- Interview - Other sources: internet, newspapers, journals, and books Result & Conclusions: Our study is aimed to make a modest contribution to perfection of the theoretical background
Improvng the Theoretical Background of the
Coordinatve Relationship in State Management at
the Grassroots Level
1 Pham Tuyén Duong
2 Bùi Thị Hương Giang
3 Nguyễn Thị Yến
1 Dr Sven-Erik Svärd - UppsalaUniversity (Sweden)
2 Assoc Prof Dr V6 Kim Son -|
National Academy of Politics and Public Administration (Vietnam)
Class: MPPM Intake 2, Group 7
Hanoi, September 2011
Trang 2Title: Perfecting the Theoretical Background of the CoordinativeRelationship in State Management at the Grassroots Level
Level: Final assignment for Master Program in Public Management
Group Authors: Pham Tuyén Duong
Bui Thi Huong Giang
Nguyén Thi Yén
1 Dr Sven-Erik Svard - Uppsala University (Sweden)
2 Assoc Prof Dr Võ Kim Son - National Academy of Politics and
Public Administration (Vietnam)
Date when the thesis is presented: 1/9/2011
Aim: The thesis will clarify the theoretical background of the
coordinative relationship between VCP, the state and socio-political
organizations in implementing state management at the grassroots level We provide some solutions to improve the effectiveness of coordination in state
management at the grassroots level
Method: - Studying documents related to the subject: some communesummary reports on results of recent coordination in state management
- Interview
- Other sources: internet, newspapers, journals, and books Result & Conclusions: Our study is aimed to make a modest contribution to perfection of the theoretical background for the coordinative relationship between the organisations in the political system in the field of
state management at the grassroots level
Suggestions for future research: Future in-depth research in this vein should focus on the contents of reforming VCP leadership of grassroots-level organs of state management; redefinition of the duties and functions of the
commune-level People’s Council
Contribution of the thesis: Perfecting the Theoretical Background of
the Coordinative Relationship in State Management at the Grassroots Level
Key words: The coordinative relationship between VCP, the state and socio-political organizations in Vietnam.
1.1 General concept of coordination in state management
1.2 The role of coordination in state management
1.3 Principles of Coordination
1.4 The grassroots political system of Vietnam
1.4.1 The components Vietnam Communist Party (VCP) The grassroots government The socio-political organisations
1.4.2 The mechanism of the grassroots-level coordination in state management The legal basis of the mechanism of party leadership, government's
management and participation of the grassroots socio-political organizations The leadership of the grassroots VCP organisation State management of the grassroots government The participation of the socio-political organisations
2.1 Overview of the commune-level political system of Doan Hing District, Phú Tho
2.2 Some grassroots coordination activities in state management in Doan Hùng
2.2.1 Coordination in construction and organization of implementation of
annual socio-economic development plans
2.2.2 Coordination in construction and organization of implementation of
annual socio-economic development plans
2.2.3 Coordination in state management of communication and education of
the law
2.3 Some limitations and their causes
2.3.1 Limitations
2.3.2 Causes
3.1 Reforming the methods of leadership of grassroots VCP organizations over
organs of state management
3.2 Redefinition of the role and function of the Commune-level People’s Councils
3.3 Reforming methods of coordination with the commune People’s Committee as
Trang 4The political system of Vietnam is composed of three parts: VietnamCommunist Party, the government, and socio-political organizations, which
are closely connected on the principle of party leadership-state
management-toiling people’s mastery
Coordination in management activities is very important and
contributes to improved effectiveness of state management of different levels
of government, especially the grassroots one Coordination of different
organizations in management and exercise of public services is an objective
requirement because no single public organization can carry out its
management or fulfil its tasks independently Seeking measures to improve
coordinative effectiveness in management and exercise of public services is
always an indispensable requirement of the current Public Administration
Reform (PAR) in Vietnam
The commune, ward and township (hereinafter the commune) form thegrassroots level (the commune-level) in the four-tier administrative system ofVietnam and is the foundation of the political system The commune plays anextremely important role because it directly implements state directions,policies, laws and other tasks assigned to it by the upper levels; it directlytakes care of local people’s life; and, it bridges the state and citizens
Coordination in state management at the commune level of Vietnamremains heavily formal and lacks initiatives, so it has neither resulted inexpected results nor promoted the strengths of the whole political system in
state management activities at the grassroots level By studying and analyzing
the theoretical background of coordination, coordination in state management;investigating the reality of coordination in the commune-level statemanagement in Doan Hung District, Phu Tho Province; analyzing andcomparing the theory to practice; based on which to make recommendations
for further improved effectiveness of coordination in state management at the
commune level in Vietnam in the coming time, we have arrived at the study
Trang 5subj:ct of “Improving the Theoretical Background of the Coordinative
Reldionship in State Management at the Grassroots Level”.
1 Study objectives
The thesis will clarify the theoretical background of the coordinative
relationship between VCP, the state and socio-political organizations inimpementing state management at the grassroots level to understand the
principle of party leadership-state management-people’s mastery in state
management, and to understand the theoretical background of the socialiststate ruled by the law
Based on our theoretical perceptions, we will analyse the reality of
coordination in state management in communes and townships of Doan Hùng,
District, Phú Tho Province We will point out the strengths and weaknesses ofthe coordination to figure out the causes of the reality, based on which we willmake provide some solutions to improve the effectiveness of coordination instate management at the grassroots level
The thesis has three parts:
I Literature review on coordination in state management
The grassroots political system in Vietnam; the components of the
grassroots political system in Vietnam; the duties and functions of the component organizations; and, the mechanism of party leadership-state
management-toiling people's mastery
II Analysis of the reality of coordination in state management at the
commune level in Doan Hung District, Phú Tho Province
Comparison of theory and practice of coordination (strengths and
III Recommendations to improve coordination in state management at
the commune level
2 Research question
We will ask and answer a number of questions, but the basic question
of this study is: “How is state management at the grassroots level
coordinated for best state management in the current context of Vietnam?”
