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Together withthe above transfer trend, labor structure in Thai Binh also experienced the decrease inemployments in agriculture and increase in employments in industry and service.. Appro

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Major : Development Economics Code: 62 31 05 01


HA NOI - 2014

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Academic Supervisors: 1 Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Thom

2 Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Huong

Judge 1: ……….


Judge 2: ……….


Judge 3: ……….


The thesis will be defended in front of a panel of examining judges at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics At…,… …., 2014

The thesis can be found for study at the National Library and the Library of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

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1 Necessity of the thesis

Labor structure transfer plays an important role in economic structure transfer.Labor structure transfer is considered as one of important missions that serves economictransfer It is the result and the driving force of economic structure transfer, promotingmodernization, industrialization and helps balance the supply-demand in the labormarket Labor structure transfer not only abides economic laws but aims to developsustainably, stabilize society, improve environment and develop people

Thái Bình is a coastal province, along Red river with relatively flat terrain, whichfavors economic and social development, especially marine economic development In thepast few years, economic structure of Thai Binh has seen positive improvement In 2001,forestry, agriculture, fishery made up 57,6% GDP, in 2012, the figured reduced to 32,2%;industry and construction contribution to GDP has increased In 2001, it only countedfor 15,2% GDP, in 2012, the statistics was 34,0%; service industry contributionincreased from 27,2% in 2001 to 32,0% in 2012 [10, p 41], [13, p 44] Together withthe above transfer trend, labor structure in Thai Binh also experienced the decrease inemployments in agriculture and increase in employments in industry and service In

2001 labors in agriculture counted for 75,12% of total labors in Thai Binh, in 2012, thenumber reduced to 58,3%; labors in Industry and construction increased from 13,0% in2001to 25% in 2012; labors in service counted for 11,9% in 2001, increased to 16% in

2012 [11, p 19], [13, p 29]

The question is that labor structure by industries of Thai Binh is transferring atwhat speed and is it appropriate with economic structure transfer of the province, doeslabor structure transfer have good impacts on economic structure transfer in thedirections of modernization, industrialization? How to make labor structure transfer byindustries match with local economic structure transfer? How should the laborstructure transfer be to meet the provincial target of being an industrial province by

2020 with structure of commerce-service, industry-construction, agriculture fishery? To promote economic structure transfer in Thai Binh, how should laborstructure transfer?

–forestry-In order to answer those questions, there is a need for a theoretical systematicanalysis of labor structure transfer by industries in general and at local level inparticular From that, labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh will be

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analyzed and evaluated to find solutions to promote the process Originated from theseabove reasons, the doctorate thesis on “Labor structure transfer by industries in ThaiBinh at the present” therefore carries theoretical and practical meanings with necessityand importance.

2 Objectives and missions of the thesis

2.1 Thesis objectives

To evaluate the labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh and recommenddirections and forecast labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh by 2020together with measures to be taken

- To clarify achievements, limitations in labor structure transfer by industries in

Thai Binh and causes of the limitations

- To recommend directions and solutions to promote appropriate labor structure

transfer by industries and reform economic growth model to achieve key objective ofthe province of being an industrial province by 2020

3 Research objects and scale of the thesis

- The thesis studies labor structure transfer managed by Thai Binh province, doesnot study freelancers and seasonal labors in the province

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- Statistics, secondary data compiling from legal sources used as basis tocompare, analyze, synthesize, evaluate labor resources, labor structure transfer byindustries All are used to evaluate and propose solutions to promote labor structuretransfer by industries in Thai Binh.

5 New scientific findings of the thesis

- To supplement and clarify contents and criteria of labor structure transfer byindustries

- To define and clarify factors influencing labor structure transfer by industries inthe province

- To evaluate the labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh and causes oflimitations in labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh

- To propose some directions and forecast labor structure transfer by industries inThai Binh and some feasible specific solutions to do that transfer

6 Thesis structure

A part from introduction, conclusion, appendix, references, the thesis has 4chapters and 10 sections


The thesis generalizes national and international researches including books, articles,scientific researches which are chronologically listed To summary, there are three basicdirections of study:

1.1.1 Researches on labor structure transfer in general

This way, researches mostly focus on labor structure transfer, labor structure transfer

in rural areas, in Red River delta and in provinces undergoing modernization andindustrialization process Based on the survey and analysis of labor structure transfer inthe locality, the author proposes some solutions to create jobs and to use labor resourcesappropriately to meet requirements of modernization and industrialization

