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GIÁO ÁN ANH 8 HAY (09-12)

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Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Unit 9: A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 55 : GETTING STARTED LISTEN & READ Date of preparation: 02/01/2011 Date of teaching: 06/01/2011 I. Aims and objectives : Language content : + To help read for detailts about the situations which require first aid + To have them revise the express future & the way to express purposes Language function : + By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would do in the situations which require first - aid + To enable them to select the topics covered in the dialogue Educational aims : + To educate the Ss to help the others in some urgent cases 1. Language : Vocabulary : Related to the topic Structure : Simple future in order to/ so as to 2. Skills : L , S , R , W 3. Educational factor: the Ss to help the others in some urgent cases II. Teacher and students’preparation: 1. Method : Communicative approach 2.Techiques : Explanation; pairwork; speaking orally 3.Teaching aids : Read objects, pictures, cassette tape 4. Students’preparation: vocabulary, structure, and reread the lesson. 5. Previous exercise: review the simple future III. Procedure in class: 1. Stabilization(2ms):Kim’s game - Asks Ss to look at the picture in the books in two minutes, remember the things in it. - Devide the class into two teams.One in each group write the things on the board. Which one have more right English words is the winner. 2 . Checking up (5ms): - Calls one to give the correct verb form & tense 1. Would you like(give) me about ? 2. Last year, Lan (go) to canada for her hdiday 3. How long you (be) a student ? - Answer keys: 1. to give 2. went 3. have been 3.New lesson: Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 1 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Teaching steps &time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson I.Prensen tation of the new material. 2’ 8’ 10’ 6’ 10’ 1. Lead in: (getting started) - Uses some read objects and asks them what these things are used for - Introduces four situations in the book - Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss what would you do in these situations - Calls some pairs to both speak out & acts - Gives correction - Asks if the Ss are in these situation and what they would do - Introduces as emergency in the dialogue 2. Pre-practice: a)- Asks the Ss to close their books and listen to the dialogue & answer üWho’s talking ? üWhere are they ? üWhat happened ? - Lets the Ss listen 2 times - Calls some to answer - Asks them to open their books & check b) Pre- teaches new words. üemergency (n) üambulance (n) ühurt (v) – situation & example: My hand is hurt üCalm down- Translation üConscious (a) – explanation üBleed – bled – bled üPut pressure on it Situa hold it tight Ex üAsleep (a)≠ awake (a) c) Checks Ss’ understanding (slap the board) d) Teaches (review) +The simple future : - Have a look & answer for giving first aid - Listen - Discuss in pairs - Both act and speak - Listen - Answer - Listen & know - Book closed, listen & answer (2 times) - Listen two - Answer - Check book opend - Listen, repeat, guess the words meaning and then copy down - Slap the board Unit 9 : A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 55: Getting started Listen & Read 1. New words: üemergency (n) üambulance (n) ühurt (v) Ex: My hand is hurt üCalm down üConscious(a) üBleed – bled – bled üPut pressure on it hold it tight üAsleep(a)≠awake (a) 2. Grammar: + The simple future : S+will/shall+V(b- inf Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 2 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester II.Consoli dation (2’) III. Homewor k: (1’) S+will/shall+V(b-inf) 3. Controlled- practice: - Has the Ss listen to the tape once more - Asks them to work in pairs, practising the dialogue - Calls some pairs to speak - Asks them to read the dialogue silently then select the topics covered the dialogue - Gets feedback & corrects 4.Free- practice: - Gets the Ss to work in groups one gives an action; others give first - aid instructions - Calls some to act out, the left give first aid instruction - Gives correction & marks if one gives good ideas - Asks Ss to write a story using the information from the dialogue - Tells ss to begin their story with:” Yesterday there was an emergency at …” - Guides them to give first aids for these again - Asks the Ss to take notes üRewrite what you have just discussed on your notebook üLearn by heart some ways of doing first aid üDo exercise 1,2 (work book) üPrepare “Speak + Listen” - Listen to the tape - Do pairwork, practising the dialogue -Practise - Answer: a,b,c,e,f - Listen - Do the require ment in groups - Some act out other give first - aid instructions - Listen - Listen & know - Copy down 3. Homework: üRewrite what you have just discussed on your notebook üLearn by