Trang 63 Method of study
This study will be based on the following main principles:
3.1 Studying documents related to the subject:
We will consult some commune summary reports on results of recent
coordination in state management
3.2 Investigation:
+ We will interview two groups of 15 interviewees each as follows:
- The first group consists of commune VCP secretary as directors ofcommune coordination
- The second group consists of government leaders (i.e Chair and Vice
Chairs of the Commune People's Committee) and mass organizations (i.e
Chairs of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Women Association, War Veterans,
Trade Union; and, Secretary of the Youth League)
We plan to interview instead of using other methods such as survey
questionnaires because direct interviews will produce more objective results,and interviewers may induce new questions from interviewees’ answers otherthan ask fixed questions in a questionnaire In addition, interviewers may
explain a question when an interviewee does not understand it so that the
interviewee can answer correctly
+ We will also consult experts (our supervisors and several experiencedpeople in the field)
3.3 Other sources:
Besides, we will use some materials found on the Internet, newspapers,journals, and books related to the study subject
4 Documents
To realize this study well, we will use the theory on political institution
of Vietnam, the theory of state ruled by law, the role of the ruling party in
state management, and the theory of citizen’s participation in statemanagement in such documents as VCP documents on reform of VCP
leadership (Resolution of the 5" Central VCP Meeting, 9" Tenure; Resolution
of the 8" Central VCP Meeting, 7 Tenure); the 1992 Constitution of
Trang 7Vietram; Instruction 30-CT/TW dated 08/02/1998 of the VCP Politburo, 13”
Tenure; Ordinance on Implementation of Democracy in Communes, Wards
and “ownships, dated 20/4/2007; the 2003 Law on Organisation of the
Peopk's Council and People's Committee; the 1999 Law on Vietnam
Fatheland Front; the operational charters of commune-level VCP ExecutiveComnittees; the organizational and operational charters of socio-politicalorganisations
1.1, General concept of coordination in state management
Coordination is most simply defined as organization of activity for two
or more organisations Unlike the concept of cooperation, coordination
emphasizes a process that involves activity of two or more organizationsharmoniously to implement something for mutual benefits Another popular
definition of coordination reads, “Coordination is a way of working together”.
T.T Malone & K Crowston provide another concept of coordination with the
four main components: the subjects implement activities aimed at objectives
of interdependent relationship.
In the angle of state management, coordination is a way, a form or aprocess that involves activity of different organizations to ensure that theinvolved organizations exercise their functions, duties and powers fully and
effectively, in order to gain mutual benefits More specifically, coordination is
implemented to identify priorities and focuses in management in order toensure the consistency, transparency and predictability of governmentpolicies; to use management resources effectively; and, to minimizewastefulnzss Coordination is present throughout a management process: frompolicy-meking, institution-making, to organization of implementation of amechanism, policy or law Management is always accompanied by
Cocrdination in state management can be divided into two following
basic types:
Trang 8-F rst, voluntary coordination This coordination stems completely
from sdf awareness of organizations about the need to gain mutual agreement
in activity, without any institutional binding or influence, or any pressure orforce fiom any organisation
- Secondly, compulsory coordination This type of coordination isinstitutomalized, and involved parties have to follow the coordinationrequirenent of another organisation Compulsory coordination can be
subdivided into two types: (i) coordination between organizations of one level
to settle regular activities that belong to their function and authority within aninstitutomal framework; and, (ii) coordination under influence of a third party
to settl: problems that normal coordination between organisations can not, orcompli:ated problems that exceed their own authority and available resources.The third party here can be the Office of Government, which assists the PrimeMinister in coordinating common activities of the Government, or the Prime
Minister, who either directly settle those problems or establish working groups that involve related services as provided by Clause 4, Article 20 of the
2001 Law on Organisation of Government to help him settle them This type can be called “super-coordination”.
Apart from the classification above, coordination can be horizontal (i.e
between organizations of one government level) and vertical (i.e between
related to them together This principle is depicted in Figure 1
Trang 9Fgure 1: Inter-organisational
In the current context of Vietnam’s political system, coordination
between different public organizations is carried out on the principles of “thestate powers are unified with assignment, decentralisation and coordination inexercising different powers”; and “every coordinative activity between publicorganizations and the PAR process must be placed under the leadership of
In principle, every organization has its own objectives, organisationalstructure, operational principles, and resources, but it is also influenced by
many common factors or related to common social issues Therefore, it needs
cooperation with other organizations to settle common issues
1.2 The role of coordination in state management
Coordination is ultimately to create mutual agreement to ensuremanagement quality and effectiveness In other words, coordination is a way
to implement the duties, functions and powers of subjects of state
Trang 10priorities that require many external resources for effective problem solving.
However coordination is not positive everywhere and every time If coordinaton is abused, it will have counter-effects of negative issues in
managenent that will limit development and perfection of the management
competerces of the involved organizations through their passing work andmanagenent responsibility to the other parties On the other hand, if theauthority and responsibility for coordination is over-institutionalised without aclear defnition of specific authority and responsibility, coordination will beabused tocreate imposition on the other involved organisations
Toevaluate the coordination between different subjects to realize their
inter-relaed activities and gain set objectives, we can consider symptoms of
lack of coordination According to Richards Veryard (1994), “the three most
common symptoms of the lack of coordination are waiting, duplication of effort or demand, and confusion/misunderstanding Further consequences
may be felt as inefficiency or lost opportunity.” The symptoms are
summarized in Box 1:
Box 1 : Symptoms of Lack of Coordination
Delay - waiting - work-in-progressDuplication — Redundancy - overlapConfusion — cross purposes — misunderstanding
Lost data — poor utilization of resources — lost opportunities
| njexibility — obsolete standard — stagnation
1.3 Princirles of Coordination
Coorlination can be based on many different principles.
We aan theoretically refer to Mary Parker Follett’s principles called Follett’s fair principles of coordination These four principles must be
followed tomake coordination effective
1 Principle of Early Stage
A.ccoding to this principle, coordination must start at an early stage in
the mamagenent process It must start during the planning stage This will
result im mcking the best plans and implementing these plans with success If
Trang 11coordimtion is started early only then all the management functions will be
perforned successfully Thus by initiating proper coordination the
organisition will achieve all its objectives easily and quickly.
2 Principle of Continuity
éccording to this principle, coordination must be a continuous process
It must not be a one-time activity The process of coordination must begin
when tle organisation starts, and it must continue until the organisation exists.Coordiration must be done continuously during the management process Itmust be done during planning, organising, directing and controlling
3 Principle of Direct Contact
According to this principle, all managers must have a direct contact
with tkeir subordinates This will result in good relations between the
manager and their subordinates This is because direct contact helps to avoid
misunderstandings, misinterpretations and disputes between managers andsubordinates It enables the managers to coordinate all the different activities
of their subordinates effectively and efficiently.
