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Khảo sát về tính tự chủ của sinh viên chuyên ngữ trường Đại học Lạc Hồng

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Tiêu đề Khảo sát về tính tự chủ của sinh viên chuyên ngữ trường Đại học Lạc Hồng
Tác giả Le Thanh Binh
Người hướng dẫn Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A
Trường học Lac Hong University
Chuyên ngành English Major
Thể loại Khóa luận tốt nghiệp
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Dong Nai
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Khảo sát về tính tự chủ của sinh viên chuyên ngữ trường Đại học Lạc Hồng

Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A INTRODUCTION Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH Sinclair (2001) states that learner autonomy is also known as independent learning Those terms are interchangeable in educational dimension Holec (1981:3) defined learner autonomy as the “ability to take charge of one’s own learning” and noted that this ability “is not inborn but must be acquired either by natural means or by formal learning” According to Fenner & Newby (2000), autonomy in language learning is about people taking more control over the purposes for which they learn languages and the ways in which they learn them These contentions are also right to the context of LHU Students need to have the ability of taking full responsibility for their own learning because most English majors (over 52%) study for their future career, so they have to use their language competence to work In other words, to work well they need to have real capability of English Moreover, in order to study well at LHU, they need to have good habits of self-study because of its syllabus that each subject has about 15 periods for self-study and know how to monitor their learning process and progress 1.2 RESEARCH PROBLEM It is true that all of the students at twelve faculties of LHU are required to learn English as a must for graduation At almost faculties, students are supposed to learn TOEIC 1, TOEIC and TOEIC as preparation for taking the real TOEIC test of at least 450 scores as a must For English majors, they have their own syllabuses that focus on all of aspects concerning English such as reading, speaking, writing, listening, pronunciation etc and they are required to get at least 750 scores of TOEIC test as one of the graduation requirements Underlying these view points, the research was conducted on those students who have diverse settings primarily rural backgrounds where English is not much popular and students have to study in teacher-centered environments which are different from university Those students were like ‘baby birds’ which stayed in Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A their nests and ate only what the ‘mother birds’ fed This means that they were mostly dependent on teachers and sat at their feet passively receiving what were conveyed For example, when teaching English, teachers often focused only on grammar rules They therefore had no chance to improve other skills such as listening, speaking and writing Those skills are very important because they are needed for real communications and are also tested in any examination Being accustomed to learning attitudes and habits in the past, those students continued their learning at university Particularly, they learn by rote what the lecturers say and stick to the textbooks only In the survey the researcher found that most of the English majors of autonomy is much lower than that the university expects them to be of They confessed that they expected much from teachers and learned what the teachers told them to learn At present, this method is no longer suitable in university Moreover, after four years studying English at Lac Hong University (LHU), the researcher realized the reality that the number of English majors that could really use their English was comparatively limited Actually, students who study independently are able not only to take more responsibility for their own learning but also to evaluate and monitor their learning process and progress (Holec, 1981) In addition, they have the capability to make betterinformed decisions on what and how they learn best and to select methods and techniques to be used (Fenner & Newby, 2000) The above reasons have prodded the researcher to carry out this study in order to get insight into the issue with the hope of helping English majors realize the importance of independent learning and take advantages of it Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 1.3 JUSTIFICATION OF THE RESEARCH Learner autonomy is the current educational trend in most universities in the world, especially in Western countries (Hideo KOJIMA, 2006) Many researches were done on independent learning as well as on how to promote it, which considerably affects students’ study and their lives when they expose to the real life As most aspects of our daily lives are likely to undergo profound changes, independent learning will enable individuals to respond to the changing demands of work, family and society Like guardians of the future, today’s youth require the independent learning abilities that will empower them to act in accordance with the principle of social justice and for the survival of our planet To some extent, the success of learning activity is contingent upon learners’ stance towards the World and the learning activity in particular, their sense of self, and their desire to learn (Benson & Voller, 1997: 134-136) As a result, the research was done with the hope of raising English majors’ awareness of independent learning in order for them