heart some ways of doing first aid üDo exercise 1,2 (work book) üPrepare “Speak + Listen” Self evaluation : …………………………………………………………………………………………… Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 3 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Unit: 9 A FIRST – AID COURSE Lesson: SPEAK & LISTEN Period :56 Date of preparation: 02/01/2011 Date of teaching: 06/01/2011 I. Aims and objectives : Language content : + To help the Ss review & practise some structures of offers, promises as well as requests + To introduce some words relating to hospitals Language function : + By the end of the lesson, Ss can make requests, offers & promises and respones to these + To enable them to listen & re-order the things Educational aim: To educate the Ss to help the others in some urgent cases, and have polite requests 1. Language : Vocab Structures : Requests; offers; promises 2. Skills: Speaking,Listening, Writing 3. Educational factor:Ss help the others in some urgent cases, and have polite requests II. Teacher and students’preparation: 1. Method: Communicative approach 2.Techiques : Pair – work, Q – A, Open dia logue 3. Teaching aids : Pictures, textbook, chalk 4. Students’preparation: foresee the pictures in the books 5. Previuos exercise: exercise 1,2 (work book) III. Teaching Procedure : 1. Stabilization:(3ms) Network: Have a snake bite Have a nose bleed Cut on leg 2. Checking up:(5ms) Questions: What would you do in these situation ? a) a girl has a nose bleed b) a boy has a snake bite *Asks them to write some words üBăng bó üVết đốt (ong) üTỉnh táo üTình trạng khẩn cấp 3. New lesson: Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 4 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Situations which require first- aid Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Teaching steps & time A Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson I.Presenta tion of material lesson 30 ms I. Speak : 1. Lead in: - Sets a situation & gives example Ex:I have a headache.Could yougive/get me some aspirins ? => a request - Introduses the aim of the lesson 2. Pre-practice: a)Asks about the modal verb will and gives questions - I want you to get me a bandage. How can I say? - I’d like to come to my party. How can I say? - I tell my brother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime. How can I say? Modal: Will you get me a bandage, please ? =>Asking S.O to do st (a request) I’ll help you bring this suit case => a help I promise I’ll do the homework => a promise b)Asks the Ss to look at the table then listen to the explanation * Requests : Can Could you please+Vb-inf ? Will Would Responses : Sure Ok I’m sorry I can’t /…… * Offers : Would you like……… ? Shall I …………? What can I do / get for you? Can I get you….? - Listen - Listen & guess - Listen & answer - A request - A help - A promise - Listen & takenote - Study the situation in the books (picture (a)) - Listen & know UNIT 1 A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 56 : Speak +Listen. 1. Speak: Modal: * Requests : Can/could/will/wo uld you please +V(b- inf)? Responses : Sure Ok I’m sorry I can’t / … * Offers : Would you like….? Shall I …………? What can I do / get for you? Can I get you….? Responses : Yes, please That would be nice No, thank you * Promises : I will……… I promise I promisse I’ll……. I promise to …… Reponses : I hope so Good Im’ glad Don’t forget Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 5 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Responses : Yes, please That would be nice No, thank you * Promises : I will……………… I promise I promisse I’ll……………. I promise to ………… Reponses : I hope so Good Im’ glad Don’t forget c)Lets the Ss see the situation in picture (a) (a girl has a cut on her arm she asks the man for a request) - Explains the situation as an example - Asks them to look at the left and asks if they know what happened 3. Controlled - practice: - Asks the Ss to work in pairs, giving requests, offers or promises - Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives correction Suggestion: Picture (b) Can I get you some medicine/ water ? -Yes, please/ That would be nice/ ………. or + Would/ Can you get me some medicine ? + Sure ……… 4.Free practice: - Asks the Ss to do group work one gives on action that shows he needs a help then the others answer (or he asks for a request) - Calls some to act out and some to answer II. Listen: 1. Lead in: - Give request, of fers or promises in pairs - Speak out - Listen - Listen & take notes - Do as the require-ment - Taking to the hospital - Answer ü I would Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 6 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester IConsolid ation 3 ms - From the situations about, questions üWhat would you do if the situation were bad ? üWhat things do we need in these cases ? - Introduces the point by asking them to look at the picture & guess 2. Pre-listening: a)Teaches üParamedis (n) ≈ nurse üeyesight (n) üwheel (n) => picture