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tổ chức trò chơi xây dựng nhằm phát triển tính sáng tạo cho trẻ khuyết tật trí tuệ nhẹ 5 – 6 tuổi tóm tắt luận án tiếng anh

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Children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old have a creativityexpression in play and other activities, and education can develop creativity forchildren.. HISTORICAL RESEARC

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Co-Supervisior: 1 Prof.PhD Nguyen Quang Uan

2 Asso Prof PhD Nguyen Thi HoaOpponency 1: Asso Prof PhD Hoàng Thị Phương

Opponency 2: Asso Prof PhD Đinh Kim Thoa

Opponency 3: Prof PhD Trinh Duc Duy

The oral defences of the thesis shall take place before…

On date month year 2013

The thesis can be found at: The National Library

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Creativity is the human characteristics capacity, plays an important role forenhancing the general development and intellectual development and thereby itcontributes to the child’s whole development Teaching creativity for the children is amatter of great concern to the world and Vietnam today Children with mildintellectual disabilities (ID) have more abilities to learn, to work and to liveindependently, so that they have more chances to socialize One of the most challengefor these children is creative thinking Research about the education methods todevelop creativity for children with mild intellectual disabilities is essential to thespecial education

Constructive play is an innovative play in which children use play materials tocreate a work or a certain object It has been confirmed to have an important role in thedevelopment of children's personality and is the effective means to develop creativity forchildren Organizing the constructive play has a close relationship with the development

of children’s creativity

In recently, MOET has implemented the Inclusive education for children withdisabilities and preschool education for 5 years old children Project that has createdgood conditions for children with disabilities to come school, to play, to learn withfriends and to develop and integrate into society

In fact, inclusive education for children with intellectual disabilities inkindergarten is still inadequate and difficulties Most preschool teachers have not beentrained on teaching to children with ID, so they lack of skills and experience inworking with ID children The guidance for organizing activities in general and inconstructive play in inclusive kindergarten still sketchy Beside that, source ofreferences and studies on this issue in our country is very limited

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5.3 Proposed measures of constructive play organization to develop creativity inchildren with mild ID and do experiment.


- Limitation of survey objects: 35 children with mild ID 5-6 years, 120 teachershave taught preschooler with ID in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hai Duong and Nam Dinh

- Limits on research objectivity and empirical organizational impact:

3 children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old

- Limitation of the research area:

+ Researcher carried out a survey some inclusive preschools in Hanoi, Hai Phong,Hai Duong and Nam Dinh

+ Experiment is implemented at 2 public preschools in Hai Phong and Nam Dinh


7.1 Methodology

The thesis is based on the following approaches to select research methodologies:developmental approach, system approach, practical approach, inclusive educationand personalized approach

7.2 Research methodology

7.2.1 Theorical research methods

The thesis uses methods of analysis, synthesis and systematic theories

7.2.2 Practical research methods

The thesis uses methods: observation, investigation by Anket, interviews, tests,pedagogy experiment, case studies, research on activities’s product.7.2.3 Methods of data processing: Use the method of mathematical statistics andSPSS software to analysis data collected during the research process


8.1 Children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old have a creativityexpression in play and other activities, and education can develop creativity forchildren

8.2 Constructive play is an effective means of education and to develop creativityfor children with mild ID 5 – 6 years old In the process of game, teacher and theireducational organization measures are important factors, with an enormous impact onthe development of children’s creativity

8.3 Inclusive education in Kindergarten is a favorable environment for thedevelopment of children with mild ID 5-6 years old and actually organizingconstructive play will promote effectively child’s creativity only when the impact ofthe measures based on individual approach, which combines support for children with

ID in whole class activities and personal activities


9.1 Contributions to the theory

Contributing to enrich the theoretical about implemention measures constructiveplay for children with mild ID 5-6 years old and develop their creativity

9.2 Contributions for practice

- Indicates the status of the organization of constructive play in inclusivepreschools for children with mild ID 5-6 years old

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- Develop a measure system to organize constructive play for developing childrenwith mild ID’s creativity and conducted successful experiments.