4 Principle of Reciprocal Relations
The decisions and actions of all the people (i.e of all managers and
employees) and departments of the organisation are inter-related So, the decisions and actions of one person or department will affect all other persons and departments in the organisation Therefore, before taking any decision or action all managers must first find out the effect of that decision or action on
other persons and departments in the organisation This is called the Principle
of Reciprocal Relations Co-ordination will be successful only if this principle
is followed properly.
The following principles can be added to Follett’s four principles
mentioned above:
5 Principle of Effective Communication
Co-ordination will be successful only in the presence of an effective communiction Good communication must be present between all
departments, within employees themselves and even between managers and
Trang 12their subordinates All communication barriers and gaps must be avoided andfixed Good communication helps to avoid misunderstandings in the
organisation This overall helps in coordination.
6 Principle of Mutual Respect
Coordination will be successful only if there is a mutual respect
throughout the organisation All managers working at different levels (top,
middle or lower) must respect each other Similarly, all employees must show
a friendly attitude and should respect each other during interactions Theremust also exist a feeling of brotherly hood among managers and employees.The managers must respect the feelings and emotions of the employees Onthe other hand, employees too must understand and acknowledge their bosses.Without mutual respect, coordination may not survive, and it will eventuallyfail
7 Principle of Clarity of Objectives
Co-ordination will be successful only if the organisation has set its clear objectives Everyone in the organisation must know the objectives very clearly No one must have any doubts about the objectives of the organisation.
Clear objectives can be achieved easily and quickly
In the current context of Vietnam, state management in general and
state management at the grassroots level (i.e commune, ward and township), coordination has become indispensable State management contains assignments and decentralization, and follows the principle of “Party
leadership — state management — people’s mastery”
As a result, the principle of coordination in state management in
Vietnam states, “VCP leads and the state manages with participation of political organization and direct participation of the people” This is the gn
socio-principle of coordination in state management at the grassroots level.
1.4 The grassroots political system of Vietnam
1.4.1 The components
Trang 13In Vietnam, the local party organization, the government and the
socio-political organizations at the commune level are the components of the
grassroots political system (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The Grassroots-level
Political System of Vietnam
Be committe
Grassroots-level Government
The components are closely inter-related and all aim at local socio-economic
development and facilitate people to exercise their mastery
To clarify the coordination mechanism between the local VCPo:ganization, the local government and socio-political organizations at theg-assroots level, we must be well aware of the role and position of each of the
components. Vietnam Communist Party (VCP)
VCP is the central component of the socialist political system of
Vietnam It is “the vanguard of the Vietnamese working class, the faithfulrepresentative of the rights and interests of the working class, toiling people,
and the whole nation” As the ruling party, VCP leads every activity of the
sate and the society It leads the whole society but is subject to the
people’s control and supervision Every of the party and its members’
Trang 14actiivties shall be within the Constitution and the law!. The grassroots government
The grassroots government is a component of the state apparatus
of th: Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the lowest administrative level,
and tie closest level to citizens It is composed of the People's Council and
the Feople's Committee: the former is “the organ of State power that
represents the will, aspirations, and mastery of the people; it is elected by
the Iccal people and is accountable to them and to superior State organs”;
and, ‘the People's Committee, elected by the People's Council, is the latter’sexecuive organ, the organ of State administration at the locality It isresponsible for implementation of the Constitution, the law, the formalwrittea orders of superior State organs and the resolutions of the People's
Council.” The socio-political organisationsApart from the grassroots VCP organization and government, socio-political organizations form the other component of the grassroots politicalsystem They are the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Trade Union, the Youth
League, the Vietnam Women Union, the Farmer Society, and the War
Veteran Society
The commune-level Vietnam Fatherland Front
This is a voluntary political alliance of political, social, socio-politicalorganizations and individual representatives of different social classes, ethnicgroups and religions at the grassroots levels It functions to enhance solidarityand agreement; and, to encourage the local people to promote their collectivemastery, actively exercise duties and activities of the Front, and create a newlife in their neighbourhoods
The Hồ Chí Minh Communist Youth League
This organization gathers, educates and promotes the role of youngpeople; it is available at all of the administrative levels from the centre to
1 Amiel 4, the 1992
* Article 119, the 1992 Constitution
* Article 123, the 1992 Constitution
Trang 15the grassroots The Youth League plays an important role in improving,
young people’s perceptions and educating traditions to evoke their love of
the country and pride of the nation; so as to create a sense of studiousness
and training to construct and protect the Fatherland.
The Farmer Society
This organization functions to propagandize and communicate VCPdirections and policies to farmers; and, organize and encourage them tofollow those directions On the other hand, this organization also represents
legitimate interests of the Vietnamese peasantry and reflects farmers’ wishes
and espirations to VCP and the State It is available at all of the
administrative levels from the centre to the grassroots
The Women Union
The Vietnam Women Union is the organization of all theVietnamese women, regardless of ages, jobs, ethnic origin, and socialposition As a component of the political system, it organizes and educatesthe Vietnamese women of the traditions, positions, and roles of women in
society; and, it represents and protects women’s interests The Union plays an
imporant role in gathering, organizing and guiding women to participate in practical activities to realize socio-economic objectives that practically benefit
'womel and chiildren
The War Veteran Society
This organization is established from the centre to the grassroots at all
of the adminisitrative levels “The War Veteran Society of Vietnam is asocio-solitical organization, a member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, a
political foundation of the people’s government, and an organization in the political system led by VCP The organization operates in line with VCP directions, the (Constitution, the law and its Charter” It aims to gather, unite,
organize and emcourage generations of veterans to preserve and promote the
nature and tradition of “Uncle Hé’s soldiers”; actively participate in the nation! construction and defence, protection of the revolutionary fruits; constriction anid protection of VCP, the government, the socialist regime,
Trang 16vetirans’ legitimate rights and interests; care for the other veterans in life’.
The Trade Union
This is the trade union of the civil servants, public service employees
anccadres who are paid by the state budget Similar to other trade unions, itcars for and protects the rights of civil servants, public service employees,
wokers and other labourers in the commune
1.4.2 The mechanism of the grassroots-level coordination in state management
1.42.1 The legal basis of the mechanism of party leadership, government's
maiagement and participation of the grassroots socio-political organizations
The roles, positions and duties of all the components in the nationalpoltical system have been legalized The common principle for thecođdination mechanism in Vietnam is demonstrated in Figure 3
Figure 3: Coordination in State
Managementin Vietnam
VCP’s leadership of the state and society has been asserted.