to become independent and lifelong learners as well as responsible students so that one more time they can firmly decide on exactly what they intend to achieve at the university and strive for it They may be more motivated, thus, take more responsibility for their own learning and adjust as well as change their learning attitudes how to be appropriate to the syllabus so as to meet their own learning needs Moreover, independent learning cannot be achieved in isolation Independent learning is an interactive process among students and between students and teachers Interaction between peers may include describing, explaining, questioning, discussing, defending, encouraging, supporting and assessing each other’s work (Ralph, 1998, p 145) This contention shows that they, students and teachers, students and students, are interdependent For students, they need to have teachers’ help to improve on learning skills and knowledge For teachers, they need the actively participation of students and Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A their own ideas to improve on the teaching methods Supporting this view, Cathy Dantec & Judy Jowers (2007, p.2) say that “Independent learning does not mean working on your own.” In a sense, when students and teachers admit that they are interdependent, they are more willing to cooperate with one another Also, once they recognize the importance of independent learning and understand well what it is and how to accomplish it, they easily acquire it And once they possess the independent learning skill, they may become excellent students and teachers As a result, the research purpose is to help students realize that it is necessary for them to actively participate in the classroom activities if they want to be good students at university 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS With the best effort the researcher is in hope of answering the three following questions: How much can the English majors of Lac Hong University be aware of the importance of independent learning? What are the possible causes of their lack of autonomy and suggested solutions to the problems? What does the lack of autonomy affect students’ learning? 1.5 DEFINITION OF THE KEY TERMS The term of learner autonomy is a fairly complicated notion to explain exactly what it is Most explanations of autonomy are subjective depending on the different purposes of researchers in various fields The ideas of autonomy originally result from the radically student-centered educational thought of writers such as Dewey (1916), Freire (1970), Illich (1971), and Rogers (1969); In work on adult self-directed learning by writers such as Brookfield (1986), Candy (1991), Knowles (1975), and Tough (1971) Learner Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A autonomy is also known by a number of other terms such as lifelong learning, learning to learn, thinking skills and independent learning (Sinclair, 2001) According to Benson & Voller (1997: 2), on general note, the term of autonomy has been used in at least five ways: • for situations in which learners study entirely on their own; • for a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning; • for an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education; • for the exercise of learners’ responsibility for their own learning; • for the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A LITERATURE REVIEW Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 2.1 The reasons that students should achieve independent learning skills Autonomous learners have capability to control their learning much better than the students that are heavily dependent on teachers Those who study independently are able to make better informed-decisions and take full responsibility for their study This may help them easily adapt to the real demands of work, family and society in which high responsibility is required Independent learners also have competence for co-operating well with partners in work to perform the tasks Generally, independent learning skill is prerequisite that language learners need to achieve In other words, independent learning is a cyclical process, whereby students learn a skill at one level, then use the skill to learn other skills or content, repeating the cycle many times over This process is related to the developmental level of the student, the requirements of the material and the effective transition from learning a skill to using the skill to learn According to Saida Hida, Souad Ldi and Mariam Alamrani (December, 14th, 2005), students who are not familiar with independent learning may be confused when they have to take the full responsibility for their own learning Autonomous learning skills are as transferable key skills e.g planning, monitoring, evaluating, reflecting, decision-making, accessing and organizing information-way of coping with explosion of knowledge as present Moreover, students need to achieve independent learning skill for many reasons First of all, in class the teacher usually decides what to teach, based on the average level of the students But this may not be the right level for most of the students For advanced students it will be too easy For lower level students it will be too hard To independent language learners, they can decide what level to work at In addition, the topic of the lesson is also usually based on the needs of the average students in the class, but other students may know the material already if they are higher level, or not have the basic knowledge needed to Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A understand the lesson if they are lower level But it is