EXERCISE 36. Making cornparlsons. (Chapter 9) , ,$ ?. , , F : . py.r . : . . a ,, , , ., . ~ ~ , . . ., Direcrias: Do you have sayings in your language that are similar o or &e s'aeas ttie following English proverbs? . ,> 1. Don't count your chickens before r~ ,.,. s,. 4 - The early bird gets the worm. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. -" 5. A stitch in time saves nine. 6. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 7. Birds of a feather flock together. 8. A rolling stone gathers no moss. EXERCISE 37. Making comparisons. (Chapter 9) Direceiom: Write a composition based on one of the following topics. d. ' .!. Compare and contmst: .,: . .I ., . 1. being single and being mamed. b:, . 2. cities you have lived in or have visited. 3. diierent schools you have attended. 4. your way of lie before and after you became a parent. 5. yourself now to yourself ten years ago. 6. your country now to your country 100 years ago. ,% ;$? 7. life today to life 100 years hrn now.:;. d,i ,d' :: . , P.rp :+ : .; 8. two sports. 9. the seasons of the year. 10. food in two countries. Comparisons 275 I CONTENTS 10-1 Active sentences and passive sentences 10-2 Form of the passive 10-3 Transitive and intransitive verbs 10-4 Using the by-phrase 10-5 The passive forms of the present and past progressive 10-6 Passive modal auxiliaries 10-7 Using past participles as adjectives (stative passive) 10-8 Participial adjectives: -ed vs. -ing 10-9 Get + adjective;get + past participle 10-10 Using be usedlaccustomed to and get usedlaccustomed to 10-1 1 Used to vs. be used to 10-12 Using be supposed to (a) ~cm: The mouse a& the cheese. (a) and (b) have the same meaning. @) PASSIVE: The cheese rws eaten by the mouse. ACTIVE PASSIVE ACTIVE: S 0 mailed I the package. 1 In (c): The object in an active sentence becomes the subject in a passive sentence. PASSIVE: / \ S by + 0 (d) 1 The package was mailed ibyBob.l In (d): The subject in an active sentence is the object of 6y in the byphrase in a passive sentence. I sucpLe PReSBNT I Farmers grow corn. r Corn is grown by farmers. I BE + PAST PARTICIPLE Corn is grown by farmers. Sara was w+ed by the news. (c) The report will be written by Mary. SIMPLE PAST The news suwrissd Sara. Sara was surprised by the news. I Form of all passive verbs: be + past panin'ple Be can be in any of its forms: am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, etc. PRESENT PERFECT Jack has mailed the letter. , The letter has been mailed by Jack. ACTTVE PASSIVE 1 EXERCISE 1. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the active verbs to passive verbs. Write the subject of the passive sentence. 1. SIMPLE PRESENT (a) The teacher helps me. (a) I ow helped by the teacher. FUTURE (b) The teacher helps Jane. Mr. Lee willplan the meeting. r The meeting will be planned by Mr. Lee. Sue is going to write the report. - The report ia going to be written by Sue. (c) The teacher helps us. (b) -lahC is h~lprd by the teacher. (4 by the teacher. 2. SIMPLE PAST (a) The teacher helped me. (a) by the teacher. @) The teacher helped them. b) by the teacher. 3. PRESENT PERFBCT (a) The teacher has helped Joe. (a) by the teacher. (b) The teacher has helped us. (b) by the teacher. 4. mrruRB d (a) The teacher will help me. (a) by the teacher. (b) The teacher is gmng to help Tim. (b) by the teacher. , ',', ., . , y I ',! . The Passlve 277 EXERCISE 2. Form of the passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2). ~irenio& Change the verbs to the passive. Do not change the tense. , 1 PAST :I, ,~'.<.,~ '.> . BE + PARTXCIPLE 1. Bob mailed the The package was wailed by Bob. package. 2. That company Many people by that company. employs many people. 3. That company has hired Sue. Sue by that company. 4. The secretary is The letters by the secretary. going to fax the letters. 5. A college student My old car by a college student. bought my old car. 6. MIS. Adams will The work by MIS. Adams. do the work. 7. MI. Fox washed The windows by Mr. Fox. the windows. , i.i!.>.i ma EXERCISE 3. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive. ' '': ' , 1. Ms. Hopkins invited me to dinner. -t I was invited to dinner by Ms. Hopkins. ,- *>i 2. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. *ii.~2 3. Water surrounds an island. 4. A plumber is going to fix the leaky faucet. 5. A doctor has examined the sick child. 6. A large number of people speak Spanish. 7. Helicopters fascinate children. 8. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. 