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Fundamentals of english grammar third edition part 51 pptx

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1 11-9 USING THE OR 0 WITH NAMES , - rrrr.6. I know 0 Doctor Smith. 0 President Rice has been in the new I) He lives in 0 Eu*ope. 0 Asia is the largest continent. Have you ever been in 0 Africa? ) He lives in 0 Fmnce. 0 Brazil ia a large country. Have you ever been in 0 Thailand? (d) He lives in the Unifed Stater. The Netherlands is in Europe. Have YOU ever been in the PhiliWna? (e) He lives in 0 Paris. 0 New York is the largest city in the United States Have you ever been in 0 Istanbul? (f) The Nile River is long. They crossed the Pac& Ocean. The Wow Sea is in Asia. (g) Chicago is on 0 Lake Michigan. 0 Lake Titicaca lies on the border between Peru and Bolivia. (h) We hiked in the Alps. The Andes are in South America. (i) He climbed 0 Mount Evmst. 0 Mount Fuji is in Japan. The is NOT used with the names of continents. INCORFSCT: He lives in the Eu The is NW used with the names of most countries. INCORFSCP He liw in the France. The is used in the names of only a few countries, as in the examples. Others: the Czcch Republic, the UnitedArab Emimtes, the Dominican Republic. The is NOT used with the names of cities. INCORRECT: He likes in the Paris. The is used with the names of rivers, oceans, and seas. The is NOT used with the names of lakes. The is used with the names of mountain ranges. The is NOT used with the names of individual mountains. EXERCISE 26. Using THE or 8 with names. (Chart 11-9) Direcriom: Complete with the or 0. 1. & Rome is in d Italy. ; , ., , 2. The Rhine River flows through ,d Germany. 3. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 4. Yangtze is a famous river. 5. Atlantic Ocean is smaller than Pacific. 6. Rocky Mountains are located in Canada and United States. 7. Doctor Anderson is a good physician. 8. LakeVictoria is located in Africa. 338 CHAPTER 11 CAF'rTALIZE 1. The first word of a sentence 3. The names of ~eo~le 3. Titles used with the names of people 4. Months, days, holidays 5. The names of places: city statdprovince country continent ocean lake river desert mountain school business street building park, zoo 6. The names of courses 7. The titles of books, articles, movies 8. The names of languages and nationalities 9. The names of religions 10. The pronoun "I" (a) We saw a movie last night. It was very good. @) I met George Adams yesterday. (c) I saw Donor (Dr.) Smith. Do you know Professor (Prof.) Alston? ~- - (d) I was born in April. Bob arrived last Monday. It snowed on Thankspivine Dav. (e) He lives in Chicago. She was born in California. They are from Mexico. Tibet is in Asia. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Chicago is on Lake Michigan. The Nile River flows north. The Sahara Desert is in Africa. We visited the Rocky Mountains. I go to the University of Florida. I work for the General Electric Company. He lives on Grand Avenue. We have class in Ritter Hall. I went jogging in Forest Park. (f) I'm taking Chemistry 101 this term. (g) Gone with the Wind The Old Man and the Sea @) She speaks Spanish. We discussed Japanese customs. (i) Buddism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism are major religions in the world. Talal is a Moslem. (j) Yesterday I fell off my bicycle. Capitalize = use a big letter, not a small letter. I saw a doctor. NOTE: Seasons are not capitalized: spring, summer, falllaunrmn, winter COMPARE She lives in a city. She lives in New York City. COMPARE They crossed a river. They crossed the Yellow River. COMPARE I go to a university. I go to the University of Texas. COMPARE We went to a park. We went to Central Park. I'm reading a book about psychology. I'm taking Psychology 101 this Capitalize all other words except articles (the, alan), coordinating conjunctions (and, bur, or), and short prepositions (with, in, at, etcJ. Words that refer to the names of nations, nationalities, and languages are always capitalized. Words that refer to the names of religions are always capitalized. The pronoun "I" is always capitalized. Count/Noncount Nouns and Artlclea 339 EXERCISE 27. Capitalization. (Chart 11-10) ~itktions: Add capital letters where necessary. ,>. T 1. We're going to have a test next fuesday. 