Tài liệu tham khảo |
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1. Abdullah, S.N., K.N.I Ku Ismail, L. Nachum. Women On Boards Of Malaysian Firms: Impact On Market And Accounting Performance http://ssrn.com/abstract=2145007 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Women On Boards OfMalaysian Firms: Impact On Market And Accounting Performance |
2. Abdullah, S.N., 2004. Board Composition, CEO Duality and Performance among Malaysian Listed Companies. Corporate Governance, 4(4), 47-61 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Board Composition, CEO Duality andPerformance among Malaysian Listed Companies |
5. Adams, R.B., B.E. Hermalin and M.S.Weisbach, 2010. The role of boards of directors in corporate governance: A conceptual framework & survey.Journal of Economic Literature, 48(1): 58–107 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The role of boardsof directors in corporate governance: A conceptual framework & survey |
6. Adams, S., A.D. Gupta, D. Haughton and J. Leeth, 2007. Gender differences in CEO compensation: evidence from the US, Women in Management Review, 22, pp. 208–224 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Genderdifferences in CEO compensation: evidence from the US |
7. Adams, S.M., A. Gupta, J.D. Leeth, 2009. Are female executives over- represented in precarious leadership positions?, British Journal of Management, 20, pp. 1–12 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Are female executives over-represented in precarious leadership positions |
8. Afza, N. A., 2011. The Effect of Owner’s Gender and Age to Firm Performance: A Revieon Malaysian Public Listed Family Businesses.Journal of Global Business and Economics, 2(1), 104-116 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Effect of Owner’s Gender and Age to FirmPerformance: A Revieon Malaysian Public Listed Family Businesses |
11.Bar, M., Alexandra Niessen and Stefan Ruenzi, 2007. The Impact of Work Group Diversity on Performance: Large Sample Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry, CFR-Working Paper NO. 07-16 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The Impact of WorkGroup Diversity on Performance: Large Sample Evidence from theMutual Fund Industry |
12.Bartlett, R. and T. Miller,1985. Executive compensation: Female executives and networking. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 75(2), 266–271 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Executive compensation: Femaleexecutives and networking |
13.Berger, P.G. and E. Ofek, 1995. Diversification's effect on firm value.Journal of Financial Economics, 37: 39-65 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Diversification's effect on firm value |
16.Broadbridge, A. and J. Hearn, 2008. Gender and management: new directions in research and continuing patterns in practice. British Journal of Management, 19, pp. S38–S49 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Gender and management: newdirections in research and continuing patterns in practice |
17.Brush, C.G., 1992. Research on Women Business Owners: Past Trends, a New Perspective and Future Directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 16, no. 4: 5-30 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Research on Women Business Owners: Past Trends, aNew Perspective and Future Directions |
18.Carter, D.A., B.J. Simkins and W.G. Simpson, 2003. Corporate governance, board diversity, and firm value, The Financial Review, 38, pp. 33–53 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Corporategovernance, board diversity, and firm value |
19.Carter, D.A., F. D'Souza, B.J. Simkins, W.G. Simpson, 2010. The gender and ethnic diversity of US boards and board committees and firm financial performance. Corporate Governance: An International Review 18(5): 396–414 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The genderand ethnic diversity of US boards and board committees and firmfinancial performance |
20.Chell, E. and S. Baines, S., 1998. Does Gender Affect Business Performance? A Study of Microbusinesses in Business Services in the UK. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development10(2): 117-135 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Does Gender Affect BusinessPerformance? A Study of Microbusinesses in Business Services in theUK |
21.Credit Suisse, 2012. Research Institute Thought leadership from Research and the world’s foremost experts. Retrieved from |
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Tiêu đề: |
Research Institute Thought leadership from Researchand the world’s foremost experts |
22.Dezsử, C.L. and D.G. Ross, 2012. Does female representation in top management improve firm performance? A panel data investigation.Strategic Management Journal, 33(9), 1072-1089 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Does female representation in topmanagement improve firm performance? A panel data investigation |
23.Dobbin, F. and J. Jung, 2011. Corporate Board Gender Diversity And Stock Performance: The Competence Gap Or Institutional Investor Bias?.North Carolina Law Review, 89(3), 809–838 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Corporate Board Gender Diversity AndStock Performance: The Competence Gap Or Institutional Investor Bias |
25.Dwyera, S., O. Richard and K. Chadwick, K., 2003. Gender diversity in management and firm performance: The influence of growth orientation and organizational culture. Journal of Business Research, 56, 1009–1019 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Gender diversityin management and firm performance: The influence of growthorientation and organizational culture |
26.Erhardt, N., J. Werbel and C. Shrader, 2003. Board of director diversity and firm financial performance. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 11(2): 102-111 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Board of director diversityand firm financial performance |
27.Fahlenbrach, R., 2009. Founder CEOs and Stock Market Performance 28.Farrell, K.A. and F.L. Hersch, 2005. Additions to Corporate Boards: TheEffect of Gender. Journal of Corporate Finance 11 (1-2): 85-106 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Founder CEOs and Stock Market Performance"28.Farrell, K.A. and F.L. Hersch, 2005. Additions to Corporate Boards: "The"Effect of Gender |