üpatient (n) => explanation üconsite of (v) ≈ induele (v) ülean (v) explanation & action b)Checks : Rub out & remember c)Explains the requrement of the listening 3. While- listening : a)Asks the Ss to listen & match the words with the letter in the pictures - Has the Ss listen twice - Has them check the answer with their partners - Calls some to answer & corrects b)- Asks the Ss to listen for the last and rearrange the words in the order as they appear in the listening - Calls 2 to answer & corrects 4.Post - listening : - Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer : “What is an ambulance / a stretcher/ … used for ? - Calls some to speak out & corrects - Asks the Ss to recall some structures of giving requests, offers & promises - Asks about the meaning of some words relating to hospitals - Asks the Ss to copy down ülearn alt the structures & words by heart - Listen, guess the meaning, then repeat after the teacher - Listen & repeat - Listen - Listen & match - Listen to the tape - Checks the answer in pairs - Give anwers A; what is an ambulance used for ? B: It’s used for taking a patient to the hospital - Listen & answer - Asks and answer A:What is an ambulance used for? B: It is used for - Speak out - Recall - Answer -Take notes 2. Listening: a. New words: üParamedis (n) ≈ nurse üeyesight (n) üwheel (n) => picture üpatient (n) => explanation üconsite of (v) ≈ induele (v) ülean (v) explanation & action 3. Homework: ülearn alt the structures & words by heart üDo exercise 6/57; 7/58 üPrepare “Read” +Vocabulary +What would you Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 7 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester III.Home work: 5ms üDo exercise 6/57; 7/58 üPrepare “Read” +Vocabulary +What would you do with a person in cases of a fainting; a shock or burns do with a person in cases of a fainting; a shock or burns Self evaluation: Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 8 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Unit 9 : A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 57 : Read Date of preparation: 09/01/2011 Date of teaching: 13/01/2011 I. Aims and objectives : Language content :To help the Ss reading for the instruction about some more situation requiring fisrt-aid. Language function : By the end of the lesson, Ss can use in order to and so as to to indicate purposes Educational aims : + To prepare the Ss general knowledge for requiring fist aid + To educate the Ss to help the others in emergency 1.Language : Vocab : lie flat,elevate, lower, victim, revive, overheat , tissue damage, ease,sterile Structure in order to V-binf so as to 2. Skills: Reading, speaking 3. Educational factor: + To prepare the Ss general knowledge for requiring fist aid + To educate the Ss to help the others in emergency II. Teacher and student’preparation: 1.Method: Communicative approach 2.Techiques: Explanation, disussion, giving best choice, Noughts & crosses; pair work 3. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk 4. Students’preparation: + Vocabulary and forsee the reading +What would you do with a person in cases of a fainting; a shock or burns? 5. Prevous exercise: exercise 6/57; 7/58 III. Procedure in class: 1. Stabilization:(2ms) Asks Ss to gives nouns for emergencies which require fisrt- aid and write down them on the board. Suggested words: burn, cut, sting, snatebite, fainting, shock, nose bleed. 2. Checking up:(5ms) - Asks the Ss to give requests offers or promises A bad out on the arm A bee sting A snake bite A nose bled A broken vase A dog bite Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 9 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Steps/ time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1. Lead in: Qs üHave you ever been in case af an emergency ? üHave you ever give first aid to others ? üHow many cases of emergency do you know ? - Introduces the aims of the lesson 2. Pre-reading: - Teaches some words üelevate (v) ≠ lower (v) action üvictim (n) explanation üRevive (v) üOverheat (v) üMinimize üSterile (a) Sterilize (v) b) Checks : Blank fill 1……….the pictients’ feet or……… his head below the level of the heart 2……….cannot drink wine or beer ……. 3.Don’t use blankets or coats to … the victime 4… the cut, burned ares with a thick dressing - Teaches grammar note - Asks ss elicit the answer A: Why should we cool the burn immediately ? B: We should do it so as to / in order to minimize the tissue damage. Form: so as to + V binf In order to Use: to indicate purpose c) Asks if the Ss know which case the situation are in d) Explains the requirement of the reading 3. Controlled- practice: - Asks the Ss to read the text sitently, answer the questions üIn fainting case/shok, what do you not - Answer Yes/ no - Listen, guess the words’ meaning repeat - Do exercise 1. levate/ Lower 2.Victims 3.Overheat 4. Sterile - Answer - Takenote - Listen Unit 9 : A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 57 : Rea 1. New words: üelevate(v)≠lower(v) üvictim(n) üRevive (v) üOverheat (v) üMinimize üSterile (a) Sterilize (v) 2. Grammar: A: Why should we cool the burn immediately ? B: We should do it so as to / in order to minimize the tissue damage. Form: so as to + V binf In order to Use: to indicate purpose Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 10 - Nguyễn Thu Ba explanation explanation I . P r e s n e t i n g n e w m a t e r i a l : ( 3 0 m s ) [...]