“Vetnam Communist Party, the vanguard of the Vietnamese working class, the faithful representative of the rights and interests of the working class, toiling people, and the whole nation, acts upon the Marxist-Leninist doctrines
1, War Veteran Charter
Trang 17am 4 Chí Minh’s thought, is the force leading the State and society® Asa resut, the commune VCP Committee is the organization that leads
every activity of the commune government and the socio-political
“The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a socialist state ruled by law of
the yeople, from the people and for the people All State power belongs to the
peoyle and is based on an alliance between the working class, the peasantry,
and he intelligentsia.” “The State guarantees and unceasingly promotes the
peojle’s mastery in all fields, and it strives to build a rich and strong
couttry in which social justice prevails, all men have enough to eat and to
wea, enjoy freedom, happiness, and all necessary conditions for complete
devdopment; it severely punishes all acts violating the interests of the
motierland and the people”® The grassroots government, including the
Peorles Council and the People's Committee, is the state management organ
at tle grassroots level
The role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its members are also
defned by the law “The Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations constitute the political base of people’s power The Front pronotes the people’s unity of mind in political and spiritual matters, partcipates in the building and consolidation of people’s power, works
tog¢her with the State for the care and protection of people’s legitimateinteests, encourages the people to exercise their right to mastery, ensures thestric observance of the Constitution and the law, and supervises the activity
of te State organs, elected representatives, and State officials and employees.
Th‹State shall create favourable conditions for the effective functioning of
the‘atherland Front and its component organisations”.
Under the specific context and the political institution of Vietnam, statemangement at all levels must follow the principle of party leadership, statemanagement, and people’s mastery In its management activity, the State shall
Š Arcle 4, the 1992 Constitution
° Artles 2 & 3, the 1992 Constitution
7 Anle 9, The 1992 Constitution
Trang 18exoand the participation (coordination) of the socio-political organisations,
the other organizations of citizens, and every individual citizen. The leadership oƒ the grassroots VCP organisation
The grassroots VCP organization leads in all fields of political,
economic, cultural, and social affairs in the locality It leads not only its
members and the subordinate party organizations but also the other members
of the political system of the same level and the local people through, based
on the directions and policies of superior VCP and State organizations,
outlining and organizing implementation of its directions and _ policies;
building the contingent of cadres in the organizations in the commune
political system; and, controlling all the work of the local VCP organization,
government and socio-political organisations
To implement its duties, the grassroots VCP organization applies many
different specific measures such as assigning its committee members to
monitor and direct different fields and organizations in the political system;
holding periodical hearings and directing-giving of work of the government
and the socio-political organizations of the same level; nominating people tokey positions of the People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front,
and other socio-political organisations; receiving feedbacks and contributions
of the local people on activity of the organizations and individuals in thepolitical system; and, conducting control in different fields or over theorganizations in the grassroots political system in terms of professional
activities and organization and personnel State management of the grassroots government
The grassroots government has its duties and powers of state
management in all local fields Its management contents are specified in
the 2003 Law on Organisation of the People's Council and the People's
In exercising its duties and powers, the grassroots government is
sibject to the leadership of the local VCP organization and is responsiblefor realizing the resolutions of the latter; consulting the latter for directions;
Trang 19advising the latter in socio-economic development affairs and local security
andorder; obeying the leadership of the VCP organization in its personnel
affars; and, being subject to VCP control
The grassroots government is responsible for coordinating with the
soei-political organizations of the same level to realize the guideline of
“Peple know, people discuss, people do, and people control” provided by the
Regilation on Grassroots Democracy; providing related information to the
soci-political organisations; inviting representatives of those organizations
to Srne meetings of the People's Council and the People's Committeerelaed to the affairs of those organisations; facilitating them to comment onthe rganization, personnel, and activity of the grassroots government; andimpementing the negotiation results of the Fatherland Front on nomination ofcanddates in an election to the People's Council The participation of the socio-political organisations
The grassroots socio-political organizations are subject to the
leadrship of the VCP organization through implementing the resolutions of
the latter; advising the latter on their field related to their duties and
funeions; and, contributing to construction of the VCP organisation.
The grassroots socio-political organizations are responsible for coorlinating with the local government in mobilizing people in socio-
ecoromic development, maintenance of local security and order under theguicline of “People know, people discuss, people do, and people control”provded by the Regulation on Grassroots Democracy; supervising the
activity of the People's Council; organizing meetings with voters and
collcting people’s comments and aspirations of the People's Council;comtibuting to the local state management by the grassroots government;
nomnating candidates in elections to the People's Council; and, requesting
the *eople's Council to vote on a position-holder elected by the People's
Trang 202.1 Overview of the commune-level political system of Doan Hùng District,
Phú Thọ Province
Đoan Hùng is a mountainous district in the north of Phú Thọ Province
It ha a landmass of 30,244 ha and a population of more than 103,743 The
distrct is composed of 27 communes and one township, which total up 28
comnune-level VCP Committees, 402 subordinate party cells, and 4,816
party members In 2010, 43% (12 committees) and 74% (297 cells) were
evaliated clean and strong
As the nuclear of leadership of political affairs at the grassroots, the
comnune-level VCP cell executives have actively developed resolutions and
actic: programmes for economic shift in line with the circumstances; have
đecied local directions of budget, socio-economic issues, party construction,
secuity and defence; and, have enhanced and completed their organizationalmaciinery and improved their organizational competences and fighting
powrs They have also enhanced control of the local governments’
realiation of the local VCP committees’ directions into programmes and
plan to ensure the direction of the VCP committees’ resolutions In addition,
theyhave upraised control and direction of organization of implementation to
suppement and perfect the guidelines and resolutions, and, at the same time,have led unified coordination between the organizations in the political
systm to put VCP committee resolutions into real life and benefit the local
Most of the party members are politically qualified, inflexible and loyal
to tk revolutionary cause of VCP and the nation They always have a sense
of taining and improving their qualities and revolutionary ethics makinggoo examples through completing every task assigned to them Besides, theyalsooarticipate in construction of VCP and the political system, practise theReglation on Grassroots Democracy well, and have close connections with
the pople
The People’s Councils and the People’s Committees of the communes
and ownships of the district have continuously improved their contents and
Trang 21mdhods of state management over the past years Their directions and
mmagement have been changed towards upraising public leaders’
responsibility In addition, they have proactively specified VCP resolutions
into programmes and objectives of local socio-economic development, and
they have actively coordinated with the Fatherland Front and the other
organizations in exercising their duties of state management at the grassrootslevel
The organization and activity of their specialized functions have beenofficially formed to gain initial effectiveness and facilitate citizens and
The activity of the Fatherland Front and the people’s organizations has
been changed in terms of content, form and effectiveness, and their
organisations have been consolidated They have promoted the role of the
sccio-political organizations and well mobilized the local people and their
members to follow VCP guidelines and State policies, to participate in
Censtruction of VCP, the government, and the national solidarity The
Orgenizations have contributed to the stabilization of local politics, social
security and order that favours socio-economic development.