simple that independent learners can choose what they want to study, and can change it any time they like Last but not least, independent learning at university is preparation for learning after university, when learners may not have teachers or courses to help them For instance, if someone wants to invest in shares, they will need to find out what they need to learn (Needs Analysis), plan what to learn (Planning), study the stock market and the causes of rises and falls in share prices (Studying), then practice by buying and selling shares, then review their performance and their profit or loss, and finally decide what to learn next to improve their performance (Further Planning) (Study Advice Service) 2.2 Review of the previous studies on learner autonomy In his study, Candy (1991, p1) states that “there is a pedagogical gap in the transition from school to university” Students from the learning environments in which teachers play central roles need an explicit explanation about the new learning method, thus, they can acquire self-confidence and the awareness of their duty towards their own learning process According to Hubbal (2003), student cannot achieve independent learning skill unless they are familiar with subjects and methods and enlarge their understanding of it Independent learning is defined as a process in which individuals take initiative, with or without the help of others to diagnose their learning needs, formulate the learning goals, identify the resources for learning, select and implement learning strategies, and evaluate learning outcomes Knowles (1975, p.11) From the idea, independent learning skill is an initial skill that students need to obtain in order to learn other skills coming next With broad definition of independent learning or autonomy in learning, Holec states that it is “the ability to take charge of one’s learning” Students who are independent in study have the capability of taking responsibility for their own learning, setting learning goals and charging after them, and making better informed-decisions on Researcher: Le Thanh Binh Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A what materials to work on and what strategies to employ They also know how to collaborate with their peers well because “learning independent does not mean working on your own” (Cathy Dantec & Judy Jowers, 2007, p.2) Moreover, Little suggests that the growth of learner independence is supported by learner interdependence Kesten (1987, p.3) also claims that independent learning is that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner’s own learning needs Actually, they know how to learn best and meet their learning needs The literature indicates that teachers play the roles of guides to initiate students in the autonomous learning by encouraging them and providing them with feedback Teachers can therefore create opportunities that stimulate students to show their motivation and self-management Les Brown says that life is meaningful for those who have motivation, reasons and aims for their own actions Likewise, students need to have incentives and rationales to study and set learning goals to strive for them This makes them more active and helps them easily overcome any difficulties or momentary obstacles they encounter during their learning process even at risks of making mistakes In support this idea, the Teaching and Learning in 2020 Review Group (DfES, 2006 p4) proves that learners are active and curious: they create their own hypotheses, ask their own questions, coach one another, set goals for themselves, monitor their progress and experiment with ideas for taking risks, knowing that mistakes and being stuck are part of learning Actually, students who are better want to be more successful with their studies and their lives need to acquire cognitive skills, metacognitive skills and affective skills required for independent learning (Bill Meyer, Naomi Haywood, Darshan Sachdev and Sally Faraday, 2008) In short, autonomy is not seen as a steady state (an autonomous learner has the freedom to choose teacher-direction (Pemberton et al 1996, p.3)), according to Andrew Finch, and involves taking Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 10 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A spend about two hours or even less than is not enough, so they need to spare more time to study if they really want to improve their test scores of listening and writing and real English competence Independent learning also affects the range of student outcomes positively, since students who study independently are more likely to complete courses, meet deadlines, find learning more enjoyable, learn in less time, know where to ask for help if they need it, gain a better understanding of what they are learning about, become aware of gaps in their knowledge, strive to improve their ability to learn, become lifelong learners and recognize their achievements (Allan, 1996) They are therefore much motivated by making progress in their learning at least to those who are really independent in study Dynamics and autonomy in language learning are mutual support or go along with each other In contrast, those who have not much motivation and have no specific learning goals are easily discouraged from studying when encountering any difficulties that erect barriers to learning during the learning process They are not willing to accept or even avoid them because they are afraid of taking risks from such matters For instance, according to his interviews, most of the English majors avoided using English to communicate with one another in the classroom in light of their