... Lesson plan English 8 The second semester 2.you give me a cup of tea please ? 5.Promise IV Homework: 3.She willthere in 2 hours ỹDo the 4 exercises again 4.Its dark herethe window, ỹDo exercise 5,6,7 please? - Copy down (57, 58) 5.II wont be late for school ỹPrepare Unit10 - Asks the Ss to copy down (Getting started & Listen ỹDo the 4 exercises again & read) ỹDo exercise 5,6,7 (57, 58) ỹPrepare Unit 10... Whats a thank you letter ? When do we write it ? Trng THCS Phan Chõu Trinh - 12 - The lessons content - Listen and Unit 9 : answer A FIRST AID COURSE - Write a thank you note Period 58 : Write Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Have you ever sent it? Received a thank you letter ? - Gets Ss answer introduces the aims of the leson 2 Pre-writing: - Asks the Ss to complete the letter in... Self evaluation : Trng THCS Phan Chõu Trinh - 14 - Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Unit 9 : FIRST AID COURSE Period 59 : Language Focus Date of preparation: 16/01/2011 Date of teaching: 18/ 01/2011 I.Presenting new material: (30ms) I.Aims and objectives : Language content: To help the Ss master the 3 points of grammar phrases... How to write a thank you note Self evaluation : Trng THCS Phan Chõu Trinh - 11 - Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 Unit 9 : The second semester A FIRST AID COURSE Period 58 : Write Date of preparation: 09/01/2011 Date of teaching: 14/01/2011 I Aims and objectives : Language content:To help the Ss know the form; content of a thank you note Language... exercise 5,6,7 (57, 58) ỹPrepare Unit 10 (Getting started & Listen & read) Self evaluation : Unit 10 : RECYCLING Period 60 : Getting started, listen and read Trng THCS Phan Chõu Trinh - 18 - Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Date of preparation: 16/01/2011 Date of teaching: 19/01/2011 I.Presenting new material: (30ms) I.Aims and objectives : -Helps Ss to understand the simple advertisements... pairs: - Listen and (Translation) A: We should use repeat in chorus, -(to) overpackage: gúi k Trng THCS Phan Chõu Trinh - 19 - Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester B: Yes, that s right *Presentation the dialogue: Listen and read P .89 T: Set the scene: A representative from Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the students of Quang Trung school Friends of the Earth shows people... - Call on about 2 pairs to write their answers on the board Explain the Chõu of recycling - 28 , using Trng -THCS Phan processTrinh mimes or Vietnamese and correct - Feedback 1 soak 2 mash 3 mix 4 pull out 5 press 6 dry B / While writing : I.Presenting new material: (30ms) * Warm up : Lesson plan English 8 Ss activities The lessonscontent Unit 10 : The second semesterRECYCLING - Team work - Listen... -Ss think about the questions in a few minutes - Ss listen to the tape while reading Nguyn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Self evaluation : Unit 11 : TRAVELING AROUND VIET NAM Period 66 : Speak Date of preparation: 13/02/2011 Date of teaching: 18/ 02/2011 I.Aims and objectives : - Help ss understand how to make requests using mind and make suggestions - By the end...Lesson plan English 8 The second semester II.Consolidation: (3ms) to do ? ỹWhy do we use a thick sterile dressing to cover the burned area ? - Gets some to answer & corrects - Asks them to choose a correct case for each treatment... speak the vocabulary period 59 * Form of checking: speaking * T corrects and give them marks 3.New lesson: Steps/ Teachers activities Ss activities The lessonscontent time * Warm up: getting started _ p .89 - Listen to the Unit 10 : RECYCLING - Set the scene: Play the song 3R song Period 60 : + Whats the title of the song? - Answer Getting started, listen Phân loại rac để làm gì? (Tái chế) and read đó . 7/ 58 üPrepare “Read” +Vocabulary +What would you Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 7 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester III.Home work: 5ms üDo exercise 6/57; 7/ 58 üPrepare. Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Teaching steps &time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities The content of the lesson I.Prensen tation of the new material. 2’ 8 10’ 6’ 10’ 1 fainting; a shock or burns Self evaluation: Trường THCS Phan Châu Trinh - 8 - Nguyễn Thu Ba Lesson plan English 8 The second semester Unit 9 : A FIRST – AID COURSE Period 57 : Read Date

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2015, 15:00

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