In terms of membership attraction, the Women Union gets a rate of
72.*%; the Youth League 63%; the Farmer Society 85.2%; the War VeteranSocety 93%; the Trade Union 98.5%
2.2 Some grassroots coordination activities in state management in
Dozn Hing District
2.2.1 Coordination in construction and organization of
implementation of annual socio-economic development plans
Annual socio-economic planning is a very important activity of the
graisroots government to identify comprehensive objectives of the localsoco-economic development, and, at the same time, it provides the basis forinvolved agencies and organizations to identify their focal tasks in direction,maiagement, and execution of the local socio-economic development
“Annual socio-economic plans shall be submitted to the People's
Trang 22Coucil of the same level for approval before being submitted to the District
Peore's Committee for approval; the Commune People's Committee shall
implment those approved plans”.
The coordination mechanism for the Fatherland Front and the people’s
orgaizations in annual socio-economic planning has also been provided, “the
Chais of the Fatherland Front and the local people’s organizations shall be
invitd to meetings of the commune People's Committee that are related to
The process of commune-level socio-economic planning and theparttipation of local socio-political organizations in Doan Hùng District isdescibed in Table 1
Table 1: The process of commune-level socio-economic planning and the particpation of local socio-political organizations
Sep Content Implementer Involved organisation
As guided by the district-level The commune-level
Phse | Drafting Peoples Committee, and
People’s Committee ¬
superior technical authorities
The commune-level = VCP Consulting
The commune-level | Committee, the Fatherland Front,
Phse 3 draft People’s Committee
m The technical functions of the Verifying the The district-level woe
Phse 4 district-level People’s
draft People’s Committee :
Committee Final draft The commune-level
8 Artide! 11, the 2003 Law on Organisation of the People’s Council and the People’s Committee
’ Artice 25, the 2003 Law on Organisation of the People’s Council and the People’s Committee
Trang 23During the socio-economic planning, the commune People’s
Comnittee facilitates participation by the commune Fatherland Front and the othe socio-political organisations.
First, the member organizations of the Fatherland Front have
parti:ipated in the local annual socio-economic planning
It can be seen therefore that the commune-level People’s Committee is
respmsible for presiding over both the annual planning and the coordination
of tht planning in the commune The local VCP Committee, the Fatherland
Fron and the people’s organisations shall contribute to the drafting.Contibutions by those organizations shall be made through a meeting held bythe »eople’s Committee and participated by the commune-level VCPComnittee and representatives of the Fatherland Front and the people’s
Secondly, propaganda is the first step of the process of organization of
implmentation of annual socio-economic development planning It is implmented through meetings of VCP cells or organizations and
comnunicated to every local party member and organizational member
Besides, during the organization of plan implementation, the People's
Comnittee, which direct and monitor the process, has reported sufficiently to the Rtherland Front and the people’s organisations Through meetings of the Peore`s Council, voters’ meetings, and mass media, the People’s Committee has rovided timely information on implementation of focal socio-economic
deveopment programmes and duties such as land-use planning, revenues,implmentation of programmes of production/poverty reduction, plans of
comensation for site-clearing for projects so as to information the local peore of the local socio-economic development and to contribute to the local VCF committee and superior government levels about issues of public
Trang 24Pesple`s Committee to be fully informed of the results of implementation of duies and plans, and to report voters’ comments and contributions of the
organization of duty implementation Those activities help the local
government implement its socio-economic development duties more
2.2.2 Implementation of coordination in state management of
grissroots reconciliation
Grassroots reconciliation is a fine tradition and principle of the
Vetnamese It is imbued with humanity because it is for everyone’s peace
and humane “Grassroots reconciliation is to guide, help and persuade the
parties of a conflict to achieve an agreement of voluntary settlement of petty
legal violations and conflicts so as to maintain the people's internalsolidarity, enhance and promote fine relations and principles in the familyard the neighbourhood, prevent and limit legal violations, and, ensure social
”!° Grassroots reconciliation is
security and order in the neighbourhood
ained mainly to maintain neighbourhood and collective relations and
solidarity for consensus and happiness of every family It also contributes to
improvement of social security and order, and people’s sense of conformity tothe law
To realize the activity, the commune People’s Committee shall beresponsible for “ establishment of proper people's organizations to settlepetty legal violations and conflicts among the local people, in line with the
The law also provides the duties of the commune People’s Committee
in this activity Accordingly, the Committee shall “ settle petty conflicts
am‹ng the people in line with the law”1?,
Successful settlement requires a coordination mechanism between
maty organizations of the grassroots political system “The Fatherland Front
anc its member organizations shall closely coordinate with related state
"? Aticle 17, the 2003 Law on Organisation of the People’s Council and the People’s Committee
Trang 25agercies and encourage people to develop and enhance Mediation Groups and
othe similar people’s organizations in the neighbourhood; assist and facilitate
grasroots reconciliation; and, participate in the activity in line with the
Because of the importance of the role and position of grassroots
recaiciliation, the commune-level VCP Committees, governments and otherloca social organizations in Doan Hung District have coordinated activelyove: the past years to improve the effectiveness of state management of theactitity, specifically as follows
First, they have coordinated in development, enhancement andconpletion of reconciliation groups The local VCP committees and
orginizations have actively mobilized their members to participate in those
groups After 10 years’ implementation of the Ordinance, Doan Hùng District
nov has 275 reconciliation groups and 1,817 members (or 5-7 members each
groip including a head each) for its 275 neighbourhoods Of the total
menbership, secretaries of neighbourhood VCP cells total up 254 or 14%,repesentatives of the neighbourhood Fatherland Front: 201 people or 11%,
the Women Union: 271 people or 15%, the Farmer Society 213 people or
12%, the Youth League 242 people or 13%, and, the War Veteran Society 258
peole or 14% The members are selected by local VCP Committees and
peale’s organisations from their memberships to promote the effectiveness
of te activity."