- Providing 3 education records for 3 children with mild ID


Besides the introduction, conclusion and recommendations, references,appendices, thesis includes 3 chapters:

Chapter one Theorical basis of the organization to develop creativity for 5 – 6years old children with mild intellectual disability

Chapter two Factual basis of the organization constructive play to developcreativity for children with mild intellectual disability 5-6 years old in preschool

Chapter three Measures to organize constructive play for children with mildintellectual disability 5-6 years to develop their creativity and experiment




Research on measures of organization constructive play to develop creativity forchildren with mild ID 5-6 years old are researched in the following basic directions:

The first, the study of creativity in children with intellectual disabilities.

Characteristics of creativity in children with ID in play, learning and differences ofcreativity between children with ID and normal children were studied by Judy AnnBuffmire (1969), Smith (1967), Cooper (1972), McDonald (1971 ), Julie Messier, andAnnette Majnemer Francine Ferland (2008), Katazyna Parys (2009)

Second, the study of the characteristics of young players with intellectual disabilities

The play characteristics, including creative play of children with ID be interested

in about twenty years This orientation is reflected in the work of: D Michael Maloneand John Langone (1998); W.L Lender, J.F Goodman and M Linn (1998); DrifeCollette (2002); D Michael Malone (2006), Julie Messier, and Annette MajnemerFrancine Ferland (2008), JW Lerner, B.Lowenthal and E.Egan (1998)

Third, the study of education and creative development for children with ID.

The second half of the twentieth century, creativity development issues for childrenwith disabilities in general and children with ID are truly interested The researchersrepresent this direction include: Ford, Barbara G., Renzulli, Joseph S (1976);Stasinos, Demetrios P (1984) Gold (1981), Katazyna Parys (2009)

Fourth, research on the relationship between play and creative development of children The role of play in creativity development for children has attracted the

attention of scientists very early Typical of this approach is the scientist: LXVygotxky, J Piaget, G.G Fein, I Bretherton, C Garvey, A.M Leslie, A.S Lillard,L.M Nicolich, Hutt, Johnson, James E, Mullineaux, Paula Y and Lisabeth F.Dilalla

Fifth, research on the organization constructive play for children in general and children with intellectual disability This research direction is reflected in the works of

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Joe Riederer, PG Xamarukova; Phelps, Pamela and Hanline, Mary Frances, Wardle,Francis, Brown, Jennifer, Murray, Donna, Karnes, Merle B., Stritzel, Kay, Reifel,Stuart, Julie S Johnson-Pynn and Valerie S Nisbet, Nguyen Anh Tuyet, Nguyen ThiHoa, Hoang Thi Phuong, Vu Thi Kieu Trang.

This thesis access all above five trends and focused on the fifth trend to research

on measures of organizing constructive play to develop creativity for children withmild ID in kindergarten


1.2.1 Concept and diagnosis criteria

Children with ID are who have significant limitations in intellectual (IQ lowerthan average) and adaptability Based on IQ and support needs, Intellectual disability

is divided into 4 levels: mild (IQ = 50-55 to 70-75) – These children do not needregular support, moderate (IQ from 35-40 to 50-55) - this team needs some kind oflimited support; severe (IQ from 20-25 to 35-40) - this team needs to supportexpansion; severity (IQ <25 ) - this team needs comprehensive support

1.2.2 Psychological characteristics of children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old

Intellectual disabilities affect the child’s development, as limited in cognitive,adaptive, language, motor, social-emotional skills The level of impact will depend

on the level of intellectual disability Children with mild ID are less affected thanother levels

1.2.3 Play characteristics of children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old

The study of the play characteristics of players with ID focused on playing time,game content, the ability to initiate, interation in play, social skills (such as rotatingskills, obey rules) Compared to normal children's play, ID children’s play is usuallysimple, poorer and manipulate content play, shorter play time, lower social interactionwhile playing