9. This news will amaze you. 278 CHAPTER 10 EXERCISE 4. Actlve vs. passive: question forms. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the active sentences to passive sentences that have the same meaning and tense. \ "-\,"a Ac- . .r PASSIVE 1. (a) The news surprised John. 10h w& sw~vised by the news. (b) Did the news surprise you? Urve vok S~PV~SPA by the news? 2. (a) The news surprises Erin. by the news. (b) Does the news surprise you? by the news? 3. (a) The news will shock Steve. by the news. @) Will the news shock Pat? by the news? 4. (a) Liz signed the petition. by Liz. (b) Did Ryan sign it? by Ryan? PETITION We, thl undmslonad, bliw that the hw- n 3206 Tm Stm if en hlmxic bulldlng. WI bii~ that It ahwld not be danmyed in x to build a fn.fwd rpuunnt at the l&n. 1 I/ 5. (a) Bob has signed the petition. by Bob. (b) Has Jim signed it yet? by Jim yet? 6. (a) Sue is going to sign it. by Sue. (b) Is Carol going to sign it? by Carol? EXERCISE 5. Actlve vs. passlve. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive. . . ;<*fX.,'' ,, .! , .,! 1. A thief stole Ann's purse. + Ann's purse was smkn by a thief. , , ~; \,,, , ,, , : ' . ,., . . ! 2. Did a cat kill the bird? .~. ,, ! :'?' . 3. My cat didn't kill the bird. , ' ,;,!':.,. ,~< ' , , 4. Do a large number of people speak French? : , ,L, , r.; 5. Is the janitor going to fix the window? 6. Will a maid clean our hotel room? ,, ., ,>. ,,: .,., , ' /I I' 7. Does the hotel provide clean towels? . ., 8. Sometimes my inability to understand spoken English frustrates me. The Posslve 279 EXERCISE 6. Active vs. passive. (Charts 10-1 and 10-2) Directim: Change the passive sentences to active. Keep the same tense. Some of the - sentences are questions. 1. Was the riot stopped by the police? + Did the police srqp the riot? 2. My suitcase was inspected by a customs officer. 3. Love and understanding are needed by all children. 4. Were you taught to read by your parents? 5. I was taughqto read by my parents. 6. Are we going to be met at the train station by your cousin? 7. Have the plans for the new hospital already been drawn by ,.I 'It the architect? 8. The bear was chased up a tree by a dog. (a) TRAN~~~ 8 Bob Mr. Lee A cat Co) -s- S An accident Kate I v 0 maikd the lemr. signed the check. killed the bird. v happened. came to our house. slept well last night. A rranritive verb is a verb that is followed by an object. An object is a noun or a pronoun. An innansiriw verb is a verb that is not followed by an object. agree die happen rise stand appear exist lawh seem StqY arrive fan live sit talk become flm occur sleep wait come go min sneeze walk (c) TRANsmVERBs ACTIVE: Bob mailed the letter. PASSIVE: The lener was maU by Bob. (d) INTRANSrnEVBBsS ACTIVE: An accident happened. PAS^: (nor possible) (e) INCORRBCT: An accident was happened. Only aansitive verbs can be used in the passive. An intransitive verb is NOT used in the passive. 'To find out if a verb is transitive or inuansitiw, look in you dictionary. The usual abbrcviationa are v.t. (mnsitive) and v.i. (intransitive). Some verbs have both rrmitive and inrransitive uaes. For example: rransitive: Sncdmu smdy bwh. inrransitive: Studsnn rmdy. 280 CHAPTER 10 !CISE 7. Transltlve vs. Intransitive verbs. (Chart 10-3) $ Direcrions: h&&g the verbs and identify them as transitive Change the sentences to the passive if possible. ;, . ii>;r~~ is I.,, ,, . .A L . ,,. . . ;,>?-;,." ,I:; v.1. 1. Jack dkd to school yesterday. (no change) , . v.k ,ti Pi ., I .,.j I 2. Susie bEnbP the window. .!, . -t The window was broken by Susie. ~,. .,,, 3. We stayed in a hotel. 4. The leaves fell to the ground. ,. ; $,: ~ . "' 5. 1 slept at my friend's house last night. 6. An accident happened at the corner ofThird and Main. , , , : i " ? Did the Koreans invent gunpowder? In the fairy tale, a princess kissed a hg. %. $! , ; * ,:'L& " ,> q@>, 7 .*p :,y , . I . I.' $ 1; ~. . ' _ , L 'AIDS = a disease (Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The Passive 281 . by-phrase 10-5 The passive forms of the present and past progressive 10-6 Passive modal auxiliaries 10-7 Using past participles as adjectives (stative passive) 10-8 Participial adjectives: -ed. 8. two sports. 9. the seasons of the year. 10. food in two countries. Comparisons 275 I CONTENTS 10-1 Active sentences and passive sentences 10-2 Form of the passive 10-3 Transitive. do. 7. Birds of a feather flock together. 8. A rolling stone gathers no moss. EXERCISE 37. Making comparisons. (Chapter 9) Direceiom: Write a composition based on one of the following