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Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 8 ppt

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Charts 2-1 - 2-7 Directions: Perform the action and then describe the action, using the simple past.. Slmple past: questions and short answers.. Slmple past: questions, short answers, an

Trang 1

EXERCISE 12 Simple past (Charts 2-1 - 2-7)

Directions: Perform the action and then describe the action, using the simple past Most of

the verbs are irregular; some are regular

Work in groups or as a class Only Speaker A's book is open

Example: Give ( ) your pen

SPEAKER A (book open): Give Pablo your pen

SPEAKER B (book closed): (Speaker B petforms the action.)

SPEAKER A (book open): What did you do?

SPEAKER B ( b w k dosed): I gave Pablo my pen

I > ,

1 Give ( ) your dictionary

8 ) 2 >

11 .;, 2 Open your book

3 Shut your book

/ 4 Stand up

5 Hold your book above your head

6 Put your book in your lap

7 Bend your elbow

8 Touch the tip of your nose

9 Spell the word "happened."

10 Shake hands with ( )

12 Hide your pen

13 Leave the room

14 Speak to ( )

15 Tear a piece of paper

16 Tell ( ) to stand up

17 Throw your pen to ( )

18 Draw a mangle on the board

20 Choose a pen, this one or that one

21 Invite ( ) to have lunch with you

22 Thank ( ) for the invitation

23 Steal ( )'s pen

24 Sell your pen to ( ) for a (penny)

25 Hit your desk with your hand

26 Stick your pen in your pocketJpurse

27 Read a sentence from your book

28 Repeat my sentence: This book is black

29 Hang your (jacket) on your chair

30 Take ( )'s grammar book

3 1 Write your name on the board

EXERCISE 13 Slmple past: questions and short answers (Charts 2-1 - 2-7)

Directions; Use the words in parentheses Give short answers to questions where necessary

1 A: (you, sleep) DIA YO& S ~ P well last night? A

B: Yes, I X i I (sleep) slept very welt

B: Yes, It (get) in at 6;05 on the .- dot

4 A: (Mark Twain, write)

Tom Sawyer?

B: Yes, He also (write)

Huckleberry Finn

Trang 2

5 A: (you, eat) breakfast this morning?

, ,

time I was late for class because my alarm clock (ring, not)

0 EXERCISE 14 Slmple past: questions, short answers, and Irregular verbs

Directions: Pair up with a classmate

Speaker A: Ask questions beginning with "LMyou ?" Listen carefully to Speaker B's

answers to make sure he or she is using the irregular verbs correctly Look at Chart 2-7 if necessary to check the correct form of an irregular verb Your

Speaker B: In order to practice using irregular verbs, answer "yes" to all of Speaker A's

questions Give both a short answer and a long answer Your book is closed

Ermple: eat breakfast this morning


SPEAKER B (book closed): Yes, I did I ate breakfast this morning

.iar 1 sleep well last night 6

2 wake up early this morning 7

.r .:A .i 3 come to class early today 8

4 bring your books to class 9

5 put your books on your desk 10

Sm'tch roles

11 hear about the earthquake 17

12 read the newspaper this morning 18

13 catch'a cold last week - -

'' 14 feel terrible , 'I 20

15 see a doctor - ~ .,_~

16 go to a party last night

ivptnt; Switch roles

21 buy some books yesterday 26

22 begin to read a new novel 27

23 fly to this city 28

24 run to class today 29

25 write your parents a letter 30

,I ;,:<,:I


f&,.< :,

, 5 31 make your own d i i e r last night 36

"\.: 32 leave home at eight this morning 37

!i:3 ,., 33 drink a cup of tea before class 38

15 34 fall down yesterday 39

35 hurt yourself when you fell down 40

lose your grammar book yesterday find your grammar book

take a bus somewhere yesterday ride in a car yesterday

drive a car : (1 ;.'c, ;<:

.'.< ' ':1'

/ I ;,

have a good time think about me

, -' :&', 2

meet ( ) the first day of class shake hands with ( ) when you f i s t met himher -,; ; , i- ;


send your parents a letter lend ( ) some money wear a coat yesterday

go to the zoo last week feed the birds at the park

break your arm understand the question speak to ( ) yesterday tell himher your opinion of this class mean what you said

Trang 3

EXERCISE 15 Past time (Charts 2-1 + 2-7)

Speaker A: Tell Speaker B about your activities yesterday Think of at least five things you

did yesterday to tell Speaker B about Also think of two or three things you didn't do yesterday

Speaker B: Listen carellly to Speaker A Make sure that Speaker A is using past tenses

correctly Ask Speaker A questions about hidher activities if you wish Take notes while Student A is talking

: 9 When Speaker A finishes talking, switch roles: Speaker B tells Speaker A about hidher activities yesterday

Use the notes from the conversation to write a composition about the other student's

- , activities yesterday




(a) Mary waked downtown yesterday

(b) I &fit for eight hours last night

(c) I sat down at the d i i e r table 8t 6:00 P.M yesterday Tom came to my house at 6:10 P.M

I was eating dinner when Tom


(d) I went to bed at 10:OO The phone rnng at 11:OO

I was sloepr'ng when the phone mng

The s1MPI.B PAST is used to talk about an activity or situation rhar began and ended at a

pardcular time in thepasr (e.g.,yestmiq,

last night, days ago, in 1999), as in (a) and (b)

The PAST PROGRESSIVB expresses an acriviry that was in p*og*esr (was occurring, was happem'nk, at a point of time in the past (e.g., at 6:10) or at the time of another action (e.g., when Tom came)

In (c): eating was in progress at 6:lO; eating

was in progress when Tom came

FORM: wastwere + -ing

(e) When the phone rang, I was sleeping whon = at that time

(f) The phone rang while I was sleeping while = during that time

(e) and ( f ) have the same meaning




Q U B S T I ~



I-She-He-It wus working

You-We-They were working

I-She-He-It was not (wasn't) working

You-We-They were not (weren't) working

Wu I-she-he-it working?