1.3.1 The concept of creativity

The thesis uses the concept of Klaus K Urban as a tool to study: "creativity is ahuman personality, revealed in new product, unique, valuable, surprising himself andalso new, surprising to others”

1.3.2 The concept of children's creativity

The nature of the children’s creativity has caused much debate The study alsosuggests that to have an appropriate definition of child’s creativity, we need toconsider some aspects, such as discrimination creativity and intelligence,distinguishing between "C creativity" and "c creativity" and also press strongly to thecreative process than the result or product

In this thesis, creativity is children's personality attributes in products wichrevealed the new products and valuable to the children themselves or the same agechildren No children have real creative activities like adults but often in the form ofpotential For children, the creative process (including curiosity, explore, play andmake the idea) is as important as any product that they create

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1.3.3 Developing creativity for children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old The concept of creative development for children with intellectual disabilities

* The development of the child's creativity conversion process from low to high,from simple to complex in ability to express themselves It's gone through the process

of accumulation of changes to the substance, the child's creativity increasinglyapparent Like all other areas development, the creativity development is integrated inall activities and is a part of the child’s whole development

* Developing creativity for children with mild ID is to make the child's creativity isenhanced, help comfort children to participate in activities and express themselves indifferent ways, they can think and do in a new way Developing ID children’s creativityalso involves helping them make more different responses to meet a particular situation Creativity characteristics of children with mild intellectual disabilities aged 5-6

The finding show that children with mild ID often lack of the agility, flexibleproblem-solving process so they often repeated actions, use the old things, andrespond to a new situation or task slowly They also provide little consistent responsewith the requirements of the situation

Children have difficulty in making the new solutions or new ideas and often justrepeat what has been learned previously

Children with mild ID are very limited in the synthesis of information from aroundthe world to address specific situations They also don’t look carefully at the issue andplan to action


1.4.1 The concept of constructive play

Constructive play is a type of play in which children use play metarials to create

or build something in the real world around them

1.4.2 Characteristics of the constructive play

- Constructive play is one of the creative play Constructive play has symbolic,which reflect the world through the children’s view

- Constructive play and role play have close relationship

- Constructive play have some similarities with shaping and design activities

- In constructive play, children can use different materials (wood blocks, lego,powdered clay, crayon, sand, gravel, leaves ) to create objects

- Constructive play relates to the use and manipulation of materials to make aplay that character, or in other words, play always has products

1.4.3 The role of constructive play in children's creativity development

Studies have shown that, constructive play is safe, healthy, and non-violence, itstimulates children to develop skills and positive relationships, help children excited tolearn more about themselves and around the world, allowing children to fully developtheir potential to encourage creativity and help develop a child's personality, makinglearning fun for children It is affirmed with respect to the intellectual development,problem solving skills, the ability to observe and creativity, social skills, math skills,scientific and language skills

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1.5.1 The concepts The concept of organization to constructive play

Organizing constructive play is the process in which teacher conduct thenecessary tasks follow the sequence of activities between her and children, betweenchildren with ID and and their friends to achieve objectives

Constructive play is organized the same steps as any activity, including:preparation before the game, guidances and ends game Organization process ofconstructive play includes many elements such as methods, organizational measuresand forms of organization and game conditions This thesis focuses on theorganizational measures so we will not mention the other elements The concept of measures to organize constructive play to develop creativity for children with mild intellectual disability

Measures to organizing constructive play for children are specific ways oforganizing work together between the children and teachers to achieve the educationalgoals set

Measures of constructive play to develop the children’s creativity in kindergartenare the specific ways of organizing play activities between teachers and children,children with ID and children in the classroom to help develop their creativity

1.5.2 Organize constructive play to develop creativity for children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old in kindergarten Features of inclusive preschool for children with mild ID

Inclusive education is a method in which children with disabilities and normalchildren learn together in school at their living place

Inclusive preschool for children with disabilities is that children with disabilityand without disabilities in a class In which ensuring that children with disabilities toparticipate fully in classroom activities, children without disabilities have theopportunity to learn and grow with the experience of the strengths and weaknesses oftheir disabed friends