Secondly, the local VCP Committees, governments and people's
orginizations have coordinated closely in conducting cases of reconciliation.
Pety conflicts in the neighbourhoods have been discovered by reconciliationgray members in time and settled immediately in the beginning After 10yeas deployment, the whole district has had 4,480 cases of reconciliation
anc 3,634 successful cases (81.1%), including 883 civil cases (equal to 84.9%
of he cases settled by the courts), 976 cases of marriage and family (equal to
ia 5, the 1999 Ordinance on Organisation and Activity of Grassroots Reconciliation
Se \ppendix |
Trang 2671.8% of the cases settled by the courts), 987 cases of land conflict (equal to
82.7% of the cases settled by the courts), and, 788 other cases (equal to 88.5%
of the cases settled by the courts) There have been only 257 unsuccessful
recorciliation cases (equal to 5.7% of the cases settled by the courts), 505
case: having been sent to the authority for settlement (equal to 11.3% of the
case: settled by the courts), and 72 cases being reconciled (or 1.6% of the
case: settled by the courts)'*.
Thirdly, the commune-level VCP Committees, governments and other
local social organizations in Doan Hùng District have coordinated in
comnunicating the party directions and the law, and in improving techniques
of reonciliation for those group members The training in the field has been
espeially cared to improve the knowledge and skills for the reconciliationgrow members so as to improve the effectiveness of grassroots reconciliation
case: For 10 years, the communes and townships in the district have
coorinated in holding 112 seminars on improvement of technical skills for
recorciliation members across the district, and more than 800 training
coures The training contains VCP viewpoints, directions and policies; the
law, including, especially legal knowledge of grassroots life; and, skills of recoriliation 56 competitions of excellent mediators have been held so far to
comaunicate and multiply typical examples of grassroots reconciliation
The commune-level VCP Committee and the people’s organisations
havehanded out thousands of publication, leaflets, instructions, and otherdocuients to guide skills of reconciliation for grassroots mediators Besides,
theyhave paid adequate attention to encouraging grassroots mediators to
imprve their own ethics, dignities, lifestyles, prestige, enthusiasm, and, sense
of reponsibility to become good examples of conformity to the law thatcontbute to development of grassroots reconciliation
In summary, after 10 years of state management of grassroots
recociliation, Doan Hung District has gained initial results: all of its
neigbourhoods have established their respective reconciliation groups to
lỗ Seeppendix 2
Trang 27mee! Corresponding requirements, and 81.1% of the cases have been recoiciled successfully The reconciliations have contributed to maintenance
of sdidarity among the local people, prevent and limit legal violations, and
mainain social security and order in the neighbourhoods in reduction of cases
brousht to the courts or the governments
2.2.3 Coordination in state management of communication andeducition of the law
Communication and education of the law are important in management
of tle society by the law, construction of the socialist state ruled by the law,
and improvement of the people’s knowledge and conformity to the law
Theefore, VCP and the State have, over the past years, provided many
guicelines and policies in this field Examples include Instruction 32-CT/TW
datel 09/12/2003 of Central VCP Secretariat on improving party leadership in comnunication and education of the law, and public cadres and people’s conbrmity to the law; Decision 212/2004/QD-TTg dated 16/12/2004 appoving the National Action Programme on communication and education
of tle law and improvement of grassroots conformity to the law between 2005
and 2010; Decision 37/2008/QD-TTg dated 12/03/2008 approving the
Programme of communication and education of the law from 2008 to 2012.
Allof those documents emphasise the indispensable coordination of many
organizations of the grassroots political system Accordingly, the commune
People Committee shall closely coordinate with the Fatherland Front and
othe socio-political and social organizations and facilitate them to promote thei: roles and participation in communication and education of the law to molilize local people to conform to the law.
Having realized those documents, the local VCP Committees, gov:mments and organizations in Doan Hung District have, over the past
yeas, closely coordinated with one another in directing and deploying conmunication and education of the law with focuses as an integral part of impementing their duties and functions and related to the local socio-
ecoronic development The communication and education of the law have
Trang 28gaind many important results; for example, most regulatory documents
havc been communicated to local people in various forms applicable to
diffeent groups and settings As a result, public cadres and people’s
knovledge of and conformity to the law have been improved to contribute to
maitenance of social security and order and political stabilisation, and toenhincement of state management by the law Following are the specificresuts of the coordination:
First, the coordination in enhancement and development of the staff of
comnunication and education of the law has been considered an important
‘ask that makes significant contributions to the quality and effectiveness of
the activity in the locality As a result, the local VCP committees,
3ovrrnments and people’s organizations have paid special attention to thecoordination, mainly to enhance and perfect the Coordinative Council in
charge of the activity and to develop the grassroots communicators
The commune-level Coordinative Council for communication and
cduaation of the law functions to coordinate and direct involved organizations
n th: commune in the field; maintain coordination between state managementigencies and the socio-political organisations; and, support involved parties to
jromote communication and education of the law The Council plans annual
ind periodical activities of communication and education of the law;
ergaiizes and coordinates communication of legal documents as directed by
he district-level People’s Committee, the commune-level VCP Committeeind ?eople’s Committee; and, regularly control involved parties to implement
heir activities of communication
Because of the importance of the Councils, the commune-level
*eople's Committees of the district enhances theirs organization every year,
3rovides their operational regulation, and assign clear duties to every of their
nembers Their implementation of the regulation have been assessed every
‘ear to draw experience and to provide effective deployment measures All of
he commune-level Councils in Doan Hung District have been perfected over
he past five years (2005-2010) The 28 Councils in the 28 communes and
Trang 29towngips of the district are staffed by 308 members, including 168 people or
54% being leaders and civil servants of the commune-level People’s
Comnittee, and 140 people or 46% beings heads of the other involved organsations In realizing their duties and functions, the Councils have
advisd the commune-level People’s Committees to realize the activities in
the fidd effectively to contribute to successful fulfilment of the annual plans
of conmunication and education of the law in the communes
Besides, the commune-level communicators have been perfected in
termsof number Each of the communes have one group, and the district have
28 grups, which are staffed by 316 members selected from the
commune-level function of justice, reconciliation groups, or some competent local citizes The membership includes 166 civil servants of the commune Peopl:’s Committee or 52%, and 150 heads of local organisations or 48% The l›cal communicators have become the pivotal force in communication and education of the law through maintaining close frequent connections with local people They have trained themselves and proactively exploited
information for timely communication of party guidelines and resolutions and
the law to VCP cells, members and people
Secondly, the grassroots VCP Committees have coordinated in communication and education of the law in the localities through their adequate attention and close direction of the activities Its close direction and
coordination with the other local organizations have contributed to change the local state management of the activities positively to contribute to the
local socio-economic development
Trang 30Table 2: Issuance of documents for commune-level direction and
organization of implementation'®
(Between 2005 and 2010)
Number of issued documents
Commune issuer Official
Instruction Programme | Plan | Total
Closely directed by the VCP Committees, the commune-level People’s
Comnittees have actively coordinated with related organizations in
organization of communication and education of the law, so the activities
have gained positive results over the past five years.