beliefs that they were not very good at English, so they were afraid of making mistakes and being laughed at The Dutch researchers Van Grinsven and Tillema (2006, p87) summed up similarly wide-reaching benefits of independent learning: Students in self-regulated learning environments are more motivated to learn, report more enjoyment of the material and more actively involved in their learning than those who study in more restrictive environments Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 26 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A Black (2007) supports Allan et al’s (1996) and Van Grinsven and Tillema’s (2006) findings with document that in nine middle schools in Australia in which independent learning was implemented Pupils following the implantation of independent learning showed a greater engagement in learning and had higher levels of confidence and self-esteem Witkin et al (1977) stated the field independent students show greater interests in more impersonal, abstract aspects of various stimuli In contrast, field dependent students, prefer a higher level of social sensitivity and prefer structured activities that require involvement with others Students were also able to respond to challenging aspects of the curriculum Likewise, Williams (2003) suggests that UK children who are independent learners work to higher standards are more motivated and have higher self-esteem than other children Independent learning may address individual differences in learning (Deeson, 2006) According to Zimmerman (2002), how individual differences in pupils’ learning are related to some pupils lacking adequate self-regulation strategies Therefore, teaching and emphasis on independent learning may make pupils more aware of their limitations and manage these limitations (Learning and Skill Network 2008) Students can enhance their learning power by being aware of style areas in which they feel less comfortable, work on the development of these, and thus provide avenues to foster their intellectual growth (Eliason in Kang, 1999) In fact, students often avoid looking into their shortcomings because Vietnamese people usually have tendency to flout at someone’s weaknesses or mistakes, so they are afraid of that and lose chance to get insights into their imperfections in order to be aware of them and find out solutions to such matters In Williams’ view, in a classroom in which independent learning is promoted, learners develop skills that help them further their own learning by using their own ideas to form opinions; solving problems and using a range of strategies to deal with situations; taking responsibility for the consequences of Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 27 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A their actions; and developing analytical, reflective and systematic thinking skill To sum up the advantages of independent learning, Williams claimed: • self-motivation and self-esteem • independent judgment • respect for peers and the environment • self-discipline • enjoyment of challenges • active and energetic rather than passive learning • good communication skills • work to a higher standard greater social skills Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 28 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 29 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 5.1 CONCLUSION The investigation on autonomy of English majors of LHU revealed the reality that students have very limited awareness of independent learning, so the way they are learning is not much different from that in elementary and high school Most students have not been ready to take full responsibility for their own learning They are still dependent on teachers and universities and expect much from the teachers, so they cannot gain much success in their learning, even though they perceive the importance of self-study Actually, they have negative attitudes towards their own learning or not virtually positive manners to learning However, in the sunny side, most of the English majors spend time learning on their own at home and have much motivation to study They have also set specific goals from the beginning of the course and charged after them To some extent, they have readiness to be autonomous learners but they need models and instruction from teachers and universities In this study, the researcher gave out some suggestions on the solutions; however, he could not verify whether they work in Vietnam in general and in Lac Hong University in particular or not because of his limitations of time and conditions Also, he could not exploit all aspects of the issue and it might restrict the significance of the findings In the future, the researcher wishes to conduct further study on it and hopes that teachers who are interested in this field will deeply research on it and implement it in their schools or universities because they have more condition than the researcher Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 30 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.2.1 To students In order to be autonomous learners, students initially have positive learning attitudes towards their own learning that they study for knowledge not for the end only They need to perceive that in today’s knowledge economy, information is expanding at such a rate that it is impossible for students to acquire and store sufficient knowledge in their memories for future use They therefore need to learn and improve themselves continuously in order to cope with a rapidly changing world 5.2.2 To teachers In independent learning perspective, teachers can assist them to realize