2. Do you know richard smith? he is a professor at this university. 3. I know that professor smith teaches at the university of arizona. 4. The nile river flows into the mediterranean sea. 5. John is a catholic. ali is a modem. 6. Anna speaks french. she studied in france for two years. 7. I'm taking a history course this semester. 8. I'm taking modern european history 101 this semester. 9. We went to Vancouver, british columbia, for our vacation last summer. 10. Venezuela is a spanish-speaking country. 1 1. Canada is in north america.* 12. Canada is north of the united states. 13. The sun rises in the east. 14. The mississippi river flows south. 7' ' 15. The amazon is a river in south america. - , 16. We went to a zoo. We went to brookfield zoo in chicago. 17. The title of this book is fundamentals of english grammar. 18. I enjoy studying english grammar. , 19. On valentine's day (february 14), sweethearts give each other presents. 20. I read a book entitled the cat and the mouse in my aunt's house. *When nmth, mth, e&, and west rder to the direction on a compass, they are not capi- Japan is east of Chino. When they are part of a geographical name, they are capitalized: Japan u in the Far East. 340 CHAPTER 11 EXERCISE 28. Capitalization. (Chart 11-10) Directions: Capitalize as necessary. G (1) Jane @odd is a famous scientist. She became famous for her studies of chimpanzees in tanzania. (2) Even though she was born in the heart of london, england, as a child she was always fascinated by animals of all sorts. Her favorite books were the jungle book, by mdyard kipling, and books about tarzan, a fictional character who was raised by apes. (3) Her dream from childhood was to go to afiica. After high school, she worked as a secretary and a waitress to earn enough money to go there. During that time, she took evening courses in journalism and english literanue. One of her favorite poets was t. s. eliot. She saved every penny. She put her wages under the carpet in her mother's living room until she had enough money for passage to africa. (4) In the spring of 1957, she sailed through the red sea and southward down the african coast to mombasa in kenya. Her uncle had arranged a job for her in nairobi with a british company. When she was there, she met louis leakey, a famous anthropologist. Under his guidance she began her lifelong study of chimpanzees on the eastern shore of lake tanganyika. (5) Jane goodall lived alone in a tent near the lake. Through months and years of patience, she won the trust of the chimps and was able to observe them at close hand. Her observations changed forever how we view chimpanzees-and all other animals we share the world with as well. (6) As a young woman, jane couldn't afford to go to a university. She never received an undergraduate degree, but later in her life she received a Ph.D. from cambridge university and became a professor at stanford university. She has written several books. One of them is my friends, the wild chimpanzees. She works tirelessly on behalf of endangered species and in support of the humane treatment of animals in captivity. Count/Noncount Nouns and Article8 341 EXERCISE 29. Error analysis. (Chapter 11) Directims: Correct the mistakes. s 1. Lions are wild animal A. 2. There are a lot of informations in that book. 3. The oil is a natural resource. 4. I was late because there were too many traffics. ',. 5. I drank two waters. 6. Our teacher gives us too many homeworks. 7. Nadia knows a lot of vocabularies. 8. I had a egg for breakfast. 9. There is many kind of trees in the world. , ,. , 10. I'm studying the english. 11. My cousin living in United State. 12. Only twelve student were in class yesterday. 13. I need some advices. 14. We all have a few problem in the life. '/I 15. There were no job, and people didn't have much moneys. 16. I don't know anything about farm animals except for chicken. 17. When I am a children, my family had a big farm with the Horses. 