Table 3: Results of commune-level coordination of organization of
communication and education of the law (2005-2010)'7
No | Communication and education form Quantities Times of
1 Document-introducing meetings 1,357 sessions 966,605
2 Training courses 475 sessions 40,342
| 3 | Compilation and issuance of documents | 45,445 documents 45,445
85% of the
5 Radio programmes 3,416 sessions
6 | Competition of knowledge of the law 80 times 18,300
[7 Through traditional festivals 6 times 3,200
8 Other forms 191 sessions 45,331
ion of Justice, Doan Hùng District, Phú Thọ Province ion of Justice, Doan Hùng District, Phú Thọ Province
Trang 31In short, after five years’ communication and education of the law, the
comnune-level VCP Committees, governments, and organizations have had
more proper roles and importance of the activities; they have considered direcion and coordination in the field their regular and continuous activities.
As aresult, the local communication and education of the law have been diversified in terms of form and content to fit different local groups and
settirgs effectively The activities have contributed to local cadres andpeope’s improved perceptions of conformity to the law and reduced numbers
of crmes and violation of the law
2.3 Some limitations and their causes
Our investigation of the reality of coordination in state management in Poar Hung District, Phú Tho Province has found some limitations and their ciuscs in coordination of state management at the commune level,
svecifically as follows:
2.3.1 Limitations
- In some communes, direction, supervision and leadership of inplementation of resolutions made by VCP organizations remain so weak that VCP organizations have not promoted their role as the core political
bireaucratic that they can not promote the role of the organizations in
coordination with the commune governments in implementation of state
nanagement activities.
2.3.2 Causes
Trang 32- Because the system of regulatory documents on local coordination
remins inconsistent and incomplete in the absence of central-level
dociments such as a law or resolution made by the National Assembly, the
depoyment encounters many difficulties, especially in definition and
assignment of responsibility of different involved parties in organisation andimpementation of tasks of state management
- Some commune-level VCP Committees, governments and poliical organizations still have limited perceptions of the role and
socio-importance of coordination, so coordination has not met the requirements of
the new context Noticeably, some VCP Committees and socio-political
Org:nizations still consider state management to be the task of the local
- The limited competences and qualifications of some cadres,
especially those working for local people’s organizations prevent those
organizations from proactive promotion of a sense of responsibility in
The relationship of grassroots coordination in state management is seen in the organizational structure, content and operational method of the following organisations: VCP organizations function as the core leadership of
the political system and the commune-level governments conduct state
management while the commune-level Fatherland Fronts and its member
orgenizations function to unite local people in activities of socio-economic
construction and development, and implementation of the Regulation on
Grassroots Democracy
The general principle of grassroots coordination in state management
is depicted by Figure 4 The two central factors are the local VCP Committee and the grassroots government while the other parties participate under
specific mechanisms
Trang 33Sorce: Based on the law on Vietnam
The following aspects must be attentively reformed to have goodcooiination that increases the quality and effectiveness of grassroots-level
3.1 Reforming the methods of leadership of grassroots VCP
orgnizations over organs of state management
The commune-level VCP Committees and governments must reviseandcomplete their work regulations to avoid overlaps in their duties andfundons and to increase the quality of VCP leadership and state
mangement; they must distinguish issues under VCP Committees’ authority
andhose under government authority VCP Committees’ meetings must nothav in-depth discussions of government issues but must instead conduct in-
dep review of the role and responsibility of each of their members in
imrementing VCP resolutions and instructions, and their assigned tasks
The leadership methods of VCP organizations, first their
resolution-maing and implementation, must be reformed Local VCP Committees must
conentrate on discussion and production of specialized resolutions and
focsed direction in avoidance of thinly-spread and ineffective directions The
Trang 34organizations in the political system must focus on construction and gradual
completion of the system of regulations to clearly identify the work
relationships between them.
In addition, special attention must be paid to arrangement and
promotion of grassroots cadres, especially heads of the organizations in the
political system and VCP Committees Secretaries of local VCP Committees
are responsible for and play a key role in changing the local leaders and managers’ perception of implementation of the duties and functions of the latter Besides, they are also decisive to improvement of VCP leadership competences and the effectiveness of grassroots-level state management This title requires candidates with political determination and courageous
leadership in reforming the VCP leadership methods over local governments.
3.2 Redefinition of the role and function of the Commune-level
People’s Councils
In our opinion, the commune-level People’s Council represents the
will, aspirations and interests of local people, so its activities must aim at realization of autonomy in the commune-level community, promotion of its powers and responsibilities in approving and supervising implementation of local socio-economic development duties, and supervising the activity of the
commune-level People's Committee
The duties of the commune-level People’s Council must be reformed to
be more specific and practical, in reduction of too general and infeasible tasks
currently assigned to them
Because the People's Council is considered an autonomous
representative organ, elections to it must not be heavily preoccupied with structural issues (such as ages, gender and composition), but they must have
an emphasis on candidates’ education, competences, prestige and sense of responsibility At the same time, its membership should include fewer cadres from the local political system to give ways to “ordinary” representatives
from local villages and neighbourhoods, at least one for each Therefore, the size of its membership must not be population-based as currently practiced
Trang 35but based on the structure and composition of the Council Accordingly, it can
be regulated that each socio-political, social, economic or occupational organzation and each neighbourhood shall have one representative in the
Counail to increase its representativeness.