1.1.2 Researches on labor structure transfer by industries by countries and territories

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Researches mainly analyze the state of labor structure transfer by industries in Redriver delta or nationwide, projections of the labor that need to move out ofagriculture…At the same time, many authors propose solutions to promote laborstructure transfer by industries in Vietnam, transferring labors in agriculture to non-agriculture, laborers with low income transferring to industries with higher income…

1.1.3 Researches on labor structure transfer by industries at provincial level

Up to now, there are very few consistent and systematic works on national andinternational scales on labor structure transfer at local level Some (if any) justmentioned labor structure transfer by industries in terms of scale, but quality


1.2.1 Findings related to thesis topic

Firstly, key issues of labor structure transfer by industries such as definitions of

labor structure, labor structure transfer, labor structure transfer by industries, criteriaand factors affecting labor structure transfer by industries in the directions ofmodernization and industrialization of agriculture, rural areas, the role of State in laborstructure transfer in agriculture and in rural areas …are addressed

Secondly, situations and features of labor structure transfer in rural areas of

different countries are generalized Experience on agricultural labor structure transferattached to modernization and industrialization, economic structure transfer andpossibility to apply science and technology advancement in production and workproductivity is forged

Thirdly, labor structure transfer quality in our country based on work productivity

and employment elasticity indexes is analyzed Also, challenges of labor structuretransfer and labor structure transfer by industries are addressed

Fourthly, labor structure transfer situations in some provinces in Vietnam such as

Bac Ninh, Da Nang, Ninh Binh, Ha Nam, Phu Tho… are analyzed, from that,achievements, limitations and causes of limitations to labor structure transfer byindustries in these provinces are stated

Fifthly, some solutions are proposed to push labor structure transfer by industries

in some provinces, which are completing policy mechanism related to labor structuretransfer, economic structure together with creating jobs to improve people’s income;improving human resources quality, improving industries, professions and technology

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that use a lot of labor to improve work productivity in rural, promoting labor export,doing good the immigration and population and family planning.

1.2.2 Raised issues need further study

- Theoretically: To date, there has no comprehensive study on labor structure

transfer by industry and in industry in terms of both scale and quality There has been

no study on criteria evaluating scale and quality of labor structure transfer by industriesand in industry

- Practically: It is visible that there has been no study, analysis and evaluation of

labor structure transfer by industries and in industry in terms of scale and quality onnational, regional or local levels For Thai Binh province, there has been no study onlabor structure transfer by industries and proposals of directions, solutions to do laborstructure transfer by industries from 2015 and 2020 That is why the topic was chosen

as doctorate thesis by the author

1.2.3 Approach

- Approachably: the thesis studies labor structure transfer in industry in relation

to economic structure in Thai Binh from two aspects: (i) labor structure transfer byindustries in terms of scale; (ii)labor structure transfer by industries in terms ofquality

- Theoretically: The thesis establishes theoretical system on labor structure transfer

by industries at provincial level Specifically, it will clarify: (i) definition of laborstructure transfer by industries; (ii) contents of labor structure transfer by industries andevaluation criteria of labor structure transfer by industries; (iii) analysis and clarification

of factors affecting labor structure transfer at provincial level

- Practically: (i) The thesis will survey experiences of labor structure transfer of

three provinces which have similar backgrounds with Thai Binh, from that, somelessons will be drawn for labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh; (ii) Thethesis will analyze and evaluate labor structure transfer by industries and in industry inThai Binh in terms of scale and quality based on established theory in Chapter 2; (iii)The thesis will project labor demand with qualifications, in different economicindustries in Thai Binh from now to 2020; (iv) Based on the evaluation the currentstate and projected labor demand of economic industries in Thai Binh up to 2020, thethesis proposes directions and solutions to promote labor structure transfer byindustries in Thai Binh till 2020

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2.1.1 Definition and contents of labor structure transfer by industries Definition and contents of labor structure transfer by industries

From general definition of labor structure, labor structure transfer, thesis authordefines labor structure transfer by industries as follows: labor structure transfer byindustries is the process of changes in ratio and quality of labor in different industries in

a specific period of time, in a certain environment and of a certain trend.

