the cold, windy gaps Check their understanding rice, fish, - Play the recording all the way through for ss milk Individual Pairs to listen and write Play it again for them to check their answers - Get pupils to compare their answers before check as a class Read and and complete 10’ - Tell ss that they are going to read the text and complete the table Key - Give them time to look at the table and think Tony: Sydney/ of the information needed to fill the gaps Ask big, modern, Teacher: ……… School year: Whole class HT primary school English plan Ss to read the text in silence and complete the noisy, exciting 2’ table Tony's - Get Ss to compare their ansewrs in pairs grandparents: before checking as a class Brooklyn/ small, Home link quiet, peaceful - Learn by heart sentence patterns Whole class - Do exercise on the workbook V Comment Date of preparing: 12/3/2017 Date of teaching: NK: 17/3/2017 NB: 16/3/2017 REVIEW Period 75 Do exercisese + Cat and Mouse part 1, Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Listen, read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and the world around - Use simple sentences to write about themselves - Read, listen to and understand a short story II Language focus * Vocabulary: Review * Sentence patterns: sentence pattern learned from unit 16 to 20 III Resources: Book, recording, speaker… IV Procedures: Time Learning activities 5' Warm up - Ask ss some questions Language Focus - Where you live ? Modes -> I live in - What's the weather like today ? Individu al -> It's - Which place would you 9' Write about you.(Review) like to visit - Ask ss to write sentences about -> I'd like to visit themself Whole - Give them time to read the qs in silence Check their understanding class Key and remind them to write thier answers based on the infomation Answers vary about themselves al - Get ss to swap and read their writing in pairs before inviting two Ss to read their answers aloud - Check Teacher: ……… Individu School year: HT primary school 8' English plan Read and listen to the story - Tell Ps that they are going to read and listen to the story - Before Ps listen, ask them to look at the pics and ask ss some questions Whole + Who are they ? class + Where are they ? - Ask Ps to read the story in silence + What are they doing ? Then play the recording and ask ss Individu al listen and repeat 8' Answer the questions * Key: - Tell Ss that they are going to answer He talking with Mary the questions about the story She lives in New - Have ss work in pairs to discuss the York answers No, she's in Miami Pairs Work in pairs - Give them a time limit to the task She likes the theatres, - Get ss to swap and compare their cinemas and museums answers She like the beach Work in pairs - Check their answers ( write the 2' correct answers on the board Home link - Do Ex in WB Whole - Prepare part 3, in the short story class V Comment: Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan Date of preparing: 19/3/2017 Date of teaching: NK: 20/3/2017 NB: 20/3/2017 WEEK 27 SHORT STORY: CAT AND MOUSE Period 76 PART 3, 4, 5, Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan I Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read, listen to and anderstand a short story II Language focus * Vocabulary: Review * Sentence patterns: Review III Resources: Book, recording, speaker… IV Procedures: Time Learning activities 5' Warm up Language Focus Modes Sing a song Whole Unscramble these words from the story class - Tell the class that they are going to 9' Unscramble the letters and write the words Individu from the conversation in Activity * Key: - Give them a time limit to the task a remember Check comprehension and give feedback b vacation Give the first and the last letters of the words c difficult if Ss find the task difficult d theatres - Ask ss compare their answers e warmer al Pairs Individu al - Check Read and complete 8' Whole - Tell Ps that they are going to read and * Key: complete the gapped sentences don't - Give them a few seconds to read the town conversation in silence more - Set a time limit for them to the task Tell than Teacher: ……… School year: class Work in pairs HT primary school English plan ss to read story again if they not know the like answers Pairs - Call some pairs to read the conversation aloud Work in pairs Talk about your last holiday - Tell they are going to write a similar Key coversation to the one in Activity - Ask ss work in pairs and give them a time 8' Whole Answers vary class limit to the task - Call some pairs to act out the dialogues Correct the pronuciation Read and match Pairs - Tell they are going to read and match the * Key: questions with the answers c - Have ss read the text and check their e Work in comprehension a pairs - Give Ss a time limit to the task b - Ask Ps to compare their answers before d checking as a class - Call some pairs to read the questions and Whole answers aloud 2' class Home link - Do ex in WB - Praper for test V Comment Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan Teacher: ……… School year: ... teaching: NK: 15/3/2017 NB: 13/3/2017 Teacher: ……… School year: HT primary school English plan REVIEW Period 74 Do exercisese I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Listen and... Read, listen to and understand from unit 16 to unit 20 II Language focus * Phonics : Review * Sentence patterns: Review III Resources - Student’s book , chalk, recording… IV Procedures Tim Learning... able to read, listen to and anderstand a short story II Language focus * Vocabulary: Review * Sentence patterns: Review III Resources: Book, recording, speaker… IV Procedures: Time Learning activities

Ngày đăng: 11/05/2019, 23:23