3.3 Reforming methods of coordination with the commune
Peopl:’s Committee as the core
The commune-level People's Committee must be enhanced and
develcped to be a general multi-function agency in form of an action
coordnator that can also make decisions of state management in the
commune and deploy decisions made by superior government levels The
commune People’s Committee must become decisive in the coordinativemechznism It must have a mechanism for real listening to contributions bythe socio-political organisations through various information channels and forfeedbzck and exchange to those organisations
Because the existing legal documents all provide that the grassrootssocio-political organisations shall contribute to many issues before thecommune-level People's Committee can make decisions on them, therelationship of state management has been identified, but it lacks specificregulations on coordination in practice There must be, therefore, specificregulations on issues to consult the grassroots socio-political organizations,with special attention paid to issues close to local people and national securityand defence
Consultation of the socio-political organisations must also be changed.The Fatherland Front and the socio-political organisations must be allowed to
participate in document drafting processes of the commune People's
Committee immediately from the beginning This will improve the quality oftheir contributions The local government must explain why certain requests
of the socio-political organizations have not been settled, so that the latter cananswer local people sufficiently
The coordination and its procedures must be institutionalized for commune-level state management on the principle of unified State power with
Trang 36assignment, decentralization and coordination of exercise of different State
powers under VCP leadership This principle must be specified in regulations
to make the coordination really effective.
Issues to be coordinated for settlement, forms and methods, durations,
procedures of coordination, and responsibility of involved parties, etc must
be clearly identified in the work regulations of the organizations in thepolitical system
Discipline in coordination must be established and enhanced, and the role of each involved organization in the coordination must be clearly defined The activities of involved organisations must be made transparent, and heads
of presiding agencies in the coordination must have sufficient knowledge,
experience and skills for coordination to ensure smooth and effective coordination between involved parties in advice and assistance to the local
VCP Committees and governments for good implementation of state management functions in the commune Coordination without discipline and
iimely settlement of arisen problems will be merely formal and unsystematic.
3.4 Reforming the participation methods of the commune
Fatherland Front and the socio-politi al organisations
Apart from the role of leadership and direction of the commune VCP Committees and government, the commune Fatherland Front and people’s
organizations play an extremely important role in exploitation and promotion
of people’s strengths
The commune Fatherland Front is working under a quite loose nechanism: only its head is a public cadre while there are no full-time officers As a result, its coordination with the commune People’s Committee
s only its heads’ participation in the meeting of the latter Its organization
nust therefore be completed to become a specialized agency that is fully
yarticipated by representatives of the commune-level organizations (i.e the
Trade Union, the Women Union, the War Veteran Society; the Farmer
Society and the Youth League), which are also involved in the coordination,
yut independently from the Fatherland Front.
Trang 37The commune Fatherland Front must be fully institutionalized to
supervise fie activity of the commune People's Council and the commune
People’s @mmittee so as to ensure that State policies will be carried out publicly, tnnsparently and effectively.
Trang 38Our study is aimed to make a modest contribution to perfection of the
theoetical background for the coordinative relationship between the orgaiisations in the political system in the field of state management at the
gras:roots level The study has clarified some key issues of the coordination
Though the study contains only a few academic contents, it has figuredout “clatively clear issues of the coordinative relationship in grassrootscoorlination of state management in hope that it will contribute to the vastsciertific base of the relationships between different organisations of thepolitcal system of Vietnam, in terms of state management Our
reconmendations provide new looks on the leadership of the commune-level VCP Committee, the duties and functions of the grassroots-level government, and contents to be further completed to make coordination more effective.
The study subject of ‘‘Improving the Theoretical Background of the Coordinative Relationship in State Management at the Grassroots Level’’ has
stemned from the current problems and requirements of improvement of the
quality and effectiveness of state management, especially at the grassroots level We have then proposed some systematic solutions to improve the effectiveness of coordination in state management.
The recommendations provide the co-authors and anyone interested in the subject with a motivation of further study Future in-depth research in this vein should focus on the contents of reforming VCP leadership of grassroots-
level organs of state management; redefinition of the duties and functions of
the commune-level People’s Council; or, the coordinative relationship in state management of a specific field.
Trang 39Ciarte: of Hồ Chí Minh Communist Youth League, 9th Tenure (dated 19/12/2007).
Charte of Vietnam War Veteran Society, 9th Tenure (dated 13/12/2007)
Ciarte: of Vietnam Farmer Society, 5th Tenure (dated 24/12/2008)
Ciarte: of Vietnam Women Union, 10th Tenure (2007 - 2012).
D:crec 19/2003/ND - CP of the Government, dated 7/3/2003, regulating the responsibility of state-administrative agencies of all levels in ensuring participation
of Vienam Women Union in state management.
Decision 212/2004/QD-TTg dated 16/12/2004 approving the National Action Progranme on Communication and Education of the Law and Improvement of Confomity to the Law for cadres and people at the commune level from 2005 to 20;
Decision 37/2008/QĐ-TTg dated 12/03/2008 approving the Programme for Communication and Education of the Law from 2008 to 2012
Docunent of the 11th VCP National Congress
Ordinance 34/2007/PL - UBTVQHII, dated 20/4/2007, by the Standing Comnittee of the National Assembly, regulating implementation of democracy at th: conmune level.
Instrudion 30/CT - TW, dated 18/2/1998, of VCP Politburo on development and implenentation of the Regulation on Grassroots Democracy
Resolution of the 5th Central VCP, 9th Tenure;
Resolition of the 8th Central VCP, 7th Tenure
Resohtion 17-NQ/TW, dated 01-8-2007, of the Sth Meeting of the 10th Central
VCP Executive Committee and Resolution 26/2008/QH12, dated 15-11-2008 of the
12th National Assembly on pilot organisation of no district-level and ward People’s Councls.
Summary of 10 years’ implementation of the 1999 Ordinance on Grassroots-level
Recoriliation and six years’ implementation of Instruction 32-CT/TW dated
09/122003 on enhancement of party leadership in communication and education of
the lav and improvement of public cadres and people’s conformity to the law (Source: Section of Justice, Doan Hung District, Phú Thọ Province)
The 1'92 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
The Law on Organisation of the People’s Council and the People’s Committee (enactd on 26/11/2003).
Trang 4017 The Law on Vietnam Fatherland Front (enacted on 12/6/1999).
18 The Law on Trade Union (enacted on 30 June 1990).
19 The 1999 Ordinance on Organisation and Activity of Grassroots Reconciliation
English sources
1 Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management.
2 Richards Veryards The management of Information Models, Systems and Organisations, 1993, p 3.
3 T.T Malone & K Crowston “What is the Coordination Theory? How can a Cooperative Work System be Designed?”, 1990, pp 357-366