Wwe you-we-they working?

Yes, I-she-he-it was Yes, you-we-they were

No, I-she-he-it wasn't No, you-we-they weren't

Trang 4

EXERCISE 16 Simple past and past progressive (Charts 2-8 and 2-9)

Directions: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses Use the simple past or

1 At 6:00 P.M., Bob sat down at the

table and began to eat At 6:05,

Bob (eat)

, dinner

2 While Bob (eat)

: ! K ~ , ' \,. 3 9 ,

dinner, AM


through the door


4 Bob went to bed at 10:30 At 11:OO Bob (skep) ' "' '

5 While Bob (sleep) , the phone (rind


- 6 In other words, when the phone (rink, , Bob (sleep)

7 Bob left his house at 8:00 A.M and (begin) to walk to class

to class, Mrs Smith


10 Mrs Smith (wave) at Bob when


Trang 5

EXERCISE 17 Using the past progresslve (Charts 2-8 and 2-9)

Directions: Perform the actions and answer the questions Only the teacher's book is open Example: A: write on the board B: open the door

To STUDENT A: Please write on the board Write anything you wish (SzudenrA writes on

the board.) What are you doing? 3

Response: I'm writing on the board

To STUDENT A: Good Please continue

TO STUDENT B: Open the door (Student B opens the door.) What did you just do?

Response: I opened that door

To STUDENT C: Describe the two actions that just occurred, using when

Response: When (Student B) opened the door, (Student A ) was writing on the board

To STUDENT D: Again, using while

Response: Whiie (Student A) was writing on the board, (Student B) opened the door


!,!: l A : w r i t e a n o t e t o ( ) B:knockonthedoor , d l : , t

2 A: walk around the room B: clap your hands once

3 A: talk to ( ) B: come into the room I /';.-?Y.! :

4 A: read your book B: tap (Student A)'s shoulder ,<'

I , ! I ,

5 A: look out the window B: ask (Student A) a question "

6 A: whistle B: leave the room

7 A: look at your watch B: ask (Student A) a question

8 A: pantomime eating (pretend to eat) B: sit down next to (Student A)

9 A: pantomime sleeping B: take (Student A)% grammar book

10 A: pantomime drinking a glass of water B: come into the room

EXERCISE 18 Present progresslve and past progressive (Charts 1-1,2-8, and 2-9)

firectionr: the present progressive and past progressive verbs in the following pairs of sentences Discuss their use What are the similarities between the two tenses?

1 A: Where are Ann and Rob? I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks

B: They're out of town They're traveling

2 A: I invited Ann and Rob to my birthday party, but they didn't come

B: Why not?

A: They were out of town They were traveling

3 A: What was I talking about when the phone interrupted me? I lost my train of thought

B: You were describing the website you found on the Internet yesterday

4 A: I missed the beginning of the news report What's the announcer talking about? B: She's describing; conditions in Bangladesh after the flood


Trang 6

5 A: Good morning, Kim

B: Hel10,Tom Good to see you

A: Good to see you, too On your way to work?

B: Yup I'm walking to work today to take advantage of the beautiful spring morning

A: It certainly is a beautiful spring morning

6 A: Guess who I saw this morning

B: Who?

A: Jim

B: Oh? How is he?

A: He looks fine

B: Where did you see him?

A: On the sidewalk near the corner of 5th and Pine He was walking to work

EXERCISE 19 Present and past verbs (Chapters 1 and 2)

DirectMns: Complete the sentences with the simple present, present progressive, simple

past, or past progressive



Right now Toshi (sit)

1s s t i l - t w at his desk He

1 -


at his desk, but he (study, not)



Trang 7

OSCAR: I (watch) the bicyclists They are very skillful I


10 anyone who can Come over to the window Look at

11 that guy in the blue shirt He (steer) his bike with one

12 hand while he (drink) a soda with the other At the

13 same time, he (weave) in and out of the heavy street

14 traffic He (seem) fearless


~ S H I : Riding a bike (be, not) as hard as it (look)

I'll teach you to ride a bicycle if you'd like

OSCAR: Really? Great! ,!,

i l

, , ! 1 -.:

TOSHI: HOW come you don't know how to ride a bike?*

,;,.I ,r OSCAR: I (have, nevw) a bike when I (be)

L ! a kid My family (be) too poor Once I (try)


to learn on the bike of one of my friends, but the other kids

'id1 :> ' , 21

because I @e) too embarrassed But I'd really like to learn


, !>',



Yesterday, Toshi (sit)

wms S

25 his grammar book His roommate, Oscar,


a L: J l ,

at his desk, but he (stway, not)

bicyclists on the street below

*"How come?" means "Why?" For example, "How come you don't h o w how to ride a bike?" means 'Why don't you

b o w how m ride a bike?"

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 14:20