and accomplish the independent learning skill and guide them how to use the skill to achieve other skills, which is more important than knowledge Teachers can teach students thinking skills, higher order thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking and constructive thinking and equip their students with lifelong learning skills, which is necessary for them to acquire and process information in an ever-changing world (Robinson, 1987, p 16) Besides students’ effort, teachers need to take the first step to model the real conversation in English because they are English teachers and use English only to direct and guide students how to learn Presseisen, (1986) said that students can learn to think better if schools concentrate on teaching them how to so In order to force students to use English to communicate with one another, at first, teachers have to speak English, and then they issue some compulsory rules and force them to follow Teachers play an important role in promoting independent learning and have a large number of ways to it Oxford (1990) seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice with a detailed step-by-step guide for teachers interested in developing learner-centered Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 31 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A activities in their institutions (cf Chamot et al 1999), and Dickinson (1992) identifies six ways “in which teacher can promote greater learner independence”: legitimizing independence in learning by showing that we, as teachers, approve, and by encouraging the students to be more independent; convincing learners that they are capable of greater independence in learning-give them successful experiences of independent learning; giving learners opportunities to exercise their independence; helping learners to develop learning techniques (learning strategies) so that they can exercise their independence; helping learners to become more aware of language as a system so that they can understand many of the learning techniques available and learn sufficient grammar to understand simple reference books; sharing with learners something of what we know about language learning so that they have a greater awareness of what to expect from the language learning task and how they should react to the problems that erect barriers to learning (from Dickinson 1992, p.2) Moreover, according to Bill Meyer, Naomi Haywood, Darshan Sachdev and Sally Faraday (2008), teachers can use these methods to promote independent learning: scaffolding, modeling behavior, self-monitoring, establishing a language for learning and feedback on homework Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 32 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 5.2.3 To the schools Students at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of LHU major English, so they need a professional environment in which everyone speaks English as a foreign country diminished, which make students feel quite different from local area in order for students themselves to attempt to achieve and use their language competence To so, the university needs to create an area in which all rooms and learning facilities needed for supporting learning are supplied enough and only use for their own purposes For instance, students who love reading can go to the library and search what book they want Those who like practicing speaking can go to the speaking area with equipment that supports them to speak and discuss etc Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 33 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A REFERENCES Allan, B & Lewis, R (2001) Learning Independently Managing Schools Tday, 10(7), 24-6 Allan, B., Rose, J & Woodhead, C (1992) Curriculum organization and classroom practice in primary schools London: Department for Education and Skills Allwright, D 1998 “Autonomy and individualization in the whole-class instruction.” In A Brookes & P Grundy (Eds.), Individualization and autonomy in language learning London: Modern English Publications and the British Council Black, R (2007) Crossing the bridge-overcoming entrenched disadvantage through student-centered learning Melbourne: Education Foundation Benson, P & P Voller (Eds.) 1997 Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning New York: Longman Bill, M., Naomi, H., Darshan, S & Sally, F (2008) Independent Learning Literature Review Candy, P (1991) Self-direction for lifelong learning: a comprehensive guide to theory and practice San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Cathy, D & Judy, J (2005) Study Advice Service The University of Hull (http://www.hull.ac.uk/studyadvice/LearningResourses/StudyGuidesPDFs /time mang.pdf) Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 34 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A Davies, P., Hymer, B & Lawson, H (2005) Developing ‘learning to learn’ skills through experiential challenges Gifted education international 20(1), 80-87 10 Dickinson, L (1995) Autonomy and motivation a literature review 11 Fenner, A.B and Newby, D (eds.), 2000 Approaches to Materials Design in European Textbook: Implementing Principles of Authenticity, Learner Autonomy and Cultural Awareness: Graz/Strasbourg: European Centre for Modern Languages/Council of Europe 12 Holec, H 1981 Autonomy and foreign language learning Oxford: Pergamon 13 James, M., Black, P., McCormick, R Pedder, D & William, D (2006) Learning how to learn in classroom, schools and networks: aims, design and analysis Research Papers in Education, 21(2), 101-18 14 Jo Mynard & Robin Sorflaten, 2002 Independent learning in your