* Inclusive preschool for children with mild ID has following characteristics:

- Children in class Object: diverse, with many different levels, there aredifferences in the level of development, growth, capital experience, maturity, culture

- Educational programs: Children with mild ID and normal children learntogether in a general education program

- Education Methods: personal approach, and towards the child because thechild Teachers in kindergarten have to creativity, initiative and cooperation

- There are often a close collaboration between teachers and their families,between the classroom teacher and support teacher, between the classroom teacherand the special education experts

- Knowledge, skills of teacher: They will enhance the communication andbehavior management, classroom management skills Organization measures of constructive play for children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old in inclusive preschool

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Measures to guide young players often mentioned are: planning organizinggames; guide kids to play; Evaluation of young players Besides, the study alsoprovides some guidelines and helpful hints.

When constructive play organized for children with mild intellectual disabilities

in inclusive preschool teachers need to focus on goals that help children discover thediversity of color, material, shape, size play materials; expression and exchange ofideas, thoughts and feelings through their use of different materials, the right tools todesign and create or build other models together Requirements for the organization of constructive play to develop creativity for children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old in inclusive preschool

When organizing constructive play to develop creativity for children with mildintellectual disabilities in kindergarten the teachers need to ensure the dynamic ofchildren, play development and successful feels of children Teacher need toremember that teaching creatively and teach children how to creat through play

When organizing constructive play to develop creativity for children withintellectual disabilities, teachers need to create an environment and a favorableopportunity for children, integrate goals creativity development for children in allactivities and pay attention to guide kids to play creatively They also focus onevaluation to stimulate children's creativity

1.5.3 The roles of the constructive play organization for creative development for children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6 years old in kindergarten

The constructive play is a type of creative play and it is highly favorite ofpreschoolers If well organized, this game will promote children's creativity Measures

to organize constructive play are important role for effective organizational game.Organizational measures that affect play content, play skills, and the interactionbetween teachers and children, between children with intellectual disabilities andnormal children and the goals of creativity in the game

Through the organization of game, the interaction between teachers and children,and between children and children in the classroom is enhanced, thereby creatingopportunities to children with mild ID play creatively

Organize constructive play on the basis of children’s ability to learn, their needsand preferences, so that it will provide chances for them to develop creativity

1.5.4 Creative expression and criteria for evaluating a child's creativity in constructive play Expression of creativity in constructive play

Children's creativity in constructive play is revealed when they are free, liberal inplay activities and emotional expression while playing Also shown in the activeparticipation in play Children explore materials and using different materials to createdifferent objects in their own way

Creativity in constructive play is that these kids play in the independenttransformation process of knowledge, skills formed into the activities to create newunique, valuable products for children (and maybe for others)

Expression of creativity in play:

- Creativity in theme, content development game

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- Creation of the campaign mode, players manipulate materials and materials used inthe play.

- Innovative in products

- In addition, a child's creativity is expressed through the child actively participate

in the games, their’s excitement and passion in the game Criteria for evaluating a child's creativity in constructive play

Most test of creativity built by two trends: the first is to assess the number of responses,also known as the number of divergence products (Guilford, Torrance, Schoppe), the second

is rated in terms of quantity and quality of divergent thinking (Kratzmeier, Urban, Kramper).The creativity rating scale commonly used language, materials, graphics, sound ormovement

The evaluation criterias of children’s creativity through constructive play include:

Fluency - how many uses you can come up with It is shown in the total number of

products that children built during play time and children’s play skills

Originality – how uncommon those uses are It is expressed through a number of

play aspects such as content, form, structure of the product, using play materials,name of building products…

Flexibility – how many areas your answers cover It is reflected in the types of

products that build children during play, the type of material that children used toplay, the ability to use the products for the construction activities

Elaboration – level of detail in responses; the number shown in the details of a

child's building products, the addition of decorative details in the play of children, thecare, the choices carefully selected play materials, making works when decoratingproducts