18. I live with two friend. One is &om the chile, and the other is from the Saudi Arabia. 19. I think the english is' difficult language. 20. Wen people use a lot of slangs, I can't understand them. 342 CHAPTER 11 -7 CIiAPTER 12 'd Adjective Clauses I I CONTENTS 12-1 Adjective clauses: introduction 12-4 Using which and that in adjective clauses 12-2 Using who and whom in adjective 12-5 Singular and plural verbs in adjective clauses clauses 12-3 Using who, who(m), and that in 12-6 Using prepositions in adjective clauses adjective clauses 12-7 Using whose in adjective clauses - 1 12-1 ADJECTIVE CLAUSES: INTRODUCTION An adjective modifies a noun. "Modify" means to change a little. An adjective describes or gives information about the noun. (See Chart 6-8, p. 166.) An adjective usually comes in front of a noun. adjective + noun (a) I met a I kind ' 'msn.' *GRAMMAR TERMINOLOGY (1) I met a man = an independent clause; it is a complete sentence. (2) He 6'~ in Chicago = an independent clause; it is a complete sentence. (3) who live. in Wcaga = a dependent clause; it is NOT a complete sentence. (4) ImofamanUhholi~~dinChicg~~=an independent clau~ + a dependent clause; a complete sentence. ADJECTIVE CLAUSES 'I An adjective clause* modifies a noun. It describes or gives information about a noun. An adjective clause follows a noun. adjective clause mn + adjective clause (d) I met a'man' lwho is a famous poet.' mn + adjective clause (e) I met a 'man' 1 who lives in Chicago. 1 A clnuse is a suucmre that has a subject and a verb. There are two hds of clauses: indepmdmt and dependent. An independent &we is a main clause and can stand alone as a senrence. .A dependent clause cannot stand alone as s sentence; it must be connected to an independent clause. 1 12-2 USING WHO AND WHOM IN ADJECTIVE CLAUSES ) The man is friendly. He lives next to me. rn iSZ*q;i:.nl. ., &o 1 7v- : k' ,. K.: ,.,,:., ?>+: ,. , @!;. ,. ?., ,q " ~,,<. ,: .h who lives next to me (b) The man who liwes next to me is friendly. (c) The mag was friendly. . (d) The man whom I met was friendly. In (a): He in a subject pronoun. He refers to We man." To make an adjective clause, change he to who. Who is a subject pronoun. Who refers to "the man." In @):An adjective clause immediately follows the noun it modi6es. INCORRECT: The man b friendly who lives next to me. In (cl: him is an obiect Dronoun. Him refers to . . "th; man: To make an adiective clause. chanee him to whom. - Whom is an object Whom refers to "the man." Whom comes at the beginning of an adjective clause. In (d): An adjective clause immediately follows the noun it modifies. INCORRECT: The man was friendly whom I mer. EXERCISE 1. AdJectlve clauses with WHO and WHOM. (Charts 12-1 and 12-2) Direcrions: Combine the two sentences into one sentence. Make "b" an adjective clause. ' Use who or whom. 1. a. Do you know the people? b. They live in the white house. + Do you know the people who live in the white house? 2. a. The woman gave me some information. b. I called her. -t The woman whom I calkd gave me some information. ',. 3. a. The police officer was friendly. b. She gave me directions. 4. a. The waiter was friendly. b. He served us dinner. 5. a. The people were very nice. b. I met them at the party last night. 6. a. The people have three cars. b. They live next to me. 7. a. The man talked a lot. b. I met him on the plane. 8. a. The man talked a lot. b. He sat next to me. 9. a. Three women walked into my office. b. I didn't know them. 10. a. I talked to the women. b. They walked into my office. 344 CHAPTER 12 . zoo. We went to brookfield zoo in chicago. 17. The title of this book is fundamentals of english grammar. 18. I enjoy studying english grammar. , 19. On valentine's day (february 14),. CAF'rTALIZE 1. The first word of a sentence 3. The names of ~eo~le 3. Titles used with the names of people 4. Months, days, holidays 5. The names of places: city statdprovince country. street building park, zoo 6. The names of courses 7. The titles of books, articles, movies 8. The names of languages and nationalities 9. The names of religions 10. The pronoun "I"

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 14:20