In fact, labor structure transfer is a process in which labor is reallocated in anadvanced way to use labor effectively That process is happening on the scale of thewhole economy and in the limit of each groups of industries, within industry Laborstructure by industries change when there is a change in quantity and quality of labor inthat certain industry Contents of labor structure transfer by industries

Firstly, labor structure transfer by industries and in industry in terms on scale or

ratio in industries By that, labor structure transfer by industries process is the process

in which labor transfers from agriculture, forestry and fishery from construction, commerce-service

industry-Secondly, labor structure transfer by industries and in industry in terms of

quality By that, the process requires considerations from many aspects: (i)does labor

structure transfer by industries improve laborers’ professional skills?; (2) does laborstructure transfer by industries bring labor structure by industries more appropriatewith economic structure?; (iii) does labor structure transfer by industries improve workproductivity; (iv) does labor structure transfer by industries improve laborers’ income?

2.1.2 Trend of labor structure transfer by industries

Firstly, the trend of labor structure transfer by industries is attached to the trend of economic structure transfer by industries This is the most important trend of labor

structure transfer, is evident and objective to all countries undergoing the

modernization and industrialization, which is divided into periods: (i) beginning

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period, labor in agriculture, originally just growing rice, now start growing other crops;

(ii) next period, when there is abundance in labor in agriculture, other non agriculture

production industries such as industry, craft industry and service will be invested toattract labor in agriculture, creating the transfer from purely agriculture to laborstructure of agriculture, industry and service

Secondly, the trend of labor structure transfer by industries attached to the changes of economic structure The trend reflects the change of quality of labor

resources Based on the skills of laborers, the trend of labor structure transfer is dividedinto two periods of time: (i) low period, the transfer is expressed in the increase in laborwith low-level skills and the decrease in labor with no training and education; (ii) highperiod, it is the increase in labor with technical skills, artisans, labors at tertiaryeducation level and the decrease in labors with skills and qualifications of low level

Thirdly, the trend of labor structure transfer in industry from sections with low income to sections with high income Specifically: (i) In industry: from traditional,

processing sections to high tech sections; labor structure changes in the direction fromproducing products using a lot of labor to products contained greater capital andscience-technology (ii) In agriculture, labor in growing crops reduces while labor inraising animals or providing agricultural services increases; labor in agriculturetransfers to fishery … (iii) In service, labor in simple service sections with low addedvalue transfer to sections requiring intellect, technology and of high quality,increasing laborers in these industries…


2.2.1 Evaluation criteria of labor structure transfer by industries

Based on analysis of contents and trends of labor structure transfer by industries

as above, the thesis author proposes two groups of criteria evaluating labor structuretransfer by industries as follows:

Firstly, first group evaluating labor structure transfer by industries in terms of scale

contains two criteria: (1) speed of labor structure transfer by industries; and (2) ratio oflabor structure transfer by industries

Secondly, second group evaluating labor structure transfer by industries and in

industry in terms of quality has 5 criteria: (1) labor structure transfer by industries and inindustry in terms of education (qualification and professional skills); (2) relation of labor

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structure transfer by industries and economic structure transfer by industries; (3) elasticityindex of labor curve or differences in income among industries and sections; (4) relation

of average GDP/head and labor structure transfer by industries; and (5) labor movement

in industries attached to changes in industrial work productivity

2.2.2 Factors affecting labor structure transfer by industries at provincial level

Labor structure transfer by industry at provincial level is affected by four keyfactors:

Firstly, State’s policies on labor structure transfer by industries, including strategies

and plans on labor structure transfer by industries, including, strategies, plans on laborstructure transfer in general, labor structure transfer by industries in particular andpolicies on pushing labor structure transfer by industries

Secondly, speed of modernization and industrialization, urbanization of the locality Thirdly, input resources such as science-technology, capital investment, labor and

natural resources

Fourthly, other factors such as national and international labor movement;

economic growth, international economic integration; development level of outputproducts and services market …


The thesis studies experience in labor structure transfer by industries in someprovinces which share similar settings and backgrounds with Thai Binh:

2.3.1 Experience of labor structure transfer by industries of Ha Nam

The thesis indicates achievements in labor structure transfer in Hanoi, which areresults of combination between solutions groups and labor structure transfer views

Specifically: (1) Group of solutions improving labor supply, by means of establishing,

implementing family planning program, issuing policies on labor movement to allocate

labor appropriately and effectively with a focus on human resources training … (2)

Groups of solutions improving labor demand, by means of attracting investment in

economy and society, creating stable jobs for laborers, completing and improving labormarket, developing science-technology and other sectors…

2.3.2 Experience of labor structure transfer by industries of Vinh Phuc

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The thesis analyzes achievements of Vinh Phuc Province in labor structuretransfer by industries in the period of 2000 - 2010, which were resulted from manysolutions conducted such as promoting labor structure transfer by industries attached toeconomic structure transfer in the direction of modernization and industrialization,developing vocational training model attached to job placement for laborers especiallythose from areas with farming land converted for other purposes; issuing,implementing policies on job creation and placement, development planning ofindustries together with creating jobs and labor structure transfer by industries.