1.5.5 Factors affecting the organization constructive play to develop creativity of children with mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive preschool

The process of organization constructive play to develop creativity for childrenwith mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive preschool is affected by many factors,both subjective and objective According interactive pedagogy, in this process alwaystakes place mutual relationship between three factors, those are: the teachers, thelearners and the environment

The first factor - the teachers and guidance method of teacher Teachers canstimulate a child's creativity or limit it To develop the creativity of children with mildintellectual disabilities while playing, the teacher must be creative, fun, warm andknow how to motivate, evaluate and review the child's creativity in play At the sametime, teachers need to understand the children’s needs and abilities, the creativity andthe importance of creative development for children

The second factor - young mild intellectual disability Children with mildintellectual disabilities have the skills necessary to learn, play and develop creativity.However, they also have certain limitations, so when organized games for children,teachers need to take measures to organize and guide the children play with their’sability

The third factor - the environment The environment includes the physicalenvironment and social relationships in the classroom that affect play skills andcreative development of children with mild intellectual disabilities as well as guidingmethods of teachers However, teachers and kids can change the environment

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Chapter two





2.1.1 The situation of inclusive education for children with intellectual disabilities in Early Childhood Education

Care and education for children with intellectual disabilities in Early ChildhoodEducation in our country is interested in about two decades

Early intervention and inclusive education for children with intellectualdisabilities began in 1990 and more and more develop

From 2002 - 2003 the provincial steering committee building education forchildren with disabilities in local public education for children with disabilities to beincluded in the guiding of the educational mission of the school year

Currently, children with intellectual disabilities can participate in many differentforms of education such as integration, special education and inclusive education Andinclusive education is a basic education form for children with mild intellectualdisabilities preschool age now

2.1.2 The early childhood education programs

The early childhood education program is issued by the Ministry of Education andTraining in 2009 have raised the goal of early childhood education that focuses on thecapabilities of the child Children’s creativity are considered a key educational goal

In kindergarten programs, fun activities are key activities are focused onimplementation Constructive play is one of the main game that held regularly everyday in preschools

The early childhood education program has been a guiding and directing theactivities organized for children with disabilities, including children with intellectualdisabilities but it is not concrete


2.2.1 Some common issues of survey The purpose of survey

Assessment of organizing constructive play for children with intellectualdisabilities 5-6 years and level of creativity of children with mild intellectualdisabilities 5-6 years old Sample of survey

a Sample is teachers

Teachers sample were randomly selected, including 120 preschool teachers insome integration who working at kindergarten in Hanoi, Hai Duong, Hai Phong, NamDinh The majority of teachers have worked for over 3 years but experience teachingchildren with intellectual disabilities are not many

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b The sample is children with mild intellectual disability 5-6 years old

35 children with mild intellectual disabilities are in public preschool Amongthem are 15 children in the early intervention centers and 20 children outsideintervention center

- The children at the intervention center have been evaluated and categorized

- The other children are determined by:

Initial screening through the evaluation of teacher Then we use the Kyoto scale,Goodenough test and rating scale for adaptive behavior to assess directly on each child todetermine the child with mild ID

- Teachers are confused in the process of organizing games for children with mildintellectual disabilities and no appropriate measures to organizing constructive playfor children with intellectual disabilities

- Teachers face many difficulties in the process of organizing games for childrenwith intellectual disabilities so that education is not highly effective

- Preparation play environment, child guidance and evaluate after play is notconsistent with the characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities and notdirected to the development of creativity for children

* The creativity in children with mild intellectual disability 5 – 6 years:

Survey results of creativity in children with intellectual disabilities slight 5-6years old through TSD-Z test and constructive play that most kids to be creative atlow levels Children with average and lower average accounted for very little

Table 2.2c The level of creativity of children with mild intellectual disabilities 5-6years old through TSD-Z test

Creativity levels




Average C





Ngày đăng: 03/10/2014, 11:02