classroom UAE: Zayed University 15 Kesten, C (1987) Independent Learning Retrieved October 1st, 2005 from http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs.policy/cels/el7.html 16 Little, D 1991 Learner autonomy 1: definition, issues and problems Dubllin: Authentik Oxford, R 1991 Language learning strategies: what every teacher should know New York: Newbury House 17 Oxford, R., & Nyikos, M (1989) Variable affecting choices of language learning strategies by university students MLJ 73 (iii), 291-300 18 Saida, H., Souad L and Mariam, A (2005) Effects of Independent Learning on AUI Students Al Akha Wayn University Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 35 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A 19 Wilson, V (2000) Can think skills be taught? Scottish Council for Educational Research spotlights, 79, 1-4 20 Williams, J (2003) Promoting independent learning in the primary classroom Buckingham: OUP Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 36 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A APPENDICES APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE AND RESPONSES Dear friends, The researcher is carrying out a small-scaled research on self-study with the hope of finding out the effective ways to help you learn better and this questionnaire has been designed for that purpose Therefore, your true responses to the questionnaire are needed Please choose the answer that is nearest to your opinion You learn English because……………………… a You love the English language b You like to enjoy English songs or English- speaking films c You want to find a good job d It is your relatives’ wish e Other reasons How much are you motivated to learn during the course? a Not at all b Very little c Little d Much e Very much Did you have a plan and goals for your learning from the beginning of the course? a Yes b No Do you often spend time learning on your own at home? a Yes b Yes but just little time Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 37 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A c No How much time you spend learning by yourself out of the classroom everyday? a Less than an hour a day b About an hour a day c More than an hour but less than hours a day d More than hours a day e Others Do you think that self-study has a great influence on students’ success at university? a Strongly disagree b Disagree c Little agree d Much agree e Strongly agree Do you consider self-study an important thing besides teachers’ instruction in order to learn a lesson efficiently? a Yes b No Have you ever found that your self- study is so little? a Never b Sometimes c Always What you think are the reasons leading to students’ lack of self study? List them in your preferable order from the reason you agree most to the one you agree least a Having got used to the habit of depending on teachers, which has formed since primary and high school b Lacking the knowledge of self-learning methods and strategies c Lacking the motivation d Being lazy Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 38 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A e Being unaware of the importance of self-study f Lacking necessary facilities 10 Do you think teachers play an important role in your self-learning? a Yes b No c Not sure 11 What you expect the teachers to so as to help you with your self-study? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… 12 What you think a student needs to acquire so as to learn on his own effectively? List them in your preferable order from the choice that you agree most to one you agree least a Ability to evaluate his own progress b Strong motivation for learning c Effective learning strategy d Ability to manage time e Awareness of his own strengths and weaknesses f Your own suggestions Thank you for your valuable cooperation! Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 39 Advisor: Le Thi Bich Vy, M.A APPENDIX INTERVIEWING QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS Theo bạn để thành công học tập, sinh viên cần phải làm gì? Một ngày bạn giành thời gian cho việc tự học thời gian lớp học nào? Bạn có nghĩ cần học giảng viên cung cấp đầy đủ cho sinh viên không? Bạn có cảm thấy nản gặp khó khăn học tập khơng? Nếu có bạn thường làm để vượt qua? Bạn có nghĩ cần đủ điểm qua tất môn đủ cần có chứng tốt nghiệp xin việc làm? Nói chuyện giao tiếp với bạn lớp khoa, bạn thích sử dụng ngơn ngữ nào: tiếng Anh hay tiếng việt? Vì sao? FOR TEACHERS Thưa thầy/cơ, theo thầy/cơ việc học hành độc lập sinh viên có ảnh hưởng đến kết học tập họ không? Theo quan sát thầy/cô nhiều năm qua đặc biệt sinh viên ba khóa 06, 07, 08 thái độ học tập em nào? Thưa thầy/cơ, thầy/cơ nghĩ việc học tập độc lập hướng dẫn cho sinh viên cách tự học tầm quan trọng chưa? Theo thầy/cơ giáo viên cần làm để nâng cao ý thức học tập sinh viện nay? Theo thầy/cơ nhà trường nên làm để hỗ trợ nâng cao nhận thức học tập cho sinh viên để họ thành công học tập sống? Researcher: Le Thanh Binh 40 ... bạn để thành cơng học tập, sinh viên cần phải làm gì? Một ngày bạn giành thời gian cho việc tự học thời gian lớp học nào? Bạn có nghĩ cần học giảng viên cung cấp đầy đủ cho sinh viên khơng? Bạn... thầy/cơ nghĩ việc học tập độc lập hướng dẫn cho sinh viên cách tự học tầm quan trọng chưa? Theo thầy/cơ giáo viên cần làm để nâng cao ý thức học tập sinh viện nay? Theo thầy/cơ nhà trường nên làm... thầy/cơ, theo thầy/cơ việc học hành độc lập sinh viên có ảnh hưởng đến kết học tập họ không? Theo quan sát thầy/cô nhiều năm qua đặc biệt sinh viên ba khóa 06, 07, 08 thái độ học tập em nào? Thưa thầy/cơ,

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2013, 17:08