2.3.3 Experience of labor structure transfer by industries of Ninh Binh

The province made a lot of efforts to promote labor structure transfer appropriatelywith economic structure transfer and achieved certain achievements The provinceimplemented solutions to push up labor structure transfer such as solutions groupsreducing natural birthrate; solutions group promoting economic structure transfer,favoring the labor structure transfer and solutions group improving quality of humanresources with an emphasis on training state provincial managers, corporate managers;training technical staff and workers, service staff; expanding the system and types ofvocational training, reforming vocational work activities and training …

2.3.4 Some lessons on labor structure transfer drawn for Thai Binh

Based on analysis of experiences of some provinces which have similarbackgrounds with Thai Binh, the thesis has drawn some lessons on labor structuretransfer for Thai Binh as follows:

Firstly, there should be consistent solutions to promote economic structure

transfer attached to job creation and placement to create the demand for labor structuretransfer by industries in the Province

Secondly, education and training system (including vocational training) should be

coherent with development planning of industries in the modernization andindustrialization

Thirdly, national and international associations and investment in agriculture,

rural areas and industrial parks should be expanded

Fourthly, policies related to labor and labor structure transfer by industries should

be implemented suitably with local natural, social and economic features

Fifthly, principles in labor structure transfer by industries should be ensured.

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3.1.1 Favorable conditions for labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh

The thesis chose to analyze natural, socio conditions which have much influence onlabor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh Specifically,:

- Natural favorable conditions

With a convenient location, at the development triangle Hà Nội Hải Phòng Quảng Ninh, Thái Bình enjoys many good conditions for growth with close economiccontact with surrounding provinces and Hanoi The Province has strengths in fisherywith three sections of fresh water, pliohaline water, and sea water, which is great formarine exploitation, Tien Hai gas mine with capacity of million tons of m3 gas servingthe production of pottery, glass, paving brick, white cement….Thai Binh also has browncoal, the shared resource of Red River Delta of big volume (about more than 30 tons)

Socio and cultural favorable conditions

Recently, Thai Binh has seen good economic growth and economic structuretransfer Some industries and traditional craft villages have been for hundred years ThaiBinh’s good infrastructure and abundant labor resource has contributed greatly to thesocio development of the province

3.1.2 Difficuties faced by labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh

Firstly, Thai Binh has a low economic start line with unstable economic growth,

low efficiency, quality and competiveness and it is still in the list of poor countries inVietnam

Secondly, the orientation of economic development and economic structure transfer

has not been done effectively at slow speed, having not met the target set by ProvincialParty’s 18th Congress

Thirdly, human resources is of low quality and unemployment rate is still high.

This is one of difficulties barring labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh both

in terms of speed and quality, hindering the economic development of Thai Binh

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3.2.1 Situation of labor structure transfer by industries and in industry in Thai Binh in terms of scale Changes in labor ratio by economic industries in Thai Binh

In 2005, Thai Binh had 945,9 laborers, increasing 0,66% compared with thenumber of 2001(939,7 thousand people) In 2010, the figure was 1.005,5 thousandpeople, increasing 6,3% compared with 2005 In 2012, it was 1012,0 thousand people.Specifically, the changes in labor ratio are as follows:

- Changes in labor ratio in three groups of industry: Labor in agriculture, forestry

and fishery reduced from 75,12% to 60,76% and further to 58,34% from 2001, 2005 and

2012 accordingly Labor in industry-construction increased from 12,97% (2001) to24,12% (2010), 25,40% (2012) while labor in and commerce-service increased from ,11,91% to 15,13% and 16,26% in 2001, 2010 and 2012 respectively

The labor structure transfer by industries in Thai Binh is shown in the following table:

Table 3.1: Total number of laborers and labor percentage in economic

industries in Thai Binh from 2001 - 2012

Unit: thousand people


121,9 190,0 209,3 203,6 242,5 252,1 257,1 + 55,87 + 27,63

Perc (%) 12,97 20,09 21,05 21,44 24,12 24,96 25,40 + 7,12 + 4,03 Laborers in


111,9 126,2 144,6 144,8 152,1 158,0 164,5 + 12,87 + 20,43 Perc (%) 11,91 13,35 14,55 15,25 15,12 15,64 16,26 + 1,44 + 1,77

Ngày đăng: 17/08/2014, 10:19



